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HD Hunted




IMDb: 7.5

Sam Hunter,an agent for private security firm Byzantium and is left for dead during an operation in Tangiers. A year later, having recuperated in a remote Scottish cottage, she returns to Byzantium anxious to discover who betrayed her. On the orders of her bosses Crane and Keel she is to infiltrate the world of criminal turned millionaire businessman Jack Turner which she does by saving Turner's grandson Eddie from a mock kidnap attempt. This attracts the admiration of Eddie's father Stephen who engages Sam in her guise as a teacher to tutor his son. Jack Turner is due to host Dutch Dr. Horst Goebel but Goebel is murdered by an assassin, who takes his place. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK , USA
Genre: Action, Drama,
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HD Hunted




IMDb: 7.5

Sam Hunter,an agent for private security firm Byzantium and is left for dead during an operation in Tangiers. A year later, having recuperated in a remote Scottish cottage, she returns to Byzantium anxious to discover who betrayed her. On the orders of her bosses Crane and Keel she is to infiltrate the world of criminal turned millionaire businessman Jack Turner which she does by saving Turner's grandson Eddie from a mock kidnap attempt. This attracts the admiration of Eddie's father Stephen who engages Sam in her guise as a teacher to tutor his son. Jack Turner is due to host Dutch Dr. Horst Goebel but Goebel is murdered by an assassin, who takes his place. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK , USA
Genre: Action, Drama,
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HD Midsomer Murders

Midsomer Murders


Midsomer Murders

IMDb: 7.6
93 min (DVD)

DCI Barnaby and DC Jones investigate the murder of Connor Simpson, a member of the Midsomer Worthy choir that had been rehearsing for an upcoming competition. The man was found in his home, bludgeoned to death with a poker. Simpson had received an apparently threatening note with a pig's heart enclosed. Soon after all members of the choir, Joyce Barnaby included, receive a note saying they're next. When local birdwatcher and photographer Sam Judd is also found dead - the victim of a 12 gauge shotgun - Barnaby is convinced that the two death are somehow linked. When they learn of Simpson's criminal convictions - and the reasons he went to jail - they are set on the path to solving the mystery. Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Hunted




IMDb: 8.1
59 min

Aidan survives the explosion but is accused of being the mole and goes on the run,asking Natalie,in vain,for information on Hour-Glass. Sam wakes in hospital to find that,rather than seek her death,the blank-faced man has put her there to warn her that she is in danger and explains that he had to assume Goebel's identity to get close to Turner. Giving Stephen a cover story Sam discharges herself and confronts Aidan. He tells her that he was blackmailed by Natalie to spy for her - she would otherwise expose his true identity.They meet Ballard and ask for information on...

Country: UK
Genre: Action, Drama,
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HD Hunted




IMDb: 8.1
59 min

Keel offers Natalie a job in exchange for naming the mole but she refuses whilst Aidan,whom Keel and Deacon Crane suspect of being the traitor,finds the link between Natalie's boss Ballard and the name Hour-glass which he used as a spy. Sam shadows Jack Carter and his accomplice Lewis Conroy and sees Turner kill Vincent Cage,an economics professor threatening to go to the police rather than help him criminally secure the money for his bid. Though suspected by Turner Sam dates Conroy and finds that Turner was planning to use a group called Kismet, who make sabotage ...

Country: UK
Genre: Action, Drama,
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HD Hunted




IMDb: 7.8
58 min

Hasan,one of the Byzantine operatives involved in the fake kidnapping,is captured by Jack Turner whilst spying on the house and imprisoned in his cellar. Sam slips out to see colleague Aidan who denies any treachery in Tangiers but her brief is not to rescue Hasan but to kill him before he gives away information about Sam and Byzantine. However Hasan tells her he was betrayed by the same person who sold her out and she eventually releases him but kills him after he atttacks her. 'Groebel' gives Turner a case which contains evidence of Turner's plan to buy into the ...

Country: UK
Genre: Action, Drama,
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HD Hunted




IMDb: 7.6

Sam Hunter,an agent for private security firm Byzantium,is left for dead during an operation in Tangiers. A year later,having recuperated in a remote Scottish cottage,she returns to Byzantium,anxious to discover who betrayed her. On the orders of her bosses Crane and Keel she is to infiltrate the world of criminal turned millionaire businessman Jack Turner,which she does by saving Turner's grandson Eddie from a mock kidnap attempt. This attracts the admiration of Eddie's father Stephen,who engages Sam,in her guise as a teacher,to tutor his son though Jack is hostile. ...

Country: UK , USA
Genre: Action, Drama,
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HD The Village

The Village


The Village

IMDb: 8.8

Bert considers leaving the village after receiving a postcard from Ghana Jones in London. Meanwhile he acts as best man as Gilbert marries Agnes. Arnold Hankin holds a reception in his dance hall and is positive about the marriage but his bitter wife Norma resents the fact that Gilbert has married a woman who bore another man's child. After the wedding Martha and Gerard succumb to passion in the schoolroom whilst Bert and Phoebe go for a walk on the moors and are confronted by a sour-faced gamekeeper as the Allinghams are now fencing off the land. On the morning of his wedding to Harriet Lady Clem discovers that Edmund is, indeed, a homosexual after catching his lover sneaking out of his bedroom early. but makes him go through with the marriage for show. Bill Gibby returns after nearly a year away to Grace's delight and joins her, Robin the vicar, Bert and others in a protest march on the newly-enclosed land. John races to stop Grace but is shot when guns are turned on the peaceful ... Written by don @ minifie-1, carlagodfrey

Genre: Drama,
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HD The Village

The Village


The Village

IMDb: 8.6

John starts to make a success of the farm at last whilst Grace and Bill try to get Agnes reinstated at the factory. Clem tells Edmund that, as a prospective member of parliament, he should not give his opponent Labour candidate Bill a martyr and Agnes is taken on by Norma Hankin as her maid. When Bairstow reveals her pregnancy Norma sacks her and she prepares to leave the village but the adoring Gilbert stops her. Kilmartin's daughter Harriet arrives at the Allinghams with Clem anxious that she should marry Edmund, Harriet thinks it's a good idea...but for different reasons. Bert starts to date Phoebe and Bill, voted for by George and Grace but not John, wins the election to be the local MP. Emboldened by this victory Grace challenges Edmund to give the name and details of the child born to Caro and her son Joe. Written by don @ minifie-1 carlagodfrey

Genre: Drama,
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HD The Village

The Village


The Village

IMDb: 8.7

Whilst John struggles to maintain his farm there are changes in the village. Nurse Joy Dangerfield arrives, to give family planning advice to the likes of Norma Hankin, whilst Hankin opens a dance hall. His son Gilbert escorts factory worker Agnes, the former mistress of Bairstow, who has had her sacked and the two men fight on the dance floor. Bairstow also recognizes that Edmund is a homosexual and makes subtle digs, upsetting Edmund's lover, Robert and causing them to break-up. Bill Gibby persuades Grace to join his Sunday cycling club and she is impressed by his commitment to socialism though her husband disapproves of the friendship. Martha returns to teaching, Bert wrongly assuming that she has sent him a love letter, which in fact came from station master's daughter Phoebe Rundle, who encourages his talent for photography. Written by don @ minifie-1,carla godfrey

Genre: Drama,
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HD The Village

The Village


The Village

IMDb: 8.9

1923:- The Middletons are just about surviving with their dairy farm whilst Martha has married George and Lady Clem is reluctantly hosting arrogant, promiscuous Lord Kilmartin, who can assist Edmund's political progress. Bert volunteers to be the hare in the annual hare and hounds race organized by the Allinghams with a cash prize if he avoids capture. His plan involves changing clothes with Gerard Eyre to put the hounds off the scent and, whilst he wins, Kilmartin accuses him of cheating and withholds payment. Socialist Bill Gibby arrives in the village as does a boxing booth with a financial prize given to anybody who can survive a round with Ghana Jones. Bert enters and loses though Kilmartin wins, through bribery. However , backed by Martha, Grace shames Edmund into paying Bert his money whilst Edmund's agent Bairstow blackmails Kilmartin into giving Edmund a cabinet post. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama,
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HD The Village

The Village


The Village

IMDb: 8.5

When his baby daughter falls sick with scarlet fever John,learning that the bovine medicine 3-in-1 is a possible cure,steals some from the Allingham's cattle shed,which cures baby Mary but,following the death of one of the cows he is arrested by Bairstow,now working as Edmund Allingham's agent. Caro's mental decline leads her mother and Edmund to bring in sadistic Dr Wylie,who subjects her to a painful and austere regime. George is appalled to see his sister's spirit being broken. Grace's friend Margaret discovers that her son Paul did not die a glorious death as she was led to believe but is probably missing without trace. Such revelations lead Robin to lose his faith and ask Martha to take over as pastor,which means that she must leave Hankin's factory where she was championing the women's rights. Bert believes that if he wins the annual wheelbarrow race it will keep Joe safe and indeed he does win and Joe is seen returning to the farm though Lord Allingham kills himself. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama,
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HD The Village

The Village


The Village

IMDb: 8.5

Depressed that the farm is ailing John gets drunk and meets a confused Caro,wearing only her night dress,in the woods. He returns home to find Martha waiting to take him to chapel,where her father Robin gives a sermon which is the opposite of Jingoistic. George also attends as he is smitten with Martha. Caro is revealed to be pregnant and confides in George that Joe is the father but the high-minded Edmund,embarking on a political career calls in detective Bairstow. Having confessed to Martha that years ago he impregnated a forward young woman who drowned herself John is the prime suspect in Caro's case and a posse of villagers besieges the farm. However they are dispersed by Bairstow,who has learned the truth from Caro. Nevertheless John attempts to hang himself but is prevented by Bert and Grace,who shortly afterwards gives birth. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama,
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HD The Village

The Village


The Village

IMDb: 8.1

Centenarian Bert Middleton recalls his life as a little boy in the years before the Great War. He lives on a small farm with his bullying father John,patient mother Grace and protective older brother Joe who works as a gardener for the wealthy Allingham family,whose head,Lord Allingham,is a disfigured recluse. John is frequently at odds with kindly schoolmaster Mr Eyre for taking Bert out of class to help on the ailing farm. The village sees its first bus when Martha Lane, a Methodist school-teacher,arrives. Martha is a suffragette and,at a lunch at the Allinghams with boot-maker Arnold Hankin, the progressive-thinking Martha clashes with Clem,Lady Allingham and her elder son Edmund,who hold staunchly traditional views. She does however get on with younger son George. As war is declared Joe volunteers for the army - having sex with Clem's daughter Caro before he leaves. Grace is glad that he has escaped the confines of the village but this only exposes Bert to more disapproving ... Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama,
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HD The Village

The Village


The Village

IMDb: 9.0

Lady Clem makes it clear that she will block any divorce as Martha moves back with her father, who is now living with Joy Dangerfield. Caro demands to see her son but the family informs her that he is dead and she attempts suicide. She is rescued by Bairstow who locates the child and brings him to Caro, who in turn takes him to see the Middletons, John making a full recovery, thanks to Phoebe's speech therapy. Edmund attempts to sack Bairstow but is thwarted when the agent threatens to reveal his sexuality. Bill Gibby, whose party is out of power but is leader of the city council in Sheffield, returns. He is anxious to build a reservoir to bring clean water to Sheffield but it will involve flooding the village as Grace discovers, announcing the plan to the villagers, who give her whole-hearted support in opposing it. Sour Norma Hankin has cause to smile though on discovering that she is pregnant, Martha and Gerard flee the country to work in Africa and Bert proposes to Phoebe, who ... Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama,
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HD The Village

The Village


The Village

IMDb: 8.9

As John lies in a coma two hectoring policemen arrive, more intent on proving the villagers were trespassing than finding out who shot John. Grace seeks help from Bill, whose declaration of love for sets tongues wagging. Principled George, a journalist, is leaned on by his family to demonize the ramblers and by the police to incriminate Gilbert, Bert and Gerard, refusing the latter. He is under more stress when Martha leaves him for Gerard, though the Allinghams will not sanction a divorce. With the lads on trial for trespass Bairstow seeks to discredit Bill as a witness but an act of altruism by George leads to a not guilty verdict and grounds for a divorce. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama,
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HD Hunted




IMDb: 8.2
59 min

Aidan survives the explosion but is accused of being the mole and goes on the run,asking Natalie,in vain,for information on Hour-Glass. Sam wakes in hospital to find that,rather than seek her death,the blank-faced man has put her there to warn her that she is in danger and explains that he had to assume Goebel's identity to get close to Turner. Giving Stephen a cover story Sam discharges herself and confronts Aidan. He tells her that he was blackmailed by Natalie to spy for her - she would otherwise expose his true identity.They meet Ballard and ask for information on Hour-Glass but a sniper kills Ballard. However they learn that Hector Stokes,part of the group building the dam,is a member of Hour-Glass and go to see him . They are shadowed and kill their pursuers but Aidan is recaptured by Byzantium and tells them that Hasan was the traitor.Following the blast Turner gets the money for his bid but Turner is still looking for the woman who saw him kill Cage and Keel lays a trail ... Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Action, Drama,
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HD Hunted




IMDb: 8.1
59 min

Keel offers Natalie a job in exchange for naming the mole but she refuses whilst Aidan,whom Keel and Deacon Crane suspect of being the traitor,finds the link between Natalie's boss Ballard and the name Hour-glass which he used as a spy. Sam shadows Jack Carter and his accomplice Lewis Conroy and sees Turner kill Vincent Cage,an economics professor threatening to go to the police rather than help him criminally secure the money for his bid. Though suspected by Turner Sam dates Conroy and finds that Turner was planning to use a group called Kismet, who make sabotage look like natural accidents,to help him acquire the dam. Ian continues to gain Ryder's confidence running his drugs scam and agrees to plant an explosives device at the Aldwych - informing Byzantium who will test Aidan by making him disable it. Whilst Aidan rushes to the Aldwych Sam is attacked by the blank-faced assassin who killed Goebel. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Action, Drama,
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HD Hunted




IMDb: 7.8
58 min

Hasan,one of the Byzantine operatives involved in the fake kidnapping,is captured by Jack Turner whilst spying on the house and imprisoned in his cellar. Sam slips out to see colleague Aidan who denies any treachery in Tangiers but her brief is not to rescue Hasan but to kill him before he gives away information about Sam and Byzantine. However Hasan tells her he was betrayed by the same person who sold her out and she eventually releases him but kills him after he atttacks her. 'Groebel' gives Turner a case which contains evidence of Turner's plan to buy into the Chinese-financed Upper Khyber dam but Aidan tells Sam to leave the Turner house before she gets into danger. Back at Byzantine workers Zoe and Ian put a tracer on Turner's associate Dave Ryder. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Action, Drama,
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HD Hunted




IMDb: 7.7

Sam Hunter,an agent for private security firm Byzantium,is left for dead during an operation in Tangiers. A year later,having recuperated in a remote Scottish cottage,she returns to Byzantium,anxious to discover who betrayed her. On the orders of her bosses Crane and Keel she is to infiltrate the world of criminal turned millionaire businessman Jack Turner,which she does by saving Turner's grandson Eddie from a mock kidnap attempt. This attracts the admiration of Eddie's father Stephen,who engages Sam,in her guise as a teacher,to tutor his son though Jack is hostile. Jack Turner is due to host Dutch Dr Horst Goebel,but Goebel is murdered by an assassin,who takes his place. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK | USA
Genre: Action, Drama,
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HD Hunted




IMDb: 8.2
59 min

Aidan survives the explosion but is accused of being the mole and goes on the run,asking Natalie,in vain,for information on Hour-Glass. Sam wakes in hospital to find that,rather than seek her death,the blank-faced man has put her there to warn her that she is in danger and explains that he had to assume Goebel's identity to get close to Turner. Giving Stephen a cover story Sam discharges herself and confronts Aidan. He tells her that he was blackmailed by Natalie to spy for her - she would otherwise expose his true identity.They meet Ballard and ask for information on Hour-Glass but a sniper kills Ballard. However they learn that Hector Stokes,part of the group building the dam,is a member of Hour-Glass and go to see him . They are shadowed and kill their pursuers but Aidan is recaptured by Byzantium and tells them that Hasan was the traitor.Following the blast Turner gets the money for his bid but Turner is still looking for the woman who saw him kill Cage and Keel lays a trail ... Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Action, Drama,
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HD Hunted




IMDb: 8.1
59 min

Keel offers Natalie a job in exchange for naming the mole but she refuses whilst Aidan,whom Keel and Deacon Crane suspect of being the traitor,finds the link between Natalie's boss Ballard and the name Hour-glass which he used as a spy. Sam shadows Jack Carter and his accomplice Lewis Conroy and sees Turner kill Vincent Cage,an economics professor threatening to go to the police rather than help him criminally secure the money for his bid. Though suspected by Turner Sam dates Conroy and finds that Turner was planning to use a group called Kismet, who make sabotage look like natural accidents,to help him acquire the dam. Ian continues to gain Ryder's confidence running his drugs scam and agrees to plant an explosives device at the Aldwych - informing Byzantium who will test Aidan by making him disable it. Whilst Aidan rushes to the Aldwych Sam is attacked by the blank-faced assassin who killed Goebel. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Action, Drama,
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HD Hunted




IMDb: 7.8
58 min

Hasan,one of the Byzantine operatives involved in the fake kidnapping,is captured by Jack Turner whilst spying on the house and imprisoned in his cellar. Sam slips out to see colleague Aidan who denies any treachery in Tangiers but her brief is not to rescue Hasan but to kill him before he gives away information about Sam and Byzantine. However Hasan tells her he was betrayed by the same person who sold her out and she eventually releases him but kills him after he atttacks her. 'Groebel' gives Turner a case which contains evidence of Turner's plan to buy into the Chinese-financed Upper Khyber dam but Aidan tells Sam to leave the Turner house before she gets into danger. Back at Byzantine workers Zoe and Ian put a tracer on Turner's associate Dave Ryder. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Action, Drama,
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HD Hunted




IMDb: 7.7

Sam Hunter,an agent for private security firm Byzantium,is left for dead during an operation in Tangiers. A year later,having recuperated in a remote Scottish cottage,she returns to Byzantium,anxious to discover who betrayed her. On the orders of her bosses Crane and Keel she is to infiltrate the world of criminal turned millionaire businessman Jack Turner,which she does by saving Turner's grandson Eddie from a mock kidnap attempt. This attracts the admiration of Eddie's father Stephen,who engages Sam,in her guise as a teacher,to tutor his son though Jack is hostile. Jack Turner is due to host Dutch Dr Horst Goebel,but Goebel is murdered by an assassin,who takes his place. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK | USA
Genre: Action, Drama,
Watch Episode
HD The Game

The Game


The Game

IMDb: 7.4
58 min

London 1972. When a defecting KGB officer, Arkady Malinov, reveals Operation Glass, a devastating Soviet plot that could change the course of the cold war, Daddy, the head of MI5, assembles a secret team to investigate. As the Soviets awaken a list of sleeper agents all over Britain, Daddy's team must move swiftly to gain information about the plot.

Genre: Drama, Thriller,
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HD Ripper Street

Ripper Street


Ripper Street

IMDb: 8.1
61 min (with previews)

As the police raid a homosexual brothel Reid investigates the murder of telegraph boy Otto Roberts though the intended victim David Goodbody was in bed with his boyfriend Vincent at the time. The boys were planning to blackmail Solomon Quint, a married banker recently dismissed from his post. Quint is found dead but Homer deduces that he was murdered and his death made to resemble suicide. Reid discovers that a rent boy ring was being run from the GPO offices but David tells him that Quint's boss Franklin Stone was the man who most wanted his disposal and indeed the eventual motive has nothing to do with sexual peccadilloes and everything with money. Meanwhile Homer's attempt to confront Duggan over the money Susan owes does not end well for him. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK | Ireland
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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