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HD The Killing

The Killing


The Killing

IMDb: 8.7
43 min

With his secrets unveiled, Pastor Mike takes Linden prisoner and they drive around the city. Linden manages to keep her radio on and the police are able to locate them. Linden believes him when he says he's not the serial killer and forensic analysis of his car seems to suggest he is innocent. Bullet is frantic over the missing Lyric, convinced that Pastor Mike has taken her. She tells Holder Mike has taken her to the woods where they found the killing field. The police diverted resources to look for her and it's apparent Bullet lied when they find Lyric out hustling on the street. For Bullet, Lyric's reaction to what she's done for her isn't quite what she was expecting. She talks to Angie Gower. At the prison, Seward pleads with his lawyer to do something, anything, based on Linden's belief that he is not guilty of killing his wife. The lawyer says nothing can be done. Written by garykmcd

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HD The Killing

The Killing


The Killing

IMDb: 8.4
43 min

Linden and Holder now suspect Pastor Mike as the man responsible for the murders. They have no proof however. Kallie's mother is still looking for her and visits the pastor who tells her not to lose hope. She finds a note on her windshield. Bullet and Lyric hook up. Bullet tells Holder that there's no way Pastor Mike is the killer. They get an eyewitness who saw the pastor with Angie Gower and learn Pastor Mike has a secret. At the prison, Seward razzes Becker for missing his shift during the death on cell block. Linden's boyfriend - or former boyfriend - wants to know what she's doing but she tells him it's over. Written by garykmcd

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HD The Killing

The Killing


The Killing

IMDb: 8.3
43 min

Linden and Holder question the girl they found, Angie Gower. She was badly beaten and had several of her fingers severed. She says her attacker was soft-spoken and said he was going to save her. She doesn't recognize any of the suspects' photos, including Joe Mills. Holder is beginning to think they're looking for the wrong guy. A terrified Danette Lutz goes to the police station to speak to them about what she's found. Linden has little respect for her but Joe Mills has disappeared. Linden wants to get permission for Adrian to visit his father in prison but his foster parents won't hear of it. Information from them lead Linden and Holder to the apartment where Seward's wife was killed and Linden is now convinced Adrian saw the killer. Skinner isn't impressed however. At the prison, Seward faces someone from his past and gets an unexpected visitor. Written by garykmcd

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HD The Killing

The Killing


The Killing

IMDb: 8.4
44 min

Kallie's mother Danette tells her boyfriend Joe Mills that she's starting to worry about Kallie. He tells her she has nothing to worry about. The police continue their search for Joe. Mama Dips denies even knowing him but Linden sees through her and determines the relationship between the two. They also learn that she twice called Joe at Danette's trailer. By the time they search Danette's trailer he is nowhere to be found. They get a solid lead when a teenager reports nearly hitting a badly injured girl with his car. They trace her steps and find a bloodied biohazard bag - but no victim. As they continue to search the city, they find blood evidence suggesting she may have gone to the teen shelter. There's no sign of her there but Bullet shows them where she might be staying. When they do catch up the girl, they find it's not Kallie. Danette's mother makes a horrifying discovery. Written by garykmcd

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HD The Killing

The Killing


The Killing

IMDb: 8.2
43 min

Linden and Holder aren't having much luck identifying the voice of the man who spoke to Kallie Leeds on the dvd they seized. The police raid the motel used by many of the prostitutes and a special room behind a false panel. Linden matches one of the 17 bodies to a girl in the video. She also finds one of the women on the dvds but she says she doesn't remember the man who questioned her. Linden thinks she's hiding something. Similarly, Kallie's mother says she never heard the voice on the recording but Linden thinks she's lying. Goldie turns the tables on the police and goes to the press who dub the killer the Pied Piper. Written by garykmcd

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HD The Killing

The Killing


The Killing

IMDb: 8.4
43 min

Adrian's drawing leads Linden to a killing ground where the police find a total of 17 bodies. All are of young women - some could be as young as 13 - and Linden, who accepts reinstatement as a detective, is put in charge of identifying the bodies. The coroner can give her little to go on but says its possible the women were killed in the same way as Ashley Kwan. He can confirm that the women were all killed several years ago but over a short period of time. Since Kwan was held for several days before being killed, Holder begins looking for the missing Kallie Leeds. A distrustful bullet points him in the direction of Goldie and while they don't find Kallie they do find that he is involved in kiddie porn. At the prison, Ray Seward has gotten his hands on a razor blade. Written by garykmcd

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HD The Killing

The Killing


The Killing

IMDb: 8.5
44 min

Bullet reports that Kallie Leeds is now missing and no one seems to have seen her after she left the shelter the previous evening. With Ray Seward opting for execution by hanging, correctional officer Francis Becker begins to review the procedures. Linden is disturbed by some of the coincidences she's found in Ashley Kwan's case and expresses some doubt about Seward's conviction to her former partner James Skinner. He's satisfied they did the right thing but Skinner's wife tells Linden to stay away from them. She next visits Seward's son Adrian who had drawn her a picture which she now recognizes. When she locates the site, she finds something that's quite grim. On death row Seward cons one of the correctional officers, Evan Henderson. into letting him make a phone call, supposedly to his lawyer. Becker is none too pleased and ensures Seward knows exactly what he's in for. Written by garykmcd

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HD The Killing

The Killing


The Killing

IMDb: 8.3
44 min

Detective Holder and his new partner investigate the murder of a 16 year-old hooker who was stabbed and had her throat slit. The medical examiner determines that she has defensive wounds and the knife used had a serrated edge. He and his new partner have had a good year solving all seven murders they've investigated. Holder has also given up some of his bad habits and will soon be writing his sergeants exams. Holder notices a similarity between this death and one that Sarah Linden investigated a few years before. In that case, Ray Seward was convicted of killing his wife Tricia Ann and is now on death row awaiting execution. Holder visits her to discuss the case but she's not keen to reopen a case she solved three years ago. She now works for the Seattle ferry system and has a new boyfriend. All in all, her life is good. As she reviews Holder's case file however, she is slowly drawn in. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Futurama




IMDb: 8.3
22 min

The Planet Express crew journeys into Fry's dreams to pull off a mission in the year 1999.

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HD Futurama




IMDb: 7.4

Fry is reunited with his old girlfriend from the 20th Century, but she doesn't adapt to the 31st century as well as he has. Convincing Fry to return to the cryogenic chamber, they awaken in a barren wasteland and struggle to make a place for themselves. Written by Jeff Lindstrom

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HD The Fall

The Fall


The Fall

IMDb: 8.2
59 min

From the hotel's CCTV Stella realizes that Spector entered her room and knows she is on to him. He is due to see Annie again but Stella has the visit cancelled and moves Annie to another room, where she tells Stella she believes Spector to be the man who killed her brother. Stella is called away to see another body, meeting DS Tom Anderson, but the corpse in question is a suicide and not Rose Stagg. The police enter Spector's house whilst he and his wife - now temporarily together - are out but find nothing and are forced to leave after staging an accident. Spector is suspicious and, now increasingly vengeful and unbalanced, calls upon the gullible Katie to do something bad. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD The Fall

The Fall


The Fall

IMDb: 8.1
60 min

Stella interviews Annie, who cannot recall anything about her attacker. Later Stella and Burns revisit Annie's house where she is menaced by locals over her affair, now public, with Olson. Baby-sitter Katie tells Sally Ann that Spector assaulted her, causing Sally Ann to ring her husband in Scotland, to where he has fled, and told him to keep way from her and her family. Spector, however, returns to Belfast to stay in a guest house. He confronts Katie, who tells him she believes he is the killer but he denies it and leaves. Stella is anxious to interview Rose Stagg, Reed's friend who knew Spector as Peter but Rose's name is leaked to the press and Spector goes after her. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD The Fall

The Fall


The Fall

IMDb: 8.4
62 min

Spector is frustrated and angry for he has failed in his perfect murder, killing Jack Brawley whilst Annie Brawley survives and is taken to hospital, where Stella tests for DNA on her body. Spector's wife Sally Ann sees him on CCTV footage of Sarah Kay's last recorded movements and makes him go to the police station to eliminate himself from enquiries. Sally Ann covers for him but is angry when he lies about his nocturnal jaunts by admitting to an affair with the under-age baby sitter. Sally Ann leaves him but he wins her back. After an Identikit picture of 'Peter' is published and Sarah's father makes an appeal Stella receives a bizarre phone call from Spector, promising to end his killing spree, though that is not the end of the matter. Meanwhile Eastwood accuses Burns of weakness for tipping off the Monroes that he knows about their illegal activities, allowing Aaron to flee from the law. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD The Fall

The Fall


The Fall

IMDb: 8.3
61 min

DCI Eastwood tells Burns that he took a call on Olson's phone which was made at a hotel by rogue cop Rob Breedlove, whom they link to Aaron Monroe, his businessman father Morgan and a prostitution racket. When quizzed about it Breedlove kills himself but Burns confronts Morgan Monroe with his findings. Spector is censured by his boss for making an impromptu and empathetic house call to his client Liz Tyler, a battered wife whose husband James has complained about him. However Spector ensures that Liz goes to a refuge whilst arranging for her husband's arrest. Spector sends a bizarre, anonymous letter to Sarah Kay's father, claiming he would not have killed her if he had known she was pregnant. Stella believes it is less a case of remorse than annoyance that his 'perfect' murder was tainted but allows Mr Kay to make a public appeal nonetheless. A friend of pathologist Reed Smith comes forward and tells Stella she once met a one night stand whom she knew only as Peter who tried to ... Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD The Fall

The Fall


The Fall

IMDb: 8.1
62 min

Stella learns from ACC Burns that the new victim is Jimmy Olson. She confesses to having had sex with him, unaware that he was married, and is advised by Burns to arm herself. Rob Breedlove, who runs a brothel in which Alice's widower Aaron has an interest, is also perturbed by Jimmy's death. Stella holds a briefing to alert her officers to the fact that they are dealing with a serial killer, who is addicted to his crimes. She gives a press conference at which Ned Callan poses awkward questions, before selecting her team and giving an accurate profile of the murderer. Spector goes with his wife and children to visit her parents but makes a point of studying Stella on her television appeal. His mother-in-law is suspicious of the fact that he has given his little daughter Olivia a necklace, the one stolen from Sarah, whilst Olivia tells her mother Sally Ann that she knows of a scrapbook in which her father keeps a perverted log, detailing his crimes. Soon afterwards Spector selects his ... Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD The Fall

The Fall


The Fall

IMDb: 8.1
61 min

Having killed Sarah, Spector ritually bathes her and paints her nails, snips off a lock of her hair and takes a necklace. Later he masturbates over film he has taken of her corpse. Stella refuses to speak to local reporter Ned Callan as to her involvement in the Monroe case. Afterwards, she has meaningless sex with young police sergeant James Olson. Next day she is angry to see that Callan has written an article about her arrival in Belfast. She is then called out to the murder scene of Sarah and asks to take over the investigation. She learns from the pathologist that Sarah was pregnant. Spector's wife's teen-aged baby-sitter comes to the house to download music and tries to steal the lock of Sarah's hair. Spector man-handles her to get it back, claiming it belonged to his mother though she is suspicious. At the same time the murder of drug-dealer Michael Lockwood seems to spark off a retaliatory murder. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD The Fall

The Fall


The Fall

IMDb: 8.0
60 min

Outwardly a respectable young family man and Belfast psychotherapist, in reality Paul Spector is the dangerous stalker of lawyer Sarah Kay, breaking into her flat and stealing her undies. The police are called but fail to persuade Sarah to move out. At the same time local officer Jim Burns calls in his English colleague Superintendent Stella Gibson to assist in solving the murder of architect Alice Monroe. Stella sees links between Alice's slaying and that of Fiona Gallagher and suspects a serial killer though not everybody takes her seriously. On the night that the police are called out to discover a cache of weapons in a car Spector, telling his wife that he is going to do voluntary work, kills Sarah Kay with police officers outside her house and unable to get in. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Bron/Broen




IMDb: 8.8

The hunt for the perpetrator and Freddie's newborn baby continues. Freddie gets an SMS from the kidnapper with a picture of the baby and a meeting place.

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HD Bron/Broen




IMDb: 8.3

Saga has been forced to take a leave of absence from the investigation and her old colleague Rasmus Larsson takes her place.

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HD Bron/Broen




IMDb: 8.4

The hunt for the killer intensifies, and Saga and Henrik are certain of his identity. But when they are about to bring him in, he has disappeared.

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HD Bron/Broen




IMDb: 8.2

An older couple is found murdered in a spectacular fashion in their house outside Ystad. They have a connection to a piece of art and they both have branding marks in their mouths, just like the previous victims.

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HD Bron/Broen




IMDb: 8.3

Saga and Henrik see a connection between the victims and some artwork hanging in a museum. All of the artwork is owned by Freddie Holst, a well-known and successful Danish business man.

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HD Bron/Broen




IMDb: 8.2

Lillian discovers a wound in Hans' mouth, which turns out to be a branding mark. The other two victims are examined again and they also have the same kind of branding mark. The perpetrator is probably branding his victims, but for what?

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HD Bron/Broen




IMDb: 8.2

Hans is still in a coma. Saga makes a mistake in a dramatic hostage situation, but they manage to arrest a suspect who is taken in for questioning.

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HD Bron/Broen




IMDb: 8.0

The police receive a video demanding a ransom in exchange for Hans' release. They manage to locate him, but when they are about to free him, they find that his kidnapper has been shot and Hans has been abducted again.

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HD Bron/Broen




IMDb: 8.1

Saga gets a new Danish colleague, Henrik Sabroe, and together they continue to investigate Helle Anker's murder.

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HD Bron/Broen




IMDb: 8.2

Helle Anker, from Denmark, is found murdered without heart and with a carmine smile over her face in a construction site in Malmö, Sweden. Anker was lesbian and the pioneer of Denmark's gender-neutral preschool. Saga is assigned to the case together with a Copenhagen police officer Hanne Thomsen (Kirsten Olesen) who is hostile to Saga due to her role in the incarceration of Martin Rohde. Various characters popping out, mentally disordered Helle's son, former soldier in Afghanistan, haunted by some personal ghosts, Lise Friis Andersen, active Dannish vlogger, Lars Andersen Dannish businessman and others. As the investigation progresses, Hanne gets badly wounded and Saga is then assigned a new Danish partner Henrik Saboe (Thure Lindhardt), an insomniac with secrets of his own.

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HD Bron/Broen




IMDb: 8.9

It becomes apparent that the case isn't over and Saga and Martin race to prevent another terrorist attack. Saga faces a decision that may destroy her friendship with Martin.

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HD Bron/Broen




IMDb: 8.5
57 min

Saga and Martin have a sketch of the suspect, but can they get to them in time to avert 'The Graduation'. Their friendship is placed under strain by Martins inquiry into Saga's past.

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HD Bron/Broen




IMDb: 8.2
57 min

Martin visits Jens in prison and seems to be getting to him. As they re-interview witnesses Saga suspects a statement has been tampered with. Laura regains consciousness and remembers what her assailant looks like.

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HD Bron/Broen




IMDb: 8.2

A sunken boat containing skeletal remains is found, that appears to be related to the eco-terrorist case. Martin's son is taken into hospital in a serious condition.

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HD Bron/Broen




IMDb: 8.2
57 min

As the investigation moves forward a new group of four, animal head wearing, eco-terrorists post a video online. Saga is having some relationship issues.

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