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HD Mission Impossible

Mission Impossible


Mission Impossible

IMDb: 7.5
60 min | 50 min (168 episodes)

Rollin Hand and Cinnamon Carter are sent on a mission to locate and retrieve a wire recording, which was hidden by an agent fleeing from guards in such a clever way that no one has been able to find it.

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HD Mission Impossible

Mission Impossible


Mission Impossible

IMDb: 7.8
60 min | 50 min (168 episodes)

Egan, a criminal, has kidnapped the daughter of a friend of Briggs. One of Egan's confederates will testify against him the next day before a grand jury. Egan's message to Briggs is clear: exchange the witness for his friend's daughter. At this point, Briggs's friend doesn't even know his daughter has been abducted. Briggs begins an emergency operation in which the IMF will snatch the witness out of a heavily guarded hotel room. But Briggs is determined that Egan won't get a chance to kill the witness. Written by Bill Koenig

Country: USA
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HD Mission Impossible

Mission Impossible


Mission Impossible

IMDb: 7.0
60 min | 50 min (168 episodes)

The Impossible Missions Force is assigned to prevent an attempt to steal an election in an important Latin American country. Brigg's plan is complicated when Barney, whose technical knowledge is vital, is wounded. Now, besides having to execute a complicated scheme, the IMF has to find medical attention for one of its own. Written by Bill Koenig

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HD Mission Impossible

Mission Impossible


Mission Impossible

IMDb: 7.9
60 min | 50 min (168 episodes)

A prince, the absolute ruler of a principality, has $1.5 million which he plans to use for arms to wage war on a neighboring, oil-rich country. Briggs devices a scheme that involves breaking the bank of the prince's casino. First, the IMF will utilize a computer to take $200,000 at roulette. That will provide the stake the IMF needs to take the prince at a high-stakes game of baccarat. Written by Bill Koenig

Country: USA
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HD Mission Impossible

Mission Impossible


Mission Impossible

IMDb: 7.5
60 min | 50 min (168 episodes)

The IMF breaks off its attempt to free an elderly cardinal. Now, Briggs and Co. must regroup and Briggs must alter his plans. On top of that, a colonel in the unnamed Eastern European country is becoming suspicious of the IMF's circus. Briggs manages to use the man's suspicions to the IMF's advantage. Crystal, the trapeze artist recruited by Briggs, performs a dangerous diversion while Briggs and Rollin attempt to free the cardinal. Written by Bill Koenig

Country: USA
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HD Mission Impossible

Mission Impossible


Mission Impossible

IMDb: 7.6
60 min | 50 min (168 episodes)

An elderly cardinal has been taken prisoner by an Eastern European country because the clergyman is a leader of the political opposition. He is being held in a prison where no escape has ever occurred. Briggs recruits an old flame who is also a trapeze artist. She accompanies Briggs and the IMF, who pose as a small circus. The circus has set up in a park that is next to the prison. Rollin, posing as a member of the circus, is arrested after stealing the wallet of an audience member. Rollin is taken to the prison and manages to smuggle in a lock-pick that enables him to exit his cell. The IMF operative manages to get to the cardinal to warn him to expect an escape attempt, with the circus providing a distraction. But, as the escape attempt unfolds, the cardinal is gone from his cell -- he has been taken to solitary confinement and will be executed within a day or two. Written by Bill Koenig

Country: USA
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HD Mission Impossible

Mission Impossible


Mission Impossible

IMDb: 8.4
60 min | 50 min (168 episodes)

Rogosh is an operative for a country hostile to the United States. When he strikes, he typically leaves dozens, if not hundreds, of bodies in his wake. Rogosh has been spotted in Los Angeles. But he will not crack under normal interrogation methods. Briggs comes up with an unusual plan. The IMF stages an accident where pedestrian Rogosh is struck by a car. When he awakes, he appears to be in a prison in his home country -- three years later. Written by Bill Koenig

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HD Mission Impossible

Mission Impossible


Mission Impossible

IMDb: 7.4
60 min | 50 min (168 episodes)

The IMF's target is Janos Karq, a top official of an unnamed Soviet Bloc country. Briggs enlists the help of Joseph Baresh, an alcoholic performer who has a photographic memory. Baresh will pose as an agent code-named Sparrow, who's never been apprehended by the authorities of Karq's country (the real Sparrow having died, a fact not generally known.) The idea is Baresh will be captured and provide information implicating Karq as a traitor. Barney, Cinnamon and Willy, along with Briggs, will engage in an unsuccessful (and fake) attempt to free Sparrow. That move will encourage the authorities to believe Baresh's story, ensuring Karq's demise. But Baresh gets a look at a list of agents in the employ of Karq's nation. Now, Briggs must stage a second escape attempt, this time for real. Rollin Hand, initially passed over for this mission, will play a small, but vital, role. Written by Bill Koenig

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HD Mission Impossible

Mission Impossible


Mission Impossible

IMDb: 7.8
50 min (168 episodes)

IMF team leader Dan Briggs assembles his team for the first time. The mission: to recover two nuclear warheads belonging to General Rio Dominguez from a hotel vault in Santa Costa. Jim and Willy sneak safe-cracker Terry Targo into the vault, who figures out how to get out. The team then captures Dominguez but Targo's fingers are broken in the attempt. With no other alternative, Briggs has himself and Dominguez put into the vault, and Briggs threatens to enter a random combination if Alicio doesn't tell him the code. Dominguez breaks. With the bombs defused, Willy takes the warheads out of the vault. Briggs remains behind and uses the information Targo gathered earlier to get out during a fireworks distraction set off by Barney. Briggs and the rest of the team make a desperate race for safety and get onto a plane heading to safety seconds before the military can catch up to them. Written by Glen St. James

Country: USA
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HD Columbo




IMDb: 7.4
95 min | 120 min

This time Columbo pits his wits against a movie director who murders an old friend on a set, because this friend is in possession of a damaging piece of film, on which the actress died and isn't helped by the movie director. Written by Maarten Hofman

Country: USA
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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 7.7
60 min

Detectives Cerreta and Logan investigate the murder of Beth Milgram, a college student who was killed just hours before she was to leave for Italy. Her boyfriend Tommy Beltran saw her the day before and claims that her father struck her when he heard she was dating a Latino. Her father also proves to be the beneficiary of a large insurance policy he had on her but has an iron clad alibi for when she was killed. When the police learn that Beth had terminated her relationship with Tommy at lunch on the day she was killed, they refocus the investigation on him. His alibi proves to be shaky and when they learn he sought out his priest for confession in the early hours of the morning, they're quite certain he's the killer. His lawyer plays hardball however hoping that a sympathetic jury will convict him of something less than murder. Written by garykmcd

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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 7.8
45 min

Detectives Lennie Briscoe and Ed Green investigate the murder of teenager Chris Skinner who was found dead on 56th St. His throat was slit and the medical examiner estimates a 6 inch blade was used. He also had bruises that were a couple of weeks old. They learn that he was out selling chocolate bars as part of a school fund-raiser with fellow student but they split up after a half hour or so. From students at Chris' high school, he appears to have been the victim of bullying and evidence points to John Telford, a student. The prosecutors have trouble linking the boy to the killing and DA Adam Schiff orders that the boy's father, Robert Telford - who ignored his son's violent behavior - be charged with murder as a result of depraved indifference. Evidence comes from an unexpected source. Written by garykmcd

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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 7.6
60 min

Detectives Lennie Briscoe and Ed Green investigate the death of 53 year-old Marjorie Hallenbeck who was found in a hospital solarium. She had been beaten and then seemingly hit her head on the corner of a coffee table, dieing from a ruptured spleen. She had checked herself into the hospital the previous day for tests and hospital security insist nothing out of the ordinary happened during the night. The family says some of her jewelry is missing and the police initially suspect an orderly, Vic Fazioli, with prior convictions for burglary but he has an alibi. Her husband suffered from Alzheimer's and a purchase in the hospital gift shop leads the police to believe she may have been seeing someone else, who turns out to be a con man who preys on wealthy widows. The solution to the murder lies elsewhere however and presents the DAs office with an ethical dilemma. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 8.1
45 min

Detectives Lennie Briscoe and Ed Green investigate the death of Peter Grimaldi, a retired insurance salesman who was found dead in the backseat of a taxicab. Grimaldi had been helped into the cab by a black man but the driver has little more information. The medical examiner confirms that the victim died as a result of a six inch stab wound and a gunshot wound. Grimaldi's son and daughter have no idea who might have wanted to harm him and they refer the police to Gail Bartlett, one of Grimaldi's friends. It leads them to learn that Grimaldi was having trouble with insurance claimants for policies he sold to Jews during the Second World War telling them their money would safe. He never paid out any claims however. They suspect Grimaldi's former employers may have been responsible for his death. Written by garykmcd

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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 8.1
60 min

A travel agency employee is found beaten into a coma at her apartment. Briscoe and Green quickly suspect a man who had been in a relationship with the victim's sister, who had been murdered a few years earlier. Strong physical and circumstantial evidence leads to what looks to be an open and shut case. However, the defendant's strong insistence of his innocence and other unusual circumstances lead the case to become more complicated than it seemed. Written by Anonymous

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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 8.1
44 min

Detectives Lennie Briscoe and Ed Green investigate the murder of Eva Harrison who appears to have been shot on the street in an attempted purse snatching. Eyewitnesses say it was a Hispanic kid on a silver mountain bike but can't agree on much else about him. The investigation leads them to Bobby Sabo, who has a long history of purse snatching. The detectives are under a lot of pressure to solve this case and Lennie in particular want to get evidence against Sabo. When they arrest him, Sabo tells Lennie the woman got what she deserved but no one else heard the confession. After crucial evidence is thrown out, Lennie begins to overreact when his credibility is called into question. Written by garykmcd

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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 8.1
60 min

The murder of a lawyer leads to a man who might be the actual person who committed a murder which another person was convicted of. McCoy find himself going up against his former associate Jamie Ross because she represents the suspect. They eventually learn that Jamie tried to help the one who was convicted by anonymously giving a tip on evidence that could have exonerated him. But they learn that the prosecutor who is now a judge chose not to look into it because he wanted to become a judge. Written by

Country: USA
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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 8.0
60 min

Detectives Briscoe and Green investigate the murder of 15 year-old Christie Garrison who is found just outside her building with her head bashed in. The girl comes from a very wealthy family and the police first suspect Sammy Morris who worked for their friend and neighbor, Mark Vance, as his chauffeur. Morris is cleared and the police learn Christie had gone out to a club after her parents thought she'd gone to bed. She left the club with a boy - who turns out to be the neighbor's youngest son, Ethan Vance. His older brother Nick seems to have had sex with her prior to her death as did Ethan and they are both arrested for statutory rape. The solution to the murder lie elsewhere however. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 8.1
60 min

Detectives Lennie Briscoe and Ed Green investigate the attempted murder of a prominent and highly respected judge, Denise Grobman. She was shot in her car having come home early and the evidence quickly points to her husband Walter as the man behind the killing. He has an alibi but McCoy is convinced he hired someone to make the hit as he was the only person who knew she would be where she was at the time of the shooting. Judge Grobman proves to be the major stumbling block however refusing to believe that her architect husband could do such a thing. McCoy realizes that she is key to ever getting a conviction but has to face Judge Grobman's decision to refuse further medical treatment - both her kidneys have failed and she is in constant pain - meaning she would die before the case could be concluded. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 8.2
60 min

Detectives Lennie Briscoe and Ed Green investigate the murder of a young boy, Aaron Polanski, who was found on a construction site with his trousers pulled down around his ankles and a AAA battery in his mouth. The medical examiner determines the boy died from a blow to the head but was not sexually assaulted. The police find two eyewitnesses to the crime, Tara Padden and Jenny Brandt - 13 and 10 years-old - but they soon begin to suspect they are lying. In fact, they come to believe they likely lured Aaron and killed him. Jenny seems to be the one who actually did the killing and after reviewing the facts, including Dr. Skoda's report, ADA McCoy wants the girl committed to a state mental hospital. The girl's lawyer counters with her own expert, Dr. Elizabeth Olivet, arguing the girl the girl can be treated outside of an institution. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 8.0

Briscoe and Green investigate a shooting rampage in Central Park where all 15 of the victims were female college students. Using the serial number of the gun they've recovered they trace the owner, Dennis Trope, but when the judge dismisses most of their evidence, Jack McCoy has few options open to him. When he learns that the gun could be turned into an automatic weapon using an inexpensive kit you can buy at any gun show, he decides to go after the manufacturer. Despite evidence that the gun manufacturer knew that most of their sales were because of the ease of conversion, it's obvious McCoy is going to have a hard time getting a conviction. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 8.7
60 min

The prosecutors case suffers a major setback when a hit man manages to infiltrate the safe house where their only witnesses were being kept. ADA Toni Ricci was killed as was 10 year-old Billy Woodson's mother but the boy survived and is in critical condition in hospital. Detectives Briscoe and Curtis are tasked to find the killers and focus on a young Latino couple who were seen entering the building. It turns out they are connected to Columbian drug dealers meaning the Russians and the Columbians are working together. They find that the Columbians are laundering their drug money through Russian banks. They launch a racketeering case against the Russian mobsters who are definitely playing hardball: they plant a large bomb in the police precinct. McCoy decides to play hardball as well. Written by garykmcd

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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 8.6
60 min

Detectives Briscoe and Curtis investigate the murder of a man found in the trunk of a car. The driver was pulled over because the plates clearly did not belong to the car to which they were attached. Finding a body in the trunk led to the death of the driver, following a shootout with the police. The medical examiner determines that the man in the trunk was shot but the bullets were removed from his body. The dead driver had Russian prison tattoos on his body. The man in the trunk is identified as a Russian, Vasily Chuikov, who immigrated over 10 years ago and had a watch booth on 47th St. He had gone to a lunchtime meeting with potential clients and wasn't seen again. They find a potential witness in 10 year-old Billy Woodson who has clearly been traumatized by what he saw. The shooter is eventually identified as Andre Rogatin a Russian hood who was last seen in Moscow just a couple weeks ago. The evidence leads them to a physiotherapy clinic in Brooklyn and the Russian mafia. For ... Written by garykmcd

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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 7.5
60 min

Briscoe and Curtis investigate the murder of Sarah Kincaid, a mathematics graduate student who was found murdered in the university library. The autopsy reveals that Sarah was strangled and also that she was 9 weeks pregnant, even though her bereaved father says she didn't have a boyfriend. Their initial inquiries are directed to a recently released ex-con but they learn that the victim had had a rather loud argument with her academic advisor, Dr. Clemente. When he is cleared however, the DNA testing of the fetus leads them to Dennis Michaels, who is engaged to Sarah's roommate. Another library patron puts them in the direction of a young preppy he saw there and it leads them to Peter Kelly, one of Dennis' good friends. Written by garykmcd

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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 7.7
46 min

Briscoe and Curtis investigate the murder of Donny Gibson, who was found dead in a parking lot. Gibson installed sound systems in bars and clubs and was out with $4000 in cash in his pocket looking to buy some high end speakers. The police know that that Sean Russo, the son of an imprisoned mob boss, met him that night though he denies it. When Jack McCoy concludes that the young Russo is likely now the head of the Russo crime family, he has his bail raised to $10 million. When the DA's office learns there's a connection between Gibson and a nightclub owner putting up some of the bail, McCoy goes after the night club owners, Tom Wilder and Jeff Stahl who told Russo that Gibson was pressing for the payment of outstanding bills for the sound system he installed. He also threatened to go to the FBI to let them know Russo was an investor in their club. McCoy biggest problem in the case however is a federal prosecutor who also wants to go after Russo. Written by garykmcd

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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 7.7
60 min

Detectives Lennie Briscoe and Rey Curtis investigate the death of Gilbert Sanderson who collapsed in the restaurant next to his townhouse. The medical examiner confirms that he died of a heart attack but also found 1000 mg of Viagra in his system. The man had a heart condition and had been warned by his doctors not to take Viagra. The detectives suspect someone may have slipped it to him. On the night he died, he had attended a fund-raising dinner hosted by Julian Spector and organized by Katrina Ludlow. After some sparring, Ludlow admits she was with Sanderson before he died but that he was fine when she left. She also tell the police she has evidence against Julian Spector. She's put into protective custody with Curtis as her babysitter but it may all backfire at the trial. Written by garykmcd

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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 8.0
60 min

Detectives Lennie Briscoe and Rey Curtis investigate the death of Marian Hollis a philosophy professor at New York university who jumped - or was pushed - in front of a subway train. She was seen accessing the platform with a tall, well-dressed man. They eventually identify the man as Bill Fallon who is in the city from Cincinnati while his eldest daughter settles in at the university. He denies knowing the dead woman but the police find that he has no personal history prior to 1985. It turns out he is actually Nick Taska, married to Eleanor Taska, who ran off with their children in 1984. Eleanor and the dead woman were once good friends and ADA Abbie Carmichael thinks she may have recognized him on the street, leading Taska to kill her. He denies it and the prosecution face a dilemma when the man's youngest daughter claims she did it. McCoy comes up with a creative way of charging the father. Written by garykmcd

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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 7.8
45 min

Detectives Lennie Briscoe and Rey Curtis investigate the shooting of a well-known journalist, Gerald Fox, who was shot as he exited his house one morning to go to work. He's unconscious so the police start looking for anyone who might be seeking revenge. The obvious candidate is John Franchetta who was just paroled after serving 20 years for killing Broadway actress Rebecca Hampton. He still denies having anything to do with that crime and the ADA who prosecuted him admits that Fox's barrage of newspaper articles on the crime likely influenced the jury that convicted him. ADAs McCoy and Carmichael come to believe Franchetta and focus on the dead woman's daughter Nicole Hampton for killing her mother and her brother Andrew for shooting Fox. Their main problem is that Nicole was 15 when killed her mother and a juvenile and therefore subject to the law as it existed at that time. Written by garykmcd

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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 7.6
60 min

Detectives Briscoe and Curtis investigate the killing of a police officer Danny Pelham who along with his partner Peter Bowers were on a stakeout looking to serve a warrant on a criminal, Terry Mays. In addition to looking for Mays, the detectives also start looking into his old cases to see if anyone might have been out for revenge. When they catch up to Mays, he tells them he saw someone shoot Pelham. Pelham had just broken up with his police officer girlfriend Marissa Hastings and she was still keeping tabs on him. She's arrested for his murder but it seems he was the one who was assaulting her and she may have killed him out of fear. It turns out she even called Internal Affairs to complain about Pelham and that he's attacked her but they did nothing. They're well into the trial before the prosecution realize they may have got it wrong. Written by garykmcd

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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 7.8
60 min

Detectives Briscoe and Curtis investigate the beating of a retired divorce lawyer Kenneth Slattery who is found at home in his study having been struck on the head. Slattery was retired but was still doing mediation work pro bono so the police begin investigating some of the clients who came to his home office. Slattery had recently pulled an old file from his storage facility in a 15 year-old divorce case. It leads them to a case of a medical partnership that may have been involved in deficient medical practices that led to the death of a 35 year-old woman, Maureen Gerard. It turns out two of the doctors used a new piece of equipment that had not yet been approved by the hospital and allowed a pharmaceutical sales rep to operate the equipment rather that a qualified nurse. ADA McCoy wants to offer the doctors plea bargain but Abby Carmichael wants to take the case to trial. Written by garykmcd

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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 7.4
60 min

Detectives Briscoe and Curtis investigate the death of a young girl who was dropped off at a hospital emergency room but was left unnoticed by anyone. The medical examiner determines that she had seven fractured ribs and punctured lungs, all consistent with a beating. She was not sexually abused but from the marks on her wrists and ankles it seems she was restrained or tied up. She is eventually identified as Kiera Grayson whose mother Margo is very uncooperative but has an alibi for the time of death. According to neighbors Kiera had behavioral problems and it leads to the arrest of Rosa Halasy, a former nun who performed an exorcism on the girl. Rosa is charged with murder and her defense is that she hears the voice of St. Michael who tells her what she should do about those who need help. Written by garykmcd

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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 8.1
45 min

Detectives Briscoe and Curtis investigate the death of 36 year-old Jeanine McBride who is found in a park, shot in the head. The medical examiner determines that she was suffocated before she was shot. Until recently, she worked at the White House and had subsequently been transferred to Baltimore as a director of the Social Security Administration. In Baltimore, Detectives Munch and Sheppard check out her house and learn that her car has been missing for several days. From the evidence it appears she was killed in Baltimore and dumped in New York. Working together, the four detectives eventually find a witness who saw the victim leave a club with Chesley Purcell. While they attempt to find her, ADA McCoy comes up against an independent prosecutor who has an inexplicable interest in the case. Written by garykmcd

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