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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 8.5

Connor is put on probation and transferred to the P.R.U. but feelings run high against him and a girl gang,led by Dynasty,set on him,Imogen coming to his rescue after which they finally reconcile. Former pupil Bolton Smilie,now a soldier who has served in Afghanistan,comes to see Tom and is asked to give a speech to the school. He is however very nervous and it is a disaster. In fact he is a deserter,scared by his experiences in Afghanistan,and,when the military police are alerted,he takes Grantly and his class hostage at gunpoint though Grantly defuses the situation and disarms him. Bolton is arrested but Lorraine considers closing the P.R.U. unless it can produce good exam results. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 8.3

Daniel is annoyed that Kevin went behind his back to enter - and win - a contest to design a robot. Disharmony between the two leads Kevin to log onto Daniel's computer and find that Daniel changed his name from Gareth Dinsdale,following a sex scandal at a care home. Kevin initially believes Daniel to be a paedophile but discovers that he was one of several boys abused by the home's supervisor whilst in care. A contrite Kevin vows he will help Daniel in his court case against his persecutor. Rugby star Austin Healey comes to the school to present Kevin with his prize but trouble-making Barry Barry,in another petulant display,persuades Rhiannon and Dynasty to lace cakes made by Sonya for the occasion with marijuana,sabotaging the event .Connor admits to Michael that he was the arsonist.Soon the whole school knows as Connor makes a public apology before being arrested. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 0

Christine is shocked when ex-husband Joe turns up,wanting her to sign a document relinquishing her right to a legacy from his father. She reluctantly lets him see Connor,who,in view of his mother's past lies,wants to go with Joe but it turns out that Connor is not his son as Christine was in fact raped by Joe's father. After being told this Joe leaves without the boy and Connor also finds out as he overhears Christine telling Michael. He also plucks up the courage to tell Imogen the truth about the fire but she is appalled and rejects him. After Lorraine's car is found and the police question Barry Barry Nikki comes to see who stole her vehicle - though there is no proof - and apologizes publicly to Scout. Sian arranges for the Barrys to be taught separately as Barry is a bad influence on his sisters. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 0

On Connor's birthday he takes Kevin's advice and reconciles with Imogen but does not admit to starting the fire. Imogen is annoyed that Dynasty is considering breast implants to work as a pole dancer in a local club when she herself can have no further plastic surgery. Audrey attempts to block Dynasty's efforts to work at the club,leading to a showdown with Carol,but Dynasty eventually realises that Carol is exploiting her and turns the job down in favour of staying at school. As a result she and Imogen become friends. Things hot up between Christine and Michael though Barry Barry steals and sells Lorraine's Ferrari and Nikki blames Scout. Tom however sticks up for Scout and sees that Nikki is picking on her. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 6.1

Christine brings a reluctant Connor to school though he is too ashamed to face Imogen. The Taylor brothers win two hundred thousand pounds on the lottery,which brings their father Nelson to the school. Phoenix believes he is only there for a hand-out as his company is failing but Harley persuades him that they should invest in Nelson's business and Phoenix leaves to work with his father. Michael and Christine get close after he learns that he will not face court action over his father's death but the feud between Scout and Nikki grows as Nikki sees Scout with her hand-bag,stolen along with her car by Barry Barry. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 6.7

As the new term starts Sian learns that she is to be a prosecution witness against Michael when he stands trial for killing his father. The opening of the referral unit,run by Nikki Boston, presents a problem as the unruly Barry children are enrolled,spawn of a jail-bird and his mouthy wife. Barry,the son,is soon at odds with fellow pupil Jack McAllister as he has had sex with Jack's needy mother and posted photos of it around the school. Barry also steals Nikki's car but she suspects Scout,with whom she has fallen out over a misunderstanding. At least Barry's younger sister Kacey proves to be an unusual asset to the school football team. Reformed alcoholic Christine apologizes to Imogen,scarred in the fire, but Connor,ashamed of his actions as the real arsonist,cannot bring himself to seeing Imogen,who suspects Christine is keeping them apart. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 0

It's the end of term and Lorraine considers excluding Phoenix Taylor for his poor results but is persuaded by Michael and the example of Tariq to set up a referral unit for weaker students in the area instead. The Budgens prepare for their honeymoon whilst Kevin asks Daniel to be his foster father and Imogen and Connor intend to run away together though Christine scuppers their plan and lashes out at Imogen. In retaliation Connor shows the other teachers the evidence of her drinking as well as starting another fire,which injures Imogen. However Christine takes the blame,claiming it was an accident,and attends Alcoholics Anonymous. Michael,ton the other hand,is caught by Billy's nurse helping him to end his life and is arrested for culpable homicide. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 0

Connor believes his mother's lies about Audrey and,to cheer him up, Kevin burns a book belonging to Audrey's family. However,seeing Christine's glee at Audrey's distress makes Connor realise that she is in the wrong. At a mediation meeting Christine's open hostility to Audrey and Audrey's dignified response also gives Sian cause for doubt over Christine's claims against the older teacher. Lorraine,as a favour to their mother,brings in her sister Sonya as a replacement for Janeece. She is not especially efficient but endears herself to Audrey putting out the fire and comforting her afterwards. Audrey also gains Rhiannon's confidence when she learns that the girl is into self-harm because of being over-weight and even reconciles her with Scout,as well as persuading Michael not to exclude Kevin when he admits to the arson. Michael himself agrees to helping his father die 'when the time comes .' Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 0

Kai Murra is a single father who lives an austere Freegan life,forbidding his daughter Morag and her little brother the use of mobile phones,television and cinema visits. He regards Lorraine's competition to design a school bench as blatantly commercial and destroys Morag's effort. However Tom helps her make another,which wins but Murray arrives and threatens to take Morag out of the school. Ultimately he proves he is open to compromise and Michael,likewise,pays another visit to his father - who asks him to help him die. When Christine neglects to mark her class's coursework due to her alcoholism Connor marks the papers but Audrey spots discrepancies and mentions it to Christine,who reports her to Michael for bullying. Incensed at seeing his mother back on the bottle Connor goes to torch all the benches in the contest but stops when he hears somebody coming. Madi leaves to work on a cruise ship whilst Daniel,applying to be a foster parent,discovers that cheeky but clever new boy Kevin... Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 0

Maggie tells Grantly the wedding is off after she receives a threatening call from a man called Trevor. Helped by Scout and Phoenix Grantly tracks down Trevor,who claims he is still married to Maggie and wants three thousand pounds to leave them alone. Fortunately the pupils help Grantly organize a trap,forcing Trevor to back off,and the wedding goes ahead. Sian starts dating Ray Keats,who is giving work experience seminars at the school,incurring the jealousy of Madi,who throws herself at him,the pair being caught kissing by Sian,who consequently dumps Ray. However she finds out that Madi pulled the same stunt with her mother's boyfriend. Josh,who does well in the seminars,leaves for Manchester and a job arranged for him by Lorraine whilst Michael,following a conversation with Tom about fathers and sons,pays another visit to Billy,this one more cordial. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 8.0

Christine visits a doctor,who tells her she has alcoholic hepatitis. Trying to go cold turkey is too much for her and she lashes out at Phoenix Taylor in class but covers her tracks by claiming she was once attacked by a boy who resembled Phoenix. Janeece puts her work as Lorraine's assistant above her school duties and care of Cheryl,leading to the social services being involved,due to Daniel's concern. Janeece accuses him of betrayal but ultimately sees that he acted for the best. She suggests they become a couple but he is not convinced that it would work and she leaves the area to live with her mother. Maggie discovers that Scout is being bullied by Rhiannon,whose plans for revenge on the dinner lady by doctoring canteen food goes disastrously wrong. As Michael launches an anti-bullying campaign Sian accuses him of hypocrisy by snubbing his father,revealing that Billy is terminally ill. Michael does visit but only to say that he is rejecting Billy forever. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 0

The local paper publishes a damning report on Havelock and Findlay's slovenly attitude on the day the school is competing in a quiz and road race with Watrloo Road. Havelock's star athlete Liberty Gordon sold the story and asks ex-Havelock teacher Audrey to get her into Waterloo Road. At the quiz Waterloo Road thrashes Havelock and,though Liberty wins the race,she is seen to be taking drugs - actually her invalid mother's pain-killers as she believes she is arthritic. Findlay is discredited as he was aware of the drugs and after a confrontation with Audrey when he loses it agrees Liberty should change schools. Janeece continues to exploit Daniel as a child minder for her baby Cheryl,dumping her on him in class whilst Connor believes he has got through to Christine when she agrees to seeing a doctor after falling downstairs drunk. Sian promises Billy,who is terminally ill,she will reconcile him with Michael and Scout is the victim of a nasty hoax by fellow pupil Rhiannon. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 0

Imogen Stewart, a hearing-impaired student is embarrassed when her flirtatious mother Sally arrives to take charge of a sponsored rowing marathon to buy Tariq a kayak. Sally gate-crashes Imogen's birthday party ,where she and Angus are found in a state of undress in a bedroom though,when Sally explains her guilt over her view that she caused Imogen's deafness following a bout of meningitis there is some understanding reached. Fort Connor,however,whilst getting close to Imogen,things only get worse as he gets drunk and torches the basement. Whilst he is not caught for the arson Christine successfully presents him to Michael as a drunk and a delinquent. As parents over-react to Findlay's stories discrediting Michael,taking children out of Waterloo Road,Sian calls on Billy,Michael's father to set the record straight. Michael rejects him but again offers to work with Findlay in cooperation. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 0

As the feud between Havelock,Gerard Findlay's school,and Waterloo Road continues Findlay posts twenty-five year old press cuttings around the school describing how the young Michael Byrne attacked his father and left him for dead. The two heads confront each other and Findlay slips whilst trying to hit Michael,who later confesses to Sian that he had only been defending his mother against his violent father. Tariq grows more despairing about his handicap and engineers a fight between ex-Havelock pupil Angus Hancock and Phoenix,to create a diversion during which he slips away and tries to drown himself. He is rescued bu Michael who gives him self worth and he returns to Waterloo Road to stop the fight. Things worsen between Christine and Callum with only Audrey suspecting that Christine is trying to scapegoat the boy for her own shortcomings. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 6.8

Dedicated to Denzil,killed by the drunken lorry driver who put Tariq in a wheelchair,the new school opens though Grantly and several pupils have misgivings about the move. Incumbent staff number strict English teacher Christine Mulgrew,whose sullen son Connor is a new pupil and old school history teacher Audrey McFall. Connor's recalcitrant behaviour,unknown to everybody else,is caused by his mother's fondness for drink. Jade and Drew,supposed half siblings, enrol but it becomes apparent that they are an item who have absconded from a care home. Jade genuinely wants an education but collapses in the school as she is pregnant by Drew. She refuses to take off with him again and he is arrested after threatening Michael. Michael himself is confronted in public by Gerard Findlay,head of a rival school,who accuses him of poaching staff and pupils. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 8.1

On the last day of term when the school is preparing for the prom Michael arrives to find that Alan Dixon has already sent letters to the staff announcing Waterloo Road's closure. However he tells them he has agreed to run Lorraine's school and invites them to come with him,most of them agreeing despite it being in Scotland. He gives a motivational speech to the pupils telling them they represent the spirit of the school and will take anybody who wants with him as Maggie,previously a care worker,will be superintending a lodgings house. Josh returns to school,improved in his mental health, but Eugene Garvey's gang,seeing Finn as a traitor after his rescuing Naseem,capture him though they are observed by Ronan,who alerts Tom and they rescue Josh. However he has overheard that Kyle and Tariq are planning to smuggle a crossbow into the prom to fire at Finn. Kyle takes his position as the dance starts but Tariq,unable to see it through,alerts Michael,who calls the police. Kyle fires but ... Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 0

Scout falls for Ukrainian pupil and would-be football star Danilo,an asylum seeker, and they agree to get married,despite Phoenix's attempts to stop Scout. When Danilo fails to show for football practice Phoenix alerts Tom and he and Sian dash to the registry office. The wedding has been performed but it illegal and Danilo will be deported. More upsetting for Scout is the news that it was a marriage of convenience to get Danilo's visa, for which his brother paid Scout's mother.As a result Scout calls the police to arrest her. Kyle slips into school and,after trying to steal Lorraine's credit card,disrupts Nicki's class with the Mansfield twins restoring order. Finn is dared to torch a lock-up by the Murray gang,unaware that Trudi's sister Naseem is inside,leading to his risking his life to save her. The two gangs confront each other but are dispersed by Michael's arrival. Later in the day Michael attends a local education authority meeting and is told that Waterloo Road is to be ... Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 0

Alcohol-addicted pupil Shelby Dixon persuades Madi,who has turned eighteen,to celebrate in the pub and the girls return to school the worse for drink. Jez accuses Shelby of influencing Madi and gets into a fight with Shelby's father,Alan,who just happens to be the Head of Education. Things get worse as Kyle is selling illegally-imported Russian vodka and Nicki catches Shelby paying for it with sex. Kyle is expelled and Finn resigns as head boy after being caught fighting with his gang rivals whilst Jez also quits and takes his children with him. Grantly and Maggie go on a date whilst former pupil Lorraine Donnegan,now a millionaire business woman,asks Michael to be the head of a new,independent but non-fee-paying school she wants to open as a model of excellence. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 8.9

Jez moves out. Josh returns to school but takes himself off his medication. Whilst researching for his project about plague victim John Ingleby he becomes obsessed with a plague pit under the school. At a seance Emily tricks him into believing that Ingleby is trying to contact him,which has a disastrous effect on him during an exam. Finn and Trudi reconcile but only after she has had an abortion,leaving him distressed that he never told her of the pregnancy and,to avenge himself on Tariq and Kyle,he joins Eugene Garvey's gang. Janeece is stood up by Craig on her wedding day and Daniel discovers not only that he has robbed her and cleared her account but is known to the police for doing it before. However at the reception Janeece convinces the guests that she dumped Craig. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 9.6

Trudi confides in Tariq that she is pregnant by Finn but they agree to keep it quiet and she arranges for an abortion. After Josh freaks out in Nicki's class Tom tells his son about his suspected condition and suggests they see a psychiatrist. Grantly's wife Fleur deteriorates and he walks out of school,leaving a letter of resignation,to take her away from her care home to the cottage where they spent their honeymoon. Tom follows and persuades him to return Fleur to the home,where she dies,having recognized Grantly. Back at school Michael refuses to accept the resignation and grants him compassionate leave,Harley being an unexpected comforter. In the light of Grantly's loss Janeece announces that she and Craig,a boyfriend she has only recently met,are getting engaged. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 0

Matt is worried when premature baby daughter Martha needs extra care and relieved when she pulls through but he is desolate to learn that Rosie has started a relationship with Alex,the doctor who saved Martha,and plans to move to Bristol with him and the baby. Zack gets it into his head that Jez is not his father and takes a DNA test. Jez initially sees this as an attempt by Zack to get his attention and tells him that he loves him whatever the outcome,though it turns out that they are father and son. Candora,the cosmetics firm for which Maggie and Grantly have been acting as agents, goes bust,leading to a truce between them whilst Josh's behaviour gets more bizarre and he ends up injuring himself in class. a doctor tells Tom the boy may have schizophrenia brought on by his drug abuse and suggests psychiatric treatment. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.3

Following the hit and run Tom and Jez return for the new term,Tom unaware that Josh is into drugs. Jez is prime suspect for running Michael over but,now back with Sian,dare not confess that he was with Janeece. However Daniel eventually tumbles to the truth and Linda is arrested. A hulking youth Mason Price joins the school,having been released from Young Offender Centre where he knew Tariq and immediately goads Tariq into joining his gang the D.S.C.Finn takes against Price and is hi-jacked by the gang,who force him to have a knife fight with Finn. Fortunately Trudi rings the police and alerts Daniel,who confiscates the knife. However Kyle sees the gang as his means of getting at Finn whilst Grantly falls foul of new canteen cook Maggie,after criticizing her cuisine. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 8.3

Madi and Zak are mugged on the way to school,prompting Jez to start a boxing class but when Zack floors Hartley it seems doomed. However Tariq proves to be excellent at ju-jitsu and Michael asks him to lead the self defence groups. Finn attempts to befriend Tariq in the hopes that it will soften his attitude towards Finn and Trudi. However,after Finn has betrayed a confidence to Ronan about Tariq being bullied in the Young Offender Unit there is a fight and Tariq is identified by staff as the agressor. Michael pockets the disc from the school's CCTV security camera showing his fight with Wayne Johnson but is alarmed when he receives an email showing the fight and his house is broken into. Daniel gets into Linda's good books by taking her rabbit Roger to the vet though Roger causes havoc when he gets loose in the school. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 8.0

Grantly is annoyed that Michael has appointed Linda Radleigh over him as Head of English but Linda has her work cut out on her first day,being charged to look after Emily James . Emily's sister Lindsay is being released from Young Offender Unit after killing their abusive father but is planning to move to Leeds to make a fresh start. Emily goes after her and has to be rescued by Linda after accepting a lift. Daniel ends up in hospital after overdoing his keep fit exercises to impress Janeece and Finn and Trudi agree to meet in secret whilst Denzil steals a guitar for Scout - who tells him that Liam is now in care. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.5

Michael makes Sian and Tom joint deputies and gives an impassioned speech to persuade more students to take 'A' Level English in the wake of Grantly's efforts to scupper his initiative. The school is interrupted by Sarah,Jez's bitter ex-wife who turns up and dumps their children on him, pleasant Zack and extremely stroppy Madi,who makes a show of herself at Vicki and Ronan's flat-warming - where Tariq warns Fin off his sister - as well as ruining the Diamonds'dinner party for their colleagues. Michael discovers that Phoenix Taylor has deliberately set his father Nelson up to appear as a drunk out of spite when Nelson has been dry for years. Matt encourages Scout's talents on the guitar. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.7

Karen's replacement is new broom principal Michael Byrne,who fails to impress Janeece,whom he sends on an administration course,and Grantly. He does make Tom deputy head,having virtually promised the role to Sian Diamond,who joins the staff with recently-wed husband Jez - who tells the others that Sian and Michael were once a couple. Finn falls for new pupil Trudi,falling foul of her brother,gang leader Tariq Siddiqui,who joy-rides in Ronan's car,Michael's failure to expel Siddiqui being another source of grievance with the old guard. After discovering that brothers Phoenix and Harley Taylor have been covering up the recent death of their grandma,with whom they live,for fear of being returned to their drunk father,Michael threatens ex-pupil Wayne Johnson,recently acquitted in court of the attempted murder of the headmaster. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.5

Chris organizes a scheme for the pupils to clear a community garden but Scout and Denzil disappear after her mother has rung to say she is going away for a few days,leaving Scout in charge of 3-year old brother Liam. There is panic when Liam goes missing and eventually Chris takes Scout and Liam into his flat. Ronan is reunited with Vicki,offering support when she miscarries and Karen guesses that Eleanor betrayed her. Ultimately Eleanor confesses and offers to resign but Karen tells her that if she is genuinely sorry she will show a united front with the rest of the staff at the upcoming inspection,which Whitman hopes will close the school. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.9

New girl Jody Allen,known as Scout,is dirty and prone to sleeping in class. Visiting her slatternly mother Chris is shocked to learn that she allows Scout to run drugs for her for extra money and he buys the drugs from Scout on condition she stops dealing. The police are called and Scout suspended but Eleanor is quick to use the situation against Karen. However even she is shocked to learn that Whitman wants to close down the whole school. At mock student elections Jess and Vicki begin as rivals but end up renewing their friendship and deciding to keep their babies. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.2

New pupil Evie Prior has trouble fitting in and when Finn sticks up for her Sambucca's friends accuse Evie of trying to steal him. Ultimately Evie confesses to Chris that she is really Alicia Cross,under police protection for killing her toddler cousin but the revelation of her secret means she has to move on. Whilst Aiden,romancing Jess,is seeing Vicki behind Ronan's back,his father goes on a date with Karen after she has helped him with an essay. This fact is picked up by Eleanor,angry with Karen who,she feels,underrates her and who makes Karen aware she knows what is going on. Having been out with Karen Rob returns home to find his estranged wife has turned up. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.5

Amy discovers she has a stalker,who turns out to be shy,asthmatic Stuart Foley,whom Eleanor advises to stand up to his bullying father. Eleanor organizes a project where the sixth-formers film themselves but it ends in disaster. Finn and Josh break the uninsured camera and Stuart uses it to expose his father's affair with Amy's mother,leading to Karen disciplining Eleanor. Sambucca has filmed herself explaining she has terminal cancer but it is only seen by a tearful Finn. Janeece gives Daniel a make-over whilst Rob,as well as warning Aiden to behave himself with the girls given what happened at his last school, tells Karen he is on an Open University course and hopes to teach. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.2

Finn is back,bullying withdrawn Martin Dunbar,who is caught looking at lingerie magazines and patrolling the girls' cloak-room. However Chris discovers that Martin is desperate for a sex change operation and arranges counselling. Tom forces Rose to tell him the truth about Sambucca - she has a cancerous brain tumour. Rob gives Daniel a pep talk,as he is being mocked by pupils recognizing his lack of confidence. Rob also impresses Karen by setting up a Careers Fair,where Grantly's cynicism does little for the teaching profession. Aiden continues to date both Jess and Vicki. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.7

As Ronan and Vicki unsuccessfully try to dissuade Jonah and Cesca from their affair Cesca resigns,claiming that she needs to look after her sick father. To unite the sexes Adanna plans a pantomime 'Cinderfella' with reversed gender roles and both Sambucca and Kyle look like shining in it. Denzil,ever out to impress Kyle,electrocutes himself whilst on bootleg hooch and Ruby and Grantly have a contest to see who can write the best novel,judged by Tom. He chooses Ruby, who submits her work to a publisher. Finally Chris discovers what is really going on between Cesca and Jonah,and tells Karen and Marcus,who are both appalled. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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