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HD Wallander




IMDb: 7.6
93 min

Lawyer Sten Torstenssen tells Wallander he believes his old father's death in a car crash was homicide but Wallander is reluctant to act until Sten is found hanged and the pathologist claims that he was murdered. Sten's secretary shows Wallander a postcard of Africa with a text threatening the lives of father and son and wealthy philanthropist Harderberg, a client of Sten's, admits to also having received one. All were posted from the same hotel, apparently by industrialist Jurgen Nordfeldt, who survives an attempt to kill him. Nordfeldt had stumbled on a racket importing body parts from Africa which Wallander, helped by ex-cop Anders, now Harderberg's security guard, must resolve. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: ,
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HD Mr Selfridge

Mr Selfridge


Mr Selfridge

IMDb: 8.0
45 min

When Wynnstay's paper prints an article blaming the attack on the store on Harry's gambling debts Harry cancels his advertising in the paper and cuts off the Dolly sisters' credit. However he is broke and is forced to sell off his provincial stores to pay D'Ancona - stores run by Gordon, who is sympathetic and reconciled with his father. Lady Mae organizes a photo shoot for her fashion brochure where Jimmy is annoyed at her closeness to Victor whilst the Edwards' marriage also seems beyond repair. As Tilly faces further discrimination the only truly happy people would seem to be Miss Mardle and Mr Grove, though the latter shocks Harry when he tells him of his condition. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama,
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HD Mr Selfridge

Mr Selfridge


Mr Selfridge

IMDb: 7.5
45 min

The Dolly sisters make their film in the store, featuring Meryl, but cause Harry nothing but trouble, delaying filming and bringing retribution from D'Ancona for their vast gambling debts, as well as criticism from the Civic Building Society, shareholders in the store, for Harry's overspending. Rosie's infidelity is the last straw. Harry also crosses swords with Wynnstay, over his papers' coverage of Rosalie's divorce and other family discord and threatens to withdraw his advertising. Josie offers the Grove family comfort and finally accepts Roger's proposal but there is no such happy ending for Frank and Kitty as Felicity's spiteful revelation of what happened in France affects Kitty's decision to go to America. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama,
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HD Mr Selfridge

Mr Selfridge


Mr Selfridge

IMDb: 7.8
45 min

Following his mother's funeral Harry incurs his children's displeasure through his affair with Rosie Dolly, whose gambling habit he finances, as well as a stock flotation suggested by Dillon, though it pays out dividends at the expense of family loyalty. Cosmetics queen Elizabeth Arden comes to supervise a display and strikes a chord with Kitty when it transpires that both put career above child bearing. However Kitty is surprised when Miss Arden tells her that her marriage is in decline and offers her a job in America. Tilly continues to face bigotry whilst an injury which makes him housebound gives Roger Grove time to bond with his family - before a visit to a doctor results in terrible news. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama,
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HD Mr Selfridge

Mr Selfridge


Mr Selfridge

IMDb: 8.1
49 min

At the delayed board meeting Loxley proposes a vote of No Confidence in Harry but this is defeated after Loxley launches a personal tirade against the store owner. As the day approaches to begin work on the housing estate Nancy tells Gus that the money will be used to build houses and not misappropriated but Princess Marie has alerted Harry to the supposed architect being a fraud and Gus is arrested. Nancy escapes but brings the money to Harry though the engagement is inevitably off and Harry, like Violette, counts himself unlucky in love. Meanwhile Gordon comes to an important decision as do Miss Mardle and Mr Grove. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Mr Selfridge

Mr Selfridge


Mr Selfridge

IMDb: 7.7
46 min

As the Treaty of Versailles is signed Harry decides to mark it with a celebratory event entitled Britain at Play. Frank, his press agent, devises a competition, the prize being a trip in an aeroplane with French aviator Jacques De Sibours, who takes a shine to Violette - though she is still pining for Victor, who, suffering from Regan's rough clientele at the club, proposes to make it a high class gambling establishment. Gordon is caught in a compromising situation with Grace by Mr Crabb, but, for all his assurances, she knows Gordon will not marry her due to their social divide. Nancy on the other hand does indeed agree to wed Harry when he proposes and George, who has been helping Miss Mardle look after Ernest, persuades Mr Grove to take his son back to live with him. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Mr Selfridge

Mr Selfridge


Mr Selfridge

IMDb: 7.7
47 min

Miss Mardle organizes Doris Grove's funeral, barring Billy, the delivery boy and true father of Doris's son Ernest. Sensing that she is troubled Mr Crabb persuades Miss Mardle to tell Grove the truth about the child's paternity, adding that Doris was run over returning home from taking Ernest to see his father. The news is not well received. George is disturbed to find that Ryan is dealing drugs from Victor's club and quits. His fears are justified when a patron almost dies of an over-dose. Nancy starts to feel guilty about her plan to defraud Harry when he tells her that he has sold large numbers of his shares to finance her project - some of which were bought by Loxley, who now has enough of them to sit on the board of share-holders. Harry is angry, especially with Serge, who sold some of his holdings to Loxley to finance a new business venture but there is good news when Rosalie announces that she is pregnant. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Mr Selfridge

Mr Selfridge


Mr Selfridge

IMDb: 7.6
48 min

With Henri gone Harry invites applications for a new deputy but ultimately appoints Gordon. As Kitty returns to work a sly journalist tricks Connie into giving him a story which ultimately vilifies Kitty for taking jobs away from the men and shows her attackers as victims. Kity is the subject of hate mail and Frank's writing contract terminated whilst Loxley, previously accused of profiteering, jumps on the band-wagon with a charitable trust for ex-soldiers, indirectly hitting at Harry. Harry responds by unveiling the plans for his project with Nancy Webb - though she may be keeping something back from him. Lois persuades Marie to move into the Selfridge house whilst Miss Mardle agrees to keep a secret for Doris Grove and Purkiss gets revenge on Victor by raiding his club, arresting both him and Violete. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Mr Selfridge

Mr Selfridge


Mr Selfridge

IMDb: 7.9
45 min

Harry applies for a bank loan to fund Nancy Webb's project but at the land auction is forced to bid well beyond his budget due to Loxley's interference. Lois meanwhile is perturbed to find that Marie is running up huge hotel bills on Harry's account and decides to find out more about her. Agnes is concerned by Henri's distant attitude and learns from Victor that Henri is traumatised by his war experiences. This leads to a row whilst they are designing a window display in which Harry has to intervene. Connie, one of many women engaged at the store to replace the men fighting in the war and now laid off, is angry and Kitty secures her a job in her department. Kitty herself is attacked by drunken, disgruntled ex-soldiers unable to find work, the same men Frank had interviewed for his article on their perceived rejection on returning from the war. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Mr Selfridge

Mr Selfridge


Mr Selfridge

IMDb: 7.7
47 min

It is now 1918 and the Great War is over. After losing his beloved wife, Harry and his children look forward to a happy family event - his daughter Rosalie is to be married. Among the staff, there is a romantic surprise in store for Agnes. Written by lmh70

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Mr Selfridge

Mr Selfridge


Mr Selfridge

IMDb: 8.0
46 min

Business is still suffering after the newspaper story so Henri brings in the formidable journalist Winifred Bonfils Black. At the same time a contrite Frank Edwards resigns from the paper and meets Lady Mae, who tells him and Harry that she knows Loxley blackmailed Edgerton and is the real culprit. Harry invites her and Pimble to live with the Selfridges, reconciling Mae with Rose, and they unite against Loxley when he storms in to drag his wife back. Rose is feeling unwell and is advised to take a break from London by Delphine. Mae believes Delphine is trying to steal Harry from Rose and indeed Delphine makes a play for Harry, who rebuffs her. Winifred's article is very positive, largely built around Agnes, who has other reasons to be happy, as George, missing and feared dead, comes home and she is engaged to Victor. Grove has a son with Doris but is still jealously censuring Miss Mardle for her relationship with young Florian, who is now working in a factory. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Mr Selfridge

Mr Selfridge


Mr Selfridge

IMDb: 7.8
46 min

Henri is arrested but tells Agnes that the only reason he went to Germany was to find his old lover Valerie. Agnes tells Grove she believes Henri has been set up by the jealous Thackeray, who is forced to admit it. Henri, after being accused of theft in New York went on the run. Rose is concerned that she cannot get in touch with Harry and learns from Delphine that he is in Germany, spying on their manufacturers. An envious Grove warns Miss Mardle that she and Florian could become victims of gossip but she does not care - unlike Grove Florian has declared unconditional love for her. Loxley is in trouble when boots manufactured for his contract with the military board are found to be shoddy and he is accused of being a war profiteer. However Loxley tells Edwards that the real culprit is Harry, whose visit to Germany makes him appear even more suspect and Edwards, desperate for a scoop, is willing to print this, to Kitty's disgust. Meanwhile Lady Mae decides to leave her husband and ... Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Mr Selfridge

Mr Selfridge


Mr Selfridge

IMDb: 8.1
46 min

As the war progresses German goods are withdrawn from the store and Harry is approached by Bill Summertime, whom he met at the card game and who is part of British Intelligence. He asks if Harry, as an American neutral, will visit Germany as a spy. Henri bumps into Agnes, whilst she is waiting for Victor. Things are strained between them but she tells Henri that Victor is a good man. A party including Henri and Agnes and Miss Mardle and Florian attend the music hall and see popular singer Richard Chapman. Not only is he ideal to headline Harry's patriotic concert but he and Lady Mae find themselves getting close as she confides in him about her unhappy marriage. Victor tells Agnes that he has a bank loan to run the family restaurant and wants her to leave the store to work with him whilst after yet another argument between the two men Thackeray accuses Henri of being an enemy spy and he is arrested. As news of casualties among former Selfridge workers arrives at the store Harry ... Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Mr Selfridge

Mr Selfridge


Mr Selfridge

IMDb: 7.9
48 min

The store is preparing for the Empire Exhibition but Agnes is struggling with her display and Thackeray is not pleased when Harry reinstates Henri, who has offered to help her. Nor is Rose happy to find Gordon has some saucy photos but in the resultant confrontation he makes her see that she should give Harry another chance. Consequently she declines her husband's suggestion that she should return to America if there is a war and they agree to support each other. Kitty gives Frank another chance as they take a picnic to Green park whilst Grove reencounters Miss Mardle who, thanks to a legacy, is now a woman of property, making him regret his not marrying her. Lady Mae learns that Loxley has huge gambling debts and threatens to expose this should he ever lay a finger on her again and, following the success of Agnes and Henri's impressive display, Loxley offers to invite Winston Churchill to open the exhibition. However Harry must inform the staff that Churchill cannot come as Britain ... Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Mr Selfridge

Mr Selfridge


Mr Selfridge

IMDb: 7.7
48 min

Harry is confronted by a delegation of trade unionists led by Arnold Huxton demanding better workers' rights. Union membership is forbidden at the store as the staff have their own council for debates but Ed and Dave, who work in the loading bay with Gordon, are interested and arrange to attend a talk given by Huxton. Gordon overhears and sneaks into the meeting but when the Selfridge staff learns how comparatively well-served they are, the unionists are angry and a fight ensues. Rose, seeing Henri at the club, follows him home to where he is living in poverty though he declines her offer of his old job back. Harry is annoyed that she made the offer behind his back. To repay the staff for their loyalty he arranges a tango party at Delphine's, inviting Lady Mae, though her obnoxious husband also tags along and is angry when Harry refuses to discuss business with him. Despite the threat of war, which particularly unnerves Grove, the party is a success, Kitty dazzling Frank, though Agnes... Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Mr Selfridge

Mr Selfridge


Mr Selfridge

IMDb: 8.2
51 min

Five years have elapsed since the store opened. Harry's son Gordon is at boarding school but obtains his father's permission to leave and work in the store whilst all his female relatives have returned to America. Rose comes back for the fifth anniversary. On the boat over she has met emancipated feminist Delphine Day, a writer and night-club owner, who advises her to use her own potential. Lady Mae's husband Lord Loxley arrives in London, suspicious of his wife's friendship with Harry and not above using blackmail to get onto a military committee. New head of fashion Mr Thackeray is not popular. Trained in Paris, he sees himself as superior to other staff members and is jealous of Agnes, who has also returned from Paris. Now head of display she impresses Harry with her ideas but is dismayed to find that Victor, now manager of the restaurant where he employs his young cousin Franco as a waiter, has a close working relationship with friend Gabriella. Henri Leclair also returns from ... Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Call the Midwife

Call the Midwife


Call the Midwife

IMDb: 8.7
58 min

Having delivered Jeanette Su's daughter Patsy realizes that Jeanette has typhoid, unlocking old memories of her time in a Japanese internment camp. As the disease claims another victim Jeanette's Chinese husband Benny seems the most likely suspect but Dr Turner discovers the carrier to be an unlikely source. Meanwhile popular primary school teacher Dorothy Whitmore loses her job and flat after falling pregnant by a married man and needs to be found accommodation by the nuns. Dorothy's attempts to rectify matters almost cost her her life and require the kindly intervention of Sister Winifred whilst Patsy plays down her friendship with Delia and Barbara feels guilty about her date with Tom. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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