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Master of None


Master of None

IMDb: 8.5
28 min

Dev and Arnold hang-out with Arnold's Grandpa, who tells them a cool war story (and Arnold becomes very attached to his Grandpa's robotic seal). This inspires Dev to stick around when he and Rachel visit Grandma Carol at her retirement home and Rachel has to leave mid-visit. Written by Alex Coutts

Genre: Comedy,
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HD MythBusters




IMDb: 6.8
44 min

Tory, Kari, and Grant test the cartoon myth that it is possible to propel a sailboat by blowing on the sails while on the boat. Adam and Jamie see if common movie sound effects sound like the real thing.

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.4

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HD MythBusters




IMDb: 7.3
50 min

Adam and Jamie accepted the challenge from fans' mailbags to retest the Archimedes death ray. In turn, fans and the MIT team were invited to perform this challenge. Can they win the challenge against the MythBusters' secret weapon, Project X? Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD MythBusters




IMDb: 7.6
50 min

The American Civil War was fought with polished bayonets, unreliable muskets and bulky cannons. But was that all? Not according to the Mythbusters: Adam, Jamie and the build team join forces to find out if the Confederate Army had a secret deadly weapon. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD MythBusters




IMDb: 7.4
50 min

In this episode of MythBusters, Jamie and Adam explore a titanic sized legend. Will a sinking ship suck you down as it goes under? Bored goldfish or just plain stupid? We'll find out if goldfish can remember anything for longer than 3 seconds. A musical myth with highly explosive results, will putting a lit firecracker down the neck of trombone make your music any sweeter? The MythBusters don't just tell the myths, they put them to the test. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD Rookie Blue

Rookie Blue


Rookie Blue

IMDb: 8.7
44 min

The officers of 15 Division are still reeling in the aftermath of the unexpected death of one of their colleagues. When they discover that a laptop has been stolen containing sensitive information, they set out to tie up several of open cases and discover a police informant who might have been compromised. Written by Anonymous

Country: Canada
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Rookie Blue

Rookie Blue


Rookie Blue

IMDb: 7.9
60 min

Andy and Traci are part of a massive first response to a home invasion at an upscale address - an incident that ends up spilling many of the officers' personal secrets. Once the crisis appears to be over, Traci hurries off to handle a personal emergency, leaving Andy alone to confront the armed predator, a surprisingly volatile thief left prowling around the house. Written by ABC Publicity

Country: Canada
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Cheers




IMDb: 7.7

Don Santry walks into the bar and into Rebecca's life. He's the repairman called into fix the bar tap. Although Don is not Rebecca's usual type, Frasier talks her into taking a chance when she states that someone like a Don is what she should be going after. Quickly, she falls head over heals, but Sam thinks she's settling for second best. He wants Rebecca to be his fall-back if in a couple of years he has not found Mrs. Malone. Rebecca shoots back that he is an aging Lothario way past his prime. Frasier suggests to Sam, who is hurt by Rebecca's comments, that perhaps there is some truth to Rebecca's assertion about him and that he would benefit by group therapy for sexual compulsives. Sam does go to the meeting, and after a rough start, he does admit that perhaps he is no longer happy with his life. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Cheers




IMDb: 7.6

The gang decide to watch an old Red Sox game on a classic sports channel, a game in which Sam played. As this game took place during one of his drunk years, Sam is unsure if he played well or made a fool of himself in the game. Since he finds out he pitched three innings in the game, he assumes he played well. After Sam makes a big deal about watching the game, Carla reminds him that that game was indeed not one of his finest moments. Sam does whatever he can to prevent the gang from watching it. Meanwhile, Norm is being audited. The auditor is Dot Carroll, a gravelly-voiced, chain-smoking, no-nonsense, scary tough broad. Norm, the ex-accountant, knows he can fudge his way through the audit even without legitimate receipts, but when his tricks don't work, he resorts to a tactic suggested by Carla: flirt. It works, much to Norm's dismay, as Dot invites Norm back to her hotel room. But a faithful Norm now doesn't know what to do as Dot expects a sexual evening. Norm learns that what may... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Cheers




IMDb: 7.5
30 min

It's Elvis' birthday, and Elvis-fanatical Carla believes that he will make his presence known today. By the end of the day, she will get a visit from a King of a different sort. Meanwhile, Sam has some hair problems. He needs a hair cut - in his own mind, it is a need. Tony, his hair stylist, has been in a serious car accident, and is thus unable to cut Sam's hair. Sam is devastated, not for Tony but for himself. Woody offers to cut Sam's hair for him, and although initially reluctant, Sam does let Woody do the job. The resulting cut ultimately makes Sam feel like he owes one to Woody in return. Frasier decides to bring yet another one of his therapy groups, namely a low self-esteem group, into the bar to expose them to a real world social situation. They start off slowly, but Norm, Cliff and Paul, with their regular bar chatter, help them out. Ultimately, they all come to a common point of discussion: pompous fool Frasier Crane. What will Frasier think of his group's new self-esteem ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Cheers




IMDb: 7.6
30 min

Norm is chosen the bar's designated driver for the evening. As such, it starts off to be the worst evening of Norm's life, until... Meanwhile, Mr. Gaines is sending Kelly to study in Europe for a year in an effort to break-up Kelly and Woody's relationship. Woody decides to give Kelly a promise ring before she leaves. She initially accepts it, but gives it back after she and Woody get into an argument about her father's motives. Distraught, Woody decides to rush off to the Gaines household and with Sam's help - solely to hold the ladder - he plans to elope with Kelly. After Woody and Kelly discuss the issue, Mr. Gaines ends up unwittingly deciding their immediate future without he even knowing that he did so. Sam offers less support in the matter. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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IMDb: 7.4
30 min

Woody's theater group is mounting a production of Hair, and unbeknown to Woody it has a nude scene. Despite everyone in the bar trying to convince him of that fact, he thinks they are all pulling his leg, that is until he reads it in black and white in the script. He is nervous about it until the director tells him that individuals can decide to take off their clothes or not based on how their mood sways them at the time. Being the professional that he is, Woody wants to be true to the production and wills himself to do it despite how uncomfortable he is. Will he when the time comes? Carla has her own problems. Eddie's will has finally been executed, and while Gloria, his other wife, got $100, Carla got everything else, which unfortunately was only debt. In discussion, Carla and Gloria negotiate splitting the $100, to which they also mutually agree that Carla would give Gloria half of everything that she would have got as well. Carla and Gloria end up being good pals, chumming around ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Cheers




IMDb: 8.3
30 min

What is... Jeopardy! (1984)? The answer is the show that is coming to Boston for a one-time only appearance and that Cliff has made it on as a Boston-based contestant. Cliff is cocky about his chances of winning. He is even more sure of winning after he sees the Jeopardy! board topics. An incident at game itself makes Cliff question his long held fascination with the game. A subsequent personal meeting later with Alex Trebek at Cheers restores his faith in what he can do for the overall good of mankind... or at least anyone who watches Jeopardy! Meanwhile, Sam's little black book is missing. Apparently the current holder of the book is working his way alphabetically through the book, calling up women and making dates as Sam to meet them at the roller rink, with the women to wear a black leather mini-skirt and French cut panties. The mystery person is currently at the H's and so Sam enlists Rebecca's help to set a trap for the mystery man. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Cheers




IMDb: 7.8
30 min

Due to declining business since he has decided not to work, Norm has to fire his secretary, the mild mannered Doris. He writes her a letter of reference, which in her warped mind she misconstrues as a love letter. She confesses her supposed mutual love for Norm. Despite subtle and not so subtle hints from Norm, Doris just won't leave him alone. Frasier tells Norm that she is suffering from lack of self-esteem and he needs to build up her confidence to get rid of her. But a confession by Doris as to why she wasn't attracted to him when she worked for him gives Norm the idea of how best to get her to stop loving him. Meanwhile, Woody and Rebecca bore the gang with their respective stories. Woody's is about the coldest day ever in Boston, knowledge of which ultimately comes in handy. Rebecca's is about the antique desk that Robin has given her as a gift. He has let her know that there is a ring associated with the desk, the 'where' he will divulge to her next he sees her in two weeks. ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Cheers




IMDb: 7.9
30 min

Sam is trying to save money to buy back the bar, but things are going slowly. Rebecca suggests he sell his beloved Corvette to raise the money. After deliberating, he decides to do so, but he makes the process difficult for anyone to buy the car. After selling it and getting a cheaper replacement vehicle, he has seller's remorse. Can he get his beloved car back? Meanwhile, Norm is swamped with painting work, so Rebecca and Woody suggest he hire some painters to work under him. Norm is reluctant as he wouldn't know how to act as the boss. He does end up hiring three guys - Rudy, John and Scott - who end up being more buddies than employees. Their work ethic is lax. When Norm thinks out loud that he needs to hire another tough guy to be the boss, Frasier suggests that all he needs to do is develop an alter ego. The alter ego Norm develops is named Anton Kreitzer, who is akin to a Nazi dictator. To further the masquerade, Norm rents office space for him and Kreitzer, and hires a meek ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Cheers




IMDb: 7.8
30 min

Sam is dating a young woman named Erin. Sam meets Erin on the pretense that he is totally into athletics - tennis, hiking, cycling, running to name a few activities - since she implies that's what she's into, and will only date men like that. After a few dates, he becomes so tired that he feels he needs to call it off with her, but will he be truthful about the reason? A little less active are Norm and Rebecca. Norm hasn't had a painting job in months. Rebecca just had another interview at corporate for a marketing executive job, but seems to be is getting nowhere in the company. So she suggests to Norm that she use her considerable marketing skills to help him market his painting company. Norm is reluctant to do so, until Rebecca threatens him with something called his bar tab. Rebecca has an expensive marketing plan up her sleeve. In Rebecca's mind, Norm's company is her new career when they get their first new client based on the marketing. When she finds out that she lost the ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Cheers




IMDb: 8.2
30 min

The Cranes are going on a driving vacation, and Lilith admits to Sam that she doesn't know how to drive and would like him to teach her. He soon regrets saying yes as she becomes an aggressive, maniacal driving machine, with Sam taking the brunt of other drivers' wrath against her. Meanwhile, Rebecca gets her photo taken for a newspaper article. However her photo gets printed in the wrong and unfortunate section of the newspaper. And Cliff is going into the hospital for an appendectomy. He's making a big deal about the life and death nature of the surgery. While in the hospital, he gets no visitors as everyone at the bar assumed that someone else had gone to visit him. Frasier volunteers only since he has to make rounds at the hospital anyway. When he arrives at Cliff's room, he finds out that Cliff has already been discharged. Frasier makes some disparaging remarks about Cliff which Cliff overhears. Cliff is hurt that no one came to visit, Frasier leveling with him that perhaps it is... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Cheers




IMDb: 7.8
30 min

Frasier and Lilith's wedding is nearing, and their best man and maid of honor, Sam and a very surprised Rebecca, are throwing them each a bachelor/bachelorette party. However Lilith is annoyed at Frasier's increased frequency of snide remarks about marriage and sees it possibly as a sign he is having second thoughts. So she says to him directly that she will give him his freedom if he so desires, and will await a telephone call from him after the party to tell her if he still wants to get married. An unexpected guest at the bachelor party makes Frasier really contemplate into what he's about to enter. Frasier calls Rebecca's, where the bachelorette party is being held, to talk to Lilith. That call makes Frasier think even more about the wedding. Lilith has made a decision of her own, one induced by alcohol, a male stripper and a missed telephone call. By the end of the evening, Sam comes to some conclusions of his own about the joys of single life. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Cheers




IMDb: 7.5
30 min

Cliff has bought himself a new condo in a singles building. He starts dating Sally from the building. The guys at the bar are anxious to meet Sally, but Cliff says that Sally wants Cliff all to herself and would rather stay in all the time. In reality, Sally is a shy, Plain Jane who would really love to go out with Cliff, but Cliff is embarrassed by her looks. Based on advice from Rebecca, Cliff decides to become Sally's Henry Higgins. Meanwhile, Rebecca has started smoking again to relieve some stress in her life. However she quickly realizes that it was a mistake and wants to quit, a task more difficult than she anticipates. Frasier suggests that she associate smoking with the most vile act she can imagine. As such, she tells Sam that if she smokes another cigarette, she will sleep with him. So Sam does whatever he can to catch her smoking. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Cheers




IMDb: 8.1
30 min

Things at Cheers have changed. Sam has sold the bar to a large corporation and with the proceeds of the sale, bought a boat and is sailing around the world. As employees, Woody and Carla are forced to wear corporate uniforms. The new manager, Rebecca Howe, is a beautiful but tough as nails boss who has worked her way to this position from a business school background. Norm and Cliff no longer frequent the bar, as don't many of the old regulars, except Frasier. Norm gave the new Cheers a shot, but as a new crowd started populating the bar, the old refrain, Norm! as he enters, has left their vernacular. Diane's book deal didn't work out, and is in Hollywood writing for television. And Carla and Eddie have broken up. But the one constant: Carla is again pregnant, this time with Eddie's child. Into this new world, Sam throws everybody for a loop and returns to Cheers; apparently, he sank his boat when he hit a reef in the Caribbean. He came back to the bar, not in an effort to buy it ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Cheers




IMDb: 8.4
30 min

Sumner Sloan, Diane's ex-fiancé and old English professor, tells her that he submitted one of her old unfinished novels to an editor at a publishing house, the editor who sees promise in it and sees the possibility of it being published. Diane hasn't yet finished it, in fact she hasn't written anything since she started working at Cheers. Sam secretly overhears their conversation, and thinks that their impending wedding may be holding Diane back in her writing career, something she's always wanted. Sam and Diane discuss her writing career in relation to their marriage, they both feel that in the immediate future only one of the two will happen. Each has his/her own feeling of what should happen, each being so steadfast in their view to an extreme. Sam's perspective is based on a daydream he has about himself and Diane in old age together, she having forgone her writing career. When push comes to shove, one of the two makes a unilateral decision for the two of them, that person who has... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Cheers




IMDb: 7.6
30 min

On his postal route, Cliff is bitten by a dog, and decides to sue the owner for $200,000. Madeline, the dog's owner, ends up being a beautiful, voluptuous woman, but one that is up front about wanting to help Cliff despite the fact that she has little money. Cliff and Madeline start dating, the gang at the bar thinking that it only a ploy on her part for Cliff not to sue. Cliff realizes this is the case, but is still dating her in hopes of trading dropping the lawsuit for a roll in the sack. Madeline announces to everyone that her lawyer wants her to get Cliff to sign a waiver to absolve her of any responsibility, but she refuses to do so. Perhaps Madeline really does like Cliff. Or maybe she's got other methods of getting her way. Madeline and Cliff make it all the way to bed in a nice suite at the Ritz, when... Meanwhile, Diane is off on a Buddhist monastery retreat for a couple of weeks. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Cheers




IMDb: 8.0
30 min

For the bachelor party the guys at the bar throw for Sam, Woody offhandedly asks Diane if she would be the girl who jumps out of the cake. Although she abhors such male sexual rituals, she agrees if only to stop someone else from pleasuring Sam. At the party, just as Diane is ready to come out of the cake, Norm makes a comment which makes Sam reexamine out loud for the first time this wedding and the fact that Diane will now be the one and only woman in his life. After jumping out of the cake mad at Sam for his comments, Diane later offers Sam a proposition: she will give him a last 24-hours of freedom to do whatever he pleases with whomever he pleases. Sam excitedly agrees until Diane throws in that she too will have her last 24-hours of freedom to do whatever she pleases with whomever she pleases. Will Sam still go along with Diane's plan and if so what will he do and what will she do? Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Cheers




IMDb: 7.4
30 min

Eddie Lebec, a newly acquired goalie for the Bruins, comes into the bar prior to a game. Eddie is currently the hottest goalie in the league. Since the start of his winning streak, Eddie, a superstitious person, will not stray from his regular routine, which includes a drink of club soda, no ice, 2 slices of lemon and a red straw. Eddie and Carla hit it off and start dating. Carla is excited but anxious that something will go wrong to ruin the relationship. On the day Eddie publicly declares Carla as his girlfriend, a game against the Flyers goes into OT, and as soon as Carla blows him a kiss of good luck, Eddie's winning streak comes to an end. Is the only difference in his routine the fact of Carla being in his life? With others in the bar, Diane is called to jury duty, to which she is named foreman for an attempted murder trial. Despite being sworn to secrecy, Diane talks about the trial to anyone who will listen, that really being no one. And a depressed Frasier is sad about the ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Cheers




IMDb: 7.5
30 min

When Sam goes away on vacation, he chooses Woody to be boss at the bar. Woody is prepared to do so, but unprepared for the Dear John letter he receives from Beth. Wanting to explain in person, Beth and her fiancé, Leonard Twilley - who Woody knows - plan on stopping in Boston on their way to Niagara Falls. Although Woody is sad, he is more fearful of looking pitiful in Beth's eyes by not having his own girl on his arms. Seeing that Beth and Leonard's stopover is a short one, Diane thinks that making up a girlfriend for Woody is not a bad idea. However Beth and Leonard's stopover is a bit longer than either Diane or Woody thought, and Beth suggests that they, including Woody's girlfriend, go out for dinner. As a last resort, Woody picks a name out of Sam's little black book - Desiree Harrison - who, according to Sam is the best and has multiple stars next to her name. When Desiree comes to the bar at the appointed time, she is not what quite Woody expects. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Cheers




IMDb: 7.8
30 min

Diane is doing some part-time teaching at the college and tells Sam that one of her students is falling in love with her. The problem is that she prides herself on being attracted to men solely on their inner beauty, but this guy, whose name is Lance Apollonaire, is drop dead gorgeous which is stirring animal passions in her. He is also young and a student. Sam thinks she is making this story up to make him jealous, especially with such a made up name as Lance Apollonaire. Is Lance real or a figment of Diane's let's make Sam jealous mind? Meanwhile, Cliff has reached one of his goals in life, that to become a member of a lodge called Knights of the Scimitar. He wants to invite all the guys into the lodge as well, they all really not wanting to join. He does eventually talk Norm into joining as it's a good place to make business contacts. Norm breezes through the interview and gets into the lodge, which he admits is made up of a bunch of good guys despite his sole original rationale ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Cheers




IMDb: 7.8
30 min

Diane goads Sam by dating other men, namely Chad. Sam doesn't seem to care, but does. They have a battle over who can bother whom the most by Diane's act or Sam's reaction. Meanwhile, Norm has added financial counselor to his resume and has made a tidy profit for one of his grateful clients. The gang at the bar all want in on Norm's next big investment opportunity, but he is reluctant to tell them what it is as business and friendship don't mix. Easily plied with free beer by Sam, Norm does reveal his next investment: Tan 'N' Wash, a combination tanning salon/ coin-operated laundry. Despite being skeptical, Sam, Diane, Cliff and Carla all buy in fearing losing out on Norm's winning streak. Despite moving into the winter season when people are searching for an easy tan, the timing may not be quite right as Boston is experiencing an Indian summer. The questions become whether the four nervous investors will weather the financial storm, whether Norm will indeed let them out of their ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Cheers




IMDb: 8.5
30 min

Frasier is scheduled to appear on the debating television show Psychology This Week. However he decides to cancel when the original opposing colleague to appear cancels and is replaced by Frasier's one time terrible date, Dr. Lilith Sternin. Frasier is not too enamored with Dr. Sternin, or so he says. Diane thinks it's love. Frasier's passionate diatribe against Dr. Sternin in Diane's mind is not the opposite of love - indifference is. But before Frasier can cancel, Dr. Sternin comes to the bar to speak to him to the lay the groundwork for the debate. As their pre-show meeting turns into a name calling argument, they decide to proceed with the debate to one up the other in a public forum. Diane believes she has the answer to address both Frasier's latent romantic feelings for Dr. Sternin, and Dr. Sternin's stated wish to one up Frasier. Diane's plan takes an unexpected turn during the debate. Although the debate and reaching the goal of Diane's plan don't quite come off as expected, ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Cheers




IMDb: 8.0
30 min

Norm continues to have supposed problems with his sister-in-law Donna, which is made worse by Vera's absence. Meanwhile, Diane returns to Cheers, despite her assertion that she would never step foot in there again, if only to apologize to Sam about accidentally eavesdropping on his and Janet's private conversation. Diane doesn't have an opportunity to do what she wants, but gains some intelligence on how best to get the upper hand in her and Sam's relationship, which leads to a public spectacle. The aftermath of that spectacle leads to Sam coming to a conclusion about his marital life. Sam picks up the telephone and tells the person on the other end that he wants to marry her. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Cheers




IMDb: 8.0
30 min

The gang at Cheers is in competition with the gang at Gary's Olde Towne Tavern again. This time it's baseball, and Cheers is whooped, despite having former major leaguer Sam on the team. Gary comes to Cheers to gloat, which leads to another contest, this time in bowling. Diane not only has contempt for the competition, but for bowling itself as well. Carla figures that all bowlers are beer guzzling slobs, and thus Cheers has a shot at winning. It doesn't seem likely after the tryouts. However Carla finds out that they might have an ace in the hole in the form of Woody. Woody has other things on his mind though as he hasn't bowled since 'the accident', where his ball made a pin fly through the air which in turn struck an innocent bystander. Woody refuses to bowl. Can Cheers win without Woody? A further wager between Sam and Gary may spur an ace in the hole to participate in the competition after all. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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IMDb: 8.0
30 min

Diane is more distracted than usual. She wants to buy an autographed first edition copy of Ernest Hemingway's 'The Sun Also Rises' for $500, but is short of cash. She contemplates asking Sam for the money, but hesitates based on their history. But she does ask, and Sam surprisingly agrees. Despite stating that he doesn't need to know what the money will be used for and that he never expects to see the money again, a grateful Diane says that she will repay him. A couple of weeks pass, Diane has purchased the book but Sam hasn't seen a penny of repayment. In fact, Diane seems to be spending a lot of money of late on little luxuries for herself. When Sam learns from Carla that Diane bought one book with the money, he does take his frustrations on not getting repaid out on Diane. As a display of good faith, Diane gives Sam the book as collateral until she pays him back. An incident with the book brings Sam and Diane closer together, but perhaps not quite in the way Diane anticipates by ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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