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HD Ripper Street

Ripper Street


Ripper Street

IMDb: 8.2
62 min

Councillor Walter De Souza is abducted from a music hall. He was known for his opposition to the election of Jane Cobden, the first female councillor in London, though she denies involvement. Two further abductions follow, one from Susan's brothel with Susan being taken as well. The perpetrators are a gang of women led by one Raine and Reid works out the link. The women are workers in a factory making matches where phosphorus has caused their disfigurement, a grievance taken up by Jane, and the kidnapped men are seen as being responsible for their misfortune. Susan is released with a ransom note for the men but sympathises with the women and helps them elude the police. Though the gang is eventually foiled, Susan's outlook is immeasurably altered. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK | Ireland
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Ripper Street

Ripper Street


Ripper Street

IMDb: 7.9
62 min

Whitechapel,1889. It is some months since Jack the Ripper last struck but, when another young woman is found slain with 'Down on Whores' daubed on a nearby wall, the supposition is that he has returned. Tough inspector Reid,however,forces journalist Fred Best to confess he added the paintwork to perpetuate interest in the Ripper. American police doctor Jackson agrees that this is a different murderer and,through his friendship with brothel keeper Long Susan,finds that the victim,Maude Thwaites,was a married woman who posed for pornographic photos to support her unemployed husband Christian. Reid and his sergeant,Drake,save Christian from intruders but he later kills himself. Surviving an attempt on their lives Reid,Jackson and Drake are given a lead which takes them to their murderer - a man with an unhealthy interest in photography. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK | Ireland
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Blindspot




IMDb: 7.9
42 min

The next tattoo of Jane leads them to a former Air Force pilot. When they go to see him, he refuses to talk to them. After they leave his home, it blows up. When they go through the rubble they find no trace of him which leads them to think he did it himself to escape. They talk to a Colonel who refuses to say anything, later the Colonel is killed by a missile from a drone. A General informs them that the man forced a tech to give him control of a drone by abducting his daughter. Weller driven by something in his past wants to save her. Weller suspects he knows who Jane is. And Jane is plagued by memories that makes her think she's done terrible things and she sees the man who made her what she is. Written by

Country: USA
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HD Once Upon a Time

Once Upon a Time


Once Upon a Time

IMDb: 8.7
41 min

Henry awakens to a cursed Storybrooke and discovers Emma has been in the mental hospital, and the Black Fairy is the new mayor. Henry attempts to help Emma regain her memory while Gold tries to find out what has really happened to Belle. Meanwhile, Snow, Charming, Regina, Zelena and Hook are trapped in a crumbling Fairy Tale Land and desperately try to figure out a way to be reunited with Emma and Henry.

Country: USA
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HD Once Upon a Time

Once Upon a Time


Once Upon a Time

IMDb: 8.4
43 min

In flashback, Snow makes a wish that causes everyone to burst into song, infuriating the Evil Queen. In Storybrooke, this wish comes back into play as Emma and Hook prepare for their wedding, and the Black Fairy announces her plans.

Country: USA
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HD Once Upon a Time

Once Upon a Time


Once Upon a Time

IMDb: 8.5
43 min

The Black Fairy's past is revealed as we learn the real reason she gave Rumple up. Meanwhile, Gold goes after Gideon's heart.

Country: USA
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HD Once Upon a Time

Once Upon a Time


Once Upon a Time

IMDb: 8.5
43 min

Zelena and Regina's relationship is tested by the Black Fairy while Charming and Snow disagree over Emma's wedding plans. In flashbacks, Zelena befriends a young woodcutter who has been cursed and turns to her for help finding a new heart. Zelena is forced to choose between keeping her powers and her friendship with him. Meanwhile, in Storybrooke, Zelena decides to take on the Black Fairy and put a stop to her once and for all, against Regina's wishes, and the Charmings disagree on Hook and Emma's wedding plans..

Country: USA
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HD Once Upon a Time

Once Upon a Time


Once Upon a Time

IMDb: 8.6

Hook aligns with Tiger Lily in Neverland, where they take on the Lost Boys. Meanwhile, Regina works to break David and Snow's Sleeping Curse; Gold and the Black Fairy reach an impasse; and flashbacks reveal what Snow and Charming sacrificed for Emma in order for her to become the Saviour. Written by Amanda

Country: USA
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HD Once Upon a Time

Once Upon a Time


Once Upon a Time

IMDb: 8.2
43 min

Emma must team up with Gideon if she has any chance of saving Hook, but are his intentions all good. Meanwhile Hook makes a deal with Blackbeard to get home to Emma. Whilst flashbacks reveal Gideon's time in captivity with the Black Fairy...

Country: USA
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HD Once Upon a Time

Once Upon a Time


Once Upon a Time

IMDb: 7.8
43 min

When Hook is trapped in another realm with the Nautilus and her crew, he returns to Emma before Gideon executes the rest of his plan. In Storybrooke, Regin, Snow take Emma out to get her mind off Hook's disappearance. And in flashback to Agrabah, Jasmine befriends Ariel, try locate Prince Eric. Written by thefutoncritic

Country: USA
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HD Once Upon a Time

Once Upon a Time


Once Upon a Time

IMDb: 8.4
43 min

The Evil Queen uses Robin as bait in order to trap Regina into battle; Hook goes to Captain Nemo for advice so he can make things work with Emma; Enchanted Forest flashbacks include the Evil Queen's father trying to give her advice on how to be a better queen for the people while she's chasing Snow White.

Country: USA
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HD Once Upon a Time

Once Upon a Time


Once Upon a Time

IMDb: 7.8
43 min

When Gideon resumes his mission to kill Emma and become the Savior, Gold steps in to ensure that the use of dark magic does not poison his son. Meanwhile, Robin proves willing to ally himself with anyone offering the possibility of escape from Regina and Storybrooke. Hook gathers the courage to come clean to Emma, but not before she discovers he's been keeping a secret.

Country: USA
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HD Once Upon a Time

Once Upon a Time


Once Upon a Time

IMDb: 8.1
43 min

Before Hook takes the next step in his relationship with Emma, he wants to make sure David sees him as more than just a pirate. So when David asks Hook to help him uncover the truth about his fathers death, Hook agrees. Meanwhile, Regina works to acclimate Robin to life in Storybrooke, but soon discovers he has a dark side that makes the task much more complicated than she anticipated.

Country: USA
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HD Once Upon a Time

Once Upon a Time


Once Upon a Time

IMDb: 8.4
43 min

With Snow still asleep in Storybrooke, David and Hook try to stop Gideon before he confronts Emma; Regina realizes that everyone is better off in the alternate world where the Evil Queen was defeated; Emma discovers the power to change her fate.

Country: USA
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HD Once Upon a Time

Once Upon a Time


Once Upon a Time

IMDb: 8.8
43 min

The Evil Queen uses Aladdin's lamp to make Emma's wish of never being the Savior come true, sending Emma to an alternate reality of the Enchanted Forest; Regina and David both make bold moves in order to try to find Emma; Gold and Belle receive surprising news about their son.

Country: USA
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HD Once Upon a Time

Once Upon a Time


Once Upon a Time

IMDb: 8.1
43 min

In a Fairy Tale Land flashback, Rumple collects Jack and Jill's son as bait to lure a powerful being to him. Back in Storybrooke, Gold tells the Evil Queen that she must kill Zelena, and the EQ makes a decision that will change her relationship with her sister forever. When Belle discovers Gold's plans for their son, she convinces Hook and Emma to help her steal squid ink that can immobilize him, and, as a result, Belle is left to make a sacrifice that will affect the lives of everyone in Storybrooke. Meanwhile, Jasmine finds a genie-less lamp that she hopes to use to save Agrabah, and Aladdin finds a way to be her hero.

Country: USA
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HD Once Upon a Time

Once Upon a Time


Once Upon a Time

IMDb: 8.2
43 min

Emma and Regina work together and form a plan to trap the Evil Queen, while Snow White and David get used to life without each other. Henry anxiously prepares to take Violet to the school dance, but the Evil Queen has other plans. Meanwhile Zelena and Belle form an alliance and recruit Aladdin to steal a magical object from Mr. Gold that could protect Belle and her unborn child from him forever. Written by Captain Swan

Country: USA
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HD Once Upon a Time

Once Upon a Time


Once Upon a Time

IMDb: 8.3
43 min

The Evil Queen threatens to unleash water from the river of lost souls on everyone in Storybrooke, unless Mary Margaret and David hand over their shared heart. Regina tries to put Zelena against the Evil Queen, as flashbacks show Snow White and David's paths cross before she robs Abigail

Country: USA
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HD Once Upon a Time

Once Upon a Time


Once Upon a Time

IMDb: 7.8
43 min

Emma tries to convince Aladdin to work with Jasmine to help Agrabah, while Regina teams up with Mary Margaret and David to free Archie from Zelena. The Evil Queen sows suspicion between Henry and Hook, even as Mr. Gold reminds her of his most important lesson. Meanwhile, in the past, Hook finds himself kidnapped by the mysterious Captain Nemo and held captive inside his legendary submarine, the Nautilus.

Country: USA
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HD Once Upon a Time

Once Upon a Time


Once Upon a Time

IMDb: 8.0
43 min

In a flashback to Agrabah, Princess Jasmine recruits Aladdin to help her recover a secret weapon. Their quest takes them to the Cave of Wonders where Aladdins fate is revealed. In Storybrooke, the Evil Queen tricks Hook and the Charmings, forcing Emma to reveal her secret. Regina and our heroes scramble to learn what became of Aladdin. Written by Samara Newland

Country: USA
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HD Once Upon a Time

Once Upon a Time


Once Upon a Time

IMDb: 8.3
43 min

The Evil Queen seeks to get her hands on Dr. Jekyll's serum. Snow has her first day back as a school teacher. Hook tries to save Belle from Mr. Gold.

Country: USA
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HD Once Upon a Time

Once Upon a Time


Once Upon a Time

IMDb: 8.3
43 min

As Storybrooke continues to welcome the new arrivals from the Land of Untold Stories, families, friends and enemies are reunited once again. When Cinderella searches for her step-family, intent on settling their unfinished business, Emma, Hook and Henry scramble to help her before it's too late. Meanwhile, Regina attempts to bribe Mr. Hyde for information about how to defeat the Evil Queen, and Snow helps Dr. Jekyll find a laboratory for his work.

Country: USA
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HD Once Upon a Time

Once Upon a Time


Once Upon a Time

IMDb: 8.1
43 min

When a mysterious man from the Land of Untold Stories arrives in Storybrooke, David and Snow work together with Regina to neutralize the threat. Belle seeks Hook's help finding a safe place to hide away from her husband, Mr. Gold. Elsewhere, the Evil Queen continues to try to win Zelena over to her side, while Emma resumes her therapy sessions with Archie and shares her terrifying vision of the future.

Country: USA
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HD Once Upon a Time

Once Upon a Time


Once Upon a Time

IMDb: 8.1
43 min

The heroes set out to stop Hyde; Emma experiences a mysterious side effect; refugees from the Land of Untold Stories come to Storybrooke; Regina and Zelena become roommates; Rumple enlists a stranger to help free Belle from the sleeping curse. Written by Bailey Burns

Country: USA
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HD Once Upon a Time

Once Upon a Time


Once Upon a Time

IMDb: 8.4
44 min

With the possibility of magic being destroyed and the fate of Storybrooke hanging in the balance, it's a race for Emma and Regina to track down Henry before Gold can find him first. Regina continues to struggle with her frustrations over her former evil-self and, elsewhere, Snow, David, Hook, and Zelena are imprisoned and must contend with two very disturbed individuals that may give Gold a run for his money. Written by Jennifer Percopo

Country: USA
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HD Once Upon a Time

Once Upon a Time


Once Upon a Time

IMDb: 8.3
43 min

Regina grieves over Robin Hood's death and Henry sets out to destroy all magic

Country: USA
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HD Once Upon a Time

Once Upon a Time


Once Upon a Time

IMDb: 8.6
43 min

Emma, David, Regina, Robin and Henry are finally back home in Storybrooke and reunited with Snow, but, unfortunately, they still have to contend with Hades, who continues to deceive Zelena as he lays out his plan to use the all-powerful Olympian Crystal to take over the town. The heroes desperately search for a way to defeat Hades while Hook does the same in the Underworld, looking for those missing storybook pages. Regina and Robin take a more direct approach, which culminates in an epic showdown that will leave our heroes forever changed. Written by Ahmed EL Masry

Country: USA
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HD Once Upon a Time

Once Upon a Time


Once Upon a Time

IMDb: 8.5
42 min

Hades turns to the heroes to ask for help with getting Zelena back from Rumplestiltskin and Peter Pan. In return, he offers to take all their names off their tombstones. However, when Hook is still unable to leave, he and Emma must journey into the depths of the Underworld. Meanwhile, Cruella De Vil is determined to keep the heroes trapped in the Underworld. In flashbacks, Emma searches for answers about her family and makes an unexpected friendship.

Country: USA
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HD Once Upon a Time

Once Upon a Time


Once Upon a Time

IMDb: 8.4
43 min

Now that Hades and Zelena are reunited, Hades tells Zelena that he wants a future with her outside of the Underworld. All she needs to do is heal his heart with True Love's Kiss so they can leave the Underworld and trap the heroes there for eternity. When Regina overhears the plan, she enlists Cora's help to find a way to separate Zelena from Hades. However, Cora reveals a family secret that could change Regina and Zelena's lives forever. Meanwhile, David finally meets James, only to realize that his twin is determined to seek revenge on him for stealing the life he could have had. Written by Jennifer Percopo

Country: USA
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HD Once Upon a Time

Once Upon a Time


Once Upon a Time

IMDb: 7.0
43 min

In flashbacks, Ruby and Mulan find themselves in Oz, where they meet Dorothy. When the tree of them witness Zelena's return to Oz, they look for a way to defeat her once and for all. However, Dorothy mysteriously disappears, and Ruby's search for her new friend lands her in the Underworld. There, Ruby teams up with Emma, Regina and Snow to continue looking for Dorothy. Meanwhile, Snow and David struggle with not being with their son, Neal, and devise a plan so that one of them can escape the Underworld. Written by Jennifer Percopo

Country: USA
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HD Once Upon a Time

Once Upon a Time


Once Upon a Time

IMDb: 8.0
43 min

Belle turns to Rumplestiltskin with hope of finding a way to protect their child from Hades. However, they disagree over whether to use dark magic, as Belle forbids Rumplestiltskin from using his powers for evil.

Country: USA
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HD Once Upon a Time

Once Upon a Time


Once Upon a Time

IMDb: 8.2
43 min

Gold creates a Storybrooke portal; Zelena and Regina clash; Belle and Rumple are reunited; Snow and David try to send a message from the Underworld to their son, Neal.

Country: USA
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