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HD Little Witch Academia

Little Witch Academia


Little Witch Academia

IMDb: 9.0

Akko comes to Ursula late at night to ask her about Chariot's disappearance, but doesn't get much help from her. Meanwhile, Diana looks into the history behind an old witch who was sealed centuries ago. Recalling a legend about an all-knowing spirit who only appears on the night of a blue moon, Akko takes the Shiny Rod with her to a place known as the Blue Moon Abyss. Reaching the center of the abyss, Akko confronts the spirit, who offers to grant her dream of being a great magician like Chariot in exchange for her past memories. Refusing to erase the past efforts she has made and determined to see her dream come true through her own strength, Akko awakens a new power in the Shiny Rod to force the spirit away. After Akko passes out, Ursula, who is revealed to be Chariot herself, speaks with the spirit's true form, Woodward, about the role Akko will play in restoring magic to the world.

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HD Little Witch Academia

Little Witch Academia


Little Witch Academia

IMDb: 8.7

Hearing about a party at Andrew's mansion that Diana is attending, Akko, Lotte and Sucy don magical Cinderella dresses and sneak into the party. Just as Andrew notices them and prepares to send them out, Sucy, ever in the mood for a little mischief, sets loose a LoveLove Bee that causes whoever it stings to fall in love with the first person they see. While searching for the bee in order to stop the spell, Akko overhears a conversation between Andrew and his father, who wants him to quit the piano and chase all witches out of the country. After receiving encouragement from Akko to keep chasing his dreams, Andrew uses his piano playing to distract the other guests so that Akko can finally swat the bee, undoing its magic.

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HD Little Witch Academia

Little Witch Academia


Little Witch Academia

IMDb: 8.7

Hearing about a party at Andrew's mansion that Diana is attending, Akko, Lotte and Sucy don magical Cinderella dresses and sneak into the party. Just as Andrew notices them and prepares to send them out, Sucy, ever in the mood for a little mischief, sets loose a LoveLove Bee that causes whoever it stings to fall in love with the first person they see. While searching for the bee in order to stop the spell, Akko overhears a conversation between Andrew and his father, who wants him to quit the piano and chase all witches out of the country. After receiving encouragement from Akko to keep chasing his dreams, Andrew uses his piano playing to distract the other guests so that Akko can finally swat the bee, undoing its magic.

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HD Little Witch Academia

Little Witch Academia


Little Witch Academia

IMDb: 7.2

While trying to fix some tombstones that she knocked over while at a graveyard, Akko accidentally mixes a repair spell she was using with one of Sucy's mushrooms, which ends up bringing a deceased soldier back from the dead. The girls find themselves chasing the soldier across town as he seeks revenge on a coward despite having no memory of who he is. After visiting the magical cafe, they discover the coward the soldier is searching for was a bellringer who allegedly broke a promise to his witch daughter, Miranda Holbrooke. Upon visiting the town's bell, which is missing its chime, the soldier remembers that he is in fact the bellringer, who gave Miranda a staff made from the bell's tongue before he died. Realising that the Miranda in question is actually Luna Nova's principal, Akko uses the repair spell on the bell to rush everyone back to Luna Nova and reunite Miranda with her father, allowing them to spend some time together before the resurrection spell wears off and the soldier ...

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HD Little Witch Academia

Little Witch Academia


Little Witch Academia

IMDb: 7.2

While trying to fix some tombstones that she knocked over while at a graveyard, Akko accidentally mixes a repair spell she was using with one of Sucy's mushrooms, which ends up bringing a deceased soldier back from the dead. The girls find themselves chasing the soldier across town as he seeks revenge on a coward despite having no memory of who he is. After visiting the magical cafe, they discover the coward the soldier is searching for was a bellringer who allegedly broke a promise to his witch daughter, Miranda Holbrooke. Upon visiting the town's bell, which is missing its chime, the soldier remembers that he is in fact the bellringer, who gave Miranda a staff made from the bell's tongue before he died. Realising that the Miranda in question is actually Luna Nova's principal, Akko uses the repair spell on the bell to rush everyone back to Luna Nova and reunite Miranda with her father, allowing them to spend some time together before the resurrection spell wears off and the soldier ...

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HD Little Witch Academia

Little Witch Academia


Little Witch Academia

IMDb: 8.8

After drinking her own ominous energy drink formula, Sucy winds up in a deep sleep with mushrooms growing around her body. Unable to ask for a teacher's help out of fear of expulsion, Akko has Lotte send her into Sucy's dreams so she can find out how to cure her. Enlisting the help of small angel and devil versions of Sucy, Akko encounters several different personality aspects of Sucy in her search for the original, only to get caught up in a judicial purge of Sucy's unneeded emotions. After stopping the execution, Akko rescues a smaller kind-looking Sucy and soon comes across a drive-in cinema showcasing Sucy's memories. Just then, the Sucys that Akko rescued merge together into a bloodythirsty monster that threatens to overtake Sucy's original personality. After rushing to find the original and attempting to wake her up by feeding her antidotes via mouth-to-mouth, Akko wakes up from what was apparently her own dream.

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HD Little Witch Academia

Little Witch Academia


Little Witch Academia

IMDb: 8.8

After drinking her own ominous energy drink formula, Sucy winds up in a deep sleep with mushrooms growing around her body. Unable to ask for a teacher's help out of fear of expulsion, Akko has Lotte send her into Sucy's dreams so she can find out how to cure her. Enlisting the help of small angel and devil versions of Sucy, Akko encounters several different personality aspects of Sucy in her search for the original, only to get caught up in a judicial purge of Sucy's unneeded emotions. After stopping the execution, Akko rescues a smaller kind-looking Sucy and soon comes across a drive-in cinema showcasing Sucy's memories. Just then, the Sucys that Akko rescued merge together into a bloodythirsty monster that threatens to overtake Sucy's original personality. After rushing to find the original and attempting to wake her up by feeding her antidotes via mouth-to-mouth, Akko wakes up from what was apparently her own dream.

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HD Little Witch Academia

Little Witch Academia


Little Witch Academia

IMDb: 8.7

Akko studies hard for her exams, but still struggles to get decent grades despite Ursula's tutorage. After getting into a fight with Hannah and Barbara, Akko is threatened with expulsion from Luna Nova should she fail her final exam, which requires an understanding of fish language. While attempting to bribe the fish philosophy teacher, Pisces, Akko accidentally drops her down a drain into the school's sewage system. Transforming into a merman to search for her, Akko comes across a sad fish and chooses to use her emergency magic reserve to free its family and Professor Pisces from a poacher's trap. When Akko is once again faced with expulsion for her actions, Pisces gives her an A in her exam (the theme of which was Altruism and Magic) for helping the fish family, while Ursula vouches that, despite the gap between her and her classmates, Akko's magic has improved considerably since her enrollment. After the fish Akko rescued are revealed to be an endangered species, her expulsion is...

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HD Little Witch Academia

Little Witch Academia


Little Witch Academia

IMDb: 8.7

Akko studies hard for her exams, but still struggles to get decent grades despite Ursula's tutorage. After getting into a fight with Hannah and Barbara, Akko is threatened with expulsion from Luna Nova should she fail her final exam, which requires an understanding of fish language. While attempting to bribe the fish philosophy teacher, Pisces, Akko accidentally drops her down a drain into the school's sewage system. Transforming into a merman to search for her, Akko comes across a sad fish and chooses to use her emergency magic reserve to free its family and Professor Pisces from a poacher's trap. When Akko is once again faced with expulsion for her actions, Pisces gives her an A in her exam (the theme of which was Altruism and Magic) for helping the fish family, while Ursula vouches that, despite the gap between her and her classmates, Akko's magic has improved considerably since her enrollment. After the fish Akko rescued are revealed to be an endangered species, her expulsion is...

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HD Little Witch Academia

Little Witch Academia


Little Witch Academia

IMDb: 8.7

Luna Nova hosts a welcoming party for the Earl of Hanbridge and his son, Andrew, who is an old acquaintance of Diana's. Meanwhile, as Akko is stuck having to practice her metamorphosis magic after giving herself animal ears, she decides to go and search for the Fountain of Polaris, which she believes can grant her great power. During her search, Akko comes across Andrew, who expresses a strong disinterest in magic, and she inadvertently gives him animal ears and a tail. Arriving at the location of the fountain, Akko and Andrew are chased by and (with the unseen aid of Ursula) evade its guardian, a giant polar bear named Arcas. Upon approaching the fountain, Akko is shown a vision of a young Chariot, who was unable to receive the fountain's power until she proved herself to be a capable witch through her own effort. Helping Akko to realize that acknowledgement is something that must be earned, Ursula encourages Akko to become stronger and restores Andrew, who promises to keep their ...

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HD Little Witch Academia

Little Witch Academia


Little Witch Academia

IMDb: 8.7

Luna Nova hosts a welcoming party for the Earl of Hanbridge and his son, Andrew, who is an old acquaintance of Diana's. Meanwhile, as Akko is stuck having to practice her metamorphosis magic after giving herself animal ears, she decides to go and search for the Fountain of Polaris, which she believes can grant her great power. During her search, Akko comes across Andrew, who expresses a strong disinterest in magic, and she inadvertently gives him animal ears and a tail. Arriving at the location of the fountain, Akko and Andrew are chased by and (with the unseen aid of Ursula) evade its guardian, a giant polar bear named Arcas. Upon approaching the fountain, Akko is shown a vision of a young Chariot, who was unable to receive the fountain's power until she proved herself to be a capable witch through her own effort. Helping Akko to realize that acknowledgement is something that must be earned, Ursula encourages Akko to become stronger and restores Andrew, who promises to keep their ...

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HD Little Witch Academia

Little Witch Academia


Little Witch Academia

IMDb: 7.1

While being forced to clean the academy's tower following an argument in class, Akko and Amanda witness a horde of dragons carrying off the Sorcerer's Stone, leaving Luna Nova without any magical power. Strangely, the academy staff does not react to this theft, instead accidentally revealing that this is part of an anticipated prophecy involving a dragon. After hearing a legend about a white dragon who resides in the nearby Ruins of Rastaban, Akko, Amanda, and their friends head there to retrieve the stone themselves. There, they discover the culprit to be a loan shark dragon named Fafnir, who has repossessed the Sorcerer's Stone from Luna Nova after their failure to keep up repayments on a loan he gave them. Luckily, Diana is able to decipher Fafnir's promissory note, written in dragon language, revealing that it does not actually mention paying back interest, meaning Fafnir has been tricking the school into paying back more than they actually owed. Caught in his deception, Fafnir is...

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HD Little Witch Academia

Little Witch Academia


Little Witch Academia

IMDb: 7.1

While being forced to clean the academy's tower following an argument in class, Akko and Amanda witness a horde of dragons carrying off the Sorcerer's Stone, leaving Luna Nova without any magical power. Strangely, the academy staff does not react to this theft, instead accidentally revealing that this is part of an anticipated prophecy involving a dragon. After hearing a legend about a white dragon who resides in the nearby Ruins of Rastaban, Akko, Amanda, and their friends head there to retrieve the stone themselves. There, they discover the culprit to be a loan shark dragon named Fafnir, who has repossessed the Sorcerer's Stone from Luna Nova after their failure to keep up repayments on a loan he gave them. Luckily, Diana is able to decipher Fafnir's promissory note, written in dragon language, revealing that it does not actually mention paying back interest, meaning Fafnir has been tricking the school into paying back more than they actually owed. Caught in his deception, Fafnir is...

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HD Little Witch Academia

Little Witch Academia


Little Witch Academia

IMDb: 8.6

As Akko and the others are given punishments for stealing food during the night, prohibiting them from leaving school grounds, Lotte becomes depressed as it leaves her unable to go to the city to attend the release of the latest volume in her favorite book series, Night Fall. Hearing Lotte's passion for the series and desire to meet the author, Annabel Crème, Akko and Sucy manage to sneak her aboard a food delivery truck into the city. During an event in which Annabel makes her first public appearance, Lotte takes part in a quiz and manages to win Annabel's fountain pen. It is at this point that Annabel, allegedly the twelfth author in the series to use the penname, declares that Lotte will be the next author to write Night Fall and disappears. Feeling that she would rather support what Annabel does rather than become her, Lotte consults the faerie residing in the fountain pen and soon finds Annabel, who has been doubting her literary abilities due to trolling comments. Reminding ...

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HD Little Witch Academia

Little Witch Academia


Little Witch Academia

IMDb: 8.6

As Akko and the others are given punishments for stealing food during the night, prohibiting them from leaving school grounds, Lotte becomes depressed as it leaves her unable to go to the city to attend the release of the latest volume in her favorite book series, Night Fall. Hearing Lotte's passion for the series and desire to meet the author, Annabel Crème, Akko and Sucy manage to sneak her aboard a food delivery truck into the city. During an event in which Annabel makes her first public appearance, Lotte takes part in a quiz and manages to win Annabel's fountain pen. It is at this point that Annabel, allegedly the twelfth author in the series to use the penname, declares that Lotte will be the next author to write Night Fall and disappears. Feeling that she would rather support what Annabel does rather than become her, Lotte consults the faerie residing in the fountain pen and soon finds Annabel, who has been doubting her literary abilities due to trolling comments. Reminding ...

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HD Little Witch Academia

Little Witch Academia


Little Witch Academia

IMDb: 8.6

Despite struggling to fly a broom properly, Akko becomes eager to enter the school's traditional broom relay event after learning Chariot was one of the winners. Later, Akko goes with Lotte to a magic item cafe where they come across a legendary broom known as the Shooting Star that has been sealed off for being too temperamental. Interested in the relay's prize offerings, Lotte and Sucy decide to help train Akko to ride her broom. On the day of the relay, Sucy uses her concoctions to give her team an early start and Akko an alternate means of using her broom. Meanwhile, Amanda O'Neill steals the Shooting Star to use for herself, only for it to break loose and run wild, soon running into Akko. After being dragged around the world and shaken off, Akko manages to take hold of the Shooting Star and catch up to Diana, only to fall off again when it breaks its seal and flies away, leading her team to finish in second place.

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HD Little Witch Academia

Little Witch Academia


Little Witch Academia

IMDb: 8.6

Despite struggling to fly a broom properly, Akko becomes eager to enter the school's traditional broom relay event after learning Chariot was one of the winners. Later, Akko goes with Lotte to a magic item cafe where they come across a legendary broom known as the Shooting Star that has been sealed off for being too temperamental. Interested in the relay's prize offerings, Lotte and Sucy decide to help train Akko to ride her broom. On the day of the relay, Sucy uses her concoctions to give her team an early start and Akko an alternate means of using her broom. Meanwhile, Amanda O'Neill steals the Shooting Star to use for herself, only for it to break loose and run wild, soon running into Akko. After being dragged around the world and shaken off, Akko manages to take hold of the Shooting Star and catch up to Diana, only to fall off again when it breaks its seal and flies away, leading her team to finish in second place.

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HD Little Witch Academia

Little Witch Academia


Little Witch Academia

IMDb: 8.6

Akko begins her first day of lessons at Luna Nova, but the classes do not turn out to be as glamorous as she thought they would be. In addition, she has her first clash with the school's top student, Diana Cavendish, over their diverging views towards Shiny Chariot. While Akko later ponders over Chariot's unexplained disappearance ten years ago, Diana attempts to revive the academy's Jennifer Memorial Tree, which has been declining due to lack of nutrients, but instead her restoration spell reveals apparently parasitic growths feeding off its roots. From the Shiny Chariot trading cards she had collected in her childhood, Akko recognizes these growths as the chrysalises of the Pappiliodya, an extremely rare species of magical butterflies, and manages to stop Diana before she can obliterate the cocoons. Using a spell listed in her trading card and some pronunciation help from Diana, Akko manages to use the Shiny Rod to successfully hatch the Pappiliodya, although the teachers assume ...

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HD Little Witch Academia

Little Witch Academia


Little Witch Academia

IMDb: 8.6

Akko begins her first day of lessons at Luna Nova, but the classes do not turn out to be as glamorous as she thought they would be. In addition, she has her first clash with the school's top student, Diana Cavendish, over their diverging views towards Shiny Chariot. While Akko later ponders over Chariot's unexplained disappearance ten years ago, Diana attempts to revive the academy's Jennifer Memorial Tree, which has been declining due to lack of nutrients, but instead her restoration spell reveals apparently parasitic growths feeding off its roots. From the Shiny Chariot trading cards she had collected in her childhood, Akko recognizes these growths as the chrysalises of the Pappiliodya, an extremely rare species of magical butterflies, and manages to stop Diana before she can obliterate the cocoons. Using a spell listed in her trading card and some pronunciation help from Diana, Akko manages to use the Shiny Rod to successfully hatch the Pappiliodya, although the teachers assume ...

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HD Little Witch Academia

Little Witch Academia


Little Witch Academia

IMDb: 8.3
24 min

Having been inspired by the illusory magic of the performing witch, Shiny Chariot, Atsuko Akko Kagari decides to enrol at Luna Nova Magical Academy, where Shiny Chariot studied. On her way to the school, she gets teased by the other students, who mock her non-magical bloodline. Unable to fly on a broom through a leyline leading to Luna Nova, Akko manages to get a lift from another new student, Lotte Yanson. However, because of some salty pickled plums Akko was carrying, she and Lotte, along with another witch named Sucy Manbavaran, end up falling out of the leyline into the forbidden Arcturus Forest. Put in a tough situation after Sucy lures out a giant poisonous rooster, Akko comes across Shiny Chariot's wand, the Shiny Rod, before leading the rooster into a trap so they can all escape. As the rooster continues to pursue the girls, one of Luna Nova's teachers, Ursula, gives Akko the magic words needed to use the Shiny Rod, allowing the girls to escape through a portal leading ...

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HD Little Witch Academia

Little Witch Academia


Little Witch Academia

IMDb: 8.3
24 min

Having been inspired by the illusory magic of the performing witch, Shiny Chariot, Atsuko Akko Kagari decides to enrol at Luna Nova Magical Academy, where Shiny Chariot studied. On her way to the school, she gets teased by the other students, who mock her non-magical bloodline. Unable to fly on a broom through a leyline leading to Luna Nova, Akko manages to get a lift from another new student, Lotte Yanson. However, because of some salty pickled plums Akko was carrying, she and Lotte, along with another witch named Sucy Manbavaran, end up falling out of the leyline into the forbidden Arcturus Forest. Put in a tough situation after Sucy lures out a giant poisonous rooster, Akko comes across Shiny Chariot's wand, the Shiny Rod, before leading the rooster into a trap so they can all escape. As the rooster continues to pursue the girls, one of Luna Nova's teachers, Ursula, gives Akko the magic words needed to use the Shiny Rod, allowing the girls to escape through a portal leading ...

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HD Will & Grace

Will & Grace


Will & Grace

IMDb: 7.2
21 min

Jack meets an old student from his acting class, whom tells him about his successor Wendell. When Jack meets Wendell, he realizes that Wendell teaches the McFarland method which he stole from Jack. Jack wants to take the class over, but Wendell doesn't let him do so. After having an accident at the Jeans store, Grace is worried about dying one day. Grace decides to make a will and wants to leave some money to Will. When she confronts him about how much money he leaves to her, he doesn't want to tell. So, Grace asks Will's mother Marilyn, who is the only one who knows about it. Written by Anonymous

Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Under the Dome

Under the Dome


Under the Dome

IMDb: 6.7
43 min

An invisible and mysterious force field descends upon a small actual town of Chester's Mill, Maine, USA, trapping residents inside, cut off from the rest of civilization. The trapped townspeople must discover the secrets and purpose of the dome or sphere and its origins, while coming to learn more than they ever knew about each other and animals too.

Country: USA
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HD Battle of the Network Stars

Battle of the Network Stars


Battle of the Network Stars

IMDb: 8.6

Celebrity contestants include Danny Bonaduce, Barry Williams, Beverley Mitchell, Willie Aames, Charlene Tilton, Thomas Calabro, Taye Diggs, Rachelle Lefevre, Deirdre Hall and Benjamin Hollingsworth; team captains are DeMarcus Ware and Ronda Rousey.

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HD Greenleaf




IMDb: 0
43 min

Grace and Mac's showdown sends shock waves through the family; Jacob offers the Bishop an olive branch; and Kevin makes a decision that leaves Charity reeling.

Genre: Drama,
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HD Shadowhunters




IMDb: 9.7

With two of the three Mortal Instruments missing, everyone is on the hunt for the last one - The Mortal Mirror. Clary and Jace are on the hunt to recover it first before it can fall into enemy hands. But along the way, Clary realizes that her brother Jonathan may be closer than she thought. Meanwhile, Isabelle has a hard time accepting the fact that her little brother Max is growing up, and Maia struggles to bring her guard down with Simon. Written by Gracynn

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HD Friends with Benefits

Friends with Benefits


Friends with Benefits

IMDb: 6.9
22 min

From Oscar and Emmy winner Brian Grazer comes a new NBC half hour comedy series that follows a group of twenty-something singles as they navigate the difficult, sometimes rewarding, yet often confusing world of dating.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Boston Legal

Boston Legal


Boston Legal

IMDb: 7.4
48 min

Alan and Denny take a vacation to a dude ranch, where Alan's reserved demeanor and Denny's footloose attitude seem to cause nothing but trouble. Jerry's wishes to become a partner are jeopardized when he shows up in a Halloween costume a week before the 31st, while Shirley answers a page for Alan from Catherine Piper, who's in jail and ordered to stand trial for the attempted murder of a local physician. Written by Moviedude1

Genre: Comedy, Crime, Drama,
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HD Boston Legal

Boston Legal


Boston Legal

IMDb: 7.9
51 min

While the firm takes on legalization of prostitution and accepting female priests into the Catholic church, Denny Crane contemplates an offer to seek the Republican nomination for president.

Genre: Comedy, Crime, Drama,
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HD Boston Legal

Boston Legal


Boston Legal

IMDb: 8.6
51 min

Alan leaps at the opportunity to present an appeal to the Supreme Court in the case of a mentally challenged man sentenced to death for the sexual assault of a young girl.

Genre: Comedy, Crime, Drama,
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HD Boston Legal

Boston Legal


Boston Legal

IMDb: 8.4
52 min

Shirley pursues a court order to euthanize her father, who is in the advanced stages of Alzheimer's Disease. The residents of Nantucket petition for the right to have a nuclear weapon, and Jerry is sued by a sexy female companion.

Genre: Comedy, Crime, Drama,
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HD Rules of Engagement

Rules of Engagement


Rules of Engagement

IMDb: 7.4
30 min

Audrey bets Jeff that he can't get a phone number from a younger girl, and gives him a night without his wedding ring to try it.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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