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HD Pokémon




IMDb: 6.7
22 min

Ash Ketchum arrives at the Battle Dome, and challenges Dome Ace Tucker to a battle. Tucker gives Ash one of the toughest challenges of his life. Can Ash overcome the superb tactics of Tucker and win his 3rd Frontier Symbol?

Country: Japan
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HD Pokémon




IMDb: 6.1
22 min

Still heading to the Battle Dome and Ash's 3rd symbol, the gang decides to stop at a pond and go fishing. Unfortunately, the place is deserted and the owner of the shop says that a rich man wants to buy the lake to turn it into a resort paradise. Ash, not willing to stand and do nothing decides to fight the man who wants the lake and his Crawdaunt. Will he be able to defeat Crawdaunt with his Corphish or will the lake be the man's to keep? Written by Anonymous

Country: Japan
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HD Pokémon




IMDb: 6.4
22 min

This is the episode where May encounters a rather looking business man who wants to relive his childhood by being a rock star like in his past and entering the Silvertown Pokemon Contest. May enters with Squirtle while he enters with his old friend Venasaur. May and him climb to the top and move to the second stage and battle each other. In the final round, May chooses Combusken while he sticks with Venasaur. This episode also shows one of the most powerful move in Pokemon, Venasaur's Frenzy Plant. Each side is having a great time but in the end May wins her second ribbon. Ash looks forward to his next battle in the Battle Dome. Written by wilmer

Country: Japan
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HD Pokémon




IMDb: 6.0
22 min

As they continue towards the Battle Dome and May's 2nd contest, Ash and co. happen upon a farm dedicated to raising Pokémon eggs when May accidently falls into a group of Voltorb protecting it. They meet a young girl, Nicolette, who takes care of the farm with her parents, Christopher and Jeannie. However, Nicolette's true dream is to venture out into the world and become a Pokémon Coordinator. The only problem is, as her parents tell the group, she doesn't feel ready to leave the farm behind. While May contends with Nicolette's jealousy at her actually being a coordinator, Team Rocket works on a plan to poach every egg for themselves. Written by Shift

Country: Japan
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HD Pokémon




IMDb: 6.6
22 min

Finally, it's time for Ash's second frontier battle. The Battle Arena's frontier brain, Greta, won't give up her Guts Symbol without a fight. Will Ash be able to beat Greta in a double battle using his Grovyle and Snorlax against her Medicham and Hariyama? Written by Anonymous

Country: Japan
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HD Pokémon




IMDb: 6.7
22 min

Country: Japan
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HD Pokémon




IMDb: 6.9
22 min

When James' Chimecho falls ill, he brings it to his old mansion to recover. May's Munchlax is also sick and an old man and woman bring it to the same mansion Team Rocket is at. Jessie and Meowth then decide to steal all the Pokémon in the garden while the others are taking care of Chimecho and Munchlax... Afterwards, James is force to leave Chimecho behind so it can recover.. Written by Anonymous

Country: Japan
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HD Pokémon




IMDb: 5.7
22 min

Ash and friends arrive in a Ghost Town where, in a mansion, Psychic Pokémon are playing music and dancing to it. The Ghost Pokémon in the town don't like this and decide to stop it!

Country: Japan
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HD Gossip Girl

Gossip Girl


Gossip Girl

IMDb: 7.7
42 min | 42 min

On the anniversary of Bart Bass' death, Chuck wrestles with the dilemma of following his conscience, or that of his father. Serena begins to suspect in Trip, when thank Nate, discovers that has been joined by Maureen. Dan and Vanessa attempt to navigate their newly complicated friendship. Eric and Kira make work his plan to dethrone Jenny. Meanwhile, the relationship between Lily and Rufus deteriorates when he discovers the letter from Serena's father. Written by JeanpiiX

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Gossip Girl

Gossip Girl


Gossip Girl

IMDb: 7.7
42 min | 42 min

Jenny sets her sights on landing the hottest escort for Cotillion. Dan is upset when Olivia (HILARY DUFF) contemplates leaving school. All-girl French band PLASTISCINES performs.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.3
22 min

Ted and Robin are out in the middle of the night looking for a missing Barney. Their conversation steers primarily to Ted's past love life, and their respective takes on the good and the bad. In this discussion, Ted also talks about when if any is the right time to let go of the things you love. Barney, meanwhile, is out wandering the streets in a drunken stupor. He comes across two young men named Justin and Kyle who are just coming into their sexual awakening. The threesome become mentor and eventually willing students. And after Lily storms out of the hotel room during her and Marshall's fight after he brings up San Francisco, Marshall continues the argument with several of the ghosts that are haunting that room. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.4
22 min

Usually cold-hearted Robin is in tears over the news that her mother will not be attending the wedding. In trying to make Robin feel better, Ted, Barney and Lily each are brought back in their memory to a time six months earlier. Then, Lily noticed that the challenges that Barney always accepted in picking up women were those that he issued for himself. So Lily and Robin went on a quest to issue Barney challenges on picking up women that they believed he could not complete. This quest became an all night task. The one challenge that Barney felt like no challenge at all ended up being the most difficult not so much for the challenge itself, but for the advice he got in return. What Robin, Barney and Lily are and were unaware of is that at that same time, Marshall tried to convince Ted that, based on inside information, he should still try to pursue Robin, despite Ted vowing that their relationship was then purely platonic. Events, including a telephone call from Chicago, made Ted truly... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 9.4
30 min

In the aftermath of Robin and Barney's break-up, Robin states that she wants to take a break from being in a relationship. Ted and Marshall are certain by this statement that she'll soon find her next long term boyfriend. Barney, on the other hand, is all set to go back to his womanizing ways, and turns to his playbook, where he's written all the scams he's used to pick up women in the past. When he uses the scam he calls 'the Lorenzo Von Matterhorn' to pick up Shelly, a friend of Lily's, who Lily has been saving for Ted for three years, an angered Lily takes her revenge by staging her own elaborate scam to steal Barney's playbook. She vows to post the playbook on the Internet. But curiosity may get the better of Lily, and Marshall, Ted and Robin when Barney starts to stage the scam he calls 'the scuba diver', the scam that was on the last page of the playbook before he tore it out prior to the book being stolen. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.1
22 min

Marshall and Lily are excited that Robin and Barney are dating as they now have friends who are a couple with who they can double date. Marshall and Lily don't have such friends because, unknown to them, they, to use Ted's vernacular, suck at being couples friends since they are so intense about making it a good time. Barney and Robin have no idea into what they are entering when they accept Marshall and Lily's invitation to spend a couples night at their place. After what they consider the worst night of their lives on that couples night, Robin and Barney don't have the heart to tell Marshall and Lily. After Robin and Barney eventually dump Marshall and Lily as their double dating friends, they are the ones who end up feeling shunned by the consequences. Meanwhile, Ted is sporting a new look - tweed - to make him look more professorial. He believes it is making him more attractive to the ladies. But when his latest conquest leaves the next morning, Barney believes that that look ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 7.9
30 min

Ted runs into his ex-fiancée Stella and her husband Tony seven months after she left him at the altar. Instead of acting angry toward them, Ted is cordial, trying to prove that he is over Stella, which he truly does believe. Despite Ted's more than pleasant demeanor toward them, Tony has it in his mind that he has to make amends to Ted for stealing his fiancée since Ted, in his mind, looked so sad. After wealthy Tony makes some grand gestures to atone all which end up falling flat, Ted finally tells Tony how he really feels. Ted's comments lead to an unexpected outcome, which brings Stella running back to Ted. Ted, who really wants to be in love, has to decide what to do about Tony and Stella. Meanwhile, Barney has just received a speeding ticket. When he learns that all his friends have talked their way out of speeding tickets before, Barney bets them that he can as well. So Barney goes on a speeding mission, which too has an unexpected consequence. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.3
30 min

Ted is telling his children about a series of seemingly unrelated events that took place in 2009 all at around the same time: Robin getting food poisoning and vomiting on air; Barney miscalculating that a Czech super model will be his two hundredth sex partner; and Marshall overusing poster sized charts he has made up by the graphics department at GNB. Why is he telling them these stories in combination? Because they all led to him standing on a certain street corner at a certain time which resulted in him meeting their mother. As Ted is standing on that corner at that time, he is tapped on the shoulder by... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.4
22 min

Doug Martin, the bartender at MacLaren's, is a brutishly large, toupee wearing man. He is also slightly dimwitted and angry but who is fiercely loyal to his regulars. That fierce loyalty leads to Doug challenging a group of bar patrons to a back alley fight on Lily, Robin, Ted, Marshall and Barney's behalf, but with the implication that Ted, Barney and Marshall join him in the brawl. After thinking about it, Ted, who has never been in a bona fide fist fight, believes a fight is something he needs to do once in his life and agrees to join Doug. Barney also goes to fight once he finds out that Robin, the hockey fan, is into brawlers. Marshall, on the other hand, won't fight, stating that he's been in many a fight before with his brothers and doesn't need to prove anything. When Ted and Barney come back from the fight with black eyes but are still standing while their opponents are out cold, they are seen as heroes by the other bar patrons, except for Marshall. Ted and Barney, basking in... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.1
21 min

For the two weeks following Stella dumping Ted immediately before their scheduled wedding, Ted outwardly is fine if not happy - too happy. Lily in particular thinks that Ted isn't dealing with what he is really feeling, while Barney thinks that Ted may indeed be happy in believing that Stella perhaps was not the one for him. Ted admits that part of the way he is dealing with the situation is to avoid running into Stella at all cost. But when the five go out for dinner and see Stella in the same restaurant, they go to extraordinary lengths to make sure she doesn't see them. While Ted contemplates if he should actually speak to her, the others discuss the people in their lives they most fear seeing and if they did what they would say to that person. Ted's thoughts of what he would say to her changes when he figures out her new circumstances. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.4
22 min

In part to preempt her sister Nora from stealing her perfect wedding, Stella convinces Ted to move their wedding up to that weekend on Shelter Island. Beyond Shelter Island not being quite the place that Marshall, Lily or Barney want to be, the wedding faces some immediate issues when Stella learns that Ted has telephoned Robin in Japan to invite her to the wedding, the invitation which she accepted. This move violates Stella's no-ex's at weddings policy as she fears that Ted seeing his ex will bring up old, unresolved feelings. The only thing that could be worse for Stella is if Lucy's father, Tony, was at the wedding. Ted is torn as he really would like Robin, one of his best friends, there. Lily thinks that she has a plan to get Stella to allow Robin to attend, but that plan has some unexpected consequences. When Robin arrives, she has her own admission for Ted. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 7.8
22 min

Ted has been commuting by train from Manhattan to New Jersey to be with Stella. Problem is, Ted despises New Jersey and he does not care for the train commute, but figures when he and Stella get married, she and her daughter Lucy will move to New York, but Stella has no plans to move to New York however. Ted, Marshall, Lily and Barney go to Stella's house. They cannot go out because Stella can't get a babysitter. While there, they start beating up on New Jersey and an argument ensues over which is better; New York or New Jersey. In addition, Stella tells Ted she has no plans to move to New York when they get married, because she doesn't want to uproot her life, as well as Lucy's and there's an argument about where they should live. Now Ted has to decide if he will live in New York, without Stella and Lucy or be with them in New Jersey. Meanwhile, Robin is miserable at Metro News One, because of the fluff pieces she has to report and the puns she has to say, even if it is in bad ... Written by goleafs84

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.7
22 min

In his quest to get back together with Stella, Ted comes to the realization that he loves her, so asks her to marry him. She says yes. Later, Ted, after being questioned by Marshall, also comes to the realization that he knows very little about his bride-to-be. Ted, admitting this fact to her, starts to ask Stella a bunch of questions to find out more about her. One of the more important facts that he learns is that she's never seen Star Wars (1977), his favorite movie of all time. Stella liking or not liking the movie could be a marriage breaker, especially as Ted is egged on by equally Star Wars (1977) loving Marshall. Someone also in love is Barney: with Robin. Sensing that she knows something is going on, Barney confides in Lily. Lily gives him advice on how he can be her boyfriend (despite Barney denying that what he wants to be is anything called a boyfriend). Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.7
22 min

Ted freaks out when Stella invites him to a wedding six months away, which is twice as long as they have been dating. Believing they are moving at two different speeds in their relationship, Ted breaks up with her. But after Ted has a potentially near fatal accident, he comes to the realization that he loves Stella and that he wants her back. A misunderstanding between Ted and Stella about the break-up may jeopardize them getting back together again. The accident also brings into clearer light the status of Ted and Barney's currently estranged friendship. Meanwhile, Marshall and Robin argue about what constitutes a miracle. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.2
22 min

Ted and Stella have been dating for two months, and things are going well except they haven't slept together yet. Ted isn't too concerned as he wants to do it with her only when the time is right for both of them. But he learns from Stella that she is indeed a bit apprehensive about doing it since it's been five years since her last sexual encounter. This fact makes Ted also a little apprehensive since he's afraid that he won't measure up to her five year old expectation, so Marshall tells Ted to lower her expectation. But when they do decide that the time is right, Ted may have jeopardized the opportunity. Meanwhile, Ted still isn't speaking to Barney since he slept with Robin. As such, Barney is looking for a new wing man to replace Ted. He thinks he has the pick of any bro, but he ends up having only one applicant, his overly enthusiastic but slightly nerdish co-worker Randy. Barney thinks he can overcome Randy's shortcomings to make him the best wing man ever. It isn't until ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.9
22 min

Ted visits a tattoo removal clinic to get his butterfly tattoo removed and he's attracted to his doctor, Stella. She warns him that he will have to go through ten one hour sessions and it it will be very painful. Ted understands and he wants to go out with her, but she can't, as long as Ted is her patient and it's a violation of AMA rules. In addition, she tells Ted up front when he suggests that they can go out when the sessions are over, the answer will be no. Ted is convinced that he can change that no into a yes after ten sessions. During these sessions, Ted tries to charm Stella, but it appears it's not working. One ploy he tries is to be very nice to Stella's receptionist, Abbey, but Stella still says no and Abbey is attracted to Ted. When session ten arrives, and the tattoo removal is complete, when Ted asks her once again, we find out why Stella can't go out on a date with him. Ted, upset that this isn't going to happen, finds a way so they can go out together. Written by goleafs84

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.3
23 min

In the cold winter of 2006, Ted and Robin and Marshall and Lily feel more like staying in in their respective coupledoms than venturing out in the cold world outside. So Barney brings in his gay black single brother James Stinson to act as his wingman as they prowl the bars for hook-ups. Besides being black and gay, James is like Barney in most other respects: confident, well dressed, always out to get laid, and always watching out for his wingman. James' arrival in town convinces the four that perhaps they should go out to a bar with James and Barney for the evening. But as Ted, Robin, Marshall and Lily watch James in action, they can't help but think that there is something strange about his behavior, almost like he's part of a couple and would rather be nesting at home with his significant other, much like the four of them wish they were doing. Indeed, they all learn that James is engaged to get married to a man named Tom. An incredulous Barney is angry as he believes this move ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.3
23 min

Ted and Victoria had decided to wait for one month before sleeping together, but Victoria forgets that she'll be out of town on that day. Meanwhile Marshall and Lily celebrate their nine year anniversary, and Barney and Robin have a bros night out. Written by Westerleb

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.6
22 min

In Brooklyn, Marshall Eriksen, a terribly insecure, sissy but sweet law student, pops the question to his assertive girlfriend Lily Aldrin, in an inadvertently explosive way (with champagne). This makes their year long cahoot, Ted Mosby, anxious that he may be left all alone. His overbearing 'other best friend', Barney Stinson, forces Ted to play a 'pick-up' game in the bar where he has decided to hunt for Lebanese girls. To both their surprise, Ted actually meets a suitable girlfriend, TV reporter Robin. As soon as he sees her on TV, Ted rushes to her apartment (with five dogs) to declare his love - while the others wait in Bangladeshi Rajit's cab- which startles her. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Agent Carter

Agent Carter


Agent Carter

IMDb: 8.1
42 min

As Jarvis' precision and quick-thinking skills are put to the ultimate test, Peggy must find a way to stop an atomic explosion that threatens to destroy all of California.

Country: USA
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HD Agent Carter

Agent Carter


Agent Carter

IMDb: 8.3
42 min

Peggy discovers her murder investigation has huge ramifications that can destroy her career, as well as everyone near and dear to her.

Country: USA
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HD Agent Carter

Agent Carter


Agent Carter

IMDb: 8.4
42 min

Carter captures Dottie who was trying to rob a bank. While questioning her, the new Chief of the SSR Thompson tells her, she's going to LA. It seems like Souza who is now the West Coast Chief has a case and needs help. And the case is a woman who is found in a lake that was frozen. She meets up with Jarvis. She does some investigating and thinks what happened might have to do with something that a corporation is doing in energy research. She goes there and a scientist tries to help her. Written by

Country: USA
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HD Agent Carter

Agent Carter


Agent Carter

IMDb: 8.8
41 min

Carter's being interrogated. That's when Jarvis arrives and gives a message from Stark saying he will surrender if they release Carter. They accept but Carter is also fired from the SSR. While they await Carter sees what Ivchenko doing something and tries to tell them, Dooley and Sousa believe her so they check it out. Ivchenko uses his hypnotic abilities on Dooley and gets him to bring him to the lab where he gets something and places a device on Dooley that will kill him. Written by

Country: USA
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HD Blue Bloods

Blue Bloods


Blue Bloods

IMDb: 7.5
42 min

Erin's ex-husband represents the person she's trying to convict of murder.

Genre: Crime, Drama,
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