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HD Prison Break

Prison Break


Prison Break

IMDb: 8.6
60 min

With hospitals and clinics under surveillance, Michael brings Lincoln to Nika's home to heal his wounded leg. Then he returns to the place where he parked his Accord and finds that the car has been towed. Meanwhile agent Mahone retrieves Michael's backpack with his passport from a vagrant that broke the rear window of Michael's car to steal the backpack. Michael goes to Brewster Towing yard to recover his car. Meanwhile Sucre finds that Maricruz will marry Hector in a couple of days and he heads to New York in a stolen car. Sara is arrested and her father visits her, pays her bail and orders her to tell a fake version about the incident in Fox River since he will be the next Vice-President of United States. Later she goes to rehabilitation where Kellerman is pretending to be an addicted patient. C-Note schedules a meeting with his wife, but his conversation is bugged by agent Mahone. Bellick and Geary meet each other by chance and later they team-up to get the US$ 400,000.00 reward ... Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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HD Prison Break

Prison Break


Prison Break

IMDb: 8.6
43 min (DVD)

The F.B.I agent Mahone decides to use L.J to get to Michael and Lincoln by cutting a deal with him and making him trick the two fugitives into revealing their location. Michael and Lincoln decide there's only one thing they can do, rescue L.J in a daring raid at the county jail. Only one problem though, Mahone is personally guarding L.J and won't let him out of his sight. Written by firefly_andy

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HD Prison Break

Prison Break


Prison Break

IMDb: 9.0
41 min

It is the morning after their escape from Fox River, and the inmates narrowly avoid being caught by Bellick as they jump onto a freight train. FBI Special Agent Alex Mahone has been assigned to their case and calls a press conference urging the public to turn in the Fox River 8. Michael, Lincoln, Abruzzi, C-Note, and Sucre encounter a hunter and his daughter. He holds them at gunpoint until Abruzzi grabs the daughter and forces the hunter to give them his SUV and let them go. The escapees head for a location where Michael has things stored. Agent Mahone tracks Michael's credit card to a storage facility in Oswego, but quickly figures out that one of Michael's tattoos holds the real location. Michael's tattoo Ripe Chance Woods is a clue pointing to a cemetery where Michael has items buried in the grave of E. Chance Woods. Just two steps behind, Agent Mahone arrives at the scene just as the inmates have gathered what they need. In the meantime, T-Bag discovers a veterinary clinic ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD Prison Break

Prison Break


Prison Break

IMDb: 9.4
60 min

With the escape in motion, Michael, Lincoln and the inmates take flight outside the prison walls, risking life and limb to evade capture. Warden Pope and Captain Bellick embark on a relentless pursuit to capture the escapees; the Vice President fears she will lose her command as well as her life; and Veronica tracks down the most significant piece of evidence to prove Lincoln's innocence. Written by Ionut Samo

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HD Prison Break

Prison Break


Prison Break

IMDb: 9.5
60 min

Dr. Sara questions if she should leave a light on and the door open for Michael, who must betray the Pope in order to carry out his escape plan. Veronica finds evidence that points her to Montana, but realizes that her closest ally may actually be her greatest enemy. Michael, Lincoln and the other inmates make a break for it, but after the alarm is sounded, find out who will make it over the wall, who will be left behind and who will leave the prison in a body bag. Written by Ionut Samo

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HD Prison Break

Prison Break


Prison Break

IMDb: 9.2
60 min

Westmoreland uses Bellick to plug a hole in the escape plan, which forces Michael to move up the breakout timetable. A fearful Tweener pledges his loyalty to Michael and in return may get out of jail for free; Michael feels that he has no choice but to involve Sara in the plan and must betray his father figure; and Veronica finds her life in jeopardy from her closest ally, who has a surprising connection to a Fox River inmate. Written by Ionut Samo

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HD Prison Break

Prison Break


Prison Break

IMDb: 8.9
60 min

After the crash, Kellerman tries to suffocate Lincoln, but he is saved in the last moment by a stranger. Sucre leaves the solitary confinement and Michael tells to his partners that he has completed the map, but he needs the key of the infirmary. Abruzzi is back to Fox River, apparently converted in a religious man. Warden Pope sends Captain Bellick to find Lincoln before notifying the authorities. Nick tries to convince Veronica that they are losing time checking the calls of Quinn's cell phone. Michael kisses Sara and asks her to wait for him. Tweener is in trouble with Avocado and he castrates the abuser. Lincoln sees that the stranger is actually his father, and he explains that he worked for the powerful Company, and Lincoln is a victim of a big plot against him. He had leaked information of EcoField and they used Lincoln to force him to show off. Michaels asks for help to Nika. Veronica finds many calls from Montana. The Vice-President tells her brother that he is alive just ... Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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HD Prison Break

Prison Break


Prison Break

IMDb: 8.9
60 min

Improvising a new plan, Michael seeks out an acquaintance who may hold the key to his escape plan. In gen pop, the other members of the P.I. crew learn that the guards are auctioning Michael's cell to the highest bidder. Lincoln and Sucre devise a scheme to get Michael returned to gen pop. Veronica informs Lincoln that L.J will be tried for his mother's murder, and Lincoln desires to see his son. Written by Missy

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HD Prison Break

Prison Break


Prison Break

IMDb: 8.7
60 min

Having burned his shoulder, Michael's tattoo that showed the path through psych ward is now incomplete. With another inmate intimidated into snitching about the escape plans, Michael Scofield must use his wits to find a new way out of Fox River. Written by Missy

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HD Prison Break

Prison Break


Prison Break

IMDb: 8.7
60 min

Three years ago, Michael discovers that the Lincoln's debt of US$ 90,000.00 permitted him to graduate in Engineering and also that his mother had no life insurance. Details of the manipulation of the footage of the surveillance camera in the parking area by Kellerman and his men are disclosed. Sara was a junkie addicted in morphine that seeks help in a rehabilitation center. C-Note was a soldier in Kuwait that was discharge with dishonor when he reported torture in the prisoners. Later, unemployed and with a dirty record, he drives an illegal truck to make some money, being arrested. Fernando robs a convenience store to date Maricruz; when he returns to rob the same convenience store to buy an engagement ring to Maricruz, his cousin Hector gives an anonymous call to the police and he is arrested. T-Bag is in love for Susan, but when she finds that he is a pedophile killer, she denounces him to the police. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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HD Prison Break

Prison Break


Prison Break

IMDb: 8.6
60 min

The execution of Lincoln is delayed for two weeks because Judge Kessler anonymously receives new evidences about the case, while Lincoln glances to his father in the observation room. Judge Kessler orders the exhumation of the remains of Terrance Steadman based on two different records about a removed appendix. Lincoln asks the name of the man in the room to Warden Pope and he tells that he is the journalist William Prall, from the Headline Press. Michael plots another escape plan through the asylum using the blueprint tattooed on his body. He borrows a guard's uniform from Sucre's cousin that works in the laundry to check his plan, but he burns his body on the steam piping; after a medical intervention, Michael finds that the part of the map with the escape route through the asylum is missing on his burnt back. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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HD Prison Break

Prison Break


Prison Break

IMDb: 9.0
60 min

With the unexpected fail of Michael's plan, the five frustrated inmates return to the storage room. Michael begs Sara to talk with Veronica and Nick first to see the evidences and to ask for clemency to her father. Meanwhile Nick and Veronica appeal in court of Judge Kessler and request an exhumation of Steadman remains. Michael learns that if something goes wrong with the electric chair, the execution is delayed. He uses a rat to short-circuit the electric installation, but David overhears the conversation and rats Michael's talk to Captain Bellick. Sara stays with Lincoln in his cell; later Michael and Veronica have a last meeting with him and he talks with his son LJ by phone. When Lincoln is walking to the electric chair, the governor calls to say that he had reviewed the process and denied the request of clemency. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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HD Prison Break

Prison Break


Prison Break

IMDb: 9.1
60 min

With Abruzzi medevaced to a hospital after T-Bag slit his throat, and Lincoln taken to solitary, the five remaining inmates must figure out what to do about their escape plan. Michael wants to delay the escape until he can spring Lincoln, but the other four want to leave as soon as possible. Following threats from his co-conspirators, Michael decides that they must leave that evening at 9pm. Back in his cell, Michael cuts open his arm and removes a hidden pouch which contains a black pill. He then borrows Sucre's crucifix and hides the pill inside it. With his brother's execution now only 36 hours away, Michael prays with a priest and asks him for a favor - would he mind giving a crucifix to his brother, Lincoln? Lincoln receives the crucifix containing the pill and a note instructing him to eat it at 8:10. When Lincoln does so, he becomes violently ill, and is taken to the prison's infirmary. Dr. Tancredi believes Lincoln suffers from food poisoning. The five inmates use the tunnels ... Written by Anonymous

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HD Prison Break

Prison Break


Prison Break

IMDb: 8.8
60 min

C-Note overhears Michael and Lincoln discussing that there are too many fugitives for available time and they share the information with the group telling that one shall be left behind. T-Bag feels threatened and calls his cousin James Bagwell, disclosing the escape plan and asking James to call the Warden Pope in case T-Bag does not contact him later. Abruzzi asks his outside man to kidnap James, but things go wrong and the mobster kills James and his five years old son Jimmy. Abruzzi feels guilty for the death of the child and feels the need of God's forgiveness, but T-Bag betrays Abruzzi like Judas. Meanwhile Veronica and LJ bring Nick to the hospital and while in surgery, LJ escapes to see the funeral of his mother. Daniel Hale sees the teenager in the cemetery but he does not arrest him; later he tells his wife that they should move to West and gives an anonymous call to Veronica scheduling a meeting in the Highland Cafe. Maricruz tells Sucre that she is pregnant but she will ... Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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HD Prison Break

Prison Break


Prison Break

IMDb: 8.7
60 min

As work progresses on the hole, Michael is suddenly called away for a conjugal visit from his wife, who turns out to be following his instructions to bring him a credit card. Although Dr. Tancredi has maintained a completely professional relationship with Michael, she is bothered by the discovery of his marriage. The credit card turns out to actually be an electronic pass card to get him into the storage room where inmate personal belongings are kept. Michael's box contains most of things he had with him, but his gold watch is missing, and it unfortunately plays a key role in his escape. Meanwhile, Quinn the specialist has tracked Nick and Veronica to their cabin, and begins interrogating them to find out who they've told about their research. Written by Jean-Marc Rocher

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HD Prison Break

Prison Break


Prison Break

IMDb: 8.7
60 min

Michael meets with Falzone to discuss the whereabouts of Fibonacci. When he tries to negotiate a deal for himself, Abruzzi gets impatient and warns him that Veronica's life will be forfeit if he doesn't deliver the witness' address right there. After the Vice President learns that her agents have been keeping secrets from her regarding their failure to catch LJ, Veronica or Nick, she brings in an outside specialist to oversee their activities. The head agent warns her that she's made a grave mistake, but she brushes off his concerns. When the tunnel work resumes, the crew finds itself with a new team member, as C-note has managed to figure out what they're up to, and wants in on the plan. Written by Jean-Marc Rocher

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HD Prison Break

Prison Break


Prison Break

IMDb: 8.7
60 min

John Abruzzi's boss has grown impatient over the non-appearance of the witness Fibonacci, and has withdrawn financial support from his jailed capo. This, in turn, has led Bellick to remove Abruzzi from work duty, since the guard's monthly payment from Falzone has stopped coming. Without work duty, no more progress can be made on the escape, and the next group to enter the storage room is certain to find the gaping hole in the floor. On the outside, the Secret Service agents are closing in on LJ through his telephone signal, and he inadvertently directs them toward the cabin that Veronica and Nick are hiding in. To save LJ, Lincoln needs to break out. But for that to happen, Michael must sacrifice Fibonacci, an innocent witness, to a ruthless mafia boss. Written by Jean-Marc Rocher

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HD Prison Break

Prison Break


Prison Break

IMDb: 8.8
60 min

After the riot, Dr. Tancredi has questions about how Michael knew his way through the prison's crawlspaces. Lincoln, meanwhile, is informed by a visitor that his son's life will be forfeit if he doesn't agree to give up the fight and go down quietly, while At his home, LJ is confronted by the two agents who quickly murder his parents and frame him for the crime. Enraged over the loss of one of the guards, Warden Pope and Captain Bellick begin tossing cells and putting pressure on the inmates to find who the murderer was. As for the escape plan, a snag is hit when the team realizes they need the help of Westmoreland to get them access to a restricted room that happens to be right over the sewer pipe. Westmoreland is reluctant to jeopardize his chance at parole, but circumstances lead him to a decision. Written by Jean-Marc Rocher

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HD Prison Break

Prison Break


Prison Break

IMDb: 9.2
60 min

As the riot rages out of control, Michael makes his way behind the walls to the infirmary to save Dr. Tancredi. Sucre and Abruzzi continue the drilling work on the wall separating general population from the old sewer line. Lincoln tries to make his way back to general to find Michael, but is ambushed by a killer hired to ensure he dies in prison one way or another. Dr. Tancredi's father, the governor of Illinois, decides to push Warden Pope aside and take matters into his own hands to save his daughter's life. On the outside, Veronica and Nick trace the phone call that reported Lincoln's crime to a pay phone in Washington, D.C., meaning the caller couldn't have been a witness. Their actions have attracted notice, however, and a surprise is waiting for them back at Veronica's apartment. Meanwhile, as Teabag keeps an eye on Bob, the guard the inmates have taken hostage and who has seen the escape hole, anxieties grow over how Bob can possibly be trusted to keep his mouth shut once the ... Written by Jean-Marc Rocher

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HD Prison Break

Prison Break


Prison Break

IMDb: 9.3
60 min

Frustrated at the Warden's defiance, the people who want Lincoln dead decide to circumvent the penal process by enlisting an inside man to take Lincoln out himself. Headcounts keep requiring Michael to be back in his cell at regular intervals, and the interruptions are making it impossible for him to finish his work. Sucre tells him that the guards don't bother with counts when there's a lock-down, so he disables the air conditioner circuits on his next trip out. With the temperature rising, the cons start causing trouble, and a lock-down is announced. Unfortunately, tempers have already flared past the boiling point, and a riot breaks out before the cells can be closed. Oblivious to the chaos going on, Michael and Sucre go behind the wall together to work on drilling through one of the last walls to an abandoned sewer line. One guard, escorting Lincoln, gets caught by the prisoners and dragged back to general population. In the course of preparing to torture and kill the beaten man, ... Written by Jean-Marc Rocher

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HD Prison Break

Prison Break


Prison Break

IMDb: 9.0
60 min

The Secret Service agents have paid a visit to Warden Pope, pressuring him to have Michael transferred away from his brother. After Michael uses a standard legal stalling tactic to delay the transfer, the agents increase the pressure on Pope: either lose Michael's petition and let the transfer go through, or a painful secret from Pope's past will be revealed to his wife. After giving an anguished consideration of the reasons why his past still haunts him, the Warden decides his course of action. Meanwhile, Michael needs another piece of information for his plan to go forward, and he makes an extended trip behind the walls to answer his question: English, Fitz or Percy, which one gets taken out? Written by Jean-Marc Rocher

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HD Prison Break

Prison Break


Prison Break

IMDb: 8.8
60 min

Michael is able to obtain some of the supplies he needs: a pair of chemicals that when combined produce a powerful corrosive. What he lacks, however, is a cell-mate he can trust to let him do his work. Haywire has become obsessed with Michael's tattoos and comes dangerously close to realizing their meaning, so Michael uses this to his advantage to provoke a confrontation and get his room-mate removed. At the same time, Sucre learns that his rival, Hector, has been feeding a line to Maricruz to get her away from her fiancé and into his bed. Sucre realizes that he needs to get back with Michael so he can get out as quickly as possible before he loses her forever. Veronica enlists the help of a specialist in death-penalty cases who agrees to re-examine Lincoln's case, but even he isn't hopeful. Meanwhile, the people who want to see Lincoln executed as quickly as possible do some snooping around Veronica's home and learn of the connection between Lincoln and Michael. Written by Jean-Marc Rocher

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HD Prison Break

Prison Break


Prison Break

IMDb: 8.6
43 min

Michael convinces John Abruzzi that he won't talk after a torture session produces no information on the whereabouts of Fibonacci. Abruzzi decides to take another tack by cooperating with Michael in exchange for the info, and as a show of good faith he takes Tea Bag out of the picture. For the next stage of his plan, Michael needs to put his cell-mate Sucre to the test to ensure his trustworthiness. However, Sucre wants to settle down with his fiancée after he gets paroled and can't risk it by helping a prison break, so he requests a transfer. The new cell-mate, a murderer named Haywire, is far too unstable to be trusted. Veronica, meanwhile, starts looking deeper into Lincoln's case after she talks with Leticia, who disappears in the middle of giving her account of what happened. Lincoln's son, as part of the punishment for getting caught buying pot, begins visiting his father in jail. Written by Jean-Marc Rocher

Country: USA
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HD Prison Break

Prison Break


Prison Break

IMDb: 8.7
60 min

Taking the first steps in his plan, Michael looks for a bolt in one of the yard bleachers. The seat he chooses, unfortunately, belongs to white supremacist Teabag who takes away the bolt, refusing to return it unless Michael proves himself in an impending race riot. The problem is that his connection for Pugnac, the drug he uses to fake diabetes, is black and obviously won't help him if he fights with the supremacists. The mob boss John Abruzzi, meanwhile, is growing more impatient for the whereabouts of the informant Michael tracked down, and is threatening to take the information by force. On the outside, Veronica receives a videotape proving that Lincoln is guilty of his crime, but then receives word that a witness who could have testified on Lincoln's behalf was murdered before the trial. Written by Jean-Marc Rocher

Country: USA
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HD Prison Break

Prison Break


Prison Break

IMDb: 9.0
42 min

After getting an elaborate full-body tattoo and destroying all the notes in his office, Michael Scofield calmly walks into a bank and holds it up. At trial, he raises no defense and seems to voluntarily be going to prison. Inside, he reveals that he's the brother of a fellow inmate, one on death row for the murder of the vice president's brother. He also hints that he has a plan of some sort, which involves pretending he has diabetes and going to the infirmary for insulin injections, dangling information about an informant in witness protection in front of a mob boss, and striking up a friendship with an elderly con rumored to be D.B.Cooper. Meanwhile, a bishop who may stand in the way of Michael's brother's execution is murdered in his bedroom. Written by Jean-Marc Rocher

Country: USA
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HD Top of the Lake

Top of the Lake


Top of the Lake

IMDb: 7.7
300 min

Robin accepts a dinner invitation from Al, learns that everyone on the force knows about her own rape when a teenager, drinks too much, and stays the night. By the next night, she's a pub chatting with one of her assailants, who may not recognize her. Her response changes her status on the force, and sends her again to Johnno. Matt mistreats Anita and goes back to Paradise to menace the women. Evidence proves that Wolfgang didn't kidnap Tui, who remains missing as the weather chills. Written by

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HD Top of the Lake

Top of the Lake


Top of the Lake

IMDb: 7.5
48 min

Tui remains missing. Robin's investigation takes her first to Paradise, the women's retreat beside the lake. Her interview of GJ yields a prophecy but little information. Robin gets a search warrant for Matt's, but manages to miss a key element. Then it's back to Wolfgang's, where there's at least one dead body. She also continues to coax Johnno into a relationship. Matt takes flowers to Paradise looking for Bunny, who brushes him off, so he invites the willing Anita to join him for an Ecstasy-laced encounter that ends with his introducing her to his mother. Written by

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HD Lie to Me

Lie to Me


Lie to Me

IMDb: 7.8

The gang again split into two teams to tackle two more cases. A very sensitive case of a murdered teenager at a prestigious school involves Cal and Torres investigating a judge appointed by the President. In the other case Dr. Foster and Loker investigate a NASA test pilot who appeared to black out and ejected seconds before he crashed his top secret SCRAM jet into the ground. Written by Mark Smith

Country: USA
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HD Bones




IMDb: 8.1
46 min

A corpse dumped in a Virgnia wood is identified as the accountant reported missing after two weeks by his supervisor, Jim Chou. He regularly won the $10,000 in a Wild West make-belief shooting show staged monthly by Luke and Franny Nicholson. Booth participate undercover, but fearing his recent taste for 'dangerously' fast vehicles Bones follows suit, and arrogantly claims she can beat him with 'antique' weapons. Aubrey later joins in, eager to share I the fun as they unearth secrets from the couple and another regular, as well as the accountancy firm. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Bones




IMDb: 7.5
44 min

When evil tech genius Christopher Pelant returns to toy with the Jeffersonian team in their newest investigation, they discover that the string of murders that have been occurring are tied to FBI agents close to Booth. Meanwhile, as the investigation unfolds, Sweets realizes that the evidence seems all too familiar to him and Brennan starts evaluating her relationship with Booth when signs begin to point to him as a potential target of Pelant's. Written by Anonymous

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HD Bones




IMDb: 7.0
44 min

A young woman's corpse is found, mysteriously covered in what seem diamonds. Typical wear and tear injuries suggest a dancer, soon identified from the missing persons database. She was participating in a TV show, so Booth, who paid his way trough college as ballroom instructor, goes undercover, with Bones as partner, who only imagines being up to it. While Hodgins and Wendell invent a way to clean the corpse without destroying the evidence in search of the cause of death, actually eliminating malicious poison, the victim and relevant contest persons are scrutinized. Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Bones




IMDb: 7.5
60 min | 43 min (DVD)

A TV show host who systematically exposed fraud and superstition is killed in a forest where he intended to disprove the existence of the Latin-American mythological 'goat-thief', at first sight in the way the fable creature strikes. Suspects include parties he exposed but also professional rivals. Booth patiently sits trough Bones' pitiful attempt to practice humor and welcomes her explanation for his sole 'cryptozoological' encounter with an apparent yeti. Vincent's confessions and apologies as ninth AA program step somewhat shock his Jeffersonian colleagues. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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