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HD Early Edition

Early Edition


Early Edition

IMDb: 7.8

The paper tells Gary that a man , named Ricky Brown is going to be executed tomorrow. Gary learns that the previous recipient of the paper, Lucious Snow tried to help Brown but couldn't and spent the rest of his life trying to prove his innocence. Gary goes to the prison to talk to him but couldn't. But Molly Greene who is there to interview Brown allows Gary to go with her. They talk to Brown who says he was working at this company and he met a woman working there and fell for her. What he didn't know is that she's the owner and her brother had issues with their dating. Brown tried to talk to him but when Brown went to see him he found him dead. That's when he was arrested. When Gary tells Brown that he's there because of Lucious, Brown remembers him and Molly is intrigued. Molly later learns that something strange happened at the company around the time of the murder. So they go to the sister to ask what she knows. Written by

Country: USA
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HD Early Edition

Early Edition


Early Edition

IMDb: 7.4

Gary is suspicious when Chuck returns from California with a surprisingly new attitude. However, Gary soon learns that Chuck is paying someone to follow him and film his heroic acts in hopes of getting a movie deal.

Country: USA
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HD Early Edition

Early Edition


Early Edition

IMDb: 7.4

Gary is suspicious when Chuck returns from California with a surprisingly new attitude. However, Gary soon learns that Chuck is paying someone to follow him and film his heroic acts in hopes of getting a movie deal.

Country: USA
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HD Early Edition

Early Edition


Early Edition

IMDb: 7.5

The newspaper show three children die from poisoned Halloween candy but does not mention names. Gary has a difficult time trying to find who to save. His job is not made easier when two witches capture him since they think he is a warlock.

Country: USA
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HD Early Edition

Early Edition


Early Edition

IMDb: 7.5

The newspaper show three children die from poisoned Halloween candy but does not mention names. Gary has a difficult time trying to find who to save. His job is not made easier when two witches capture him since they think he is a warlock.

Country: USA
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HD Early Edition

Early Edition


Early Edition

IMDb: 7.6

Gary becomes jealous when Erica begins to date a doctor who is beloved by everyone. He later gets the Early Edition and realizes that he must save his competition from a deadly fire.

Country: USA
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HD Early Edition

Early Edition


Early Edition

IMDb: 7.6

Gary becomes jealous when Erica begins to date a doctor who is beloved by everyone. He later gets the Early Edition and realizes that he must save his competition from a deadly fire.

Country: USA
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HD Early Edition

Early Edition


Early Edition

IMDb: 7.8

When the paper alerts Gary to an explosion at a Naval Base Gary impersonates a Lieutenant to get on the base. Along the way he learns that an Admiral's daughter is seeing an enlisted man which her father doesn't like. And the Admiral tries to set her up with Gary. At the same time, Henry upon seeing in the paper that peace negotiations between two countries is in jeopardy tries to help by calling the ones handling it. Eventually they hold the talks at McGinty's. And some terrorists trying to stop the talks plan to attack. Written by

Country: USA
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HD Early Edition

Early Edition


Early Edition

IMDb: 7.8

When the paper alerts Gary to an explosion at a Naval Base Gary impersonates a Lieutenant to get on the base. Along the way he learns that an Admiral's daughter is seeing an enlisted man which her father doesn't like. And the Admiral tries to set her up with Gary. At the same time, Henry upon seeing in the paper that peace negotiations between two countries is in jeopardy tries to help by calling the ones handling it. Eventually they hold the talks at McGinty's. And some terrorists trying to stop the talks plan to attack. Written by

Country: USA
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HD Early Edition

Early Edition


Early Edition

IMDb: 7.6

When Henry accidentally discovers one of Gary's newspapers from the future, he uses the information to make friends in school and provide his dad with gambling tips.

Country: USA
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HD Early Edition

Early Edition


Early Edition

IMDb: 7.6

When Henry accidentally discovers one of Gary's newspapers from the future, he uses the information to make friends in school and provide his dad with gambling tips.

Country: USA
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HD Early Edition

Early Edition


Early Edition

IMDb: 7.9

Gary must find ways to prevent a collision which originally kills 13 people but has no definitive cause. However, as the deadline approaches, he is able to eliminate some of the victims but has trouble preventing a death toll.

Country: USA
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HD Early Edition

Early Edition


Early Edition

IMDb: 7.9

Gary must find ways to prevent a collision which originally kills 13 people but has no definitive cause. However, as the deadline approaches, he is able to eliminate some of the victims but has trouble preventing a death toll.

Country: USA
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HD Early Edition

Early Edition


Early Edition

IMDb: 7.8

The newspaper forecasts a power outage. With the blackout, a neighborhood dispute escalates into violence.

Country: USA
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HD Early Edition

Early Edition


Early Edition

IMDb: 7.8

The newspaper forecasts a power outage. With the blackout, a neighborhood dispute escalates into violence.

Country: USA
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HD Early Edition

Early Edition


Early Edition

IMDb: 7.6

Marissa has a vision while sitting beside the lake, and consults with a Dr. about the possibility of her sight returning. Chuck goes to his bookie to pay off a gambling debt, and discovers that his bookie has been murdered. When Chuck is kidnapped by the killer and held captive on a tugboat, Gary and Crumb use Marissa's vision to find the tugboat, but are captured as well. They are left stranded on an empty boat in the middle of the lake with a bomb aboard. Written by Clintessence

Country: USA
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HD Early Edition

Early Edition


Early Edition

IMDb: 7.6

Marissa has a vision while sitting beside the lake, and consults with a Dr. about the possibility of her sight returning. Chuck goes to his bookie to pay off a gambling debt, and discovers that his bookie has been murdered. When Chuck is kidnapped by the killer and held captive on a tugboat, Gary and Crumb use Marissa's vision to find the tugboat, but are captured as well. They are left stranded on an empty boat in the middle of the lake with a bomb aboard. Written by Clintessence

Country: USA
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HD Early Edition

Early Edition


Early Edition

IMDb: 7.9

At a construction site, Gary attempts to halt the driving of a pylon into the ground, because the paper said it would cause an explosion. He is accidentally knocked unconscious and wakes up in the same location, but in the year 1871. Gary meets characters that look exactly like Chuck and Marissa, and tries to prevent Mrs. O'Leary's cow from kicking over the lamp, thereby triggering the famous Chicago fire. He fails and the fire is set anyway, but when he returns to 1998, he halts the construction and gets the manager arrested Written by Clintessence

Country: USA
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HD Early Edition

Early Edition


Early Edition

IMDb: 7.9

At a construction site, Gary attempts to halt the driving of a pylon into the ground, because the paper said it would cause an explosion. He is accidentally knocked unconscious and wakes up in the same location, but in the year 1871. Gary meets characters that look exactly like Chuck and Marissa, and tries to prevent Mrs. O'Leary's cow from kicking over the lamp, thereby triggering the famous Chicago fire. He fails and the fire is set anyway, but when he returns to 1998, he halts the construction and gets the manager arrested Written by Clintessence

Country: USA
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HD Early Edition

Early Edition


Early Edition

IMDb: 7.9
60 min

Gary stops two men from mugging a young woman, and then realizes the woman is a girl he went to school with. When the same two muggers show up at her office, she seeks refuge with Gary at McGinty's. It appears she has been doing research with a complex program that predicts the future, and someone wants her research for themselves. Gary's parents are kidnapped and held for ransom until the research is given to them. Gary and Chuck must save his parents without turning over the research. Written by Clintessence

Country: USA
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HD Early Edition

Early Edition


Early Edition

IMDb: 7.9
60 min

Gary stops two men from mugging a young woman, and then realizes the woman is a girl he went to school with. When the same two muggers show up at her office, she seeks refuge with Gary at McGinty's. It appears she has been doing research with a complex program that predicts the future, and someone wants her research for themselves. Gary's parents are kidnapped and held for ransom until the research is given to them. Gary and Chuck must save his parents without turning over the research. Written by Clintessence

Country: USA
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HD Early Edition

Early Edition


Early Edition

IMDb: 7.8

Gary makes the acquaintance of a dashing British man named Clive Harbison as he helps Gary rescue an elderly woman from her burning apartment in spectacular fashion, getting Clive's face on the news. A man named Marty is seeking revenge on Clive; after seeing the newscast he locates Clive and tries to run him over so Gary takes him to the bar for safety. Then a woman shows up at McGinty's and threatens to turn Clive into the police if he doesn't return a stolen Van Gogh painting to her museum. Somehow, Gary, Marissa and Chuck find themselves helping Clive break into the museum to replace a fake Van Gogh painting with the real one, but things take a surprising turn when Marty shows up during the break-in. Written by Clintessence

Country: USA
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HD Early Edition

Early Edition


Early Edition

IMDb: 7.8

Gary makes the acquaintance of a dashing British man named Clive Harbison as he helps Gary rescue an elderly woman from her burning apartment in spectacular fashion, getting Clive's face on the news. A man named Marty is seeking revenge on Clive; after seeing the newscast he locates Clive and tries to run him over so Gary takes him to the bar for safety. Then a woman shows up at McGinty's and threatens to turn Clive into the police if he doesn't return a stolen Van Gogh painting to her museum. Somehow, Gary, Marissa and Chuck find themselves helping Clive break into the museum to replace a fake Van Gogh painting with the real one, but things take a surprising turn when Marty shows up during the break-in. Written by Clintessence

Country: USA
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HD Early Edition

Early Edition


Early Edition

IMDb: 8.2

The paper tells Gary that a man is going to die in an accident. So he saves him but afterward the paper changes and says that the man is going to kill someone. Gary wonders why the paper sent him to the man so Gary tries to warn the prosecutor. It seems the man is a recently released convict and the prosecutor was the one who handled his case but when Gary refuses to tell her how he knows this, she dismisses him. And Chuck is injured by the man when he was escaping. Later the man goes to the prosecutor's home and Gary shows up and the man holds them hostage and the police arrive. Written by

Country: USA
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HD Early Edition

Early Edition


Early Edition

IMDb: 8.2

The paper tells Gary that a man is going to die in an accident. So he saves him but afterward the paper changes and says that the man is going to kill someone. Gary wonders why the paper sent him to the man so Gary tries to warn the prosecutor. It seems the man is a recently released convict and the prosecutor was the one who handled his case but when Gary refuses to tell her how he knows this, she dismisses him. And Chuck is injured by the man when he was escaping. Later the man goes to the prosecutor's home and Gary shows up and the man holds them hostage and the police arrive. Written by

Country: USA
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HD Early Edition

Early Edition


Early Edition

IMDb: 8.2
60 min

While trying to save a monkey in an abandoned theater, Gary becomes trapped on an elevated scaffold. The scaffolding is barely hanging from the vaulted ceiling, and being afraid to move or jostle it, Gary must lie quite still. The next morning Gary's father receives the newspaper and rushes into the city, hoping to save lives and prevent catastrophes, but he gets thrown in jail instead. The next morning Gary's mother receives the paper and rushes to the city, only to discover that Gary has been getting tomorrow's paper today for some time now. No one has seen Gary in two days, as they all band together in an attempt to find Gary before it's too late. Written by Clintessence

Country: USA
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HD Early Edition

Early Edition


Early Edition

IMDb: 8.2
60 min

While trying to save a monkey in an abandoned theater, Gary becomes trapped on an elevated scaffold. The scaffolding is barely hanging from the vaulted ceiling, and being afraid to move or jostle it, Gary must lie quite still. The next morning Gary's father receives the newspaper and rushes into the city, hoping to save lives and prevent catastrophes, but he gets thrown in jail instead. The next morning Gary's mother receives the paper and rushes to the city, only to discover that Gary has been getting tomorrow's paper today for some time now. No one has seen Gary in two days, as they all band together in an attempt to find Gary before it's too late. Written by Clintessence

Country: USA
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HD Early Edition

Early Edition


Early Edition

IMDb: 8.1

When Gary falls off a scaffolding and breaks his leg, he is laid up in his apartment watching his neighbors across the alleyway. He begins seeing a woman in his dreams dressed in 1940's attire, who looks exactly like the new waitress he just hired. The waitress lives in an apartment across from him, and when the paper reveals she is going to be shot and killed, Gary tries to prevent it from happening. He learns that the grandmother of his new waitress was shot and killed in McGinty's Bar in 1944, and the killer was never caught. Now, the waitress has someone stalking her. Written by Clintessence

Country: USA
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HD Early Edition

Early Edition


Early Edition

IMDb: 8.1

When Gary falls off a scaffolding and breaks his leg, he is laid up in his apartment watching his neighbors across the alleyway. He begins seeing a woman in his dreams dressed in 1940's attire, who looks exactly like the new waitress he just hired. The waitress lives in an apartment across from him, and when the paper reveals she is going to be shot and killed, Gary tries to prevent it from happening. He learns that the grandmother of his new waitress was shot and killed in McGinty's Bar in 1944, and the killer was never caught. Now, the waitress has someone stalking her. Written by Clintessence

Country: USA
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HD Early Edition

Early Edition


Early Edition

IMDb: 7.9

When an Egyptian mummy goes on display at the museum, a man steals the emerald eyes and scarab from the mummy, unleashing an ancient curse. Soon, everyone associated with the theft becomes ill.

Country: USA
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HD Early Edition

Early Edition


Early Edition

IMDb: 7.9

When an Egyptian mummy goes on display at the museum, a man steals the emerald eyes and scarab from the mummy, unleashing an ancient curse. Soon, everyone associated with the theft becomes ill.

Country: USA
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HD Early Edition

Early Edition


Early Edition

IMDb: 7.7

A crooked D.A. has aspirations to be Mayor of Chicago, and is holding hearings about police corruption as a way of getting there, focusing on Lt. Crumb's partner who has taken bribes in the past. Crumb's partner steals a portion of the money he and Crumb are using in a sting operation, leaving Crumb holding the bag. The D.A. dislikes Crumb anyway, and proceeds to frame Crumb for the missing money, three weeks before his retirement. Gary tries to help Crumb, but he is his usual obstinate and cranky self. Written by Clintessence

Country: USA
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