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HD Rawhide




IMDb: 7.7
60 min | 51 min (DVD)

While on night duty Pete and Jim see fireworks in the sky. They trace it to young David Colby shooting roman candles by himself. Once they prove they mean David no harm, he tells them Indians killed his folks and burned their farm with David escaping the burning barn. He had started out alone to Eberley to find his uncle. The drovers become attached to the young boy showering him with attention and gifts. Favor goes along with it but he has misgivings about the boy's story - especially the part about Indians. Favor and Pete take David to Eberley where the long time Sheriff tells them there is no Colby there. Favor takes the boy back toward camp but stops, cuts a switch, and tells David he wants the truth. He says he is looking for his dad a bounty hunter. Favor sends Pete to return him home which Pete does but not before David tries to run again saying Pete wants to kill his dad. At David's home Pete walks into the hands of three outlaws. The leader wants revenge for being kneecapped ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Rawhide




IMDb: 8.0
60 min | 51 min (DVD)

A beaten and incoherent man named Bain staggers into the drovers' camp. Trail boss Favor orders some of his men to search the surrounding area for the source of the trouble. Rowdy comes upon some hungry and mistreated women and a young boy alone on the prairie. He assists them by returning with food which one of them, Louise, repays by slipping a silver mirror into his saddle bag. Rowdy returns to camp where he and Favor along with Wishbone and Mushy go to a nearby settlement for supplies. At the store the owner recognizes the mirror as belonging to a woman killed by Comanches. He and others assume Rowdy is a Comanchero forcing the men to leave with no supplies. Meanwhile back at camp Favor starts putting the pieces together and finally learns from Bain that outlaws (Comancheros) are behind what has happened to the man, boy, and women and that the cattle herd is in danger. Rowdy leaves on his own to find the woman but is captured and tied up by the Comancheros. Louise releases and ... Written by chipe

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Rawhide




IMDb: 7.4
51 min (DVD)

Prisoners break out of prison and try to steal the drovers' horses.

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Rawhide




IMDb: 7.2
60 min | 51 min (DVD)

A local wolver Gil hires to kill a pack besieging the Rawhiders' cattle, is more dangerous than Canis lupus. Smirking Brad Morgan promised 3 well-set women to run off with him. Convienently, one just rebuffed the scout Pete's plea to get back together. The wolf-man sets up Pete to take the fall for murdering saloon owner Nora Sage. While Gil waits for a river up ahead to subside, Morgan lays metal traps for the canyon's gray wolves. Written by David Stevens

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Rawhide




IMDb: 8.1
51 min

The weather is dry and the herd is needing water making the herd hard to control. Rowdy is attacked by men taking some of the strays. Favor finds an old corrupt trail boss Jess Hode is behind it. Favor gets his cattle back but Hode has plans for a bigger bite out of Favor's herd. Hode is not happy about being pushed out in favor of trail bosses like Favor. Hode is claiming the land that has water available as his own land. Hode wants half of Favor's herd for the right to the water. As the herd turns to try an alternate source Jim Hode, Jess's son, joins the drovers to help. However, they find there is no water so Favor is forced to to go back to Hode and pay his price. Knowing he has Favor trapped, Hode asks for the whole herd. Now that Jim sees the truth about his father, he decides to help Favor. Jim leads Fovor's men against Jess and his men forcing Jess to fire on his own son but Jess is stopped by someone who has a bigger stake in the outcome. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Rawhide




IMDb: 8.0
51 min

Favor and crew drive the herd into an area populated by farmers who have previously waged a range war against cattlemen. A group of farmers warns Favor to keep his men and cattle off farmland, but a thunderstorm causes some of the horses to stampede and a farmer is killed. The man's death threatens to start a war between the farmers and the drovers. Written by Henrietta Demina

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Rawhide




IMDb: 7.5
51 min

A rattlesnake spooks Pete's horse followed by a steer goring him resulting in him bleeding too much to be moved. Favor and Rowdy ride into a nearby town for a doctor but find the residents ruing a lynching the day before. Before the men can leave with the doctor, the town is taken hostage by the family of the lynched man. They plan to hang the Sheriff who they captured and the leader of the lynch mob Kels Morgan. Favor hides Kels in a dry well. Favor and Rowdy try various ideas for help but when Kels can't be found, the Mason family threatens to burn the town. In a secret town meeting Favor reveals where he hid Kels but the town members decide they must confront the Mason family. The youngest of the Masons has tried to stop his father so when he sees there may be bloodshed he tries to ride for help while the girlfriend of the lynched man confronts Kels. Unexpected results in both situations ends the situation but not without pain. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Rawhide




IMDb: 7.8

Mr. Favor's found some dead Indians in front of a house of a woman, who is so shocked, that she can't say a thing.

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Rawhide




IMDb: 7.7
51 min

Favor finds a young woman Jenny near a burning cabin. She tells the men she burned the cabin after her folks died from a disease she thought might be contagious. She joins the drive until it can reach a town and safety for her. She attracts the attention of the men but especially Rowdy and Dave. Dave is overly aggressive toward her causing friction and fights. Dave's actions result in his death when Jenny goes to meet some friends. In reality she is the girlfriend of the bandit Blake who with his younger brother and Jeb plan to rob the drovers of their pay when a paymaster brings their wages outside Silver Springs. During the night Jenny rides out to see Rowdy who has been very nice to her and is on patrol. She distracts him while Blake knocks him out. Rowdy is used as a hostage to force Favor to wake the men and disarm them. As time nears for the paymaster to arrive, Favor sows the seed of distrust with Blake's brother who passes it on to Jeb. When it appears Blake might try to keep ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Rawhide




IMDb: 8.0
51 min

Favor hired several hands along the way and some of the men are of questionable character and disputes crop up between the drovers. One man is on a quest to kill a younger drover he believes is a gunfighter. The herd has come to a point where it faces crossing a dry plain with limited water or turning back and losing a couple of weeks. One of the hands lost a herd on the route himself but supports Favor's decision to make the crossing. During the crossing tempers flare in the heat and long hours. Ultimately Favor is proven wrong on some of the men he hired. When no water is found, several men lead by Pete leave the drive. When the midpoint waterhole turns up dry, even Favor questions his own decisions and they may lose the herd. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Rawhide




IMDb: 7.4
51 min

Favor and Rowdy are trailing some missing cattle when they lose their trail in a ghost town. A man Matt Lucas says he is alone in the town as a caretaker for the mine. As the men start to leave, they hear organ music leading them to two women who were seized from a stage coach ambush and held for ransom. The women (mother and daughter) are being helped by Ed Cory who had stayed to care for the church. The mother, who has never forgiven her husband for abandoning her for a saloon woman, has tried to turn her daughter Angie against men causing them to quarrel amongst themselves. Having only pistols to go against Lucas and his son Waldo's rifles they decide to try to sneak out that night. However, Angie decides to stay with Waldo who promised a new style of life. Favor and Rowdy capture Matt but Waldo threatens to kill Angie so they are forced to turn over Matt and their guns before they escape. They find their missing cattle and horses so Favor has Rowdy ride for help but he is hit. ... Written by chipe

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Rawhide




IMDb: 7.7
51 min

The herd must pass through a high pass and chubasco (high winds) so Favor picks up extra hands before he starts the push. The men are anything but trustworthy and loyal. That night an educated man Tom Bryan comes into camp driving a wagon looking for a job. Favor realizes he has no experience but decides he can use the man's wagon to haul the extra bedrolls of the new drovers. The next day in the daylight Rowdy sees Tom and instantly starts a fight with him. Favor breaks it up and eventually is told Tom was a prisoner in the war who cooperated with their captors. Jefferson Devereaux rides into camp asking to search it looking for his wife and the man who ran off with her but Favor refuses to let him. Later, when Rowdy finds a bridal veil, Favor learns Tom has Sally Devereaux with him. She tells Favor Devereaux paid her foster parents for her hand but she and Tom had planned to marry when she was of legal age. Devereaux returns to tell Favor if Sally and Tom are not turned over, his ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Rawhide




IMDb: 7.8
51 min

One of the young cowboys happens upon a man hung upside down, burned, and branded with an S. The wrangler Rivera who recently joined the drive tells them it is the mark of bandit Sanchez who controls the area with a heavy hand. The young cowboy later spots Rivera gathering seeds. When the young cowboy asks Rowdy about the seeds, he is told they are coyote weed which is poison to men and cattle. The men are nervous about Sanchez and during a problem with the cattle stampeding, Favor is forced to allow the young cowboy be killed to save the herd as Rowdy protests. Rivera poisons the men's food and signals Sanchez. Wishbone finds an antidote to the poison and Rowdy catches Rivera with the poison. Rivera escapes as Sanchez attacks and Rowdy is forced to leave Favor to handle Rivera to save the men and herd. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Rawhide




IMDb: 7.3
51 min

Gil hires on an unusual drover - a preacher run off by his gold-crazed parishioners. Gil's steer-men constantly try to wheedle the location of the gold-strike from Brother Bent, whose preaching against the worship of Mammon cost him his pulpit. Gil's much more concerned with a gang of cowboys following the herd, but staying out of sight. Written by David Stevens

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Rawhide




IMDb: 8.2
60 min

Favor is worried about what they will face going through a 8000 foot narrow pass to get to the town of Gorham on the other side. As they approach it, Rowdy is missing after Wishbone treated him for an ailment but is found asleep in the wagon. He returns to the herd while Favor talks to the nearby town leaders about bringing the herd through at night to ease problems. Rowdy interrupts to report a sick steer which everyone believes is anthrax. The townspeople tell them to remove the herd. They search the herd for other that sick steers but only one is found as Rowdy collapses with a fever. Favor isolates Rowdy with himself and Windy plus he has to prevent his cowboys from fleeing, . Needing help, Favor rides into Gorham for a doctor but the only medical person is a nurse Betsy, daughter of the pharmacist. They return to Rowdy where she looks for anthrax symptoms but does not find them while the townsmen arm to keep the cattle and drovers quarantined.. When rain threatens, Favor puts ... Written by David Stevens

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Rawhide




IMDb: 8.0
60 min

Gil finds the killer of a stray steer is the gorgeous head of a female Wild West sharpshooter show, stranded in dangerous Comanche territory with a broken wheel. Their male manager left them and took two of their horses. Gil invites the Annie Oakleys to travel with the drive, to the delight of all. As she sees Gil make his men treat the women with respect but with the respect of the men the women's leader Hannah Haley locks Gil in her rifle sights. Gil's pushing his cattle to cross a nearby river where it is shallow, but so are a menacing crew of leather men with a wagon train of cow hides. Run by Joe Blaney he has a well known gunman Troxel to enforce his plans. Gil offers to flip a coin to see who crosses first because the second to cross will have to wait 2-3 days for the river bottom to recover. Two of Joe's men drunk try to take Hannah's sister Emily but Hannah shoots Dawson in the back killing him. The body is returned to Joe's side of the river where Troxel is sent to get the ... Written by David Stevens

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Rawhide




IMDb: 7.5

Favor is driving a late herd and is short on hands so he hired young Lance Ford who wears a mask to hide his face. The men believe he is wanted gunman. A man named Brazo saying he had to shoot his horse walks in asking for a job and is hired. That evening Pete pushed by Wishbone tries to unmask Lance but is stopped by Brazo. The men believing Lance and Brazo are gunmen after each other are surprised that Brazo is the older brother of Lance. Brazo is a gunman for hire in range wars. Lance reveals the mask hides a burn scar on his cheek. He leaves to take gun job in Barker Springs for rancher Slate Prell. Brazo, Favor, and Rowdy ride into Barker Springs where they hear how Slate has killed people including the husband of Rainy Dawson who runs the restaurant. Slate confronts Brazo but everyone leaves peacefully. Back at camp Lance rides into camp shot in the back for refusing to kill Brazo. Brazo returns to Barker Springs for revenge with Favor and Rowdy following. Brazo kills each of ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Rawhide




IMDb: 8.2
60 min

The Rawhiders suffering from a dry spell ask Jed Reston permission to graze on his land. Jed offers his vast, heavily-guarded land for grazing after Jed's son Matt whips Commanche Taslatch. Favor learning Taslatch has been framed declines a meal with the Restons. While in Bixby getting supplies, Favor gives Taslatch's son a handful of candy sticks when the store owner ignores him versus two white boys. Upon returning to camp Jed visits them telling Favor to have his herd off Reston's land in 24 hours or he will start killing the herd. Favor's only option is to go south on Comanche land to make the deadline. Favor and Rowdy avoid a lashing and gain access to the Comanche land when Taslatch rescues them. Taslatch is scratching to establish a farm adjacent to Reston and the townspeople are helping Reston stop him. When the store won't give Taslatch a plow he ordered and paid for, Favor steps in to get it for him. As they return it to Taslatch, they find Jed has burned out Taslatch ... Written by David Stevens

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Rawhide




IMDb: 7.6
60 min

The herd is stopped by high water at a river for a few days and Favor refuses to allow the men to go to town. The half-crazed southern Colonel Millett who Favor served under in the war comes into Favor's camp one evening with a pretty woman Narcissa and announces he's hiring men to help him set up a new Confederate Empire of Panama. He is providing weapons and $50 in gold to each man who joins. One dim-witted cowboy, Jesse, decides to leave as he believes Narcissa is in love with him. In reality she hopes to use him to entice others to join. Favor sensing more men will leave decides to cross the river before the water has subsided. It fails and he loses one young drover who couldn't swim. The men, upset with Favor's admitted mistake, join Jesse. Narcissa and the Colonel know they need Favor to lead the men try to entice him to join them letting slip the Colonel plans to rob the Army payroll at a nearby fort the next day. Favor turns them down leaving to rescue his men. At the same ... Written by Michelle

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Rawhide




IMDb: 7.8
60 min

Gil breaks his own rule when the trail boss lets his boys go wild in a town with a crooked roulette wheel and watered drinks. Before leaving camp Rowdy has Favor hold his money to protect it. Rowdy decides to check out the town by window shopping. The Marshal's luscious young wife desperately seeking any way to escape him, steals Rowdy's empty wallet but returns it to him. Rowdy is a perfect foil, as she meets him at the blacksmith shop telling him she is in trouble and needs $50 to leave. As Rowdy asks Favor for his money, a fight breaks out in the saloon over the crooked roulette wheel. Favor tries to remove his men but a dealer and drover Billy are killed. The men leave town with Favor promising to return to settle with the Marshal. At camp Rowdy asks for his money but Favor sensing a ripoff refuses. Rowdy picks a fight and quits the drive to get his money. He returns to give Clovis $50. She refuses it knowing Rowdy is in danger telling him to leave town while the Marshal's tiny ... Written by David Stevens

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Rawhide




IMDb: 8.4

A stagecoach running fast loses control and turns over with a full load of passengers as Favor, Rowdy, and Pete watch. They find the six passengers are unhurt but the driver has a sprained ankle. The stage is being stalked by a mysterious rider with a black satchel. Favor lets the passengers ride with the drive when he notices that now they are being stalked by the mysterious figure. That evening the man comes to the camp so Favor offers him food. His name is Jardin and he's a paid assassin known as The Executioner. He's come for one of them but he's not saying who. The passengers, driver and even the drovers are nervous around him wondering if he will pick a fight with them as he never draws first. The salesman decides to leave on a stagecoach horse while Kenley who fancies himself as a gunman draws on Jardin and is killed. Favor asks Jardin to leave but the next day he follows the herd. Favor has Rowdy ask him to give them space as he is slowing the herd as drovers quit. That ... Written by tomtrekp

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Rawhide




IMDb: 7.8
60 min

The drovers stop at a church to fill their water barrels. Father Fabian does not allow guns inside the mission which causes a problem when Wishbone raises a row during a wedding resulting in the drovers being tied and gagged. After the wedding Rowdy finds it is an old army buddy Buzz Travis who's getting married. Buzz is marrying the daughter of wealthy rancher Justice Cardin. The drovers are all invited to attend the reception which Favor accepts. On the way there they meet Ward Mastic, Cardin's embittered stepson who wants what he claims is rightly his. That evening Mastic makes an appearance to talk to Cardin. Cardin offers %5,000 but Mastic steals $75,000 followed by pistol whipping Cardin resulting in his death the next morning. Mastic waits for the men coming after him inside the mission with guns as revenge for his rifle being broken by Faterh Fabian when he was a boy. Rowdy has come back to help Buzz but Buzz is wounded and Rowdy caught without a gun as a worried Favor arrives... Written by tomtrekp

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Rawhide




IMDb: 7.8

The drovers setup camp and food is served when a tumbleweed wagon pulls up. The drovers want nothing to do with it until they notice beautiful Dallas Storm is one of the prisoners. That evening Dallas and two members of the Storm gang try to escape. As Dallas and one of the escapees go for the remuda horses, Favor and Rowdy stop them. Favor and Yates take charge of the tumbleweed wagon with the six prisoners left en route to Fort Craig where they will drop off the prisoners for trial. They bury the deputy and take the wounded marshal with them in the wagon. Since a member of the Storm gang escaped, they are worried about the Storm gang coming after them. Favor takes a route up a river and a shortcut hoping to avoid them. Dallas tries to set a fire to escape but is taken prisoner herself by Sinclair who has a history of killing women. The prisoner Norm stops Sinclair. At a deep river Favor and Rowdy try to pull the wagon across the river with horses using a block and tackle. Luke ... Written by tomtrekp

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Great Indoors

The Great Indoors


The Great Indoors

IMDb: 6.8
21 min

When Jack is unable to help Eddie get through the pain of his divorce, Brooke steps up to be his friend.

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Wabbit: A Looney Tunes Production

Wabbit: A Looney Tunes Production


Wabbit: A Looney Tunes Production

IMDb: 7.2

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HD Wabbit: A Looney Tunes Production

Wabbit: A Looney Tunes Production


Wabbit: A Looney Tunes Production

IMDb: 7.2

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HD Wabbit: A Looney Tunes Production

Wabbit: A Looney Tunes Production


Wabbit: A Looney Tunes Production

IMDb: 7.8

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HD Yonderland




IMDb: 7.7
22 min

Debbie heads into the Imperatrix-controlled Darklands to rescue a top scientist who has been hoodwinked into making a weapon of mass destruction.

Genre: Comedy, Fantasy,
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HD Top Gear USA

Top Gear USA


Top Gear USA

IMDb: 7.0
44 min

Tanner, Rutledge and Adam make versions of their favorite TV and Movie Cars and compete to see whose is best. Tanner races the new Subaru Impreza WRX STi across an iron mine against a dirt biker and Steve Schirripa takes to the Top Gear test track. Written by Anonymous

Genre: Documentary,
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HD Gold Rush: Alaska

Gold Rush: Alaska


Gold Rush: Alaska

IMDb: 8.9
62 min

As each crew attempts to hit their final goals, a fist fight on the Hoffman claim ends in a resignation. Tony's plan to relocate his dredge hits a brick wall and Parker records the biggest gold weigh of his life and teases his next big adventure.

Genre: Reality-TV,
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HD Fanboy & Chum Chum

Fanboy & Chum Chum


Fanboy & Chum Chum

IMDb: 0
24 min

Fanboy and Chum Chum split a two-pack of Strawberry Fun Fingers. Except, they open the package to find a bonus Fun Finger! The boys are going to watch a movie, but movies from the future require tons of power and the town suffers a blackout because of it. Written by Anonymous

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HD Fanboy & Chum Chum

Fanboy & Chum Chum


Fanboy & Chum Chum

IMDb: 0
24 min

It's Chum Chum's birthday and Chum Chum is certain that Fanboy is going to get him the best present ever because that's what he does every year!/While playing in the school's oldest bathroom, Fanboy pulls a bejeweled plunger out of a gilded toilet. Written by Anonymous

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