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HD Motive




IMDb: 8.1
43 min

The victim: Sienna, a prostitute who used her life coaching company as a front. The killer: Stephanie Carson, a jealous wife and controlling mother who works as an investment advisor purportedly earning seven figures. Sienna's dead body is found in the bathroom of her office i.e. a downtown condo, she injected with a fatal dose of pentobarbital through the neck, and the word SLUT written on her forehead in lipstick. Besides Sienna's work as a prostitute and the need to interview her clients, most specifically those that were scheduled the day of and after her death, the detectives will learn that she was also a mild-mannered suburban housewife named Erica Grey, her husband, Doug Grey, who, with Erica, agreed that after their marriage she would continue hooking, with set boundaries. As Sienna's client list comes up with dead ends, the detectives begin to suspect that Erica's suburban housewife life, which includes being heavily involved in her daughter Jayda's gymnastics club, ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
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HD Motive




IMDb: 8.2
44 min

The killer: Derek Caster. The victim: London Montgomery, the grown daughter of wealthy industrialist, Neville Montgomery. Six months out of drug rehab and seemingly clean during that time, London is found dead from being poisoned on what was the night of her birthday party joint drug rehab facility fundraiser. Betty suspects that the drug was purposefully given to London as what she believed was cocaine. Oscar recuses himself from the case when he learns that the last person to text London before she died was his father, Franco Vega, who has a thing for younger women like London. As such, Franco becomes a prime suspect. Because of the need for extra human resources on the case, Boyd asks Angie if she is willing to be temporarily placed back in Homicide from her desk job in Recruiting which she requested six months ago following Oscar killing to protect her, and her and Mark's ten year secret coming to a head. The desk job has not rejuvenated Angie as she had hoped, and as such she is ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
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HD Motive




IMDb: 8.0
43 min

The killer: Heather Williamson, who, with Gordon White, are the founders and principles of Offensive, an up and coming web communications company. Gordon dotes on Heather, which does not sit well with his wife, Kim White. The victim: Jake Daly, Heather's nightclub bartender boyfriend. At the beginning of the investigation, Angie, Oscar and Brian have no body, but a lot of blood splattered in a public place, the splatter marks consistent with a vicious stabbing. But the eventual discovery of a MedicAlert bracelet points them to Jake as the probable victim, still with no body. Angie and Oscar do interview Heather in the course of their investigation, nothing seemingly out of the ordinary arising from that interview. Meanwhile, Gordon is helping Heather try to dispose of the body without Kim finding out what he's doing. If the detectives are to discover the killer and motive, they will have to learn about the nature of Heather and Jake's past romantic relationships, and the nature of ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
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HD Motive




IMDb: 8.1
44 min

The killer: Ben Crewson, a mild mannered cruise ship terminal customs agent. The victim: Scott Hayward, a limo driver, who was found dead next to his still running vehicle in Stanley Park. The death was by a single gunshot wound. The life of Crewson, who most would consider a quiet, average Joe in every respect, changed when he recently met his current girlfriend Leanne, a waitress, at the diner where she works. Together, they dreamed of a better life for themselves. Hayward was the antithesis of Crewson: brash and cocky and who was considered the alpha male amongst the drivers in the limousine service where he worked. Angie and Oscar quickly piece together that the death has something to do with Scott's last fare, his standing regular Tuesday night appointment for lowlife lawyer Randy Sprague, their route always being the same: from the cruise ship terminal to the airport, with the only difference on the evening of the death being that final stop in Stanley Park. The determination of... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
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HD Medium




IMDb: 7.8

The police are investigating the death of a man who fell, or was pushed, in front of a commuter train. There were no witnesses and the only thing other commuters remember was a street person who reeked of urine but no one can really remember what he looked like. At the scene, Allison has a vision of the body with a fast food name tag on his lapel but as Det. Lee Scanlon points out the man is wearing a suit and looks a bit too old to be someone who worked in a burger joint. He's eventually identified as Adam Talmadge but they find little else. When Allison dreams of a woman being pushed in front of a train by the same homeless man, they search for a connection between them. Joe meanwhile has to travel to Minnesota when Allison dreams that his mother is severely ill. His mother refuses to accept the fact she will die based on the fact that Allison had told her some years before that she would be at Bridgette's college graduation. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Dallas




IMDb: 8.2
42 min

Just as John Ross sets out to claim his birthright and make his father proud, J.R. decides to move back to Southfork, much to Ann's dismay. Bitter Ewing family enemy Cliff Barnes returns and tries to reconnect with his nephew, Christopher. A startling family announcement offers an opportunity to heal old wounds. Written by TNT Publicity

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Dallas




IMDb: 8.0
42 min

Christopher is relieved when Rebecca proposes to postpone their honeymoon until after the Southfork and gas deals are closed, ignoring she and her brother Tommy have been hatching a plot for years. Trusted lawyer Mitch Lobell blackmails John Ross to quadruple his bribe not to tell J.R. about his plans to steal Southfork, but the impatient fox, having reentered the public stage at the oil barons ball, consults his old Mexican friend don Del Sol and discovers the 'paperwork delay' is a scam worthy of a son of his, who is meanwhile drugged by Elena. Bobby gets wife Anne to keep his cardiac secret from the others, hoping for complete remission after laparoscopic surgery. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman


Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

IMDb: 8.0
46 min

Robert E vents his frustration over the death of his son and the demise of his marriage by stepping into the ring with a traveling boxing champion. When boxer Barracuda Jim Barnes comes to town, Robert E, fueled by his anger, volunteers to take him on, surprising everyone by beating Barnes twice. But when Dr. Mike examines Barnes, she discovers that the champ is on the verge of losing his eyesight if he continues boxing and she implores him to retire. Choosing to reject the doctor's order, Barracuda goes into the ring with Robert E for what may be his last fight. Meanwhile, Sully's efforts to get Grace to reconsider the pending divorce from Robert E begin to pay off with help from baby Katie.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Family, Western,
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HD Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman


Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

IMDb: 8.3
47 min

As the community prepares to celebrate Thanksgiving, Dr. Mike and Sully become anxious with their inability to conceive. As the couple try to get used to the idea of not having a baby, Jake becomes depressed about being alone.

Genre: Drama, Family, Western,
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HD Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman


Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

IMDb: 8.1
47 min

Brian rescues a man from a trap who has horrific burns to his face from a train crash. Michaela decides to perform reconstructive surgery to repair his face.

Genre: Drama, Family, Western,
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HD Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman


Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

IMDb: 8.9
60 min

Dr. Quinn has met a very nice doctor in Boston and is conflicted about staying.

Genre: Drama, Family, Western,
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HD Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman


Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

IMDb: 8.7
60 min

Dr. Quinn's mother in Boston is ill. Dr. Quinn takes the children to Boston.

Genre: Drama, Family, Western,
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HD Switched at Birth

Switched at Birth


Switched at Birth

IMDb: 8.5
43 min

John brings Daphne and Bay to Chicago to tour Northwestern. Kathryn entertains baby Abby and Leo to help Regina.

Genre: Drama, Family, Romance,
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HD Bates Motel

Bates Motel


Bates Motel

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

Four months have passed since the death of his school teacher Miss Watson and Norman still has no recollection of exactly what happened that night. He remembers being at her house but the next thing he recalls is running down the road in the rain. He visits her grave frequently and on one occasion manages to photograph a stranger standing at her grave. Bradley Martin, who attempted suicide after realizing her dead father was having an affair with a woman using the initial B, is released from a mental institution. She approaches her father's former business partner, Gil, who brushes her off. She decides to take a more direct approach. Norma meanwhile takes on the local municipal council after she learns that work has begun on the bypass. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Bates Motel

Bates Motel


Bates Motel

IMDb: 8.8

With Jake Abernathy expecting her to meet him at midnight with the $150,000 Norma goes to Sheriff Romero for help. He assures her that he will take care of it and that she has nothing to worry about. Not quite assured, Norma asks Dylan to get her a gun and show her how to use it. Romero visits Keith Summers' sister Maggie and learns Jake Abernathy's real name. Norma visits Dr. Kurata, without Norman, to get his advice on how to handle stress but leaves when his questions caused her to be ill. She shares a deep dark secret with Norman. Norman overhears his teacher Miss Watson having an argument with someone over the telephone. She is clearly upset and Norman promises not to tell anyone. Her attraction to Norman is obvious. Norman asks Emma to go to the winter dance but it doesn't go well after he keeps staring at Bradley. Her boyfriend has something to say about it as well. Forced to walk home in the rain, a friend offers him a ride. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Bates Motel

Bates Motel


Bates Motel

IMDb: 8.2

Norma is surprised - and not very pleased - by the unexpected arrival of her eldest son Dylan Massett. She's hoping he'll take some money and just go away but it looks like he's going to stay around for awhile. He clearly hates his mother and that doesn't sit well with Norman. Dylan quickly learns his way around town. Norman begins working with Emma Decody on a school project and she finds the book of pencil drawings. She thinks the events depicted in the book really happened and they go to some of places she recognizes. They find something interesting. Waiting for the bus with Norman, Bradley sees her father's car race by and crash. Her father is inside, badly burned as the result of a fire at his warehouse. While investigating the crash, Sheriff Romero finds Keith Summers' truck. The Sheriff catches her in a lie and she begins seeing Deputy Zach Shelby to try and bolster their story. He tells her that the town has its own way of dealing with problems. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Bates Motel

Bates Motel


Bates Motel

IMDb: 8.3

Six months after the death of her husband, Norma Bates and her youngest son Norman relocate to White Pine Bay, Oregon where she has bought a small motel in a foreclosure sale. The place is run down but she hopes to make a go of it despite threats from the former owner Keith Summers and news that the town may build a bypass around the town. Norman makes a good impression on some of the girls at school. His mother isn't keen on him being out much but when he sneaks out at night to be with them, Summers attacks his mother. There are things going on in the town that they're not yet aware of however. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones


Game of Thrones

IMDb: 8.3
59 min

Arya recovers after being helped by the actress whose life she saved, Lady Crane, whom she finds murdered when she wakes up as Waif catches up with her. The Hound goes on a revenge trip and finally reunites himself with Beric. Cersei uses the Mountain to get back at the High Sparrow and his people. Then she receives the cruel news that her son, king Tommen, is manipulated by the high Sparrow to ban the trial by combat in the seven kingdoms. Brienne and Podrick reach Jaime and Bronn. Brienne makes an offer to Jaime to get him, Sansa and the Blackfish satisfied. She tries to convince the Blackfish to take his army North and help Sansa get Winterfell back. As Jaime threatens to kill Lord Edmure's son, Edmure decides to help Jaime take Riverrun. Daenerys comes back to the pyramid in Meereen. Written by Andreea D

Country: USA
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HD Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones


Game of Thrones

IMDb: 8.4
52 min

The white walkers reach Meera and Bran but they are saved in the last minute by a mysterious black rider who turns out to be Benjen Stark. Sam and Gilly arrive at Horn Hill, where Sam introduces Gilly and Crastor's son to his family. Defending Sam, Gilly confesses that she is a wildling, which is appalling to Randyll. Nevertheless, Randyll accepts the baby into his home. However, Sam changes his mind in the last moment and decides to take Gilly, the baby as well as the Valyrian sword of his father with him and leave his home for good. King Tommen is allowed to see Queen Margery. Instead of killing the actress playing Cersei by poisoning her, Arya recovers her Needle and makes different plans. Jaime and the Tyrell army march into King's Landing, trying to stop Margery's planned walk of shame but the High Sparrow already thought this event through, making sure he will succeed in the end by manipulating King Tommen to take his side. As a result, Tommen fires his father from his job as ... Written by Andreea D

Country: USA
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HD Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones


Game of Thrones

IMDb: 9.9

Robb, his wife Talisa and mother Catelyn arrive for the marriage of Edmure Tully to one of Walder Frey's daughters. There is considerable tension between the two families but Robb's sincere apology for not marrying one of Frey's daughters is well received. It doesn't stop the elderly Frey from being both crude and rude towards his guests. Edmure is pleasantly surprised to see that his bride is to be Frey's prettiest granddaughter, Roslin. The festivities continue but Walder Frey has something very special planned. Arya and Sandor Clegane arrive at the Twins but too late to do anything. Daenerys meanwhile order the attack on Yunkai based on information provided by Daario. Brandon learns the strength of his powers. Jon Snow is forced to choose between the Watch and Ygritte. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones


Game of Thrones

IMDb: 8.7
58 min

Robb and his entourage are traveling to the Freys but wet weather has delayed them. Talisa has big news for him. Jon Snow, Ygritte and the others have crossed into the south and are headed to Castle Black. Margaery has good advice for Sansa who dreads the thought of having to marry Tyrion. For his part, Tyrion thinks she's too young. Shae is also unhappy with Tyrion's upcoming marriage and she wants them to run away. Tywin Lannister makes sure King Joffrey knows exactly who is on charge. Daenerys and her army arrive at Yunkai, the Yellow City. Ser Jorah recommends that they simply bypass the walled city as conquering it serves no useful purpose. She disagrees but the slavers of Yunkai refuse to free all of their slaves. Melissandre arrives in King's Landing with Gendry and tells him of his ancestry. Arya meanwhile runs off on her own and into the arms of an enemy. Jaime begins his trip to King's Landing but refuses to leave Brienne behind. Theon Greyjoy is comforted by two young ... Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones


Game of Thrones

IMDb: 8.8
53 min

In King's Landing, Tywin Lannister and Lady Olenna meet to discuss his children's proposed marriages. She puts up a good fight but in the end is forced to admit defeat. Tyrion and Cersei bemoan their fate. Tyrion is forced to tell Sansa what his father has decided. Baelish meanwhile eliminates a spy in his midsts. Arya takes an immediate dislike to Melisandre when she arrives at their camp. That dislike grows when she learns Melisandre is taking someone away with her. Jaime negotiates his release and return to King's Landing. Robb, his army depleted, realizes he has no choice but to repair relations with the Freys. However, since Robb didn't marry one of the Frey daughters as promised, they demand Edmure Tully marry one of them instead. Jon, Ygritte and many others arrive at the Wall and begin the 700 ft. climb Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones


Game of Thrones

IMDb: 9.0
57 min

Brienne and Jaime are delivered to Lord Bolton where Jaime has his wounds treated. He tells Brienne about the events leading up to killing the King and acquiring the name Kingslayer. Sandor Clegane engages in mortal combat but succeeds in gaining his freedom much to Arya's annoyance. At King's Landing, Cersei begins plotting against the Tyrells and seeks Baelish's assistance. Tyrion discusses the cost of the upcoming wedding with Lady Olenna and she agrees to pay half the cost. Tywin Lannister has become aware of the Tyrells plans to have Sansa Stark marry Ser Loras Tyrell but he has his own idea as to who she should marry. Robb has to deal with the murderers of Tywin Lannisters young nephews including Lord Rickard Karstark whom he executes against the advice of those around him. Daenerys' army is on the move. North of the wall, Jon and Ygritte become lovers. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones


Game of Thrones

IMDb: 8.9
56 min

Arya may have found a new protector but one of her friends decides not to continue on their journey. Robb arrives in Riverrun for his grandfather's funeral but is not pleased to hear that his uncle Edmure failed to follow his orders and attacked Tywin Lannister's army. His plans to entrap the Lannister's army are now ruined. At King's Landing, Tywin Lannister relieves Baelish of his duties as treasurer and assigns the task to his son Tyrion, who openly admits that he has far more experience spending money than managing it. While collecting the accounting books at Baelish's brothel, Tyrion has a gift for Podrick. In Astapor, Daenerys decides to buy all 8000 of the Unsullied and offers one of her dragons as payment. North of the Wall, the surviving members of the Night's Watch try to stay alive. They stop at Craster's keep and Samwell sees that Gilly is giving birth. Jaime manages to convince his captors that Brienne could bring a hefty ransom provided she is unharmed and left with her ... Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones


Game of Thrones

IMDb: 8.6
56 min

Bran dreams of the three-eyed raven but Osha doesn't want to hear the details. He meets Jojen Reed and his sister Meera. Bran and Jojen seem to have a great deal in common. Robb learns of the fall of Winterfell and also that Catelyn's father has died. He leads his troops to Riverrun for his grandfather's funeral and en route Catelyn tells Talisa of her desire that Jon Snow die when he was just a babe. Cersei tries to warn Joffre about Margaery's ambition but it falls on deaf ears. Brienne and Jamie continue their journey to King's Landing but run into trouble. Sansa believes that Baelish's desire to help her is because he loved her mother. Shae explains the nature of men to her. Sansa meets Margaery and her grandmother Lady Olenna and reveals her the truth about Joffre. Samwell Tarley is having trouble keeping up as what remains of the Night's Watch as they try to reach the Wall. Arya is also trying to get to Riverrun but she and her companions meet up with the Brotherhood without ... Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones


Game of Thrones

IMDb: 8.8

Beyond the wall, those of the Night's Watch that have survived try to go south to warn everyone of what is coming. Samwell is taken to task for not having sent the ravens. Jon Snow meets Mance Rayder, the King beyond the Wall and is accepted among them. In King's Landing, Tyrion's face has healed and Cersei pays him a visit worried about what he might say about her to their father. Tyrion enlists Bronn, now a knight, to protect him. He doesn't get much satisfaction from his father who promises him better living quarters but not much else. Lady Margaery is cementing her place at court. Sansa meanwhile may have a way out of King's Landing courtesy of Lord Baelish. Davos Seaworth has survived and is rescued. He returns to Dragonstone intent on stopping Melisandre but soon finds himself in the dungeons. Robb Stark arrives at Harrenhal to find all of its occupants dead. Daenerys arrives in Astapor looking for an army. Ser Jorah tells her the Unsullied are the best fighters in the world. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones


Game of Thrones

IMDb: 9.4
64 min

With the battle won, King Joffrey names his grandfather, Tywin Lannister, as the Hand of the King. It has an immediate impact on Tyrion, who awakens in new and much smaller quarters wounded from the battle . Petyr Baelish is rewarded for his loyalty. The King takes an interest in Lady Margaery Tyrell and decides to marry her. Lord Varys recruits a new spy. Arya has managed to escape from Harrenhal with Jaqen H'ghar's help. He shows her something of himself. Theon and his men are surrounded at Winterfell and are forced to abandon their position. They don't leave much behind. North of the wall, Jon impresses his captor in a fight with one of his own. King Robb and Talisa are married despite the promise he had previously made. Brienne and Jaime Lannister continue their journey but not without difficulty. In Qarth, Daenerys enters the House of the Undead to retrieve her dragons. Written by garykmcd

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HD Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones


Game of Thrones

IMDb: 8.8
54 min

Theon's sister Yara arrives at Winterfell with reinforcements but he still can't seem to earn her respect. She tells him he was stupid to kill the Stark boys as they were valuable prisoners. Theon learns that his father wants him to return home. North of the Wall, Jon had been taken prisoner by wildlings. At Harrenhal, Arya identifies the last of the three lives Jaquen H'ghar promised her for saving him. Robb is dismayed at the deal his mother has made with Jamie Lannister and places her under arrest. Danerys refuses to leave Qarth without her dragons and decides to retrieve them from the House of the Undying. Stannis and his army approach King's Landing from the sea. Tyrion plans for the defense of the city but Cersei wants him to keep her son King Jeoffrey out of the fighting. He realizes that he must take steps to protect Shae. Written by Abigail Thomas

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HD Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones


Game of Thrones

IMDb: 8.9
56 min

At Winterfell, Osha arranges for Bran and his younger brother to escape. Theon is outraged and sets off after them but can't quite seem to find them. Osha improvises, as does Theon so as not to lose face. North of the Wall, Jon finds himself lost and separated from the other members of the Night's Watch. His prisoner, Ygritte, soon turns the tables on him. At Robb's camp, Jaime Lannister escapes but is soon recaptured. At Harrenhal, Tywin Lannister wants to find the assassin who struck so near to him. At King's Landing, Sansa has nightmares about her near rape but also begins to menstruate. Cersei has advice for her but the young woman is clearly worried about having to marry Joffrey. In Qarth, Daenerys meets with the ruling council and demands the return of her dragons. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones


Game of Thrones

IMDb: 9.1
54 min

In a surprise attack, Theon Greyjoy captures Winterfell demanding an oath of loyalty from everyone there in return for their lives. He is chastised however by the locals for turning on the family that raised him. The execution of a Stark family retainer shows just how serious Theon is. Robb Stark can't believe what's happened and swears to get his revenge. He is also growing fonder of Lady Talisa. At King's Landing, Tyrion knows better than most that war will devastate them and makes arrangements for Cersei's daughter, Myrcella, to be send away to marry. On returning to the palace after seeing her off, King Joffrey and others of the royal court learn exactly what the public thinks of them. North of the wall, Jon Snow and others are on patrol looking for wildlings. They kill a few but one of the survivors is an attractive young woman, Ygritte. At Harrenhall, Arya continues to work as Lord Tywin Lannister's cup bearer. She's taken aback however when a visitor from King's Landing - ... Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones


Game of Thrones

IMDb: 8.8
51 min

Robb attacks a Lannister encampment and afterward meets Lady Talisa Maegyr who treats the wounded in the battlefield. Tyrion puts a stop to King Joffre's mistreatment of Sansa and also blackmails his cousin Lancel, Cersei's lover, into being his spy. Petyr Baelish visits King Renly but Catelyn is not pleased with his presence. He offers to help protect her daughters but a trade for Jaime is the only solution. Catelyn however tries to get Stannis and Renly to bury the hatchet and unite their forces. Davos Seaworth delivers Stannis' witch, Melisandre, to a remote cave where she gives birth. In the desert, one of Daenarys' riders returns with news that the elders of Qarth will receive them. Arya arrives at Harrenhal where one person is killed every day. Lord Tywin arrives unexpectedly and she is soon his cup bearer. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones


Game of Thrones

IMDb: 8.8
53 min

Winter is coming as the Night Watch go to meet the threat north of the Wall, the standoff between the Stark and the Lannisters boils with new rumors of King Joffrey's birthright and the rise of the Baratheon brothers in the warfare. All the while Dany leads her band of broken things through the dead lands barely hanging on. Trust...Joffrey will do whatever it takes to keep his crown. Written by O-Neg

Country: USA
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