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HD Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future

Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future


Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future

IMDb: 8.4

Power has been injured and Pilot goes in search of help in a nearby settlement. But a young villager recognizes her as part of the Dread youth that torched his home town and Pilot is put on trial.

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Sci-Fi,
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HD Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future

Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future


Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future

IMDb: 8.0

Colonel Cypher's resistance group has fallen victim to a insanity inducing drug. Unfortunately Tank has also taken a sip of the contaminated water and soon becomes convinced his teammates are Bio Dreads.

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Sci-Fi,
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HD Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future

Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future


Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future

IMDb: 8.6

A deadly virus is sweeping the passages. Pilot proposes to infiltrate Dread's chem factory Medlab 1 dressed in her old Dread Youth uniform to steal a vaccine. Once there she comes into contact with a young Dread Youth named Erin who reminds her of herself. Written by The TV Archaeologist

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Sci-Fi,
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HD Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future

Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future


Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future

IMDb: 8.6

Power and his soldiers travel to Tech City to enter the Cyberweb and try to gain information about Project New Order. But as soon as Power enters cyberspace, so does Lord Dread with the intention to destroy the captain's mind.

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Sci-Fi,
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HD Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future

Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future


Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future

IMDb: 5.1

Two members of Wardogs company shoots down Hawk, thinking he's a Biodread. Their leader, Colonel Vi, happens to be an old acquaintance of Hawk's. The doggies have given up on fighting and are looking for the fabled Eden II. Meanwhile, the remaining Soldiers of the Future find themselves trapped in a Dreadstation while trying to find out more about Project New Order. Written by The TV Archaeologist

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Sci-Fi,
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HD Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future

Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future


Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future

IMDb: 8.4

Two resistance fighters, Andy Jackson and Jim Mitchell want to join Captain Power's soldiers. Andy manages to sneak aboard the Jumpship and into the Power base. But the Soldiers are far from pleased that their base has been compromised.

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Sci-Fi,
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HD Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future

Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future


Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future

IMDb: 8.4

While investigating Dread communications in sector 12, Power and his team find an underground sanctuary called Haven, where they are welcome to stay and live the war out in peace.

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Sci-Fi,
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HD Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future

Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future


Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future

IMDb: 8.5

During a raid on Epsilon station, Power and his soldiers uncover information on the four phases of Project New Order. But Dread orders it's container to self destruct, taking out Mentor along the way. Meanwhile, Dread and Overmind accelerate the phase Charon: the creation of an army of new Bio-Dreads. Written by The TV Archaeologist

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Sci-Fi,
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HD Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future

Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future


Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future

IMDb: 8.1

An impostor is posing as Captain Power and luring refugees to reveal themselves, only to be digitized by Soaron. A couple of humans manage to escape this fate, and when they meet the real Captain Power, decide to get their revenge.

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Sci-Fi,
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HD Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future

Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future


Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future

IMDb: 8.6

Lord Dread seeks out Jessica Morgan, an artist and former acquaintance when he was still Lyman Taggert. He wants her to become the architect of his new machine race. But first her sight, which she lost in an accident 15 year s earlier, will have to be restored. Written by The TV Archaeologist

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Sci-Fi,
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HD Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future

Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future


Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future

IMDb: 7.4

Hawk rescues a young escapee from the Styx project who is being hunted by Dread's troopers. But unknown to him , the boy is carrying a paralyzing plague.

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Sci-Fi,
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HD Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future

Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future


Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future

IMDb: 7.9

The Power team find a marauder holding civilians hostage. Tank recognizes the man, Kasko, who came from the same genetically engineered place he did: Babylon 5.

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Sci-Fi,
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HD Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future

Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future


Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future

IMDb: 7.2

When the Captain and Hawk answer a distress call, they are captured by General Briggs and his troops. The General has been driven over the edge and is still waiting for new orders from the President.

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Sci-Fi,
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HD Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future

Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future


Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future

IMDb: 8.3

Captain Power receives a transmission from Athena, an old flame from before the invasion. Entering the ruins of San Francisco to meet her, he finds the reunion less than friendly.

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Sci-Fi,
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HD The Spectacular Spider-Man

The Spectacular Spider-Man


The Spectacular Spider-Man

IMDb: 8.3
21 min

On Valentine's day, the youth has gathered for a glamorous dinner in LC's dad's restaurant. The New York crime high life gathers in the Metropolitan Opera. It's unclear who invited the others, but achieves his (Hammerhead's) plan: they start fighting each-other. Peter must leave the table fun of kicking Flash each time he puts his jock foot in his dumb mouth, to 'cover breaking news', an excuse Jonah craves just to leave. As Spiderman, Pete tries to stop the fighting fiends from demolishing the Met. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD The Spectacular Spider-Man

The Spectacular Spider-Man


The Spectacular Spider-Man

IMDb: 7.4
21 min

Peter volunteers as photographer for an old Pullitzer winner discarded by Jonah. The discover the underworld's recently release former kingpin Sable Manfredi is auctioning genetic technology to create monsters at will. As Spiderman, he tries to keep it out of the bid-winner's hands, but soon finds that also means taking on sore losers. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD The Spectacular Spider-Man

The Spectacular Spider-Man


The Spectacular Spider-Man

IMDb: 8.0
21 min

New Year's Eve. Dr. Octopus, who hid in Dr. Osborne's lab, finally pits his master plan in action. He hacks in by satellite to most computers in the city. He kidnaps Gwen to blackmail her dad, police captain George Stacy, into handing him the top-secret national network access codes. Spider-man must liberate her from the monsters' layer before the captain hands Dr. Octopus virtual world control. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD The Spectacular Spider-Man

The Spectacular Spider-Man


The Spectacular Spider-Man

IMDb: 7.8
21 min

Sandman and Rhino escape in the Christma season. Kraven frees Electro from Otto's lab. They all rejoin Mysterio's gang with Vulture, and are presented to the Master Planner, who wants them to inaugurate a heyday of crime by eliminating Spiderman. Gwen refuses to be Pete's 'second choice' anymore. Spiderman fight the six under winter conditions and in the mall. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD The Spectacular Spider-Man

The Spectacular Spider-Man


The Spectacular Spider-Man

IMDb: 7.6
21 min

Peter feels great now Liz and Gwen appreciate him more as a tutor. Russian big game hunter, Sergei Kravinoff, who catches wild beasts with his bare hands and has a 'pet' lion, Gulyadkin, fails to overpower Spiderman. At ESU lab, Miles Warren agrees to transform him with leonine mutagen, transforming him into lion-man Kraven. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD The Spectacular Spider-Man

The Spectacular Spider-Man


The Spectacular Spider-Man

IMDb: 7.2
21 min

Peter feels miserable as he can't square his many ambitions and responsibilities, but will suddenly get professional breaks from both newspaper and lab. Spiderman faces a new challenge, Mysterio, who claims to fight the evil effects of technology and seems to perform magic with Latin spells. Spidey finds out neither is quite true, but not who is behind him. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD The Spectacular Spider-Man

The Spectacular Spider-Man


The Spectacular Spider-Man

IMDb: 8.7
24 min

Peter was looking forward to a lazy Saturday, but Adrian Toomes manages to free from jail fellow criminal freaks Rhino, Electro, Sandman, Hammerhead and Doctor Octopus. At least the alien goo proves a very practical costume improvement. Yet it come at a price: amnesia, or the suit operates on its own. Meanwhile Pete is ostracized at school for 'selfishly' photographing Spidey instead of preventing the theft. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD The Spectacular Spider-Man

The Spectacular Spider-Man


The Spectacular Spider-Man

IMDb: 7.7
24 min

Tired of constantly being pushed around by others, the timid Otto Octavius has his robotic arms permanently attached to his back and becomes the deadly Doctor Octopus. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD The Spectacular Spider-Man

The Spectacular Spider-Man


The Spectacular Spider-Man

IMDb: 8.3
24 min

Peter makes Gwen's day by taking her to the school's formal fall dance. Harry is jealous and takes a transformation potion. The Green Goblin is out of crime king Lincoln's control and forms his own gang of pumpkins heads. Bugle editor J. Jonah Jameson takes his visiting son, USAF Lt. Col. and astronaut John, to Lincoln's benefit ball for the youth center. The Green Goblin attacks, so Parker must leave his prom to help the mobster in whose pay he refused to do just that. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD The Spectacular Spider-Man

The Spectacular Spider-Man


The Spectacular Spider-Man

IMDb: 8.4
24 min

Otto Octavius creates the Rhino in order to occupy Spider-Man. Meanwhile, Aunt May arranges to introduce Peter to Mary Jane Watson.

Country: USA
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HD The Spectacular Spider-Man

The Spectacular Spider-Man


The Spectacular Spider-Man

IMDb: 7.6
24 min

According to Mr. Big's plan to divert Spiderman, common Flint Marko, whom he arrested repeatedly, is transformed into a monster, Sandman, who can escape any hold by transforming himself into sand. Meanwhile Peter risks compromising his cover and break Harry's heart by taking part in the school's American football try-outs, although the jocks aren't exactly welcoming nerds. Gwen just hopes Peter will take her to the formal dance. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD The Spectacular Spider-Man

The Spectacular Spider-Man


The Spectacular Spider-Man

IMDb: 7.6
24 min

Now he has become superhero Spiderman during the summer, Peter Parker looks forward to the new school-year. Alas, as Peter he's still ignored by girls and bullied by jocks. Because he overhears that his aunt is financially broke, he takes job in Osborne's lab and as junior reporter, but it does not prove as cool a he hoped. However Osborne's evil inventor, Toomy, wants revenge as he isn't given due credit. The Enforcers crime gang wants to eliminate Spiderman. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Defiance




IMDb: 7.9
42 min

The time for Christie McCawley and Alak Tarr's wedding has arrived but Datak wants to call it off when Rafe tells him Christie has been cut out his will. Alak doesn't take the news very well. A human skeleton is found walled up in Kenya's bar and Tommy LaSalle recognize the dead man's ring as belonging to Hunter Bell, the bar's previous owner. He was also Kenya's husband. Bell had helped Tommy out when he first arrived in Defiance but disappeared about 7 seven years ago. It was also Tommy's first case after becoming a deputy and he was convinced it was murder but didn't have the evidence to prove it. Bell was a nasty character who treated Kenya very badly and Amanda had sworn to do something about it. Neither Kenya or Amanda will admit it however. Nolan is prepared to let sleeping dogs lie but when Jered the bartender is found murdered, he has little choice but to investigate. Many in Defiance had a motive to kill him however. Yewll and Nicky know exactly what is going on. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Drama, Sci-Fi,
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HD Defiance




IMDb: 7.5

Having located the traitor who brought down Defiance's force field, the residents must now prepare for the upcoming battle. Nolan retrieves the device he and Irisa recovered from the crashed spacecraft as it will provide the weapon they need to defeat the coming onslaught. It's left to Doc Yewll to get it operational before the attackers arrive. Old arguments and ill-feeling is set aside and everyone in the community bands together. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Drama, Sci-Fi,
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HD Defiance




IMDb: 7.4
85 min

In a future Earth largely devastated after lengthy war with alien invaders, Jeb Nolan and his adopted daughter Irisa live in the badlands, open areas that have no government. After an encounter with Spirit Riders, a roving motorcycle gang, they find themselves in the city of Defiance, formerly St. Louis. They have been at peace now for 15 years and the new mayor, Amanda Rosewater, wants to keep it that way. There are tensions in the community however particularly between the McCawleys and the Tarrs. When one of the McCawleys is killed, Nolan offers his services, for a fee, to track the killer. It all leads to a plot to invade Defiance. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Drama, Sci-Fi,
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HD Necessary Roughness

Necessary Roughness


Necessary Roughness

IMDb: 7.5
43 min

While Dr. Albert Gunner completes Dani's therapy, she takes on Quarterback Rex Evans' rage problem, which is rooted in being a closet gay wanting to out himself, gets the team brass's support but backs down, potentially a PR nightmare. Only big mouth TK, who is learning some humility as he's an addict and no longer the MVP, dares stand up for Rex, despite a lousy personal rapport and near hunting disaster. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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HD Necessary Roughness

Necessary Roughness


Necessary Roughness

IMDb: 7.8
42 min

To Ray Jay's Delight, Juliette's money converted his litter community service into manning a foundation phone in her new office at the Hawks, where staff can only hope the meddling ignoramus will soon tire of playing the boss, as she never fails to make the wrong choice, overruling even team fielding. Dani reopens her practice, treating former hit band members David Blaze and Paul, who sabotage their own come-back tour, due to an old private issue, which turns out built on a tragic misunderstanding. Meanwhile Dr. Albert Gunner analyzes her own change aversion. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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HD Necessary Roughness

Necessary Roughness


Necessary Roughness

IMDb: 7.4
43 min

Ray Jay had been caught driving weed around and gets off with a hefty chores sentence. Marshall being buried a month later, the Hawks are inherited by his daughter Juliette Pittman, who hates the sport and wants to sell it stat, but disagrees with league ad management over the buyer and ends up resigning to her legacy, having met and bonded with Ray. Dani can't get herself to resume her life and practice, hence turns to mentor Dr. Albert Gunner, whose therapy method infuriates her duly. TK isn't allowed to play a month after rehab, so seeks a part as his 'rival' Joe 'Toes' Kittridge's tutor, who steals the glory. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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