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HD Party of Five

Party of Five


Party of Five

IMDb: 8.5
44 min

Sarah finds herself on her own after walking away from her parents over what they did to Bailey who finds himself constantly haunted by his past when word of his criminal record spreads and keeps him from getting any job. Claudia also worries about being an outcast in school after a speech Bailey has to give. Meanwhile, Griffin begins having cash-flow problems at the garage, but keeps them to himself knowing of his long reputation as a loser. While Charlie tries dating again, he gets angry at Julia over her and Griffin's presence. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Family,
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HD Party of Five

Party of Five


Party of Five

IMDb: 8.4
44 min

Bailey's trial for D.U.I. begins with him preparing for the worst, the rest of the family ready to mortgage their house for their legal defense, and Sarah telling Bailey that she's willing to lie on the witness stand for him. Meanwhile, Charlie deals with vicious rumors about Owen's teacher abusing her students which are running among the parents of Owen's classmates. Griffin's visiting sailor friend, Shuyler, arrives at his and Julia's apartment and almost immediately causes tension between all of them. Also, Claudia develops a crush on Reed, a school football player whose affections she tries to win with D.H. Lawrence's poetry. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Family,
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HD Party of Five

Party of Five


Party of Five

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

After returning from a two-month trip to Europe with a new look and shorted hairstyle, Julia finds herself in uncharted territory with her new husband, Griffin, who in his opinion realizes that absence definitely makes the heart grow weirder. Meanwhile, Bailey is facing the consequences of the drunk-driving accident that put Sarah in the hospital when he's arrested after Sarah's powerful, revenge-seeking parents officially charge him with drunk driving. Claudia decides to try out for a cheerleader during her first day at Grant High School, but ends up becoming the school mascot instead. Also, Charlie finds some complications when he finds Owen dressing in girls clothing fearing that Owen is developing a bond with his pre-school teacher Jenny. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Family,
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HD Party of Five

Party of Five


Party of Five

IMDb: 8.5
44 min

Bailey tries to make peace to all the people that he hurt while he was drinking including Coach Petrocelli. Although Bailey takes it hard when Sarah breaks up with Drew, she makes it clear that she only wants to be friends. Meanwhile, Julia's former boyfriend, Justin Thompson, tells her that he has been accepted to Yale and invites Julia to spend the summer with him in Europe. When she brings this news to Griffin, he tells her to put her love for him to the real test: by getting married. On the eve of Grace's election results, Charlie realizes that although he loves Grace, he tells her that she cannot love his siblings or any children like Kirsten did and tells her that his job as the legal guardian for his brothers and sisters must come first. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Family,
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HD Party of Five

Party of Five


Party of Five

IMDb: 8.3
44 min

On Spring Break, Sarah goes away with her parents and Bailey volunteers himself to chaperon Claudia on a trip to Los Angeles for a violin concert in order to distract himself in her absence. Bailey then falls off the wagon, but learns a valuable lesson of his problem from Joe and his young wife, Fran, living there over Bailey's drinking being not only psychological, but physical in nature as well. Bailey finally decides to start attending AA meetings. Meanwhile, Julia and Griffin's motorcycle trip through California hits a snag when their motorcycle breaks down, where Griffin decides to buy the shop where it gets fixed with his insurance settlement money which upsets Julia's spontaneous plans. Also, Grace has a pregnancy scare, which turns out to be a false alarm, but brings up an issue on kids to Charlie. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Family,
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HD Party of Five

Party of Five


Party of Five

IMDb: 8.4
44 min

Sarah tries to move on with her life by dating an attractive medical student named Drew. But her efforts to remain supportive for Bailey's recovery are met with disapproval from Callie who feels left out. When Bailey realizes that Callie's presence is one of the causes of his compulsion to drink, he moves out of her apartment and back into the Salinger house, thus leaving Callie all on her own as before when he first met her. Meanwhile, Claudia tries to show Charlie that Grace is too self-absorbed with running for an office seat and is also too obsessed with publicity than to care about the family when she turns the entire Salinger household into her campaign office. Also, Griffin voices his concern with Julia who's slacking off in school and skipping classes to be with him. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Family,
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HD Party of Five

Party of Five


Party of Five

IMDb: 9.0
44 min

In the aftermath of the family's failed intervention, Bailey escalates his drinking, totally not caring about himself, anyone or anything. But Bailey's increasingly erratic behavior alienates both Callie and Coach Petrocelli after Callie gets angry at him after he has literally emptied out her entire liquor cabinet, and finally discovers that Bailey's now spending hundreds of dollars every night at local bars by stealing money out of her own purse, while Coach Petrocelli finally learns that he cannot rely on his star player anymore after a drunk Bailey misses a championship wrestling match which costs his team from winning. Feeling rejected by everyone, a drunken Bailey kidnaps Owen from day care and keeps him out all day. Later that night, Bailey gets behind the wheel of his jeep and gets into an accident which injures Sarah who's riding with him. Meanwhile, Claudia directs her anger toward her late father for Bailey's drinking, after Avery tells her stories about her late parents ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Family,
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HD Party of Five

Party of Five


Party of Five

IMDb: 9.3
44 min

Grace and Sarah join Charlie, Julia and Claudia for a family intervention to Bailey about his drinking. They lure Bailey to the house about a family emergency with baby Owen to confront him about his self-destructive lifestyle. Only the self-serving Callie refuses to associate herself with the rest of the family for Bailey's intervention. But Bailey (still lying to everyone, and to himself, that he's an alcoholic) is stunned by what he sees as everyone against him and goes out on the attack, cruelly singling out serious faults of their own. As the day wears on into the evening, Joe joins the group and reveals a surprising revelation: Nick, the Salinger's late father, was also an alcoholic. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Family,
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HD Party of Five

Party of Five


Party of Five

IMDb: 8.9
44 min

Charlie refuses to believe Julia or Sarah about Bailey's drinking problem. When Bailey steals and squanders all the money Charlie gives him to hire a clown for Owen's 3rd birthday party, Charlie and the rest of the siblings finally realize the enormity of Bailey's alcoholism after witnessing him doing embarrassing actions at Owen's party. Meanwhile, Grace is disturbed by a surprise visit from her parents who seem warm to Charlie. Julia decides to plan a summer trip to Europe with Sam, until she realizes that they hold different views toward certain people where Julia sees little amusement in Sam's racism and stereotyping of others, which leads to their breakup. Also, Claudia becomes reacquainted with Avery who introduces her to his visiting son Marcus, a withdrawn, unsure-of-himself, troubled teen. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Family,
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HD Party of Five

Party of Five


Party of Five

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

Grace beings to think that moving in with Charlie and his siblings wasn't a good idea after during a food shopping outing, Grace has an encounter with a woman whom makes a casual, but stereotypical, comment to Grace about her standing with Charlie. Claudia, sensing tension at home between Grace and the family, offers to volunteer at Grace's office in a way for the two of them to get better acquainted, only to see Grace's true bossy attitude towards her which drives a further wedge between them. Meanwhile, Sam is looking for an extra guy for his construction crew and Julia recommends Bailey, which turns out to be a bad idea when he steals some liquor from the site. Also, Sarah confides in a skeptical Julia about Bailey's ever increasing drinking who continues his self-destructive lifestyle while denying to everyone (as well as to himself) that he has a drinking problem. Bailey becomes more and more out of control when he resorts to stealing all of Callie's rent money as well as ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Family,
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HD Party of Five

Party of Five


Party of Five

IMDb: 8.9
44 min

Bailey's friend Will arrives in town for a visit during a break from college, and is surprised to see how frequently (and how much) that Bailey drinks on a regular basis. Will tells Bailey to take it easy with drinking, but Baily snaps at Will to mind his own business. Suspecting that Bailey has a drinking problem, as well as having extremely low self-esteem, Will turns to Sarah to try to get her to talk to Bailey. Meanwhile, Grace moves into the Salinger house after a fire destroys her apartment, and not everyone is happy to have her there. Also, Julia decides that she can no longer live under Charlie's rules after she tells him about not going to Stanford and she moves into Sam's apartment, upsetting the quiet life Sam had going for himself. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Family,
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HD Party of Five

Party of Five


Party of Five

IMDb: 8.3
43 min

In an attempt to overcome his pain after breaking up with Sarah, as well as to get away from Callie who wants to evict him from the apartment, Bailey throws himself into a grueling practice to qualify for a spot on the wrestling team. Here, Bailey shows his first serious signs of his already strong alcohol consumption he has been having for the past few months. Meanwhile, Grace accepts a date with a politically connected man from the mayor's office which arouses jealousy in Charlie. Also, Sam becomes more tentative to Julia after encountering his former girlfriend, Karen, who's tells him that she's marrying someone else. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Family,
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HD Party of Five

Party of Five


Party of Five

IMDb: 8.7
44 min

The Salinger's grandfather, Jacob Gordon, returns and tells the Salingers that he just wants to spend the holidays with his family and nothing more. But Julia, as usual, suspects there's something more going on with him and that he's hiding some health problems. Meanwhile, Charlie is attempting to overcome his depression about losing Kirsten for good by working more on Grace's feed the homeless project where meets a homeless man he tries to help out, but whom Charlie later finds out that the man too suffers from a mental illness. Bailey is alone when both Callie and Sarah leave town to be with their families. Not wanting to be around his own family, the alienated Bailey seeks a bond with his wrestling coach, Russ Petrocelli. Also, Claudia is still being pursued by Stuart who has a massive crush on her. When Claudia tries to show Stuart that he's nothing more than a friend by giving him a lame gift of trick candles, it backfires when it turns out to be something he wanted. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Family,
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HD Party of Five

Party of Five


Party of Five

IMDb: 8.8
44 min

Charlie flies to Chicago to visit Kirsten and is surprised to see her doing good with her life. When Charlie asks Kirsten to come back with him to San Francesco, without telling her mother, he soon realizes that her manic depression is something not easily fixable. Back in San Francisco, Julia takes over the household responsibilities by herself and takes them so lightly in order to spend more time with Sam, and as a result, she and everyone else doesn't notice when Claudia is admitted to the hospital with appendicitis. Also, a guilty Bailey, going downward on his relationship with Sarah while trying to stay away from Callie as well as balancing time with his wrestling practice, finally confesses to Sarah that he slept with Callie who surprisingly reacts hurt, but understanding. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Family,
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HD Party of Five

Party of Five


Party of Five

IMDb: 8.9
44 min

Bailey is on a downward spiral when his relationship with Callie intensifies while Sarah becomes increasingly resentful of him. So, Sarah tries to set Callie up with her cousin Paul to keep her away from Bailey. Meanwhile, Charlie is beginning to feel an attraction to Grace when his former restaurant partner, Joe, arrives in town and announces that he is getting married to a younger woman and wants the wedding held in the restaurant. Also, Julia's crush on Sam grows which prompts him to quit working on the roof of the house to stay away from her. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Family,
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HD Party of Five

Party of Five


Party of Five

IMDb: 8.4
44 min

Bailey rescues Callie from an attempted date-rape and she becomes more dependent on him, in which he breaks a date with Sarah to be with her. Meanwhile, Julia's attraction for Sam grows and she tries keeping him at the house to finish fixing the roof. Claudia is asked to be a writer of the Love Lorn column for her school's paper to write about problems with people's love lives and beings to analyze everyone's problems around her, while she herself becomes oblivious to advances from a student named Stuart. Also, Charlie finds himself in an awkward position when Grace wants to be more than friends. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Family,
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HD Party of Five

Party of Five


Party of Five

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

The local press publishes Charlie as a bad guy when he mishandles an incident with a belligerent homeless man at Salingers during a feed-the-homeless fund, and Grace too disavows Charlie leading to her organizing a boycott of the restaurant at it leads to everyone, including Charlie's employees and neighbors shunning him. After being rejected to get on the college hockey team, Bailey tries out for the wrestling team and deals with his coach's lenient methods and his own inexperience. Meanwhile, Julia is disturbed by the loud noise of a construction crew fixing the roof of the house while she trying to finish her college application paper, and befriends the two construction workers, foreman Sam and his spaced out brother Alec. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Family,
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HD Party of Five

Party of Five


Party of Five

IMDb: 8.3
44 min

As Halloween approaches, Claudia is convinced that a curse is the cause of all the bad things that have happened to the family over the past few years. So, she hires an exorcist to cleanse the family dwelling. Meanwhile, Bailey is beginning to feel the constants of his celibate relationship with Sarah and goes to seek some intimacy with Callie. While organizing Grant High's annual Halloween costume dance, Julia has to deal with the fact that Justin is now dating another girl. Also, Charlie puts his trust in a shady handyman, named Earl, who claims to be an old friend of his father's. Charlie also comes across a woman named Grace Wilcox, who runs a local charity that feeds the homeless. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Family,
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HD Party of Five

Party of Five


Party of Five

IMDb: 8.8
44 min

Kirsten's parents arrive in town after Claudia had told them about Kirsten's worsened mental condition and they immediately quarrel with Charlie after they decide to take her back to Chicago to have her committed to a mental hospital, with a court order if possible. Meanwhile, Bailey and Callie start to confide in each other about their past history; Callie about her relationship with her distant father who is having a 60th birthday party this weekend, and Bailey about his strained relationship with Charlie. Also, Julia and Sarah fly east to interview at Dartmouth in hopes of going to college there, but Sarah becomes worried and homesick almost immediately. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Family,
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HD Party of Five

Party of Five


Party of Five

IMDb: 8.5
44 min

Bailey finds himself playing rescuer for Callie who has gotten herself in a mess with a boyfriend wanting her, and who turns out to be one of his college professors. Meanwhile, Cooper wants his relationship with Julia to become more intimate, but Julia apparently isn't ready to sleep with anyone yet for she is still affected by her recent miscarriage, which leads to their breakup. As Claudia moves into Julia's old bedroom, Jody confides in her about her troubled home life that her mother's new boyfriend has made sexual advances towards her. When Kirsten tries a new anti-depressant medication, she becomes compulsive about neatness and Charlie tries to convince her to stick with it. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Family,
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HD Party of Five

Party of Five


Party of Five

IMDb: 8.4
44 min

Bailey's friend, Cooper, and Julia are attracted to each other, but Bailey forbids them to date. Bailey then moves out of the Salinger household and into an apartment with a new attractive roommate named Callie Martel, an older woman whom Sarah doesn't approve of. Meanwhile, Claudia takes over the household repairs herself and must deal with leaky pipes. Also, Charlie realizes that Kirsten's depression over losing her job is much serious than he thought. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Family,
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HD Party of Five

Party of Five


Party of Five

IMDb: 8.5
44 min

Bailey starts college at San Francisco State University and meets a new friend, named Cooper, who already has him taking not-so-ethical short cuts his first few days on campus. Meanwhile, Julia, Justin, and Sarah are grouped together when they enter an essay contest hoping that by winning the prize they will boost their chances of getting into a good college next year. Also, Kirsten's professor discovers that she has unintentionally plagiarized part of her dissertation, and risks losing her teaching position and everything else. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Family,
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HD Party of Five

Party of Five


Party of Five

IMDb: 8.3
44 min

Kirsten gets a teaching job at California State Monterey. But the commute and long hours begin to take its toll on her and Charlie's relationship. As Julia takes a stressful receptionist job in a busy law firm, Griffin, temporarily living at the house until he finds an apartment, doesn't measure up to Julia's expectation of responsibility, forcing him to leave. Meanwhile, Claudia becomes angry and jealous when Byron apparently develops a crush on Julia. Bailey fears his friendship with Will is ending as Will prepares to leave town to go to college back east with his new outgoing roommate, Tucker. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Family,
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HD Party of Five

Party of Five


Party of Five

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

Charlie, now back together with Kirsten, is trying to get on with his life until Kirsten's mother unexpectedly shows up and tells them that she has left her husband. Meanwhile, Claudia returns from summer camp with stories about meeting a boy named Byron, whom everyone thinks she made up. Julia's ex-flame, Griffin Holbrook, having graduated from high school, arrives in town during a leave he has with the merchant marines to try to reconcile with her. Also, Bailey and Will decide to take an end-of-the-summer road trip to Mexico. But Sarah and Will's girlfriend, Gina, spoil the fun by insisting they come along. Things get even worse for the guys when Bailey's jeep breaks down, the girls desert them, and their jeep gets stolen. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Family,
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HD Party of Five

Party of Five


Party of Five

IMDb: 8.5
44 min

Bailey discovers that grandpa Jake, one of whose mysterious Arizona trips was extended for days, has another family, yet his graduating daughter Lauren is as unsure about him, so he decides such an unreliable element doesn't belong in the close Salinger family, and asks him to move out, yet not break up completely. Unable to commit to Kathleen, Charlie intends to let her off easily by pretending Kirsten wants him back, but she finds out and bitterly threatens to wreck the restaurant. A writing assignment about relationships starts Justin romanticizing, only to find Julia can't even properly dance with him anymore. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Family,
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HD Party of Five

Party of Five


Party of Five

IMDb: 8.4
44 min

Charlie reacts negatively when Kathleen decides on her own to enter the other half of his life, mainly the family, rejecting even a Hawaiian family holiday offer. When he declares he can't fully love her, that brings her close to suicide. Bailey can cope ever less with Sarah's flirtatious attitude on stage and with her band mates, increasing the strain on their relationship. Worried about Julia's despondence, Charlie sends her back to school. Justin drags her through classes, but she runs the last period, pretending to Justin she'll spend the weekend with Charlie at Lake Taho and vice-versa, while she surprises Griffin in New Orléans. He dodges military academy to spend time with her, which only confuses him further. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Family,
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HD Party of Five

Party of Five


Party of Five

IMDb: 8.4
44 min

Now Bailey's attitude has convinced grandpa Jake to present himself to the five siblings, his New Hampshire scholarship is on again and Sarah feels betrayed when she finds out. Jake becomes a regular guest, mostly to Claudia's joy, but Julia is viciously hostile, claiming he betrayed mother unforgivably. Sarah's birth mother Robin Merrin suddenly turns up to meet her and seems her only interest now, but announces after a weekend she's off on tour for months. Only after Bailey offers to turn sown the scholarship for her she realizes his love is truly noble and gives her blessing. When Emily finds out about Kathleen at the movie theatre, she dumps Charlie, who can't handle Kathleen seeing an ex, yet has no real answer how that is half as unfaithful as his own behavior. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Family,
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HD Party of Five

Party of Five


Party of Five

IMDb: 8.5
44 min

Bailey and Justin are almost amused to bump into each-other with their partners in the cellar. Julia complains over lack of privacy and wants to turn the attic into her room. Bailey however lays a separate claim, being older and having shared his room with Owen. Julia and Bailey fight, and Bailey tells Sarah about a band singer audition that he knew Julia hoped for which Sarah then wins. In revenge, Julie convinces soon less than amused Justin to successfully apply for the TV studio job Bailey that hoped would pay his college fees. Charlie cheerfully accepts helping out Kirsten with her babysitter income taxes and is delighted they end up in bed, but she maintains that changes nothing. Ross expected Claudia to resume violin lessons swiftly now her cast is off, but she fakes pain and ultimately confesses she chose to give up music to have a 'normal life', actually still under Jody's wayward influence. Only Bailey respects her decision, the other siblings' nagging only infuriates her. A... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Family,
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HD Party of Five

Party of Five


Party of Five

IMDb: 8.5
43 min

Bailey now enjoys dating Sarah, but his public affection and general spontaneity make her feel like a Jill substitute. Justin already has another girlfriend and free-spirited Griffin tires of Julia's meddling in his life, like lies to both parties to make him take a waiter's job Charlie wouldn't otherwise consider him for, leading to mutual frustration and getting fired, like at the bike shop. Charlie grudgingly agrees to Kirsten's dancing lessons but takes offense at her accepting as silly aunt's wedding gift a fortune telling which names a Rob as her true love. A lounge night at the restaurant proves a major loss. Ross starts a fuss about Claudia's bowing arm after a skating rink fall. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Family,
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HD Saving Hope

Saving Hope


Saving Hope

IMDb: 8.4
43 min

In an attempt to see what his life would be like without his gift, Charlie struggles to heal a superstitious farmer without the help of his spirit Intel.

Genre: Drama, Fantasy,
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HD Saving Hope

Saving Hope


Saving Hope

IMDb: 8.3
43 min

Alex returns to work and meets a new colleague. Meanwhile, Joel gets involved in a dangerous situation at a local clinic; and Gavin has a blissful experience.

Genre: Drama, Fantasy,
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HD Saving Hope

Saving Hope


Saving Hope

IMDb: 8.5
43 min

After being stabbed in the heart, Alex has a profound experience in the liminal space, while a desperate Charlie and Dawn race against the clock to save her life. Meanwhile, Joel is pulled in to the ER to treat a suicidal patient that tests his duty as a doctor, and Maggie makes a bold decision that changes her relationship with Gavin.

Genre: Drama, Fantasy,
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