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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.5
22 min

The moment of the Wallace Cup has finally arrived, and the entrants include more than a couple of our Heroes - Dawn, May, Ash, and Zoey! With Wallace himself as one of the judges, the competition kicks off with May, who puts on a dazzling performance with her Wartortle, who everyone remembers was her Squirtle before it evolved. Next up is Jessie, disguised as Jessilina and feeling CONFIDENT! Surprisingly, she uses the same flying trick as in her previous Contest appearance, much to everyone's disappointment and her eventual disqualification. Up next is Zoey, who puts on a fabulous performance with her Finneon, followed by a snappily dressed Ash, who teams up with his Buizel for an aggressive yet appealing show. All the while Dawn has been watching everything with growing worry and apprehension, until an angry Piplup snaps her out of it with some not - so - gentle Bubble Beam coaxing. Gratefully, Dawn takes the stage, and puts on a magnificent performance with her Ampibom. It is then...

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.3
22 min

Stopping at a Pokémon Center for a rest on their way to Pastoria City, our Heroes, watching some T.V., learn that Pokémon Contest Master Wallace is soon to be bringing the Contest named after him, The Wallace Cup, to Lake Valor! Dawn is well - aware of Wallace and his reputation as a great Coordinator, and when they run into their old friend Rhonda from the T.V. show Sinnoh Now looking for Wallace in the forest on his one day off from a grueling publicity schedule, Dawn expresses her fervent desire to meet him too. Ash and Brock agree to help Dawn do just that, and when Piplup notices a strange fog in the forest, who should be relaxing there but Wallace and his magnificent Milotic! Greetings are exchanged, and Wallace graciously offers to watch Dawn and Ash in Contest Battle action once he's learned that Dawn is a Coordinator who plans on entering the Wallace Cup. Impressed with Ash's Buizel (who was once Dawn's Pokémon), Wallace suggests Ash and Buizel enter the Contest as well. ...

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.3
22 min

Stopping at a Pokémon Center for a rest on their way to Pastoria City, our Heroes, watching some T.V., learn that Pokémon Contest Master Wallace is soon to be bringing the Contest named after him, The Wallace Cup, to Lake Valor! Dawn is well - aware of Wallace and his reputation as a great Coordinator, and when they run into their old friend Rhonda from the T.V. show Sinnoh Now looking for Wallace in the forest on his one day off from a grueling publicity schedule, Dawn expresses her fervent desire to meet him too. Ash and Brock agree to help Dawn do just that, and when Piplup notices a strange fog in the forest, who should be relaxing there but Wallace and his magnificent Milotic! Greetings are exchanged, and Wallace graciously offers to watch Dawn and Ash in Contest Battle action once he's learned that Dawn is a Coordinator who plans on entering the Wallace Cup. Impressed with Ash's Buizel (who was once Dawn's Pokémon), Wallace suggests Ash and Buizel enter the Contest as well. ...

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.4
22 min

Dawn, Jessie and Kenny compete in the Solaceon Pokemon Contest. They're all confident in their Pokemon and performances however only 1 ribbon will be presented. Who will be the winner?

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.4
22 min

Dawn, Jessie and Kenny compete in the Solaceon Pokemon Contest. They're all confident in their Pokemon and performances however only 1 ribbon will be presented. Who will be the winner?

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.2
22 min

The gang meet up with Kenny when he and Ash battle. Team Rockets' rivals show up to steal a valuable artifact, confuse the Unowns who attack everyone else out of confusion and anger while they escape. During a battle one Pokemon evolves.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.2
22 min

The gang meet up with Kenny when he and Ash battle. Team Rockets' rivals show up to steal a valuable artifact, confuse the Unowns who attack everyone else out of confusion and anger while they escape. During a battle one Pokemon evolves.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 5.6
22 min

Continuing en route to Hearthome City, Ash's Turtwig suddenly alerts our Heroes to what they later learn is a Hippopotas stranded on a precarious ledge. After much effort, Ash is finally able to rescue the terrified Pokémon and soon learns that it has been separated from its herd and lost. Deciding to take Hippopotas back to its friends, they discover that Team Rocket has other, more fiendish ideas, and several confrontations between them take place, while one by one all parties become victim to Hippopotas' Yawn attack, which puts the recipient into a deep sleep. But Ash and friends persevere, and their new Pokémon friend is eventually brought back to and happily reunited with its herd. However, that occasion doesn't occur without Ash being the last of our sleepy Heroes to experience the full impact of Hippopotas' Yawn!

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 5.6
22 min

Continuing en route to Hearthome City, Ash's Turtwig suddenly alerts our Heroes to what they later learn is a Hippopotas stranded on a precarious ledge. After much effort, Ash is finally able to rescue the terrified Pokémon and soon learns that it has been separated from its herd and lost. Deciding to take Hippopotas back to its friends, they discover that Team Rocket has other, more fiendish ideas, and several confrontations between them take place, while one by one all parties become victim to Hippopotas' Yawn attack, which puts the recipient into a deep sleep. But Ash and friends persevere, and their new Pokémon friend is eventually brought back to and happily reunited with its herd. However, that occasion doesn't occur without Ash being the last of our sleepy Heroes to experience the full impact of Hippopotas' Yawn!

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.5
22 min

Continuing on toward Hearthome City and Ash's next Gym battle as well as Dawn's next Pokémon Contest, our Heroes discover that Cynthia, the Champion League Master, is visiting close by. However, when they go to see her,they discover that Paul is there too, and he challenges Cynthia to a battle on the spot. She agrees, and they begin a 6 on 6 Pokémon battle, which ends in a resounding defeat for Paul. However, after Cynthia agrees to help with Paul's ailing Pokémon, she shares a secret with Paul and our Heroes describing her dream to someday meet the Legendary Pokémon Dialga and Palkia. So when she suddenly learns that the Lustrous Orb, said to be related to Palkia, has been discovered in Celestic City, that becomes her next destination, leaving Paul to stay overnight at the Pokémon Center to care for his Pokémon, and our Heroes heading back toward Hearthome City with new insights and a new friend in Cynthia too!

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.5
22 min

Continuing on toward Hearthome City and Ash's next Gym battle as well as Dawn's next Pokémon Contest, our Heroes discover that Cynthia, the Champion League Master, is visiting close by. However, when they go to see her,they discover that Paul is there too, and he challenges Cynthia to a battle on the spot. She agrees, and they begin a 6 on 6 Pokémon battle, which ends in a resounding defeat for Paul. However, after Cynthia agrees to help with Paul's ailing Pokémon, she shares a secret with Paul and our Heroes describing her dream to someday meet the Legendary Pokémon Dialga and Palkia. So when she suddenly learns that the Lustrous Orb, said to be related to Palkia, has been discovered in Celestic City, that becomes her next destination, leaving Paul to stay overnight at the Pokémon Center to care for his Pokémon, and our Heroes heading back toward Hearthome City with new insights and a new friend in Cynthia too!

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.5
22 min

As the journey to the Eterna City Gym continues for our Heroes, they take a break to witness what is one of the most popular Contest events in the Sinnoh region - The annual Pokémon Dress - Up Contest! A Contest just for Pokémon, deciding which Pokémon best imitates a completely different Pokémon. And with a Pokémon Egg as the grand prize to the winner, everyone wants to get involved! Ash enters his Pikachu, Brock his Croagunk, and Dawn her Piplup. The event is being broadcast on the popular T.V. show Sinnoh Now, and everything is going along just fine until a disguised Jessie enters Meowth as well, and they decide that the best way to get the Pokémon Egg is to just steal it, much to the disappointment of James, who has entered Mime Jr. and is having a lot of fun and success. But our Heroes will have none if it, and they foil Team Rocket's caper in a televised battle. It's down to 3 finalists - Pikachu, Croagunk and a singing Chatot, who had won the previous year. And surprise of all ...

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.5
22 min

As the journey to the Eterna City Gym continues for our Heroes, they take a break to witness what is one of the most popular Contest events in the Sinnoh region - The annual Pokémon Dress - Up Contest! A Contest just for Pokémon, deciding which Pokémon best imitates a completely different Pokémon. And with a Pokémon Egg as the grand prize to the winner, everyone wants to get involved! Ash enters his Pikachu, Brock his Croagunk, and Dawn her Piplup. The event is being broadcast on the popular T.V. show Sinnoh Now, and everything is going along just fine until a disguised Jessie enters Meowth as well, and they decide that the best way to get the Pokémon Egg is to just steal it, much to the disappointment of James, who has entered Mime Jr. and is having a lot of fun and success. But our Heroes will have none if it, and they foil Team Rocket's caper in a televised battle. It's down to 3 finalists - Pikachu, Croagunk and a singing Chatot, who had won the previous year. And surprise of all ...

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.3
22 min

As the Floaroma Contest gets underway, we find several familiar faces going for the prestigious Floaroma ribbon: Dawn, her childhood friend Kenny, and Jessilina, who under her disguise we all know is Team Rocket's Jessie. All three make it through the 1st round (much to the relief of James and Meowth), but as the 2nd round gets underway Jessilina and her Dustox get trounced by Dawn and her Piplup, removing Jessie yet once again from contention. As it gets to the battle round, however, Dawn and Kenny find themselves facing each other for the final round and Contest victory! With Kenny using his Prinplup and Dawn using her Piplup, the combination of both Coordinators using Water - type Pokémon and 1 Pokémon being the evolved form of the other proves to be a most interesting and unusual battle, and both Dawn and Kenny are doing a lot of thinking on their feet to come up with a winning strategy. But after much back and forth intense battling, Dawn and Piplup end up the winners on points, ...

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.3
22 min

As the Floaroma Contest gets underway, we find several familiar faces going for the prestigious Floaroma ribbon: Dawn, her childhood friend Kenny, and Jessilina, who under her disguise we all know is Team Rocket's Jessie. All three make it through the 1st round (much to the relief of James and Meowth), but as the 2nd round gets underway Jessilina and her Dustox get trounced by Dawn and her Piplup, removing Jessie yet once again from contention. As it gets to the battle round, however, Dawn and Kenny find themselves facing each other for the final round and Contest victory! With Kenny using his Prinplup and Dawn using her Piplup, the combination of both Coordinators using Water - type Pokémon and 1 Pokémon being the evolved form of the other proves to be a most interesting and unusual battle, and both Dawn and Kenny are doing a lot of thinking on their feet to come up with a winning strategy. But after much back and forth intense battling, Dawn and Piplup end up the winners on points, ...

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.4
22 min

With little time before the beginning of the Floaroma Town Pokémon Contest, Dawn is getting some last minute practicing in when who should appear out of nowhere but her childhood friend, Kenny. The 2 have known each other since nursery school, and Dawn is surprised to learn that Kenny is now a Contest Coordinator as she is, and has his sights set on winning the same Contest as she does! After Kenny tells our Heroes some revealing (and embarrassing) stories about when they were little kids, Kenny and his Prinplup challenge Ash and Pikachu to a battle, and things are progressing at a frenzied pace when who should appear to try and do some Pokémon - stealing but James and Meowth, on a mission for Jessie to get her a strong Pokémon for HER Floaroma Contest appearance. However, the combination of Prinplup and Pikachu proves too much for the hapless Team Rocket duo, and they're sent blasting off again, as Jessie gets her nails done - at a beauty salon, of course. When the Contest begins, it...

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.4
22 min

With little time before the beginning of the Floaroma Town Pokémon Contest, Dawn is getting some last minute practicing in when who should appear out of nowhere but her childhood friend, Kenny. The 2 have known each other since nursery school, and Dawn is surprised to learn that Kenny is now a Contest Coordinator as she is, and has his sights set on winning the same Contest as she does! After Kenny tells our Heroes some revealing (and embarrassing) stories about when they were little kids, Kenny and his Prinplup challenge Ash and Pikachu to a battle, and things are progressing at a frenzied pace when who should appear to try and do some Pokémon - stealing but James and Meowth, on a mission for Jessie to get her a strong Pokémon for HER Floaroma Contest appearance. However, the combination of Prinplup and Pikachu proves too much for the hapless Team Rocket duo, and they're sent blasting off again, as Jessie gets her nails done - at a beauty salon, of course. When the Contest begins, it...

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.7
22 min

Ash and friends happen upon a Pokemon hunter, a person who steals rare Pokémon. Ash pursues her, and the hunter captures Pikachu.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.7
22 min

Ash and friends happen upon a Pokemon hunter, a person who steals rare Pokémon. Ash pursues her, and the hunter captures Pikachu.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.2
22 min

As Ash and Starli work on perfecting Aerial Ace. A Pokemon researcher asks for help finding out where all the bird Pokemon have gone. Ash and friends volunteer to help her. They find out that Team Rocket has captured all the Pokemon.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.2
22 min

As Ash and Starli work on perfecting Aerial Ace. A Pokemon researcher asks for help finding out where all the bird Pokemon have gone. Ash and friends volunteer to help her. They find out that Team Rocket has captured all the Pokemon.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.8
22 min

On their way to the Battle Pike, Ash and friends decide to ride along the Cycling Road, which is near Fuchsia City. However, the Cycling Road is closed and they must go through the forest which is near the road. Pikachu wanders away from the group and finds an injured Celebi. Ash and the others meet up with a Pokémon Ranger named Hinata and when they finally find Pikachu and Celebi, they protect them from Team Rocket? Written by Anonymous

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.8
22 min

On their way to the Battle Pike, Ash and friends decide to ride along the Cycling Road, which is near Fuchsia City. However, the Cycling Road is closed and they must go through the forest which is near the road. Pikachu wanders away from the group and finds an injured Celebi. Ash and the others meet up with a Pokémon Ranger named Hinata and when they finally find Pikachu and Celebi, they protect them from Team Rocket? Written by Anonymous

Country: Japan
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HD So Weird

So Weird


So Weird

IMDb: 7.2

Fi unravels a mystery of the past involving the murder of a great Blues musician, and learns his music was stolen by another man.

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HD So Weird

So Weird


So Weird

IMDb: 7.2

Fi unravels a mystery of the past involving the murder of a great Blues musician, and learns his music was stolen by another man.

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HD Viper




IMDb: 5.5

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HD Viper




IMDb: 5.5

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HD Unhappily Ever After

Unhappily Ever After


Unhappily Ever After

IMDb: 6.8

Know what this is about?
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Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Unhappily Ever After

Unhappily Ever After


Unhappily Ever After

IMDb: 6.8

Know what this is about?
Be the first one to add a plot.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The Drew Carey Show

The Drew Carey Show


The Drew Carey Show

IMDb: 7.2
23 min

Drew's best friend Kate begs him to hire her at Winfred-Louder, the department store where he works, after she gets fired because of a breakup with her deadbeat boyfriend. Drew is hesitant because he isn't supposed to hire his friends. While holding an interview for a job in the cosmetics department, Drew meets Mimi Bobeck, a hostile and argumentative woman who twists Drew's words and lands him in hot water with Mr. Bell, his boss. Written by skillwithaquill

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD The Drew Carey Show

The Drew Carey Show


The Drew Carey Show

IMDb: 7.2
23 min

Drew's best friend Kate begs him to hire her at Winfred-Louder, the department store where he works, after she gets fired because of a breakup with her deadbeat boyfriend. Drew is hesitant because he isn't supposed to hire his friends. While holding an interview for a job in the cosmetics department, Drew meets Mimi Bobeck, a hostile and argumentative woman who twists Drew's words and lands him in hot water with Mr. Bell, his boss. Written by skillwithaquill

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD 7th Heaven

7th Heaven


7th Heaven

IMDb: 7.1
44 min

Simon lets his mate Luke set them up with the Murphy twins, who fall for his cool 'bad boy' image by association with Mary, but the vixens make the knaves join them in shoplifting and other mischief. Matt falls in love at first sight with a girl in a wedding dress, actually model Julie. Only Mike teaches Lucy how to handle gossip. Annie seeks comfort with a friend, positive thinking guru Robin, who turns out rather negative. Written by KGF Vissers

Genre: Drama, Family, Romance,
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