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HD American Horror Story

American Horror Story


American Horror Story

IMDb: 8.3
42 min

The angel of death descends upon Briarcliff Manor. Grace is found bleeding to death after her operation but is brought back from the abyss just as she was to receive the kiss of death. When Sister Mary Eunice accuses Dr. Arden of butchering the operation, he doesn't know what she talking about. Lana manages to escape from Bloody Face but gets a ride from someone who definitely has a thing about women. She soon finds herself back in the asylum. Sister Jude visits Mr. Goodman with Arden's fingerprints and finds him on the bathroom floor bleeding to death. He has barely enough life left in him to identify his attacker. Sister Jude learns something about the incident that shaped her life. Kit escapes and returns to the asylum to rescue Grace who is finally set free. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Horror, Thriller,
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HD American Horror Story

American Horror Story


American Horror Story

IMDb: 8.2
52 min

Ben is in mourning following Vivien's death and plans to take his own life. Constance is taking care of the newborn but Ben wants him back so the child can be raised by his sister. Vivien and Violet purposely avoid him - he could only sees them if they choose to allow it - thinking they don't want to give him any reason to stay. Hayden has her own plans however for Ben and his spirit soon joins that of his now dead wife and daughter. When the house is sold and a new family moves in, the Harmons ensure that they don't fall into the same trap they did. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Horror, Thriller,
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HD American Horror Story

American Horror Story


American Horror Story

IMDb: 8.5
42 min

A flashback to 1984 shows young Tate's first encounter with ghosts in the basement. In the present day, Tate tells Nora Montgomery that she can't have one of Vivien's babies. Several of the ghosts have their eye on Vivien's twins and Constance faces off against Chad. She suggests that she keep her grandchild while he take Ben's child but Chad insists he wants both children. Violet tries a spell to get rid of some of the ghosts. After Ben collects her from the hospital, Vivien goes into labor at the house but only one child survives. Violet learns who fathered one of her mother's babies. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Horror, Thriller,
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HD American Horror Story

American Horror Story


American Horror Story

IMDb: 8.1
40 min

One of history's most famous murder victims pays the house a visit. Constance discovers more of Tate's bad behavior.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Horror, Thriller,
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HD American Horror Story

American Horror Story


American Horror Story

IMDb: 8.2
43 min

Hayden has a plan drive Vivien crazy so she and Nora Montgomery can each keep one of the twins Vivien is expecting. After getting information from Moira, Vivien tries to flee with Violet. Worried about her safety, she steals Marcy's gun but shoots someone by mistake. Ben feels he has no choice but to commit her to an institution for evaluation. The origin of the rubber suit is revealed as is the identity of the man who wore it to make love to Vivien and to kill Patrick and Chad. Ben learns that Violet hasn't been to school for two weeks. She says she just doesn't like it there. Hayden has an encounter with Constance's boyfriend Travis. Ben begins to understand what is going on. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Horror, Thriller,
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HD American Horror Story

American Horror Story


American Horror Story

IMDb: 8.2
41 min

Vivien and the real estate agent Marcy may have someone interested in the house but Vivien insists on being completely honest about the history of murders there. The buyer doesn't seem to be bothered by it all and on his second visit, Moira goes to special lengths to make sure he likes it there. Larry also shows up posing as a buyer and gets a tour. Ben makes it clear that he's not welcome at the house. When Larry learns that the prospective buyer plans to tear the house down, he and Constance set out to make sure it doesn't happen. Meanwhile, Ben and Vivien are concerned about Violet who now never leaves the house and barely eats. She's spending time with Tate who teaches her how to get rid of the ghosts around them. A photo of Nora Montgomery shocks Vivien. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Horror, Thriller,
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HD American Horror Story

American Horror Story


American Horror Story

IMDb: 8.2
44 min

Ben is now living elsewhere but still meets patients in the house as they can't afford anything else. It doesn't sit well with Vivien who would like him to just go away. Ben's latest patient is someone who thinks he can conjure up an urban legend, a killer with the head of a pig. Vivien has an amnio and traces the technician who did her first ultra sound. She scoffs at what she hears. Moira tells Vivien what she thinks about her marriage and Vivien asks her to leave. Violet meanwhile learns of a massacre at her high school in 1994 and Tate's role in it. She also learns about Tate's mother. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Horror, Thriller,
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HD American Horror Story

American Horror Story


American Horror Story

IMDb: 8.3
41 min

Vivien and Ben race back home to find Violet missing. She's off with Tate and is apparently alright but they get bullied at the beach by a gang of students. Ben has something of a surprise when the dead and buried Hayden knocks at his door. He goes after Larry and accuses him and Hayden of trying to con him. For her part, Hayden is intent on ensuring Vivien knows about her pregnancy with Ben. Chad goes on a rant and blames Vivien for causing his break up with Patrick. Constance blames Violet for what has happened to Adelaide. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Horror, Thriller,
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HD American Horror Story

American Horror Story


American Horror Story

IMDb: 8.4
39 min

A flashback to to 2010 shows the previous owners of the house, Chad and Patrick, who are attacked by the man in the rubber suit. In the present day, it's Halloween and Vivien and Ben are getting little interest in the house. Their real estate agent, Marcy, suggests they hire a fluffer, someone who can give the house a little something extra. Tate tells Violet about the abortionist and his wife, Charles and Nora Montgomery, whose baby was kidnapped and murdered by a boyfriend seeking revenge. Addie wants to dress as a pretty girl for her trick or treating but tragedy ensues. Vivien realizes that Ben has been in touch with his ex-girlfriend in Boston. When she suffers severe abdominal cramps Ben rushes her to the hospital where a scan reveals her to be in an advanced state of pregnancy and not the few weeks she thought. While they're away, Larry Harvey shows up at the house demanding his money. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Horror, Thriller,
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HD American Horror Story

American Horror Story


American Horror Story

IMDb: 8.2
42 min

After their home invasion, Vivien insists that they move out but their finances are such that there's no possibility of moving into a new place unless they can recoup what they've paid out. Vivien soon learns that selling isn't going to be easy given the long history of murders which go back to 1922 when an abortionist and his wife lived there. Ben is having blackouts, waking up in the backyard and is shocked when his ex-girlfriend from Boston shows up. Larry Harvey gives him a hand. Vivien gets an interesting visitor from the past, though she doesn't realize who the woman is. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Horror, Thriller,
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HD American Horror Story

American Horror Story


American Horror Story

IMDb: 8.2
43 min

Ben gets a new patient, Bianca Forest, something of a murder groupie who is just amazed that he lives in the house that has been the scene of so many famous murders. Ben has his own problems when the student with whom he was having an affair in Boston calls to tell him she's pregnant. He lies to his wife Vivien saying he's got to return to Boston to deal with one of his old cases. While he's away however, Bianca and two of her friends stage a home invasion intent on recreating a murder of two student nurses in 1968. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Horror, Thriller,
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HD American Horror Story

American Horror Story


American Horror Story

IMDb: 8.1
51 min

Vivien and Ben Harmon and their daughter Violet relocate to Los Angeles from Boston and buy a large old house. As required by law, the real estate agent discloses that the previous occupants were the victims of a murder-suicide. The Harmons think nothing of it and concentrate on repairing their marriage that has come under strain following Vivien's miscarriage and Ben's subsequent infidelity with one of his students. Ben is a psychiatrist and will meet his patients in the house. They meet the neighbors, the eccentric Constance and her daughter Adelaide. Vivien also hires a housekeeper, Moira, but Ben and Vivien don't quite see the same person when they look at her. Violet is bullied at school and befriends one of her dad's patients who has serious psychological problems. Strange events begin to occur. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Horror, Thriller,
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HD House M.D.

House M.D.


House M.D.

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

Well-known performance artist Afsoun Hamidi is admitted to the hospital, but when the team learns that her symptoms may have been self-inflicted as part of a documentary for her latest performance piece, they begin to question whether treatments are necessary and if they are unwittingly participating in the creation of a piece of her art. Meanwhile, a situation prompts House to do something that could change his relationship with Cuddy and Wilson permanently. Written by Fox Publicity

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Mystery,
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HD House M.D.

House M.D.


House M.D.

IMDb: 8.4
60 min

After House's medical license is reinstated, he reclaims his role as Head of Diagnostics in time to treat Hank Hardwick, an adult film star admitted to Princeton Plainsboro for pulsating eye pain. Meanwhile, Cuddy is reminded that the hospial is not conducive to healthy personal relationships, and House angles to form a dream team. Written by Fox Publicity

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Mystery,
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HD Prison Break

Prison Break


Prison Break

IMDb: 8.4

Lincoln proposes to crash the General's car to copy the last card using the trick he did in 2001, in Chicago, to rob a wallet. Michael tells Sara that Gretchen is alive and dealing with Agent Self a partnership together with T-Bag. Sara is disturbed with the new partner and recalls the torture she was submitted to. Roland sends an untraceable message to Wyatt asking how much he would pay for Michael and Lincoln. Mr. Feng visits T-Bag in his office in Gate, but Gretchen negotiates Scylla for US$ 125 million, offering US$ 25 million to T-Bag. Lincoln plans the accident with Sucre while Lincoln and Michael rob an ambulance in a federal yard. Gretchen gives a message to Self inviting Sara to meet her in a motel room. Sara is worried about Michael's health. Roland tells Wyatt where Michael and Lincoln are, and the killer shoots Sucre. Michael presses Roland who denies being a rat. Self makes clear to Gretchen and T-Bag that they are worthless. T-Bag plots with Trishanne against Gretchen. ... Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
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HD Prison Break

Prison Break


Prison Break

IMDb: 8.3

Gretchen tortures T-Bag and asks about the Bird's Guide and Scylla. Meanwhile, the Agrishow executive Howard Scuderi travels with his wife and the fifth card to Las Vegas. General Krantz calls Wyatt and tells him that Don Self is the head of the snake that is threatening The Company, and he asks the killer to eliminate Self, simulating an accident. Trishanne calls Bellick and says that she has information about T-Bag, and requests the promised reward. Michael stays with Bellick and Mahone to chase T-Bag while the rest of the group travels to Las Vegas. Bellick calls Michael and tells him that Trishanne is requesting more money, and when he goes with Mahone to meet the receptionist, they are captured by T-Bag; however, Mahone escapes from the van. Michael is forced by T-Bag to work with the Bird's Guide, but the hidden Gretchen sees the GPS monitor around the ankle of Bellick. When Mahone arrives in the apartment tracking the equipment, he finds it empty and the monitors on the table; ... Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
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HD Prison Break

Prison Break


Prison Break

IMDb: 8.3

Michael and his group are in the jockey chasing card number five. Michael and Mahone plant the device in the office of the operation manager; Bellick argues with the clerk in the counter and Lincoln plants a device in the horse's gate, provoking a delay in the opening of one of the gates. When Nataniel Edison goes to the office to complain with the manager, the fourth card is copied. However Mahone is arrested while retrieving the device and sent to the precinct. Meanwhile the disturbed Gretchen arrives at her sister's house in Riverside, California, and gets a pistol, money and credit card hidden in a glass owl she sent to his sister from Germany. T-Bag is pressed in some businesses by his coworker Andy, and uses his position of top-seller in Northeast area. Lincoln calls Self to release Mahone, but even using his badge, he does not succeed. Wyatt meets General Krantz, who tried to hack Self's computer, but the equipment is protected by a powerful firewall. Then Wyatt startles Self ... Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
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HD Prison Break

Prison Break


Prison Break

IMDb: 8.3

Sara notes that Bruce's credit card is missing from her purse and she sees Wyatt on her tail; she runs and succeeds in escaping from the hit-man. Agent Self recognizes the Treasure Department Director, Griffin Oren, in one of the pictures took by Michael in the card holders gathering. Mahone meets Pam in a dinning and she recognizes Wyatt in one of the pictures. Sucre and Bellick chases T-Bag telling to the receptionist Trishanne that he has an award to receive from an insurance policy; Trishanne recognizes his picture, but she decides to negotiate with T-Bag a better deal, demanding 3% of his commissions. T-Bag tells that Trishanne has found a Leprechaun and agrees with the deal. Later he is visited by Feng Huan, who gives him a short period to deliver the Scylla card he believes Pfeiffer has. Sara tells to Mahone what happened with her when she left the Towne Lounge and she recognizes the picture of Wyatt for Mahone; the former agent checks with Sara and Roland the possible hotel ... Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
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HD Prison Break

Prison Break


Prison Break

IMDb: 8.2

The boys now know who the five other Scylla-holders are, and trace one to Turkish consul Tabak's wife Lisa, who is about to leave on mission for the General but first attends a fallen LAPD men benefit, 'Eagles and Angels'. The team first accidentally spots and corners T-bag but must let him go as a cop passes, so 'Mr. Cole Pfeiffer' can take the corner office as sales record breaker according to the bird book plan. Team Scofield steals police badges and gets close enough to Lisa to scan her card, while Linc is recognized and held at gunpoint but kills her Company bodyguard. Wyatt tortures Gretchen and goes after Sara. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Prison Break

Prison Break


Prison Break

IMDb: 8.2

In Los Angeles, Michael argues with Agent Self since there are six cards and not only one. The agent gives the rest of the day to find a second card holder; otherwise the project would be shutdown by The Powers That Be and the group would be sent to prison. Mahone calls Agent Lang in Gainesville, Florida, and asks her information about the death of his son. Lincoln overhears the conversation. Wyatt tortures Bruce with drugs; when he gets the information that Sara is in LA, he kills his victim. Agent Self meets Director Herb and ask him to call Senator Dalo to give more time to Michael and his crew, but Herb refuses. Roland discovers that his device has copied the PDA of Tuxhorn, and he notes that he received one e-mail from London and two others from a server in Anaheim. They use Sara to help Michael and Roland to break in the building where the server is located. Sara steals a security card, and when she is arrested by the security guard, Michael activates the fire alarm, but he is ... Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
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HD Prison Break

Prison Break


Prison Break

IMDb: 8.0

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HD Prison Break

Prison Break


Prison Break

IMDb: 8.2
42 min

In LA, General Krantz tells Wyatt that he wants Michael, Lincoln and Mahone dead. Agent Self forces Michael and his crew to wear monitor around their ankles, and their first assignment is to find the Scylla card. Mahone recalls that Whistler delivered the card to a card holder, and he noted that the driver probably would be a retired military. Using the information from the IRS, they find the identity of the driver. Meanwhile, T-Bag and Sancho head to San Diego in the desert. The hungry Sancho attacks T-Bag, who kills the Mexican while defending himself, and survives eating part of him. Later he gets a ride to San Diego with two bikers' sportsmen. Michael's team tracks the driver to the fortress of Spectroleum CEO Stuart Tuxhorn. The hacker Roland Glenn joins the team and gives a digital black hole device that copies any digital information when close to the source. Michael asks Sara to plant the device in the housekeeper's purse to bring the device inside the house and they succeed ... Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
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HD Prison Break

Prison Break


Prison Break

IMDb: 8.4

Lincoln proposes to crash the General's car to copy the last card using the trick he did in 2001, in Chicago, to rob a wallet. Michael tells Sara that Gretchen is alive and dealing with Agent Self a partnership together with T-Bag. Sara is disturbed with the new partner and recalls the torture she was submitted to. Roland sends an untraceable message to Wyatt asking how much he would pay for Michael and Lincoln. Mr. Feng visits T-Bag in his office in Gate, but Gretchen negotiates Scylla for US$ 125 million, offering US$ 25 million to T-Bag. Lincoln plans the accident with Sucre while Lincoln and Michael rob an ambulance in a federal yard. Gretchen gives a message to Self inviting Sara to meet her in a motel room. Sara is worried about Michael's health. Roland tells Wyatt where Michael and Lincoln are, and the killer shoots Sucre. Michael presses Roland who denies being a rat. Self makes clear to Gretchen and T-Bag that they are worthless. T-Bag plots with Trishanne against Gretchen. ... Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
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HD Prison Break

Prison Break


Prison Break

IMDb: 8.3

Gretchen tortures T-Bag and asks about the Bird's Guide and Scylla. Meanwhile, the Agrishow executive Howard Scuderi travels with his wife and the fifth card to Las Vegas. General Krantz calls Wyatt and tells him that Don Self is the head of the snake that is threatening The Company, and he asks the killer to eliminate Self, simulating an accident. Trishanne calls Bellick and says that she has information about T-Bag, and requests the promised reward. Michael stays with Bellick and Mahone to chase T-Bag while the rest of the group travels to Las Vegas. Bellick calls Michael and tells him that Trishanne is requesting more money, and when he goes with Mahone to meet the receptionist, they are captured by T-Bag; however, Mahone escapes from the van. Michael is forced by T-Bag to work with the Bird's Guide, but the hidden Gretchen sees the GPS monitor around the ankle of Bellick. When Mahone arrives in the apartment tracking the equipment, he finds it empty and the monitors on the table; ... Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
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HD Prison Break

Prison Break


Prison Break

IMDb: 8.3

Michael and his group are in the jockey chasing card number five. Michael and Mahone plant the device in the office of the operation manager; Bellick argues with the clerk in the counter and Lincoln plants a device in the horse's gate, provoking a delay in the opening of one of the gates. When Nataniel Edison goes to the office to complain with the manager, the fourth card is copied. However Mahone is arrested while retrieving the device and sent to the precinct. Meanwhile the disturbed Gretchen arrives at her sister's house in Riverside, California, and gets a pistol, money and credit card hidden in a glass owl she sent to his sister from Germany. T-Bag is pressed in some businesses by his coworker Andy, and uses his position of top-seller in Northeast area. Lincoln calls Self to release Mahone, but even using his badge, he does not succeed. Wyatt meets General Krantz, who tried to hack Self's computer, but the equipment is protected by a powerful firewall. Then Wyatt startles Self ... Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
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HD Prison Break

Prison Break


Prison Break

IMDb: 8.3

Sara notes that Bruce's credit card is missing from her purse and she sees Wyatt on her tail; she runs and succeeds in escaping from the hit-man. Agent Self recognizes the Treasure Department Director, Griffin Oren, in one of the pictures took by Michael in the card holders gathering. Mahone meets Pam in a dinning and she recognizes Wyatt in one of the pictures. Sucre and Bellick chases T-Bag telling to the receptionist Trishanne that he has an award to receive from an insurance policy; Trishanne recognizes his picture, but she decides to negotiate with T-Bag a better deal, demanding 3% of his commissions. T-Bag tells that Trishanne has found a Leprechaun and agrees with the deal. Later he is visited by Feng Huan, who gives him a short period to deliver the Scylla card he believes Pfeiffer has. Sara tells to Mahone what happened with her when she left the Towne Lounge and she recognizes the picture of Wyatt for Mahone; the former agent checks with Sara and Roland the possible hotel ... Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
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HD Prison Break

Prison Break


Prison Break

IMDb: 8.2

The boys now know who the five other Scylla-holders are, and trace one to Turkish consul Tabak's wife Lisa, who is about to leave on mission for the General but first attends a fallen LAPD men benefit, 'Eagles and Angels'. The team first accidentally spots and corners T-bag but must let him go as a cop passes, so 'Mr. Cole Pfeiffer' can take the corner office as sales record breaker according to the bird book plan. Team Scofield steals police badges and gets close enough to Lisa to scan her card, while Linc is recognized and held at gunpoint but kills her Company bodyguard. Wyatt tortures Gretchen and goes after Sara. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Prison Break

Prison Break


Prison Break

IMDb: 8.2

In Los Angeles, Michael argues with Agent Self since there are six cards and not only one. The agent gives the rest of the day to find a second card holder; otherwise the project would be shutdown by The Powers That Be and the group would be sent to prison. Mahone calls Agent Lang in Gainesville, Florida, and asks her information about the death of his son. Lincoln overhears the conversation. Wyatt tortures Bruce with drugs; when he gets the information that Sara is in LA, he kills his victim. Agent Self meets Director Herb and ask him to call Senator Dalo to give more time to Michael and his crew, but Herb refuses. Roland discovers that his device has copied the PDA of Tuxhorn, and he notes that he received one e-mail from London and two others from a server in Anaheim. They use Sara to help Michael and Roland to break in the building where the server is located. Sara steals a security card, and when she is arrested by the security guard, Michael activates the fire alarm, but he is ... Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
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HD Prison Break

Prison Break


Prison Break

IMDb: 8.0

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HD Prison Break

Prison Break


Prison Break

IMDb: 8.2
42 min

In LA, General Krantz tells Wyatt that he wants Michael, Lincoln and Mahone dead. Agent Self forces Michael and his crew to wear monitor around their ankles, and their first assignment is to find the Scylla card. Mahone recalls that Whistler delivered the card to a card holder, and he noted that the driver probably would be a retired military. Using the information from the IRS, they find the identity of the driver. Meanwhile, T-Bag and Sancho head to San Diego in the desert. The hungry Sancho attacks T-Bag, who kills the Mexican while defending himself, and survives eating part of him. Later he gets a ride to San Diego with two bikers' sportsmen. Michael's team tracks the driver to the fortress of Spectroleum CEO Stuart Tuxhorn. The hacker Roland Glenn joins the team and gives a digital black hole device that copies any digital information when close to the source. Michael asks Sara to plant the device in the housekeeper's purse to bring the device inside the house and they succeed ... Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
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HD Heroes




IMDb: 7.5
42 min

Having lied to her father about joining the cheerleaders, Claire decides the time has come to teach the team captain a lesson when she is told that she didn't make the squad. Having convinced Monica to come to New York, Dr. Suresh isn't at all comfortable when the Company asks him use her as a guinea pig for a variant of the vaccine. The Company backs down but he learns that Niki Sanders has been assigned to work with him. Alejandro and Maya make it to the US border only to be stopped by a citizens border patrol unit. Having painted a Menendez-like painting, Peter Petrelli heads for Montreal to see if they can get some clues as to who Peter really is. Hiro may ruin the time-line when he gives in to temptation and kisses Yaeko only to learn that Takezo Kensei was watching them. HRG man and the Haitian visit an old colleague from the Company in an attempt to locate Isaac Mendez's last paintings. They show that they are more than ready to use violence to get what they want. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Lie to Me

Lie to Me


Lie to Me

IMDb: 8.0

The gang tackles 2 cases -- the suspicious death of a firefighter and the parole of a former gang leader.

Country: USA
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