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HD Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman


Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

IMDb: 6.7
60 min | 60 min (147 episodes)

The fifth daughter of a wealthy Boston physician, Michaela Quinn defies the conventions of post-Civil War society by following in her father's footsteps. After his death, 'Dr. Mike' leaves Boston and moves to the frontier town of Colorado Springs, where she finds the citizens less than thrilled by the concept of a woman doctor. While she struggles to earn their trust, Mike's life is complicated by a growing relationship with mountain man Byron Sully, and the unexpected responsibility of raising three orphaned children. Written by Marg Baskin

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Family, Western,
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HD Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman


Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

IMDb: 8.3
47 min

Dr. Mike struggles to control the diphtheria outbreak and disagrees with Andrew on whether to use a new treatment.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Family, Western,
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HD Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman


Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

IMDb: 8.4
46 min

Dr. Mike's mom and sister visit for thanksgiving just as a outbreak of diphtheria hits Colorado Springs.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Family, Western,
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HD Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman


Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

IMDb: 8.3
47 min

General Wooden is injured by dog soldiers and dies. Daniel talks with Sgt. McKay and the non-violent Indians are let free. Hank takes over as sheriff temporarily. Daniel runs for sheriff and wins. Sully and Cloud Dancing work for peace.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Family, Western,
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HD Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman


Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

IMDb: 8.9
46 min

After Sgt. O'Connor is found dead at the bottom of a cliff, everyone fears that Sully died too in the fall. Dr. Mike and friends go looking for Sully. Matthew quits as sheriff. The Dog Soldiers continue raids on the town.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Family, Western,
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HD Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman


Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

IMDb: 8.2
46 min

When Sully opposes the construction of a nearby dam, he finds himself on the other side of the law and behind bars. Sully joins forces with Preston to try and peacefully stop the dam construction which will mean the end of hundreds of acres of countryside. But when Sully hears that the men Preston's hired to hijack a shipment of dynamite are determined to kill any witnesses, Sully rides with them in order to prevent the murders. However, when witnesses attest to the fact that Sully was riding with the hijackers, Matthew is forced to arrest him and Sully must go to court where Judge Webster finds him guilty and throws him in jail, creating discord in the family.

Genre: Drama, Family, Western,
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HD Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman


Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

IMDb: 8.2
60 min

When Sully is offered a job helping to survey the new National Park at Yellowstone in Wyoming, Dr. Mike is faced with the prospect of leaving her practice and all their friends and moving into the wilderness. With Sully no longer acting as the local Indian agent and banned from the Indian reservation, Dr. Mike realizes that it is important for him to have work that is meaningful to him. Leaving everything and everyone she knows and taking their new baby into the wilderness, however, is a daunting prospect for her. Meanwhile, as Matthew and Emma think about marriage, Brian agonizes about his first date at the Sweethearts' Dance, and Dorothy teaches Cloud Dancing some ball room dances while he provides her with background on Indian customs for a book she is writing.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Family, Western,
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HD Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman


Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

IMDb: 8.1
60 min

Colleen considers leaving college when the famous singer, Gilda St. Clair, offers her a job traveling the world with her.

Genre: Drama, Family, Western,
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HD Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman


Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

IMDb: 8.2
44 min

Finally ready to work again after giving birth to her baby, Dr. Mike must lead a rescue party when Sully and Cloud Dancing are among the passengers on a train that has been overtaken by robbers and wrecked. Sully had negotiated Cloud Dancing's release from Army detention, and the two were taking the train to Colorado Springs when a gang of thieves derailed the train in an effort to rob it. Meanwhile, Dr. Mike must again face the prejudice against women doctors when she finds that the townspeople have become used to being treated by young Dr. Andrew Cook who filled in for her while she was on maternity leave. For his part, Andrew has become reluctant to return the practice to Dr. Mike and go back to Boston, as originally agreed.

Genre: Drama, Family, Western,
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HD Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman


Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

IMDb: 8.3
47 min

A young brave kills a soldier in self defense, but Cloud Dancing confesses to it to protect him. Dr. Mike and Sully defend Cloud Dancing during his trial for murder.

Genre: Drama, Family, Western,
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HD Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman


Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

IMDb: 8.3
48 min

Even though Dr. Mike and the Reverend Johnson favor the opening of a Indian school on the reservation, Cloud Dancing sees it as the final destruction of Indian culture.

Genre: Drama, Family, Western,
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HD Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman


Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

IMDb: 8.8
47 min

Dr. Mike's elation at Colleen's acceptance to medical school quickly turns to disappointment when Colleen chooses to marry Andrew before starting school. A bitter family argument erupts when Dr. Mike tells Colleen that she is less than overjoyed at her announcement and feels that the couple is rushing into marriage and should wait until Colleen completes medical school. Meanwhile, Jake's sale of his half of the Golden Nugget to Preston angers Hank; Robert E and Grace have wonderful news to share; the stock market crash hits Preston and the townsfolk hard, and Dorothy and Cloud Dancing reach a new level in their relationship.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Family, Western,
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HD Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman


Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

IMDb: 8.0
46 min

Robert E vents his frustration over the death of his son and the demise of his marriage by stepping into the ring with a traveling boxing champion. When boxer Barracuda Jim Barnes comes to town, Robert E, fueled by his anger, volunteers to take him on, surprising everyone by beating Barnes twice. But when Dr. Mike examines Barnes, she discovers that the champ is on the verge of losing his eyesight if he continues boxing and she implores him to retire. Choosing to reject the doctor's order, Barracuda goes into the ring with Robert E for what may be his last fight. Meanwhile, Sully's efforts to get Grace to reconsider the pending divorce from Robert E begin to pay off with help from baby Katie.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Family, Western,
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HD Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman


Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

IMDb: 8.2
60 min

Michaela and Sully reminisce about the ups and downs of their relationship and make a momentous decision about their future. While returning from a week long trip with Sully, Michaela stumbles and falls, sustaining a head injury. The couple takes refuge in an abandoned cabin where Sully must keep Michaela awake to prevent her from slipping into a coma. Together, they reminisce about the myriad different experiences -- good and bad -- they've shared together and then make a pivotal decision about their future.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Family, Western,
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HD Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman


Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

IMDb: 8.1
60 min

U.S. Marshall Elias Burch asks Matthew, still a student of law, to defend him when he's accused of murder. Daniel is forced to arrest Burch for killing Exner, an ex-con whom he had been pursuing. Rather than accept a traveling defense attorney with a drinking problem, Burch asks Matthew to defend him, claiming he was framed. But, a fiction writer who had been traveling with Exner claims to be an eyewitness, having seen Burch shoot the man in cold blood. With Burch's life in the balance and little evidence to support his claim that Exner drew a gun on him, fledgling lawyer Matthew, with help from Dr. Mike, sets out to discover what actually happened between the two sworn enemies.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Family, Western,
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HD Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman


Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

IMDb: 8.1
46 min

Dr. Mike grapples with her fear for Brian's safety when the youngster befriends a seemingly harmless but eccentric fellow who thinks he's a bird and covers himself with feathers in an attempt to fly. Martin Von Hoffman, the birdman, not only tries to fly, he also sleeps in a nest and literally pecks at his food when Dr. Mike invites him home for dinner. To her alarm, Martin turns out to be an escapee from a New York insane asylum. She is torn between returning him to the asylum or allowing him to carry on his self-deception in peace.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Family, Western,
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HD Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman


Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

IMDb: 8.5
46 min

As Jake and Teresa look forward to their wedding day, Dr. Mike and Sully struggle to free Cloud Dancing, who was captured and put in prison for leaving the reservation. Dorothy is so disturbed at the thought of Cloud Dancing in jail that she contemplates helping him escape and fleeing with him into the wilderness. Meanwhile, Teresa introduces Jake to her visiting aunt, Dona Verano, and her cousin, Carlos, a priest. The visit turns sour when the older woman takes an immediate dislike to Jake and tries to prevent the marriage.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Family, Western,
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HD Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman


Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

IMDb: 8.1
46 min

Dr. Mike befriends a young Chinese woman who is posing as a man so that she can practice medicine in the tradition-bound Chinese community. Dr. Mike finds herself matching her medical skills against those of an elderly Cantonese herbalist when many members of a large group of Chinese passing through Colorado Springs looking for work fall victim to fever. She becomes attached to the herbalist's young assistant, whom he introduces as his grandson but who actually turns out to be his granddaughter. Both of them, and the rest of the Chinese community, are endangered by the actions of Hank, who tries to drive them from town because he fears they will cause an epidemic.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Family, Western,
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HD Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman


Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

IMDb: 8.2
47 min

Dr. Mike tries to prevent Loren from leaving Colorado Springs when she learns he secretly plans to sell his store and move away out of grief over the death of Marjorie. Meanwhile, the town prepares for its annual Sweethearts Dance, but melancholy seems to reign. Jake broods over how to ask Teresa to marry him, and Grace's continued drinking threatens her marriage to Robert E.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Family, Western,
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HD Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman


Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

IMDb: 8.2
46 min

Colleen's new suiter has followed her all the way from Denver making Dr. Mike and Matthew suspicious of his intentions and leaving Andrew jealous. Meanwhile, Sully and Brian escort a senator and his young son through the woods to help in their effort to add preserved land in Colorado. Written by plaidmonkey12

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Family, Western,
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HD Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman


Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

IMDb: 8.4
47 min

Dr. Mike is shot by a distraught man. On returning to work, she begins to become afraid that something bad will happen again and show signs of PTSD.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Family, Western,
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HD Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman


Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

IMDb: 8.2
60 min

After accompanying Black Crow's braves safely to the reservation, Dr. Mike and Sully begin the trip home for Christmas but are delayed when they stop to help a hapless young married couple they find wandering in the wilderness. The young couple, Chester and Hallie, are former city dwellers trying to find a new settlement established by their relatives, but are hopelessly lost. Meanwhile, Daniel, who has been wandering all his life, is tempted to give up his job as sheriff to accept an offer to run a mining operation far away from Colorado Springs.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Family, Western,
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HD Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman


Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

IMDb: 8.4
46 min

Dr. Mike matches wits with a notorious Indian hater, Maj. Samuel Morrison, as she tries to mediate a peace treaty between Black Cloud's braves and the cavalry, which would include a pardon for Sully and allow him to return home. Dying of consumption, Black Cloud agrees to surrender if his braves are allowed safe passage to the reservation. Wellend Smith, an emissary sent by President Grant, sides with the Indians, but Maj. Morrison is determined to thwart the agreement and put them in prison. Mike and Sully must look toward Sgt. McKay for support in upholding the law

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Family, Western,
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HD Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman


Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

IMDb: 8.2
46 min

Dr. Mike reluctantly takes on the role of temporary judge when Horace sues Hank for accidentally breaking his nose and sets off a flurry of suits and countersuits among the town's citizens. Matthew, who has been studying the law, tips off Horace that he's legally entitled to have Hank pay his medical bills. Soon Dr. Mike finds herself in the middle of that case, as well as a property dispute between Dorothy and Grace and a claim by Loren that he was crippled and nearly drowned because of negligence at Preston's hotel.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Family, Western,
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HD Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman


Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

IMDb: 8.3
46 min

Marjorie, Dr. Mike's sister returns to town as a member of the Women's Temperance League to try to outlaw alcohol. Jake starts believing that there may be something going on between Hank and Ms. Teresa. Meanwhile Grace has turned to drinking to help comfort the recent death of her adoptive son Anthony.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Family, Western,
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HD Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman


Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

IMDb: 8.5
46 min

Dr. Mike worries on how to tell Robert E. and Grace that their adopted son Anthony may not survive his mysterious illness. At during which Sully struggles with convincing the renegade braves to return to the reservation and learning about Dr. Mikes's recent miscarriage failure. Written by Natasha Kessinger

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Family, Western,
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HD Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman


Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

IMDb: 8.0
47 min

Dr.Mike becomes alarmed when a Russian Princess is a guest of Preston's hotel and claims she has a gift to speak with the dead.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Family, Western,
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HD Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman


Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

IMDb: 8.2
47 min

While Sully is gone up north trying to convince the Dog Soldiers to stop fighting, Dr. Mike finds out she is pregnant. But she suffers a miscarriage and feels all alone with Sully gone. The town celebrates Founder's Day.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Family, Western,
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HD Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman


Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

IMDb: 8.3
46 min

Dr. Mike, Matthew, Brian and Daniel find a seriously wounded Sully and move him to a cave near the homestead so they can nurse him back to health while hiding him. Dr. Mike starts working to clear Sully's name.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Family, Western,
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HD Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman


Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

IMDb: 8.4
47 min

Sully tries to get Cloud Dancing to safety in the north, while the actions of the renegade dog soldiers take their toll on the town. But when Sully and Cloud Dancing spot soldiers closing in on them, Sully insists on distracting the riders, giving Cloud Dancing the opportunity to escape. As Sully draws the soldiers away from Cloud Dancing, he finds himself trapped on a ledge by Sgt. O'Connor, who has wanted to kill Sully since the last time they fought, just before Katie was born. While they begin a ferocious hand-to-hand battle, Michaela and Sgt. McKay, who have been trying to find Sully before O'Connor does, reach the ledge, and Michaela discovers that they are too late.

Genre: Drama, Family, Western,
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HD Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman


Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

IMDb: 8.5
46 min

Sully becomes a wanted man when he defies a government order banning him from the Cheyenne reservation and organizes an escape for Cloud Dancing, which turns deadly. The savage beating of Cloud Dancing at the hands of a brutal cavalryman makes Sully realize that life on the reservation for his friend is no longer tolerable. Even Michaela realizes that drastic measures must be taken. But Sully's intercession has deadly repercussions. During the escape, long-repressed dog soldiers go wild, exacting revenge against the Army and local families, and the result is a massacre for which Sgt. McKay holds Sully responsible. Now with a price on his head, Sully convinces Michaela that it's safer for the family if he disappears for awhile, and so they say a tearful goodbye.

Genre: Drama, Family, Western,
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HD Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman


Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

IMDb: 8.2
46 min

Sully and Brian forge a true father-son bond when Brian's free-wheeling, irresponsible adolescent behavior puts him in mortal danger, and Sully disciplines him. As Brian's stepfather, Sully has let Michaela set the rules for Brian up to now. But when Brian's misbehavior with his friend Anthony puts them, and the town, in danger, Michaela and Sully realize that Brian needs -- and wants - Sully to act as Brian's real father and give the boy the boundaries he needs, which enhances and strengthens their bond.

Genre: Drama, Family, Western,
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