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HD Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones


Game of Thrones

IMDb: 8.6
51 min

The Hound was saved by Brother Ray, the leader of a community, and has a peaceful life working as woodman. When three men from the Brotherhood threaten the villagers, The Hound is worried about but Brother Ray does not believe in violence anymore. Margaery seems to be converted by the High-Sparrow, but when she learns that her grandmother Oleanna Tyrrell is in danger, she contacts her to convince Oleanna to leave King's Landing. Jon. Sansa and Davos are searching for allies to vanquish Ramsay and retake Winterfell. Jaime and Bronn arrive at the Blackfish Castle and Jaime tries to convince him to surrender to the siege to his castle. Theon and Yara are resting in a brothel and waiting for uncle Euron's attack. Arya makes arrangements to return to Westeros but she is stabbed by the Waif. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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Game of Thrones


Game of Thrones

IMDb: 9.7
57 min

Littlefinger faces the consequences of his actions. Sansa and Jon make plans. Daenerys decides Jorah's fate. An uneasy truce in Slaver's Bay doesn't withhold Tyrion from trying to improve the situation. The Ironborn choose their new ruler. Noone(Arya Stark) is given a new mission and witnesses a play. Bran learns about how the Long Night came to be but brings chaos upon his group. Wyllis holds the door.

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Game of Thrones


Game of Thrones

IMDb: 9.2
59 min

Sansa arrives at Black Castle with Brienne and Podrick and reunites to Jon Snow, who has resigned from the Night's Watch after the deception of the betrayal of his brothers. Sansa tries to convince him to attack and retake Winterfell while Brienne meets Davos and Melisandre and warns that she killed Stannis and she does not forget or forgive the assassination of Renly through black magic. Littlefinger returns to Runestone and is welcomed by his nephew Robin and convinces him to send his army to protect Sansa at Castle Black. In Meereen, Tyrion negotiates a truce and the end of the support to the Sons of Harpy with the masters of Slaver's Bay. Jorah and Daario arrive at Vaes Dothrak and they meet Daenerys that explains a plan to them. Margaery meets the High Sparrow and he tells how he learned the truth. Tommen tells to Cersei that Margaery will be exposed to the people soon, and Cersei plots a scheme with Olenna to destroy the High Sparrow. Theon returns to the Iron Island and after a... Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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Game of Thrones


Game of Thrones

IMDb: 9.5
54 min

Bran trains with the Three-Eyed Raven. In King's Landing, Jaime advises Tommen. Tyrion demands good news, but has to make his own. At Castle Black, the Night's Watch stands behind Thorne. Ramsay Bolton proposes a plan, and Balon Greyjoy entertains other proposals.

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Game of Thrones


Game of Thrones

IMDb: 8.5
50 min

SPOILER: Jon Snow is dead. Theon and Sansa flee from the Boltons. Jaime returns to King's Landing. Cersei learns of her daughters fate. Daenerys is held in captivity. Daario and Jorah pursue. Tyrion is left to oversee Meereen.

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Game of Thrones


Game of Thrones

IMDb: 8.9
60 min

Stannis attacks Winterfell. Sansa and Theon find themselves on a difficult situation. Arya challenges the many face god. Daenerys is surrounded by acquaintances. Jaime and Myrcella leave Dorne. Cersei confesses. Sam goes to oldtown to become the new maester. Jon receives news about his uncle Benjen.

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Game of Thrones


Game of Thrones

IMDb: 9.9
61 min

In Braavos, Arya is learning slowly and is regularly tested. She poses as an oyster seller and is assigned a specific task. In Meereen, Daenerys sits in judgment on Ser Jorah and Tyrion. While Jorah is again banished, Tyrion soon becomes her advisor. In Winterfell, Sansa learns something important from Theon. Roose Bolton meanwhile awaits Stannis' arrival but Ramsay disagrees with his approach.In King's Landing, Cersei learns from Qyburn that the High Sparrow has a strong case against her and recommends a way out for her. At Castle Black, Sam recovers from his wounds. Jon Snow and Tormund Giantsbane arrive at their destination north of the Wall. While some of them accept the offer of land in the south, many do not. Before they can leave however, the army of walkers arrive. Written by garykmcd

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HD Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones


Game of Thrones

IMDb: 8.0
54 min

Arya is tested by Jaqen H'ghar in the House of Black and White and he tells that she is ready to become someone else. Tyrion and Jorah have a conversation about Daenerys and Jorah's father and how he was murdered by his own men; out of the blue, they are captured by pirates and turned into slaves. Little Finger stumbles with Lancei in King's Landing and has a meeting with Cersei and he plots against Stannis Baratheon and the Bolton. Jamie and Bronn are riding in Dornes and they meet Myrcella; however they need to fight against the Sand Snakes. Lady Olenna meets with Cersei to discuss the future of Loras Tyrell. He is judged by the High Sparrow and Margaery Tyrell is involved and arrested with her brother to a formal trial. Sansa marries Ramsay Bolton and he humiliates her. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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HD Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones


Game of Thrones

IMDb: 8.7
57 min

In Meereen, Daenerys has to decide how to deal with the former masters after the death of Ser Barristan Selmy and the injuries inflicted on Grey Worm. She decides to round up the heads of the 13 richest families in the city and introduce them to her dragons. Jorah Mormont and Tyrion Lannister approach the ancient city of Valyria and, after witnessing something quite incredible, they are set upon by the Stone Men, and Mormont does not escape unscathed. Sansa finally sees what has become of Theon, courtesy of Ramsay Bolton's jealous mistress. Ramsay is particularly cruel to Theon at a dinner, much to Roose Bolton's displeasure. At Castle Black, Jon Snow tries to convince Tormund Giantsbane to move his people south of the Wall and settle in lands that will be made available to them. Most of the men of the Watch object to the plan. Written by garykmcd

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HD Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones


Game of Thrones

IMDb: 8.8
51 min

Jorah Mormont steals a boat to navigate with his captive, Tyrion. Aboard a merchant ship, Jaime and Bronn sail to Dorne to rescue Myrcella. The Iron Bank is charging their loan and Cersei sends a representative of the Small Council to negotiate with the bankers. She then has a meeting with the High Sparrow and gives an army and power to his followers to neutralize the capital's sinners, including the patrons of Littlefinger's brothel, and Ser Loras Tyrell, the brother of Margaery. Tommen and his Kingsguard are stared down by the Faith Militant, and the king refuses to fight his way to the Tyrell knight. The disappointed Margaery leaves his side to stay with her family. Stannis Baratheon plans to head to Winterfell before the snow. Jon Snow is summoning nobles to help the Night's Watch with men and supplies and he has a dilemma with the name of the Bolton family. Melisandre tries to seduce Jon Snow, but he resists the temptation and does not break his vows. Shireen, restless at Castle ... Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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HD Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones


Game of Thrones

IMDb: 8.6
56 min

Arya Stark sails to Braavos and arrives at the House of Black and White to seek out Jaqen H'ghar; however she is not welcomed to enter in the house and she throws her coin away into the sea. Brienne and Podrick are eating in a tavern and she contacts Sansa and Little Finger, but Sansa refuses to follow Brienne. The men that are escorting Little Finger and Sansa unsuccessfully hunt Brienne and Podrick down on the road. Cersei shows to Jaime that their daughter Myrcella is in danger and Jaime seeks out Bronn and makes an offer for him to travel with him to Dome. In Meereen, the Son of Harpy is captured and Daenerys has a meeting with her leaders to decide his fate. Barristan advises her to give a fair trial to the man; however Mossador disrespects her order and kills the Son of Harpy. Daenerys sentences him to death and there is a riot in Meereen. Jon Snow is invited by Stannis Baratheon to serve him; in return, he would give the North to Jon and he would be Jon Stark, Lord of ... Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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HD Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones


Game of Thrones

IMDb: 8.6
60 min

Sansa and Littlefinger finally approach their destination where she learns she is to marry Ramsay Bolton. She initially refuses but Littlefinger convinces her that it's all part of a much greater plan. In Braavos, Arya has now entered the House of Black and White, a dark and somewhat unpleasant place. She learns from Jaqen H'ghar that as a first step, she must rid herself of all personal possessions. Tyrion and Varys arrive in Volantis where Tyrion, already fed up with traveling, heads straight to a brothel where he is recognized. In King's Landing, Tommen and Margaery are married and the young king is enjoying the pleasures of married life. Also, the High Septon is ridiculed when the Sparrows find him in Littlefinger's brothel and march him down the street stark naked. The Septon demands that Cersei does something about these outrageous acts and she decides to visit the man commonly referred to as the High Sparrow. At the Wall, the new commander hands out the assignments but one of ... Written by garykmcd

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HD Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones


Game of Thrones

IMDb: 8.5
53 min

Cersei comes to the funeral of her father Tywin Lannister and blames her brother Jaime for his death. Tyrion arrives at his destination transported in a wooden box and Lord Varys discloses that Jaime had asked him to save his brother. White Rat is murdered in a brothel and Daenerys asks Grey Worm to find the killer. She visits her dragons in the dungeons but they do not respect her. Jon Snow is training a teenager, but Melisandre brings him to talk to Stannis Baratheon. He assigns Snow to convince Mance Rayder to bend his knees for him and make his people fight with his army. Will Mance accept the deal? Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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Game of Thrones


Game of Thrones

IMDb: 9.7
52 min

Theon Greyjoy is sent by Ramsey to Moat Cailin to convince an ironborn garrison to surrender, promising that they will return to their land. The Wildlings slaughter Mole's Town but Ygritte spares Gilly and her baby. When Sam hears the news in Castle Black, he becomes worried with Gilly, but his friends comfort. A boy gives a scroll to Barristan with the pardon of Jorah signed by Robert Baratheon and Daenerys expels him from the city. Littlefinger is explaining the death of his wife Lysa to a court and Sansa is asked to testify as a witness, and she lies to protect him. Oberyn fights against the Mountain and wants him to confess that he raped and killed his sister Elia Martell. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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Game of Thrones


Game of Thrones

IMDb: 9.2
51 min

Having demanded a trial by combat, Tyrion must now find someone to fight for him. Jaime would gladly do it but admits that he cannot wield a sword effectively with his left hand. Bronn, who has fought for him once before, has accepted the Queen Regent's offer of an arranged marriage with a noblewoman and so is not available. Tyrion finds a champion in someone unexpected. Brianne and Pod stop at an inn and meet Arya's old friend, Hotpie who tells the she's alive and probably heading to the Eyrie. Daenerys takes Daario into her bed but seeks advice on ruling from her most trusted source. At the Eyrie, Peter Baelish has shocking news for both Sansa and his wife Lysa. Written by garykmcd

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Game of Thrones


Game of Thrones

IMDb: 8.7
53 min

Tommen is crowned king, the first of his name. Cersei can see that her newly-crowned son and Margaery are exchanging friendly smiles. Cersei is surprisingly frank with her about Joffrey and asks if she is still interested in being queen. Tywin tells Cersei of the Lannisters dire financial situation and needs the Tyrell family to be part of the crown. Jorah Mormont advises Daenerys of Joffrey's death and they contemplate attacking King's Landing by sea. There is other news as well. The freed slaves of Yunkai have been re-enslaved by their old masters and a coup in Astapor has enthroned a butcher who has declared himself emperor. Daenerys decides to rule over the territories she has conquered. Sansa and Petyr Baelish arrive at the Eyrie where he introduces Sansa as his niece Alayne though her aunt, Lady Arryn, is aware of her true identity. Brienne and Pod continue their journey but Pod proves to be a not very useful squire. Written by garykmcd

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HD Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones


Game of Thrones

IMDb: 8.8
56 min

Daenerys easily conquers Meereen and shows just what she's prepared to do to those who defy her. Bronn tells Jaime he is certain Tyrion had nothing to do with Joffrey's death. He visits his brother in his cell and comes away believing the same, but Cersei won't even discuss the possibility with him. Jaime asks Brienne to find Sansa and gives her his new sword, which she names Oathkeeper. Olenna counsels Margaery as to the next steps needed for her to remain Queen. At Castle Black, Jon Snow receives permission to take volunteers 60 miles north to stop their former members who rebelled from talking to Mance Rayder's army. Bran is taken prisoner by Karl Tanner and the mutineers who have taken over Craster's Keep. The identity of Joffrey's killers is revealed. Written by garykmcd

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Game of Thrones


Game of Thrones

IMDb: 8.9
57 min

In the aftermath of the Purple Wedding, the players in King's Landing reassess their situation. In the meantime, the wildling threat to the Night's Watch is becoming imminent, Arya and the Hound continue their journey to the Vale, and Daenerys reaches Meereen. Written by balerionthecat

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Game of Thrones


Game of Thrones

IMDb: 9.7
54 min

Sansa still hasn't recovered from the death of her family and refuses to eat despite Tyrion's requests that she do so. She receives a gift from an unexpected source. It's time for the royal wedding and King Joffrey is on his worst behavior with Tyrion the object of his dislike. He adores the sword given to him by his grandfather but uses it to chop up a book given to him by Tyrion. At the reception after the wedding ceremony, a drunken Joffrey ridicules his uncle and orders him to become his cup bearer. Tyrion does as he's told but Joffrey gets his comeuppance. Meanwhile, Lord Bolton returns home to find what his bastard son did to Theon Greyjoy. Written by garykmcd

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Game of Thrones


Game of Thrones

IMDb: 9.1
60 min

Tywin Lannister gives his son Jaime a new sword and wants him to return to rule at Casterly Rock in his stead. Jaime wants to rejoin the King's guard. Cersei hasn't forgiven her brother for leaving her. Prince Oberyn Martell arrives in King's Landing for the royal wedding. He and his lover, Ellaria Sand, take their pleasure at Littlefinger's establishment. His hatred of the Lannisters becomes apparent as he blames them for the death of his sister. Daenerys' army is marching toward the slave city of Meereen. She comes to realize that her dragons can never be tamed. Sansa still grieves over the loss of her family at the Red wedding. At Castle Black, Jon Snow faces an enquiry before the commanders of the Watch. Arya and Sandor Clegane come across someone from Arya's past. Written by garykmcd

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Game of Thrones


Game of Thrones

IMDb: 9.1

The news of the red wedding has reached King's Landing and Tywin Lannister calls a meeting of the small council. Joffery rejoices at the news but no one supports his plan to present Sansa with Robb's head at his wedding to Margaery. Arya flees the Twins with Sandor Clegane as her protector but not before she sees what they've done to Robb. She exacts a modicum of revenge. Ygritte catches up with Jon Snow but he survives the encounter making it to Castle Black as do Sam and Gilly. Bran makes it through the wall and into the unknown lands. Jaime and Brienne arrive in King's Landing.At Yunkai, Daenerys awaits the reaction of the thousands of slaves who are now free. Written by garykmcd

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Game of Thrones


Game of Thrones

IMDb: 9.0
56 min

The time for Tyrion's wedding to Sansa has arrived. His resolve to not go through with wedding has evaporated and he now accepts its inevitability. He explains to Sansa why he feels he has to go through with it and she too is prepared to do her duty. Joffrey goes out of his way to embarrass them both at the ceremony. Arya assumed Sandor Clegane was taking her to King's Landing and is surprised when tells her where they're going. The Yunkai have hired an army to protect them and Daenerys tries to convince their leaders to come to her side. Most reject her proposal but one decides to take matters into his own hands. Melissandre returns home intent on showing the power of a king's blood. Sam and Gilly encounter a white walker. Written by garykmcd

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Game of Thrones


Game of Thrones

IMDb: 8.7
58 min

Robb and his entourage are traveling to the Freys but wet weather has delayed them. Talisa has big news for him. Jon Snow, Ygritte and the others have crossed into the south and are headed to Castle Black. Margaery has good advice for Sansa who dreads the thought of having to marry Tyrion. For his part, Tyrion thinks she's too young. Shae is also unhappy with Tyrion's upcoming marriage and she wants them to run away. Tywin Lannister makes sure King Joffrey knows exactly who is on charge. Daenerys and her army arrive at Yunkai, the Yellow City. Ser Jorah recommends that they simply bypass the walled city as conquering it serves no useful purpose. She disagrees but the slavers of Yunkai refuse to free all of their slaves. Melissandre arrives in King's Landing with Gendry and tells him of his ancestry. Arya meanwhile runs off on her own and into the arms of an enemy. Jaime begins his trip to King's Landing but refuses to leave Brienne behind. Theon Greyjoy is comforted by two young ... Written by garykmcd

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Game of Thrones


Game of Thrones

IMDb: 8.8
53 min

In King's Landing, Tywin Lannister and Lady Olenna meet to discuss his children's proposed marriages. She puts up a good fight but in the end is forced to admit defeat. Tyrion and Cersei bemoan their fate. Tyrion is forced to tell Sansa what his father has decided. Baelish meanwhile eliminates a spy in his midsts. Arya takes an immediate dislike to Melisandre when she arrives at their camp. That dislike grows when she learns Melisandre is taking someone away with her. Jaime negotiates his release and return to King's Landing. Robb, his army depleted, realizes he has no choice but to repair relations with the Freys. However, since Robb didn't marry one of the Frey daughters as promised, they demand Edmure Tully marry one of them instead. Jon, Ygritte and many others arrive at the Wall and begin the 700 ft. climb Written by garykmcd

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Game of Thrones


Game of Thrones

IMDb: 9.0
57 min

Brienne and Jaime are delivered to Lord Bolton where Jaime has his wounds treated. He tells Brienne about the events leading up to killing the King and acquiring the name Kingslayer. Sandor Clegane engages in mortal combat but succeeds in gaining his freedom much to Arya's annoyance. At King's Landing, Cersei begins plotting against the Tyrells and seeks Baelish's assistance. Tyrion discusses the cost of the upcoming wedding with Lady Olenna and she agrees to pay half the cost. Tywin Lannister has become aware of the Tyrells plans to have Sansa Stark marry Ser Loras Tyrell but he has his own idea as to who she should marry. Robb has to deal with the murderers of Tywin Lannisters young nephews including Lord Rickard Karstark whom he executes against the advice of those around him. Daenerys' army is on the move. North of the wall, Jon and Ygritte become lovers. Written by garykmcd

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Game of Thrones


Game of Thrones

IMDb: 9.5
53 min

In King's Landing, Tyrion seeks out Varys' advice on getting revenge against those who tried to kill him. He learns the Varys' approach is to go slow. Cersei is troubled that Margaery has Joffrey wrapped around her little finger. Her father won't take her advice and tells her why. Varys approaches Margaery's mother to discuss matters of mutual interest. North of the Wall, some of the Night's Watch are on the brink of rebellion. Jaime is continually humiliated by his captors but Brienne has words of encouragement for him. Arya reaches the main group of the Brotherhood without Banners and Sandor Clegane learns his fate. Written by garykmcd

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Game of Thrones


Game of Thrones

IMDb: 8.6
56 min

Bran dreams of the three-eyed raven but Osha doesn't want to hear the details. He meets Jojen Reed and his sister Meera. Bran and Jojen seem to have a great deal in common. Robb learns of the fall of Winterfell and also that Catelyn's father has died. He leads his troops to Riverrun for his grandfather's funeral and en route Catelyn tells Talisa of her desire that Jon Snow die when he was just a babe. Cersei tries to warn Joffre about Margaery's ambition but it falls on deaf ears. Brienne and Jamie continue their journey to King's Landing but run into trouble. Sansa believes that Baelish's desire to help her is because he loved her mother. Shae explains the nature of men to her. Sansa meets Margaery and her grandmother Lady Olenna and reveals her the truth about Joffre. Samwell Tarley is having trouble keeping up as what remains of the Night's Watch as they try to reach the Wall. Arya is also trying to get to Riverrun but she and her companions meet up with the Brotherhood without ... Written by garykmcd

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Game of Thrones


Game of Thrones

IMDb: 9.4
64 min

With the battle won, King Joffrey names his grandfather, Tywin Lannister, as the Hand of the King. It has an immediate impact on Tyrion, who awakens in new and much smaller quarters wounded from the battle . Petyr Baelish is rewarded for his loyalty. The King takes an interest in Lady Margaery Tyrell and decides to marry her. Lord Varys recruits a new spy. Arya has managed to escape from Harrenhal with Jaqen H'ghar's help. He shows her something of himself. Theon and his men are surrounded at Winterfell and are forced to abandon their position. They don't leave much behind. North of the wall, Jon impresses his captor in a fight with one of his own. King Robb and Talisa are married despite the promise he had previously made. Brienne and Jaime Lannister continue their journey but not without difficulty. In Qarth, Daenerys enters the House of the Undead to retrieve her dragons. Written by garykmcd

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Game of Thrones


Game of Thrones

IMDb: 9.7
55 min

Confident of victory, Stannis Baratheon's fleet and army arrive at King's Landing and the battle for the city begins. The Lannisters are badly outnumbered but Tyrion has make sensible preparations and strikes a blow. When no one else will lead the troops beyond the city wall, Tyrion decides he will do so himself. Cersei plans for her and her children's future. It appears they are all headed for certain death but help suddenly arrives. Written by garykmcd

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Game of Thrones


Game of Thrones

IMDb: 8.9
56 min

At Winterfell, Osha arranges for Bran and his younger brother to escape. Theon is outraged and sets off after them but can't quite seem to find them. Osha improvises, as does Theon so as not to lose face. North of the Wall, Jon finds himself lost and separated from the other members of the Night's Watch. His prisoner, Ygritte, soon turns the tables on him. At Robb's camp, Jaime Lannister escapes but is soon recaptured. At Harrenhal, Tywin Lannister wants to find the assassin who struck so near to him. At King's Landing, Sansa has nightmares about her near rape but also begins to menstruate. Cersei has advice for her but the young woman is clearly worried about having to marry Joffrey. In Qarth, Daenerys meets with the ruling council and demands the return of her dragons. Written by garykmcd

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Game of Thrones


Game of Thrones

IMDb: 9.1
54 min

In a surprise attack, Theon Greyjoy captures Winterfell demanding an oath of loyalty from everyone there in return for their lives. He is chastised however by the locals for turning on the family that raised him. The execution of a Stark family retainer shows just how serious Theon is. Robb Stark can't believe what's happened and swears to get his revenge. He is also growing fonder of Lady Talisa. At King's Landing, Tyrion knows better than most that war will devastate them and makes arrangements for Cersei's daughter, Myrcella, to be send away to marry. On returning to the palace after seeing her off, King Joffrey and others of the royal court learn exactly what the public thinks of them. North of the wall, Jon Snow and others are on patrol looking for wildlings. They kill a few but one of the survivors is an attractive young woman, Ygritte. At Harrenhall, Arya continues to work as Lord Tywin Lannister's cup bearer. She's taken aback however when a visitor from King's Landing - ... Written by garykmcd

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Game of Thrones


Game of Thrones

IMDb: 8.8
51 min

Robb attacks a Lannister encampment and afterward meets Lady Talisa Maegyr who treats the wounded in the battlefield. Tyrion puts a stop to King Joffre's mistreatment of Sansa and also blackmails his cousin Lancel, Cersei's lover, into being his spy. Petyr Baelish visits King Renly but Catelyn is not pleased with his presence. He offers to help protect her daughters but a trade for Jaime is the only solution. Catelyn however tries to get Stannis and Renly to bury the hatchet and unite their forces. Davos Seaworth delivers Stannis' witch, Melisandre, to a remote cave where she gives birth. In the desert, one of Daenarys' riders returns with news that the elders of Qarth will receive them. Arya arrives at Harrenhal where one person is killed every day. Lord Tywin arrives unexpectedly and she is soon his cup bearer. Written by garykmcd

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