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HD The Biggest Loser

The Biggest Loser


The Biggest Loser

IMDb: 5.8
85 min

With Lauren being eliminated after the last weigh-in, six contestants remain at the ranch after week eleven. In the first of the two weeks, the contestants embark on a reward challenge over a pool climbing a rope using a harness/pulley mechanism, with the rope constantly lengthening. The last person to hit the water wins the challenge and the associated reward of a one pound advantage, and the ability to give a one pound disadvantage to another contestant, that contestant to be announced at the weigh-in. The winner realizes the power that comes with this reward, while the five non-winners realize that they have to work additionally hard to overcome the potential of that extra pound assigned to them. Those five also plead their case to the challenge winner. Bob takes the contestants aside individually to discuss the pitfalls of returning home, which will happen in two weeks regardless. At the weigh-in where the contestants face a yellow line, the effects of the one pound advantage and ... Written by Huggo

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HD The Biggest Loser

The Biggest Loser


The Biggest Loser

IMDb: 6.0
80 min

With Toy and Vicki respectively being eliminated after the last two weigh-ins, nine contestants remain at the ranch. In the first of the two weeks, Bob announces that the team challenge - which entails throwing ten pound medicine balls in a net held up by the opposing team, the winner who either reaches a certain number of baskets or the opposing team dropping their net - may be the most important as the reward is that the winning team gets to choose one person from each team to go home for the week with no trainer, and with those two contestants being the only ones whose weight will count at the weekly weigh-in. Who the winning team chooses may surprise. Bob's assertion that they will have no trainers may not be totally accurate. The contestants who remain at the ranch feel somewhat helpless in that their fates are in the hands of two people, over who they have no control, and as Bob further announces that there will be a red line at the weigh-in, meaning no deliberation on who ... Written by Huggo

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HD The Biggest Loser

The Biggest Loser


The Biggest Loser

IMDb: 4.9
85 min

With Lisa voted off the ranch after the latest weigh-in, six contestants remain on the ranch in the running for this season's biggest loser, those six which include the alliance of Brendan, Frado and Patrick who see their collective chances of making final four good to excellent. Regardless, all will go home after this week, but two will be going home as non-finalists as Alison informs them there will be a red line and a yellow line at this week's weigh-in. This week's pop challenge, introduced by Alison and American Olympic gold medal gymnast Nastia Liukin, is a progressive elimination one using five different pieces of exercise equipment, the winner to receive $10,000. In preparation to go home, Dr. Huizenga gives Frado a medical re-examination, he who was dealing with type II diabetes upon arrival at the ranch 3 months earlier. And Bob and Jillian speak to all the contestants collectively to gage their mindset. Ada seems to have the most issues in returning to a non-supportive home... Written by Huggo

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HD The Biggest Loser

The Biggest Loser


The Biggest Loser

IMDb: 6.8
120 min

Sunshine, who fell below the red line at the last weigh-in, is not the only contestant going home this week. The final four contestants are all going home for thirty days before returning to campus to weigh-in to see which three will make it to the finale. While at home, each contestant weighs in in front of friends and family to show how much weight they have lost to date on campus. Some find being at home a challenge in and of itself, but some also find a few cathartic moments. The contestants quickly learn that they will have much work to do in those thirty days as they will be running a marathon at the end of their thirty days. Each finisher of the marathon will be given $10,000 to be donated to the charity of their choice. Two, who find the task daunting, decide to run the race together and finish together. During the race, each contestant is given some inspirational support. The contestants also learn that the two who fall below the yellow line will not have their fate resting ... Written by Huggo

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HD The Biggest Loser

The Biggest Loser


The Biggest Loser

IMDb: 0
120 min

With Sam being voted off campus at the latest weigh-in, he who is the first contestant ever to reach his goal weight while on campus, there are no original couples within the remaining five contestants. Koli and SunShine did not understand why Ashley and Daris voted for Sam. Koli and SunShine however were and are unaware that Ashley, Daris and Michael have an alliance. The contestants learn that an alliance this week will not matter as there is no yellow line, only a red line, the contestant who falls below that line going home this week. This reality adds a noticeable air of tension on campus. The reality of the process also profoundly affects one of the contestants. To relieve the stress, Bob takes the contestants on a field trip for them to meet a friend who ends up inspiring them. Two previous biggest losers, who have had different post-contest paths, return to campus to provide guidance to the remaining five. Based on an on-line vote, a shedding weight challenge from a previous ... Written by Huggo

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HD The Biggest Loser

The Biggest Loser


The Biggest Loser

IMDb: 0
120 min

Andrea was voted off campus at the last weigh-in. The power of the vote this week may fall to one person. In a temptation challenge, the contestants are forced to eat all their meals alone for one day in a room filled with both healthy foods, and unhealthy foods. The person who eats the most calories will have the only vote at this week's weigh-in, except if that person falls below the yellow line. In that case, the vote will occur as usual. Many contestants resist temptation, some fall to temptation without a thought of playing the game, while two in combination decide to play the game. The temptation challenge ends up being a motivator at the workouts for many. The reward challenge has each contestant building a vertical structure out of blocks, strong and sturdy enough to climb up on to reach a flag. The first person to get their flag wins a one pound advantage at the weigh-in, the last place finisher receiving a one pound disadvantage. This challenge brings up a fear of heights ... Written by Huggo

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HD The Biggest Loser

The Biggest Loser


The Biggest Loser

IMDb: 5.8
120 min

The competition heats up when the players learn that whoever loses 2% of their body weight first this week gets immunity. The catch is that only one person gets immunity and they only get one shot to weigh in whenever they think they've reached that goal. Later, the players head to the pool for a swimming challenge involving weights. After each contestant finishes the race, they are allowed to go back and help others finish, which proves very revealing about who the players want to stay in the game -- and who they don't. Written by NBC Publicity

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HD The Biggest Loser

The Biggest Loser


The Biggest Loser

IMDb: 6.2
120 min

After the last weigh-in, Sean and Antoine sacrificed themselves for Shay's sake and requested that they be voted off the campus, to which the other contestants complied. The actions by Tracey the last week were not well received by the others, which may make her a target. She also receives some news from Dr. Huizenga about her medical situation. The week long challenge the contestants face is no access to the kitchen, meaning that they have to order in all their meals. Bob and Jillian know that they have to make the workouts that much more difficult to compensate for the probable bad food the contestants are eating, but they also assist the contestants by taking them all out for one meal to teach them how to order. Also concerning food, the contestants have a reward challenge on making the smartest food choice among three different chicken meals. For immunity, they have a strength endurance test. The result breaks a mental barrier for one. After the weigh-in, the voting process is a ... Written by Huggo

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HD The Biggest Loser

The Biggest Loser


The Biggest Loser

IMDb: 6.0
120 min

Because the contestants met the challenge of losing a collective 150 pounds between them the previous week - even without needing the 35 extra pounds they won - no one was voted off campus last week. One contestant learns of a medical issue which may altar her training. Before the start of this week, Alison offers one team a weight advantage at the next weigh-in in exchange for no access to the trainers, that weight advantage starting at 2 pounds and going up by 2 pounds until one team decides to take it. The individual that ultimately makes the unilateral decision to take the weight advantage does not have the emotional support of their partner or of the trainers. Alison offers yet a second advantage, this one available to only one person. That person will decide which person from each team will represent the team in the next weigh-in. The winner of that advantage has to eat the most food placed in front of them, each person not being able to see the amount eaten by any of the ... Written by Huggo

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HD The Biggest Loser

The Biggest Loser


The Biggest Loser

IMDb: 6.9
120 min

Ron and Mike are able to orchestrate Kristin being voted off on the latest weigh-in, without Ron breaking his promise to Kristin and Kristin's mother, Cathy, that he would never write Kristin's name. Bob is angry with Ron for not being truthful to him about that decision. The one person feeling especially vulnerable after that vote is Filipe, who sees the other remaining contestants having a stronger bond with each other. Alison provides a retrospective to the remaining contestants of their early days on campus, the trainers who recreate their initial training sessions. The contestants in turn get a train the trainer session. The week's challenge is an uphill battle for all, with each carrying the weight of their accomplishments to date with them. Alison also provides a surprise to the contestants: not only will the person being voted off this week go home, but after the next weigh-in, all will go home to complete the remainder of the contest. The contestants have mixed emotions about... Written by Huggo

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HD The Biggest Loser

The Biggest Loser


The Biggest Loser

IMDb: 7.1
120 min

When Sione is sent home after the latest weigh-in, Filipe and Kristin vow to work extra hard for Bob since no one from Jillian's team has been sent home in seven weeks. The reward challenge for the week tests the fear of heights for some. However, everyone this week will receive a reward of a wardrobe and hair make-over, all done for a movie premiere, but a movie that surprises the contestants in more ways than one. This reward is short-lived for one of the contestants whose serious injury may threaten his/her ability to continue with intense workouts until the injury heals. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD The Biggest Loser

The Biggest Loser


The Biggest Loser

IMDb: 6.6
84 min

With Aubrey being sent home after the last weigh-in, the campus is less one person. Or is it? Three early season contestants - David, Estella and Nicole - are brought back, the person with highest percentage of weight loss since their very first weigh-in will stay and be immune from elimination this week if they do not gain any weight. This person's arrival scares many of the existing contestants due to the high amount of weight this person managed to lose while at home without the aid of a trainer. The second big surprise for all contestants is that Alison is not present for much of this week as she has just given birth. Fifth season's biggest loser, Ali, and sixth season's biggest loser, Michelle, are acting as guest hosts in Alison's absence. And a medical issue sends one contestant to the hospital which threatens their participation in the contest. When the week's challenge comes to pass, the contestants learn that their continued success in the quest for weight loss is all a ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD The Biggest Loser

The Biggest Loser


The Biggest Loser

IMDb: 6.9
120 min

After the latest vote in which Cathy sacrificed herself to save both her daughter Kristin and teammate Aubrey and was thus sent home, Alison announced that there would be no more teams and that everyone was now working as an individual. Each contestant would also pick either Bob or Jillian as their trainer for the remainder of their time on the campus, an easy choice for some, a more difficult one for others. The week's challenge was in two parts, the actions of the contestants almost making one decide to pack it in and go home. The challenge - the winner of which would get immunity from elimination this week - allowed contestants to penalize others by adding as much weight as they have lost to date to any other contestant for part two of the challenge, the nature of which was not specified beforehand. When part two came along, the extra weight made some more resolved to win, while it made some feel defeated. The actual weigh-in was bittersweet for many in that milestones were ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD The Biggest Loser

The Biggest Loser


The Biggest Loser

IMDb: 6.3
84 min

After the latest vote, Alison announced to all the remaining contestants that Mandi would not be the only person sent home that week. In fact, all the remaining contestants were being sent home to spend the time until the next weigh-in back in their home environment. To the contestants, being sent home is a mixed blessing: missing family and friends, they were looking forward to spending time with their loved ones, but on the other hand they are back to the old issues and temptations which were in part a cause of their original weight issues. The black team in particular is aware of this problem because of the indulgences they all partook at the resort spa the week before. After arriving home to family, friends and fanfare, the contestants found out that they would not be left totally to their own devices. They all were going to participate in an individual challenge of running a half marathon, the winner of the challenge - the person with the fastest time - receiving $10,000. There ... Written by Huggo

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HD The Biggest Loser

The Biggest Loser


The Biggest Loser

IMDb: 6.3
84 min

A relay race at 24 Hour Fitness brings the winning team 24 hours of luxury.

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HD The Biggest Loser

The Biggest Loser


The Biggest Loser

IMDb: 5.8
84 min

Popular Chef Rocco DiSpirito Guest Stars - Celebrity chef Rocco DiSpirito returns to the Biggest Loser to take the contestants to a restaurant, where he teaches them how to make healthier choices when eating out.

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HD The Biggest Loser

The Biggest Loser


The Biggest Loser

IMDb: 6.3
42 min

Contestants get a pop quiz on health and aging.

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HD The Biggest Loser

The Biggest Loser


The Biggest Loser

IMDb: 6.0
84 min

Contestants learn to work without the use of the gym.

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HD The Biggest Loser

The Biggest Loser


The Biggest Loser

IMDb: 6.0
84 min

One contestant wins a 24-hour visit from a loved one on the 100th episode of The Biggest Loser.

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HD The Biggest Loser

The Biggest Loser


The Biggest Loser

IMDb: 6.3
84 min

Now that the contestants' partners are back at the ranch, those who've been working out at home will weigh in and see how they have fared away from the ranch.

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HD The Biggest Loser

The Biggest Loser


The Biggest Loser

IMDb: 6.3
85 min

It's Super Bowl week on the Biggest Loser ranch, and that means food, football and fun with two special guest stars - celebrity chef Curtis Stone and NFL MVP Kurt Warner.

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HD The Biggest Loser

The Biggest Loser


The Biggest Loser

IMDb: 5.9
84 min

This week kicks off with a temptation that host Alison Sweeney tells the contestants will allow one player to reunite with their teammate at home and bring their trainer with them. But the reunion doesn't go exactly as planned when fireworks erupt between the two teammates after one player accuses the other of not doing all she can to stay on the ranch. Written by Anonymous

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HD The Biggest Loser

The Biggest Loser


The Biggest Loser

IMDb: 6.1
85 min

The players encounter temptation, forcing them to assess why they've come to the ranch.

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HD The Biggest Loser

The Biggest Loser


The Biggest Loser

IMDb: 5.5
86 min

The joy the final five feel at the latest weigh-in by all making it past that weigh-in is slightly deflated by the news that at the next weigh-in, the penultimate, there will be a red line, the contestant falling below that being automatically eliminated, and a yellow line, the two contestants falling below that being possibly eliminated from the competition based on a public vote leading to the finale. That means that the top two for the week automatically make it into the final three, with the winner of the public vote being the third finalist. The childhood obesity ambassadors join the contestants on the ranch for this, their final week on the ranch. All are provided a video diary of their eleven week journey to this point. Dr. Joanna provides the childhood obesity ambassadors updates on their health status, while Dr. H provides good news to the one contestant who may be the poster child not only for this season but for the entire series in how that person's health has improved to ... Written by Huggo

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HD The Biggest Loser

The Biggest Loser


The Biggest Loser

IMDb: 5.0
86 min

Jessica being voted off the ranch after the latest weigh-in causes some hard feelings by Ramon, especially against his blue team mates Joe and Sunny, both who voted for Jessica. This animosity is just the most blatant manifestation that the old team alliances are still stronger than the current team alliances. The fate of the contestants is in the hands of the trainers more this week as each trainer must pick only one person on their team for this week's weigh-in. Some contestants relish the opportunity to be chosen to have symbolically the confidence of their trainer, while others fear the responsibility. Beyond the week's training, the trainers also have to factor in history, especially in that most of the biggest losers of the season had huge weight loss last week which may not bode well for a huge weight loss this week. The week's team challenge is a cooking one, where the winning team will have its meal featured in the latest Biggest Loser cookbook, has a one-on-one session with ... Written by Huggo

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HD The Biggest Loser

The Biggest Loser


The Biggest Loser

IMDb: 5.1
85 min

With Tina voted off the ranch after the last weigh-in, there are fourteen remaining contestants, who learn that there will be two lines this week, a half group yellow line, and a one person red line, that person being the contestant with the lowest percentage of weight loss and who will immediately be leaving the ranch. These two lines mean that two people will be going home this week. This news makes the reward temptation challenge all the more important for those that either feel the need for the reward based on low percentage of weight loss in previous weeks, or want the perceived power. The reward is a one pound advantage coupon that grows by one pound each week that it is not used. As the temptation was cupcakes, chef Curtis Stone teaches the contestants how to make low calorie cupcakes. The contestants are once again surprised by a mid-week weigh-in. After the weigh-in, Jillian takes aside one contestant who hasn't yet felt an emotional breakthrough despite having consistently ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD The Biggest Loser

The Biggest Loser


The Biggest Loser

IMDb: 5.0
43 min

Alison introduces the fourteen eliminated contestants and the two trainers. Those fourteen, one by one, step on the scale to see how much weight they have lost since day one, the person with the highest percentage of weight loss being the winner of the $100,000 at home challenge. Alison then introduces the final three contestants, Conda, Jeremy and Kim. With all the contestants now in the theater, Alison announces the winner of the Presidential Active Lifestyle Award, who will get a gym built in their home town. The final three then weigh-in one last time in reverse order of their weight loss on the ranch. The person with the highest percentage of weight loss wins the $250,000 grand prize and the title of the Biggest Loser season 13. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD The Biggest Loser

The Biggest Loser


The Biggest Loser

IMDb: 5.6
85 min

Falling on the sword for his team, Ben is the first eliminated player of the season, leaving the black team down a contestant. Alison informs both teams that the person with the highest percentage of weight loss on this week's winning team will be able to provide immunity from elimination for one player on the opposing team. Everyone is gearing for this achievement as they will provide that immunity to their loved one on the opposing team. Alison also requests two volunteer leaders from each team without telling them what they will be required to do. It ends up being a gambling game, where the leaders bid on what percentage of weight they think they will lose this week, with the team making the final bid gaining a five pound weight advantage at the weigh-in if they make that weight goal. If they fail to make that weight goal, the opposing team wins a five pound advantage at the weigh-in. The final bid ends up surprising both teams, including the trainers, which leads to the two ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD The Biggest Loser

The Biggest Loser


The Biggest Loser

IMDb: 5.9
85 min

Alison greets the twenty season 13 contestants outside the gates of the ranch, the contestants who are in couples (siblings, parents and children, spouses, friends, etc.). They learn that the theme for this season is no excuses. They also learn that one couple will not make it through the gates of the ranch, they who are last place couple in a three phase challenge, where the four leading couples move on after the first phase, an additional four after the second phase, and the final couple after the third phase. However, the losing couple is provided some incentive to do well in their weight loss journey at home. The eighteen contestants who proceed through the gates of the ranch then meet the two trainers for the season - Bob and Dolvett - with who they are provided a two hour training session before the contestants choose with which trainer they want to train. The contestants will ultimately be in two teams of nine. At the end of the two hour session, which ends up being a ... Written by Huggo

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HD The Biggest Loser

The Biggest Loser


The Biggest Loser

IMDb: 0

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HD The Biggest Loser

The Biggest Loser


The Biggest Loser

IMDb: 0

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HD The Biggest Loser

The Biggest Loser


The Biggest Loser

IMDb: 0

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