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HD Frasier




IMDb: 8.1
23 min

Frasier and Niles' long time competitiveness is reawakened at a silence auction where the two spend eight thousand dollars for a lunch with three Nobel Prize winners. Determined to find the root of the fierce competition, the two remember an old IQ test they took to which they never found out the results. The brothers dig through their childhood papers and find the IQ test. Now the only question is which one of them has the higher points? Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Cheers




IMDb: 7.6

Cliff is downing prescription pills to relieve a work stress-related skin condition. He is, however, taking more than the prescribed dosage. Cliff finds out a side effect of massive dosage, a fact the gang at the bar won't let him forget. Meanwhile, Lilith has written a new book, Good Girls/Bad Boys, the book's premise being that women are initially attracted to what she deems bad boys. However, as women get over that need, they will seek out stable good boys. Lilith is promoting the book on a local women's afternoon talk show. Frasier, not wanting to be the only man in the audience, talks Sam into going with him. At the show, Lilith wants the discussion to be on the scientific merits of her research, whereas Brenda Balzac, the host, is more interested in the salacious aspects of the book's title. In the audience, she sees both Frasier and Sam, who she deems to be the typical good boy and bad boy as portrayed in Lilith's book. An outcome of the show is that Frasier wants to become a ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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IMDb: 7.1
24 min

He is the love call of evolution, he is sex and life and appetite...or so Hawkeye likes to think. The Swedish delegation sends Dr. Inga Halvorsen (Mariette Hartley) to the 4077 and Hawkeye immediately tries to hit on her; Inga wants to talk medicine. The next day in OR, Inga shows Hawkeye a new procedure to preserve mobility in the hip. Hawkeye is miffed when Inga is the main attraction. Margaret dresses him down, claiming Hawkeye cannot relate to strong, capable women as people but only sex objects. Her manner and words belie all of the feelings she has for Hawkeye. Chuckles insists Hawkeye is upset at the thought of learning from a woman, but when Inga corrects Chuckles in Post Op, Chuckles flies into a rage. When Inga is the one to initiate sex with Hawkeye, he is off put and says something insulting. BJ talks about his marriage with Peg as a partnership and even Col. Potter tries to help Hawkeye find cohesion in his thought process. Why do men make it so hard to be who we are? ... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.5
24 min

Captain Tom Greenleigh (Greg Mullavey), a reporter from Stars and Stripes visits the 4077 to report the second first-ever open heart surgery. (Hawkeye did the first one in OR, Season 3, Episode 5.) Margaret is irate because Donald has their joint assets frozen. Klinger wants Greenleigh to film him depicting Scarlett O'Hara and Rosa Moline. Major Ego acts like a total ass. Greenleigh has major hots for Margaret; she blocks each of his approaches, saying she hates men. In post-op, Hawkeye finds Major Ego's open heart patient in a bad way and tries to alert him, but Chuckles accuses Hawkeye of jealousy. As the real doctor prepares to save the patient, Major Ego goes from scoffing disbelief to hand wringing. Margaret slams martinis at the Officers' Club with Honey-cutt tending bar. Greenleigh finally picks the right time, place and words to get through to Hotlips. The next morning, Margaret is singing... but Major Ego's hands are still wringing. Will he allow Capt. Greenleigh to ... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.6

Margaret travels the longest road in the quest to become a regular human being and not just Major Houlihan. It happens so gradually, it can be missed by those not paying constant attention. One day, the Major jumps on Nurse Bell for two petty infractions in OR. BJ and Col. Potter tell Margaret to ease up, but Hawkeye knows something is wrong. He forces the issue: he tells Margaret she is too good to nitpick her nurses. So Margaret confides that she thinks she may be pregnant. Hawkeye sees this as a small miracle but Margaret knows it would be the end of her career. BJ wrestles with his patient, ex-ROTC man, Lt. Tom Martinson, who is frustrated at losing 35 of his men due to what he considers his inept leadership. Klinger has a photo angle to get out of the Army. Both Margaret and Hawkeye talk to Col. Potter to arrange her special test. Tokyo would take too long, so the trio asks Radar to sacrifice Fluffy, Radar's female rabbit. But Radar will not consent to sacrifice Fluffy; he ... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.8
25 min

Radar has a 4-day pass and Klinger is the temporary company clerk. Frank is very particularly cranky; he infuriates Potter when he calls Potter old. Korean Army Hospital 426 needs two surgeons and supplies. Frank shoots off his big mouth again when he laughs at the idea of Col. Potter volunteering. A deck of playing cards decides the matter: Hawkeye and Potter pull the low cards, so they are going to the 426. Potter is adamant Hawkeye shall carry his sidearm; BJ fills it with water and brings it to the departing jeep. The 426 is in enemy territory and primitive; Major Choi, (Mako) is the ranking surgeon. Dr. Choi says they do the best they can with the available facilities. The work and hours are grueling; finally, Choi sends the doctors on their way, very grateful for the excellent work... and that they did not bring Ferret Face! On the ride home, Potter and Pierce find Klinger obligingly packed them a bottle. The doctors take on sniper fire and their jeep is they hit ... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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