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IMDb: 7.3

Budgie wakes up bodily in hospital in New Zealand whilst Kyle watches the wedding preparations go ahead and tries to persuade Aumea to escape with him. He also sees Dries' ghost and is able to lead Lara to the grave, telling her he knows who she is. As a result Maui is arrested for smuggling and his part in Dries' murder. Budgie returns to the island with evidence to connect Koringo to the bikers but is hauled in for the pearl smuggling. Elsewhere Aumea suddenly starts to see that Kyle's predictions may be accurate but is persuaded by Koringo to destroy her red wedding dress to stop them coming true. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Mystery, Sci-Fi,
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HD Tatau




IMDb: 7.0

As her wedding tattoo is prepared Aumea confronts Maui about the theft, unaware that he is planning to blame everything on Dries, whom he has murdered. Kyle interrupts Calcott's sermon with an apology for his past actions, to a mixed reception after which Tyler tells him about Calcott's belief about the new resurrection and they search in vain to find his diary. The invisible shade of Budgie discovers that Lara is an undercover cop as well as eavesdropping on Aumea's family as they discuss Kyle's fate. Kyle is challenged to an endurance race with Koringo, which he wins, thanks to advice from the ghostly chief. At the same time the real Budgie wakes up in hospital, rendering the spirit version unable to help Kyle as he once more faces danger. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Mystery, Sci-Fi,
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HD Tatau




IMDb: 7.1
60 min

Young Kyle Connor has himself tattooed with his own original design before he and wheeler-dealer friend Budgie head off for a working holiday in the Cook Islands. Here Kyle persuades a reluctant Budgie to join him in drinking a forbidden local brew avatavi, provided by barman Dries, who warns them of the ghostly white lady of Manutaki. The drink causes Kyle to hallucinate, seeing a woman in a red dress who seems scared by his tattoo and runs away. Next day whilst swimming Kyle sees the same woman's drowned body but when the police look it has gone. Later he sees a photo of her in an old Maori's hut and learns from Maui Vaipiti and his girlfriend Lara that she is his sister Aumea, who is alive and well. Indeed Aumea does turn up - minus the tattoo she had in his vision - but Kyle is convinced that he has had a premonition and she will die unless he prevents it. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Mystery, Sci-Fi,
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