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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 8.8

The SG-1 team hadn't counted on a real dragon as the guardian, until one flies out, breathing fire. However, Daniel thinks the Sangraal probably is a hologram. They escape, but the dragon follows them outside. Ba'al admits not to know its secret name, while Daniel believes that the name probably holds power over it. While they guess, Cam thinks of luring the dragon to blow it up, but the C4 barely impresses its digestion. Daniel makes it disappear by using Morgan LeFay's name in Ancient, Ganos Lal. They find it had guarded the frozen 'grave' of the realm's arch-magician, Merlin (or rather, Myrrdin). Vala accidentally triggers a mechanism, which revives Merlin, when she approaches an Ancient repository device. In the meantime, the team is transported to other planet via the obelisk by the gate outside. Sam surmises that the gate and obelisk are programmed to dial automatically every few hours and transport them to a set of planets that are cut off from the rest of the gate system. ... Written by KGF Vissers and edited extensively by Kyah

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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 8.7

A dream reveal to Vala Morgan Lefay's clues to three planets must be combined to one Stargate address containing symbols for each, and only one qualifies- when they arrive, the local medieval society tells them a week earlier Ba'al was there, and warns nobody ever returned from the quest. The arrival of an Ori force to impose conversion convinces the local library's guardian Orsic, who shows a parchment with cryptic instructions for the Arthurian quest based on five virtues, to help them look for the Sangrail. The first obstacle is a maze through a time distortion field, which leads them to Ba'al, already trapped for three days by a chest which contains nothing, but releases them if everyone puts something in it. Daniel then realizes Orsic is not a local but a disguised Ori, and indeed it's Adria, who decided to enlist them since the prophecy requires searchers of pure hearts, so they solve the next riddles together, practicing each of the virtues... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 6.8
44 min

Ishta and her band of female free Jaffa are in dire need of relocation after the system lord Moloc discovers there whereabouts. O'Neill offers them sanctuary at the SGC while Carter and others try to identify a suitable planet for them. When Ishta is invited to a summit of free Jaffa, she walks into a trap. Meanwhile, Teal'c is upset that his son Rya'c has decided to marry one of Ishta's followers, Ka'ryn. He feels that his son cannot both take a wife and be committed to the cause of freeing all Jaffa. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 8.2
44 min

After the promotions, now General Jack O'Neill feels out of his depth, dealing with paperwork and protocol. At least he gets a new administrative assistant. Two Amran delegates for an interplanetary trade treaty bicker so Jack locks them up. He permits Dr. Bill Lee to research an alien plant but it runs wild all over the base. Commanding SG-1, new colonel Carter orders her back-up team to guard the gate during a mission to a secret Anubis base and is reported missing. System-lord Ba'al demands their exchange for Camulus, a Goa'uld who was granted asylum and offers instead an Ancient power device. It proves priceless, but also booby-trapped. Jack is now gloomy enough to write a resignation letter, but after an iris alert lots of things turn out surprisingly. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 8.9
44 min

The Asgard fleet has managed to destroy the Replicator ship, with Carter aboard, but cannot contain the debris. Talks break down with the System Lords, ending in a Ha'tak being dispatched to test Earth's new defensive capabilities. The Prometheus waits to engage the incoming enemy, but Thor arrives in the Daniel Jackson, with Teal'c aboard. They enlist the help of Daniel and Jack, still in stasis, to remove the threat of the replicators to the new Asgard homeworld. Written by trekkie4christ

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 8.7
44 min

In a last ditch effort, O'Neill activated an Ancient weapon in the Antarctic to defeat Anubis. With Jack still in stasis in the Ancient outpost buried in Antarctica, SG-1 tries to contact the Asgard. Meanwhile their new leader, Dr. Elizabeth Weir, tries to decide what to do about a request for peace talks from the Goa'uld System Lords. Written by trekkie4christ

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 7.9
44 min

At a hopeful mining outpost for Naquadah a member of the survey team is kidnapped by an unknown foe. Based on mining artifacts, Daniel speculates that the creature may have been an Unas. When Teal'c finds the missing man as part of a collection of corpses warning others away from the area, their suspicions appear to be confirmed. Daniel brings Chaka to the planet to help negotiate with the leader of the tribe of Unas. Written by trekkie4christ

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 8.3
44 min

As the Goa'uld summit continues, Daniel finds himself face to face with Osiris. He fools him in the same fashion as he did with Yu, but cannot bring himself to cause the death of Sarah, Osiris's host. He remains to uncover information about the unknown master of Osiris. Lantash, having taken Lt. Elliot as a host, guides the rest of SG-1 in escaping the fallen Tok'ra base. Written by trekkie4christ

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 8.2
44 min

Ren'al of the Tok'ra arrives at SGC to seek their assistance in a strike against the Goa'uld, whose leaders are to hold a summit in an attempt to overcome their differences. It provides the Tok'ra a rare opportunity to strike at the entire Goa'uld leadership. Security will be very tight but each system Lord will be allowed to bring with them one human slave and Jackson agrees to participate as Yu-huang Shang Ti's personal servant. The plan is that once there, he would release a poison gas to kill the Goa'uld symbionts. The Goa'uld lords have to deal with a new unseen foe. While Daniel is at the summit, the Tok'ra base comes under attack. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 7.9
44 min

It's SG-1's turn to start testing a quartet of Air force cadet prodigies for SGC recruitment. After an imperfect performance by their kids, Sam pleads their potential but Jack is most critical, especially because cadet Lieutenant Grogan was left behind (pretending to be wounded). A new problem arises (aliens try and take over SGC) and the cadets are unsure whether this is staged or not. This time their CO, Lieutenant Elliot, proves himself to be a born leader and gives everything he has to get the job done. They almost seem to have pulled it off until Haley pulls a Sam-stunt which changes the scenario for the worse again. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 8.0
44 min

When a chosen boy found on planet Abydos is brought to SGC, he sends a telepathic message, causing Daniel Jackson's personality to undergo disturbing changes. Will the rest of SG-1 be able to solve the mystery of the boy's origin before he becomes a power-hungry warmonger? Written by Brett

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 7.9
44 min

O'Neill and Teal'c test-fly the experimental spaceship X301, created from two captured Death Gliders. While they attempt a test run in the atmosphere, the craft flies into space. A message from Apophis plays to say that the traitors who took his property would die in the cold of space. Can the SGC find a way to bring them back, or will they die drifting ever further from Earth? Written by Anonymous

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 7.8
44 min

Whilst on an archaeological dig at the original Goa'uld home world, Jackson is captured by a young Unas. He tries to communicate with it and slowly builds a rapport. Meanwhile, SG1 comes to the planet to find Jackson and they soon realise that some of the SG members there may have been taken over by Goa'uld. Will they be able to discover which ones in time to rescue Daniel. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 7.9
44 min

Teal'c's Master Bra'tac arrives unannounced, carrying his dying apprentice Moac, rare survivors of a massive ground attack on planet Chulack by Apophis, who now controls the late Sokar's massive armies. As he could have wiped out the Jaffa by space weapons, he must be looking for something or someone- his consort Ammonet's Harsesis child; Daniel only knew the boy is in Osiris's hiding place from Seth, Kheb, which he nor Teal'c can locate, but Bra'tac knows that is a legendary planet the Goa'uld fear and loathe, and combining with Daniel's Pharaonic mythology knowledge it must be one of the Loc'na ko, exhausted mining planets; he even has an address, the only one the Goa'uld never listed on their space map, but Apophis may be mad enough to brave the ancestral fear. When SG-1 arrives, Bra'tac reads tracks of eight Jaffa, all burned as if by lightning, and a priestess they shot, but who took the Harsesis from her? To their surprise, Kheb is not a fortress but an oriental temple, where ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

While negotiating on the new Tollan home world, SG1 are refused any technical weapons help, so O'Neill steals a defense device. He returns to the SGC and is suspended by Hammond. While on suspension, he is visited by Maybourne and told that there is a team off-world that illegally captures technology for Earth. He offers O'Neill command of this team. O'Neill uses the pretense of retiring off-world to leave through the Stargate. But once off-world, he meets Maybourne's team. Is everything as it appears though? Written by Anonymous

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 8.1
44 min

Col. O'Neill, Sam Carter and Daniel Jackson have been taken prisoner by Hathor, who wants one of them to become a host. O'Neill is the one chosen but he gets help from an unexpected source. Teal'c, who has formally resigned from SG command, returns to Chulak where he seeks out his mentor Master Bra'tac and tries to convince the locals to rebel against their captors. At SG command, General Hammond learns of the prisoners' location but after an unsuccessful attempt at rescuing them, joins Teal'c and Bra'tac in a second rescue mission. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 8.5
44 min

The attempt to forge an alliance with the Tok'ra seems a miserable failure, as SG-1 is practically imprisoned as a security risk and considered virtually hostile because 'blending' by accepting to host a symbiont is a bridge too far for each of them. When SG-3 arrives and informs Sam about her cancer-terminal father General Jacob Carter's fast worsening condition, she realizes the symbiont's healing powers, confirmed to apply to cancer, make hosting an offer to good to refuse for him. Garshaw allows Sam and Jack to return and convince both generals to allow the plan, which is achieved. Meanwhile the Tok'ra must hastily evacuate, destroying tunnels behind them, because a large-scale attack by Apophis's troops is expected soon, while Jacob meets his potential symbiotic partner and his equally terminal predecessor to help him decide; Jack verifies his strong suspicion there is traitor among them, communicating with the goa'uld... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 8.2
44 min

When Teal'c makes Sam Carter realize how valuable the knowledge left by Tok'ra Jolinar in her brain and the chance for an alliance can be, they convince general Hammond to let SG-1 attempt a meeting. They arrive on a planet which is deserted on the surface, but are awaited by well-camouflaged, armed Tok'ra who bring them to tunnels which they create by means of a mysterious crystal, which can also undo them afterward. Both parties are quiet suspicious, the team feels like captives, and indeed the Tok'ra leader Yosuuf fears they cannot be released at least until the whole site is moved. Meanwhile the Tauri (earthlings) barely overcome their suspicion against the Tok'ra Goa'uld biology (with symbiont), when already asked to volunteer themselves as 'hosts', and Carter learns Martouf (alias Lantash, symbiotically) was Jolinar's lover, hence has a special connection with her... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1


Stargate SG-1

IMDb: 7.3
44 min

SG-1 visits a nameless planet which fascinates Daniel as a casus of the Broca divide, the cohabitation of stone - and bronze age people: the Touched, aggressive cavemen, and a Minoian urban civilization, the Untouched, but with a twist: it's one population, a disease can turn anyone of the Untouched, who is then banished for life, to prevent contagion, even the king's daughter. Dr. Jackson's frustration when Jack decides to return, because no goa'uld threat is found, won't be repeated as the President has added scientific research to the prioritary objectives, but in this case they didn't leave fast enough: very soon members of the team get symptoms of reversal to an animal state, infecting others on the base. General Hammond is forced to have the whole mountain quarantined. As both Teal'c and Daniel and found to be immune, they return to get a blood sample from the Untouched, while Dr. Fraiser searches frantically for an explanation and cure... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Our Girl

Our Girl


Our Girl

IMDb: 8.0
54 min

Molly is now in a platoon on a six month tour of Afghanistan, led by the young but seasoned Captain James with sarcastic Corporal Kinders. She is one of only two women and the company medic, which is awkward, given her aversion to the sight of blood. She is cheered to meet Smurf, a boy with whom she had a one-night stand back home but perturbed that he seems to have joined up purely to avenge his brother, killed by the Taliban. On an outing to meet a local regiment the group comes under fire. A petrified Molly is saved by Smurf but both she and James sense that his desire for revenge makes him reckless and, after Molly has told James about the brother, Smurf counters by painting Molly as loose, following their night of sex. When the group is again fired upon it is Molly who proves heroic by saving Smurf. He is grateful but tells her that he believes a little girl Bashira, whom Molly, befriended, is a Taliban spy who gave the unit's position away. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, War,
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HD The Whispers

The Whispers


The Whispers

IMDb: 8.0
42 min

While Minx tries to persuade a disillusioned Henry to play one more game for Drill, the race is on for Claire and Wes to thwart John Doe from causing a major incident that could potentially kill millions of people.

Country: USA
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HD Deadbeat




IMDb: 8.2
23 min

In order to meet Instagram celeb Danny Poker, the boys must help the ghost of a wannabe superhero.

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Deadbeat




IMDb: 8.4
22 min

Pac and Clyde's first professional ghost case together involves a dead stoner who can't remember his unfinished business.

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Deadbeat




IMDb: 8.7
22 min

Pac is back. Well not quite yet. Roofies in south America, Sue is crossed on over to the other side. Seems Pac has given up on crossing Ghost over to the otherwise. Living in a Massage parlor now. Pac has to do something to make money without getting screwed over by the dead. Written by gage-24151

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Enterprise




IMDb: 7.9
43 min

Enterprise is back on Earth where the crew visits a conference led by minister Nathan Samuels. Humans, Vulcans, Andorians, Tellarites, Denobulans, Rigelians and Coridanites are discussing the formation of an alliance. Suddenly a woman bumps into T'Pol, telling her to prevent the death of somebody. She hands her a vial with a hair before dying of a phase pistol wounds. Dr. Phlox finds out the hair belongs to a child of Trip and T'Pol, but T'Pol claims never to have been pregnant. Archer asks Samuels about the investigation, but senses he is withholding something. He orders Reed to contact Harris. Harris tells him the woman, Susan Khouri, was a member of the xenophobic organization Terra Prime. Meanwhile Travis meets an old friend, reporter Gannet Brooks. She wants to restart the relationship they had. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Enterprise




IMDb: 7.6
43 min

The crew of Enterprise is still trying to find out why they were brought back by Daniels to the 20th Century. Back on Earth Silik has entered the complex of Vosk, where he attacks Trip. Meanwhile Vosk finds out Trip and Mayweather are not temporal agents. He contacts Archer for a meeting to return them and make an offer for a deal. He wants supplies from Enterprise to complete his time machine and in return send Enterprise back to its own century. Archer tells he'll consider the offer. Back on Enterprise he soon notices Trip is not who he appears to be. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Enterprise




IMDb: 7.5
43 min

After destroying the Xindi weapon, Enterprise is on its way to Earth. Unable to make contact with Starfleet, Shuttlepod One is sent to the surface, only to be fired upon by P-51 Mustangs. Meanwhile captain Archer is captured by German soldiers under leadership of a red-eyed alien. Something's is definitely wrong here. Enterprise seems stuck in World War Two. It gets even stranger when Reed finds out this is not World War Two as we know it, he hears reports of battles in Virginia and Ohio. Then Enterprise is suddenly visited by two familiar beings. Crewman Daniels, the time traveler, has severely aged and is about to die. Suliban Silik tries to steal a shuttle. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA
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HD Enterprise




IMDb: 8.0
43 min

To get to their appointment with Degra on time, Enterprise must pass a subspace corridor which is guarded by the aggressive Kovaalans. Just about to make an attempt, Enterprise is stopped by Enterprise. Their captain, Lorian, tells them crossing the subspace corridor will put Enterprise 117 years back in time and that his crew all are descendants of the original crew. He wants to make some modifications to the ship, so the time shift will not happen. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Enterprise




IMDb: 6.9
43 min

The Enterprise finds a Xindi ship crashed on the surface of a planet, and while the team lead by Captain Archer is investigating, they meet an insectoid hatchery in a compartment protected by heavy and reinforced bulkheads. Reed realizes that the air inside is breathable and the group removes the helmet of the breathing apparatuses, but Archer is hit by a sort of substance on his face and sent to the sickbay. After the examination, Dr. Phlox realizes that no damage was caused to Captain Archer, but the crew notes that he becomes obsessed to save the insectoid offspring claiming humanistic reasons. When he orders to give one third of the supply of antimatter to restart the reactor of the Xindi ship to maintain the life support system of the hatchery, T'Pol questions his command and is confined in her cabin. Then Reed, Trip and Dr. Phlox are successively dismissed, and the senior officers decide that only a mutiny can save the Enterprise. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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HD Enterprise




IMDb: 7.6
43 min

While Reed and Major Hayes are fighting over a new training program and Trip is performing neuropressure with MACO Amando Cole making T'Pol seem jealous, Enterprise finds a pod in a dangerous ever expanding gravimetric field. Inside is a scaled alien dying from cellular decay. He claims he is a prisoner promised his freedom if he cooperated in an experiment. Archer knows there's more to it when it is discovered the pod's hull is of the same material the Spheres are composed of. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Enterprise




IMDb: 7.0
43 min

The crew of Enterprise is very surprised to find a planet with 6000 humans and around 1000 aliens living on it. Archer, T'Pol and Tucker start investigating. Scans show a settlement was created about 250 years ago and the people are still living a Wild West life. Archer soon finds out the aliens are called Skagaraans and the government of these Skags was overthrown many years ago by a certain Cooper Smith. There seems to be a lot of hatred towards them and they consider them lawless outcasts. Archer makes contact with Bethany, who illegally teaches the Skags in Skag Town. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Enterprise




IMDb: 7.7
43 min

Enterprise follows a lead and discovers a Xindi lab that refines Kemocite, the key ingredient in the weapon being built to destroy Earth. An away team of Archer, Reed and Hayes confront the lead researcher, Gralik Durr, who was employed by Degra to refine the Kemocite but was never told what it would be used for. When Gralik realizes it was his research that contributed to the 7 million deaths on Earth, he agrees to help Archer prevent further loss of life. Meanwhile, on Enterprise, Phlox and Tucker study the weapon they seized from the Xindi and find an organic component, a life-form serving as the rifle's power cell. Despite T'Pol's objection, Tucker tests the weapon. Written by Meribor

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