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HD CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation


CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

IMDb: 7.4
45 min

Grissom, Brown and Willows investigate the death of an old woman who lived in a house full of cats. She had been dead for several days and was evidently stabbed. Two children living across the street say they saw the old woman's argue with her next door neighbor. A wall safe in her bedroom was also broken into. Stokes and Sidle meanwhile investigate when a car is blown up and the owner has no idea why anyone would try to kill her. The evidence, including fingerprints on a piece of the pipe bomb, all points to the woman's husband who works in the family demolition business. Written by garykmcd

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HD CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation


CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

IMDb: 8.8
45 min

A staged suicide harks the return of a serial killer. Catherine and Gil Grissom, while at court, finds the the residing judge looks exactly like this killer. Grissom investigates the judge's past and finds a startling answer.

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IMDb: 7.5
24 min

Captain Tom Greenleigh (Greg Mullavey), a reporter from Stars and Stripes visits the 4077 to report the second first-ever open heart surgery. (Hawkeye did the first one in OR, Season 3, Episode 5.) Margaret is irate because Donald has their joint assets frozen. Klinger wants Greenleigh to film him depicting Scarlett O'Hara and Rosa Moline. Major Ego acts like a total ass. Greenleigh has major hots for Margaret; she blocks each of his approaches, saying she hates men. In post-op, Hawkeye finds Major Ego's open heart patient in a bad way and tries to alert him, but Chuckles accuses Hawkeye of jealousy. As the real doctor prepares to save the patient, Major Ego goes from scoffing disbelief to hand wringing. Margaret slams martinis at the Officers' Club with Honey-cutt tending bar. Greenleigh finally picks the right time, place and words to get through to Hotlips. The next morning, Margaret is singing... but Major Ego's hands are still wringing. Will he allow Capt. Greenleigh to ... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 6.9
45 min

Newsreels highlight this one-hour special. Minutes mean lives at the M*A*S*H units and reporter, Clete Roberts, has returned to speak again to the 4077 personnel. Everyone is present or in flashback, from Lt. Colonel Henry Blake and Trapper John McIntyre ...even pesky, loveable lug, Major Frank Burns rounds out the current cast as the reporter questions the guys and gals of the 4077. At home, Her Royal Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, is crowned at age 27, Marilyn Monroe pouts and waves, Joe DiMaggio throws and slugs, Nixon seems to ponder and Albert Einstein and Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion chat in a garden as the Korean War wages. Pres. Truman (Give 'em hell, Harry!) defends US foreign policy, Nixon does Watergate prequel lite and DDE promises to go to Korea... while GIs from 16 nations are being wounded and dying. The continued battle of war and peace, love and hate that evolves between Hawkeye and Margaret is well illustrated. There is drinking, practical joking, singing,... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.7
25 min

After 11 days of no casualties, the Swamp Rats are so bored, they invent Cranko, a game mixing chess, poker and checkers (over gin) in one game. Radar purloins Boston's turntable to play the new platters the 4077 received; Colonel Potter believes it will alleviate boredom. Klinger teaches Radar how to be a disc jockey and talk the talk to spin platters. Suddenly, the OR gets beyond crazy, Col. Potter encourages Radar to keep the tunes a-coming. The wounded soon overflow into the Mess Tent, Officers' Club and The Swamp as adjunct hospitals. Klinger is scrounging for blood--especially the AB- blood one wounded GI desperately needs. The medical staff is forced to use plasma; everyone is on automatic pilot. Radar becomes a cool cat; his confidence over the air grows quickly. Colonel Potter continues to request the same version of Sentimental Journey sung by Doris Day (23 times). Can a drunk bomb disposal expert with AB - blood save the day? Is there any presence more comforting than a... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.6
25 min

Margaret finds out who her friends really are when Klinger accidentally throws out her wedding ring from Donald with the 4077 trash. Hawkeye and BJ are frustrated when they are trying to perform an arterial transplant, but they do not have a vascular clamp small enough to control an artery without crushing it. How come the Army can make a gun that will level a village 30 miles away, but they can't come up with a tiny surgical tool that will save a man's leg? Colonel Potter suggests they talk to the U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers, but they are not available; neither the good doctors nor Private Zale can build a clamp that works. So, Hawkeye and BJ find a jack of all trades: a master craftsman who can... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.8
25 min

The indispensable Company Clerk is down in the mouth and finally, art gets to imitate life. Radar's grandmother took one look at Uncle Ed's eyes when he returned from WWI France and she could tell he had been a bad boy: Grandma cried for 3 days. Radar is sure his mother will take one look at him and laugh for a week. Hawkeye has a simple prescription: get a jeep, go to the Pink Pagoda in Seoul and get it done. But, Radar's jeep is hit and Hawkeye feels like Judas. He operates frenetically on Radar and then goes on a drunken tear. An early A.M. breakfast OR session catches Hawkeye off balance and the next day, his patient catches Hawkeye out of his mind. Father is so acrimonious, he is prone to violence. Colonel Potter and Margaret yell at Hawkeye in duet. When Hawkeye tries to apologize to Radar he is given directions on where to go and what to do. Colonel Potter gives Radar some wise counsel. When Hawkeye and Radar finally speak again, conversation is stilted but Hawkeye manages a ... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.9
25 min

A little wave of jealousy ripples through O.R.: Ferret Face heckles Margaret about her absent fiance and their no wedding date engagement. Margaret calls Donald and tells him what Frank said and Lt. Col. Penobscott (Beeson Carroll) rushes to the 4077. He says he wants to talk to Frank. The couple asks Father Mulcahy to marry them and all of the officers are thrilled but, Frank has a case of the runs. The nurses give Margaret a bachelorette party and Klinger crashes, bearing a touching gift. The guys throw Donald's Stag Smoker in The Swamp...all parties are beyond drunk and filled with jocularity. The Swamp Rats want a special surprise for Margaret...but how can they wrap Donald like a present? Margaret is a radiant bride in white, on the arm of Colonel Potter and Klinger is resplendent in lilac; even Hawkeye is clad in his Class A uniform. A helicopter and truck cut the ceremony short. After O.R., the happy couple is put on a helicopter to Tokyo. Margaret is so, so happy, she even ... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.5
25 min

Hawkeye is becoming obsessed with the youth of the patients he is seeing in O.R.; he calls them babies. Hawkeye starts sleepwalking. On his first jaunt, he meets Klinger on guard duty, calls him Scooter and dribbles a pretend basketball. He tells Scooter about his new tennis shoes and asks Scooter about their new principal, Vanderhaven; he admires Scooter's BB gun. Then, he asks Nurse Able to go to the park and play ball; he returns to The Swamp and tells BJ nobody would play with him. The next day, Hawkeye is tired and totally nonplussed: he has never, ever been a sleepwalker; Potter and the gang (except for Frank) worry about him. In post-op, Hawkeye chats with one of his baby patients about Crabapple Cove. That night, he meets Radar and Klinger while he is sleepwalking; this time, he is playing hopscotch and playing marbles; Radar is Stinky. Scooter and Stinky put Hawkeye to bed. When Hawkeye starts sleeping, he has bad dreams about his childhood pals and from these, he ... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.5
25 min

Radar has the toughest duties at the 4077. He has to disturb the officers' slumber if there is an emergency; Margaret is not all sweetness and light when she is wakened. It is Radar's responsibility to safeguard all valuables belonging to wounded patients. When the jeep of Col. Chaffey and his men is run off the road by a U.S. tank late one night, it is SOP for Radar to take Chaffey's vintage 1884 Colt .45 chrome revolver with bone grip and give him a receipt. Frank helps Radar store some rifles later that night and they both admire the beautiful old gun. Radar is the only one with keys to the gun cabinet and to the other bins where possessions are stored; he even showers with these keys. When the Colt .45 turns up missing, it is Radar who faces 15 years in the stockade. Radar says he will enter during infancy and leave during his adultery...Radar is so upset, he gets drunk on 1 beer. Everyone tries to help their pet Corporal; the camp is searched. Will the thief allow Radar to be ... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 8.0
25 min

Radar is trying too hard. He has the same kind of ESP with Col. Potter that he enjoys with everyone else, but Radar thinks being around Potter is like staying with his aunt instead of his mother - he just cannot relax. Col. Potter writes home to Mildred to wish her Happy Anniversary: he, too, is having trouble relaxing. He is the new kid on the block and although he likes most of 4077, they all have their foibles. He finds Hotlips and Frank curious when they come to take his photo. A wild wounded horse is spotted by a chopper pilot; Radar insists BJ and Hawkeye help rescue the animal. In his letter to Mildred, Potter playfully gossips about Frank and Hotlips and gives tidbits about the others. Frank and Hotlips have commissioned a bust of Potter in wood for the Anniversary. Animal lover, Radar, determines to keep the horse. Henry used to allow him to keep pets; but, as BJ aptly points out, Potter is not Blake. Radar cannot hide a horse from an old cavalryman! At the unveiling of ... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 9.3
25 min

In one of the best remembered and most emotional episodes of the entire 11 year series, Radar has an announcement for Henry in O.R. Henry Blake has received his discharge: he is finally going home to Bloomington, Illinois, to his wife, Lorraine, and their children, the country club and his medical practice. The entire 4077 gang is thrilled for Henry and they wish him well; gifts are gotten, parties are thrown and all sorts of final memories are made. But, the entire gang is sad to be losing such an integral part of the 4077 gang. Radar, in particular, is losing the man who was a father to him. The final farewell formation is memorable; even Hawkeye and Trapper show up to tell their friend and leader a fond farewell. Some farewells are fonder than others. Klinger dresses to kill. As Henry starts to leave, Radar steadfastly holds his salute to his departing C.O. until Henry finally acknowledges him. Since the episode, Ceasefire, Radar has grown into a young man; scrapbooks and jokes ... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.8
25 min

Three masked men try to steal penicillin from the 4077 supply shed; during gun play, one gets caught in Klinger's boa. The young man's tags read Cpl. Charles P. Perkins, but his voice says little. The 4077 poster boy for Crazy In Army (CIA) Colonel Flagg (Edward Winter) shows up, posing as a rabbi, Capt. Goldberg and wearing ridiculous glasses. Flagg tells Henry: We don't joke in the CIA. But someone has a sense of the absurd. Radar finds out that Perkins was KIA, but Flagg demands to interrogate the young man, whoever he is. Flagg frees Perkins, and inflicts several injuries to his own person. Flagg meant for the 4077 to believe he was ambushed and overtaken by Perkins but Trapper and Hawkeye are wise to the insanity that is Col. Flagg. The officers learn interesting facts about the dedication of their brothers in medicine, like Medic Johnson of the 415th Army Infantry. They also want to know how Flagg takes his coffee. Will it be one lump or two for the King of Pain? Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.5
25 min

In the Army's infinite wisdom, Hawkeye is named Payroll Officer for the enlisted men at the 4077 and Radar pays the officers. Hawkeye has $10 left from the enlisted pay; Radar looks at the scrip like he is facing a firing squad. All Hawkeye wants is to nibble on a giggly nurse; Radar keeps coming at him with paperwork and dire predictions. Hawkeye shrugs him away, waxing poetic about what the U.S. Army SHOULD be paying him... unfortunately Radar writes it all down. Most of 4077 sits in a poker game; Trapper loses everything but his charm. In the next pay envelope, Radar smells the firing squad coming closer: $3,000.00 for Hawkeye. So, Hawkeye makes a huge donation to Father and the orphans and tries to continue nibbling. Kim Chun Quoc (Jack Soo) is Korea's Tiffany's on wheels; he sells Frank two strands of pearls: one fake set and one genuine set. Margaret finds out and plays her hand cleverly, never once doubting Frank's rat-finkery. When Captain Sloan, Supervising Acc-Fin comes to ... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.8
25 min

MacArthur is coming, MacArthur is coming (this is surprising since Mark W. Clark took over 15 episodes ago at the end of O.R.) Everyone shows his or her usual level of excitement and/or contempt. Blake is ordered to make certain Klinger stays de-frocked. Looking for kudos back home (and higher fees on tonsillectomies) Blake orders all troops to de-shambilize the 4077. The entire camp is white-washed, festooned in red, white and blue, and parade viewing stands proudly adorn the compound. A brief inspection of Mac's VIP quarters is more than enough for Hotlips to achieve lift off (even with Ferret Face.) At the rehearsal, Radar is a corn-cob smoking stand-in for the man of the hour. But, there are excruciating SNAFUs lurking beneath the usual ones labeled Situations Normal. Even Radar drops his pipe. But, Klinger burns. Whether for Mac or just for a Section 8: Klinger burns for America! Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.1
25 min

Hawkeye and Trapper apologize to Korean medical assistant, Kwang, on behalf of the entire U.S. for Frank Burns. Frank gets on Kwang's case for his own ineptitude. The Swamp Rats learn Kwang is about to be a father and his wife is in enemy country so they try to arrange a 3-day pass. Private McShane is trying to marry a Korean girl who Hawkeye and Trapper recognize as a B-girl. The guy with the Parker Brothers diploma, Dr. Pak (not Pat Morita) tries to bribe the Swamp Rats to pass McShane's fiancee on her physical. There are all types of business going on at the 4077. Just ask Radar Benjamin Franklin Trapper John Henry Kwang! Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 8.1
25 min

I Company aid station sustained heavy shelling; 4077 are to provide trained personnel until replacements arrive. A surgeon was KIA, and they need a cutter, scrub nurse and a corpsman. Hotlips volunteers. The doctors draw sausages and Hawkeye is drafted; Fr. Mulcahy picks Klinger's card for corpsman duty. Everyone is scared to death; they cover with jokes. Grumpy calls Snow White to check in; the conditions are appalling. There is no roof and no running water; few of the walls are standing. Even Klinger gets hands on and Margaret is promoted to actual cutting. The trio works so hard, they each sleep happily on their mats. Back at the 4077, lonely Radar sleeps in Hawkeye's bunk; Henry drinks gin and frets. At the aid station, Margaret is jubilant: they did it! They made chaos orderly and achieved the 8th wonder. On the ride home, Hawkeye makes a sweet confession to Margaret. Klinger dons his best bonnet. Be it ever so much like an upholstered toilet, there's no place like home. Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.8

After Hawkeye makes an insulting remark about Margaret, Frank snaps him with a towel and Hawkeye responds with a nicely placed right cross to Frank's eye. Hawkeye is then placed under house arrest and instead of being treated like a criminal, he is treated like a conquering hero for what he did even to the point of getting some very tasty water buffalo steak and having movies shown in the Swamp. In the meantime, Colonel Reese, the woman in charge of all the nurses in Korea, arrives to observe Margaret and her staff and, for some strange reason, becomes attracted to Frank and tries to seduce him. Also, Radar begins acting very strangely, even having the hem in his pants let out two inches. Written by Brian Washington

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.7
25 min

Trapper, Hawkeye and their golf clubs are going to a medical conference in Tokyo. At a bar, they meet Major Anthony Borelli (Robert Alda) a civilian medical consultant lecturing at the conference. He is amused the drunken duo plan to skip lectures; they try to explain meatball surgery and exactly what it is they do in the war. Dr. Borelli is unfamiliar with the M*A*S*H model, as he served in WWI and WWII. Intrigued, he visits the 4077, where he introduces a new procedure regarding arterial grafts; limbs that used to be severed can be saved. The guys run through the paces to get the needed live artery but the conditions catch up with Borelli. Can Borelli talk Hawkeye through the surgery? Will Hawkeye be more understanding when he is on his third war? Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.4
25 min

Henry Blake will tell everything he knows about sex. Actually, he speaks on birth control; all 18 of the UN peace-keeping forces are cautioning their men not to litter Korea. Margaret asks Frank for a loan to help her sister and he refuses. Trapper writes his 7-year old, Becky, about his life in Korea. He describes Dr. Pierce as a good egg, but grumpy in the a.m.; Dr. Burns is sort of like a substitute teacher that stays all year. Trapper tells Becky about a case of hypothermia Frank pronounced dead without first checking the carotid artery. Not even Shirley Temple can keep Klinger and Zale from fighting. Poor Henry loses a patient and he is upset. The guys want him to unwind with the 4077 at the 1st annual Polly Adler B'day cookout, picnic and BBQ with proceeds to Sr. Theresa's Korean orphans. All booths are doing well except for Klinger's gypsy $1.00 per kiss booth: you would not believe what the nurses expect for a dollar! But Henry is not having fun. Hotlips is frosty to Frank... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.9
25 min

Intelligence shows the 4077 is not being shelled, but Radar prefers to rely on his own senses. Henry and Father are both trapped in a shelled latrine; poor Father is so dazed, he revisits his childhood. Frank refuses to operate on a North Korean and he is not happy with the new UN nurse from Costa Rica, Nurse Sanchez. Another patient comes in, but he is booby-trapped: boom-boom, as per Sanchez. Intelligence confirms the U.S. is shelling itself. Huzzah! Sanchez affixes herself to Hawkeye and Trapper tries to affix himself to Hotlips when they get stuck in the Supply Room; trust Trapper to always find the bright side in a crisis! When Frank and Hawkeye rescue them, Hotlips denies and Trapper leers. Frank is so crazy with jealousy, he proposes. But what? Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 8.0

The 4077 is packed with Greek soldiers, right before their Easter. The surgeons discuss Greece as the cradle of modern medicine; even Frank knows Hippocrates. Col. Andropolis visits Henry; he is a very genial man. Grateful for the excellent treatment of his men, Andropolis ships a feast for his men and the 4077, including a lamb and a bathtub of ouzo. Outraged about the upcoming Bacchanal, Frank goes to Father's tent to write him a letter in protest. Trapper and Hawkeye discover Private Chapman inflicted his own gunshot wound; they keep it a secret from Frank. When Radar meets Sunday's main course, he cannot countenance his slaughter. It may be Henry's keister on the line but a flight on Bo-Peep Airline is authorized to fly to Iowa. Ouzo can cure a whole lot of problems: you can take the lamb out of Korea but you cannot take the Spam out of the lamb. Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.7
30 min

Radar loves animals; besides his zoo, he feeds a stray dog. Unfortunately, the dog bites Radar; unless they find it, Radar will have to take rabies shots. Frank does not believe in psychiatric cases and calls a GI with hysterical paralysis bug-nutty. The more humane Trapper wants to slug him. Cpl. Richard Travis (Michael O'Keefe) is the sole survivor of a tank slaughter. By following the methods of Dr. Sidney Freedman, Hawkeye and Trapper believe Travis can get well and rejoin his unit; the alternative is a lifetime of guilt and paralysis. Sidney cannot get away, so Hawkeye agrees to try to help Travis...but the treatment is as heinous for the staff as it is for the patient. Henry frets as Radar gets sicker and sicker from the rabies shots and Margaret and Frank are appalled at the treatment Travis is getting at the 4077. If a dog and a backbone can be located, they might be in business. Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 8.0
25 min

Hawkeye recounts the well rounded day of insanity, of the previous OR session, on a tape recorder for his father. It starts with a bus full of wounded UN soldiers; Frank is supposed to be in charge of their triage. One soldier, wrapped in a tight sandwich stretcher, is a Turk whom even Klinger calls crazy. With a drugstore already pumped into the Turk's arm, he is still able to slice through canvas, wounds and all, and wave a huge knife at the triage team. Frank is chicken, so Klinger has to give the Turk more morphine. But, the Turkish Rasputin wakes up again, before his surgery; he yells, sedates Henry and escapes. A Luxembourg lieutenant was supposed to be on the bus, but he cannot be found. U.S. soldier, Lt. Smith, really wants Sgt. Bryan taken out of the jeep and given immediate top priority. Colonel Blanche, Commander of Luxumbourg forces, arrives looking for a Lt. Henri Batiste LeClerq; Radar says LeClerq is dead and his body is missing. As Frank and Trapper operate on ... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 8.7
25 min

Hawkeye leads a Mess mutiny against a river of liver and an ocean of fish; Henry gives him a semi-private chewing out for the mess in Mess. As Hawkeye idly plays with the office skeleton, Henry uses the word rib. A light bulb illuminates and leads to some of the most complicated, precision maneuvers since WWII and Operation Overlord. Everyone has had a taste for a particular food or meal that cannot be satisfied by anything less than the actual food... and it is usually requires some effort. But, Hawkeye's craving is 20,000 miles away! Will Hawkeye get his special meal, and his special sauce? Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.7
25 min

Henry is drinking bi-carb as he listens to the griping of Hermann Goering in drag, (Hotlips) going on and on about putting a poor little nurse on bed arrest. Radar tells Henry an enemy attack is imminent; Henry regards it as the best news of the day. The nurses are taking the patients to the 44th Field Hospital and the men will be left to fend for themselves and try to fight off the enemy paratroopers. The guys gain new, genuine appreciation for the nurses; they miss them, especially when they have to do their jobs. The 4077 nurses made it all look so easy--the guys find out how hard their jobs really are. Will the nurses return from the cushy 44th Evac? Will they miss the guys at 4077...even half as much as the guys miss them? Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.7
25 min

With Henry in Tokyo giving a lecture, Frank turns into Carry Nation. He calls Trapper and Hawkeye alcoholics; his surveys show 57.230% of all military personnel in the Asian theatre have a drinking problem. So Frank declares Prohibition. Fr. Mulcahy is asked to give a temperance lecture and he has a packed house; naturally, he is a bit nervous. He is better with the standards. Klinger suggests a bracer that will take the good priest there and back again. When all hell breaks loose, will the 18th Amendment be repealed, for good? Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.4
25 min

Trouble at home: Henry's Lorraine might be fooling around and Father's Sister the Nun is thinking of leaving the Order. A young Korean married to a Jewish GI has a male child and needs to arrange for her baby's bris. Father found a rabbi on the Carrier Essex to help him perform the Jewish ceremony if Hawkeye can do the actual circumcision. Naturally, Frank and Hotlips are both nagging him about unauthorized and elective surgery. Trapper and Hawkeye try to find hidden presidents to win a pony. How will Henry and Francis deal with the women in their lives? Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.5
25 min

Enlisted men will fall into the Mess Tent to receive their physicals while officers will examine themselves and vice versa in private. When it comes to the cream of American military womanhood, doctors can do nothing while alone with them but give them a good going-over. Or so says the new Army regulation. (Go, JAG!) Hotlips gets to play doctor with Hawkeye; as Henry examines the devil's slipcover. Trapper will not allow anyone to examine him...he is worried. Trapper has a million dollar hole in his belly, a real, live duodenal ulcer. Henry and Hawkeye say it is his ticket out of Korea. There's a huge bash planned to send Trapper on his way and Hotlips is a little snoggered. But, those wacky Army regulations... How on earth will Hawkeye (and Hotlips) ever stand it without Trapper? Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 8.0

It is a beautiful Spring day that makes one yearn for a group lobotomy. Trapper grabs a nurse; Radar wants to grab pretty Lt. Simmons (Mary Kay Place) and Henry grabs some golf. In the field, nostrils flare as Hotlips and Frank grab each other. A hairy English rose reads Rupert Brooke... and a telegram. She said yes! Hawkeye almost gets grabbed by a disturbed feline fondler, but his new buddy, Gargantuan Marine, Lyle Wesson (Alex Karras) saves him. And he keeps on saving him! Henry arranges a wireless wedding between Korea and Toledo with Father Mulcahy presiding. The brides wore white. Were Scott and Zelda on the guest list? Will there be dancing and/or twirling? Boy, they sure throw some weird parties, huh? Does the Jr. Swamp Rat finally get slaked? Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.9
25 min

It is just another day: $10 to anyone who can tell Trapper where he slept last night. Lots of UN Forces are represented in OR; Hawkeye draws an Ethiopean patient he cannot understand. Poor Henry drops almost as many instruments as he uses; Hawkeye worries he may have arthritis. It could be his ticket home. Hawkeye and Radar enjoy a few quality minutes before Radar's blood drive; Klinger carries a litter with Hawkeye's Ethiopean. Hawkeye gets the nicest fee he will ever know when his grateful Ethiopean kisses his hand: the currency of a kiss is international. As Father Mulcahy takes true confessions to write to a wounded GI's wife, Trapper wonders when the promiscuous soldier had time to get wounded (and he cautions Father not to send the letter.) MacArthur gets paper thrown on him; Hawkeye hopes it was bundled. When a stabilized patient sickens, Hawkeye and Henry perform the first ever open heart massage at the 4077. Henry says it is the greatest thing he has ever seen. Klinger breaks... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.9
25 min

Hotlips always gives visiting generals her special kind of welcome and Lt. General Robert Iron Guts Kelly (James Gregory) is no exception. On the day of his visit, Igor has to lay low with the crew of local business girls he imported to entertain the enlisted men. Iron Guts is such a 3-star man, he even has stars on the surgical cap he wears in the OR. Hawkeye and Trapper hate him at first sight but at second sight, Iron Guts Kelly takes on a kind of vigor...or is that rigor? His aide-de-camp, Colonel Wortman, is very proud and protective of Iron Guts: if this hero ever dies, Wortman knows Robert Iron Guts Kelly will perish in a full-scale blazing, glorious, star-spangled death. He certainly would not die with his boots off, of myocardial infarction, in the arms of a luscious head nurse. Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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