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HD King Arthur's Disasters

King Arthur's Disasters


King Arthur's Disasters

IMDb: 0
23 min

Guinevere wants an ice palace! And not just any ice palace. So it's off to Switzerland for King Arthur, via high mountains, avalanches, cracking river ice, an Abominable Snowman and running afoul of William Tell. Arthur wins the Matterhorn Ice Palace in an archery contest and takes it home to Guinevere. Finally, he has done something right, but Arthur wants her to be really impressed and insists Merlin lights some oil lamps around the Ice Castle. As the flames shoot up and the ice palace melts, Guinevere shouts to the retreating Arthur that all thoughts of an engagement are off!

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HD King Arthur's Disasters

King Arthur's Disasters


King Arthur's Disasters

IMDb: 0
23 min

The 'Peacocks of Penzance' are regarded by many as myth. But that doesn't deter Arthur from seeking a quill from one in yet another attempt to get closer to Guinevere by writing to her cousin. What follows is treacherous skullduggery as Launcelot tries to dispatch Arthur - who is busy trying to dispatch Lord Epping - who is busy trying to dispatch Arthur. And Merlin adds to the general mayhem by mistaking the sleepwalking Lord Cornforth for a ghost - and with errant magic spells, tries to dispatch him too...

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HD King Arthur's Disasters

King Arthur's Disasters


King Arthur's Disasters

IMDb: 0
23 min

Princess Guinevere wants a pet and decides that the tiny Golden Bear of Tundoor would fit her lifestyle perfectly. But the eerie forest of Tundoor is home to the wicked sorceress Morgan Le Fay who becomes somewhat annoyed when King Arthur inadvertently destroys her cottage. Morgan casts a spell on Robin Hood and sends him after the King. But Arthur evades Robin by destroying a beehive - then evades the angry bees by destroying a beaver's dam - then evades the outraged beavers by being swept away in the raging river which bursts its banks and destroys Morgan's cottage again. That's when things get really ugly...

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HD King Arthur's Disasters

King Arthur's Disasters


King Arthur's Disasters

IMDb: 0
23 min

Guinevere needs a temporary chaperone and King Arthur and Merlin travel to Baden-Baden to fetch Petal's cousin, Tatiana - a trapeze artist at Countess Griselda's International Circus. Tatiana agrees to go to Camelot provided her two pet apes come with her. But the evil Countess wants her valuable apes back and sends her circus folks after them. Taking refuge with Arthur's sister, Lady M, our heroes undergo the strangest siege imaginable - with acrobats scaling the chateau walls, fire-eaters burning down the doors, clowns bouncing on trampolines and a human cannonball flying overhead dropping...real cannonballs.

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HD King Arthur's Disasters

King Arthur's Disasters


King Arthur's Disasters

IMDb: 0
23 min

A scream pierces the peaceful Camelot night as a traumatised Guinevere discovers a grey hair. King Arthur quickly mounts a major expedition to mysterious Avalon to find the Fountain of Youth and save her from this dreadful affliction. After fighting off Sand Crones, Rock Guardians and Mist Monsters they reach the fabled fountain - which turns Merlin into a baby and Sir Launcelot into a pimply teenager. Trapped in the famed exploding orchards of Avalon, King Arthur leads his childish cohorts in a gigantic food fight against all of Avalon's Dark Forces.

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HD King Arthur's Disasters

King Arthur's Disasters


King Arthur's Disasters

IMDb: 0
23 min

King Arthur decides to invade Scotland when he discovers Princess Guinevere has been taken to Hadrian's castle. Unfortunately, the King's armies are accidentally sent in the wrong direction so Arthur is left with only four men to help him lay siege to the castle. Merlin levitates them over the battlements but Guinevere is nowhere to be found. King Arthur searches the length and breadth of Scotland only to discover Guinevere might not have been taken prisoner after all... so where on earth is she?

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HD King Arthur's Disasters

King Arthur's Disasters


King Arthur's Disasters

IMDb: 0
23 min

Princess Guinevere has ordered a new table - from Norway. In another attempt to win her affections, King Arthur runs afoul of Vikings, giant trolls, savage wolves, stampeding lemmings, Norwegian minstrels and the usual treachery from Sir Launcelot. Overcoming every obstacle, the King hauls a large, round table back to his fair Princess who promptly rejects it as too large and too round. A despondent King Arthur rolls the table into Camelot's main hall, unaware that this 'reject' would be linked throughout history to King Arthur and his Knights...of the Round Table!

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HD King Arthur's Disasters

King Arthur's Disasters


King Arthur's Disasters

IMDb: 0
23 min

King Arthur and Merlin arrive at a French chateau on their way to steal the fabled 'Rose en Verre' - a beautiful stained glass window installed in a remote Chateau in the heart of France - yet another gift for, Guinevere (who else?) The Lady of the Chateau is none other King Arthur's sister 'Lady M' and she's outraged that this national treasure is going to the spoilt Guinevere. She warns her brother of dark forces and irate peasants... but as usual Arthur ignores such warnings and he soon ends up in deep water. Only Lady M's secret alter ego, the renegade Knight, Sir Margaret, can save the King...but will she bother?

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HD King Arthur's Disasters

King Arthur's Disasters


King Arthur's Disasters

IMDb: 0
23 min

Merlin discovers a love potion that guarantees Guinevere will want to marry King Arthur. But when the King aims the potion at Guinevere, he accidentally hits her chaperone, Petal. King Arthur sets out to the forest to collect the ingredients Merlin needs to reverse the spell. But finding a feather from a backward flying owl and a hair from an invisible unicorn is not as easy as you might think, especially if you're also dealing with the fearsome Beast of Bodmin, the treachery of Sir Launcelot and the stalking abilities of the lovesick Petal...

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HD King Arthur's Disasters

King Arthur's Disasters


King Arthur's Disasters

IMDb: 0
23 min

While being chased by Robin Hood and his merry band, King Arthur stops at the tower to woo his lovely Princess and pick up her latest order. She wants her slipper turned into gold. Merlin knows where this can be arranged and he and Arthur travel to the Fountain of Oro, which lies at the centre of the Labyrinth of Lost Souls. Once in the Labyrinth, they are beset by falling rocks, trap doors, snake pits and scampering little Cornish gnomes - but by far the greatest danger comes from the noxious green smelly gas that emits from Guinevere's shoe...

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HD King Arthur's Disasters

King Arthur's Disasters


King Arthur's Disasters

IMDb: 0
23 min

It's Father's Day and Princess Guinevere wants to give her father the famed Parchment of Arusella. Unfortunately the Parchment is locked up in the Pink Castle and guarded by a detachment of Pink Knights. Luckily, King Arthur is only too willing to risk life and limb to impress his ladylove. Of course, he never figured he would be challenged by Robin Hood, get caught on a burning bridge, nearly drown, get carried away by a vulture, fall from a castle window or get trapped on a runaway waterwheel...

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HD King Arthur's Disasters

King Arthur's Disasters


King Arthur's Disasters

IMDb: 0
23 min

King Arthur and Merlin set sail for Dolphin Rock in the Scottish waters near Kirkwall to collect Guinevere's latest desire - the Yodelling Dolphin. King Arthur's problems have only just begun when he discovers that hearing the Dolphin's yodel causes one to dance to death. Sneaking up on it underwater seems to be King Arthur's answer but an octopus and a giant squid have other ideas. In the end, the King decides that one Dolphin looks very much like another - except those that yodel wear lederhosen...

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HD King Arthur's Disasters

King Arthur's Disasters


King Arthur's Disasters

IMDb: 0
23 min

Much to Camelot's horror, Princess Guinevere has taken up drumming as a hobby. In a mad moment of self-defence, King Arthur offers to pay for lessons but Guinevere manipulates him into bringing her a branch from the enchanted Singing Oak Tree - it would make the ideal drumstick, apparently. As Merlin is busy battling two kamikaze squirrels he tried to use as earplugs, the King sets out alone. But the Oak Tree is under the protection of Robin Hood and his not so merry band - not to mention a few Dark Forces.

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HD King Arthur\'s Disasters

King Arthur\'s Disasters


King Arthur\'s Disasters

IMDb: 0
23 min

Believing that her Father has offered her hand in marriage to the winner of the Annual Camelot Tournament, Princess Guinevere begs Arthur to enter and win as, given the choices, she'd rather marry him. Merlin convinces Sir Margaret to train Arthur in the martial arts and after a series of painful mishaps declares him as ready as he'll ever be. With some help from Merlin's magic, Arthur defeats Sir Martyn in hand to hand combat, Robin Hood and William Tell in the archery contest and Sir Launcelot and Sir Margaret in the joust. Guinevere's father awards the King his most prized possession - a champion Hereford Bull.

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HD King Arthur\'s Disasters

King Arthur\'s Disasters


King Arthur\'s Disasters

IMDb: 0
23 min

Princess Guinevere wishes to bathe in fresh donkey's milk, so once again Arthur finds himself in Spain transporting an ill-tempered donkey through the countryside. Here he meets the legendary Don Quixote, helps him battle a windmill, a lion and some rather disgusting tacos. But when King Arthur and Merlin proudly present the Princess with the donkey, she points out one small mistake †the donkey is male.

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HD King Arthur\'s Disasters

King Arthur\'s Disasters


King Arthur\'s Disasters

IMDb: 0
23 min

Princess Guinevere decides to accept the King's proposal of marriage - provided he proposes on one knee on her tower balcony. But Petal thwarts Arthur's every effort to climb up there. Merlin suggest a magical rope trick, known only by a reclusive Hermit in the Mid-lands. Dogged by Sir Launcelot and Sir Martyn, Arthur and Merlin also travel to Greece as the Hermit's spell requires a snake from the head of Medusa. Sir Launcelot is turned into a stone and Merlin accidentally burns down a village but, undaunted, Arthur uses the rope trick and reaches the balcony of his beloved princess --- almost!

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HD King Arthur\'s Disasters

King Arthur\'s Disasters


King Arthur\'s Disasters

IMDb: 0
23 min

Princess Guinevere worries that her nostrils might be slightly imperfect and King Arthur and Merlin travel to a Wizard's retreat to retrieve a magic mirror known as ‘The Bride's Reflection'. But Arthur accidentally uncovers ‘The Black Heart of Doom' †a mirror which releases an evil Merlin bent on destroying Arthur. To save the King's life, the good Merlin sends Arthur back to the past where he meets the young Arthur. Together they face the trickery of young Launcelot and the power of the black-hearted Merlin in order to rescue their future bride - the baby Princess Guinevere.

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HD King Arthur\'s Disasters

King Arthur\'s Disasters


King Arthur\'s Disasters

IMDb: 0
23 min

Merlin has devised a magic spell that allows King Arthur to read his beloved's mind. Awed by his anticipation of her every whim, Princess Guinevere sends him to get the thing she desires most. Unfortunately her mind keeps changing and after King Arthur risks life and limb trying to capture an echo from a Warbling Bat and the Druid Sapphire, her thoughts begin to fade and instead of bringing her an emerald coat - he turns up with a green goat.

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HD King Arthur\'s Disasters

King Arthur\'s Disasters


King Arthur\'s Disasters

IMDb: 0
23 min

When Princess Guinevere wants a firework display, King Arthur and Merlin rush to a remote mountain top in the Himalayas where The Fire Dragon, an old school chum of Merlin's, makes the best fireworks in the known world. But Sir Launcelot and Sir Martyn follow and organize a number of deadly traps forcing the King to confront jaw-snapping ice crocodiles and a pack of vicious albino ninja lemmings.

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HD King Arthur\'s Disasters

King Arthur\'s Disasters


King Arthur\'s Disasters

IMDb: 0
23 min

Princess Guinevere wants to choose a husband wisely and King Arthur volunteers to travel to Ireland and bring back the legendary Salmon of Knowledge. His efforts are hampered by Robin Hood and his Merry Band, numerous Leprechauns and two Merlin clones. Undaunted, he returns with the fabled fish - which is accidentally eaten by Alan who becomes the wisest horse in the Kingdom.

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HD King Arthur\'s Disasters

King Arthur\'s Disasters


King Arthur\'s Disasters

IMDb: 0
23 min

When Princess Guinevere pines for a sea view, King Arthur and Merlin seek out King Canute for advice. They catapult the famous ‘round table' into the sea to block the Penzance Plug Hole. The sea rises †and keeps rising until Guinevere's tower is in danger of being engulfed. Will sharped-toothed sharks, a giant sea monster and a dissolute Pirate prevent the King from draining the Plug Hole and rescuing his beloved from a watery grave and wet hair?

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HD King Arthur\'s Disasters

King Arthur\'s Disasters


King Arthur\'s Disasters

IMDb: 0
23 min

Guinevere has traveled to Paris to have a dress designed by the famous but neurotic Antoine de la Poulet. Insisting on the very best material, King Arthur is dispatched to a tropical jungle to retrieve the rare blood-sucking silk worms of Rangoon. Meanwhile, the French peasants are having one of their many revolutions and, on his return with the worms, the King discovers that Guinevere has been taken to the infamous tower prison known as Le Prison! The rescue attempt fails and Merlin, the King and his beloved Princess are carted off to their executions. Only Sir Margaret can save them †but will she bother?

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HD King Arthur\'s Disasters

King Arthur\'s Disasters


King Arthur\'s Disasters

IMDb: 0
23 min

All Princess Guinevere wants is an orange. A sweet, juicy, round orange orange. How simple is that? But in trying to fulfill her request, King Arthur must enter the Camelot Horse Show, travel across Spain, participate in the first 'running of bulls' in Pamplona and, single handedly battle the Giant Two Headed Fire Breathing Orange Eating Bull of Valencia.

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HD King Arthur\'s Disasters

King Arthur\'s Disasters


King Arthur\'s Disasters

IMDb: 0
23 min

Merlin's magic goes astray and King Arthur switches bodies with the fair Princess Guinevere. Riding side-saddle and constrained by a corset, the King must traverse the raging River of Unpleasantness, battle the Angry Penguins of Shrewsbury and defeat the Mutant Hedgehog of Cheshire to find the fabled Slamming Book that contains the reversal spell - all without breaking any of Guinevere's nails.

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HD King Arthur\'s Disasters

King Arthur\'s Disasters


King Arthur\'s Disasters

IMDb: 0
23 min

Moon rocks are all the rage and King Arthur is convinced he has traveled to the moon via a one-way rocket. While Sir Launcelot and Sir Martyn struggle to share the throne in the King's absence, Arthur, Merlin and Splag are captured by the fierce 'moon people' and do battle with the gigantic rock giant, Ritho, in order to bring Princess Guinevere a moon rock all the way from - North Wales.

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HD King Arthur\'s Disasters

King Arthur\'s Disasters


King Arthur\'s Disasters

IMDb: 0
23 min

Princess Guinevere's greatest desire is to fly and King Arthur provides her with the first medieval hot air Balloon. Powered by the fiery breath of a small dragon, the balloon sails across the sky until Robin Hood accidentally shoots it down over the foreboding Forest of Dark Forces. Will King Arthur and Robin Hood sneak past the dreaded Purple Knights, survive the terrors of the Dark Forces and defeat the Screaming Salisbury Stag to rescue the fair Princess from certain doom - and in time for her tapestry class?

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HD Porridge




IMDb: 6.8
30 min

Much to Meekie's disapproval the governor asks Fletch to become the minder for suicidal new inmate, rock star Rob Strange becoming his cell-mate, in exchange for the promise of giving him his own radio station. After Rob has confessed the reason for his depression Fletch gets his girlfriend Karen to trace his long-lost daughter, thus averting a nasty roof-top accident and giving Fletch what he wanted - again much to Meekie's disapproval. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy, Crime,
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HD Jericho




IMDb: 8.2
43 min

As Ralph destroys a box found on Red's corpse Annie asks Charles to intervene on the imprisoned Johnny's behalf but gets no joy. With Jericho divided between Johnny's detractors and his allies a trial goes ahead with Annie one of the few witnesses to speak up for his innocence, claiming she was with him at the time of the murder. Though Annie has asked Lace Polly to take him away from the town George returns and explains the true facts of Red's death, leading to Johnny being released and confronting Ralph as to why he hates him. At the same time Davey becomes aware of girl-friend Alma's indiscretion. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: ,
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HD Jericho




IMDb: 7.9
60 min

Detective Bamford arrives to investigate Red's disappearance and faces a wall of silence, ultimately departing after striking a deal with Ralph. Hatty Laggan, widowed by the explosion, joins Lace Polly's brothel but is treated kindly by rent collector Thornhill whilst Martha finds herself working alongside Alma and Johnny, having won money in a wrestling match, offers it to Martha to take her children and leave Jericho though she refuses. Charles is determined to carry on building the viaduct following the explosion but is strapped for cash and, against the advice of housekeeper and confidante Epiphany, considers a financial partnership with Isabella, who once jilted him, provided they get married. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: ,
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HD Jericho




IMDb: 8.2
90 min

In 1870s Yorkshire Annie Quaintain, heavily in debt on her husband's death, takes her children Martha and George to join the masses heading for Culverdale and the shanty town of Jericho, home to the men and women building a railway viaduct. Encouraged by foreman Ralph Coates and befriended by the motherly Lace Polly Annie opens a lodging house, her first tenants being newly-arrived navvy Johnny Jackson and his friend Skinny. Martha argues with Alma Capstick, flighty daughter of Jericho's grocers whilst Johnny falls foul of vengeful co-worker Red, who is ordered to leave Culverdale. George witnesses an act of sabotage by Red which kills team leader Jack Laggan, but Red himself is killed as he pursues the boy and Johnny, on the basis that Red has apparently left Jericho, swears Annie to secrecy as they dispose of the body. The viaduct's investor Charles Blackwood feels guilty over Jack's death and realizes that it could be the end of its building. He is bailed out financially by an ... Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: ,
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HD Jericho




IMDb: 7.5
60 min

Set in the Yorkshire Dales in the 1870s, the series focuses upon the shanty town of Jericho, home to a community that will live, thrive and die in the shadow of the viaduct they've been brought together to build. Jericho is a community of people with secrets to hide and those looking to start again.

Country: UK
Genre: ,
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HD Jericho




IMDb: 7.5
60 min

Set in the Yorkshire Dales in the 1870s, the series focuses upon the shanty town of Jericho, home to a community that will live, thrive and die in the shadow of the viaduct they've been brought together to build. Jericho is a community of people with secrets to hide and those looking to start again.

Country: UK
Genre: ,
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