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HD Ice Road Truckers

Ice Road Truckers


Ice Road Truckers

IMDb: 8.1
87 min

The Ice Road Truckers are back in action, and the roads are more dangerous than ever. Lisa's first run of the season goes south in a hurry. Two rookie drivers raise the stakes in the Dash for the Cash. And old pros Hugh and Alex, along with wildcard Rick Yemm, leave Alaska behind to take on some of the most remote and deadliest roads on the planet. Written by Anonymous

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HD Ice Road Truckers

Ice Road Truckers


Ice Road Truckers

IMDb: 8.3
44 min

Lisa tackles the most dangerous haul of the season, trucking a multi-million dollar, 100 ton load across the entire state of Alaska. This could be her ticket to the big leagues, or it could be a career killer. Alex races to keep pace in the load count and Greg could be a hero of the road. Written by Anonymous

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HD Ice Road Truckers

Ice Road Truckers


Ice Road Truckers

IMDb: 7.5
45 min

A recap of season two for the ice road truckers--the drivers of the tundra who carry vital equipment to remote outposts located hundreds of miles north of the Arctic Circle during two months of every year before the road disappears. It is a race against the elements, against time, and against each other. Written by Anonymous

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HD Ice Road Truckers

Ice Road Truckers


Ice Road Truckers

IMDb: 7.4
44 min

Warming temperatures are causing overflows all over the ice road, and with water rushing through cracks in the ice, hauling loads just got a lot more dangerous. Jody and Brett take on the challenge of removing the 66-ton derrick from the Langley site. The massive rig will have to be two-trucked; one truck will make the entire journey traveling backwards. Written by Anonymous

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HD Ice Road Truckers

Ice Road Truckers


Ice Road Truckers

IMDb: 7.6
45 min

Rising temperatures are melting away the ice road, making it a dash to the finish line for the crew breaking down the Langely site. Every last piece of equipment must be transported down the ice to Inuvik before the Arctic waters reclaim the road. Hugh is hauling an unsteady load of heavy gauge cable, making his rig so back-heavy that he struggles to get traction on the slippery surface. Written by Anonymous

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HD Ice Road Truckers

Ice Road Truckers


Ice Road Truckers

IMDb: 7.4
44 min

With the sun beating down on the ice, the road is melting at an accelerating rate. This means that it's all hands on deck for the demobilization of the drilling sites at Langley and Mallik, which must be broken down and hauled away before they're swallowed up by Arctic waters. Northwind owner Kurt leaves his office behind and jumps into a truck to contribute to the effort. Written by Anonymous

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HD Ice Road Truckers

Ice Road Truckers


Ice Road Truckers

IMDb: 7.4
44 min

It's a race against time to dismantle the Mallik Research site before the ice road melts, but while scientists are on the verge of an historic breakthrough, the truckers are starting to haul away equipment piece-by-piece. Hugh is given the challenging task of training a new driver, Isaac Lenny, whose driving test is just days away. Written by Anonymous

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HD Ice Road Truckers

Ice Road Truckers


Ice Road Truckers

IMDb: 7.2
44 min

After being Med-Evaced to Yellowknife hospital, Alex receives a grim diagnosis that could mean the end of his Ice Road season. Rick is also complaining of health issues, and again threatens to quit if his boss won't let him take time off to see a doctor. With nearly all of the rookies out for the count, the Arctic veterans take on the challenge of hauling the final loads of the rig move. Written by Anonymous

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HD Ice Road Truckers

Ice Road Truckers


Ice Road Truckers

IMDb: 7.4
44 min

Bear and Eric must haul a boiler and a flare stack--two critical pieces of equipment--to Langley at the same time that a polar bear is spotted in the area. In this region of the Arctic, polar bears have been known to kill humans, so the truckers must now be on guard against this new danger. Written by Anonymous

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HD Ice Road Truckers

Ice Road Truckers


Ice Road Truckers

IMDb: 7.9
44 min

The truckers have delivered the fragile 135-foot derrick to the new MGM exploration site, but before it can be erected, they must also transport the 80-ton substructure that will form its base. At 160,000 pounds, the base must be broken into separate loads, the combined weight of which makes them the heaviest--and most dangerous--loads the ice will face all season. Written by Anonymous

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HD Ice Road Truckers

Ice Road Truckers


Ice Road Truckers

IMDb: 7.8
44 min

After the storm clears, most of the truckers are ready to roll--all except Rick, who is on the verge of quitting and looks to Hugh for advice. For a second time, Jerry attempts the MGM camp move, including the transport of an expensive 50-ton derrick. He's assigned two of his best truckers to the task, which includes a risky practice called Two Trucking. Written by Anonymous

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HD Ice Road Truckers

Ice Road Truckers


Ice Road Truckers

IMDb: 7.2
45 min

It's week two on the frozen tundra and the name of the game is Rig Move. MGM is breaking down camp and moving every last piece of equipment to a new base at Langley to continue exploring for natural gas. While Alex and Hugh continue to prove themselves, Rick's only drive is into the repair shop where he spends two days doing nothing but sitting around. Written by Anonymous

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HD Ice Road Truckers

Ice Road Truckers


Ice Road Truckers

IMDb: 7.6
44 min

Just five days into the Arctic adventure, Mother Nature is about to strike and wreak havoc on the ice roads. Making matters worse is a report of a trucker who has run off the road and is stranded on the weakest part. The storm will make the ice roads impassable and dangerous. Since safety of the drivers is of the utmost concern, the roads must be shutdown. Written by Anonymous

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HD Ice Road Truckers

Ice Road Truckers


Ice Road Truckers

IMDb: 7.5
44 min

It's a new season and a new set of challenges for the ice road truckers--the drivers of the tundra who carry vital equipment to remote outposts located hundreds of miles north of the Arctic Circle during two months of every year before the road disappears. Written by Anonymous

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HD Ice Road Truckers

Ice Road Truckers


Ice Road Truckers

IMDb: 7.5
44 min

It is a job only a few would dare. This year, four ice road truckers, Hugh, Alex, Rick and Drew, return from last season to join Arctic veterans as they venture 200 miles north of the Arctic Circle to drive the most isolated and dangerous ice roads in North America. In the first episode, Hugh and Drew are introduced to their new boss, while Alex waits on his first load of the season. Written by Anonymous

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HD Ice Road Truckers

Ice Road Truckers


Ice Road Truckers

IMDb: 8.5
45 min

Spring brings a rush of warm weather and the big melt begins. The road is nearly empty as only the toughest or craziest truckers remain. There's a race to the finish between Alex, Hugh, Jay and T.J. Alex and Hugh are neck and neck fighting for the top load count, but the road is down to its final days and every trip could be their last. Written by Anonymous

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HD Ice Road Truckers

Ice Road Truckers


Ice Road Truckers

IMDb: 7.7
44 min

It's day 53 of the ice road season and only the toughest truckers remain on a road that's sent many people packing. Alex is part of a last great push to get some critical loads up the ice before it's too late. In his convoy is the heaviest load ever to cross the ice---a 100-ton electrical unit for the Diavik mine. If this load damages the ice, it could be the last run of the season. Written by Anonymous

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HD Ice Road Truckers

Ice Road Truckers


Ice Road Truckers

IMDb: 8.0
44 min

It's day 37 of the ice road season and there almost 3,000 more loads to go. Drivers are washing out and the road is beaten up. Rick Fitch, has a backlog of critical supplies that need to be delivered and an arctic storm is brewing. Rick organizes a special convoy of five trucks to get the loads out. TJ gets separated from the convoy just as the storm hits the road. Written by Anonymous

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HD Ice Road Truckers

Ice Road Truckers


Ice Road Truckers

IMDb: 8.5
44 min

It's just over a month into the new ice road season and more than 800 truckers are on the ice, working around the clock. There are still 4,000 loads that need to make it to the mines, but with spring just around the corner, every load could be their last. Alex sets out on a daring new adventure, one that will take him across a brand new, 138-mile, ice road to the Colomac Gold mine. Written by Anonymous

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HD Ice Road Truckers

Ice Road Truckers


Ice Road Truckers

IMDb: 8.2
44 min

Take a look at the men who undertake one of the most dangerous jobs on earth--ice road truckers. In the thick of winter truckers in giant eighteen wheelers carry equipment and supplies to miners in the Canadian tundra. Travel over ice and frozen lakes in blizzard conditions with men who are trained in self survival. Written by Anonymous

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HD Ice Road Truckers

Ice Road Truckers


Ice Road Truckers

IMDb: 8.1
45 min

It's half way through the grueling ice road season. Six hundred truckers have ferried more than 4,000 loads to the northern mines. They still have 6,000 left to go, but everyday roadblocks threaten their progress. Going a few miles over the speed limit is one thing on a regular road, but on ice it's a different story. Written by Anonymous

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HD Ice Road Truckers

Ice Road Truckers


Ice Road Truckers

IMDb: 8.4
44 min

Take a look at the men who undertake one of the most dangerous jobs on earth--ice road truckers. In the thick of winter truckers in giant eighteen wheelers carry equipment and supplies to miners in the Canadian tundra. Travel over ice and frozen lakes in blizzard conditions with men who are trained in self survival. Written by Anonymous

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HD Ice Road Truckers

Ice Road Truckers


Ice Road Truckers

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

An arctic storm forces a road closure. Alex hauls a 44,000 pound diamond ore crusher across 350-miles of ice to the BHP mine. And brutal -40 degree temperatures start to take their toll on the truckers. Take a look at the men who undertake one of the most dangerous jobs on earth--ice road truckers. Written by Anonymous

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HD Ice Road Truckers

Ice Road Truckers


Ice Road Truckers

IMDb: 8.4
44 min

Jay hauls a 17-ton water tank over 31 inches of ice all the way to the De Beers Diamond mine. The rivalry heats up between Hugh and Rick as they compete for the highest load count. And the season's first spin out on Charlie's Hill causes a major traffic jam on the ice. Take a look at the men who undertake one of the most dangerous jobs on earth--ice road truckers. Written by Anonymous

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HD Ice Road Truckers

Ice Road Truckers


Ice Road Truckers

IMDb: 8.4
44 min

Take a look at the men who undertake one of the most dangerous jobs on earth--ice road truckers. In the thick of winter truckers in giant eighteen wheelers carry equipment and supplies to miners in the Canadian tundra. In this episode, road construction crews begin the process of creating the most unique passage in the world---a 350-mile highway of ice. Written by Anonymous

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