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HD My Family

My Family


My Family

IMDb: 7.1

Finding Michael's friend Hubert weird Ben is pleased when Michael brings home Jack, a very trendy boy though the arrangement is that, in exchange for Jack being his friend and giving him street cred Michael does his homework. Unlike Abi and Janey Ben cannot see that Jack's increased visits to the house are because he has a crush on Susan and Ben has to disillusion the boy by explaining to him what she is like to live with. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD My Family

My Family


My Family

IMDb: 7.4

Nick moves out and Ben and Susan are overjoyed so they are less than happy when Janey returns - thrown out of university but claiming she dropped out - with Kenzo. Furthermore it seems the police are looking for her, causing Susan to lie on her behalf, though it turns out that the policeman in question is an old flame trying to look her up and even better news comes when she gets her own flat. The couple are however worried by the influence of Michael's religious friend Hubert, who convinces him to become a born-again Christian, requiring a visit to the vicar to put things straight. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD My Family

My Family


My Family

IMDb: 6.4
30 min

Susan is in bed with a broken leg after Ben accidentally reversed the car into her. He brings her Turkish Delight though unfortunately she hates it and, in a series of flashbacks to other shows, they discuss the children - which depresses them - and Abi and Roger's strange attachment. Ben gets up to go but finds he has done his back in so he is stuck on the bed with Susan. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD My Family

My Family


My Family

IMDb: 7.6
30 min

Michael accidentally breaks a window, which Susan wants Ben to mend but Roger turns up, saying that a patient of his has a contagious disease and the house must be put into quarantine - which annoys Nick, who wants to come in to let his snake breed. Ben leaves the house and meets an elderly stranger Clarence, who wrongly believes Ben to be suicidal and, in a parody of 'It's a Wonderful Life' shows Ben what the family would be like without him - just the same in fact. He returns home to find the contagious disease was made up by the patient as an excuse not to come to the surgery and the snake is laying eggs. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD My Family

My Family


My Family

IMDb: 7.1

Ben's cousin Richard is getting married for the fourth time though his daughter Abi is disapproving as she went to school with the bride. Richard asks Ben to be his best man and organize his stag night - which Ben delegates to Nick for a £200 fee. However the venue is uninspiring and in a room next to a pipe smokers' convention so Nick bribes Susan to jump out of a cake to surprise Richard. Sadly the pipe smokers also have a cake and Susan manages to get into the wrong one. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD My Family

My Family


My Family

IMDb: 6.9

Michael is truanting from school and the headmaster calls Susan and Ben in to attend parenting classes. He tells Susan that she is too authoritarian so she agrees to be a laid-back slob where Michael is concerned - just like Ben. However both Ben and Michael find this unnatural so she relieves them both by shouting. Roger wants to date Abi but she is seeing somebody called Craig, who treats her badly. Told by Susan that women like men who treat them mean Roger hurls abuse at Abi. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD My Family

My Family


My Family

IMDb: 7.1

Susan tells Ben he should take more interest in Michael's hobbies so, when Michael tells him he believes in UFOs the pair sit up at night on a UFO watch, which bores Ben silly. However, in order to keep his son happy he tells Susan that he believes in aliens, only to find that this admission was the subject of a bet. Ben and Susan baby-sit Kenzo but only Nick seems to be able to stop him from crying, which leads to them all going to sleep in the same bed. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
Watch Episode
HD My Family

My Family


My Family

IMDb: 7.6

On Halloween Susan dresses as a witch and invites Mr green and his son Timmy round. Timmy is not scared by Susan's costume but reduced to tears when Ben tells him there is no life after death. Refusing to wear a costume Ben also falls foul of the trick-or-treaters who throw eggs at the house. When they set fire to the garden furniture Ben calls the police but Roger mistakes them for the vandals and throws eggs at them. When everybody has left Ben gets a nasty surprise, thanks to a vengeful Mr Green. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
Watch Episode
HD My Family

My Family


My Family

IMDb: 7.7

After finding Michael in bed with a girl Susan goes temporarily blind, which is bad enough but to make things harder Nick has decided to wrap all the furniture in paper. After a heart to heart with Michael Susan regains her sight but then he has another shock for her. Ben meanwhile is on jury service and at odds with the imperious forewoman Joanna Elton-Johns, who ends up hitting him with the evidence, a wet fish. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD My Family

My Family


My Family

IMDb: 7.7

Susan is angry when, thanks to Roger, she discovers that a love poem Ben supposedly wrote to her years earlier was not his own work but plagiarized from a fifteenth century Persian poet. As a result she withdraws conjugal rights so, in order to come up with an original ode, Ben joins Abi's poetry writing class. Here he meets the predatory Vanessa, who really takes a shine to him and phones the house to tell Susan how sexy her husband is. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
Watch Episode
HD My Family

My Family


My Family

IMDb: 7.6

Ben's name is confused with that of somebody who has recently died so that his obituary appears in the local paper The Herald. There is a plus side in that he feels he no longer needs to go to work or do the things he hates. The down side - apart from Michael having to write a eulogy for his funeral - is that an amorous neighbour now sees Susan as being an eligible widow and comes after her. Before the situation is righted Nick, hearing that Susan plans to turn his old room into a nursery, also decides that he wants to come back to live at home. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD My Family

My Family


My Family

IMDb: 7.9

Susan's mother Grace comes to stay, and, because Ben has neglected to mend the toilet seat she falls off and is incapacitated, having to stay at the Harpers'. To avoid her Ben goes to visit Nick in his squalid flat but when he gets home he accidentally climbs into bed with his mother-in-law, who is in the master bed. Eventually everybody goes to Nick's to avoid Grace whilst Susan discovers a condom in Michael's wallet. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD My Family

My Family


My Family

IMDb: 7.2

To Ben's annoyance Susan decides that they should broaden their cultural horizons, to which end she has them join a wine-tasting class and sigh up for Latin dancing, though Ben turns out to be surprisingly good. Roger is apparently an excellent dancer so Susan asks him to coach them for a contest. However he is also quite good at acting and may not be telling the truth. Michael, meanwhile, decides to knuckle down to his studies after poor school grades. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD My Family

My Family


My Family

IMDb: 7.5
28 min

When the elderly dentist with the practice on the floor above Ben dies Roger Bailey wants to move in but Ben, finding Roger irritating, tells him that it has already been taken - so Roger buys the one on the floor below as well as being smitten by Abi. Susan prepares the house to be baby-friendly for Janey but has a problem with the boiler - and the boiler-man - whilst Nick, now hoping to be a film extra, wants to move back home. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD My Family

My Family


My Family

IMDb: 7.9

Whilst Michael tries to get into shape to impress a girl called Julia Nick tries his father's patience to the ultimate when he breaks and sells his record collection. To Susan's dismay Ben orders Nick out of the house, telling him it is high time he got a place of his own - which he does. But it is only around the corner and he still seeks financial help, in addition to getting work at Ben's local pub. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD My Family

My Family


My Family

IMDb: 8.1

Susan goes on a Friends Reunited type website and looks up Kirk Mason, an old flame who sends her flowers. However Susan has not forgotten that Kirk dumped her twenty-eight years previously and determines to have her belated revenge. Nick is working as a taxi-driver, from home, which annoys Ben. However when Abi says that she believes the house is haunted Nick swings into action as an exorcist - somewhat in vain. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD My Family

My Family


My Family

IMDb: 7.7

It's Ben's birthday and nobody has bought him a gift. Susan does have a surprise for him however; Janey comes over for the weekend and takes along her friend. When this friend turns out to be a lesbian, Ben ánd Susan are surprised and Ben doesn't have time to think about his forgotten birthday anymore; he and Susan are desperately trying to figure out if Janey is gay or not. Nick has a new job which involves him getting in a gorilla outfit. Written by Marco van Hoof

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD My Family

My Family


My Family

IMDb: 7.7

With an impending wedding anniversary Susan and Ben plan to have a romantic weekend in Dorset so, when Nick wins a vintage MG Roadster in a game of a poker - which he hopes to use for spare parts - a determined Ben vows that he will get it on the road in time for the weekend - but fails. Abi meanwhile teases Michael, when he appears to have a fixation with her and is even caught in her room looking for her undies. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD My Family

My Family


My Family

IMDb: 8.2

Susan goes to visit Janey at university and, very much to her daughter's embarrassment, she starts acting in a childish manner, reliving her youth as she starts a food fight in the student cafeteria. Ben is looking forward to beating an elderly friend in a game of golf but, thanks to Abi, ends up in bed with a twisted ankle, and having to put up with Michael's pleas that he wants to go to Greece and Nick trying his hand at female impersonation. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
Watch Episode
HD My Family

My Family


My Family

IMDb: 7.8

Michael has taken a shine to a girl at school Bex but decides to play hard to get on Janey's advice by pretending to date Abi. Bex gives Michael a joint which Susan finds hidden in his sock drawer. She and Ben decide to be cool parents and smoke the joint, getting stoned in the process. However in order to take Michael to task they have to make another one, using parsley instead of cannabis. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD My Family

My Family


My Family

IMDb: 8.1

Susan auditions for the local nativity play but is annoyed when Nick gets the lead and she is relegated to playing Second Shepherd so she sets about making sure she will be noticed. Whilst Michael suffers love pangs when a girl he fancies who works with Abi at a coffee shop goes off with another boy Ben, about to deliver a speech to the Central London Dental Association, suffers tooth-ache. He decides to visit his old mentor Roger Bailey, only to find that he has passed on and his business taken over by his son Roger Bailey, Junior, who is less than able and treats him like a child. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
Watch Episode
HD My Family

My Family


My Family

IMDb: 8.0

After Janey rings up in apparent distress Susan and Ben drive to Manchester only to find that she and her two male friends have things sorted so they decide to spice up their romantic life by booking into a hotel as apparent strangers - named Delores DeLarge and Johnny Studd though a mix-up over room keys lands Ben in an embarrassing situation. Back home Michael annoys Abi by seeing off her boyfriend, who is also called Michael. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD My Family

My Family


My Family

IMDb: 7.5

As a college project art student Abi asks Susan and Ben to feature in her video about a typical married couple and they reluctantly agree. However there is a rat on the loose in the house, which defies all efforts to trap it, and when Ben eventually comes face to face with it in the basement Abi captures his nervous reaction on video and sells the result to the television reality show 'When Animals Attack.' Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD My Family

My Family


My Family

IMDb: 7.8

With Janey away Susan is missing female company and when she hears that Abi - daughter of Ben's most hated cousin - has come to London as a student she asks her to dinner. Abi turns out to be horrendously clumsy and accident-prone and has to go to casualty after putting her hand through a window. Susan, however, likes her and asks her to stay, which only compounds Ben's frustration following Nick's decision to become a magician under the name Brian Miles - as a result of which Ben finds certain of his belongings have gone missing. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Holby City

Holby City


Holby City

IMDb: 0

Genre: Drama,
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