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HD That '70s Show

That '70s Show


That '70s Show

IMDb: 7.9
22 min

Michael is delighted his uncle gave him a van for free, even though it's a stinking rust-bucket, the basement boys see cruising (both senses) possibilities. The spoiled girls look down on it at first, except temptress Laurie, who tests Kelso's loyalty to Jackie till they 'christen' the date-mobile, Hyde notices it shaking as they groan from the outside and makes sure Eric learns the 'disgusting' news, and is big brotherly gullible enough to believe the slut didn't abuse their naive mate. On their last day at the plant, without any goodbye treat, Red joins his colleagues to a bar, and gets so drunk the boys must get him there- and get drunk themselves... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD That '70s Show

That '70s Show


That '70s Show

IMDb: 8.5
22 min

The Formans have a garage sale to earn some extra cash. Hyde doesn't have anything to sell, so he bakes special brownies to sell; Red, Kitty, Midge and Bob eat some of Hyde's brownies unsuspectingly. Fez kisses Jackie who tells Donna it's the best kiss she's ever had. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD That '70s Show

That '70s Show


That '70s Show

IMDb: 8.2
22 min

Goodfornothing Hyde surprises everyone, even himself, responding to Kitty's maternal influence by making some efforts at study and chores, no longer 'admired' by the other boys as the perfect bad example. Eric's initial happiness with the brother he never had soon turns in frustration as Hyde constantly gets hight praise and is even set as an example for doing less and half as good, while Eric is now kid no. 3, and listens to one of Kelso's worst-advised ideas... Red's fellow Korea veteran Bull is in Point Place, showing off to him him and Bob as a success in business selling hot tubs with a young, attractive wife; when the Formans attend his 'key party', they aren't prepared for that term meaning wife-swapping by lottery... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD That '70s Show

That '70s Show


That '70s Show

IMDb: 8.3
22 min

While riding in Eric's car, Kelso has the brilliant idea to go skinny-dipping at the reservoir, but all their clothes get stolen, so the basement gang goes to the Hyde home to borrow his and his mother's clothes so they'll have something to wear. Jackie catches a cold from the reservoir, and ends up in bed. Midge's Feminist Warriors - which no other husband puts up with - keep making her crazy, yet member Sharon actually proves an old-fashioned caring housewife at heart when she finds good provider Bob feeling neglected. Red felt with the car plant about to close down, money is too tight even to afford pork shops, yet Kitty and Eric implicitly expect him to play Santa Claus for home-wrecked Hyde after his mother abandons him. Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD That '70s Show

That '70s Show


That '70s Show

IMDb: 8.2

After Eric tells her it wouldn't kill her to be nice day for one day, his paternal grandmother Bernice, who always bags on Kitty, drops dead on his shoulder. Eric feels he killed her by this and doesn't dare tell Red, even though Donna thinks he should. Meanwhile, Red's very emotional brother Marty has arrived and is a millstone around Red's neck. Laurie doesn't mourn but sees the advantages of her grandma's death. Eric and the guys go to a bar pretending to be soldiers, get hit on by some girls and end up in a fight. Kitty hides her mixed feelings by cooking. Written by Marco van Hoof

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD That '70s Show

That '70s Show


That '70s Show

IMDb: 7.5
22 min

Hyde meets a punk girl with a bad attitude and a motor named Chrissy and instantly falls in love with her. She tells him she wants to go to New York to start a punk band and when she asks him to go with her, Hyde has to make a tough decision. Kitty tries to help Jackie making a pie while Red and Kelso want to make smaller paddles for Pong. Eric obviously fumbles with Donna's bra every time they are together. Fez feels left out of everything. Written by Marco van Hoof

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD That '70s Show

That '70s Show


That '70s Show

IMDb: 8.3
22 min

Hyde convinced the gang it would be cool to paint a pot weed leaf on the water tower and dares Kelso to take crazy risk to fix the failure, till Michael makes a fall and badly hurts his arm, then Fez who falls but is alright. Jackie semi-nurses Kelso and makes him realize Hyde is no real friend, to little avail. When Eric seeks medical advice from his nurse mother, he gets traumatized by accidentally walking in on his parents making love. The unsavory idea even gets Laurie's sympathy, yet he rather lets h-them thinks he's on drugs then come clean until that's done form him. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD That '70s Show

That '70s Show


That '70s Show

IMDb: 8.5
22 min

Despite the worsening Forman budget now Red has even less hours in the car plant and lost the salesman job with Bob, the basement boys go see Star Wars in Kenosha and are instantly hooked, especially Eric. Red is happy as a clam to hear Mr. Milbank has returned to re-open the plant full time, and promises Kitty a celebratory dinner and a movie. Eric's 'Jedi knight joy' gets a first blow when he is ordered to be nice to the boss's son, David, a worse one when the kid, whom he beat up when still sickly, turned out bigger then any of the gang, an uppercut when David shows more interest in Donna and more talent for courting her. Kitty sees Eric gets the parental blessing to fight for his girl and actually lands a hard punch, but David's news hits much harder, and not just in Eric's baffled face... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD That '70s Show

That '70s Show


That '70s Show

IMDb: 8.0
22 min

Eric is hoping the prom will allow him to take a next step with Donna, Hyde convinces him to take a motel-room; when they get there, it's grubby. Jackie has dumped Michael, yet wines he didn't ask her; in fact Kelso takes easy Pam Macy; Jackie now cries till Hyde takes her; on the night he notices his friends still only want each-other and makes Michael act accordingly. Fez doesn't take a girl but convinced himself his English teacher is enamored in him; the music teacher makes him star on the disco floor instead. Midge has decided she wants a job, or even better: her own greeting cards business, at Bob's expense. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD That '70s Show

That '70s Show


That '70s Show

IMDb: 8.1
22 min

It's career day and everybody has a day they won't soon forget: Eric accompanies Kitty to the hospital and is amazed by everything she has to deal with on a daily basis. Donna helps her dad with his silly promotional tactics while Kelso desperately tries to find out what his father does. Hyde and Fez go to Hyde's mother who works in the cafeteria at school. Fez is very enthusiastic about the work, Hyde however, isn't too enthusiastic. Not about the work and not about his mother. Jackie's father has no time and when she bumps into Red in the garage she starts helping him fixing the car. Written by Marco van Hoof

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD That '70s Show

That '70s Show


That '70s Show

IMDb: 8.3
22 min

Jackie tells about her pregnancy to Eric, who tells Donna, who gives the foolish girl heaps for having unsafe sex; Kelso faints overhearing them, but intends to do his duty as father. The Formans suspect correctly Laura is home because she failed at Fort Lauderdale college, hoping to fake her F's in an official letter. When Donna asks advice for her friend, Midge fears her daughter was as dumb as she at sixteen. Bob is shocked Donna ordered the pill at the pharmacy; Eric just runs out but has to face the home-front. Jackie has good and nasty news, Red handles horny heat his way... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD That '70s Show

That '70s Show


That '70s Show

IMDb: 7.9
22 min

Eric and Donna go on a Valentine's date, despite the fact Donna promised Hyde to go study in the library that evening. Hyde knows Eric wants to give Donna his class ring and realizes now's his last change to tell Donna how he feels about her and he goes to the restaurant. Meanwhile, Kitty, Red, Bob and Midge eat fondue. Kelso hopes to do it again with Jackie while she just wants to buy clogs. Written by Marco van Hoof

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD That '70s Show

That '70s Show


That '70s Show

IMDb: 8.0
22 min

Kelso is a hero now he has 'done it' and Jackie actually behaves like his devoted lover, almost his love-slave. Red was excessively strict again with Eric for being late to return library books and furious about a single 'No', but the threat of Kitty nagging constantly forces him to try 'becoming friends' so Red joins the boys -still soon taking the wheel himself- who go to a weird wrestling show in Kanosha, two huge stars against a swarm of midgets. Bob still doesn't get why Midge wants some independence despite him being a fine provider, which her therapy sessions and Laurie's selfish example keep making worse, so Bob begs Red to take him along, and wines to poor Fez, while Hyde just tries to get Bob to buy them beers. Even former wrestler Red enjoys the show. Spoilsport Donna begins to convince Jackie teenage boys are always horny, so why be a doormat if you can...? After the show, Red ignores the 'wrestler only' sign on the locker-room and takes Eric along getting an autograph, ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD That '70s Show

That '70s Show


That '70s Show

IMDb: 7.9
22 min

Eric has scratched the car because Kelso was deriving him and Red demands the car keys. The guys are now car-less until Kelso announces his cousin has lend him his car. While Kitty tells Red he's hard on Eric, Red explains her it's for his own good but later acknowledges Kitty might be right. Midge wants to take part in feminist classes but Bob is against it. Jackie tells Donna how she thinks her first time with Kelso should look like. Written by Marco van Hoof

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD That '70s Show

That '70s Show


That '70s Show

IMDb: 8.0
22 min

Just because he kissed Pam Macy, like everybody else, vindictive jealous Jackie dumps Michael. None of his 'mates' resists the temptation to join for a ski trip at her parents' cabin; Kelso's hope at least Eric just pretended to taunt him proves void, but he finds a ride with a friendly trucker to hitchhike to Alpine Valley. The news arouses memories which makes Red frisky while insisting to take kitty-litter as 'emergency packet', Kitty vindictive about Lyn Taylor when they were kids. Instead of consoling Jackie, Hyde makes a pass at Donna, who is not amused. Fez can't handle the cold, so he gets drunk enough to run outside in his underpants. By the time Kelso arrives and makes up with Eric, Jackie misses him enough to... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD That '70s Show

That '70s Show


That '70s Show

IMDb: 8.0
22 min

To Kitty and Laura's dismay, Red decides to allow Eric to throw his own basement gang Christmas party rather then mope around with the family, provided he finances it by haggling on $40 for the Christmas tree, so the boys maximize that beer budget by cutting a tree themselves besides the state road. Bob gets Red to mind the store on Christmas eve, when nothing else is open; his only client is Kelso, who fears being the only one without a present for Jackie, even Hyde asked Mitch's advice about something for Donna. In Michael's absence some silly girls are all over Kitty's punch and- Fez. Of course the worst is still to come knocking... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD That '70s Show

That '70s Show


That '70s Show

IMDb: 8.3
22 min

At his new salesman's job in Bob's hardware store, Red chases customers away with all too precise technical choices instead of earning commissions, Kitty teaches him to smile- actually his grin is even scarier- and reason in their place, like her type of dumb housewives expects. Eric is startled his new chemistry lab partner is Buddy Morgan, a spoiled rich kid they all jealously hate, but getting rides in his red sports car fixes that, while the mates aren't amused to miss out on rides in his Vista. Eric gets an even greater shock when Buddy shows an unexpected other, all too frisky side out of Eric's register... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD That '70s Show

That '70s Show


That '70s Show

IMDb: 7.6
22 min

Red's mother visits the Forman's. After going to church, Red lies about repairing stuff around the house just to avoid spending time with his mother. Kitty, who's recently stopped smoking, desperately tries her best not to be hateful to Red's hypercritical mother but could really use a smoke. Eric tries to keep them all together like a happy family while he also has to write a report due the next day. The only one to get along with Red's mother is Fez. Written by Marco van Hoof

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD That '70s Show

That '70s Show


That '70s Show

IMDb: 7.9
22 min

While ordinary people look forward to enjoy Thanksgiving and later Christmas, the Formans suffer, even in anticipation, worse then usual, especially when Red's mother, hence Kitty's -in-law, from hell announces a 'festive' family visit, yet a cancellation can be bad too... For Eric it's sister Laurie's hot friend Kate, a seductress whose siren-tongue goes deep enough to feel guilty towards Donna, whom he tells despite the hornily sympathizing basement boys' warning: dumped and a lecture from Red... Midge makes Bob offer part-time (un)employed Red a job in the hardware store, but the feeling of a charity motive makes him refuse, reconsidered at the feast. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD That '70s Show

That '70s Show


That '70s Show

IMDb: 8.0
22 min

Fez's prudish exchange program host parents convince him the rock they detest is diabolical by playing it backwards, according to Hyde a ploy from Congress. Seeing how upset Kitty is by their terrible score at a Cosmopolitan relationship spontaneity quiz, Red accepts to take her out, even to a non-usual place, but they have a hard time finding something to their nostalgic taste. Meanwhile Erica and Donna hoped to get intimate at the drive-in, where a scary movie is playing, but Jackie invites herself and literally pushes Kelso in the car too. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD That '70s Show

That '70s Show


That '70s Show

IMDb: 8.1
22 min

The gang is going to a disco in Kenosha, really to date- in Kelso's case, to replace Jackie, till seeing Fez's superior dancing with her makes him jealous. Red tells Steven he must join, and therefore learn to dance- from Kitty, but Bob thinks he saw and heard them making out, tells Midge who hints to Kitty, who thinks Midge is the philanderer. Eric and Donna still don't admit to be an item, but dancing brings them closer. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD That '70s Show

That '70s Show


That '70s Show

IMDb: 8.3
22 min

While cutting study hall and driving down the road, the gang minus Fez finds a beer keg and decides to throw a party charging $2 a head, the only language even Kelso can do calculations in. While the boys wrestle with the tap in the empty pool of the vacant house Jackie found as secret -no longer- make-out place with Michael, Red and Bob start searching Eric's Vista Cruisers when they hear from their wives -rivetted by Rich Man, Poor Man with daiquiris- their kids 'borrowed' a tub of ice and a box of plastic cups... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD That '70s Show

That '70s Show


That '70s Show

IMDb: 7.8
22 min

Because life is so expensive, the boys decide to postulate for an opening at Jackie's dad's diner Fatso Burgers. Despite Red's solicitation training for workers' hell ('never too soon to learn how much you can take from the boss'), Eric gets it but never has any time for Donna anymore. Michael feels discriminated by lame manager Ricky for his good looks, but still had Jackie, who however makes clear she expects a provider... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD That '70s Show

That '70s Show


That '70s Show

IMDb: 7.8
22 min

Now the plant where Red worked is closing down, the grumbler tries to keep himself occupied with useless domestic 'repairs', which Kitty finds irritating and badly on top, while blaming everyone, especially Eric. The boys laugh at Eric because his girl Donna keeps beating him at basketball and other games, even Jackie and Midge warn her a boyfriend's ego can't take that, while Kitty claims scores are meaningless in a lifelong relationship like her marriage to Red. Kelso has his own dilemma, between being more manly or Jackie's female charms, only he can shut the others up 'getting some'. Red's drill version of basketball training till you drop has literally that effect on Eric. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD That '70s Show

That '70s Show


That '70s Show

IMDb: 7.9
22 min

Now Red is reduced to part-time-work after a car company restructuring, the Forman family budget is cut too tight to eat and entertain well. Still Kitty joins the festive mood in Point Place when ingrate Jackie's dad, lawyer Jack Burkhart, organizes a reelection campaign stopover in the Wisconsin rat-hole. A speech from the principal against 'social actions' and what motives don't count inspires the basement boys, who till then taught it all lame too lame to bother, to go crazy by streaking. Donna hesitates whether to join her parents in embarrassing matching starts-and-stripes jumpsuits. Mr. Burkhart's committee wanted a Joe ordinary to ask Ford a question, so Bob invites Red, who hesitates, then decides to tell his mind about the policy he feels cost him his job, but is delivered a sissy prepared question- not good enough. The fate of their raincoats and the presence of dogs make the boys realize the (pecker) perils in the nude are too big. When Red seems too nervous to ask either ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD That '70s Show

That '70s Show


That '70s Show

IMDb: 8.2
22 min

Eric is turning 17 and made very clear he wants no more childish 'surprise' party and a cassette player, not an outdated 8-rack player, but ma Kitty is as subtle as a herd of elephants preparing exactly what he dreaded. To make it worse, Eric's nasty sister Laurie, in college, is home and makes the gang boys' heads spin, Kelso even imagines her to be madly in love with him. Pa Red cheerfully gives Laurie the keys to his new car plus $30, Eric nothing except that damned 8-track and his usual chores, while barring the only escape route from Kitty's eternal baby-party; Red does drag Kitty to the neighbors, but she keeps worrying about her 'baby boy'... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD That '70s Show

That '70s Show


That '70s Show

IMDb: 8.2
22 min

Point Place, Wisconsin, May 17, 1976. Nerdy teenager Eric, who smokes weed with some classmates in the basement, is in heaven when his dad Red decides to hand him the keys of his flashy Vista Cruiser, at the price of extra chores and forbidding him to take it out of town, knowing that won't be obeyed anyway. The gang, which just adopted foreign exchange student Fez, is excited about a Todd Rundgren concert- Jackie uses her female charms to make sure skirt-chaser Michael Kelso would take her too. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Evermoor




IMDb: 0

As the battle for Evermoor climaxes, Tara receives help from the Princess of Hollowfall- who is Bridget's sister, Agatha. Tara gets her supreme powers back and must fight the power of the founders to save Evermoor from destruction.

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HD Evermoor




IMDb: 0

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HD Evermoor




IMDb: 0

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HD Evermoor




IMDb: 0

Sorsha is fated to release the third founder, but she is still protected by her love for Seb. So the founders summon Hollowfall, a small village which rises every 600 years. It is said that 'the champion' is chosen to visit Hollowfall and come back to Evermoor, but Tara, Otto and Sorsha soon realise it's a one way trip and the founders have rigged the results so that Seb will leave, leaving Sorsha to be taken as host.

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HD Evermoor




IMDb: 0

In this episode, as the third founder has been released, Sorsha has to overcome the founder trapped inside her, however she is being protected by...Love. The founders turn a spider into a female version of Seb to attract him! Will Seb be able to resist her?

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