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HD Enterprise




IMDb: 8.1
43 min

The Augments have escaped in a bird of prey with their 'father' Dr. Arik Soong. To find out where they went, Enterprise goes to the location Soong told the Augments were raised. Someone has been left behind. The augments are on their way to Cold Station 12, where the last Augment embryos are kept. They brought incubators to grow them up. Tensions are building however between Augments leader Malik and Soong. He constantly questions the doctor's leadership and disagrees with about every decision made by him. He thinks it is nonsense that Soong orders that no human life should be taken on the station. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Enterprise




IMDb: 8.8
43 min

Enterprise is hit with a rather intense anomaly. Refusing to leave an injured T'Pol behind, Archer is struck by the anomaly, leaving his brain infected with parasites, preventing him from making any new memories. Fast-forward 12 years. T'Pol has been caring for Archer since his affliction. As she does every day, T'Pol catches Archer up on the past 12 years, knowing he will forget everything within hours. She was in command of Enterprise after his injury, that the parasites live outside normal space-time and usual remedies never worked, that the Xindi were successful, and managed to destroy Earth and kill all but 6,000 humans. But today is special; Dr. Phlox is ready to give Archer the treatment he has been developing for ten years, which must be performed on Enterprise. Written by Meribor

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HD Enterprise




IMDb: 8.0
43 min

The Enterprise has been in the Delphic Expanse for six weeks and have yet to get any intel about the Xindi. Strange anomalies affect the ship, sending cargo flying violently through the bays, pockets of atmosphere losing gravity and other incidents defying the known laws of physics. T'Pol helps Trip's insomnia with an intimate Vulcan therapy. Archer and Trip find another race of Xindi imprisoned in a mine. Written by Meribor

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HD Enterprise




IMDb: 6.9
43 min

T'Pol gets a message from the Vulcan High Command that a certain Menos has been located. She tells captain Archer he will get a message from Starfleet that Enterprise must help her, but she remains very secretive about her actual mission. Then she decides she wants Archer on the mission, because she trusts him, and tells him the story. Menos apparently was part of a group of 119 surgically altered Vulcan agents assigned to an alien planet. But many didn't want to return. T'Pol was assigned to capture seven of them, but Menos escaped her on Risa. While Archer, T'Pol and Travis take a shuttle pod to pick up the fugitive, the command of the ship falls to Trip. He seems to be having quite some trouble with that. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Enterprise




IMDb: 8.1
45 min

Archer, Tucker and T'Pol pay a visit to the sanctuary of P'Jem. The sanctuary is more than 3000 years old and used for the practice of kolinahr, the Vulcan method of purging emotions. P'Jem doesn't look pristine however. The door seems smashed and inside ornaments are either broken or displaced. It isn't long before they find out the place has been taken over by Andorians, blue humanoids that aren't particularly on friendly terms with the Vulcans. They suspect the sanctuary of P'Jem to be a disguise for a long range sensor array used for spying. Archer and Trip are suspected of collaborating with the Vulcans and put under arrest. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Las Vegas

Las Vegas


Las Vegas

IMDb: 8.0

Las Vegas PD detective Max Dillon first arrests Danny, who learns DElinda is pregnant, of killing still missing Mary's dad, alone or with her, until Mitch and Mike prove there must be another suspect. Sam survives her kidnapping by dumping Vince Peterson in flight. Her disloyal attempt to recruit whales as investors fro the Montecito is fruitless, and late since gloomy cowboy Cooper already paid the tax arrear. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Las Vegas

Las Vegas


Las Vegas

IMDb: 8.5

Jillian questions Ed's priorities when she finds out he's trying to purchase the Montecido. Delinda questions Danny's priorities when he's more caught up in trying to prevent a friend from being returned to Iraq than sitting down with her and finding out she's pregnant. Mike finds out Sam's plight, and Mary takes steps in helping her step-sisters' plight. Written by Moviedude1

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Las Vegas

Las Vegas


Las Vegas

IMDb: 7.7

Danny has worries from Wallace, who rips off his place after turning down the requested favor Danny owes him; Dalinda, who walked in on the guys while they were still in the place; Ed, for placing his daughter is danger; Mary, who, unknown to Danny, has bought a gun after her father was found not guilty for crimes against her and her step-sisters; and Sam, who has inherited the Montecido and is beginning to go power crazy. Meanwhile, Ed has his own plans for the casino, which does not include retiring like his wife wants him to do, and Mike meets an old classmate, who used to have a rather unique nickname for him. Written by Moviedude1

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Las Vegas

Las Vegas


Las Vegas

IMDb: 7.6

An unexpected death hangs a cloud over the company picnic, where the stakes have been raised between Ed's crew and the back of house. Mary deals with her father's trial and Sam tries to land a big spender, stealing him from a rival casino. Written by Moviedude1

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Las Vegas

Las Vegas


Las Vegas

IMDb: 7.7

When the Gambling Commission receives what it considers too many complaints on Ed, the board forces him to attend Anger Management. Mike considers asking for a loan from Ed in order to buy his new condo. Danny searches for an employee who is in so much need of money that he's willing to gamble with his life. Dalinda feels the need to do something with her life, and Sam gets jealous when one of her high profile big spenders comes to town and wants to take Mary to dinner instead of her. Written by Moviedude1

Country: USA | Germany
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Las Vegas

Las Vegas


Las Vegas

IMDb: 8.7

Remarks about Las Vegas's past evoke a dream in which Danny, Mike and the girls arrive in 1962 at the Jubilee, the later Montecito, with new boss Ed, a mobster. They not only take over but invent the modern all-in-one-site entertainment formula, combining casino elements gambling, hotel, restaurants and shops, in the process inventing their present jobs. That takes quite some convincing and arm-twisting, in the spirit of those days still using methods they now wouldn't even consider. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Las Vegas

Las Vegas


Las Vegas

IMDb: 7.7

The Montecito experiences several financial perils. Ed Deline worries about chip cheaters who already got away with $1,200,000, and orders to divert owner Monica's attention -she hasn't even mastered the essential element of fun- to a gambler who seems to keep winning honestly, already for $300,000, while he and Mike trace all people plausibly involved, the manufacturing company and even the whereabouts of only five machines which could do the job, the takes drastic action... Meanwhile Mike and Danny close in on pick-pockets. Danny's accountant insists he should sell his late dad's house, which increased in value from almost nothing to about $1,500,000, and thus discovers a recent picture on pa's bed-stand with a woman he doesn't know at all. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Las Vegas

Las Vegas


Las Vegas

IMDb: 8.5

While counterfeit bills suddenly appear everywhere in the Montecito and the surveillance team doesn't have a clue what's going on, three people in the Montecito get a rather unexpected visit. Danny gets a letter from two army officers. Out of the blue he is recalled for active duty with the marines. A bad time since Mary could really use his support right now. Sam tells her her father is sitting in a bar and this greatly upsets her. She throws him out of the casino. Ed gets to talk with Fast Tommy Palone, who announces himself as a business associate. He tells Ed he won the ground on which the Montecito is situated in a poker game with mafioso Bugsy Siegel over 50 years ago. He offers Ed two options, either demolish the casino or give him full control. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Las Vegas

Las Vegas


Las Vegas

IMDb: 7.5
60 min

Lloyd Campbell, an obnoxious guest, is sent out of the Montecito, but decides to put his last money in a slot machine. He wins one million dollars. Danny and Ed advise him to put the suitcase with the money in a safe, but he wants to keep it in his room. He ends up in hospital a while later, where a young doctor tells Danny he has died. His wife comes to pickup the money in the casino, only to find the suitcase is empty. Danny and Ed try to find out what happened, while the arrival of Ed's mother Bette also takes away valuable time. Meanwhile Sam and Nessa have their hands full with a couple who want to pay for everything with coupons. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD The King of Queens

The King of Queens


The King of Queens

IMDb: 7.9

Doug wants to go to Vegas with the guys. However, Carrie has to agree. Doug figures she can't refuse him anything if he takes her to a spa for a weekend. The spa is a living hell to Doug, but the thought of a trip to Vegas keeps him going. Arthur is told by Spence they're planning to go to Vegas and Arthur teaches Spence to count cards so he can win lots of money in Vegas. Written by Marco van Hoof

Genre: Comedy,
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IMDb: 7.5

A smuggled IED in Iraq explodes inside a work tent and kills 17 Marines in a reserve unit from a small town in Oklahoma; one man survives; Harm and Bud go to the hometown and provide legal help to the families; the survivor returns home. The local Marine Corps Reserve Center burns due to arson; the sheriff suspects the returned hero; Harm and Bud investigate, then the hero-suspect goes on trial in his hometown; Harm and Bud prosecute, and they discover the truth. Meanwhile, Mac goes to Iraq and investigates the explosion; among the locals she learns the real story; she and the senior Marine officer watch a new democracy at work. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 8.0

In 1981 a sexual encounter goes wrong, and a transvestite sex worker dies; a seaman becomes convicted on circumstantial evidence; 22 years later Harm meets him; an old file leads to prosecutorial misbehavior (because the prosecutor withheld exculpatory evidence from the defense). The prosecutor is now a member of the Congress. The PotUS grants a retrial; Sturgis prosecutes, and Harm defends; Harm presents evidence disproving that the defendant was guilty; the court releases the seaman and gives him a profound apology. Meanwhile Mac and Bud investigate a chief warrant officer with four wives and families; in a pretrial hearing Mac prosecutes, and Bud defends; the hearing officer refers the matter to a general court-martial. One of the four wives keeps her husband, and the other three divorce him; the government withdraws charges, but Mac promises the man an administrative discharge. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.9

At night in Kirkuk, Iraq, a firefight breaks out with friendly forces on each side; one Marine dies; each side says that the other side fired first. Harm and Mac investigate; the widow approaches Mac with some background material. Attention turns onto a retired Marine sergeant major who now works for a private firm under contract to the DoD; the SecNav orders his recall to active duty and his trial at court-martial; Mac prosecutes, and Harm defends. Bad intel presents a problem. Harm calls the CEO of the civilian firm to the stand, and he exposes information extremely damaging to the firm. Mattie continues to improve her relationship with her father, but without ditching Harm. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 8.0

In a local church a Marine general has presented a guest sermon, including certain remarks about the Islamic faith, which some listeners and reporters have interpreted in different ways; that same general has become appointed to a joint position in cooperation with a general of the Iraqi army. A turmoil ensues. A court of inquiry leads to a general court-martial; Mac prosecutes, Harm defends, and a woman TV reporter agitates. Sturgis comes under scrutiny over a complaint of racial bias by a Naval officer of Korean descent about an incident in a previous episode; after discussion between Bud, the investigator, and the complainant, the latter withdraws his gripe. The gang leans hard on Coates, asking whether the admiral will marry Meredith; she gives an encoded answer. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.8

An F-18 Hornet crashes on the deck while attempting to land aboard a carrier at sea, and the pilot dies instantly; Harm and Mac investigate, and they suspect suicide. The pilot's squadron commander stands accused of dereliction of duty for his having failed to help the pilot and ground him (because of his expression of his depression and suicidal thinking); Mac prosecutes, and Harm and Bud defend. Suddenly the suicide theory crumbles, then Harm and Bud find the real problem and the person responsible. Bud practices his skills in suicide prevention; he also reaches out to Mike. Harm, Coates, and Mattie have trouble with the Dragon Lady; Harm turns in some of Mattie's written work. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.8

A lieutenant in the US Navy approaches a pair of diamond merchants in Antwerp, Belgium, and offers to sell them not only a perfect two-carat stone but also as many others as they want. Meanwhile the gem in Meredith's engagement ring attracts attention and arouses curiosity. The admiral traces its history, then he finds the same lieutenant (at the Naval Research Lab) and arrests him for conduct unbecoming and discrediting the service. Mac prosecutes, and Harm and Bud defend. The evidence presents a lurid story. Further, Harm takes custody of Mattie, and he places two birds in the same nest. Harm and Mac continue to talk, and the admiral makes a shattering discovery. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.7

A sailor dies while working aloft on a radar antenna at sea aboard a guided-missile destroyer; Harm and Mac investigate. Another sailor stands accused of dereliction of duty and negligent homicide; Mac prosecutes, and Harm defends. During the trial they discover the real cause of the death. The admiral asks PO Coates to help with the planning for his wedding with Meredith, but she overdoes it. Mike offers to escort the younger sister of a fellow midshipman to a dance; the classmate and his sister are black; the brother behaves toward his sister in a strongly protective way; they all work it out together. Harriet continues to coordinate for the USO Christmas tour in Iraq. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.8

The highest CIA spy in Libya has become uncovered, so the CIA sends in Harm and Beth to pick him up aboard a C-130 Hercules; however, the spy shows up with a large number of his relatives; he demands that they too go, so they take them. However, engine trouble and gunfire raise complications; USS Seahawk, an aircraft carrier, is the only landing site near enough; they land without mishap. Meanwhile a seaman in the Navy has converted to the Islamic faith, and he has become accused of taking part in al-Qaeda activities; the testimony of one witness against him raises legal and moral questions. Sturgis and Bud prosecute, Mac defends, and Sturgis and Mac eventually reach a plea deal. Sturgis continues to wrestle with his feelings about the misconduct case about himself. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.8

In Korea during 1950, during the Korean War, 23 Koreans died due to gunfire by US soldiers when the Koreans failed and refused to obey when ordered to halt and to not cross a bridge. The civilian press in the USA has refreshed accusations of an unjustified massacre. Harm, Mac, an Army general, and a veteran of that war fly to Seoul to investigate; Renee and her crew go on the same flight. While en route a group of North Korean activists hijack the aircraft and divert it toward their own homeland; the NK government forbids the bird to enter their airspace. The hijackers then conduct a kangaroo court while aloft. Harm plays a major role in getting them all to South Korea. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.3

During a training exercise in the Appalachian Mountains, the OiC of a SEAL team comes under attack, apparently by a sniper; he returns fire toward a muzzle flash; he finds the body of a 14-year-old boy, who was a nephew of a fugitive bomber. The OiC returns to the hills and investigates on his own; the locals find him and put him on trial for murder in a kangaroo people's court; Harm and Mac follow and find him, and Harm defends him. After much unconventional courtroom maneuvering, the jury reaches a verdict, and the judge announces his decision, then the admiral and the FBI arrive aboard helos. Each side winds up and goes home. Meanwhile Harriet takes a step upward. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.7

A Japanese man accuses a US Naval officer (from a visiting aircraft carrier) of raping his teenage daughter. Harm, Mac, and Bud investigate; a rear admiral applies political pressure. The Japanese authorities indict the defendant, an ensign, take him into custody, and conduct a trial, which goes poorly; it goes even worse after the prosecutor catches the ensign in a lie. The Japanese court refuses to allow a US lawyer to defend him, and it provides a Japanese one who's not well qualified for a criminal defense. A major event sends the JAG himself to Japan. Eventually Harm takes part in a conversation which persuades a witness to step forward and explain what happened. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 8.3

During a joint drug-interdiction operation with the Coast Guard, a Navy frigate fires two warning shots across the bow of a suspect yacht, which has failed and refused to stop when ordered; the second round appears to hit the boat, and it sinks. A high-level South American official owns the yacht, and his son was aboard it. Harm, Mac, and Bud go to Miami and investigate; Harriet, as planned, goes to Naples, Florida, to visit her parents. The three musketeers meet three enthusiastic and enterprising elderly veterans with strong feelings; Bud meets Harriet's parents. The threesome figure out what happened, and the bad boy from South America goes back home. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 8.2
46 min

Forty miles off the Atlantic coast of Florida, inside the Bermuda triangle, a fully armed F-14 Tomcat vanishes with an experienced crew. Harm, Mac, Bud, and even the admiral investigate. Suddenly the wife and the young daughter of the missing pilot also disappear from family housing at NAS Jax. Many people report UFOs in Florida and Georgia during the same night when the Tomcat vanishes. The RIO from the missing bird staggers into a campground and winds up in a hospital in Miami. Bud revels in UFO and alien-abduction stories. The three musketeers figure out the problem, then the Navy recovers the aircraft, the pilot, and his family. Mac continues talking with Dalton. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.5

During an exercise an F-14 Tomcat clips the top of a utility tower in Nevada. The two aviators eject and survive, and the aircraft crashes into a desert; however, burning debris from the crash kills a mother and a baby in a car on an adjacent road. Mac joins them from Washington to represent the pilot, who has requested a lawyer. While Harm recreates the fateful flight, he gives Mac a ride in a Tomcat; she finds it challenging. The evidence appears to implicate the CO of the involved squadron, who was a mentor and one of the instructors of Harm while he was in flight school. In a pretrial hearing Harm prosecutes him, and Mac defends him. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 8.0
46 min

While awaiting the conversion of an aircraft carrier of the US Navy into a museum ship, inspectors discover the skeleton of an aviator lieutenant inside a previously sealed void compartment. Harm and Mac investigate in Alameda; Bud and Harriet research in Washington and continue to check out each other. Harm has some unusual experiences aboard the ship, and Mac strikes up a friendship with a local detective. The inspectors appear to have sought something other than rust. Harm finds an important book, which contains a clue about the whereabouts of his father. The local detective turns out to be someone else instead, and the book disappears. Webb lends a hand and says something nice. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.4
47 min

In Lima, Peru, a local 15-year-old boy tries to sneak into the US embassy at night by jumping from the top of the perimeter wall; a Marine guard challenges him, and the boy fires at the guard, who returns fire and kills him. A strident Peruvian anti-US group stirs up strong feelings and violent behavior against the US citizens. While Harm and Meg investigate, they uncover a number of entanglements and complications; they take part in a shootout and survive it, and they eventually figure out the truth. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD Anno 1790

Anno 1790


Anno 1790

IMDb: 6.3
58 min

Daadh's world has been shaken to its foundations. His friend Freund has disappeared and Daadh's worst enemy has taken the deathly ill chief constable's place. Through his knowledge of medicine, his courage and his ability to see patterns in seemingly unrelated events, Daadh succeeds in turning the situation around, and even uncovers a crime ring with connections to the highest levels of society. But suddenly he is harshly confronted by his own past and is forced to bargain with those in power in order to save his life. This experience causes him, for the first time, to seriously question his future as an officer of the law. Written by Anonymous

Country: Sweden
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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