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HD Six Feet Under

Six Feet Under


Six Feet Under

IMDb: 8.1
52 min (DVD)

The insecure Andrea Kuhn is encouraged by her psychiatrist to disclose her true feeling to her family, and when she is happy being herself, her husband accidentally kills her after an argument. Ruth recalls how stress triggered a depressive psychosis in George and his treatment with electroshock. Brenda has a miscarriage in the eve of her wedding day. Billy invites Claire to move to his place. David and Keith are discussing the alternative for their baby, adoption or to rent a belly. Rico misses a steady relationship while dating women from an Internet site. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Six Feet Under

Six Feet Under


Six Feet Under

IMDb: 8.5
58 min (DVD)

George's infatuation with impending disaster is causing him nightmares. His daughter Maggie joins him and Ruth for dinner and she has a lot of stories about her dad. Later, Ruth is quite concerned when she finds George talking by himself to an imaginary person. Claire's showing of her work is a huge success but she ignores her friends in the process. Nate is stressing over Barb's threat to take Maya away from him. He learns more about the circumstances of Lisa's death, leading to another tragedy. David hopes that if he faces his attacker, who is now in prison, he will feel liberated. It doesn't quite work out that way. Keith gets an interesting offer from Roger, who had promised to drop his lawsuit against Dave in return for sex. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Six Feet Under

Six Feet Under


Six Feet Under

IMDb: 7.9
48 min (DVD)

Brenda feels the clock is ticking and wants to have a baby sooner rather than later. Nate wants to think about it for a while. A lunch with her mother Margaret doesn't go particularly well - Margaret is rushed to the hospital. The event does give Brenda and Billy a chance to see each other again. George feels they should be preparing for whatever catastrophe may befall mankind. Ruth tells him of the old bomb shelter and he thinks it's just perfect. Claire's latest project gets raves from Billy and several of her classmates but she reacts badly when Russell claims to have originated the concept with her. She's thrilled though when she gets the opportunity display some of her work at a show. David learns that the man whose ear he's bitten is suing him for $500,000. There's one way he can get out of it but it involves Keith. At the funeral home, Rico and Nate deal with a particularly tragic case when four members of the Gorodetsky family - parents and two children - are killed in a car ... Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Six Feet Under

Six Feet Under


Six Feet Under

IMDb: 7.6
48 min (DVD)

Nate dreads having to go to Idaho to visit Lisa's family and attend a service they have arranged. He and Brenda have reconciled and she convinces him that going is the right thing to do. He asks her come along. The visit goes well but after Nate returns to LA, the local funeral director tells Lisa's parents he doesn't think the ashes they interred were in fact Lisa's. David and Keith attend a friend's wedding and decide they want to adopt a child, though David seems to think it's more pressing. Ruth returns home and tells George what it will take for them to continue as a married couple. She invites George's son Kyle and her friend, who are now a couple, to dinner. Claire has a final confrontation with Edie and seems to be getting friendlier with Billy. Rico is happy to have spent some time at home with the kids but is quickly dismayed when he realizes that Vanessa has asked an old high school friend to visit her. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Six Feet Under

Six Feet Under


Six Feet Under

IMDb: 7.6
54 min (DVD)

Having agreed over the phone not to have sex with others, Keith on his return tells David of having slept with Celeste. Still stressed from his attack, David now worries that Keith will develop an interest in women. Claire is still having trouble coming to grips with her own sexuality. Her friend Edie no longer wants to speak to her but Jimmie suggests they sleep together. Claire is also surprised at school when she learns that Billy Chenowith will be their substitute teacher for the rest of the term. In the year he's been away he seems to have gotten his act together but does admit he's not seen his sister Claire in that time. Brenda and Nate are sleeping together regularly but her admission that she loves him elicits a strange and unexpected response. Ruth has no interest in returning home and she and Bettina set off for a holiday in Mexico that has its own surprises for them. At the funeral home, Nate and Rico's latest client is Lawrence Tuttle, a comic book collector who died when... Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Six Feet Under

Six Feet Under


Six Feet Under

IMDb: 8.4
49 min (DVD)

Convience-store owner Dorothy Kim Su is fatally shot during a robbery. Nate is forced to file a missing-person report when he continues to hear nothing from Lisa. Construction-worker Edward Tully hits some electrical wires in the site where he's working during an earthquake, is electrocuted, and falls to his death. Nate calls David, where he's sleeping with Patrick, and tells him he's starting to panic, especially after the earthquake. Ruth has convinced herself, as usual, that everything, including Lisa, is fine, but doesn't convince Claire, who is set to believe she's died. David Jordan Monroe suffers a fatal heart attack while on a treadmill at his health club, giving Fisher and Diaz a full schedule of 3 funerals in one day, 2 at the same time. forcing David and Rico to quickly escort the mourners out. Brenda is now living in an apartment to avoid Billy, but Margaret forces both of them to show up to dump Bern's ashes, and when she can't be persuaded to place them where her kids know... Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Six Feet Under

Six Feet Under


Six Feet Under

IMDb: 8.1
50 min (DVD)

Jeanette Louise Bradford has an allergic reaction to a bee-sting in Balboa Park, causing Keith to go to San Diego for his aunt's funeral and David to join him, encouraging him to discuss sleeping with a third man with him and to confront his father on his abusive childhood after the funeral. Russell admits he was sleeping with Olivier and an angry, betrayed Claire demands he leave her alone from now on. She and Ruth talk with each other about their relationship problems when Ruth learns Arthur is a virgin so there's nothing new to be gained from spending time with him. Vanessa is now again living life to the fullest, taking dance classes with Rico, but then collapses one night from too many medications. Billy, remarkably depressed after watching a poor video version of his and Brenda's beloved childhood book Nathaniel and Isabel, kisses Brenda, who goes to visit Nate. Alone with Maya while Lisa goes to visit her sister's family in Santa Cruz, Nate consoles Benda until she begins to ... Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Six Feet Under

Six Feet Under


Six Feet Under

IMDb: 7.8
53 min (DVD)

Melinda Mary Bloch shuts herself in he garage in her activated car by way of suicide, leaving behind only a guilty ex-lover who worries Rico when he mentions she'd actually received treatment for depression, and Nate when he admits he'd tried to end their relationship more than once but wound up staying longer than he wished. Lisa, who's been having arguments constantly with him, officially meets Brenda at Claire's art show where Billy also has a display, and Brenda confronts her about her sneaky meeting and assures her she isn't close to Nate. When she and Olivier run into Billy, Claire learns that Billy slept with Olivier when he was his student, heightening her worries about Russell. David and Keith, after both their secrets of paint-ball and 3-way sex have slipped in counseling, get approval from Frank to do the latter if both of them so desire, but David's agreement in public doesn't match his private doubts later on. Arthur gets close, in both senses of the word, to Ruth and ... Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Six Feet Under

Six Feet Under


Six Feet Under

IMDb: 7.9
47 min (DVD)

Surrounded by his family, Bernard Asa Chenowith dies of stomach cancer, and when Nate learns of it he requests Lisa's permission to attend his funeral since Brenda was there after his father's. Lisa agrees, and Nate plans to leave Maya with Ruth, but she's out secretly stalking Arthur jogging. Claire chooses to go shopping with Russell at an arts store, where Russell buys her a gift of an expensive bottle of paint she refused to purchase. David takes a reluctant Keith to Terry's party, where he's humiliated at playing a game and eventually leaves David to take his drinks alone. Nate doesn't want to leave Maya with Arthur and almost drops her off at the Diazes', but Vanessa is so distracted and on edge he decides against it. He informs Rico, though, who worries that she's depressed over her mother's loss and despairs of getting her to talk about it openly. Nate ends up taking Maya to the funeral, which angers Lisa, who believes Nate still loves Brenda rather than her, along with the ... Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Six Feet Under

Six Feet Under


Six Feet Under

IMDb: 8.5
55 min (DVD)

The Diazes' friend and former neighbor Leticia Perfect Perez dies in her sleep at a beauty parlor and leaves his family a large sum of money, causing Rico to remember how he lost his father and got into the funeral business to begin with. However, she also leaves behind a son, never close to her in life, who wishes to give her a more expensive casket than her pre-meet's choice and is jealous of Rico. Nate and Brenda attend her parents' remarriage, he goes to cheer up Aaron Buchbinder, and Keith, David, and Taylor are visited by a social worker. Nikoai responds indifferently when Ruth tries to plan what days they'll meet, and while watching a separate movie than he is, she breaks up with him. Claire likes the prospect of attending LAC Arts school but is disappointed that Gary Deitman is about to transfer jobs. The news that Kroehner is bankrupt and undergoing a federal inspection is overshadowed by bad news for both David and Nate - Keith is found innocent for his shooting, but hours ... Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Six Feet Under

Six Feet Under


Six Feet Under

IMDb: 7.9
56 min (DVD)

A construction worker's metal lunch-pail falls from his perch on the building and strikes Dwight Edgar Garrison on the head - resulting in a major family conflict between his current wife and her 2 stepdaughters from his first marriage, on whether he should be buried with his late wife or the widow. Besides having to deal with that, Nate remains unaware that Brenda is still seeing other men but wonders whether she still wants to marry him, or just does out of pity...and whether he should wed at all when Lisa meets him and announces she's pregnant with his child. Claire has doubts about her relationship with Billy, who's also throwing Brenda and her perspective on most of her relationships into confusion. David's relationship with Keith is strong, but Keith's life is troubled when Karla relapses into drugs. Meanwhile, just about everybody finds Nikolai to be a pain while Ruth's working - even Rico loses his sandwich to him. But Ruth is more concerned with the fact that he's in debt to ... Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Six Feet Under

Six Feet Under


Six Feet Under

IMDb: 8.6
54 min (DVD)

Christmas Eve - and the 1-year anniversary of Nate and Brenda's meeting and Nathaniel Fisher's death - is approaching, and this year, the Fishers are requested by the Hell's Angels motorcyclists to allow the funeral home to be open on Christmas Day so they can have a party/memorial service for Jesse Ray Johnson, who was involved in a motorcycle accident on his way to his part-time job as a mall Santa while greeting some kids. The family (and Rico) each remember their last moments with Nathaniel and, in most cases, regret what they didn't do for him before he died. On Christmas Eve Brenda's mother invites Brenda and Nate over for dinner with a special guest, who turns out to be Billy. Ruth prepares to take Claire to church with David out to visit Keith and Taylor, but they never make it when they enter Nikolai's shop to see it robbed and him shot in the legs with both now broken. Ruth decides, to the chagrin of the family, that he'll stay with them until he can walk, since he has no ... Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Six Feet Under

Six Feet Under


Six Feet Under

IMDb: 8.4
59 min (DVD)

Matthew Gilardi discusses the difficulties of convincing the Fishers to sell to Kroehner's with his superior Mitzi Dalton Huntley while golfing, and one of the balls hits Tracy Montrose Blair's aunt Lillian Grace Montrose. Tracy is her usual difficult self while refusing to sign the Fishers' service contract, changing her mind completely about what kind of service to have, and being finicky over the only coffin available of the chosen kind, but shows a different side of herself when revealing why she's so devoted to keeping this funeral perfect. Claire is unaware that Gabe robs a convenience store, but still fears for him when she dreams that her father predicts his life won't last much longer. Father Jack is reprimanded for presiding over a lesbian marriage, and when the deacons get to an argument over this David is forced to voice his opinion as a tie-breaking vote, so his secret is revealed and he is dismissed quietly in order to keep Fr. Jack there. Ruth and Hiram decide their ... Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Six Feet Under

Six Feet Under


Six Feet Under

IMDb: 8.6
56 min (DVD)

A pair of young gay men is attacked, resulting in Marc Foster, Jr's death. With citizens arguing over the morality or immorality of the situation, David feels extreme discomfort on his being gay, making it even more daunting when he is encouraged to confess it to Ruth. So does Keith, instructed to deal with any troublemakers who attend the funeral. Nate tries to convince Brenda that Billy should receive treatment as their parents suggested after he attacks him, but Brenda doesn't get it until it happens to her. Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Six Feet Under

Six Feet Under


Six Feet Under

IMDb: 8.3
54 min (DVD)

3-week-old Dillon Michael Cooper suffers SIDS - an extremely uncomfortable charge for the Fishers as far as comforting the family but even more so for Rico, since his wife is currently pregnant for a second time. After Gabe's suicide attempt fails, Claire lies to Ruth that his drug overdose was an accident and points out that she, not his uncaring family, should help. David, Nate, and Brenda go to Vegas for a funeral directors' meeting where Nate informs Gilardi he knows what the arsonist's motive was, David meets Keith under unpleasant circumstances just after being caught with a male prostitute, and Nate and Brenda have an equally unpleasant encounter with Billy though have different opinions on how best to deal with it. To avoid all her floral arrangements looking like those in funerals, In between worrying about whether David really is gay and what it means for their relationship, Ruth takes a class on arranging which also instructs how to use instinct. Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Six Feet Under

Six Feet Under


Six Feet Under

IMDb: 8.3
58 min (DVD)

At breakfast, egomaniacal Jonathan Arthur Hanley receives a blow on the head with a frying-pan when his wife finally has enough of his mouth. Rico's replacement David and Nate find is difficult to reason with and informs Ruth she's convinced David is gay. Nate confronts Billy after he displays a degrading picture of him at an art gallery, and Brenda too grows disgusted with him when his parents reveal what he actually did instead of attempting suicide years before...but not enough to believe he should be institutionalized as they do. Ruth shows her feelings about Nikolai, and a rival shows her feelings about her. David meets Keith at a food distribution and is disappointed to learn his feelings for him aren't mutual. Claire is concerned with Gabe's continued possible depression without any support from his family, especially when she picks up on an underlying message in his words to her. Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Six Feet Under

Six Feet Under


Six Feet Under

IMDb: 8.4
55 min (DVD)

While babysitting, Gabe kicks his little brother out of the room so he and Andy can get high, but Anthony Cristopher Finelli ends up playing with a gun and it goes off. Claire tries to support Gabe since no one else bothers trying, and Nate has to deal with his abusive stepfather when he arrives at the funeral. David goes with Kurt to a disco where he gets some ecstasy, and later hides it in the aspirin. Unfortunately, this appears to be a weekend where the family has a case of headaches, so he has to inconspicuously question Claire if anything unusual happened after she treated hers, and never suspects that Ruth took some on her camping trip with Hiram. Brenda gets Nate to act as a potential customer for some local funeral homes so he can get into the feel of his job. Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Six Feet Under

Six Feet Under


Six Feet Under

IMDb: 8.2
57 min | 56 min (DVD)

Celebrating her divorce with wine and a limo ride, Chloe Margaret Bryant [formerly Yorkin] runs into a cherry-picker while hanging out of the sunroof. Rico, working at Kroehner's for extra money, earns fame for embalming her. Failing to realize he's been lying to them, or taking their supplies, Nate decides to hold square-dancing lessons to raise money in a slow time, and the instructor has an interesting reaction to David. Claire's outreach trip turns out to be a disappointment. Ruth is torn between Hiram and a jealous Nikolai. Nate has to deal with one of Brenda's old friends visiting, Just as business begins to rise again, Rico is convinced by his wife to leave Fisher and Sons for Kroehner's superior offer. Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Six Feet Under

Six Feet Under


Six Feet Under

IMDb: 8.1
51 min

Gulf War First-class Private Victor Wayne Kovich finally passes away after years of suffering lung disease, and Nate must persuade Daivd and the man's angry brother that he should receive a military-honoring burial as he wished. Claire prepares for the PSAT test she doesn't care about and wonders how much better her life will turn out compared to others'. Ruth takes a job at Nikolai's shop and invites Hiram to join them for a meal (prepared by him). Rico, angry that Nate plans to take a weekend trip with Brenda to the desert, professes the Fishers' lack of appreciation to him just before getting a call from Gilardi. As for Nate's plans, just as they're accepted grudgingly by Rico and David, a turn of events might throw them. Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Six Feet Under

Six Feet Under


Six Feet Under

IMDb: 8.5
58 min

Mildred Effinger Hattie Jones passes away in her sleep, leaving behind her gruff, crusty husband of 56 years who forcibly stays at the Fishers' even before the brothers can see him, and stubbornly insists they can't embalm his wife despite a 2-day wait on the service. Claire falls for Billy before learning of his odd nature, and gets some interesting news about Brenda. Ruth introduces David to Hiram, which naturally doesn't go well, and is pursued by the family florist, Nikolai. David is forced to admit to Tracy Montrose Blair his engagement is actually over without giving anything away in front of Ruth, and must forcibly reject her later. Nate looks through old business records and discovers Nathaniel respected his decision to leave, and took pay for certain funerals in odd ways - like purchasing drugs, or renting an apartment for free. Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Six Feet Under

Six Feet Under


Six Feet Under

IMDb: 8.3
55 min

Nate finally gets to meet some of Brenda's family. he's invited to dinner but gets there to find that he is the only guest. He learns a lot about Brenda and gains some insight into her history and background. He also gets to meet her brother Billy who has moved in with her for a while. Dave is pleased when his Minister asks him to become a Deacon at the church, a post his father occupied prior to his death. His refusal to reveal that he is gay leads to a break-up with Keith however. Ruth is worried about Claire and attends a counseling session at school with Claire. She would like the two of them to be closer, as was the case when Claire was younger. She decides to visit a relative to show Claire what a close mother-daughter relationship can be like. At the funeral home, Rico is faced with a unique problem when Jean Louise MacArthur aka porn star Viveca St. John is brought in after being electrocuted in her bath tub. The memorial service is anything but ordinary. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Luke Cage

Luke Cage


Luke Cage

IMDb: 8.2
54 min

After Cottonmouth and Scarfe's bloody clash, Luke realizes that saving the community may turn former allies into enemies, and enemies into allies.

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HD Jessica Jones

Jessica Jones


Jessica Jones

IMDb: 8.6
50 min

Despite Jessica's objections, Trish's new friend Simpson gets involved in the hunt for Kilgrave. Jessica recalls a pivotal moment in her life.

Country: USA
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HD Ash vs Evil Dead

Ash vs Evil Dead


Ash vs Evil Dead

IMDb: 9.0
27 min

Ruby, Kelly and Pablo go to look for Ash and Baal in an abandoned asylum and encounter some crazy characters. They are all players in Baal's attempt to break Ash and find the Necronomicon. But did his plan work?

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HD Ash vs Evil Dead

Ash vs Evil Dead


Ash vs Evil Dead

IMDb: 8.2
28 min

Ash wakes up in an asylum and a seemingly helpful doctor tries desperately to get him to admit his horrific acts so his healing can begin. Ash's world seems to crumble around him.

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HD MythBusters




IMDb: 6.8
42 min

Adam re-visits the zombie killing myth, re-testing the ax method because of fan input along with a chainsaw. And the two test whether there is a faster way to get customers checked out at grocery stores by forming one long queue. Written by ByronButt

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HD MythBusters




IMDb: 6.8
42 min

Adam re-visits the zombie killing myth, re-testing the ax method because of fan input along with a chainsaw. And the two test whether there is a faster way to get customers checked out at grocery stores by forming one long queue. Written by ByronButt

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HD MythBusters




IMDb: 6.8
42 min

Adam re-visits the zombie killing myth, re-testing the ax method because of fan input along with a chainsaw. And the two test whether there is a faster way to get customers checked out at grocery stores by forming one long queue. Written by ByronButt

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HD The X Files

The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 7.6
45 min

At Arthur Dales' request, the agents go to Florida during a hurricane to investigate the disappearance of Mr. Dales' neighbors, two marine biologists and their son. During the storm, Mulder and Scully get stranded in an apartment building where a sea monster is on the loose. Written by Muldernscully

Country: USA
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HD The X Files

The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 7.9
44 min

Scully and Mulder investigate a series deaths all involving boys from the same high school. The town is in a uproar and rumors of a satanic cult being responsible abound. Everyone in town seems to be acting out of character, including the two FBI agents. Scully has become an exaggerated caricature of her skeptical self while Mulder is even more aloof, taking to mocking her at every turn. Mulder's visit to a local astrologer however reveals an unusual planetary alignment that results in a cosmic forces being centered on two high school girls. Written by garykmcd and New_Light

Country: USA
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HD Man Seeking Woman

Man Seeking Woman


Man Seeking Woman

IMDb: 8.2
24 min

Josh goes to extreme lengths to avoid Maude.

Country: USA
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HD Show Me a Hero

Show Me a Hero


Show Me a Hero

IMDb: 8.4

In 1991, Nick plots his next political move. Meanwhile, Mary learns about the other side of the housing argument, and Doreen plans to give something back to the community.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, History,
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