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HD The X Files

The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 7.6
43 min

Reyes and Doggett, with the aid of a young Mulder-worshiping FBI agent, investigate a father who is exhibiting bizarre behavior regarding his son who he has kept hidden from the outside world.

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The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 7.8
45 min

Mulder contacts Scully which sets off a chain of events involving an NSA man obsessed with speaking and giving information to Mulder.

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The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 8.7
45 min

The X-Files team must protect Agent Scully and her unborn child as groups of Super Soldiers try to stop her pregnancy.

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The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 8.2
45 min

Doggett and Mulder unwillingly team up investigating an oil rig where some mysterious murders have happened and the possibility of the Black Oil being involved is a haunting reality.

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The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 8.2
45 min

Scully stumbles upon a woman whose abductee experience and symptoms are amazingly similar. The fear now is that both their upcoming births will be to non-human offspring.

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The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 7.9
45 min

Doggett and Scully once again butt heads on their latest X-File which involves a boy who has returned after being missing for ten years but still appears to be seven years old, the age he was the day he was abducted.

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The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 6.2
45 min

Two strikingly similar women, who do not know one another, cause people to erupt into violence upon each other, whenever these two women come in contact. Mulder and Scully set out to solve the mystery of this unexplained violence involving the two women. Written by Muldernscully

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The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 8.3
45 min

Mulder and Scully investigate the apparent murder of a magician who was decapitated just minutes after he was able to perform the trick of turning his head around 360 degrees. The agents are perplexed when Scully discovers during the autopsy that the deceased died well before he performed his final trick. Written by Muldernscully

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HD The X Files

The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 7.9
45 min

Five years have passed since Scully escaped from Donnie Pfaster, an obsessed death fetishist. When Reverend Orison helps the madman escape from prison he immediately turns to the one that got away...Scully.

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The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 8.1
45 min

Rob Roberts has an addiction to human brains. As he tries to control this overpowering hunger and turn his life around, Mulder and Scully try to find out who the brain-eating monster is.

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HD The X Files

The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 7.6
45 min

A mayor of a small town asks Mulder and Scully to investigate Daryl Mootz, a man who apparently can make it rain at will. The mayor believes Mootz is responsible for causing a local drought so that he can charge individuals for rain on their farms. Written by Muldernscully

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HD The X Files

The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 8.9
45 min

Mulder goes in search of the Queen Anne, a British luxury liner, that mysteriously disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle in 1939. After being shipwrecked, he gets pulled aboard the Queen Anne by a crew that believes they are still in 1939. Meanwhile, at the FBI, Scully tries to get the Lone Gunmen and Skinner to help her locate the lost Mulder. Written by Muldernscully

Country: USA
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HD The X Files

The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 8.8
45 min

Mulder and Scully are sent to Chicago after after a telemarketing firm receives anonymous threats. The company is particularly concerned as they had an employee go postal in a different office and wants to avoid another dangerous incident. One of the company's employees, Gary Lambert, is convinced that his boss Greg Pincus is literally a monster who no one else can see for what he really is. Lambert takes everyone, including Mulder, hostage but during the incident Mulder realizes that Lambert may not be the deranged madman everyone is making him out to be. Written by garykmcd

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HD The X Files

The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 8.1
45 min

Mulder and Scully's investigation into a mass shooting in a coffee shop leads them to believe that the targets were not the low level drug dealers and wholesalers who were killed but rather Donald Geldman who had been sitting at a table working on his laptop computer. The Lone Gunmen tell Mulder and Scully that Geldman was one of the original computer geniuses who disappeared years before. His laptop leads the agents to a hacker, Esther Nairn, who goes by the name Invisigoth. She tells them of a vast government conspiracy involving artificial intelligence that allows them to see everything and take action against all enemies. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD The X Files

The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 8.7
45 min

The origins of the Lone Gunmen and their relationship with Mulder are revealed in this episode. All three were at a computer and electronics trade show in Baltimore in 1989 when they put their antagonism to one another aside to help a woman, Susann Modeski, who claims her boyfriend kidnapped her daughter. In fact, she's a government scientist on the run from security officers. She tells them about a massive government conspiracy and they inform their new found friend Mulder, who finds it all a bit far-fetched. Written by garykmcd

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HD The X Files

The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 8.9
45 min

In a flashback to 24 hours earlier, Scully returns to her apartment to find Mulder waiting for her return to tell her that there is a dead man in his apartment. He now accepts that he has been duped all of these years into believing the UFO conspiracy and is convinced that Scully may have been given her cancer as part of that plot. He also believes the conspiracy reaches into the depths of the military and the FBI. Mulder uses the dead man's ID to infiltrate the defense research agency where Kritschgau is employed and learns why the military started the UFO hoax. The Cigarette Smoking Man finds something interesting in Mulder's apartment. Scully learns that the ice core samples have interesting microscopic life forms. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD The X Files

The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 8.8
45 min

Agent Scully appears before a committee chaired by section chief Blevins to account for her and Mulder's recent activities. A Canadian geodetic survey team has apparently found an alien frozen in the ice in the Yukon. A friend of Mulder's at the Smithsonian let's him know of the find and they set off to join the team and see it firsthand. They're not prepared for what they find. Scully meanwhile arrests Michael Kritschgau, a one-time Department of Defense employee, who has an amazing story to tell her - one that will rock the very foundations of Mulder's beliefs in the existence of extra-terrestrials. With her cancer worsening, Scully begins to reexamine her faith. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD The X Files

The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 8.0
45 min

Mulder and Scully investigate a series of deaths after reports that people are seeing the victims' ghosts just before they die. All of the victims were young women and in the most recent case, a bowling alley owner saw the victims spirit floating above the pin sorting machine at the end of one of the alleys. When they examine the bowling alley, they find the message 'she is me' on the floor. Harold Spuller works at the bowling alley and is slightly autistic. He lives in an institutional setting and to the local police, he is the prime suspect. Mulder begins to believe there is a psychic connection between the current and the next victim. It bodes ill for Scully who is still having nose bleeds and then sees a victim's spirit with the 'she is me' message in a bathroom mirror. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD The X Files

The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

Mulder is intent on saving Jeremiah Smith from the alien bounty hunter if for no other reason than he hopes Smith could save his mother who has suffered a severe stroke. Smith takes him to rural Alberta where he reveals another aspect of the conspiracy: fields where bees can pollinate that are tended by children, several of whom are identical to his sister when she was abducted at age 12. Scully meanwhile believes she has found a connection between smallpox vaccinations and the encrypted files she' located. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD The X Files

The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 8.7
45 min

The agents become involved in the case of a shooting in a fast food restaurant. What interest them the most is the story of a patron who tried to talk the shooter into giving himself up. After several patrons are shot, the man heals them by laying his hands on their wounds. He also has the ability to change his appearance at will. In the middle of the investigation, Mulder learns that his mother has suffered a stroke after a visit by the Cigarette Smoking Man who, it turns out, has known her since before Mulder was born. The man from the fast food restaurant isn't the only shape-shifter however and someone is clearly out to kill him. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD The X Files

The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 8.5
44 min

Scully and Mulder investigate a series of bizarre murders committed by a man who says he saw the killer on TV. They conclude that several people in the community are affected somehow and Mulder believes that the TV signals are being altered in some way. He finds a device in the cable connections at the telephone pole and the Lone Gunmen confirm that there is additional information being transmitted along with the regular broadcasts. He concludes that the signal creates a sense of paranoia in the recipient, preying on their deepest fears, something that is confirmed when Scully sees Mulder sitting in a car, joking and laughing with the Cigarette Smoking Man. It's up to Mulder to bring these experiments to an end. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD The X Files

The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 8.7
44 min

Scully and Mulder investigate a series of deaths, all of which have been ruled to be suicides. Connected to all of the suicides is Robert Patrick Modell who has confessed to the crimes on the telephone and who the FBI has been trying to apprehend. When they do, the car carrying him is in a major traffic accident. Mulder comes to believe that Modell has the ability to suggest to people that they commit suicide. How he does it isn't known and not surprisingly, Scully is skeptical about it all. It all comes down to a battle of wills between Modell and Mulder. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD The X Files

The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 8.9
45 min

Now aboard the mysterious train, Mulder locates the car containing the scientific equipment and what appears to be the autopsy room he saw in the video he purchased. There is also an assassin on board who claims to work for the NSA. When they are locked in, he reveals that there is a bomb aboard which is set to go off and destroy any evidence on the train. Scully meanwhile traces her implant to a medical research facility in West Virginia which she feels provides a logical explanation for what has been happening - rogue medical research by a Japanese scientist working without authority. Mulder remains convinced the work was to create a human-alien hybrid. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD The X Files

The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 8.7
45 min

After Mulder buys an alien autopsy video from a mail order house in Allentown, Pa. he thinks he may be onto the real thing. He goes to Allentown with a skeptical Scully to find that the man who distributed the videos has been murdered. They arrest a trespasser in the house only to learn from Assistant Director Skinner that the man is a senior Japanese diplomat. The papers he was carrying however point to the use of rail cars as rolling laboratories as well as the recovery of what was supposed to be a Japanese submarine. Scully meanwhile meets a group of women with whom she may have a particular affinity. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD The X Files

The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 8.0
44 min

Five male teenagers in Connerville, Oklahoma were reported to have been struck by lightning, and one of them has survived. The most recent death draws Mulder and Scully in, and at the confrontation of local law, they must solve the case before they, too, are fried. Written by EJS

Country: USA
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HD The X Files

The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 8.0
44 min

Three deaths have occurred around Richmond, Virginia. The only traces which each of the victims seem to have left behind are black scorch marks of unknown origin. Mulder and Scully are called in by an old student of hers, and the search for the truth begins in its shadows. Written by EJS

Country: USA
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HD The X Files

The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 9.0
45 min | 60 min

Samantha tells her brother about the shape-shifting Alien Bounty Hunter and why he is out to kill all of them. With Scully taken prisoner by the Alien Bounty Hunter, Mulder arranges to swap his sister for her. Snipers are in the woods to take out the alien creature but it does not go well. The swap takes place on a bridge and while Scully is safe, Samantha and the bounty hunter fall into the waters below. Mulder's father gives him an envelope Samantha had left for him and as a result he goes to a women's health clinic in Maryland. There he gets a greater understanding of what is really going on. When Mulder disappears, it's Assistant Director Skinner who goes the extra mile to find out where he's gone. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD The X Files

The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 7.3
45 min

Scully and Mulder investigate the death of a Marine working at a Haitian refugee camp. He drove his car into a tree and his death has been ruled a suicide but the man's wife simply doesn't believe he would have done that. Their investigation unearths rumors that the camp commander, Colonel Wharton, may be systematically abusing some of the detainees. There are also rumors of voodoo and curses but neither agent is prepared when someone completely unexpected suddenly appears. They get help from a young lad in the camp, Chester Bonaparte, but there are secrets in the camp that they may never solve. Mr. X warns Mulder that the military may be behind it all. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD The X Files

The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 7.9
45 min | 60 min

Mulder and Scully are called in by a Sheriff who believes a local cult is subjecting some of the town's teenagers to some type of ritual. Several of the teens have appeared after a night in the woods, semi-naked with 'He is One' written on their backs. The Sheriff is convinced that the turban-wearing cult that has made their home in the area is responsible and wants the agents to help him get the evidence he needs. As the agents gather evidence however, they begin to think something far more sinister is going on. All of the teens involved were treated by the same doctor and none had any history of normal childhood disease. They are certain he was experimenting on the them but neither are prepared for Scully's revelation - one of the men she sees in town is the man who killed Deep Throat. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD The X Files

The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 8.6
45 min

Everyone, including Mulder and Scully's mother, had pretty well given Scully up for dead when she suddenly reappears at a Washington hospital. Details are scanty - the hospital can't really say how she got there - but she is comatose and on a ventilator. With the help of the Lone Gunmen, Mulder learns that her DNA has been altered and that her immune system has shut down. The mysterious Mr. X fails to make contact with him and Mulder hen goes after the Cigarette Smoking Man, ready to do whatever is necessary to save his friend and partner. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD The X Files

The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 8.8
45 min

Mulder sets out with agent Alex Krycek to find Scully, who has been kidnapped by Duane Barry. He's getting very little support from his superiors, including Assistant Director Skinner who wants him out of the case. Mulder believes Barry has kidnapped Scully to offer her to his alien abductees in the hope they will leave him alone. Mulder thinks he knows exactly where he is going but it soon becomes obvious that there are some who will go to great lengths to stop him. Skinner for his part makes a fateful decision. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD The X Files

The X Files


The X Files

IMDb: 8.8
45 min

Mulder is called in to act as a hostage negotiator when a mentally unbalanced convict, Duane Barry, takes four people prisoner. Dwayne believes he's a alien abductee and he believes aliens are coming back to get him. He's also a former FBI agent. Mulder contacts Scully and she does a bit of research for him. What she finds calls into question everything Duane has said. By this time however, Mulder has become a hostage in exchange for one who has been been seriously wounded. When it's all over and Duane is back in the hospital, they discover strange pieces of metal in his body. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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