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HD The Borgias

The Borgias


The Borgias

IMDb: 8.3
51 min

Juan returns from Spain with gifts: a panther from the New World for Lucrezia, which promptly bites her and something new for his father, a box of cigars. Juan is married but his pregnant wife has stayed behind in Spain. The Pope is pleased with the way his son's life has taken shape. Juan is suffering from syphilis however and seeks treatment from a doctor. The Pope puts Juan in command of the Papal army and sends him to lay siege to Forli Castle with authority to eliminate Catherina Sforza if she refuse to come to Rome. At Forli, Juan makes it clear what lies in store for Catherina should she refuse the Papal edict. Under a white flag, Juan takes her 15 year-old son hostage and tortures the boy in front of her. Ludovico Sforza of Milan comes to her assistance and surprises Juan's troops on the battlefield. Cesare is in Florence where Brother Savonarola is preaching in defiance of the Papal order. His young acolytes are going house to house collecting anything of value that can be ... Written by garykmcd

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HD The Borgias

The Borgias


The Borgias

IMDb: 8.0
50 min

The Pope has not yet come to terms with the lightning strike and his new-found piety is to some just an act. Prior Savonarola's excesses continue as do his rants against the De Medicis. The Pope has a plan to deal with him. Cardinal Della Rovere's plot to poison the Pope continues with a young monk preparing to be the assassin. Cesare returns from his visit to the Sforzas and confesses his sins to his father. Cesare wants to take an army north to finish what he started but the Pope admits they do not have the resources. Now that Lucrezia is again free to marry, a new political alliance may be in the offing. Lucrezia isn't keen on re-marrying whoever her father chooses. Machiavelli is in Rome to prepare Piero De Medici's house for his arrival. Giulia, Vanozza and Lucrezia apply pressure on the Curia in order to obtain funds to house the poor. Written by garykmcd

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HD The Borgias

The Borgias


The Borgias

IMDb: 8.2
53 min

With the French armies defeated and returning to France, the Pope sends Cesare to Forli Palace to deal with Catherina Sforza and Lucrezia's husband Giovanni Sforza, who sided with the French. On the way, they stop at Micheletto's home where Cesare meets his mother. Cesare invites Catherina to kneel before the Pope and kiss his ring but she delays her answer. She doesn't delay seducing him however. The Pope has another problem and travels to Florence where Friar Savarona is preaching to enthusiastic crowds about the decadence of the Church and the urgent need for reform. In Rome, Lucrezia, her mother Vanozza and Giulia Farnese are having an impact. Their first priority is to ensure that the general populace has access to clean water and public baths. They then tour the brothels of Rome to gather information. Cardinal Della Rovere plans to poison the Pope. Written by garykmcd

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HD The Borgias

The Borgias


The Borgias

IMDb: 8.2
52 min

The Pope salutes Vittoria's clever deception of the French and Cesare urges him to build real cannons for the next time. Cesare races to the convent when he learns that Ursula Bonadeo has died after an attack by the French. Cardinal Sforza suggests that his cousin, Ludovico of Milan, may have a plan to defeat the French. Ludovico proposes that the combined armies of Rome, Venice and Milan meets the French in battle on the field of honor, led by the Duke of Mantua. The Pope agrees but Cesare believes he has a different way of fighting the French. He organizes a small band of men who can attack in the dead of night and then disappear. The prisoners they capture tell him why they attacked the convent. On the night prior to the battle, Cesare and his small band manage to destroy the French supply of gunpowder thereby neutralizing their artillery. Back in Rome, Giulia Farnese advises the Pope of a great many discrepancies with the funds that were destined to the poor. At Giulia's ... Written by garykmcd

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HD The Borgias

The Borgias


The Borgias

IMDb: 8.6
48 min

Lucrezia is devastated when Paolo is found hanging and his death is ruled a suicide. It leads the Pope to refuse him a Christian burial and Lucrezia goes on a hunger strike to get him to change his mind. Her protest also means her baby is not being fed. Lucrezia accuses Juan of killing the boy and has proof that Paolo did not take his own life. The Pope decides to send Juan to Spain to find a bride but Lucrezia has her own plans for him. Caterina Sforza and her cousin Giovanni, Lucrezia's ex-husband, offer their support to King Charles VIII of France should he decide to march against Rome. Micheletto arrives in Rome with news that the King will soon be on the move. The Pope has a plan to defend the city but Cesare is forced to improvise. Cardinal Della Rovere meanwhile returns to Rome and seeks to join the Dominican order and obtain their help in eliminating the Pope. Written by garykmcd

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HD The Borgias

The Borgias


The Borgias

IMDb: 8.0
48 min

The Pope decides to go out on the streets of Rome to see what he can learn about the people. Dressed in simple clothes and accompanied by his mistress Giulia Farnese and artist Vittoria, they wander about the city. The Pope is appalled at the poverty he sees around him (and the disgusting number of pigeons) and takes Cardinal Versucci, responsible for distributing money to the poor, to task. The Pope notes the number of beautiful villas he's constructed for himself in recent years. He's ordered to do better by the poor. Paolo, the father of Lucrezia Borgia's child, arrives in Rome looking for her. He's something of a laughing stock among the street women he meets when they learn who he's looking for. Paolo and Lucrezia meet and he sees his child. Juan however has his own plans for the peasant boy. Cardinal Della Rovere recovers sufficiently from the attempt to poison him him to leave the convent where he's been recovering. Written by garykmcd

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HD The Borgias

The Borgias


The Borgias

IMDb: 8.0
54 min

With the King of France in Naples and a peace of sorts arrived at, Rodrigo swears revenge against those who plotted against him. Cardinal Della Rovere is poisoned, though he survives the attempt on his life. Cesare and Juan continue to fight despite Rodrigo's pleas to unite with him against their enemies. Rodrigo also decides to hold a celebration for the people of Rome on a pagan feast day featuring a horse race and a large effigy of a bull. He also discovers a beautiful young woman, Vittoria, who is posing as a boy so that she can be an artists apprentice. The Pope's mistress, Giulia Farnese, is not pleased. In Naples, plague has wiped out much of the population and Prince Alfonso, who introduced the plague, is tracked down and taken prisoner. Written by garykmcd

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HD The Borgias

The Borgias


The Borgias

IMDb: 8.2
48 min

The French army enters Rome but the Pope has a particular way of welcoming the King. Della Rovere's plan to depose the Pope faces a problem given that virtually all of the Cardinals have fled and only the College of Cardinals can remove him. The Pope's promise to recognize French sovereignty over the Kingdom of Naples seals a pact between the two. The King wants Cesare to accompany his army to Naples, effectively giving him a hostage. The Pope searches for a way of punishing the Cardinals who fled, wanting them to appear in sackcloth and ashes. He also makes them pay in another way. At Cesare's suggestion, Lucretia takes up residence in the same nunnery where Ursula Bonnadeo, now Sister Martha, has agreed to care for her. The Pope decides to do something about Lucrezia's marriage. Written by garykmcd

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HD The Borgias

The Borgias


The Borgias

IMDb: 8.2
51 min

Lucrezia and Giulia Farnese leave Sforza's castle for Rome but Paulo the groom pays a heavy price for helping them get away. The two women soon encounter a French patrol but Lucrezia manages to charm the French King. The Pope meets with the Spanish ambassador but doesn't get the help he was expecting. Despite the advice of his Cardinals that they decamp and leave Rome, he refuses to do so. Juan does come up with a plan to meet the French forces long before they reach Rome. They find themselves just a bit outnumbered however. It's Lucrezia who comes up with a solution. Written by garykmcd

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HD The Borgias

The Borgias


The Borgias

IMDb: 8.1
52 min

The King of France invades Italy but Cardinal Della Rovere is appalled at the violence and destruction the first battle brings. He obtains the King's permission to try and negotiate a peace with the Florentines, who quickly agree to all of their demands. Realizing that everything they have worked for is at risk, the Pope contacts the Spanish envoy. Cesare meanwhile traces Ursula to a nunnery but she refuses to renounce her vows and leave. Despite Sancia's marriage to his younger brother Gioffre, Juan continues his affair with her in secret. The Pope's mistress, Giula Farnese, visits Lucrezia and is disturbed by what she finds. Written by garykmcd

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HD The Borgias

The Borgias


The Borgias

IMDb: 7.8
53 min

Lucrezia tends to her husband's injuries and with him unable to rise from his bed, spends more time with the stable boy Paulo, who becomes her lover. The King of Naples proposes a political between his daughter and Juan Borgia, who is not keen on the idea but suggests the younger Gioffre as a more suitable candidate. Upon seeing her he reconsiders but soon becomes he lover. Cesare meanwhile continues to pursue Ursula, whose husband has disappeared. When she learns of her husband's death, she knows Cesare is responsible and refuses to be with him. In France, Cardinal Della Rovere meets King Charles VIII who agrees to try and unseat the Borgia Pope, especially after he hears of the proposed union through marriage of Rome and Naples. Written by garykmcd

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HD The Borgias

The Borgias


The Borgias

IMDb: 7.8
54 min

Cesare Borgia takes an interest in the beautiful but married Ursula Bornadeo. Her husband had insulted him and his mother at Lucrezia's wedding and Cesare has every intention of seeking satisfaction. Lucrezia suffers at the hands of her brutish husband but takes an interest in a young stable boy, Paulo, a gentle lad who soon plots with her to get rid of his master. Cardinal Della Rovere visits the Duke of Milan to seek safe passage for an invading French army. The Pope dispatches his son to to speak to the Medicis about any plans they may have made with Della Rovere. The Pope entertains offers of marriage for his son Juan who is not keen with what is on offer. Another political wedding may be required. Written by garykmcd

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HD The Borgias

The Borgias


The Borgias

IMDb: 7.9
57 min

Rodrigo betroths his daughter Lucrezia to Giovanni Sforza. In order not to bring a perception of disrepute to his daughter's lineage, he forbids the girl's mother from attending the wedding, much to the chagrin of both Lucrezia and Cesare. Cardinal Della Rovere courts Napolese and French authorities, promising to fulfill France's claim to Naples if he gets their aid in deposing Pope Alexander VI. The wedding proceeds as planned, without Vannozza. After the ceremony, however, Cesare brings her to the reception, to the shock of many of the guests. It quickly causes the marriage to go sour. The following night, Lucrezia is brought to Giovanni's home. Written by Anonymous

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HD The Borgias

The Borgias


The Borgias

IMDb: 7.9
53 min

Cardinal Della Rovere travels to Naples in the hope of gaining allies against the Borgia Pope. He finds the Neapolitan Prince Alfonso to be quite ruthless. The Pope and his son Cesare, now a Cardinal in his own right, plot their own future and Cesare dispatches his assassin to get rid of Della Rovere. The Pope decides to offer a home to the Jews who have recently been expelled from Spain. His price will be high, however. He also allows diplomatic relations with Islamic Constantinople - again for a princely sum, 40,000 ducats. Lucretia's parents agree that the girl must be married but the Pope decides that the marriage should be such as to protect them all. A marriage to the prince of Naples would be ideal but there are many suitors all with their own proposals. The Pope is concerned with Lucretia's more than passing interest in a young Muslim boy. Cesare and his younger brother Juan are tasked to resolve those concerns. Written by garykmcd

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HD The Borgias

The Borgias


The Borgias

IMDb: 7.9
51 min

With Cardinal Orsini's assassin in custody, Cesare Borgia plots to ensure the man's loyalty but Cardinal Della Rovere isn't so sure that the man knows nothing and also seeks his loyalty. The Cardinal soon organizes those who voted against the Pope and searches for a legal means to dethrone the him For his part, the Pope installs a new mistress, Giulia Farnese, in Orsini's palace. The Pope's 14 year-old daughter Lucrezia tells her mother of Giulia's presence in the Papal rooms leading to a major confrontation. It may also provide Della Rovere what he needs to depose him. The Pope moves to neutralize Della Rovere and announces the appointment of 13 new Cardinals, including his son Cesare. Written by garykmcd

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HD The Borgias

The Borgias


The Borgias

IMDb: 7.9
49 min

On the death of Pope Innocent VIII in 1492, Cardinals meet in conclave to elect his successor. Cardinal Rodrigo Borgia has waited all of his life for this opportunity and he is not going to let it pass. With no successful candidate on the first and several successive ballots, he secretly communicates with his son Cesare, advising him on which Cardinals to bribe in order to get their votes. Successfully elected, he moves quickly to establish hi control over the Church. As Pope Alexander VI, he also decides that the Pope must not be chaste but be seen to be chaste and tells Vanossa, the mother of his children, that they can no longer have a physical relationship. The Pope is no sooner elected than his son Cesare discovers a plot to poison him at a banquet hosted by Cardinal Orsini. Written by garykmcd

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HD Unforgettable




IMDb: 8.1
44 min

Carrie catches a deadly assassin who has eluded her before, but must put her personal vendetta aside when it's revealed that the woman has vital information to prevent a terrorist attack on New York City.

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Unforgettable




IMDb: 8.4
42 min

The murder of an urban explorer leads Carrie and Al to not only search for the killer, but to pick up the trail of clues the victim was following on the hunt for a treasure supposedly hidden under the streets of New York.

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Unforgettable




IMDb: 7.6
43 min

The second season begins with Carrie and Al joining the Major Crimes Section of the NYPD to work the city's highest-profile cases. Their first investigation is a child kidnapping that makes Carrie wonder if a move from Queens to Manhattan was the right one for her. Written by cherrylicious

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Castle




IMDb: 8.7
44 min

The corpse of Jimmy, a baker popular for cup cakes, is found in his industrial dough mixer. His apprentice Todd noticed, before being sent away, someone arrived in a rare collectors car, probably belonging to Irish mob lord Robert 'Bobby S.' Shannon's right hand, Liam Finch. After FBI agent Sam Walker tells Jimmy was his informant, Ryan astounds his team by revealing he has been undercover in that gang years ago and chooses to revive his alias Kevin. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Castle




IMDb: 8.4
43 min

Juror #7 Joe McKusick, who runs a halfway house, drops dead cyanide-poisoned during Otis Williams's high-profile trial for the murder of heiress Lyla Addison, which is thus declared a mistrial. Juror #4 Tony Mueller runs, possibly bribed, but claims he believed Otis's cousin Wardell, who approached him implying a set-up, poisoned Joe, which fits security footage, and he'd be next. Wardell claims to be framed too. The cyanide came not from the court house vending machine coffee but was released from a capsule. The plot thickens further, especially with two malversations within Justice. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD The Good Wife

The Good Wife


The Good Wife

IMDb: 7.6
44 min

When Frank Prady decides to go after Governor Florrick as a campaign tactic, Alicia is faced with the decision of whether or not to attack Peter's record as well. Also, when Florrick/Agos/Lockhart take on the case of a man paralyzed by a malfunctioning gun created on a 3D printer, they call on Kurt McVeigh to testify as an expert witness, which leads to a rift between Diane and her husband.

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Good Wife

The Good Wife


The Good Wife

IMDb: 7.6
44 min

Thanks to her mother, Alicia finds herself representing software coders for software developer Blowtorch. It all started when Charlene Peterson's husband Frank was killed in a car accident after working excessive hours. The employees, including Charlene, are looking for better working conditions, overtime etc... but when Alicia and Cary meet their lawyer - Alicia's nemesis Nancy Crozier - all 20 employees involved are fired on the spot. They all end up in front of the NLRB arguing that Blowtorch fired the employees when they were trying to form a union. The case has some blow-back on the firm however when the assistants demand better pay and working conditions. Even Kalinda is seriously thinking of leaving Lockhart Gardner and accepting an offer from Cary and the other fourth year associates who are looking to start a new firm. On the campaign trail meanwhile, the election is only two weeks away and Peter needs Alicia's help. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Good Wife

The Good Wife


The Good Wife

IMDb: 8.4
44 min

The firm is facing bankruptcy and is trying to avoid liquidation. David Lee has announced that he is leaving and taking his lucrative divorce practice with him. A judge agrees to to allow them to reorganize and appoints a trustee, Clarke Hayden, to oversee the process. He casts a wary eye on everything from the art work to the fact that Diane and Will are co-managing partners. He proves surprisingly helpful when it comes to David Lee however. Alicia is juggling several balls as she tries to keep her son Zack out of jail after he's stopped by an aggressive State Trooper. Zack actually comes up with a very practical weapon for his defense. Alicia is also having to deal with a political reporter, Peggy Byrne, who wants to know more about her personal life than she is prepared to provide. Kalinda meanwhile has to deal with her husband, who has now arrived in Chicago. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Good Wife

The Good Wife


The Good Wife

IMDb: 8.1
43 min

With Derek Bond now out of the way, the firms is keen to keep drug dealer Lemond Bishop - or at least the legitimate part of his criminal empire - as a client. Bishop's wife Katrina wants to divorce him and will assigns Alicia to work with David Lee on the case. They find that Katrina's lawyer is playing hardball, even after Bishop agrees to give her virtually everything she asked for. Bishop has little choice but to reconsider his options. Kalinda is subpoenaed to appear before the grand jury and on Alicia's advice, refuses to testify on the grounds she may incriminate herself. The nature of the questions however suggest that State's Attorney Glenn Childs may have another target in mind. Kalinda plays her cards well and finds a way to make it all go away. On the campaign front, Eli Gold realizes Peter will have to appeal to an altogether different demographic if he's to win. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Good Wife

The Good Wife


The Good Wife

IMDb: 8.5
43 min

The firm takes on the case of a Chinese dissident who was imprisoned and tortured for 5 years after a US-based company gave Chinese government officials his IP address. Alicia gets upset when she finds out the real reason the firm is pursuing the case. Cary tells Kalinda that the State's Attorney is empaneling a grad jury to investigate her. The showdown with Derek Bonds is fast approaching with Diane and Will are still short a few votes. Diane remembers a couple of old partners who are still on the books and tries to get them to vote their way - but it's obvious they're going to have a high price. On the campaign trail, Eli is thrilled when Zach and Becca may have uncovered Glenn Child's own little nanny-gate. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Good Wife

The Good Wife


The Good Wife

IMDb: 8.0
43 min

Diane defends her erstwhile love interest, Kurt McVeigh, when he faces a law suit from a convicted criminal who has now been released when his lawyer shows the police and the crime lab manufactured evidence. They go after McVeigh in the belief that he too was part of the conspiracy. To get the case thrown out, Diane will have to show that he made an honest mistake. Meanwhile, Eli Gold thinks he's found the silver bullet in Peter's campaign against Wendy Scott-Carr: it appears that the she hired an illegal alien, Natalie Flores, as a nanny. She's been living in the U.S. since the age of 2 and has a lawyer working on her citizenship. She's completing her Master's degree and is an all-round good person which leads Eli to question what he is doing. At home, Alicia has a heart to heart with Grace who has developed a keen interest in religion. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Good Wife

The Good Wife


The Good Wife

IMDb: 8.3
43 min

Alicia finds herself in competition once again with Louis Canning as both try to have their firms certified as the legal representatives in a major class-action law suit. Alicia isn't quite prepared to accept Canning's conversion to the defender of the little guy after years of representing major corporations. In the process of trying to sign up complainants, Alicia gets evidence that Canning has someone inside their firm feeding him information. When they find the source, they make good use of it. On the campaign trail meanwhile, research shows that Peter is scoring high on the youth vote and he takes steps to keep it. At the office, Derek Bond announces a new client, a major bipartisan 'super' Political Action Committee. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Smallville




IMDb: 8.0
42 min

When the weird and lonely teenager with healing power Cyrus Krupp claims to be an alien, Clark approaches to him trying to know his origins to determine if Cyrus is a Kryptonian alien, or if he's just a crazy meteor-rock mutant who thinks he's an alien. Meanwhile, Dr. Helen Bryce moves to Lex's mansion, but she realizes that her skeleton key opens all but one room. Lex eventually shows her the inside of the room to reveal his study work about the meteor shower, and about Clark Kent. Also, Lana asks Clark to help her look after her sick prized horse which Cyrus heals the animal. He also continues to claim that his biological parents are coming to take him away. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
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HD Smallville




IMDb: 9.1
43 min

Lex and Lionel engage in a struggle over closing down the fertilizer plant. Reporter Roger Nixon steals Clark's spacecraft and learns his secret. Whitney joins the Marines, and Clark takes Chloe to the prom, while a huge tornado approaches. Written by thesemann

Country: USA
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HD Homeland




IMDb: 8.3
48 min

As predicted by his Jihadist mentor, Brody is asked by vice president William Walden tun run for Congress. Carrie assures him their affair is not even known to her CIA colleagues and Mike helps him overcome Jessica's fear for press scrutiny of their adulterous affairs; Saul's team finds that traitor sniper Tom walker's paying contact is Saudi embassy diplomat Mansour Al-Zahrani. To bypass his immunity, he's blackmailed with his gambling debts and anti-Islamic gay bathhouse pleasures, enough to ruin his entirely Westernized family. However, the trap set for Walker goes awfully wrong. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 7.8
22 min

On January 1, 2012, Marshall heads back to St. Cloud, Minnesota to spend the day alone with his father to keep on with a tradition between the two: hold a tailgate party while watching the Vikings/Bears game. Marshall resists any change to what he sees as that tradition, which may not be easy due to the activity happening around him. Regardless, Marshall has come to tell his father of the exploits of his and Lily's and their friends' New Year's Eve celebrations. Marshall and Lily discussed whether or not they should tell Lily's father about her pregnancy. Lily had up to this point resisted the idea of telling him if only not wanting to be disappointed by him yet again. Kevin tried to convince Robin that she should try and get a job working in front of the camera once again. Their New Year's Eve celebration alone together took an unexpected turn when Robin got a telephone call from an inebriated on-air Sandy Rivers, who needed her help with his New Year's Eve live national broadcast. ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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