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HD 7th Heaven

7th Heaven


7th Heaven

IMDb: 6.2
44 min

Irresponsible 'adult' Mary fails to realize how deep she's sinking, but both parents and siblings piece together from various sources she's about to hit rock-bottom and wants to help, but how? Eric can barely keep Annie from intervening directly before they know everything. As even Simon is near-broke and Matt can't keep up pretending he's a lawyer, the kids decide to 'borrow' enough from the twins' full piggy-banks to advance her all due debts. But creditors seeing cash convince her to 'refinance' over longer, which means even more interest. Written by KGF Vissers

Genre: Drama, Family, Romance,
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HD 7th Heaven

7th Heaven


7th Heaven

IMDb: 6.4
43 min

High school freshman Simon desperately looks for a new image, but clothes nor hairstyle do the trick, so he ends up with an earring. Matt is puzzled when a girl he approaches in the library calls her brother's help against him as 'stalker' after hearing he once dated Heather. Mary breaks every rule and promise when babysitting for Hank by taking in Frances's baby so her 'friend' can spy on Johnny, but the Camden parents' pool night just there makes the real, for all concerned unpleasant difference when Eric blindly assumes Johnny to be an abusive adulterer, while Frankie rather trapped him. Written by KGF Vissers

Genre: Drama, Family, Romance,
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HD 7th Heaven

7th Heaven


7th Heaven

IMDb: 6.4
43 min

High school freshman Simon desperately looks for a new image, but clothes nor hairstyle do the trick, so he ends up with an earring. Matt is puzzled when a girl he approaches in the library calls her brother's help against him as 'stalker' after hearing he once dated Heather. Mary breaks every rule and promise when babysitting for Hank by taking in Frances's baby so her 'friend' can spy on Johnny, but the Camden parents' pool night just there makes the real, for all concerned unpleasant difference when Eric blindly assumes Johnny to be an abusive adulterer, while Frankie rather trapped him. Written by KGF Vissers

Genre: Drama, Family, Romance,
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HD 7th Heaven

7th Heaven


7th Heaven

IMDb: 6.3
44 min

Matt blames his first-ever bad grade, for the crucial course organic chemistry, on everyone and collect excuses to delay studying rather then seek help. Simon is desperately lonely again after Jim's ma absurdly blamed him, but finds unhoped popularity when helping Lucy campaign for ball queen. Eric worries more about a surprise visit then the obvious reason, another attempt to make Mary see sense now she's behind with her car insurance payments. Written by KGF Vissers

Genre: Drama, Family, Romance,
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HD 7th Heaven

7th Heaven


7th Heaven

IMDb: 6.3
44 min

Matt blames his first-ever bad grade, for the crucial course organic chemistry, on everyone and collect excuses to delay studying rather then seek help. Simon is desperately lonely again after Jim's ma absurdly blamed him, but finds unhoped popularity when helping Lucy campaign for ball queen. Eric worries more about a surprise visit then the obvious reason, another attempt to make Mary see sense now she's behind with her car insurance payments. Written by KGF Vissers

Genre: Drama, Family, Romance,
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HD 7th Heaven

7th Heaven


7th Heaven

IMDb: 6.2
45 min

Eric rightly predicts the kids only be/get more trouble in the new school-year, yet Annie enrolls for a college course. Simon has no friends at his new school, except Jim, whom he lets drag him along into minor vandalism, as gang initiation. Matt grudgingly admits he was stood up at the Vegas altar by Heather and lacks the heart to ask her again. Lucy's party summer is punished by Andrew (who toured in Europe because his dad wanted to separate them) made an irreparable mistake in southern France. Although Mary only starts at a minimal wage job, she buys a credit and still won't decide about college. Written by KGF Vissers

Genre: Drama, Family, Romance,
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HD 7th Heaven

7th Heaven


7th Heaven

IMDb: 6.2
45 min

Eric rightly predicts the kids only be/get more trouble in the new school-year, yet Annie enrolls for a college course. Simon has no friends at his new school, except Jim, whom he lets drag him along into minor vandalism, as gang initiation. Matt grudgingly admits he was stood up at the Vegas altar by Heather and lacks the heart to ask her again. Lucy's party summer is punished by Andrew (who toured in Europe because his dad wanted to separate them) made an irreparable mistake in southern France. Although Mary only starts at a minimal wage job, she buys a credit and still won't decide about college. Written by KGF Vissers

Genre: Drama, Family, Romance,
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HD 7th Heaven

7th Heaven


7th Heaven

IMDb: 7.1
45 min

Robbie Palmer is finally back and convinces Mary he's a better man, but gets no credit from Eric and his spiteful ex Cheryl promises to paint a grim picture of him. Simon's Deenah cowardly avoids breaking up honestly. Lucy dates Robbie's step-brother Ronnie, meanly discarding Andrew Nayloss, who won't just take that. Matt must choose between Heather and Shana, who is back from New York for a summer job, but so is her enterprising NYUC date Brett. The parents plan to dissuade Mary from skipping college by charging her board, but her answer is worse then they could fear. Ruthie's perfect classmate Bert Miller generously offers to be her boy-friend, but she just greedily asks for more presents. Written by KGF Vissers

Genre: Drama, Family, Romance,
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HD 7th Heaven

7th Heaven


7th Heaven

IMDb: 7.1
45 min

Robbie Palmer is finally back and convinces Mary he's a better man, but gets no credit from Eric and his spiteful ex Cheryl promises to paint a grim picture of him. Simon's Deenah cowardly avoids breaking up honestly. Lucy dates Robbie's step-brother Ronnie, meanly discarding Andrew Nayloss, who won't just take that. Matt must choose between Heather and Shana, who is back from New York for a summer job, but so is her enterprising NYUC date Brett. The parents plan to dissuade Mary from skipping college by charging her board, but her answer is worse then they could fear. Ruthie's perfect classmate Bert Miller generously offers to be her boy-friend, but she just greedily asks for more presents. Written by KGF Vissers

Genre: Drama, Family, Romance,
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HD 7th Heaven

7th Heaven


7th Heaven

IMDb: 5.9
44 min

After Eric is approached by a mystery girl he can't identify, who won't tell her problem, the Camden parental paranoia extends to preventive preying, so the kids assume one of them must be in trouble. After Lucy launches the theory her siblings may invent colorful friends to 'test' their own fib stories, pointless palavers abound. Simon proves his funny classmate Luke is real, Mary is keeping an outsider's secret. Hank blames Matt for his marital crisis just for accidentally giving jealous aunt Julie the impression Hank shares a secret with Matt, who thus gets a wealthy lodger on top of his roommate till further notice. Written by KGF Vissers

Genre: Drama, Family, Romance,
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HD 7th Heaven

7th Heaven


7th Heaven

IMDb: 5.9
44 min

After Eric is approached by a mystery girl he can't identify, who won't tell her problem, the Camden parental paranoia extends to preventive preying, so the kids assume one of them must be in trouble. After Lucy launches the theory her siblings may invent colorful friends to 'test' their own fib stories, pointless palavers abound. Simon proves his funny classmate Luke is real, Mary is keeping an outsider's secret. Hank blames Matt for his marital crisis just for accidentally giving jealous aunt Julie the impression Hank shares a secret with Matt, who thus gets a wealthy lodger on top of his roommate till further notice. Written by KGF Vissers

Genre: Drama, Family, Romance,
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HD 7th Heaven

7th Heaven


7th Heaven

IMDb: 6.4
44 min

Simon and Lucy talk about their parents lives. When Eric and Annie overhear them, they are hurt by the discussion. Mary has dreams of being a basketball star and a talent scout contacts her.

Genre: Drama, Family, Romance,
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HD 7th Heaven

7th Heaven


7th Heaven

IMDb: 6.4
44 min

Simon and Lucy talk about their parents lives. When Eric and Annie overhear them, they are hurt by the discussion. Mary has dreams of being a basketball star and a talent scout contacts her.

Genre: Drama, Family, Romance,
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HD 7th Heaven

7th Heaven


7th Heaven

IMDb: 6.2
45 min

Eric's reading of an anonymous letter, the juvenile author of which he later shamelessly tracks down, asking for prayer, the power of which he praises blindly, starts an epidemic of selfish praying. Matt and his roommate want female companionship, but Raven of mixed exotic extraction only complicates their lives. Simon hopes to mend with Deena's family, Mary to undo the break-up with Robbie. Lucy secretly wants Andrew but only if he loves her, and gets to meet his namesake in church. Written by KGF Vissers

Genre: Drama, Family, Romance,
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HD 7th Heaven

7th Heaven


7th Heaven

IMDb: 6.2
45 min

Eric's reading of an anonymous letter, the juvenile author of which he later shamelessly tracks down, asking for prayer, the power of which he praises blindly, starts an epidemic of selfish praying. Matt and his roommate want female companionship, but Raven of mixed exotic extraction only complicates their lives. Simon hopes to mend with Deena's family, Mary to undo the break-up with Robbie. Lucy secretly wants Andrew but only if he loves her, and gets to meet his namesake in church. Written by KGF Vissers

Genre: Drama, Family, Romance,
Watch Episode
HD 7th Heaven

7th Heaven


7th Heaven

IMDb: 6.3
45 min

The parents insist on spoiling the kids' Valentine's day by celebrating the baby twins' birthday and demanding presents. Robbie gets permission afterward to drive Mary to the coffeehouse where his parents met. Matt puts off telling Shana his ex Heather transferred to his college, but Mary spills the beans. Simon's first passionate kiss caused a love-bite, which Deena meanly insists to return, causing disastrous discovery. Matt sees Robbie with 'his brother's date', sees through it but isn't believed that's cheating, until the romantic trip's hidden agenda is revealed. Written by KGF Vissers

Genre: Drama, Family, Romance,
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HD 7th Heaven

7th Heaven


7th Heaven

IMDb: 6.3
45 min

The parents insist on spoiling the kids' Valentine's day by celebrating the baby twins' birthday and demanding presents. Robbie gets permission afterward to drive Mary to the coffeehouse where his parents met. Matt puts off telling Shana his ex Heather transferred to his college, but Mary spills the beans. Simon's first passionate kiss caused a love-bite, which Deena meanly insists to return, causing disastrous discovery. Matt sees Robbie with 'his brother's date', sees through it but isn't believed that's cheating, until the romantic trip's hidden agenda is revealed. Written by KGF Vissers

Genre: Drama, Family, Romance,
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HD 7th Heaven

7th Heaven


7th Heaven

IMDb: 6.4
44 min

Robbie fears Eric will never give him a chance when told, now his and Mary's community service goes so well they can meet, but only at home. Super hot Brad Landers finally asks Lucy on a date, but she stresses over a time-clashing girls project. Simon looked forward to the 'guys night like it used to be' Matt promised him, but his sleepover proves a testing marathon of witnessing stressing over Shana's New York dorm. Annie's step-ma arrives reporting Charles has Alzheimer, he claims it's the other way around. Schoolmate Ben's family inspires Ruthie to fear an apocalyptic millennium bug. Written by KGF Vissers

Genre: Drama, Family, Romance,
Watch Episode
HD 7th Heaven

7th Heaven


7th Heaven

IMDb: 6.4
44 min

Robbie fears Eric will never give him a chance when told, now his and Mary's community service goes so well they can meet, but only at home. Super hot Brad Landers finally asks Lucy on a date, but she stresses over a time-clashing girls project. Simon looked forward to the 'guys night like it used to be' Matt promised him, but his sleepover proves a testing marathon of witnessing stressing over Shana's New York dorm. Annie's step-ma arrives reporting Charles has Alzheimer, he claims it's the other way around. Schoolmate Ben's family inspires Ruthie to fear an apocalyptic millennium bug. Written by KGF Vissers

Genre: Drama, Family, Romance,
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HD 7th Heaven

7th Heaven


7th Heaven

IMDb: 6.7
45 min

The whole community is shocked to see Mary and half her Wildcats team meanly vandalized the school's gym. Simon and Ruthie feel guilty for not telling they overheard her planning 'something extreme', so they seek redemption in Catholic confession, a synagogue and a Buddhist temple. Matt feels guilty enough to move back in and resume his task as big brother, only to find that o longer requires his presence and return to his house-mates. Eric calls a marker on lawyer Bill Mays, he gets her in to a trial-avoiding parole office 'last chance' program. Written by KGF Vissers

Genre: Drama, Family, Romance,
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HD 7th Heaven

7th Heaven


7th Heaven

IMDb: 6.7
45 min

The whole community is shocked to see Mary and half her Wildcats team meanly vandalized the school's gym. Simon and Ruthie feel guilty for not telling they overheard her planning 'something extreme', so they seek redemption in Catholic confession, a synagogue and a Buddhist temple. Matt feels guilty enough to move back in and resume his task as big brother, only to find that o longer requires his presence and return to his house-mates. Eric calls a marker on lawyer Bill Mays, he gets her in to a trial-avoiding parole office 'last chance' program. Written by KGF Vissers

Genre: Drama, Family, Romance,
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HD 7th Heaven

7th Heaven


7th Heaven

IMDb: 5.9
45 min

Simon is in absurd trouble just because his mother and the principal make a huge drama of a finger-gesture among schoolboys. Matt tries to explain, but Simon feels he's robbed of another part of his childish innocence. Matt wrestles with domestic problems among his roommates and considers moving back home on account of Eric's cardiac condition. Basketball coach Jason Cleary decides the girls' continuing grades slip warrants drastic action: a team lockout, which makes the local TV news and because of official secrecy starts a rumors circuit. Written by KGF Vissers

Genre: Drama, Family, Romance,
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HD 7th Heaven

7th Heaven


7th Heaven

IMDb: 5.9
45 min

Simon is in absurd trouble just because his mother and the principal make a huge drama of a finger-gesture among schoolboys. Matt tries to explain, but Simon feels he's robbed of another part of his childish innocence. Matt wrestles with domestic problems among his roommates and considers moving back home on account of Eric's cardiac condition. Basketball coach Jason Cleary decides the girls' continuing grades slip warrants drastic action: a team lockout, which makes the local TV news and because of official secrecy starts a rumors circuit. Written by KGF Vissers

Genre: Drama, Family, Romance,
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HD 7th Heaven

7th Heaven


7th Heaven

IMDb: 6.0
44 min

Simon lets school friends convince him he should kindly handle a crazy girl who signed his first name all over a notebook but keeps sending mixed or rather contradictory signals. When his roommate gets a cool job, Matt is fed up with his menial one in the cafeteria. Kid patient Adam's attempts to help seem to backfire. The Camdens really need a new car, but when Eric is seen test-driving a sports-car and Lou sees furnishings arrive for the extra bathroom Annie helps the girls install for their 'attick suite', the board votes against his annually scheduled raise. Written by KGF Vissers

Genre: Drama, Family, Romance,
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HD 7th Heaven

7th Heaven


7th Heaven

IMDb: 6.0
44 min

Simon lets school friends convince him he should kindly handle a crazy girl who signed his first name all over a notebook but keeps sending mixed or rather contradictory signals. When his roommate gets a cool job, Matt is fed up with his menial one in the cafeteria. Kid patient Adam's attempts to help seem to backfire. The Camdens really need a new car, but when Eric is seen test-driving a sports-car and Lou sees furnishings arrive for the extra bathroom Annie helps the girls install for their 'attick suite', the board votes against his annually scheduled raise. Written by KGF Vissers

Genre: Drama, Family, Romance,
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HD 7th Heaven

7th Heaven


7th Heaven

IMDb: 6.2
45 min

Eric is released from hospital but drives everyone crazy with his pathetic enjoyment of every imaginable 'small blessing'. Simon man feels his stepping in as in the house is undermined when Matt joins the ridicule of him shaving and is tricked by Ruthie. Simon makes a commiserating friend, fat Jim. Matt still tries to get used to his early morning job and Shana is jealous about him spending most time there and with his roommate. Written by KGF Vissers

Genre: Drama, Family, Romance,
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HD 7th Heaven

7th Heaven


7th Heaven

IMDb: 6.2
45 min

Eric is released from hospital but drives everyone crazy with his pathetic enjoyment of every imaginable 'small blessing'. Simon man feels his stepping in as in the house is undermined when Matt joins the ridicule of him shaving and is tricked by Ruthie. Simon makes a commiserating friend, fat Jim. Matt still tries to get used to his early morning job and Shana is jealous about him spending most time there and with his roommate. Written by KGF Vissers

Genre: Drama, Family, Romance,
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HD 7th Heaven

7th Heaven


7th Heaven

IMDb: 6.3
44 min

His wicked sisters selfishly make Matt feel 'guilty' he hasn't moved out yet, although ma still hopes to keep him home in a garage apartment. They even get Hank to find him a menial morning job in the hospital cafeteria. Simon however feels deserted by his big brother, who takes an apartment he shares with John Hamilton. The parents worry needlessly about the visiting colonel's attitude to Julie's marriage with Hank, but when the oldies find out from the kids they are cool, having gone soft after a world trip, as George's crazy hairstyle illustrates. Yet the stress gives already overworked Eric a mild heart-attack. Written by KGF Vissers

Genre: Drama, Family, Romance,
Watch Episode
HD 7th Heaven

7th Heaven


7th Heaven

IMDb: 6.3
44 min

His wicked sisters selfishly make Matt feel 'guilty' he hasn't moved out yet, although ma still hopes to keep him home in a garage apartment. They even get Hank to find him a menial morning job in the hospital cafeteria. Simon however feels deserted by his big brother, who takes an apartment he shares with John Hamilton. The parents worry needlessly about the visiting colonel's attitude to Julie's marriage with Hank, but when the oldies find out from the kids they are cool, having gone soft after a world trip, as George's crazy hairstyle illustrates. Yet the stress gives already overworked Eric a mild heart-attack. Written by KGF Vissers

Genre: Drama, Family, Romance,
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HD 7th Heaven

7th Heaven


7th Heaven

IMDb: 7.2
44 min

While both couples, Annie and Eric, Patricia and Morgan Hamilton, spend a romantic Valentine's Day camping, Matt is left in charge of the rest of the family and allows chaos to rein in the Camden household. His preoccupation with his date and Mary's party allows the dog, Happy. to slip out of the house in search of her puppies. When a car hits Happy, the family holds a vigil, aided by a caring veterinarian. Simon blames Matt for the accident. Lucy is enjoying her first Valentine's Day with her boyfriend Jimmy Moon. Written by Anonymous

Genre: Drama, Family, Romance,
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HD 7th Heaven

7th Heaven


7th Heaven

IMDb: 7.2
44 min

While both couples, Annie and Eric, Patricia and Morgan Hamilton, spend a romantic Valentine's Day camping, Matt is left in charge of the rest of the family and allows chaos to rein in the Camden household. His preoccupation with his date and Mary's party allows the dog, Happy. to slip out of the house in search of her puppies. When a car hits Happy, the family holds a vigil, aided by a caring veterinarian. Simon blames Matt for the accident. Lucy is enjoying her first Valentine's Day with her boyfriend Jimmy Moon. Written by Anonymous

Genre: Drama, Family, Romance,
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HD 7th Heaven

7th Heaven


7th Heaven

IMDb: 7.4
44 min

Mary tries to impress her basketball team by stealing a glass from their teen hangout The Varsity, which is a school ritual. A misunderstanding occurs which winds up with Matt being arrested for stealing the glass. Lucy cheats on a school paper by taking one of Mary's old papers and putting her name on it. Ruthie asks Simon about help when she overhears her father talking about how it bothers him when people in America don't know the National Anthem. Written by Anonymous

Genre: Drama, Family, Romance,
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