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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 6.7

Ruby argues with new caretaker,Polish Lukas Wisniewski,and inadvertently sides with racist pupil Martin Dowling and the weak-minded Kyle when they racially taunt him. Martin is particularly upset that his father,a right wing bigot whom he is trying to impress,did not get a job with the school whilst a Pole did but ultimately learns that his father is making excuses for his own laziness. However Lukas,despite an apology from Ruby,decides to move on whilst Cesca and Jonah end up in bed together and Jess gets picked up by Hodge. Janeece,aware that Ronan has stolen an exam paper which he hopes to sell to the school,thwarts him by having another test substituted. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.4

When pupil Billie Taylor tells Janeece that her mother is trying to steal her baby Brooke from her Janeece immediately champions the girl and acting head Chris and Adanna are unsure who to believe,especially when Billie claims her mother hit her. However,it becomes clear that Mrs Taylor is acting for the good of everybody by seeking to adopt Brooke when Billie,goaded on by the voices she hears in her head,puts her baby in danger and Chris saves the day. Jess discovers a message from Hodge on Bex's phone and questions her,to no avail. Josh hits it off with new pupil Nate Sharkey whilst Chris tries to reconcile Finn and Kyle by putting them both in the football team and Jonah develops a crush on Cesca,being her sole student for extra Spanish lessons. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 8.1

Bex returns to school after her two year absence,but says nothing about what she did,though she refuses to take calls from somebody called Hodge and receives a bunch of flowers. In response to the boys' poor exam results Chris instigates a segregated sex teaching system,to the displeasure of feisty new staff member Adanna Lawal. The boys' class is indeed a disaster,thanks to insolent,persistent truant Kyle Stack,who sees it as his job to challenge Finn and ends up in detention. He is joined by Bex,who has disrupted Grantly's class,and who accuses him of sexual assault. He threatens her with his dog and she withdraws her claim but Jess suspects that her sister has had a traumatic sexual experience with a man during her absence. Janeece,given a shot at being a teaching assistant,surprises Ruby with her authoritarian tone. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 8.2

The last day of term brings mixed fortunes. Harry is in therapy doing well but the Fishers are dismayed to hear that Charlie is moving to London in line with new girlfriend Maria's teaching promotion. Steph,before leaving with Ollie,accompanies Grantly as he reluctantly places Fleur in a home but on his return to school it transpires that ,due to the stress of his domestic situation,he has been teaching the wrong A-Level syllabus. The kids are outraged though Tom and Marcus,despite the fact that he is leaving,offer extra tuition to rectify things. Steph explains to Karen all about Grantly's predicament which he has kept from her and is overheard by Ruth. Thus,when ex-footballer John Barnes arrives to present a cheque from the school's fund-raising day to a charity,Ruth has persuaded her school-mates that it should be to help Grantly with the cost of Fleur's care. There is a further bonus for Karen when she sees that her daughter Bex has returned to her. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.3

The other teachers are not impressed when Chris introduces CCTV to monitor the classrooms and Jonah and Ronan,feeling it smacks of double standards,secretly install a web-cam in the staffroom. It picks up Vicki thanking Chris but reveals his night with Jess,now dating Jonah,and the furious boy attacks the young teacher. After initially lying, Chris confesses all to Karen but Jess defends him,claiming that she made all the running, and Karen is loth to sack him. An angry Marcus tenders his resignation instead. Ruby persuades Grantly that his wife Fleur would be better off in a home and he reluctantly agrees after she fails to recognize him and thinks Steph is her mother. Janeece runs away with Poppy and the Frys sadly feel that she should be allowed to keep her. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.8

With her father ill and her home repossessed Vicki moves into a homeless hostel but finds it hard to do her schoolwork due to noisy,drunken room-mate Chantel. She again tries to blackmail Chris to give her good grades and he does though the deal is that she move into a foyer,a hostel designed for young people. Karen is annoyed when he confesses what he did but understands his concern whilst she and Charlie recommend Harry sees a counsellor. Grantly finds it increasingly hard to cope with his wife's erratic behaviour,leaving lessons when she is in crisis,but promises not to put her in a home. Ruby and John plan to go ahead with the adoption of Poppy though Janeece seems to be bonding too well with her. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.8

The pressure of seeing his parents argue at school and the intensified bullying of Finn,especially after he has twharted Finn's efforts to sleep with Jess,take their toll on Harry. After Finn has pushed him into the school swimming pool he stays at the bottom and needs rescuing. Karen is appalled to learn that he kept his problems from her and tells Charlie they have failed him,though she rejects Charlie's offer to return home. Josh and Finn are suspended though Josh turns against Finn and Jess punches him. Ruth deliberately loses a debating contest to prove to her father that she is not perfect and it is won by default by Ronan,despite his doing a public strip in order to win a bet by losing it. Janeece,accompanied by Ruby,is rushed to hospital where she gives birth to baby Poppy. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.1

As Karen and Charlie separate and Vicki's father is taken into a home Karen invites the girl to live with her. In the fall-out from his parents' separation Harry is being bullied and nicknamed Piggy for his bulimia but Ruth shows him how to defend himself. Following Cesca's drugs awareness campaign Sambucca attempts to expose Amy and Laured as drug-dealers but Amy sets her up to make her look like the wrong-doer and Laured must defend Sambucca and Cesca. Grantly falls asleep in class and it is revealed that he is wearing himself out caring for his wife,who has Alzheimer's. Whilst concerned for him Ruby has her own problem as Janeece and John seem to be getting too close. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.0

Following the attempt to kiss him Finn is hostile towards Josh though they finally make up. Janeece is irritated when Ruby tries to dictate her diet to her for the welfare of the baby. New teacher Marcus is struck by the enterprise shown by young Ronan Burley,a would-be entrepreneur who is selling DVDs at school. However when Marcus visits the his father it turns out that he is a gangster who wants Ronan to take over his business and the boy is trying to make enough money to leave home. After a showdown in the school corridor Ronan finally shops his father to the police. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.8

Karen instigates a sexual health initiative with a confidential contraceptive service. Students Ronan and Sarah are concerned as the condom broke whilst they were having sex but she is nervous about attending and asking for the morning after pill. So too is Jess for fear that her promiscuous life-style will be exposed so she sends Vicki to get it for her. However the ruse is discovered and the girls argue in front of Chris. He is concerned for Jess's welfare but she misreads it as being rather more,given her crush on him. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.2

Ruby,now cured of her medication habit,reunites with husband John to try for a baby but her age goes against her. Karen's husband Charlie joins the staff but their son Harry sees a message on his father's mobile and suspects he is having an affair. Accompanied by Sambucca he follows Charlie,who is meeting Cesca,but when Harry tells Karen she does not believe her husband would betray. Jess,annoyed that Chris,on whom she has a crush,is getting on with Karen,publishes a piece in the school newspaper blaming Karen for the disappearance of her other daughter Bex some years earlier. With tension running high in the Fisher home Harry turns to bulimia. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.8

New head Karen Fisher replaces Rachel and new language teacher,Spaniard Cesca Montoya, turns male heads while a pregnant Janeece returns as school secretary. Marcus Kirby has been educating his children Jonah and Ruth at home but,at his wife's request,enrols them at the school. Jonah is delighted to meet a social circle but Ruth feels the school has little to offer her and runs away. She is found but the incident leaves its mark on Karen. There is trouble also for Chris,who has slept with a girl he met in a club,only to discover that it is Karen's daughter Jess. He offers his resignation but Karen refuses to accept it. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 6.8

Kim and Chris find their relationship in danger of becoming more than professional . On a visit to an art gallery Finn persuades girlfriend Anna to prove her devotion by drawing their names on a valuable painting,which she does,but is caught on CCTV. Further trouble occurs when Chris's girlfriend Annas turns up and a jealous Kim goes into labour,resulting in a trip to hospital and a Caesarian. Steph meanwhile is dating Chris's father Ollie whilst Ruby has a crush on Adam,who is helping her move to a flat after a split with her husband. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 0

Ros,aware that Jo is a lesbian,develops a crush on her and tries to kiss her,leading a shocked Jo to tell Rachel. However when Ros declares her love for Jo publicly and says that she has been actively encouraging her, Rachel has to suspend the French teacher. Ruby perks up when Adam gets her assisting him on his takeaway meals initiative. However when it all gets too much for her due to a surfeit of orders she panics and hits the fire alarm. Adam covers for her but gets her to promise she will be responsible in respect of her medication. Rachel takes Adam to task but anger turns to romance. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.9

Josh is now living with Tom,who plans a birthday party for him. However Tom is shocked by his son's callousness to girlfriend Lauren who,in order to erase a large birthmark from her back which has caused her to be mocked by the school, steals hydrogen peroxide to bleach it out and ends up with an acid burn. Ruby organizes a clothes swap among the students but is caught by Rachel taking the best clothes for herself and warned by Rachel about her increasingly strange behaviour. Adam's new menu is a great success,somewhat to Rose's annoyance and when Adam and Rachel get locked in a store room together they have time to catch up on old times. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 0

Ruby,accompanied by Steph,takes a group of pupils to a farm run by Mark Moran,older brother of Year 10 student Craig. Chaos results from the badly behaved visitors,triggered by Finn,and Josh is sprayed in the face with chemicals whilst the kids steal a pig. Craig tells Ruby that the farm is in a bad way, Mark only taking it on to please their late father and he hoped Ruby would persuade Mark to sell. Mark is desperate and wants to take Craig out of school to help him but Ruby shows that Craig is a good student,dissuading him,urging the brothers to join together and seek financial help. Rachel notices that,despite her peace-keeping,Ruby is not well and offers time off,which Ruby rejects as she needs the money. Finn's bad boy air meanwhile attracts Amy whilst Grantly is outraged by the introduction of a complaints box and Chris takes Kim for her ultrasound. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.4

A new term starts and new pupil Finn Sharkey,whom Chris expelled from a previous school,proves to be a disruptive influence. Grantly allows Bianka Vale to go out with her estranged father Gary on her birthday,unaware that Gary is the subject of a restraining order from seeing his children. When Rachel follows she and Bianka are in danger as Gary plans to blow them up to spite his ex-wife and they have a narrow escape. Whilst Ruby starts stealing school property to sell to pay off her debts Kim finds she is pregnant by Max. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.7

On the last day of term the governors arrive to assess the merger and Max is out to get rid of Rachel. After they row publicly she agrees to resign for the stability of the school. At the Waterloo Road's Got Talent contest organized by Ruby Bolton delivers a well-received poem celebrating Grantly's quarter century in teaching and Philip's stand up,hinting at Max's bullying, goes down a storm with everyone - except Max. He threatens the boy again to keep quiet but Kim,suspicious of what is going on,learns the truth and publicly exposes Max's underhand dealings. Thus it is him and not Rachel whose days at Waterloo Road are over. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.7

Rachel accompanies Lindsay to court where she gives evidence of her father's abuse of her. Bullied by the prosecutor she runs from court and is consoled by Rachel,to whom she confesses she was the killer,not her mother,to stop his repeating the abuse with Emily. After Steph warns Kim about Max he tries to get her sacked,trying to make out that Jo wants her out. However when Jo discovers his deceit she threatens to resign if Max does dismiss Steph. Max tries to get Philip to spy on Steph to find fault with her and when the boy refuses there is a scuffle,ending in Philip being injured. When Ruby gets the truth as to what happened out of him and tells Rachel Rachel reinstates both Steph and Jo,leading to Max losing it and vandalising her office. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 0

Nicknamed Hopeless Hopewell for her ineptitude as a teacher Helen faces an official inspection,which she passes with flying colours - but only because she has bribed Amy to keep the class under control. When Helen refuses to give in to further blackmail demands Amy tells Rachel. Max tells Helen he only employed her because they were having an affair and now wants her out. Chris refuses to back Max but Helen decides it best for her to go,though,unbeknown to Max,she leaves Rachel a compromising film of them together. KIm,unaware of this,is taken in when Max says he is getting a divorce to be with her. Lindsay starts to settle down and Siobhan and Luke are reconciled. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.4

Rachel and Max must bury their differences and put on a united front as the school's open day comes round. Ruby attempts to upgrade the school canteen by putting expensive items on the menu,paid for by her husband John's credit card. However she is appalled to find he has gone bankrupt,thus curtailing her elegant life style. Rachel is annoyed to walk in on Kim and Max sharing an intimate moment and at the open day plans to tell school governor Jen. However she is informed that Jen is Max's wife. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 6.7

Kim and Max share a night of passion which they must keep secret from Rachel. Lindsay,angry that her mother is not bailed for killing the father she hated,goes off the rails,attacking Karla,who has befriended Emily. Tom is brought down to earth when he meets Georgia,who confirms his paternity of Josh. Danielle and Aleesha get drunk and Steph hides Danielle in a cupboard during an assessment,rather than report her. Later Danielle is rushed to hospital after drinking bootleg hooch made by Bolton and Paul from ethanol. She survives but Jo tells Steph that she is the pupils' teacher,not their friend and must retrain in order to learn more responsibility. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.0

The animosity between the new colleagues continues. Grantly clashes with Ruby whilst Jo continues to criticise Steph and Rachel is unhappy that Max makes decisions without consulting her. New girl Amy has the hots for Bolton and is jealous that he is dating Michaela so gets her revenge when he slights her by claiming he raped her. Rachel is annoyed that Max immediately believes Amy without hearing Bolton out but Kim unearths the truth and is praised by Max. Lindsay and Emily James react differently when Rachel takes them to their father's funeral. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 6.9

Steph returns with Grace from a supposed bout of shingles and instantly clashes with pupil Tasha Lefton,whom she accuses of cheating. Tasha also does some part-time model work and impresses Janeece,alienating her from her friend Danielle.Rachel believes Steph is picking on Tasha but Steph finds out that the girl is actually a diabetic and her poor eye-sight is caused by her unwillingness to take her insulin as it will cause her to put on weight. Rachel is impressed by Steph's concern for her and her efforts to persuade her to take her insulin and the discovery of her situation reconciles Janeece with Danielle. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.4

Jem Allen,a glamorous supply teacher,arrives and promises Matt that she will make sure her friend at the BBC comes to do a feature on the choir he has formed. However nobody turns up and when Matt rings to complain he is told nobody has heard of her. Jem then takes the staff to her palatial house where Grantly suffers a heart attack in the swimming pool and is rushed to hospital - but the house is not hers,she is a fantasist and Rachel sacks her. Donte is horrified when Chlo says she wants to give their child up so that she can go to university whilst Philip's persistence drives Flick back towards Marley,who is working at a cafe to repay the money. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.2

Tom asks his friend Andy,an army officer,to coach the girls' football team though his efforts are sabotaged by the feud between Janeece and Michaela. To imbue a team spirit he suggests the girls take on the staff at an assault course but Michaela sabotages this,later confessing that she dislikes the army after her soldier brother's experiences in Iraq. Davina is annoyed that Tom has given two thousand pounds of their money to Rose to repay Ralph and walks out on him but Philip is increasingly smitten by Flick,who,in the cold light of day,is regretting her actions. Although Grace is with Steph an immigration officer visits Kim and is unconvinced by her tale of innocence. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.1

With Rachel on a course Eddie is acting head and has his hands full when a community of travellers arrive,seeking to enrol their children in the school. There is instant mistrust of the new-comers with accusations of theft - including the lead from the roof. Eddie decides to try and reconcile matters with a football match but things get worse - the Waterloo Road kids are far superior to the travellers,who resort to dirty tricks. Eventually the council moves the travellers on,though Eddie is rueful as one of them,Kyle,seemed to have promise. Flick discovers her father's bribe and Marley's mother,dinner lady Rose,vows she will make up the money so the youngsters are free to see each other. Unfortunately she fails and hits the bottle again. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 6.9

As a new term starts Kim returns from Rwanda minus Andrew but with baby daughter Grace,whose paternity she is keeping to herself. She is dismayed to find that Chlo is considering leaving school to become a hair-dresser and,to Donte's displeasure,persuades her to stay on and take A levels. Flick is confused when she learns that Marley has somehow got together enough money for his family to move but he maintains the pretence of being aloof with her. A careers day brings former pupil and glamour model Sarah-Leanne to the school,who tells Kim she left school because she was pregnant but has done well for herself anyway. Eddie offers to help Rachel take care of Philip in Melissa's absence,saying that he did not love Melissa but was just tired of being on his own. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.4

The school is in shock over Maxine's death. As the gun was originally thought to have belonged to Denzil,he is blamed but Paul, who saw Earl when he first brought the gun to school,tells Rachel the truth. Rachel and Steph both feel responsible with Rachel considering resigning though she stays on. Donte and Chlo,who is pregnant,decide to get back together and renew their marriage vows whilst Eddie whisks Melissa off for a beach wedding in Barbados. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 6.8

Rose is getting her children back and the school passes an inspection,despite a confrontation between Tom and Rob,who is now dating Jasmine. Rachel tells Melissa she should inform Eddie of her situation and,whilst Melissa claims she is waiting for her divorce,Philip tells his aunt that Melissa is still married to her first husband,as well as his father. Speth is worried when Earl tries to convince Maxine they should settle down,especially when a girl appears to say that she has a baby by Earl which he is hoping to sell. Things escalate when Maxine and Earl argue and Earl's loaded gun goes off,killing Maxine. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 6.9

Steph reconciles Grantly and his wife before agreeing to a date with Dave. Following a visit to a falconry display Earl Kelly vehemently denies killing birds and leaving them on Tom's step but his sensible,older brother Marley tells Tom that he is lying. The war of attrition steps up between teacher and crazy pupil as Tom finds Earl vandalizing his car one night. Maxine,however,develops a crush on Marley,which unsettles Steph. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.7
87 min

Having survived the fire Rachel starts a new term having to 'welcome' the troublesome Kelly siblings. 15-year old Earl is a borderline psychopath who brings a loaded gun to school and prowls the corridors with slower,younger brother Denzil. When Rachel hears about the gun she evacuates the school and calls the police. Earl has given Denzil the gun and he is the one who gets arrested. Two new staff members arrive - handsome P.E. teacher Rob Cleaver and Melissa Ryan,who,unbeknown to everybody else,is Rachel's sister. Davina and Tom find themselves unable to leave work behind when they find the Kellys are their new neighbours. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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