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HD Redwall




IMDb: 8.4
21 min

Redwall Abbey awakes to find their young ones are gone, and as they piece the previous night together realize that Mattimeo was right and that Vitch was the slaver's spy. Desperate that he ignored his son's warnings, Matthias vows to pursue Slagar The Fox accompanied by BASIL STAG HARE and others. He is unaware that Orlando the badger is already in far away pursuit. Slagar takes his slaves on circuitous routes, laying false trails to confuse the pursuers. The frightened slaves look to Mattimeo for leadership but he is not ready and responds badly. As his father sets off in entirely the wrong direction Mattimeo learns the true story of Chickenhound - and that he himself is hostage to Chickenhound's revenge on Matthias who will never see his son again.

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HD Redwall




IMDb: 8.4
21 min

Redwall Abbey awakes to find their young ones are gone, and as they piece the previous night together realize that Mattimeo was right and that Vitch was the slaver's spy. Desperate that he ignored his son's warnings, Matthias vows to pursue Slagar The Fox accompanied by BASIL STAG HARE and others. He is unaware that Orlando the badger is already in far away pursuit. Slagar takes his slaves on circuitous routes, laying false trails to confuse the pursuers. The frightened slaves look to Mattimeo for leadership but he is not ready and responds badly. As his father sets off in entirely the wrong direction Mattimeo learns the true story of Chickenhound - and that he himself is hostage to Chickenhound's revenge on Matthias who will never see his son again.

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HD Redwall




IMDb: 8.9
21 min

In the kitchens of Redwall Abbey, MATTIMEO son of Matthias The Warrior and Cornflower, fights VITCH, a mean little rat. Mattimeo is punished by his father for discourtesy to a guest. But Mattimeo's instincts about Vitch are validated when it transpires that Vitch is a spy for SLAGAR THE FOX - a slaver for the terrible underground Kingdom Of Malkariss. Slagar gains entry to Redwall disguised as leader of a troupe of magicians. At a great feast he is able to drug the drinks and capture Mattimeo and his friends, Tess and Tim Churchmouse and Sam Squirrel and Cynthia Vole. They join a group of slaves among whom is AUMA, little daughter of ORLANDO the Badger who even now is hunting the fox. As the slaves are taken away Slagar is revealed to be Chickenhound the treacherous fox from Series One, Redwall - seeking his revenge against Matthias The Warrior.

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HD Redwall




IMDb: 8.9
21 min

In the kitchens of Redwall Abbey, MATTIMEO son of Matthias The Warrior and Cornflower, fights VITCH, a mean little rat. Mattimeo is punished by his father for discourtesy to a guest. But Mattimeo's instincts about Vitch are validated when it transpires that Vitch is a spy for SLAGAR THE FOX - a slaver for the terrible underground Kingdom Of Malkariss. Slagar gains entry to Redwall disguised as leader of a troupe of magicians. At a great feast he is able to drug the drinks and capture Mattimeo and his friends, Tess and Tim Churchmouse and Sam Squirrel and Cynthia Vole. They join a group of slaves among whom is AUMA, little daughter of ORLANDO the Badger who even now is hunting the fox. As the slaves are taken away Slagar is revealed to be Chickenhound the treacherous fox from Series One, Redwall - seeking his revenge against Matthias The Warrior.

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HD Redwall




IMDb: 9.0
21 min

As Matthias is lost deep in Asmodeus's caverns, Cluny digs his way under Redwall, taking advantage of the exhausted Redwallers and the absence of Matthias. Using the sword to escape the caverns and after a terrifying river adventure, Matthias returns with the shrews to defend Redwall - but not before he is almost trapped by Cluny and only just saved by Cornflower. Cluny flees at the sight of Martin The Warrior's ghost while Matthias at last gets to wear his hero's armor. Written by Anonymous

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HD Redwall




IMDb: 9.0
21 min

As Matthias is lost deep in Asmodeus's caverns, Cluny digs his way under Redwall, taking advantage of the exhausted Redwallers and the absence of Matthias. Using the sword to escape the caverns and after a terrifying river adventure, Matthias returns with the shrews to defend Redwall - but not before he is almost trapped by Cluny and only just saved by Cornflower. Cluny flees at the sight of Martin The Warrior's ghost while Matthias at last gets to wear his hero's armor. Written by Anonymous

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HD Redwall




IMDb: 8.1
21 min

Matthias sets off to find Asmodeus and recapture Martin's sword. Helped by the shrews of Mossflower he finally meets his foe in the deep caverns where he guards the Warrior's sword - the object of Matthias's quest. In a terrible battle Matthias kills Asmodeus. At last the serpent is dead and the sword is his. Now he can truly be the protector of Redwall. But news of Cluny's assault reaches him as he realizes he is trapped deep underground. Written by Anonymous

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HD Redwall




IMDb: 8.1
21 min

Matthias sets off to find Asmodeus and recapture Martin's sword. Helped by the shrews of Mossflower he finally meets his foe in the deep caverns where he guards the Warrior's sword - the object of Matthias's quest. In a terrible battle Matthias kills Asmodeus. At last the serpent is dead and the sword is his. Now he can truly be the protector of Redwall. But news of Cluny's assault reaches him as he realizes he is trapped deep underground. Written by Anonymous

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HD Redwall




IMDb: 8.0
21 min

Matthais's wild sparrow friend, Warbeak, attempts to scout Cluny's camp as he prepares yet another attack on the Abbey. She is captured and Matthias has to rescue her before Cluny feeds her to Asmodeus the Snake. Posing as Cluny, Basil Stag Hare helps rescue Warbeak and Matthias resolves once more to find a way to kill Asmodeus. He stands between Matthias and Martin's Sword - their battle is inevitable. Written by Anonymous

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HD Redwall




IMDb: 8.0
21 min

Matthais's wild sparrow friend, Warbeak, attempts to scout Cluny's camp as he prepares yet another attack on the Abbey. She is captured and Matthias has to rescue her before Cluny feeds her to Asmodeus the Snake. Posing as Cluny, Basil Stag Hare helps rescue Warbeak and Matthias resolves once more to find a way to kill Asmodeus. He stands between Matthias and Martin's Sword - their battle is inevitable. Written by Anonymous

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HD Redwall




IMDb: 8.7
21 min

Cluny captures a travelling spice salesmouse and holds his wife. The fearful husband is forced to enter Redwall and take Cornflower captive in return for his wife. Torn between love and honor, he does as Cluny demands. But with Matthias's help, the two outwit Cluny and rescue the mousemaids, riding back to safety in a spectacular underground waterborne escape. Written by Anonymous

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HD Redwall




IMDb: 8.7
21 min

Cluny captures a travelling spice salesmouse and holds his wife. The fearful husband is forced to enter Redwall and take Cornflower captive in return for his wife. Torn between love and honor, he does as Cluny demands. But with Matthias's help, the two outwit Cluny and rescue the mousemaids, riding back to safety in a spectacular underground waterborne escape. Written by Anonymous

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HD Redwall




IMDb: 8.9
21 min

Underground in the kingdom of Malkariss, Mattimeo and his friends see the slaves building a huge city. Brave Tess refuses to be a slave and Mattimeo is brutally attacked when he tries to save her from punishment. The slaves are thrown into a dank cell. Matthias unravels the last secret of the Loamhedge parchment and finds a way into Malkariss - The Old Rabbit's amulet is the key to enter! Redwall Abbey is also successfully fighting back utilizing the ruse of Martin's ghost and adds a new friend to its ranks in the form of Stryk, an enormous but injured kite-bird who crashes to earth nearby. Cornflower repairs her wing and gains a formidable ally. While Slagar and Malkariss deal for power, Matthias and friends descend the honeycomb passages into the kingdom. A fierce battle ensues in which Log-A-Log saves Matthias' life, but is mortally injured. To prevent more bloodshed Matthias challenges the rats to bring forth their champion for him to fight - none other than the ferocious Wearet -... Written by Anonymous

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HD Redwall




IMDb: 8.9
21 min

Underground in the kingdom of Malkariss, Mattimeo and his friends see the slaves building a huge city. Brave Tess refuses to be a slave and Mattimeo is brutally attacked when he tries to save her from punishment. The slaves are thrown into a dank cell. Matthias unravels the last secret of the Loamhedge parchment and finds a way into Malkariss - The Old Rabbit's amulet is the key to enter! Redwall Abbey is also successfully fighting back utilizing the ruse of Martin's ghost and adds a new friend to its ranks in the form of Stryk, an enormous but injured kite-bird who crashes to earth nearby. Cornflower repairs her wing and gains a formidable ally. While Slagar and Malkariss deal for power, Matthias and friends descend the honeycomb passages into the kingdom. A fierce battle ensues in which Log-A-Log saves Matthias' life, but is mortally injured. To prevent more bloodshed Matthias challenges the rats to bring forth their champion for him to fight - none other than the ferocious Wearet -... Written by Anonymous

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HD Redwall




IMDb: 8.4
21 min

While Cluny plans to recapture the tapestry by burning down the Abbey gates, Matthias determines to renew his search for Martin's sword. He must find Asmodeus' hideout. He learns that only the fierce mouse-eating owl, Captain Snow, knows where it is. To ask him Matthias has to pass Julian Gingivere, a marmalade cat and the Shrew of Mossflower Wood! Matthias breaks off the search for the sword to return with his new allies to once again beat off Cluny. Written by Anonymous

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HD Redwall




IMDb: 8.4
21 min

While Cluny plans to recapture the tapestry by burning down the Abbey gates, Matthias determines to renew his search for Martin's sword. He must find Asmodeus' hideout. He learns that only the fierce mouse-eating owl, Captain Snow, knows where it is. To ask him Matthias has to pass Julian Gingivere, a marmalade cat and the Shrew of Mossflower Wood! Matthias breaks off the search for the sword to return with his new allies to once again beat off Cluny. Written by Anonymous

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HD Redwall




IMDb: 7.9
23 min

Cluny attempts to starve the Redwallers into submission. When Basil and Jess the Squirrel seem to desert, Matthias wonders if surrender is close. He decides to try and rescue the stolen tapestry from Cluny in order to give courage to the Redwallers - and discovers Basil and Jess attempting the same thing! They outwit Cluny, retrieve the precious tapestry of Martin, and renew the spirit of Redwall. Written by Anonymous

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HD Redwall




IMDb: 7.9
23 min

Cluny attempts to starve the Redwallers into submission. When Basil and Jess the Squirrel seem to desert, Matthias wonders if surrender is close. He decides to try and rescue the stolen tapestry from Cluny in order to give courage to the Redwallers - and discovers Basil and Jess attempting the same thing! They outwit Cluny, retrieve the precious tapestry of Martin, and renew the spirit of Redwall. Written by Anonymous

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HD Redwall




IMDb: 8.1
21 min

A travelling circus comes to Redwall and Cluny uses it to try and infiltrate the Abbey with his lieutenants, dressed as clowns. The mysterious circus star, Wild Ivy the Knifethrower seemingly mesmerizes Matthias, but she is, in fact, an ally and as Cornflower is threatened with death by Cluny, Ivy turns the circus against the rats in an acrobatic battle of fire-eaters versus fur! It is then we see what Wild Ivy has seen - that Matthias and Cornflower are destined to be together...if Redwall survives. Written by Anonymous

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HD Redwall




IMDb: 8.1
21 min

A travelling circus comes to Redwall and Cluny uses it to try and infiltrate the Abbey with his lieutenants, dressed as clowns. The mysterious circus star, Wild Ivy the Knifethrower seemingly mesmerizes Matthias, but she is, in fact, an ally and as Cornflower is threatened with death by Cluny, Ivy turns the circus against the rats in an acrobatic battle of fire-eaters versus fur! It is then we see what Wild Ivy has seen - that Matthias and Cornflower are destined to be together...if Redwall survives. Written by Anonymous

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HD Redwall




IMDb: 7.5
21 min

Following complex clues, which promise to lead to Martin's Sword, Matthias climbs high into the Abbey roof - and the kingdom of the crazy King Bull Sparra. There he discorvers that the slithering Asmodeus has Martin's Sword! The King returns in time to fight Matthias who narrowly escapes death. But at last Matthias knows where his sword quest must end; in a battle against the Snake! Written by Anonymous

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HD Redwall




IMDb: 7.5
21 min

Following complex clues, which promise to lead to Martin's Sword, Matthias climbs high into the Abbey roof - and the kingdom of the crazy King Bull Sparra. There he discorvers that the slithering Asmodeus has Martin's Sword! The King returns in time to fight Matthias who narrowly escapes death. But at last Matthias knows where his sword quest must end; in a battle against the Snake! Written by Anonymous

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HD Redwall




IMDb: 7.7
23 min

Cluny uses the treacherous fox, Chickenhound, to plant a rumour of an attack on Redwall, while Matthias and his mousemaid friend Cornflower unravel a mysterious motto - I am that is. It is an anagram of I Matthias written years before he was born - another clue on the quest for Martin's sword. Cluny's real underground attack is inventively repulsed by hot porridge and Matthias sees the fearful snake Asmodeus for the first time and realizes that somehow their fates are horribly intertwined. Written by Anonymous

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HD Redwall




IMDb: 7.7
23 min

Cluny uses the treacherous fox, Chickenhound, to plant a rumour of an attack on Redwall, while Matthias and his mousemaid friend Cornflower unravel a mysterious motto - I am that is. It is an anagram of I Matthias written years before he was born - another clue on the quest for Martin's sword. Cluny's real underground attack is inventively repulsed by hot porridge and Matthias sees the fearful snake Asmodeus for the first time and realizes that somehow their fates are horribly intertwined. Written by Anonymous

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HD Redwall




IMDb: 8.0
21 min

While Redwall prepares for a long siege, Cluny steals the symbolic tapestry of Martin The Warrior from within the Abbey, and Matthias learns that Martin's great sword still exists - but nobody knows where. As Cluny's next attack is repulsed Matthias meets a great ally, Basil Stag Hare, and learns that his own destiny is inextricably tied to his hero, Martin. Matthias will become Redwall's next Protector - but only if his quest for the sword is successful. Written by Anonymous

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HD Redwall




IMDb: 8.0
21 min

While Redwall prepares for a long siege, Cluny steals the symbolic tapestry of Martin The Warrior from within the Abbey, and Matthias learns that Martin's great sword still exists - but nobody knows where. As Cluny's next attack is repulsed Matthias meets a great ally, Basil Stag Hare, and learns that his own destiny is inextricably tied to his hero, Martin. Matthias will become Redwall's next Protector - but only if his quest for the sword is successful. Written by Anonymous

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HD Malcolm & Eddie

Malcolm & Eddie


Malcolm & Eddie

IMDb: 0

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Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Malcolm & Eddie

Malcolm & Eddie


Malcolm & Eddie

IMDb: 0

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Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Malcolm & Eddie

Malcolm & Eddie


Malcolm & Eddie

IMDb: 0
22 min

At the Fifty-Fifty Club's first Halloween party, Eddie is electrocuted after accidentally spilling a drink on his microphone. However, as Malcolm, Nicolette and Doug come to his aid, Eddie reveals that it was yet another in a series of Halloween pranks he's played on his partner over the years. And once they recall many of Eddie's past efforts, he and Malcolm head to an out of town party to celebrate Halloween. After running out of gas on the way back home, Malcolm and Eddie check into a nearby motel for the night. Although their evening gets off to a rocky start, a beautiful guest soon invites them to join her and her sister for a drink. However, as Malcolm is getting to know Veronica, Eddie discovers that Jody isn't nearly as attractive. And though Malcolm encourages him to tough it out, Eddie balks until Jody decides she wants to spend the night with Malcolm instead. As Eddie tries to get some time alone with Veronica, Malcolm claims that he can't bring himself to stay with Jody. ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Malcolm & Eddie

Malcolm & Eddie


Malcolm & Eddie

IMDb: 0
22 min

At the Fifty-Fifty Club's first Halloween party, Eddie is electrocuted after accidentally spilling a drink on his microphone. However, as Malcolm, Nicolette and Doug come to his aid, Eddie reveals that it was yet another in a series of Halloween pranks he's played on his partner over the years. And once they recall many of Eddie's past efforts, he and Malcolm head to an out of town party to celebrate Halloween. After running out of gas on the way back home, Malcolm and Eddie check into a nearby motel for the night. Although their evening gets off to a rocky start, a beautiful guest soon invites them to join her and her sister for a drink. However, as Malcolm is getting to know Veronica, Eddie discovers that Jody isn't nearly as attractive. And though Malcolm encourages him to tough it out, Eddie balks until Jody decides she wants to spend the night with Malcolm instead. As Eddie tries to get some time alone with Veronica, Malcolm claims that he can't bring himself to stay with Jody. ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Malcolm & Eddie

Malcolm & Eddie


Malcolm & Eddie

IMDb: 7.5
21 min

As he's honing his skills at the pool table with a game against Eddie, Malcolm is surprised when his old college friend and rival Preston Alexander arrives at Kelly's. Now a millionaire and one of the nation's most eligible bachelors, Preston is interested in avenging a loss at pool to Malcolm four years ago. When he suggests a $5,000 wager, Malcolm hesitates until Eddie offers to back him up with the cash. However, when Preston displays his amazing new skills at the table before leaving, Malcolm realizes he's been hustled. After learning that Eddie really doesn't have the money cover the bet, Malcolm is in real trouble. To help him out, Eddie offers the services of his Uncle Bucky, who suggests something unusual to take his mind off the game. And though Malcolm is skeptical, he finds that wearing women's underwear really works. To get Malcolm ready for his match, Eddie arranges for a massage from Tim. But Tim spills his oil and causes Malcolm to accidentally destroy the lucky ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Malcolm & Eddie

Malcolm & Eddie


Malcolm & Eddie

IMDb: 7.5
21 min

As he's honing his skills at the pool table with a game against Eddie, Malcolm is surprised when his old college friend and rival Preston Alexander arrives at Kelly's. Now a millionaire and one of the nation's most eligible bachelors, Preston is interested in avenging a loss at pool to Malcolm four years ago. When he suggests a $5,000 wager, Malcolm hesitates until Eddie offers to back him up with the cash. However, when Preston displays his amazing new skills at the table before leaving, Malcolm realizes he's been hustled. After learning that Eddie really doesn't have the money cover the bet, Malcolm is in real trouble. To help him out, Eddie offers the services of his Uncle Bucky, who suggests something unusual to take his mind off the game. And though Malcolm is skeptical, he finds that wearing women's underwear really works. To get Malcolm ready for his match, Eddie arranges for a massage from Tim. But Tim spills his oil and causes Malcolm to accidentally destroy the lucky ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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