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HD UFO Hunters

UFO Hunters


UFO Hunters

IMDb: 7.4
45 min

On October 26, 1994, the U.S. government made their first official acknowledgement of Area 51. Six months later, nearly 4,000 acres of previously public land surrounding the base were closed.

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HD UFO Hunters

UFO Hunters


UFO Hunters

IMDb: 6.6
45 min

In the early morning hours of May 14, 2008, witnesses in Needles, CA saw a turquoise glowing object in a rapid descent over the Colorado River.

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HD UFO Hunters

UFO Hunters


UFO Hunters

IMDb: 6.5
45 min

There are approximately 30,000 commercial flights in the United States every day, and as the number of flights increase, so does the proximity of UFO encounters.

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HD UFO Hunters

UFO Hunters


UFO Hunters

IMDb: 6.5
45 min

IOn January 28th 1994, an Air France pilot, his crew and passengers witnessed a brightly-glowing red and brown disc-shaped object while flying to London. Estimates of the disc's size were between 800 and 1,000 feet long...more than 3 times the size of a 747. On April 25th 2007, the captain of a passenger plane crossing the English Channel observed two bright-yellow flat objects for more than 15 minutes. He is astounded by their size - which he claims could have been as much as a mile wide. A pilot from a separate aircraft corroborated the story. The team takes to the skies to probe some of the largest UFO sightings ever recorded.

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HD UFO Hunters

UFO Hunters


UFO Hunters

IMDb: 6.1
45 min

In May of 2008, the UK's Ministry of Defense made decades' worth of classified files on UFOs freely available to the public. One month later, UFO hysteria ripped through the country. In June, a police helicopter crew spotted unusual aircraft in Wales. South Wales Police confirmed the sighting and reported it to the Ministry of Defense. Numerous witnesses and videos poured into Britain's top newspapers of more sightings - UFO madness had come to the UK. Former MOD investigator Nick Pope joins the team in solving the most exciting and recent UFO sightings in the world.

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HD UFO Hunters

UFO Hunters


UFO Hunters

IMDb: 6.8
45 min

On December 29, 1980, Betty Cash, Vickie Landrum and Colby Landrum took a drive that would soon become a life-changing nightmare. At approximately 9PM, driving through the Piney Woods of Texas, they observed a huge diamond-shaped object flying low above the isolated road, expelling flame and emitting significant heat. That night, all three experienced horrible physical symptoms--nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, weakness, and burning sensations all over their bodies. Betty Cash's symptoms soon worsened, and a few days later, she was sent to the emergency room, unable to walk, and losing large patches of skin and clumps of hair. The team re-opens this and other famous cases of alleged alien effects to determine if UFOs are leaving behind more than just sightings.

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HD UFO Hunters

UFO Hunters


UFO Hunters

IMDb: 6.9
45 min

In the early 1950's, James McDonald, a senior physicist at the University of Arizona, changed the entire course of UFO research. For nearly 20 years he examined UFO reports in great detail - interviewing over 500 witnesses, uncovering important government documents, and testifying before Congress in 1968. He challenged skeptics, performed scientific analysis, and led the charge for UFOs to be properly studied. After his tragic death in 1971, his investigations and files were sent to the University archives, where they lay dormant...until now. The team brings these lost UFO files back into the public eye for the first time on television, and looks at evidence long thought lost to history.

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HD UFO Hunters

UFO Hunters


UFO Hunters

IMDb: 6.2
45 min

On April 21st, 2008, one of the most talked-about incidents in modern UFO history opened a new chapter - the Phoenix Lights.

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HD UFO Hunters

UFO Hunters


UFO Hunters

IMDb: 6.9
45 min

On July 8, 1947 at 5:26 EDT, an Associated Press news wire announced that soldiers from Roswell Army Air Field in New Mexico recovered a flying disk from a nearby rancher's property. The tiny town of Roswell has never been the same. Now, 61 years later, new theories, new witnesses, and new evidence have emerged. The most shocking lead is that there may have been a second crash, and if it can be found, it may finally reveal what really happened at Roswell.

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HD UFO Hunters

UFO Hunters


UFO Hunters

IMDb: 6.3
45 min

On April 19, 1897, the Dallas Morning News reported a mysterious airship had crashed into a windmill in the nearby town of Aurora, Texas. Townspeople were said to have found an alien body and buried it in the local graveyard; the crash debris was dumped into a local well. More than 40 years later, the ranch owners were reporting skin lesions and crippling rheumatoid arthritis, which they attributed to tainted well water. The well was sealed over and forgotten. Now, more than a century after the event, the team will reopen the well, and search for the legendary grave, as they attempt to solve one of the earliest UFO cases ever recorded.

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HD UFO Hunters

UFO Hunters


UFO Hunters

IMDb: 5.8
45 min

Late in the evening of April 16th, 2008, the tiny town of Kokomo, Indiana was rocked by an ear-piercing, high decibel boom. Houses shook. Thousands of panicked citizens called 911. Police, firefighters and Homeland Security showed up to investigate. Witnesses claimed to see strange orange balls of light in the sky attached to something they couldn't identify. Just months earlier, in nearby Denver, Indiana, a terrified mother and son filmed lights they'd never seen before. The team heads to the heartland to unravel the clues behind the strange booms and menacing lights over the skies of Indiana, one of the most current UFO sightings in America.

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HD UFO Hunters

UFO Hunters


UFO Hunters

IMDb: 6.9
45 min

During the year 1994, numerous residents of both Michigan and Ohio made calls to 911 reporting UFO sightings. Local police responding to these calls remarked that they were pursuing objects that were out of this world. A radar operator working that night in 1994 for the National Weather Service claimed that his radar picked up unidentified objects. On January 5, 2000, a truck driver in Highland, Illinois reported seeing an enormous object that is later tracked by five different witnesses across four towns. Listen to the actual tapes of conversations between police and dispatchers as police report seeing UFOs and examine how the authorities react when UFO emergencies grip the public.

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HD UFO Hunters

UFO Hunters


UFO Hunters

IMDb: 6.7
45 min

On August 21st, 2004, people driving home from an Ozzy Osbourne concert in Tinley Park, Illinois, reported seeing a large triangular UFO with three bright red lights. Two months later, on Halloween night, hundreds of eyewitnesses reported seeing a similar UFO. By the time the lights returned again the following year, the mountain of evidence was overwhelming--videos, eyewitnesses, and news coverage were everywhere. The team tackles this incredible contemporary UFO case, and searches for what's responsible for the mass sightings in a small Chicago suburb.

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HD UFO Hunters

UFO Hunters


UFO Hunters

IMDb: 7.0
45 min

UFO sightings in space are not exclusive to NASA; in fact, the Soviet space program has its share of sightings as well. Watch as the team analyzes incredible NASA footage of reported UFOs and alien presence. Listen to interviews with the experts, including Apollo astronaut, Edgar Mitchell, and former NASA contractor, Donna Hare, who witnessed NASA employee's air brushing UFOs out of space photos. Included are the Russian MIR footage, Gemini 11 photos, various audio transmissions between astronauts and Mission Control, and the woman who took NASA to court over the alleged 1965 UFO crash in Kecksburg, Pennsylvania.

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HD UFO Hunters

UFO Hunters


UFO Hunters

IMDb: 6.1
45 min

How would the military respond if UFOs suddenly invaded restricted U.S. airspace? It allegedly happened, and the team gets a rare interview with the Military Air Traffic Controller who was there, and uncovers remastered audio tapes and radar imaging that reconstructs a shocking, little known series of events over the southwest United States.

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HD UFO Hunters

UFO Hunters


UFO Hunters

IMDb: 6.3
45 min

On May 9, 1980, at the Mariano Melgar air base in Peru, radar picked up a UFO at the end of the runway and at a height of 1,800 feet.

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HD UFO Hunters

UFO Hunters


UFO Hunters

IMDb: 6.8
45 min

The UFO Hunters are hot on the trail of a case that just happened, one that had the whole country talking just weeks ago. In December 2007, people begin seeing UFOs in the skies ninety miles from Dallas, Texas. Within a month, the reports had increased ten-fold. The UFO Hunters travel to Stephenville, Texas to investigate the strange lights in the sky. They meet witnesses never interviewed for TV, analyze strange footage shot by people all over Texas, and come to an incredible conclusion. Be triangulating reports using line of site data, they determine that these eyewitnesses definitely saw something strange, but what? It's a case so fresh it's still happening.

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HD UFO Hunters

UFO Hunters


UFO Hunters

IMDb: 6.8
44 min

Reverse engineering is a common practice used by private industry and the government as a means to keep up with or surpass the competition. Has the US military derived various forms of technology, including stealth technology, from downed UFO's? Are we competing with extra-terrestrial beings using their downed craft as the genesis for advances in modern technology? Follow a team from UFO magazine as they investigate the possibility that the technology providing us with fiber optics, night vision and the microchip, just to name a few, were derived from wreckage obtained from Roswell and other UFO crash sites.

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HD UFO Hunters

UFO Hunters


UFO Hunters

IMDb: 6.2
45 min

More than 7,000 UFO sightings have been reported in the Hudson Valley area of upstate New York. Is this area home to one of the many extra-terrestrial gateways that are believed to be spread all over the world? Theories behind gateways vary from being used to travel between time and space to being the link between dimensions. Then our team explores the deserts of Arizona where locals lead them to another gateway just outside of mystical Sedona. The team's access to UFO evidence is unparalleled and their expertise allows them to quickly identify bogus claims of UFOs as well as piece together compelling evidence of UFO phenomena.

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HD UFO Hunters

UFO Hunters


UFO Hunters

IMDb: 6.5
42 min

Reverse engineering is a common practice used by private industry and the government as a means to keep up with or surpass the competition. Has the US military derived various forms of technology, including stealth technology, from downed UFO's? Are we competing with extra-terrestrial beings using their downed craft as the genesis for advances in modern technology? Follow a team from UFO magazine as they investigate the possibility that the technology providing us with fiber optics, night vision and the microchip, just to name a few, were derived from wreckage obtained from Roswell and other UFO crash sites.

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HD UFO Hunters

UFO Hunters


UFO Hunters

IMDb: 6.5
45 min

UFOs sightings are more common among police offices than you might believe and many have witnessed things they can't explain. Travel the U.S. and abroad to hear first hand accounts from seasoned, decorated police officers who have had unbelievable, but substantiated UFO encounters. Follow a team from UFO Magazine as they open their files and investigate UFO cases around the world.

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HD UFO Hunters

UFO Hunters


UFO Hunters

IMDb: 6.8
45 min

In 1956, an object was detected over the North Sea heading toward Bentwaters RAF base--a base with nuclear weapons. Two Venom fighters made contact with the object, but their weapons and electrical systems were rendered useless. Both ground crew and base radar witnessed the event. In January 1980, British and American soldiers stationed at NATO/RAF bases near Rendlesham Forest observed a mysterious object in the sky. Listen to a dramatic audio recording of the event made by USAF Colonel Charles Halt. Was there a cover-up about these events involving the military and intelligence agencies? Former British Minister of Defense spokesman Nick Pope will provide the British government's response. Hear eyewitness accounts and see footage that has never been seen on television that piece together compelling evidence of UFO phenomena.

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HD UFO Hunters

UFO Hunters


UFO Hunters

IMDb: 6.1
45 min

The UFO magazine team investigates two sightings in Mexico that were separated by 33 years. On August 20, 2007, residents of Xilitla saw an object in the sky that changed speed and direction, in a way that suggested it was being flown, before it crashed into a nearby grove. In 1974, near Coyame, in an incident ufologists dub the Mexican Roswell, an unidentified object collided into a plane and crashed into the desert. Mexican police covered up both incidents. The UFO reporters hope to learn the truth from eyewitnesses for the 2007 incident and from wreckage they pull from the desert, which may relate to the 1974 sighting. Written by J. Spurlin

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HD UFO Hunters

UFO Hunters


UFO Hunters

IMDb: 6.6
44 min

The UFO magazine team investigates the 1961 case of Betty and Barney Hill, a New Hampshire couple who began the abductee movement when they claimed that they had been abducted by aliens while driving along a lonely road at night. Their memories of the incident were buried until a psychiatrist hypnotized them and brought their ordeal to the surface. They claimed that aliens brought them aboard a spacecraft and performed invasive experiments on their bodies. The UFO team examines a mysterious pink powder that was never cleaned from Betty's dress. Meanwhile, they take a look at a more recent offshoot of the movement: claims from abductees that aliens have inserted tiny objects into their bodies. They preside over the removal of one such object from an alleged abductee's thigh and bring it to laboratories to be examined. Written by J. Spurlin

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HD UFO Hunters

UFO Hunters


UFO Hunters

IMDb: 6.5
44 min

On January 26th, 1980, a plane crashed into the water near Catalina Island. The pilot, Noah Felice, was rescued. The passenger, Felice's cousin Mark, died. Felice later reported that he saw a strange craft in the water. The craft suddenly shot a beam of light at the plane, which seemed to cause the equipment to malfunction. The craft shot a second beam of light and that caused the plane to crash into the water. The strange and dramatic report is one of many claims regarding USOs, or Unidentified Submerged Objects, in the area. The researchers from UFO magazine investigate the case, hoping to find the submerged plane and pull it up. Written by J. Spurlin

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HD UFO Hunters

UFO Hunters


UFO Hunters

IMDb: 6.6
45 min

Two weeks before the infamous 1947 Roswell sighting, a man named Harold Dahl was on a boat with his 15-year-old son and two crew members in Puget Sound near Maury Island, Washington. All four reported seeing six flying donut-shaped disks, one of which dropped debris that fell on the boat and broke the boy's arm and killed Dahl's dog. Later, two military officers, intending to transport some of the debris to Hamilton Air Force Base, crash landed in a forest along Goble Creek. A group of investigators from UFO magazine look into the sixty-year-old case, going underwater to search for UFO debris and into the forest to find the B25 bomber's crash site. They also look at the connection between the Maury Island incident and the UFO sighting by the pilot Kenneth Arnold at Mount Rainier. Written by J. Spurlin

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