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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 8.0
46 min

Detectives Briscoe and Curtis investigate an armored car robbery at an off track betting parlor that the resulted in the deaths of two security guards. One of the robbers, Matthew Brant was also killed and another, Greg Kubie, is in hospital in a coma. The weapons they used were modified to allow full automatic fire. It turns out they were part of a self-styled militia called the New Sons of Liberty, a group of 20 men who were well-armed and seemingly prepared to go to war. Their leader, Phil Christie, refuses to recognize the government's authority and leads the defense for himself and his band. He's clearly out to get a hung jury. Written by garykmcd

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Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 8.1
47 min

Detectives Briscoe and Curtis investigate the death of Nancy O' Neal, the victim of a drive-by shooting while she was returning home with her husband Marty. The husband's story doesn't stand up to scrutiny but the truth - that he was in that neighborhood to buy a diamond ring from a fence - makes more sense. They locate the fence who saw three men in the area where the shooting took place. They quickly track down the shooter, Elias Camacho, but Jamie Ross notes an anomaly in O'Neal's time of death and it appears the hospital prepared to harvest Nancy O'Neal's organs before she was officially declared to have died. The DA's office believe that the doctor in charge, Donald Cosgrove, may have precipitated her death in order to deliver her organs to a hospital where he was hoping to get a job. Written by garykmcd

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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 7.6
45 min

When two patrolman find a dead body in a park Detectives Briscoe and Curtis think the man, Navy Chief Robert Stroud, is the fifth victim of a mugger who also kills his victims. They break the case rapidly but when ballistics confirms that Stroud was shot with a different gun, they still have a murder to solve. They soon learn that the married Stroud was having an affair with a pilot, Lt. Kirstin Blair. The DA's office soon finds itself in a tussle over jurisdiction with the Navy but manages to charge Blair with murder. She's a very cool customer and claims that Stroud was shot accidentally. Her lawyer bases her case on the defendant's character. So does ADA Jack McCoy. Written by garykmcd

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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 7.1
46 min

Bloody sheets and an apparently stolen credit card lead Briscoe and Curtis to a pair of college age lovers who present McCoy and Ross with a united front of denial that one of them killed their newborn son and disposed of the body.

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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 7.8
46 min

Detectives Briscoe and Curtis investigate the shooting death of a young fast food delivery man, Matthew Wheeler. The investigation reveals that someone phoned several fast food outlets late that night requesting deliveries to what is now a boarded up store. Only one restaurant agreed to the delivery. From the information they've been able to gather two young men, eventually identified as Joey Timon and Dale Kershaw, had talked about randomly shooting anyone just for the thrill of it. They are eventually arrested but the DA's office has a dilemma - which one of them actually pulled the trigger. Written by garykmcd

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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 8.2
46 min

A man opens fire during the docking of a dinner cruise boat. The Governor appoints a special prosecutor because Schiff refuses to seek the death penalty; McCoy helps Schiff appeal while Ross helps the special prosecutor at trial. Schiff's wife is hospitalized following a stroke. Written by Anonymous

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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 7.8
60 min

Detectives Briscoe and Curtis investigate the murder of one-time supermodel Christine Sandal who is found dead by her next door neighbor Craig Holland who was waiting for her to arrive for a surprise party he was hosting in her honor. Holland tells the police she had epilepsy but the medical examiner is doubtful having found no evidence of a seizure. There was bruising on her upper arms however. Blood evidence leads them to believe a close relative was also at the crime scene and they focus on her son Douglas Burke. A canceled bank check however leads them to Sonja Harlann who turns out to have a special relationship with the dead model. When she's charged with murder it turns out that her lawyer may also be her co-conspirator in an attempt to claim a very large inheritance. Written by garykmcd

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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 7.4
46 min

Detectives Briscoe and Curtis investigate the murder of book editor Joan Timberman who was found bludgeoned to death in the home of lawyer Diane Posner and college professor Charles Evans. Posner was away for the night at their country home and Evans was at a symposium at Vassar. Joan was smart and ambition and was editing Evans' latest manuscript. The police follow several possible leads but when they catch Diane Posner in a lie and forensics finds traces of the victims hair in her car, she is arrested and charged with murder. Evidence however begins to suggest that Posner may be lying to protect Evans but the murderer is someone else altogether. Written by garykmcd

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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 8.2
46 min

Detectives Briscoe and Curtis investigate the murder of Matthew Sherman who is found by his sister shot to death in his car. She who had earlier been waiting for him in a nearby coffee shop. It has all the appearance of a mugging and the main suspect is a young man who had also been in the coffee shop briefly. They locate the man, Mike Bodack, at his wedding rehearsal dinner and he claims he had helped Sherman change a flat tire. When they find a drop of the victim's blood on his jacket they arrest him at his wedding. Bodack claims he saw a man with a snake tattoo on the back of his hand and the investigation leads them to Ricky Garcia but when most of the evidence is ruled inadmissible Garcia is out on the street. The only way they'll get a conviction is to have Bodack testify but he's proving to be a reluctant witness. Written by garykmcd

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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 8.4
60 min

The police pull out all the stops when an off-duty police officers is killed trying to stop an armed robbery at a liquor store. The perpetrators were unable to use their escape car - a delivery truck had boxed it in - they hijacked a cab and its driver, Mitchell Titus. They manage to arrest one of the armed robbers, Henry Harp and he offers to tell them where Titus is being held in return for a plea deal. ADA McCoy decides to go ahead with the deal after the police are unable to locate the kidnapped man. When they find Titus dead, they realize he was likely dead when Harp offered to make the deal. DA Schiff tells McCoy to throw out the deal and pursue murder charges but it's not going to be easy to convince a judge. Written by garykmcd

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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 8.3
60 min

Detectives Briscoe and Curtis investigate the rape and murder of a young woman, Teresa Perez, who was found dead in her bed by her mother. They check out her boyfriend but he has a solid alibi. They're not even sure how the killer got into the building until they find a connecting duct with the building next door. The medical examiner can provide little forensic evidence but ADA McCoy is certain the perpetrator is Lewis Darnell, a convicted serial rapist who was recently released on parole in spite of his personal intervention at the parole hearing. With little evidence to go on, McCoy gets the police to harass Darnell - 24 hour surveillance, multiple searches of his home and workplace - in the hopes of getting him to break down and confess. Written by garykmcd

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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 8.5
46 min

The trial of Hollywood director Eddie Newman begins amid a media circus and aggressive defense lawyers. It all becomes too personal when Jamie Ross' ex-husband Neil Gorton, one of Newman's lawyers, applies for sole custody of their daughter. When McCoy questions Jamie's work ethic and priorities, she quits. Ray Curtis turns down Lisa Lundquist's offer of a job and a relationship but she offers to testify on the animosity Newman had towards his ex-wife. The case isn't going well for the prosecution, particularly when the defense comes up with what seems to be an alternative suspect. Written by garykmcd

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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 8.1

In the ongoing investigation into the death of Heidi Ellison, the murder weapon - a hundred year old knife - is found and turned into the police. The knife was found near a small airport where Ellison's ex-husband,Eddie Newman, took a private plane to Los Angeles on the night she was killed. After the police find her blood in his car, they issue an arrest warrant for Newman and Briscoe and Curtis head back to LA. They arrest him but Newman's lawyers - who include Jamie Ross' ex-husband - contest his extradition forcing McCoy and Ross to fly to LA to argue their case. Meanwhile, Curtis gets a job offer from studio executive Lisa Lundquist - and the offer of a relationship. Written by garykmcd

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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 7.8
44 min

Detectives Briscoe and Curtis investigate when the partial remains of a woman are found in the river. The autopsy reveals the woman was cut up with a large knife, like a machete, and was likely cut up when she was still alive. She had cosmetic surgery and they manage to identify her as Heidi Ellison, the president of a Mattawin Studios in Hollywood. They focus on her personal trainer, Evan Grant, but he goes off to Los Angeles before they can get a blood test from him. The detectives follow him there but have trouble getting the blood sample when the court order ADA McCoy obtained is quashed. They find a way around that and Grant is returned to New York. He may have a reasonable alibi however. They then focus on Ellison's ex-husband, director Eddie Newman. Curtis meanwhile ends up on a date with an attractive studio executive, Lisa Lundquist. Written by garykmcd

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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 7.7
46 min

Detectives Briscoe and Curtis investigate the murder of Gilbert Gilly Keen, a retired cop who is found dead in his car, shot to death. The police suspect he may have been seeking the services of a prostitute, many of whom frequented the area. The investigation leads them to Hilary Colson and Sondra Benton, two suburban housewives who are working as call girls. They clearly have a case against Colson - her fingerprints were found in the car and her expensive lipstick on the body - but she claims Keen tried to force her to have sex and shot him with his own gun. ADA McCoy doesn't believe her and decides to prosecute. Written by garykmcd

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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 7.9
46 min

Detectives Briscoe and Curtis investigate the death of septuagenarian Peter Triandos who is found dead - strangled - in his apartment. While still investigating the scene, the dead man's much younger wife, Kim Triandos, arrives claiming she was at a museum ball while her husband was entertaining a group of disadvantaged students from his old primary school to whom he promised, years before, that if they stayed in school he would pay for their college education. A total of 17 students were at the party. So was Kim Triandos' mother who says one of the parents, Luis Polanco, got into an argument with Peter. The police quickly return to the young wife however when they catch her in a lie. She denies killing her husband but the DA's office think she conspired with her husband's lawyer, Oliver Shain. They soon learn that someone else was involved with with Shain. Written by garykmcd

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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 7.8
46 min

Detectives Briscoe and Curtis investigate the murder of Shelley Ganz who is found in her coop's parking garage shot in the back. Ganz was a financial analyst and apparently well-liked by everyone. She did work as the treasurer for her coop building but the police are unable to find any resident - or prospective resident - who might have an ax to grind. The do note that one of her neighbors, Susan Tashjian, bears a striking resemblance to the dead woman and wonder if she might have been the intended target. When she's gunned downed a few days later, it's obvious they were right. They quickly find the shooter and a pattern that leads them to unsolved murders. The common thread among all the victims is that they owed money to the Beechwood Loan Company owned by Sam Bunny Russo - who also had insurance policies on all of the victims. Written by garykmcd

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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 7.8
47 min

Detectives Briscoe and Curtis investigate the death of Karen Marsh who, it seems, jumped off the Brooklyn Bridge. They soon establish that she had been in a fender bender and the driver of the other car forced her out of her car and chased her. She apparently leaped off the bridge to get away from him. Karen had been without a job since the shoe factory she worked in burned down some six months before. She had recently visited her old boss, Harold Dorning and he thought she was just fine. They eventually trace her attacker, Crazy Mike McDugan a man with a violent temper and a criminal record for assault. He admits to the road rage incident but insists that she jumped off the bridge on her own. The best the DA's office can get is an indictment for assault - until they learn that his one-time prison roommate was a professional arsonist which makes them look into the fire at the factory where she worked and her old boss. Written by garykmcd

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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 8.1
60 min

Detectives Briscoe and Curtis investigate the shooting of James Shepherd who was walking to his home from the parking garage where he keeps his car. He had just returned home from an outing with his wife Robin and 8 year-old daughter to celebrate the child's birthday. Forensics reports that the same weapon was used in a hit some two years before by a professional hit-man. A fixer points the finger at Robin Shepherd's former mother-in-law, Estelle Muller whose son Rick was married to Robin until he died some 5 years ago in a rock climbing accident in Central Park. Jim Shepherd was with him when Rick died and and Estelle is convinced he was responsible for her son's death. She makes no bones about ordering the hit but offers to plead guilty if the police and DA investigates Shepherd for murdering her son. A new autopsy on Rick Muller shows he was hit on the head with a baseball bat before he fell. The DA decides to proceed against Jim Shepherd Written by garykmcd

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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 7.3
60 min

Detectives Briscoe and Curtis investigate what appears to be an assassination attempt on Roland Brooks, the leader of the Africa-America Congress. Brooks himself had become the head of the AAC after the assassination of his predecessor, Marcus Tate. The initial investigation focuses on building contractors who were under AAC pressure to increase minority hiring. Their focus however soon turns to Huey Tate, Brooks' predecessor as head of the AAC. They seem to have an open and shut case when Tate's friend, Angela Roney provides a tape recorded conversation with Tate where he admits he's going to kills Brooks. When it's revealed Roney was once a paid informant for the FBI, the case quickly falls apart. Written by garykmcd

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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 7.3
46 min

Detectives Briscoe and Curtis investigate the murder of Richard Spiegel, CFO of a major New York City department. The company was run by Spiegel's wife Kate and her sister Laura after their father Seymour Bergreen retired. The investigation leads them to designer Paul Medici who it turns out was having an affair with Kate. He has a solid alibi for the time of the killing however. They subsequently learn the victim had consulted a criminal attorney and that Laura Bergreen may have been using employee pension funds to pay off the store's debts. When they locate the murder weapon, they find the gun was owned by Kate and had Laura's fingerprints on the barrel. Both sisters are arrested but there is no evidence of a conspiracy and little specific information to point the finger at one or the other. Written by garykmcd

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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 7.6
46 min

Detectives Briscoe and Curtis investigate the shooting death of Michael Malone who is found dead on the floor of his hotel room. While they're still examining the scene, Malone has visitors who definitely have a criminal backgrounds. According to Malone's girlfriend, the dead man was working for the FBI - after working for the CIA and others. It's all made up of course and Malone was actually Michael Webber who walked out on his family and owed his ex-wife Arlene a good amount of money despite making a hefty salary as a car broker. He liked living the party life and wanted to have it all. The evidence leads them to Arlene's father Max Schaeffer. He admits to shooting his son-in-law but says he acted in self-defense and records show that the gun used in the shooting actually belonged to the dead man. McCoy finds a hole in Schaeffer's story however and believes the murder was anything but an accident. Written by garykmcd

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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 7.8
47 min

Detectives Briscoe and Curtis investigate the murder of a building janitor Greg Franklin who is found shot to death in his apartment. Franklin was relatively new in that particular job and had previously worked as the night janitor at a local university for 9 years. The autopsy shows that the bullets used had been treated with fulminate of mercury and the evidence leads them to a student, Alan Sawyer who eventually confesses to the crime. When Alan tells them voices told him to kill Franklin as the janitor was a 600 year-old Templar knight they learn he is schizophrenic and the question becomes whether he should be committed. Alan was part of a study run by psychiatrist Christian Varick who it seems is more interested in keeping his grant money coming in than the health of those in the study group. Written by garykmcd

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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 8.1
60 min

An officer-involved shooting during a drug sting turns out to be a murder for hire ordered my a major drug trafficker. During his testimony in front of a corruption tribunal, the officer accuses Briscoe of stealing evidence in a case several years earlier. Written by Anonymous

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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 7.7
48 min

Detectives Briscoe and Curtis investigate the murder of Steven Campbell, a dealer in rare coins and antiques who is found bludgeoned to death in his store. Some relatively low value coins were taken but if it was a robbery, the thief left far more valuable coins on the shelves. Also missing are 40 Greek and Roman coins belonging to the victim's good friend, Richard Peterson. The detectives work on the premise that Campbell knew the killer as he let the person into the store after hours. It turns out Campbell was having financial difficulties and they suspect Peterson but it appears that someone was after Peterson claiming the missing coins belonged to them. It leads the to arrest of Judith Sandler whose father, a Holocaust survivor, once owned those coins. As the DA's office delves deeper into the case, a question arises as to whether Peterson ever owned the missing coins. Written by garykmcd

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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 7.4
60 min

Detectives Briscoe and Curtis investigate the murder of Charlie Monroe who was stabbed to death in his apartment. He had been seen with a young woman and there is every indication that she was in the apartment with him. Monroe was a hardworking African-American student, an upstanding young man whose only mark against him was a juvenile conviction when he was 12. A library book in his apartment leads them to Danielle Mason. She admits to having met Charlie at the library and then going to his apartment where he attacked and raped her. The evidence doesn't add up but when McCoy hesitates seeking an indictment, the case takes on racial overtones with Mason's lawyer arguing his client is being railroaded under pressure from the African-American community. Written by garykmcd

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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 7.9
60 min

Detectives Briscoe and Curtis investigate the death of a young woman whose nude body is found in an office building elevator. She is eventually identified as Lucy Sullivan by her sister Joanne who is visiting from Indiana. Fingerprints and a report from New Jersey police reveal that Lucy and her husband were con artists who had recently been scamming casinos. The police develop the theory that Lucy may have been on the run from the mob but when they catch Joanna in an outright lie, they believe she murdered her sister. It's going to be a difficult case to prove as the judge, Nathan Marks, seems only interested in two things: ruling the DA's evidence inadmissible and making sexually suggestive comments to ADA Jamie Ross. Then there's also the simple matter of mistaken identity. Written by garykmcd

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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 7.6
48 min

Detectives Briscoe and Curtis investigate the murder of Maureen Rankin who is found on a deserted tract of land. She died from a blow to the head though death was not instantaneous. The police believe she was the victim of a carjacking. They track the car and arrest the carjacker but a key piece of evidence is ruled inadmissible and his new assistant, Jamie Ross, is all for transferring the case to Federal jurisdiction when the death penalty will apply. The DA's office is batting zero after the judge in the case rules a second key piece of evidence inadmissible. It's left to McCoy to start playing hardball with the carjacker's fiancée if they want to have any hope of getting a conviction. Written by garykmcd

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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 9.1
47 min

Detectives Briscoe and Curtis along with ADAs McCoy and Kincaid travel to Attica to witness the execution of a man they arrested and convicted. The execution has a deep effect on all of them. Claire Kincaid has always been against the death penalty and is now thinking of quitting the law altogether. McCoy goes to a neighborhood bar a reminisces about his father, not all of which involves pleasant memories. The happily married Curtis spends the afternoon with an attractive young woman. One of Lennie Briscoe's daughters picks the wrong time to try and have a heart to heart with her estranged father. Lennie falls off the wagon. For one of them, the night ends in tragedy. Written by garykmcd

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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 8.1
47 min

Detectives Briscoe and Curtis investigate the death of a toddler who is found dead in his crib. The autopsy reveals that the child was poisoned with nicotine, a common ingredient in pesticide. The investigation quickly focuses on the child's 19 year-old British nanny. She clearly was not happy in her current job but the terms of her employment required her to stay for a full year or she would have to pay for her return home, something she could not do. ADA McCoy is convinced of her guilt but when they catch one of their own witnesses in a lie, he gives an opening to the defense lawyer to get a confession on the stand. Written by garykmcd

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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 8.7
48 min

Detectives Briscoe and Curtis investigate a multiple homicide when several people in a laundry are stabbed to death. There is one survivor and she - and several others - identify a crack-head that hangs around many of the businesses on the same street. He's eventually identified as James Smith a schizophrenic who is off his meds. Smith is a lawyer who manages to obtain the court's approval to represent himself. The prosecution faces a dilemma knowing that while Smith might be quite presentable when taking his medication, he has in the past simply decided to stop at which time his mental health would rapidly deteriorate. The case is particularly difficult for ADA Claire Kincaid who had once agreed to a plea bargain with him. The families of the dead now blame her for the loss of their loved ones. Written by garykmcd

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HD Law & Order

Law & Order


Law & Order

IMDb: 7.8
47 min

Detectives Briscoe and Curtis investigate the murder of undergraduate Bridget Kaylin, who is found dead in her college's library. They learn from campus authorities that there have been a number of attacks on female students recently, so they check out an ex-boyfriend and several of her friends, but that leads to nothing. A credit-card receipt leads them to a posh restaurant, where one of the workers recognizes her photo and is convinced that she working as a high-class prostitute. The detectives set up a sting, and one of Bridget's classmates admits that several of them have been working as high-class call girls, organized by Shelley Taggert with the tacit approval - if not more - of her father, businessman Barry Taggert. After Taggart's daughter flees to Europe, ADA McCoy uses racketeering statutes against Taggert to force her to return. Written by garykmcd

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