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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 7.1
44 min

SG-1 lands on a planet where a culturally 'medieval Catholic' community lives in fear of a demon of Unas's species, which regularly collects human sacrifices to Satan, in fact hosts for system lord Sokar's army. When Simon implores SG-1 to spare his beloved Mary and take him instead, they even nurse her chicken pox. Simon hopes they are sent by God to deliver them from the satanic burden, but the canon who rules the village as 'spiritual' leader faithful to Sokar fears his authority challenged, which rests on his right to select the 'damned soul' to be sacrificed, declares Teal'c a demon and incarcerates all SG-1. Witch-trial-type ordeals see the Jaffa 'proven' a demon and executed by drowning, Daniel refuses the canon's to leave immediately. When Teal'c's symbiont allows a resurrection even Sam hadn't expected, they are all designated possessed and sacrificed, yet Mary is also. Simon follows the Unas with a staff weapon to liberate them, but he's not alone... Written by KGF Vissers [minor edit by kbeartx]

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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 7.9
44 min

While on a mission to recover a UAV, SG1 are captured by a Bounty Hunter working for evil System Lord Sokar. He tells them there is a bounty on their capture, but offers to let them go if they help him capture a Goa'uld. The Goa'uld turns out to be a Tok'Ra. Can the team persuade the Bounty Hunter to release the Tok'Ra, but prevent SG1 from being handed over to Sokar? Written by Anonymous

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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 8.5
44 min

The quantum mirror Daniel found in There But for the Grace of God brings to Area 51 an alternate Kawalsky and Dr. Carter from another reality, this time one where Sam never joined the military but became Jack's wife and the Goa'uld just overran earth. Dr. Carter begins suffering from temporal entropic cascade failure, a paradoxical effect of having two versions of the same person in the same reality and realises that she must return to her own reality or both Sams will eventually perish. SG-1 embark to the alternate reality to intercede and prevent the Goa'uld from conquering Earth before our General Hammond has the mirror disabled. The alternative Teal'c remained Apophis's loyal first prime, so the 'real' one can assume his identity to infiltrate the invading force but they are discovered and captured, but this only serves as the ideal diversion while the Sams also contact the alternate Asgard... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 7.9
44 min

The planet Orban, with Precolumbian Teotihuacan-culture antecedents and Aztec type pyramids, has made impressive scientific progress, and brings Sam a naquadah reactor to study; when she demands an instructor, Orban official Kalan surprises SG-1 by saying that he does not know what an instructor is, but 11 year-old Merrin stays on base to teach Carter. On Orban, Kalan's son Tomin, another 'urrone' (apprentice) is assigned to exchange knowledge about the Goa'uld with Teal'c and Daniel. SG-1 and Dr. Fraiser are astonished to discover the Orban urrones know neither fun nor school: a mass of useful new information is acquired while they are young and stored in the easily reproducible form of nanites, which are implanted in every Orbanian's brain after the urrone's 'averium', a coming of age ceremony at age 12, which extracts the knowledge from the individual and ends their ability to function mentally, so those children are 'retired' for life and from the active society. The Orbanians are... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 7.7
44 min

SG-1 discover nine Goa'uld corpses in a sealed chamber, Teal'c identifies the crest as the nine Linvris, minor rivals of the system lords. While reading a tablet containing page one of some war plan, Daniel unknowingly gets infected by a parasite, which gives him visual and auditive delusions back on earth. An epidemic of migraine causes the general to keep all SG-teams in the base for examination. Daniel was already in a padded psych ward cell when during a visit from the colleagues he hears Ma'chello's voice say the parasite has left to enter its real target, a Goa'uld: Teal'c, for whose symbiont it is lethal. During examination of the page turner which released the designer organism, Jack, Dr. Fraiser and Sam get infected by several parasites, only Sam is found immune, even able to kill it by hosting it. The race is on to find how and hopefully use that mechanism to save the other three infected ones... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 8.3
44 min

Just when Jack was to speech, in the Secretary of Defense's presence, for Sam's promotion to major, he is suddenly beamed up directly into the space-ship in undetectable earth-orbit of Asgard Thor, who warns him the Goa'uld system-lords have decided after Hathor's defeat to launch an attack on earth hundredfold Apophis's and offers Asgard help to propose alternatively Earth's inclusion in the Protected Planets Treaty, then returns Jack. Thor instructs Jack alone to represent the entire planet, on star-base, against a System-lords delegation of three: the Ancient first supreme Greek god Cronos, who once toppled Sokar, Yu the Great or Yu-huang Shang Ti, the first Chinese dragon Emperor, and Nirrti, the Hindu goddess of darkness. The system-lords are rude and difficult. Teal'c hates Cronus above all because his father, once his prime, was killed as punishment for failure and Sam believes he ordered Jolinar's execution. Thor explains the Asgard really bluff against the feudally divided ... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 7.4
44 min

Stargate is visited by general Jacob Carter on a mission -actually requested by his symbiont Selmak, who wants him to deal with his long-repressed break-up with Sam's brother Mark- to ask SG-1's help in the hunt for the sole system-lord the Tok'Ra never tracked down, Seth, the Egyptian god of chaos and total evil, who plausibly never left earth but hides as Ra put a high price on his head. Daniel finds a plausible series of Seth-cults, each ending in a blood-bad for followers, the latest being outside Seattle, led by Seth Fargo. Jacob and SG-1 arrange to take over the case jurisdiction from the ATF by presidential intervention. As Daniel predicts, they find escape tunnels and get in, but are awaited and disarmed, to be exposed to nish'ta, a powerful biological submission drug, and when Seth senses Jolinar's traces destined for elimination... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 8.1
44 min

Col. O'Neill, Sam Carter and Daniel Jackson have been taken prisoner by Hathor, who wants one of them to become a host. O'Neill is the one chosen but he gets help from an unexpected source. Teal'c, who has formally resigned from SG command, returns to Chulak where he seeks out his mentor Master Bra'tac and tries to convince the locals to rebel against their captors. At SG command, General Hammond learns of the prisoners' location but after an unsuccessful attempt at rescuing them, joins Teal'c and Bra'tac in a second rescue mission. Written by garykmcd

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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 7.4
44 min

When Colonel O'Neill wakes up, he is told by new staff everything in the star-base is different because he was just revived after 79 years of cryogenic hibernation, as sole survivor of a disastrous SG-1 mission on a goa'uld-ruled planet. He accepts to undergo a 'high tech hypnosis' to retrieve information of use in the present war against them which is going badly, involving earth's ten endangered colonies on other planets. However Major General Trofsky, the new base commander, and his female assistant tell Daniel and Sam, in different sections, that each of them is the sole survivor: it's all make-believe to probe their brains about the weaknesses of earth and the Alliance of the four races. Meanwhile Teal'c awakes on earth, where it took Dr. Frasier months to save him from death, there was no trace of his teammates and he resigns when general Hammond refuses permission to keep searching. O'Neill hears goa'uld language, gets himself free and discovers to be on a fake star-base, frees... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 8.8
44 min

Through a flaw in star-gate travel, SG-1 lands back in Cheyenne mountain in 1969, only Teal'c Zat prevents them from being incinerated by a Titan rocket launch. They are captured by their own US Air Force, and Carter realizes they can't do or say anything for fear of irreparably altering their own future and thus creating an alternative reality. Yet someone at the base finds on the team an anonymous note to help them - it's Lieutenant George S. Hammond, their future general, who wrote it to his past self and succeeds in allowing them to escape and recuperate their belongings during prisoner transport, so they can search a star-gate to return. The only other help the note offers them are two consecutive dates and exact times. Daniel decides their best chance is meeting Catherine Langford, in New York, without telling the truth or getting caught on the way. While they get a ride from gullible hippies, posing as anti-establishment aliens, Carter realizes the nature of the times: ... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 7.8
44 min

When an incoming wormhole is established at the SGC, the iris is over-ridden and opened. A young boy appears and tells the SGC that they are in terrible danger from a group of terrorists. But these terrorists are invisible creatures and they are determined to wipe out all humans to prevent them being used as hosts to the Goa'uld. Written by Anonymous

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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 7.0
44 min

A UAV glider crashes on PJ2-445 against what looks like a giant mushroom; before the camera gives out, a humanoid is seen. SG-1 is sent to retrieve the flight recorder and finds lots of young mushrooms among the dwellings of the humanoids, naked except for white paint, who seem naively friendly but don't speak, so Daniel has to try scribbling or sign language. When several natives faint, the others chant, apparently in vain, and the team calls medical help, fearing to have initiated an epidemic. Even taking one native to the base, Dr. Frazier fails to find their functioning or cure. Fearing to be infected, Jack and Daniel return too; Teal'c has only a short attack, while minding the strange plant as Daniel asked, and precisely it's symbiosis proves crucial... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 7.9
44 min

Following on a Tok'ra tip, SG-1 goes to a planet where they find the hated Apophis, nearly dying and under attack by death-gliders. They get back with him, realizing he was tortured by a rival system-lord, with lasting harm. Apophis demands sanctuary, provided Dr. Fraiser can save his life, at least on account of the human host, but without a sarcophagus the prognosis for his symbiont is lousy; he offers all his Goa'uld knowledge in exchange for a new host, i.e. his life, revealing he was defeated by the terrible Sokar, once supreme system lord till an alliance lead by Ra and Apophis unseated him. The confrontation with Daniel, on account on Amaunet/Sha're and their son Klorel, and with former prime Teal'c, is bitter for all three. The Tok'ra send Martouf, to warn the Taurai must hand over Apophis, but their warning is ignored- until Sokar proves he can bombard the iris with accelerated particles and ultimately cut trough it, so the White House orders his extradition, but before they ... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 7.7
44 min

The next planet visited by SG-1 holds an unusual surprise: the only person by its star-gate is an old, sick man, known to Teal'c as Machello, since decades a famous adversary of the goa'uld, who even developed his own technology to fight them, was captured and tortured but escaped. He joins them to earth, but Daniel, who touched his recording device, wakes up in the dying body of Machello, which is only discovered after the alien walked of, given a clean bill of health by Dr. Fraiser, in Daniel's body, determined to enjoy life as an earthling, teaming up with homeless Fred, which soon turns bad... While Machello is searched, the others travel back to retrieve the device, but in the process Jack and Teal'c get body-switched too, and Sam fails to figure out on her own how to reverse it... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 8.7
44 min

SG10 are on a planet when one of the binary stars becomes a black hole. They try to escape by dialing Earth, but fail to get back. The SGC sends a probe and sees the black hole, but then they find they cannot disengage the wormhole and the gravitational effects are starting to effect Earth. Written by Anonymous

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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 9.3
44 min

SG1 travels to a Stargate where O'Neill looks into a strange device that downloads information into his brain. Back on Earth, he starts to speak using a strange language. Carter and Teal'c try to find a solution and become trapped on a burning hot planet, when the Stargate fails to dial out. O'Neill solves the problem by designing a solution, but then he designs a device. But for what purpose? Written by Anonymous

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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 7.8
44 min

A climate control device is stolen from a planet and SG1 is accused of the theft. They have to find it and restore it before the planet freezes. Then weather on Earth starts to unexpectedly change and the team believe that the device has been stolen by rogue NID agents. Will they find it in time and how did the NID travel off world? Written by Anonymous

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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 7.4
44 min

SG-11 failed to report regularly while mining trinium, a vital mineral for earth's defense against the goa'uld. SG-1 finds them missing, all traces cease at the site of arrow-heads made from trinium. Then they are all sedated by such arrow and brought to the village of Tonané, whose earthly tribal ancestry Daniel identifies by its animal totems, however soon awake and released, even returned their guns and promised to get their friends back too from the wolf spirit T'akaya and the raven-shaped supreme spirit Xe'ls. The council of elders refuses to allow resuming the mining, which is disrespectful to nature, but Tonané is delegated to be shown alternatives on earth. Both teams return to star-base, or so it appears- in fact SG-11 is a series of incarnated spirits, who are soon convinced the earthlings are most untrustworthy... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 8.5
44 min

The attempt to forge an alliance with the Tok'ra seems a miserable failure, as SG-1 is practically imprisoned as a security risk and considered virtually hostile because 'blending' by accepting to host a symbiont is a bridge too far for each of them. When SG-3 arrives and informs Sam about her cancer-terminal father General Jacob Carter's fast worsening condition, she realizes the symbiont's healing powers, confirmed to apply to cancer, make hosting an offer to good to refuse for him. Garshaw allows Sam and Jack to return and convince both generals to allow the plan, which is achieved. Meanwhile the Tok'ra must hastily evacuate, destroying tunnels behind them, because a large-scale attack by Apophis's troops is expected soon, while Jacob meets his potential symbiotic partner and his equally terminal predecessor to help him decide; Jack verifies his strong suspicion there is traitor among them, communicating with the goa'uld... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 8.2
44 min

When Teal'c makes Sam Carter realize how valuable the knowledge left by Tok'ra Jolinar in her brain and the chance for an alliance can be, they convince general Hammond to let SG-1 attempt a meeting. They arrive on a planet which is deserted on the surface, but are awaited by well-camouflaged, armed Tok'ra who bring them to tunnels which they create by means of a mysterious crystal, which can also undo them afterward. Both parties are quiet suspicious, the team feels like captives, and indeed the Tok'ra leader Yosuuf fears they cannot be released at least until the whole site is moved. Meanwhile the Tauri (earthlings) barely overcome their suspicion against the Tok'ra Goa'uld biology (with symbiont), when already asked to volunteer themselves as 'hosts', and Carter learns Martouf (alias Lantash, symbiotically) was Jolinar's lover, hence has a special connection with her... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 7.3
44 min

Whilst off-world, the team is attacked by giant insects, one of which stings Teal'c on the back. The bug has actually implanted a virus that converts Teal'c into a living incubator for hundreds of more insects and Teal'c is being eaten alive. The only way to save him is to capture another venomous bug and create an antidote, but time is running out. Written by Anonymous

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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 7.9
44 min

Whilst O'Neill and Carter head to Washington to be decorated by the President and find a security leak, Jackson and Teal'c go to Abydos (after they unbury their stargate) to see Sha're's father. They arrive to tell him that they have been unsuccessful in finding Sha're, only to discover that she is already on Abydos. But they find that she is pregnant by Apophis and the baby holds the secrets of the Goa'uld. Written by Anonymous

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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 7.1
44 min

Master Bra'tac makes a surprise visit to star-base and tells that Apophis and Klorel managed to escape just before their starship exploded and has Rya'c, Tealc's son, in his power. To maintain his position as system-lord he must restore order on Chulac, so SG-1 goes there, also to look for 'sholva' (outcast) Teal'c's family. They find his wife Drey'auc has remarried with high-ranking Jaffa Fro'tak. Teal'c vows to shun her forever after Rya'c's salvation from Apophis's palace, but the boy refuses to come with his 'hataka' (traitor) father and calls the guards so they must retreat without him and soon see him in Apophis' propaganda, however a deliberate wrong detail suggests he has not completely changed sides yet. A search of Fro'tac's house doesn't find the team; Jack follows their host to the palace and prevents him betraying them. Now Jack mistrusts the return of Rya'c too, Teal'c refuses to doubt his son; the others hesitate, and after their return on earth with the boy... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 7.6
44 min

On a mission SG-1 finds an ancient, apparently lifeless metallic sphere-shaped object and brings it home to study the minute, elaborate writing on it, hoping they can then open it. Jack was eager to get away from the tedious examination, which seemed to be going nowhere, on yet another planetary mission, when the sphere suddenly 'warms up' and surprises everyone by sprouting long spikes in various directions, one of which happens to go straight trough Jack's body which soon infects. A staff-weapon doesn't even affect it, Sam fears it is only being fed energy. The fast-spreading infectious organism causes necrosis even on dead material, such as Jack's uniform and, worse, the computer system; yet it is slowed down by an antibiotic, tetracycline; UV-light shows it even got trough the walls, sneakily infecting everyone, starting with young control chamber Lieutenant Graham Simmons, who is allergic to the tetracycline (and clearly has a timid crush on Carter), only Teal'c is protected by ... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 8.5
44 min

O'Neill and the team return to Cimmeria, the planet where they destroyed Thor's Hammer to help Teal'c escape. They find that the Goa'uld have invaded and many of the people are dead. Can they help to find Thor's weapons to fight off the invasion before they are all captured or killed? Written by Anonymous

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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 7.0
44 min

Whilst walking through a forest on a planet, Jackson saves the life of a beautiful princess who is about to kill herself. SG1 is taken prisoner, but Daniel is freed by the ruler when he finds out that he saved his daughter. The rest of SG1 is sent to work in the mines for the rest of their lives. Jackson falls in love with the princess, but also becomes intoxicated by frequent use of a Sarcophagus. Will he come to his senses before the rest of SG1 are worked to death? Written by Anonymous

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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 7.3
44 min

Exploring a strange and beautiful garden, SG-1 comes across a dome containing a race that are connected to machines. The team are captured by the machines and rendered unconscious, but awake to find themselves reliving pivotal moments of their lives, over and over again. Then they discover it is virtual reality and a mysterious keeper appears to persuade them to try different outcomes for the moments. But can the team escape his clutches, when they don't know what is real and what is not? Written by Anonymous

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Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 7.5
44 min

SG1 inadvertently help a desperate criminal and is charged and sentenced as accessories to his crime. They are banished to a desolate, brutal penal colony and strike a deal with a powerful female prisoner to help them escape. But is this prisoner hiding something from them? Written by Anonymous

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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 8.1
44 min

During a visit to the Nasyan planet, under the first goa'uld attack in centuries, a victim's breath given mouth-to-mouth infects Sam, at first unnoticed. Soon her behavior changes, more military and assertive, and she seems to suffer from amnesia. Cassie senses immediately Sam really hosts a goa'uld, which is confirmed by her attempt at gunpoint to escape via the star-gate, and since the aliens now seem able to enter via small skin wounds as in her throat, Dr. Fraser points out there may be others in the base. Sam is jailed but allegedly hosts Jolinar, a 'Tok'ra' or good, anti-warlord goa'uld underground rebel, being chased by an 'ashrak', a goa'uld hit man, who has already started his deadly assignment on earth... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 8.8
44 min

As the Goa'uld attack fleet approach Earth, all four members of the SG-1 team are taken prisoner. They get help from an unexpected source when Bre'tac, Teal'c's mentor, reveals that he is on board. Apophis has delayed the attack until his son Klorel is revived, giving them some time to prepare. SG-1 has used all of the C4 on one of the two ships but must find a way to dispose of the second. Back at Stargate Command, Lt. Col. Bert Samuels arrives as a Pentagon liaison officer but also reveals a new weapon they have developed. General Hammond is dubious. They begin to transport humans to transport humans to an Alpha site in order to ensure the continuation of mankind. Written by garykmcd

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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 8.7
44 min

General Hammond has tried everything to get the senates decision to shut down his space program undone, but the president personally refuses to 'commit political suicide': the Stargate will be buried. Daniel's insistence the danger for earth as a whole outweighs everything convinces his military SG-1 colleagues to ignore the commander general's command and dial the address the goa'ald invasion started from in the parallel dimension he visited. They arrive not on a planet but a new, superior type of starship, already launched by hyper-drive. A 'video' proves it belongs to Apophis, who gives command aboard to his son Klorel, whose host is no other then the team's young Abydos friend Skaara, yet overpowering him seems their best move, while Sam installs explosives in the death glider deck with a 24 hours timer just in case, but Jaffa manage to liberate Klorel and the ship goes far faster then expected... Written by KGF Vissers

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Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 6.3
44 min

Daniel Jackson was eager to warn earth about the probable massive goa'uld attack threat, but finds Starbase is under a more down-to-earth threat: Senator Kinsey, the ambitious chairman of the Senate Committee which must approve the program's annual $5.7 billion budget, was not impressed when the President disclosed its extraterrestrial mission reports. Arriving for a visit, Kinsey tells the team he's most unlikely to be persuaded, and indeed while SG-1 points out its merits and dangers from events on various planets, Kinsey and his military aid, USAF Lt. Colonel Bert Samuels, question or belittle both systematically and focus on costs and risks they contend outweigh the benefits, even when Daniel's theory is presented... Written by KGF Vissers

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