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HD Atlantis




IMDb: 8.4
43 min

Minos' health continues to fade as the tyrannical Pasiphae's scheming reaches its zenith. She sentences Ariadne to a gruesome execution not even the worst of enemies would deserve. Now that the court's loyalty is with the Queen, Jason is Ariadne's last hope. He'll need all the help he can get if he and his friends are to save her life, but fortunately there are a few in Atlantis who remain loyal to the King. The battle lines are drawn in Atlantis once and for all but just as the odds seem stacked against Jason, a shocking revelation is made that exposes the past and changes the course of the future forever. Written by abraham ararsa

Country: UK
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HD Atlantis




IMDb: 8.0
43 min

Jason is reminded of his promise to Circe and her grim warning should he fail to Honor their pact. With her threat hanging over him he has no choice but to act. He must kill the Queen. Infiltrating the palace will not only be mortally dangerous but also nigh on impossible. Under the cover of night, our heroes set out, but soon Jason's intentions start to unravel. As the alarm is raised, it's going to take more than just courage and chemistry to save his life - he needs the help of someone on the inside. Written by abraham

Country: UK
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HD Atlantis




IMDb: 7.4
43 min

Desperate for food Jason eats the remains of an abandoned feast but soon after starts to act strangely, waking up nude in a chicken coop after eating a hen. Pythagoras explains that he has stolen sacrificial food offered to the goddess of witchcraft Hecate and is condemned to turn into a hound by night. Fortunately Pythagoras finds a cure and enlists Ariadne's assistance but they have to act fast to stop Jason being hunted down by Heptarian and his soldiers. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD Atlantis




IMDb: 7.4
43 min

A messenger brings Ariadne news that her exiled brother Therus wants to see her so Jason, Pythagoras and Hercules escort her to a hunting lodge in the forest where he is hiding out. Pasiphae gets wind of what is happening and sends soldiers after them but they elude the soldiers. Therus wants Ariadne to come away with him. He tells her that he is exiled because the evil, power-mad Pasiphae framed him as a plotter trying to kill their father Minos and he fears that Pasiphae will harm Ariadne as well. However she refuses, claiming that she must stay in the city to help thwart any of her stepmother's machinations and returns with Jason. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD Atlantis




IMDb: 7.7
43 min

Hunting in the woods with Pythagoras and Hercules Jason finds an abandoned baby which, against the others' advice, he takes home to nurse with help from Medusa. Unbeknown to Jason the child is the son of King Laius and his wife Jocasta and Laius, with help from Pasiphae, has abandoned the child as a seer told the king one day his son would kill him. Learning that the baby has disappeared Laius sends soldiers to find him but Jocasta and royal adviser Tiresias get to him first. Tiresias is anxious to help the unhappy Jocasta save her son and so he tells Laius the baby is dead. In the meantime Hercules and the boys safely escape from the city and hand over to Jocasta's family her baby, Oedipus. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD Atlantis




IMDb: 7.5
44 min

Jason beats an arrogant bully who is striking an old man but the bully is Heptarian, nephew of queen Pasiphae - who is also betrothed to a reluctant Ariadne. For punishment Jason, along with Pythagoras and Hercules, must join a group of slaves training for the sport of bull leaping. If they can jump over a charging bull they will be spared. Aware of Ariadne's attraction to Jason Pasiphae, a witch, acquires a lock of his hair, with which she fashions a doll and sticks pins in it to incapacitate the boy on the day of the bull leaping. However Hercules sends a message to Medusa, who destroys the doll and breaks the spell. Thus Jason and all the slaves manage to leap over the bull and win their freedom. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD Atlantis




IMDb: 7.1
45 min

Whilst deep sea diving in search of his father, feared drowned, young Jason travels through a white light and ends up in the ancient city of Atlantis. Pursued by soldiers he is rescued by budding mathematician Pythagoras, who shares a house with the former hero Hercules, now an over-weight drunk. Pythagoras is selected by lottery as one of seven young people to be sacrificed to the monster the Minotaur, in the labyrinthine caverns outside the city, to ensure Atlantis's future safety. Jason opts to take his place but is joined by Pythagoras and Hercules after an unsuccessful attempt to rescue him. Fortunately Ariadne, the king's daughter, has given Jason a thread so that, after killing the Minotaur, he and his friends find their way out of the caves. Jason is declared a hero. However the Oracle, who has told Jason that he was born in Atlantis and taken away by his father when small, foretells that his return is fortuitous in order to save the city but he will be faced with even more ... Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.8
42 min

The BAU heads to Indianapolis, Indiana where a bomb has just exploded at a popular chain coffee house, killing several. The police believe this bomb, crudely made using TNT, is related to a bombing one week earlier at a school, also using TNT. That bomb, because it was detonated at night, killed only one, the night time custodian, who was not supposed to be in the school at the time. Based on the exact location of the coffee shop bomb, Rossi and Morgan are uncertain if the bomb was meant to be as deadly as it was or not. In relative terms, there were also some good news stories associated, where a pregnant woman was saved, she who delivered a healthy baby. A third bomb attempt coupled with other information leads to the team figuring out who the bomber is. However, that third bomb, plus the school bomb, provide the biggest clues as to the nature of the entire picture. They hope that planting a little public misinformation may help them catch the unsub. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.1
42 min

As a favor to Cruz whose friend, Peter Coleman, is the lead investigating sheriff, the BAU take on as their next case the murder of prostitutes in rural/small town Texas, the latest in Briscoe County. The latest victim is Abigail Jones, who was shot execution style in the back of the head, but not before she was tortured by having deep lacerations carved into her back in a cross-hatch fashion. This M.O. mirrors the murder of another prostitute, Hannah Kelly, in a neighboring county six months earlier, and the murder of a john, Lucas Wagner, eleven months earlier. The team quickly learns that Wagner, although convicted as a john, was truly a prostitute as well. They will also learn that forensic evidence will be difficult to come by due to the general protocols of various officials in the area. Their initial suspicion is that the murders were indeed torture, or consensual SandM sessions gone wrong, and that a john nicknamed Mack the Knife may be involved. With subsequent victims, they ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.0
41 min

During the Halloween season as Garcia prepares for a Day of the Dead celebration at her apartment for the team, the BAU is called to Provo, Utah to investigate the murder of a Jane Doe, whose dead body was crushed beyond recognition beneath a pile of boulders in a state park outside of the city. The woman, who is eventually identified as Gloria Carlyle, had deep lacerations on her arms, a burn mark on her body, and all material embellishments removed from her person. Her recent past included leaving a Utopian sect three months earlier, that sect which was involved in a similar mysterious death five years ago. The team finds another dead body shortly after their arrival, the similarities being that the victim is young, female and blond. A third victim initially confuses the team as it is a he, who was morally perverse. It is that latter issue and the similar burn mark found on his body - which the team will eventually learn is a brand - that may provide the nature of the ritual ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
41 min

The BAU travels to the southeastern US where two similar murders of two very different victims - beyond both being involved with extreme religions - have happened 100 miles apart in the matter of days. Both victims were killed by being chiseled over the head, were in a submissive position, had urban wildlife hair residue in their system, and had wood residue in their back teeth (signifying that they were biting on a stick). And at each crime scene, there was an infestation of maggots inconsistent both with the location and the amount of decomposition, meaning that the unsub brought the maggots to the kill sites. When a third victim is discovered upon the BAU's arrival, they further learn from witnesses that the unsub is calling his victims by a name other than their own, and that he is being quite open about his activities. The BAU notices that many of the murders are reminiscent of the serial killings of Russell Smith, who killed eight prostitutes in the area over a twenty year ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.0
43 min

The BAU investigate a mass murder at Synalock, an Internet security company located in Charlottesville, Virginia. Five people were shot, while three others were stabbed. By the severity of the killings, the company's CEO, Adam Werner, was the supposed intended target. They also surmise that despite the different styles of killings, there is only one unsub. When Mark and Mary Dolan are later that day found shot to death in their home, the BAU tie the two sets of murders together, the connection being the Dolan's son, Luke Dolan, who the BAU are certain is the unsub. Luke Dolan and Adam Werner were not navy communications men as their official records state, but rather Navy SEALs in the same unit, where Werner was the leader and Dolan the second in command. Dolan seems to be on a mission of some sort and seems to be facing some delusional break from reality. They have to figure out what caused the initial break from reality and what his current mission is. As Dolan had a loving ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
41 min

Hotch calls an early morning meeting, the first he's called since Gideon left, which raises the curiosity of the team. He tells them that because of budget issues, there is going to be some restructuring at the FBI, and although he would like them all to stay with the BAU, they may be approached by other units. The meeting affects Garcia and Rossi the most, and Rossi ends up having a subsequent late-night meeting in his office because of it. Meanwhile, the team is called to assist in the investigation of a local car accident in which an unidentified male driver careened over a cliff and ultimately succumbed to his injuries. They are called because the murdered bodies of two young adults were found in the trunk of his car. They are later identified as Jake Wattay and Paige Hawley, both of whom are on the missing persons list, each on the list for differing amounts of time and who are from different parts of the country. Because of the nature of their injuries, the team believes there ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.8
43 min

The BAU travel to Akron, Ohio, where two sets of married couples have been murdered in the span of a week. The husbands, who had Viagra in their system but who were not prescribed the drug, were shot while the wives were stabbed. The couples were forced to have sex with the husband wearing a condom, before they were killed. In reviewing the crime scenes, Morgan and Prentiss determine that the unsub is not a sexual sadist as he was trying to set a romantic mood for the kills, and is compensating for a probable recent bout of impotence. In interviewing the victims' families, the team also determine that the husband is the key to the unsub's targets as stereotypical alpha male types. When the unsub hits a broader target, the team are only then able to figure out how the unsub is able to gain access to the victims without a struggle, and from where he has devolved. Meanwhile, Hotch is surprised by an applicant for the communications liaison job. Despite the applicant not being an obvious ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.1
41 min | 42 min

Three young women have gone missing from Boise, Idaho in the last six months, each abducted from their home without signs of forced entry. Through Garcia, the BAU learn that the unsub is tracking these women through social networking sites, and that the unsub, using those sites to tell the victims' friends that they are on vacation. The BAU assume the unsub has already murdered his victims. The BAU find out how the unsub manages to get into the houses when they find evidence in the houses. They also quickly learn that the unsub is using the Internet for more than just tracking his victims. When Reid figures out the similar physical characteristics of the victims, the team are able to put together a profile. As the BAU get closer to figuring out who the unsub is and his next potential victim, he becomes more brazen by taunting the BAU who he knows is watching him. It becomes a war between computer expert Garcia against the unsub computer expert. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.0
42 min

In New York a hooded serial killer blindfolds and shoots, then stabs victims which seem to have nothing in common. The profiling team concludes that the cab driver could only be killed after thorough preparation. His latest attack is a priest, accused but cleared in court of child abuse. After this incident he lets a female witness escape to a church, suggesting that the setting is essential to his ritual. It turns out all the victims were acquitted or got the charges dropped. The killer turns out to be a vigilante who stabs his guilty victims in a 'poetically just' organ, probably continuing on the theme of a first crime against a perpetrator whose victim he once was. Gideon thinks it may be a cop, but can't scare off the NYPD from collaborating, and indeed the next victim is a double cop-killer. All victims have been on trial in one single court-house. Crime newspaper reporter Lance Wagner gets incredibly precise scoops every time. After shooting in panic an undercover cop in the ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Winx Club

Winx Club


Winx Club

IMDb: 0
23 min

The Winx move to Gardenia to find the last fairy on Earth. In order to earn money, the Winx open Love and Pet, a magic pet shop. Their new furry friends help plant the seed of believing in magic on Gardenia.

Country: Italy
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HD Battle Creek

Battle Creek


Battle Creek

IMDb: 8.6
43 min | 60 min

Pitting the FBI and BCPD police dogs in a wager, Milt and cheater Russ find the only near-witness of ripe prostitute's murder. Its young Max, her son and weekly visitor. The team looks into blackmail or witness theories, but also finds the other weekly visitor and his family tie in. Milt's former boss sets Russ straight about their near-traumatic parting over his wife's adultery. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Crime, Drama,
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HD The Flash

The Flash


The Flash

IMDb: 8.7
42 min

The Flash stops a robbery but the culprits get away after shooting a guard, and The Flash chooses to save the man instead of following the criminals. Joe shows Barry a book of suspects and Barry identifies Leonard Snart as the leader of the group. Snart revises his plan to steal the Kahndaq Dynasty Diamond and gets a boost when he gets his hands on a stolen cold gun, which could kill The Flash. Dr. Wells is furious when he finds out that Cisco built the cold gun without telling anyone and now it's missing. Meanwhile, Iris is getting the silent treatment from Joe because of her relationship with Eddie. Written by Jiilo_Kim

Country: USA
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HD Supergirl




IMDb: 8.3
43 min

A parasitic alien attaches itself to Kara and traps her in a world where Krypton was never destroyed, leaving Alex, Hank and the DEO to fend off a Kryptonian attack without her.

Country: USA
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HD Fringe




IMDb: 8.5
44 min

This follow-up to last season's Peter flashback episode revisits a poignant period of time for both the Bishops and Olivia. Written by Fox Publicity

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Fringe




IMDb: 6.9
44 min

Walter tells Ella and Astrid a story. It's a detective story in which Olivia, who's a detective, is hired to investigate the disappearance of Peter Bishop. Helped by Astrid aka Esther, Olivia fights both Nina Sharp and September aka Gemini to get to the truth. Olivia teams up with Peter to reach a happy ending. Written by Andreea Ward

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Fringe




IMDb: 9.0
44 min

After a violent tremor shakes a Manhattan office building to its core, leaving only one survivor who leads the Fringe Team to believe he is not from this reality. Walter surmises that what shook the building was not geologic, but rather something discovered by him and William Bell many years ago. With another catastrophe imminent, the team races to Jacksonville, the site of Walter and William's experiments, forcing Olivia to face her mysterious past in an effort to save hundreds of people from certain death. Written by FOX Publicity

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Fringe




IMDb: 8.5
65 min

Using her FBI training, Olivia escapes from Robert Jones' people. An FBI agent from Olivia's past is set to investigate the motifs and actions of the Fringe division. Olivia retrieves a sample from her abductors that contains the same parasite that is used to kill an immunologist. At the federal HQ, Loeb interferes with the investigation and finally Olivia figures out he's the other mole. Loeb instructs his wife to kill Olivia but Peter, who overhears the conversation, warns Olivia. Loeb is then caught by the team. Written by Andreea D

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Revenge




IMDb: 8.4
44 min

Ben turns to Emily and Nolan for help when Margaux threatens his ex-wife. They find her and he wants to go to her and Emily wants to go with him but he doesn't want her to. She follows him and when they find his ex, she reveals that is because of Ben is she has to hide. When Victoria learns that David is seeing Natalie, she tries to help him to be cautious but he thinks she's just upset that she lost the inheritance. Lyman after failing to help Victoria get the inheritance turns to someone else and it requires for him to get close to Louise. Jack is still reeling from Emily being with Ben. Written by

Country: USA
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HD MacGyver




IMDb: 7.0
47 min

Ex-con Earl Dent is trying to get custody of his daughter from the state. So he has to show that he can provide. He tries to go into boxing and asks MacGyver to train him. Mac learns that Earl is going into the tank. Mac tells him if word got out, he will lose any chance of getting his daughter. So he tells the men who paid him he is not going to do it. So they grab his daughter. Mac tries to find her and bring her to the fight before he takes the dive. Written by

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HD Alcatraz




IMDb: 8.5

Revealing doors are opened and lives hang in the balance as Rebecca will stop at nothing in pursuit of the man who killed her partner. Written by Fox Publicity

Country: USA
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HD Alcatraz




IMDb: 8.1

Doc and Rebecca close in on a man who may be the key to revealing the secrets behind all the returning criminals. Meanwhile, Hauser makes a discovery beneath the halls of Alcatraz that brings him ever closer to the truth. Written by Fox Publicity

Country: USA
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HD Alcatraz




IMDb: 7.8

It takes a while until Hauser recognizes the MO of Webb Porter, who drowns women in their bathtubs at home and auditions as violinist. He suffered from tinnitus since his mother tried to drown him as a young child. Dr. Lucy turned the frightened mental wreck into a self-confident musician. Dr. Milton Beauregard tells Hauser how Webb may save Lucy's life if caught in time, Doc and Madsen help track him down. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Alcatraz




IMDb: 7.9

Sonny Burnett a man with an incredible dark side who became ultra-violent during his stint at Alcatraz, returns. Written by Fox Publicity

Country: USA
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HD Alcatraz




IMDb: 8.0

Next fiends to return are giant Pinky and smart Herman Ames, twin brothers who ruthlessly mounted a rare, nearly successful escape in 1963. Also back is Alcatraz jailer Donovan, their accomplice then, who poses as an island Ranger to trick the team. Doc, Hauser and Rebecca each get in danger while they work out that the three are after a treasure, Civil War gold, which the warden kept locked up. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Alcatraz




IMDb: 7.6

70-fold murderer Johnny McKee returns and reverts to his horrible MO, assuming menial jobs so he can slickly organize terminal toxic tragedy for groups of clients in a bar, a club's swimming pool and even the subway. In Alcatraz, he was forced to collaborate in Dr. Sengupta's 'therapy'. Don and the cops look for clues, also working with the picture among his belongings, of the former belle of the class which includes his first 40 victims after a trauma. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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