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HD Lovejoy




IMDb: 7.4
54 min

Vicky finds a Scots claymore in the attic of her new flat which Lovejoy buys from her. He is approached by a man named Kinloch who offers him a more than generous price for it,claiming a family connection, and, when a suspicious Lovejoy refuses,the sword becomes the subject of a bungled burglary. Lovejoy is intrigued and finds out that the sword provides the key to a cache of French gold buried in the ground. Ironically Tartan Transactions,a controversial firm in which Kinloch has an interest,has just built a supermarket over it and retrieval seems unlikely. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD Lovejoy




IMDb: 7.4
54 min

In hospital with a broken leg Lovejoy delegates Lady Jane and Tinker to sell a terra cotta Chinese pig to a Chinese banker,though it turns out to be a forgery and gets broken,revealing its contents, a valuable medieval Chinese bank note. But this might also be a forgery so Lovejoy makes use of micro-surgery to examine another pig,one of several in the possession of choleric dealer and possible swindler Sir Desmond Clark. Meanwhile Eric meets fellow biker,the lovely Natasha,with whose help he sells his motor-cycle as having been the property of Lawrence of Arabia. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD Lovejoy




IMDb: 7.2
54 min

Wealthy Australian Greg Veitch arrives in East Anglia looking for his 'Eureka', the thing that he must have, and believes he has found it in a Beninese bronze sculpture belonging to Sir Max Spence. Problems obtaining an export licence leads to him doing a deal with Sir Max and a local forger to get the statue out of the country. When it goes missing Lovejoy comes under suspicion but discovers that police inspector Shand is not all he claims to be - just as Veitch will have a similar experience with the bronze, which will lead him to seek revenge. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD Lovejoy




IMDb: 7.7
55 min

Lovejoy and Lady Jane drive her former housekeeper Vera to Portsmouth for the burial at sea of Vera's late brother, Captain Bucknall. Vera is anxious to sell the captain's medals to the local submarine museum but they cannot match the price offered by arrogant collector, fashion photographer Jeremy Prince so Vera reluctantly agrees to sell them to him. However they are stolen from Lovejoy's safe. Prince accuses him of trickery but then Angelo Pantalini or Angel Trousers appears with a gun, claiming revenge for an outrage the late captain committed to a statue of Mussolini in the Second World War. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD Lovejoy




IMDb: 6.9
54 min

Irish band Hothouse Flowers,whose roadie Declan is a friend of Tinker, stay with Lady Jane whilst performing a charity concert but after the gig it seems that events organizer Ray Morgan has decamped with the money. To make up the shortfall the band decide to sell a valuable Celtic harp,but this too is stolen. Lovejoy catches up with Morgan at an auction to recoup the cash but it's down to Tinker to divulge what happened to the harp. Victoria meanwhile returns to Peru having turned down Lovejoy's offer of marriage. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD Lovejoy




IMDb: 7.5
54 min

After spending the weekend with Victoria Lovejoy takes her to an antiques fair and cannot believe his luck when he picks up a set of paintings by famous artist Lionel Beckwith for a mere twelve pounds. He sells them to a local gallery but is interrupted by Beckwith himself,claiming they are forgeries. A little detective work on Lovejoy's part reveals Beckwith's reasons for wanting supposedly adverse publicity as interest in his work is falling. Lady Jane saves the day for Eric after he is conned by a supposedly bereaved pensioner. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD Lovejoy




IMDb: 7.3
54 min

Lovejoy returns, penniless, from a year in Spain to find Tinker about to enter a monastery and Eric working as a security guard. Lady Jane introduces him to Victoria Cavero, widow of a South American politico who was investigating a group of corrupt bankers, possibly headed by Alfredo Pereira, who just happens to be in England. Victoria asks Lovejoy to sell an Inca ring for her but then Lady Jane is kidnapped in mistake for Victoria and the ring demanded as her ransom. After Lovejoy has done the deal he sets out to prove Pereira's involvement. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD Lovejoy




IMDb: 8.1
50 min

Lovejoy concocts a sting with rich American widow Cassandra Lynch and wealthy Japanese businessman Toshiro Tanaka to recover the money of which con man/antiques dealer Harry Catapodis defrauded them with dodgy antiques with concocted provenance and outright forgeries. Utilizing a skilled French art forger and a Cockney conman who affects the appearance of an Orthodox Jew, Lovejoy convinces Catapodis that a priceless Catherine the Great icon can be had for 'only' three million dollars. Written by

Country: UK
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HD Lovejoy




IMDb: 8.2
50 min

Lovejoy meets another antique dealer, the affable Harry Catapodis, at a dinner party hosted by a rich, beautiful American widow, Cassandra Lynch, whose late husband had been sold a number of valuable objets d'art by Catapodis. He confides in Lovejoy that he is in the process of selling a rich Japanese businessman the tea bowl used by the Emporer Hirohito just before resigning his divinity at the end of World War II. Lovejoy proves the bowl to be a fake, and also that a Canaletto and other items sold by Catapodis to Cassandra's husband are forgeries. They all vow to revenge themselves on Catapodis using a priceless 9 million dollar icon once owned by Catherine the Great as bait. Written by

Country: UK
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HD Lovejoy




IMDb: 7.3
50 min

When brash upstart financier Joe Gruber offers to buy land from Lady Jane's husband to create a wildlife sanctuary both Jane and Lovejoy are suspicious of his motives and discover that he has not been exactly honest over his motives. At the same time Lovejoy finds himself in the middle when both Gruber and his dizzy wife Lily admit to having,independently of each other,pawned her pearls when they were short of cash and both engage him to get them back. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD Lovejoy




IMDb: 7.7
50 min

Having agreed to furnish Ralph Peagram's daughter Amanda's new house after her marriage to philandering Roger Hall,Lovejoy attends the wedding and overhears Ralph and Roger argue. Soon after the reception Roger disappears and Lovejoy discovers his corpse in a suit of armour though when the police arrive it is nowhere to be find. At Amanda's request Lovejoy sets out to solve the mystery,which has its roots in an incident of accidental death and blackmail dating back a quarter of a century. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD Lovejoy




IMDb: 7.0
50 min

Having bought a collection of erotic prints by Fuseli from teen-aged Khadija, Lovejoy joins his his ex-wife Susan for the speech day at their daughter's school where Lovejoy recognises Khadija as a pupil. She has stolen the pictures from the school as an act of revenge on headmistress Miss Hemmingway for her treatment of her older sister when she was a pupil but is being duped by a blackmailer out to gain money from discrediting Khadija's family to whom she has passed on the collection. Lovejoy sets out to retrieve it in the knowledge that success means that Miss Hemmingway will waive the large amount of school fees he owes her. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD Lovejoy




IMDb: 7.1
50 min

Lovejoy agrees to help Madeline Gilbert,a once famous film star fallen on hard times,to sell her valuables but she is burgled by an armed French gang who have crossed the Channel after killing a gendarme. Lovejoy has an alibi - auctioneer Melanie Ford - but he wonders if she has been coerced into tipping off the villains. Before the gang is caught Tinker puts himself in danger by boarding a boat belonging to Lovejoy's chief suspect,a respected army major. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD Lovejoy




IMDb: 8.1
50 min

A painter named Ashley Wilkes comes to Lovejoy's attention. His m.o. is to research cottages that have attractive, middle-aged women living in them, set up an easel in front of the cottage, and then charm the women when they come out to see what he;s doing. He usually ends up selling them the slapdash painting for a couple of hundred pounds and then bedding the woman of the house. Lovejoy has seen some of the artist's more serious impressionistic work and would like to represent him, but is threatened by an army major and some secret agent types who'll stop at nothing to locate one of Wilkes' past conquests. Written by Anonymous

Country: UK
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HD Lovejoy




IMDb: 8.1
50 min

When Lovejoy agrees to fit out for Tinker's old army friend Linden Walker's new pub he buys a houseload of furniture of former prison officer George Palmer. Unfortunately it turns out to be stolen and to make things worse the victims turn up at the pub's opening night and recognise it,causing Lovejoy to go on the run to clear his name. He does also discover that Tinker lied to him about being an officer in the army when he was in fact a corporal. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD Lovejoy




IMDb: 7.4
50 min

Eric brings Lovejoy an ancient gold funerary figure from Colombia and asks him to act as agent in its sale. The owner is a heavy metal rock musician, but they soon find out that it is the property of a music promoter, who tells Lovejoy that he wants to get rid of it because it has a curse on it. That proves all too true when the musician and an art dealer each turn up murdered with an Amazonian poison dart and a seductive Latin beauty enters the picture with a keen interest in the statuette too. Written by

Country: UK
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HD Lovejoy




IMDb: 8.2
50 min

Lovejoy visits Lady Jane's friend, widow Mrs Jaglom, to value her antiques but is hauled in by the police when she is burgled. Meanwhile Eric's habit of 'bin diving', looking through garbage bins to find discarded valuables, sets him on a collision course with irate dust-bin men led by Brian Nunn who see it as their right to have first refusal. When Brian sells Lovejoy items stolen from Mrs Jaglom he would appear to be one of the burglars, though he ultimately proves himself to be a useful ally in helping Lovejoy catch the real culprits. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD Lovejoy




IMDb: 8.2
50 min

Jane asks Lovejoy to peruse the catalog of the aristocratic Carey-Holden family, whose grandfather acquired many objets d'art on a world tour two generations earlier. The only thing Lovejoy finds of value is a Guarini Florentine bronze dating from the Renaissance that looks very much like Botticelli's Venus. Although the greedy but dull Lady Felicity and her snobbish husband believe it must have been sold many years before, Lovejoy spots the bottom part of the two million pound bronze in the family garden, but decides not to inform his obnoxious hosts. Later when Jane asks him to help Carey-Holden's younger brother, a struggling but skilled artist who has been shut out of the family fortune by his avaricious older brother, Lovejoy concocts a sting that will employ Nicholas' skill as a copyist and net him over 200,000 pounds of his brother's money. Written by

Country: UK
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HD Lovejoy




IMDb: 8.1
52 min

As the story opens, Lovejoy is doing community service by holding an antiques roadshow for a ladies club as community service as part of an eight month sentence in a low security prison farm for stealing an antique piece of furniture belonging to collector Michael Seymour. Lovejoy was framed by a beautiful Dutch woman who cons him into thinking she'a a partner in a closed antiques shop and the furniture is hers. As per her instructions he delivers it to a dealer in Antwerp, only to be arrested when he returns to Britain. He soon realizes he has been set up but who...and why? Written by

Country: UK
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HD Lovejoy




IMDb: 7.2
50 min

Lovejoy finds his beautiful tour guide is more interested in working for the Venetian art smugglers than showing him St. Mark's Square. He has not been seeing the beautiful granddaughter Caterina in Venice as he had supposed, but her ruthless sister Valeria. She is more interested in the stolen art treasures for herself than for posterity. When he finds that Luciano, one of the ring's most skilled document forgers is really a Scotsman, they team together to liberate the priceless art from a cache that the thieves have on an abandoned island in the Adriatic. Written by

Country: UK
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HD Lovejoy




IMDb: 7.6
50 min

The beautiful, blonde granddaughter to an aged, sickly, wheelchair-bound grandfather tries to recruit a reluctant Lovejoy to be part of his great enterprise aimed at the liberation of all the great artworks of the slowly dying city of Venice before the ravages of humidity, pollution, and the rising Adriatic cause them irreparable damage. When Lovejoy initially learns the project includes a factory churning out forgeries as fast as they can be substituted for the originals, he changes his mind and signs up with the operation but not before becoming acquainted with a very beautiful but seemingly ubiquitous Venitian tour guide. Written by

Country: UK
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HD Lovejoy




IMDb: 8.1

Lovejoy along with Eric are the sole professionals bidding in a country estate sale. He sells the lot to fellow dealer and barters for two antique clocks, one of which has no clockwork inside. While examining it, Lovejoy comes across a cache of beautiful love letters written by a young woman to a British officer just prior to the Battle of Waterloo, where he was killed. Eager to find the letters from the young soldier in order to sell them to a publisher, Lovejoy locates them at a riding school run by Sophie Fairfax, a cash-strapped, but very beautiful, descendant of the woman. After he learns from Charlie that Sophy's letters are copies and that the originals are on display in the regimental museum, Lovejoy must use all his skills as a con man to reunite him with his complementary letters. Written by

Country: UK
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HD Lovejoy




IMDb: 8.0
51 min

Lady Jane has entered into a partnership with an aggressive entrepreneur named Palmer to convert an old warehouse into an antiques center with various dealers in Art Deco and Art Noveau signing a three year lease. Although she recommends that Lovejoy be hired as an advisor, he suspects that Palmer, representing a wealthy Lebanese, is a conman, and he sets out to prove it. As a sidebar, Lovejoy helps a grocer friend to get back his money after he is conned with a forged oil painting. Written by

Country: UK
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HD Lovejoy




IMDb: 8.2
54 min

At the funeral of an old friend, a noted antiques forger, Lovejoy and his friends pay their respects to his widow, who finds solace in his only legacy to her, an antique snuffbox. Although she is disappointed when Lovjoy tells her it was one of her husband's skilled forgeries, it still holds sentimental value for her. When a thief steals it, and a priest shoplifts two other snuffboxes from the estate sale, Lovejoy smells a rat. After he exposes the priest as Smiley O'Reilly, a crook active in the antiques trade, Lovejoy realizes that the boxes might hold clues to a secret cache of loot. Written by Anonymous

Country: UK
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HD Lovejoy




IMDb: 8.4
54 min

A famous gunsmith made thirteen sets of flintlock dueling pistols during the Regency Period, and his last set has carried with it an unsavory reputation over the succeeding centuries. It certainly proves unlucky for its current owner, who is murdered and the set stolen. However, what the obsessive collector did not know is that the set was incomplete. Two matched screwdrivers especially made for the set are missing, and Lovejoy knows where they are. Unfortunately the murderer knows that he knows. Written by

Country: UK
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HD Lovejoy




IMDb: 8.1
57 min

While examining the inventory for the estate sale from an eccentric deceased engineer, Lovejoy finds that he was a skilled art forger who inexplicably made two of everything including beautifully forged oil paintings, Victorian caricatures, and an enigmatic diary. When two golden Roman coins donated by him to the local museum are mysteriously stolen, and pushy American relatives of the dead man actively try to acquire their dead uncle's possessions, Lovejoy correctly deduces that there are clues in them which will lead to an ancient Roman grave on the Isle of Man, a place where historians believe the Romans never reached. Written by

Country: UK
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HD Lovejoy




IMDb: 8.1
55 min

Corinna Hope is an reformed drug addict who went through her own fortune and stole from her father to support her expensive habit. One of the things she stole from her recently deceased father was some antique statuettes, and now that his estate is being cataloged, is desperate to replace them. She implores Lovejoy to recover them for her with money she has stolen from her former drug pusher. Unable to go to the auction himself because he has a date with his estranged daughter, Lovejoy entrusts Gimbert to bid for him at an auction but is double-crossed as his arch-rival keeps the antiques for himself. The resourceful Lovejoy utilizes Lady Jane, Tink, Eric, Corinna, and an old document forger to entrap Gimbert in a sting and recover the statuettes. Written by

Country: UK
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HD Lovejoy




IMDb: 7.8
55 min

Lovejoy arrives early at an estate auction and switches numbers on two pieces so he can fool Gimbert and Vial and get a beautiful, 300 year old Welsh oaken dresser at a reduced cost. When Eric looks inside one of its stuck drawers, he discovers a beautiful Arab wedding headdress replete with a dozen Renaissance Venitian gold coins, Lovejoy is ecstatic. However, he finds that he's being stalked by the recently paroled convict who stashed it there years before and now is seeking to regain his loot armed with an ax. Written by

Country: UK
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HD Lovejoy




IMDb: 8.2
57 min

Antiques dealer Lovejoy tours the auction rooms of Norfolk with his barker Tinker and young assistant Eric looking for bargains. After being hauled in by the police over a stolen chalice he misses the opportunity to buy a Japanese firefly cage,carved from coal,but tracks down the purchaser, Nicola Page,stepdaughter of the late George Hepplestone,an expert at coal carving. When Drummer,an elderly beach-comber who found the chalice and knew Hepplestone,is killed Lovejoy and new friend Lady Jane Felsham investigate,uncovering a racket involving stolen antiques and damaging his landlord,Charlie Gimbert's boat as he brings the killers to justice. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
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HD The Monkees

The Monkees


The Monkees

IMDb: 7.5
30 min

Natasha Pavlova escapes from The Druvanian National Ballet by hiding in the Monkees' instrument trunk and falls in love with Peter, whom she refers to as 'The Face' (and sometimes just plain 'Petrov'). Ballet Master Nicolai and his other star, Ivan, insist on getting her back, mainly because of the microfilm hidden in one of her red shoes. Written by The TV Archaeologist

Genre: Comedy, Music,
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HD Sliders




IMDb: 4.8
45 min

The Sliders arrive in a new world just as that world's Mallory is shot dead by Rembrandt and witnessed by Davis. The local police seem uninterested in the case, the reason for which become apparent very quickly.

Country: USA
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HD Sliders




IMDb: 6.9
45 min

The Sliders arrive on a world where World War II never took place and fascists rule California and are making headway into the rest of the United States. Rembrandt is abducted.

Country: USA
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