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HD The IT Crowd

The IT Crowd


The IT Crowd

IMDb: 8.0
24 min

Jen is curious about the red door behind Roy's desk, which she has been forbidden to open - so she opens it and finds Richmond Avenal, a lonely Goth who was once Denholm's right hand man but fell out with him over the band Cradle of Filth and has been banished to solitary confinement. Feeling sorry for him she determines to restore him to his former glory and also helps Roy, who has become trapped under a woman's desk whilst trying to sort out an IT problem. Moss meanwhile finds that having his face on the bottom of his new mug does not prevent it from being stolen like his old mug. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The IT Crowd

The IT Crowd


The IT Crowd

IMDb: 8.0
25 min

Deciding that women only like bad boys Roy goes on a blind date with a changed image as a womanizer. Security guard Daniel, impressed by Jen's trivia knowledge, asks her to be his Phone a Friend when he goes on TV quiz show 'Who Wants To Be a Millionaire?' but unfortunately she gets flustered when he asks for a date on live TV and makes a fool of herself. Nonetheless Roy and Jen plan to take their dates to dinner at a smart restaurant but, due to a mix-up over names, go to an inferior joint and the dates walk out on them. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The IT Crowd

The IT Crowd


The IT Crowd

IMDb: 8.3
25 min

After Jen has bought a stylish but crippling pair of shoes Denholm announces that the IT trio must attend an anti-stress course. A machine that measures stress is brought to the office but Roy and Moss replace it with a dummy and plan to show how calm they are by setting off a fire. Jen, injured by her shoes and frightened by the fire, is on the verge of hysteria but stays calm so as not to get the sack. The fire brigade finally arrives and declare that the anti-stress machine is not working. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The IT Crowd

The IT Crowd


The IT Crowd

IMDb: 7.8
24 min

Arriving for a job at Reynholm Industries, Jen Barber bluffs her way through her interview by Denholm Reynham by claiming an extensive knowledge of computers and is hired, acting as supervisor to Roy and Moss in the IT department. They soon see through her lie and are about to expose her but decide against it when Denholm announces that he will sack anybody who does not display teamwork. As exposing Jen's lack of computer skills would be considered a lack of teamwork, Roy claims they were there to inform Denholm of the new voice activation they have installed on his computer, which is untrue. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Battlestar Galactica

Battlestar Galactica


Battlestar Galactica

IMDb: 9.2
44 min

Roslin is on board a raptor en route to the Rebel Cylon Base Star, but Gaeta has ordered to engage and destroy it. The marines have used a stun grenade on Adama and Tigh. Roslin manages to get a wireless transmission out for everyone to hear and learn what Gaeta has done. She and the others barely make it to the Base Star, where she convinces Tory and the other Cylons to use the Fleet as a cover in order to prevent Gaeta from attacking it. She also believes that Adama will be able to save the rest of the Final Four. Temporarily safe, the Rebel Cylons start voting on whether they should just jump away and count their losses. Adama is brought before Gaeta and Tigh is thrown to the brig with Caprica Six, Anders, Athena, Helo and their child Hera. Zarek comes aboard Galactica on Colonial One with the Quorum. At Gaeta's insisting, Zarek agrees to put Adama on trial for treason, with Romo Lampkin assigned as his defence lawyer. There's just one problem: The Quorum refuses to recognize ... Written by Toni Tapola, Finland

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HD Battlestar Galactica

Battlestar Galactica


Battlestar Galactica

IMDb: 9.1
44 min

The Fleet refuses to cooperate with Cylon engineers and Adama decides to put and end to it. He sends the Quorum a message stating that unless they wish to join Zarek in the cell, they get their people in line. However, Gaeta is already freed Zarek with the help of other would-be-revolutionists. They allow Zarek to leave Galactica on a raptor. He lands on Colonial One and enters a gathering of the Quorum. Meanwhile, Anders gets ambushed and captured. At the CIC, Gaeta cleverly manipulates everyone else until the time is at hand for the revolution to begin. Written by Toni Tapola, Finland

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HD Battlestar Galactica

Battlestar Galactica


Battlestar Galactica

IMDb: 7.9
52 min

Adama considers Saul and Tyrol's suggestion that the Fleet should integrate Cylon jump technology since it will triple the distance they will be able to cover before they run out of fuel. But the Cylon's condition is that they will be allowed to join the Fleet, for safety against Cavil, who's still out there. Ultimately, the decision is up to President Roslin, but Zarek calls the Quorum and gets them to carry the motion that no Cylon be allowed aboard any Colonial vessel unless permitted by the ship's captain. Tyrol learns from Dr. Cottle that Cally had their child tested and the results indicated that Tyrol is not the father - therefore the child is fully human. Roslin starts her climb up from the depths of despair she had fallen to soon after the Fleet found Earth. Written by Toni Tapola, Finland

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HD Battlestar Galactica

Battlestar Galactica


Battlestar Galactica

IMDb: 7.8
44 min

Dr. Cottle works desperately to save Natalie 6 and Athena is sitting in the brig. With the Basestar having jumped into hyperspace with President Roslin and Gaius Baltar on board, Tom Zarek assumes the interim Presidency. The fleet has lost more than the President however as they had already transferred an air wing to the Cylon ship pending the attack on the resurrection hub. When one of the Raptors returns, they find a crewman on board, dead. Admiral Adama simply won't support a Zarek-led government and Lee Adama tries to arrange a compromise. He gets Romo Lampkin to help him find the right candidate to replace Zarek as interim President. Adama learns that Col. Tigh has been having sex with Caprica 6 and that she is pregnant. Realizing that he will go to any lengths to find Roslin and that he has lost his objectivity, Admiral Adama comes to a major decision about his future. Written by garykmcd

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HD Battlestar Galactica

Battlestar Galactica


Battlestar Galactica

IMDb: 8.7
44 min

The Demetrius and the Basestar return to the colonial fleet - not without some challenges - and the Cylons seek an alliance with the Colonial fleet. Natalie 6 offers to lead them to the Cylon resurrection hub which, if destroyed, would end the possibility of Cylon resurrection. She also tells them the Final 5 are already in the Colonial fleet. When the Quorum of Twelve learns of the deal with the Cylons, they consider a vote of no confidence in the President. The President meanwhile again has her dream of chasing Hera in the Kobol Opera House. She learns that her chief of staff, Tory Foster, has become one of Gaius Baltar's followers. She wants to know who is spreading rumors about her sharing her visions with the Cylons. When Starbuck tells the President what the Hybrid told her, the President takes Baltar with her to speak to the Hybrid. On the Galactica, Athena has a fatal encounter with Natalie. Lt. Gaeta, who was shot by Sam Anders during the attempted mutiny on the Demetrius, ... Written by garykmcd

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HD Battlestar Galactica

Battlestar Galactica


Battlestar Galactica

IMDb: 8.0
44 min

The aftermath of a coup among the Cylons leads to further violence, Lee finds himself facing off against Roslin during his first meeting with the Quorum of Twelve as the new representative of Caprica, and Cally discovers the horrible truth about her husband Galen Tyrol. Meanwhile, Starbuck aimlessly searches for Earth with Anders and other Galactica officers. Written by Kevlar01

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HD Battlestar Galactica

Battlestar Galactica


Battlestar Galactica

IMDb: 6.8
44 min

When a group of refugees board Galactica with a curable illness, it becomes very mysterious when they begin to die after taking the injection they do not believe in.

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HD Battlestar Galactica

Battlestar Galactica


Battlestar Galactica

IMDb: 8.0
44 min

Now safely back in the fleet, those who managed to escape from New Caprica are seeking revenge against those they believe collaborated with the Cylons. Six of them, including Chief Tyrol and Col. Tigh, have formed the Circle and are acting as judge, jury and executioner. Those found guilty are blown out of an airlock. Lee Adama has noted that in the three days since everyone was reunited, 13 people have simply disappeared without a trace. The morale aboard the Galactica is not good with perceived collaborators being shunned by the others. Among those in that situation is Felix Gaeta who, as Gaius Baltar's Chief of Staff, is high on the Circle's list. As for Baltar is now being kept aboard a Cylon Basestar and his captors are deciding his fate as well. Written by garykmcd

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HD Battlestar Galactica

Battlestar Galactica


Battlestar Galactica

IMDb: 8.6
68 min | 60 min

The identity of a new Cylon is revealed when the Cylons leave the Colonies and announce they want to live in peace with humans. Meanwhile, Laura Roslin is afraid of Baltar's increasing popularity since he proposed to settle down in the new, but hostile, planet which has been discovered by the Fleet. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA | UK
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HD Battlestar Galactica

Battlestar Galactica


Battlestar Galactica

IMDb: 7.9
60 min

The elections are coming, and the candidates Laura Roslin and Gaius Baltar prepare themselves. Meanwhile, Starbuck leads an expedition to reach Caprica using the Cylon technology and rescue Anders and the other resistance members, and the chief Tyrol is tormented with a recurring dream. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA | UK
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HD Battlestar Galactica

Battlestar Galactica


Battlestar Galactica

IMDb: 7.5
60 min | 60 min

Lee Adama is asked to take a look on Pegasus, where commander Garner and Starbuck don't seem to be getting along. On Pegasus two raptors went missing after following a mysterious distress call. Their oxygen is running out. Apollo and Starbuck think it might be a Cylon trap, but Garner seems determined to jump Pegasus to rescue them. Meanwhile President Roslin is preparing for the elections. Her only opponent so far is Tom Zarek. Little does she know he is talking with Dr. Baltar to support his candidacy. Then a young woman requests asylum on Galactica. She wants an abortion, but her Gemenon parents don't allow it. Roslin faces a tough decision. She wants to recognize the freedom of women, but agreeing with abortion will lose the support of the important religious leaders of Gemenon. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA | UK
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HD Battlestar Galactica

Battlestar Galactica


Battlestar Galactica

IMDb: 6.2
60 min

There's a shortage of supplies on the fleet, the black market is thriving. President Roslin orders that these criminals, asking outrageous prices, must be stopped. Adama agrees and colonel Fisk says Pegasus is ready to help, but he doesn't seem to be sincere. Not long after he is murdered in the presence of someone he seems to know. Apollo, meanwhile, is still struggling with his near-death experience. He seeks comfort with the prostitute Shevon, who reminds him of a woman from his past. Her daughter Paya is in need of rare antibiotics. Apollo is asked to investigate the murder of Fisk. He soon finds out Fisk was heavily involved in black market operations. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA | UK
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HD Battlestar Galactica

Battlestar Galactica


Battlestar Galactica

IMDb: 8.1
60 min

Commander Adama is searching for the location of the Tomb of Athena so that he can reconcile with president Roslin. Along with Tyrol and Billy he takes a Raptor to Kobol. On Kobol Roslin's team is on their way to the tomb, facing a difficult journey. They are approaching a rock formation of which Boomer thinks is the Gates of Hera. Tom Zarek and his companion Meier still are planning to kill Lee Adama. Meier approaches Boomer to do the job. Meanwhile on Galactica, Number Six tells Dr. Baltar in the brig that a child will be born there. Baltar realizes how ridiculous the situation really is and calls his baby mythical. Suddenly Number Six tells him that he doesn't have a Cylon chip in his brain and that he actually is imagining her. Baltar runs to Dr. Cottle for tests. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA | UK
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HD Battlestar Galactica

Battlestar Galactica


Battlestar Galactica

IMDb: 7.8
60 min

24 ships have left the fleet to join president Roslin. In orbit of Kobol, they await the arrival of the Arrow of Apollo. Starbuck, Helo and Boomer arrive quickly, but the introduction of Boomer isn't as peacefully as Helo hoped. He is only barely able to prevent Lee from shooting her and Roslin orders to throw her out of the airlock. Then Boomer mentions she knows the location of the Tomb of Athena, the place on Kobol where the location of Earth is kept. Back on Galactica commander Adama is adamant in keeping the fleet divided, denouncing Roslin's followers as religious fanatics and terrorists. He appoints George Birch as new commander of the air group. Colonel Tigh thinks it's a bad choice. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA | UK
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HD Battlestar Galactica

Battlestar Galactica


Battlestar Galactica

IMDb: 7.5
43 min

With Colonial Day approaching, it is time for a new Quorom of Twelve. Twelve representatives from the twelve colonies will decide on important matters. There's one problem however. Terrorist Tom Zarek is chosen as representative for Sagittaron and he immediately wants to discuss the issue of a vice-president. So far there's only one candidate, Tom Zarek, as nominated by Virgon and Gemenon. Meanwhile Starbuck and Apollo are in charge of security, some kind of attack on president Roslin is suspected. Back on Caprica Helo and Boomer have arrived at the city Delphi. Helo comes to the conclusion Cylons can look like humans. In an attempt to capture a raider, he discovers another truth. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA | UK
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HD Battlestar Galactica

Battlestar Galactica


Battlestar Galactica

IMDb: 7.5

Water is found on a moon, but now there's the question of how to retrieve it. Chief Tyrol thinks the work's going to be hard. The moon is very barren and the liquid water is too salt. Only the ice is good enough, but it needs to be melted on site. Tyrol expects he needs at least a thousand men to do the work in proper time. President Roslin decides to ask prisoners on the prison ship Astral Queen to do the hard labor and receive points earning their freedom. But none of the prisoners are willing to cooperate, their representative Tom Zarek, a well known terrorist, tells. He has plan of his owns, frees the prisoners with the help of a guard and takes Lee, Dualla, Cally and Billy hostage. Zarek demands elections to replace president Roslin. Meanwhile on Caprica, Helo and the Cylon Boomer have arrived in an empty city, looking for a hospital to retrieve anti-radiation medication. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Numb3rs




IMDb: 7.9
60 min

The team investigates the deaths of two men who were part of a group of friends that had been sexually assaulted by a teacher when they were young boys. Also, Charlie and Amita get a fantastic job opportunity that could put a wrinkle in their wedding plans. Written by CBS Publicity

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HD Numb3rs




IMDb: 7.7
55 min

David's date at a magic show goes badly when one of the magicians disappears during the trick: which is not supposed to happen. However, thanks to Charlie's skepticism they quickly learn they the female magicians have a history of being con artists, using the disappearance to amp up their rep. However, there may actually be something wrong, when David learns his date was an angler for the trick, and has also gone missing.

Country: USA
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HD Numb3rs




IMDb: 7.4
60 min

Lucinda Shay is murdered in her home just before she would be crown witness in the trial against the fat cat owner of the crooked investment firm where she worked. Her young son Daniel heard the fatal shot and saw the killers' car drive away, but the trauma may prevent him ever speaking about it at all. To spare the kid the additional horror of a heartless state home, Don takes him home, that is to his grandfatherly dad Allan, and wins his confidence. Meanwhile Charlie, whose own maths colleague Dr. Larry Fleinhardt lost a fortune too, mathematically factors likely suspects from a daunting list of 6,000 investors and employees, who either lost a lot or fear clearing up the scam in court may endanger their winnings... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD New Girl

New Girl


New Girl

IMDb: 7.4
23 min

Nick and Schmidt take Jess on a trip to Solvang when she gets nervous about her new job as principal.

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Bleach




IMDb: 6.5
24 min

The assailants who attacked the Kuchiki mansion are identified as Sword Beasts, manifested Zanpakuto of Soul Reapers who lost their lives during the battle with Muramasa. Due to the potential danger, an order is issued throughout the Soul Society to hunt down all remaining Sword Beasts, including ones who have escaped into the World of the Living. Toshiro, Hyorinmaru, Rangiku, and Haineko go after a Sword Beast who is in the World of the Living searching for its master. Written by Anonymous

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HD Bleach




IMDb: 7.3
24 min

Inside Muramasa's mind, Ichigo clashes blades with Muramasa. As Muramasa's body and mind reach their limits, he begins to transform into a Hollow. With little time remaining, Ichigo and Muramasa decide to settle their score once and for all. Written by Anonymous

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HD Bleach




IMDb: 7.9
24 min

Results from Mayuri Kurotsuchi's experiment using Marechiyo Omaeda's Gegetsuburi show that a manifested Zanpakuto cannot revert to its original sword state when defeated by someone other than its master.

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HD Bleach




IMDb: 8.2
24 min

Ichigo has regained his Shikai and battles Muramasa. But Zangetsu, who has sided with Muramasa, steps in to fight Ichigo.

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HD Bleach




IMDb: 8.1
24 min

The Zanpakuto rebellion has left the Seireitei in a state of destruction with many Soul Reapers still missing, including Squad Six captain Byakuya Kuchiki.

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HD Bleach




IMDb: 8.0
24 min

Muramasa appears before Ichigo and explains how he freed the Zanpakuto from the Soul Reapers, as well as gave them a physical form to exist.

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HD Bleach




IMDb: 8.2

A mysterious man who calls himself Muramasa appears in the Seireitei to declare war against the Soul Reapers. Using his powers, Muramasa gives physical form to the Zanpakuto and liberates them from the captains and lieutenants of the 13 Court Guard Squads. Written by Ahmad Ragab

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HD Bleach




IMDb: 8.9
24 min

Aizen confidently tells Kisuke that he was hollowfying his captain from the moment Kisuke guessed it.

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