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HD Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

IMDb: 5.3
21 min

Tommy is forced to defend himself against Goldar and Rito.

Country: USA
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HD Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

IMDb: 7.4
21 min

Rito's love potion creates havoc in Angel Grove.

Country: USA
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HD Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

IMDb: 6.9
21 min

Aisha holds the secret to stopping the Hate Master and reuniting the Rangers.

Country: USA
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HD Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

IMDb: 6.7
21 min

Rocky must drop kick Rita and Zedd to save the Rangers from Centiback, a monster who changes people into footballs.

Country: USA
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HD Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

IMDb: 6.9
21 min

Rito and Zedd turn a science teacher into Marvo the Meanie as Rocky attempts to teach his class.

Country: USA
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HD Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

IMDb: 6.6
21 min

Rita and Zedd attempt to steal Adam's heirloom lantern for its power.

Country: USA
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HD Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

IMDb: 7.2
21 min

Based on Kimberly's dream, Rita and Zedd create the Artistmole monster who steals the color out of life.

Country: USA
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HD Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

IMDb: 6.3
21 min

When the rangers return to Earth, they take on Rito Revolto, Rita Repulsa's baby brother, to put their newfound powers to the test. They defeat Rito, which greatly angers his sister and her husband especially since he boasted that he could destroy the rangers. Unbeknown st to the rangers, the monster on the planet from which they got their powers is ordered to attack the temple and Ninjor. Can the rangers fix the Command Center and get there in time? Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

IMDb: 6.5
21 min

Tommy has disappeared and when they find him, they come across the guardian Ninjor who is less than eager to help them despite their pleas. He finally realizes that they are good at heart and begrudgingly agrees to aid them. Back on Earth, Bulk and Skull get much more than they bargained for when they join the Junior Police Academy. The rangers gain new powers and zords unlike anything they've ever known which come in handy when taking on the Tenga Warriors. Now they have to go back to Earth to take care of Rito. If only they knew about the monster that emerged from the egg to destroy the temple...... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

IMDb: 6.3
21 min

The rangers are sent to another planet to find a temple in which dwells the only one who can help them. The rangers encounter a few discouraging mishaps, he most dangerous of which is the Tenga Warriors! They are forced into a cave and search desperately for a way out only to find a surprise; but is it a good one or a bad one? Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

IMDb: 6.4
30 min (155 episodes)

Four athletically able teenagers along with their brainy friend Billy are selected by Zordon to fight the evil of Rita Repulsa, her monsters and her minions after the witch is accidentally released from imprisonment in an intergalactic dumpster on the moon. Later in the series, the rangers are joined by Tommy, the once evil Green Ranger designed for Rita's evil, but later was deprogrammed and spent two portions of the series briefly as the Green Ranger. Over time, some rangers had to pass their powers to others as well. Action scenes and scenes with Rita were edited from footage based on Japanese action sagas. Replacement villain Lord Zedd was designed in the U.S. Written by Ondre Lombard

Country: USA , Japan
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HD Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

IMDb: 7.5
21 min

Master Vile uses Dischordia to try to control the Pink and Yellow Rangers with her voice.

Country: USA
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HD Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

IMDb: 7.6
20 min

Master Vile and his evil crew appear to be winning the battle against the Power Rangers.

Country: USA
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HD Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

IMDb: 7.6
20 min

Rita's father, Master Vile, arrives to do what she and Zedd have failed to do -- destroy the Rangers.

Country: USA
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HD Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

IMDb: 5.6
21 min

Zordon tells the Rangers that the decision must be made by them. In the Moon Palace, Rita is insulted by Zedd, who doesn't believe she can pull it off, and she, in return, replies that Ninjor and the Rangers will soon be gone. Kat reveals to Kim that she, too, was in the Pan Globals as a diver, but injured herself and ever since acquired a hate for the water. She later explains to Tommy and Rocky that they should let her go, but the two refuse and think of another way. Tommy and Kat meet Rita, Goldar, and Rito in the park where they exchange their items and divulge that they were both attempting to trick each other; the Rangers with a forcefield and the villains with an empty bottle! Rita summons the Tengas and spectators the battle between the Ninja Rangers and her ferocious birds. During the fight, a Tenga manages to dismantle the forcefield's generator, and Rito steals Kat! The villains depart, leaving the Rangers empty handed. In the evil chamber, Rita and Zed laugh over their ... Written by Sarah clark

Country: USA
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HD Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

IMDb: 5.2
21 min

Tommy is forced to defend himself against Goldar and Rito.

Country: USA
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HD Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

IMDb: 7.3
21 min

Rito's love potion creates havoc in Angel Grove.

Country: USA
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HD Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

IMDb: 6.8
21 min

Aisha holds the secret to stopping the Hate Master and reuniting the Rangers.

Country: USA
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HD Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

IMDb: 6.6
21 min

Rocky must drop kick Rita and Zedd to save the Rangers from Centiback, a monster who changes people into footballs.

Country: USA
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HD Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

IMDb: 6.9
21 min

Rito and Zedd turn a science teacher into Marvo the Meanie as Rocky attempts to teach his class.

Country: USA
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HD Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

IMDb: 6.6
21 min

Rita and Zedd attempt to steal Adam's heirloom lantern for its power.

Country: USA
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HD Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

IMDb: 7.1
21 min

Based on Kimberly's dream, Rita and Zedd create the Artistmole monster who steals the color out of life.

Country: USA
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HD Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

IMDb: 6.3
21 min

When the rangers return to Earth, they take on Rito Revolto, Rita Repulsa's baby brother, to put their newfound powers to the test. They defeat Rito, which greatly angers his sister and her husband especially since he boasted that he could destroy the rangers. Unbeknown st to the rangers, the monster on the planet from which they got their powers is ordered to attack the temple and Ninjor. Can the rangers fix the Command Center and get there in time? Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

IMDb: 6.5
21 min

Tommy has disappeared and when they find him, they come across the guardian Ninjor who is less than eager to help them despite their pleas. He finally realizes that they are good at heart and begrudgingly agrees to aid them. Back on Earth, Bulk and Skull get much more than they bargained for when they join the Junior Police Academy. The rangers gain new powers and zords unlike anything they've ever known which come in handy when taking on the Tenga Warriors. Now they have to go back to Earth to take care of Rito. If only they knew about the monster that emerged from the egg to destroy the temple...... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

IMDb: 6.2
21 min

The rangers are sent to another planet to find a temple in which dwells the only one who can help them. The rangers encounter a few discouraging mishaps, he most dangerous of which is the Tenga Warriors! They are forced into a cave and search desperately for a way out only to find a surprise; but is it a good one or a bad one? Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

IMDb: 5.6
21 min

Adam, Aisha, and Billy find themselves in a race against time to find the book in which Rocky, Kimberly, and Tommy are trapped before it's too late! They are forced to search through hundreds of books, not knowing which one they are looking for. Unbeknown st to Bulk and Skull, Lord Zedd and Rita create a monster with the materials they were using to create their own monster. Kimberly, Tommy, and Rocky are stuck in a cave until Grumble saves them. The trio decide to ask the wizard that cast the spell on Grumble to help them; he gruffly refuses. Back in Angel Grove, Billy, Adam, and Aisha must battle Bulk and Skull's monster; he's much more difficult to handle than expected. Aisha gives Grumble a hand so that the story can end happily. Just when things are starting to look up, Mondo the Magician escapes from the book and attacks Angel Grove! Can the rangers defeat such a powerful foe? Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

IMDb: 5.3
20 min

There's a book fair at Angel Grove High, much to the delight of the rangers. Tommy buys a book for Kimberly that she has loved since childhood, which inspires Rita to trap the rangers inside. Once inside, Lord Zedd orders Putties to retrieve the book, and somehow, they end up inside the book. The Putties snatch the toys so that the rangers can never leave. To make matters worse, two boys found the book and returned it to the book fair! Adam, Aisha, and Billy can only watch in horror as Tommy, Kimberly, and Rocky are being attacked by a monster that lives in the snow. Meanwhile, Bulk and Skull find a book that will help them animate a monster. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

IMDb: 7.1
21 min

Rita and Zedd turn the class election into an ugly rivalry for Kimberly and Tommy.

Country: USA
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HD Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

IMDb: 8.1
21 min

The Dragonzord is reawakened and is under the evil influence of the Wizard. Tommy is weakened from having his powers temporarily drained from him and can barely function. The White Tiger zord is no match for the Drafonzord while The White Ranger is in such a state. The Wizard and the Green Ranger corner him; he tricks them into revealing the whereabouts of the rangers. Afterwards, Zordon reveals what must be done to free the rangers. What will the rangers do when there's trouble in both worlds? Can the Green Ranger be defeated? What will become of him? Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

IMDb: 8.0
21 min

The Green and White rangers engage in battle and are perfectly matched until the Wizard drains the White Ranger of his powers and orders the Green Ranger to bring back Dragonzord to destroy Angel Grove. Back in late 18th century Angel Grove, the rest of the rangers are aided by a girl who helps them escape. The Wizard shows up an casts a spell on some rats, making them human-sized and unleashing them upon Angel Grove. The rangers are horrified at not being able to use their powers and are forced to flee. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

IMDb: 6.3
21 min

A young Bulk and Skull are on the run with the picture of the rangers which is exactly what Lord Zedd, Goldar, and the monster are after. Alpha 5 is charged with regaining the picture so that the rangers will be freed. Once released, they must destroy the monster as well as the heavily guarded Rock of Time to undo the spell. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

IMDb: 6.9
21 min

Zedd sends the huge Jaws of Destruction to destroy the Power Rangers.

Country: USA
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