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HD Kim Possible

Kim Possible


Kim Possible

IMDb: 7.5
21 min

Incensed by Mr. Barkin's assertion that fast-food is unhealthy, Ron goes on an all Bueno Nacho diet.

Country: USA
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HD Kim Possible

Kim Possible


Kim Possible

IMDb: 7.6
21 min

Ron's having letting go issues when he has to pass on the role of the Middleton Mascot to Kim's brothers. Kim learns that a green-skinned, energy blasting woman just broke Dr. Drakken out of prison... but it's not Shego?

Country: USA
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HD Kim Possible

Kim Possible


Kim Possible

IMDb: 7.5
21 min

Motor Ed busts Shego out of prison (leaving Drakken behind) to help him pull off his most awesome plot. Meanwhile, Kim will do anything to get a car of her own... even let her brothers build one!

Country: USA
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HD Kim Possible

Kim Possible


Kim Possible

IMDb: 7.7
21 min

Who's framing celebrities for high-profile crimes? Kim and Ron are on the trail. [recommend erase: of a shape-shifting thief!]

Country: USA
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HD Kim Possible

Kim Possible


Kim Possible

IMDb: 8.1
21 min

As senior year begins, Bonnie is surprised that Kim is still dating Ron and advises her that as a senior cheerleader, she should only date an athlete. Kim attempts to reassure Ron that she doesn't plan to take Bonnie's advice. However, Ron misunderstands an overheard conversation between Kim and Monique and decides that he has to join the football team in order to maintain his relationship with Kim. Meanwhile, Professor Dementor is taken by surprise when he learns that Kim now has an indestructible battle suit. He lures Kim and Ron into a trapped house so he can analyze the suit and find out how to overcome it. Written by Joshua Kreitzer

Country: USA
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HD Kim Possible

Kim Possible


Kim Possible

IMDb: 7.6
21 min

When Kim and Ron attempt foil Senor Senor Junior's plot to steal the Tower of London, the daring duo suddenly find themselves the subject of a new film starring the awesome Heather and the mopey Quinn.

Country: USA
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HD Kim Possible

Kim Possible


Kim Possible

IMDb: 7.4

Mrs. Hatchett, the school librarian, has discovered that Kim has a very overdue book, and must work in library lock-up. Ron realizes that he had borrowed it without asking just before a mission, and lost it at some villain's lair. While Kim is working in the library, Ron and Wade (via a remote-controlled robot) visit various villain's lairs looking for the missing book, foiling their current world domination plans at the same time. At the final one - Monkey Fist's - Ron's backpack is spilled revealing that he'd had the book all the time. Ron returns to Middleton, and puts the book back, getting Kim out of detention. Written by Tony-B4

Country: USA
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HD Kim Possible

Kim Possible


Kim Possible

IMDb: 7.1

Kim and Ron attempt to prevent Professor Dementor from stealing an experimental device, but Dementor gets away. Later in school, Ron discovers that he has one of Dementor's gadgets in his pocket, but drops it. The gadget turns out to release a molecular adhesive, and Ron winds up stuck to Mr. Barkin, while Kim winds up stuck to Bonnie. While awaiting information from Wade on how to find Dementor and the solvent to release them, Ron winds up having to play rugby and swim with Barkin, while Kim has to accompany Bonnie on her date with Brick. Ron is eventually able to help Barkin when it turns out that Barkin is the leader of a troop of Pixie scouts, and Ron and Rufus join them in a muffin-selling drive. Wade informs Kim that Dementor is in the Bavarian Alps, and she and Bonnie travel to Dementor's lair, where they are captured. Ron, Barkin, and the Pixies follow them to Bavaria as well in order to rescue Kim and Bonnie and foil Dementor's plan to take control of all the electronic ... Written by Joshua Kreitzer

Country: USA
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HD Kim Possible

Kim Possible


Kim Possible

IMDb: 8.6
21 min

Drakken and Shego break into the lab of Dr. Cyrus Bortel to steal one of his devices. When Kim and Ron arrive to stop them, Kim and Shego fight and accidentally are each tagged with Dr. Bortel's latest invention, the moodulator, a device controlled with a remote that forces the wearer to experience specific emotions. During the fight, Kim drops her Kimunicator and Ron picks up the control for the moodulators, thinking it was the former, and gives it to Kim. Back home, Kim gives it back to Ron, telling him it's the wrong device. Thinking it's a video game, he starts playing with it, causing Kim and Shego to go through an emotional roller-coaster. He stops playing when it's set on love, and Kim then crushes on Ron, and Shego on Dr. Drakken. Meanwhile, Drakken is trying to finish his plan, using Dr. Bortel's invention he stole. At the Middleton Fair, they all meet, and Drakken realizes what's happening to Kim. He takes the moodulator's control and boosts its power. Instead he fries it ... Written by Tony-B4

Country: USA
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HD Kim Possible

Kim Possible


Kim Possible

IMDb: 7.8
21 min

Kim is disappointed when Ron decides to spend Friday night playing videogames with Felix and she can't find anyone else who is available to do anything with that evening. Meanwhile, Drakken is working on his Doom-V vehicle when his mother arrives at his lair with his cousin Motor Ed. Mrs. Lipsky, who thinks Drakken is a doctor with a radio talk show rather than an evil megalomaniac, explains that Ed needs him to serve as a good influence. Drakken is annoyed by Motor Ed's mannerisms, such as his constantly exclaiming Seriously!, but Ed is an expert on vehicles and figures out how to repair the Doom-V, so they team up. Drakken and Ed break into a hardware store, and when Wade sends Kim to stop them, Drakken, Ed, and Kim are each surprised to find that the other two know each other. After the villains get away, Ed tells Drakken that as impressive as the Doom-V is, it doesn't compare to Felix's wheelchair. When Kim accompanies Ron and Felix to a videogame tournament, the villains ... Written by Joshua Kreitzer

Country: USA
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HD Kim Possible

Kim Possible


Kim Possible

IMDb: 7.6
21 min

Kim finds out she had a great aunt Miriam - aka Mim - who was shamed out of town because she was implicated in a theft at the Middleton Exposition 100 years before. Mr. Barkin related the story of how his ancestor - Constable Barkin - pinned the crime of a stolen energy device from a Prof. Demenz on Mim. The reality was that Bartholomew Lipsky (Dr. Drakken's ancestor) and his assistant Ms. Go stole the device, but it was lost as Mim Possible was chasing them. Mim was unfortunately caught in a photo taken by a young cub reporter - Wade's great-grandfather - who is still alive. Kim and Ron visit him, and get his original photo plates. Wade enhances them and discovers the truth of who was the real thief, but also determines that the stolen device was activated during the chase, and will discharge a huge amount of energy within the day if not found. Kim and Ron go back to the exposition museum and find the device has been lost on top of an old taco stand all this time. Just as they find ... Written by Tony-B4

Country: USA
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HD Kim Possible

Kim Possible


Kim Possible

IMDb: 7.4
21 min

Ron's rollin' in the bling-bling when his invention of the Naco gets him $99 million!

Country: USA
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HD Kim Possible

Kim Possible


Kim Possible

IMDb: 6.6

Kim's dad is anxious because the directors of his lab are coming to dinner to consider him for a promotion. On the way to school, Kim and Ron are contacted by Wade to rescue Dr. Wong, a scientist being held in an ice fortress by Drakken and Shego. They succeed in rescuing her, but not before both Kim and Ron get hit by a ray shot by Drakken. Kim doesn't realize the problem until she is being interviewed for a cheerleading magazine and starts blurting out embarrassing secrets about her life. Wade discovers that Kim was hit by a truth ray that prevents her from censoring herself until its effects wear off in about a day. The ray has the same disinhibiting effect on Ron, but saying what is on his mind turns out to benefit him. In English class with Mr. Barkin, Ron declares that he found the assigned novel unreadable; the other students agree with him, and Mr. Barkin admits that he hates the novel too. Kim tries to tell her parents that she's been hit with a truth ray before the directors... Written by Joshua Kreitzer

Country: USA
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HD Kim Possible

Kim Possible


Kim Possible

IMDb: 7.5

In trying to defeat Kim Possible (who has thwarted him several times in a row), Dr. Drakken tries reading teen magazines for a clue. He gets the idea that embarrassment is the key. So he mixes a compound from a rare orchid and sprays her with it. Now, whenever she becomes embarrassed, a small vortex forms in her abdomen and starts to make her fade from existence. Ron and Wade (the latter via robot) go to South America to find an antidote, leaving Kim at her house. But Josh Mankie calls and asks her out on a date. She goes, but keeps getting embarrassed, no thanks to two Embarassment Ninjas that Drakken hired to speed along Kim's demise, as well as her twin brothers. Just as the last of him is about to disappear, Ron arrives with the antidote, and brings Kim back to full existence. Written by Tony-B4

Country: USA
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HD Kim Possible

Kim Possible


Kim Possible

IMDb: 7.0
21 min

Kim's bad luck streak with class photos is heading for a new record when she starts turning into a monkey!

Country: USA
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HD Kim Possible

Kim Possible


Kim Possible

IMDb: 7.5

Cheer squads and mascots from several high schools are invited to a cheer camp, to be held at a college campus. But due to plumbing problems, the camp is relocated to Camp Gottagrin. But immediately upon stepping off the bus, Ron discovers Gottagrin is really Camp Wannaweep, the nightmarish camp he was forced to go to years before, and also the site of where one of his fellow campers had mutated and trapped him and the cheer squad the year before. That camper, Gil Moss, was taken away to be cured of his mutation and re-integrated with society. He's been cured, going to public high school, and is the mascot for his high school, whose cheer squad is also at Gottagrin. Gil befriends Ron, but Ron is dubious of Gil's good intentions. He follows Gil one night, thinking to catch him in something sinister, but instead spoils Gil's surprise of his new horned-toad mascot costume. The cheer campers turn against Ron, throwing rotten veggies at him at every opportunity. But then, Ron's paranoia ... Written by Tony-B4

Country: USA
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HD Frasier




IMDb: 7.8
30 min

Exiting the elevator on the wrong floor of his office building, Frasier runs into Charlotte, a matchmaker looking eagerly for new clients. Frasier declines her help, but changes his mind after a disastrous encounter with an ex-girlfriend. His confidence does not improve when Charlotte sends him on a series of dates from hell. An impressionable Niles and Daphne follow the advice of another couple from their Lamaze class, and hire a midwife who insists on a drug-free birth. Written by crouchbk

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Kim Possible

Kim Possible


Kim Possible

IMDb: 7.8
21 min

The annual talent competition is coming up, and Bonnie is certain that she'll win, seeing as all of her older siblings have won the contest the last several years in a row. Kim signs up to prove her wrong, her talent being singing. There's just one problem: her voice crackles and she goes completely tone deaf when attempting the high notes. Meanwhile, Drakken has utilized motion-capture technology to create a cyber clone of Wade, enabling him to have Kim Possible do his bidding without her ever knowing about it. The first nefarious task he has her complete is to steal Professor Dementor's teleportation device (which works sort of like a telephone), but he forgets to have her steal the adapter, so he sends her back, the whole time masquerading as Wade. As Kim is about to deliver the adapter, the real Wade hacks back into his own system and Kim discovers Drakken's plot, but Shego sneaks up from behind and knocks her out. Drakken locks her in a chest, welds it shut, places it at the ... Written by beeftony

Country: USA
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HD Kim Possible

Kim Possible


Kim Possible

IMDb: 7.4
21 min

Drakken's Bebe robots (see episode 1.9, Attack of the Killer Bebes) are back, and they're trying to achieve perfection, this time without Drakken. While stealing equipment to mass-produce themselves, they realize that they need a human mind to coordinate their collective intelligence. While Kim and Ron are investigating the thefts of the equipment the Bebes have stolen, the robots overhear Kim say that Bonnie Rockwaller is the bossiest person. They decide to make Bonnie their queen. The Bebes have also perfected their super-speed, so Wade gives Kim a special pair of shoes he's designed that give the wearer super-speed. (Rufus steals the rodent-sized pair of shoes from a test mouse.) He warns her to use them only once they've located the Bebes, but Kim uses them to catch up on all the favors she's promised: cleaning up a park, decorating the gym for a dance, etc. Once Wade has located the Bebes' lair, Kim and Ron head there via helicopter. But halfway there, time seems to stop to ... Written by Tony-B4

Country: USA
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HD Kim Possible

Kim Possible


Kim Possible

IMDb: 7.8

Ron participates in an exchange program with the Yamanouchi school in Japan, which turns out to be a secret ninja school. In his place is Hirotaka, whom all the girls immediately crush on. That is, all the girls except Kim and Monique. Kim begins to crush on him after she sees him exhaust Brick Flagg by dodging his punches, then tip him over with his index finger. Monique begins to crush on him too, creating a conflict between the two. Meanwhile, Ron is still trying to adjust to the Yamanaouchi school, which seems to be easier for Rufus than him, but the stress is lessened by fellow student Yori, who appears to be developing a crush of her own. Ron is called to action when Monkeyfist invades the school and steals the Lotus Blade, which the founder of the school used to carve the school out of the mountain. Master Sensei, the school's leader, reveals to Ron the true reason why he was chosen to come to Yamanouchi: the Lotus Blade is a magical shape-shifting weapon activated by mystical ... Written by beeftony

Country: USA
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HD Kim Possible

Kim Possible


Kim Possible

IMDb: 6.7
21 min

Drakken and Shego steal a weather machine, planning to unleash an ice storm on Canada to conquer the country. Meanwhile, Kim and her classmates spend Career Week working with mentors. Ron's mentor is a secret agent, and Bonnie's mentor is Mrs. Dr. Possible, but Kim is stuck working with Joe, the new janitor at school. Kim is embarrassed to be perceived as having chosen the janitorial arts as her career, but she eventually finds Joe's training surprisingly useful. Written by Joshua Kreitzer

Country: USA
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HD Kim Possible

Kim Possible


Kim Possible

IMDb: 7.6
21 min

Could it be possible that there's something in the world that Kim can't do? It certainly would seem that way when she and Ron struggle with Middleton High School's driver's education course, and doesn't help when she realized Bonnie passes with ease. In the meantime, a self-driving sport utility vehicle built with artificial intelligence named S.A.D.I. seeks Kim's help in finding Dr. Freeman, her manufacturer who has just been kidnapped by Drakken so he can force him to perfect his army of destructo-bots. Written by Daniel Timothy Dey

Country: USA
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HD Kim Possible

Kim Possible


Kim Possible

IMDb: 7.6
21 min

During a mission in Florida, Kim's jeans are ruined by an alligator. She has no choice but to go to the local Smarty Mart store to get a replacement. Once back in Middleton, she goes to Club Banana to buy a replacement pair. On their way to the store, a new villain - Frugal Lucre - interrupts all TV signals to inform the world that he'll destroy the Internet unless everybody sends him $1.00. Dismissing him, Kim finds that she can't buy anything at Club Banana because Lucre has jammed the Internet with e-cards. She goes home, and asks Wade to trace Lucre. They replay his video and discover that he's broadcasting from a Smarty Mart store. Kim taps into their computer network and gets data than pinpoints who Lucre really is: Francis Lurman of Philadelphia. Kim and Ron go to confront Francis, but get trapped in a net guarded by snapping turtles. They get by the turtles and go after Lucre. At the store where he's employed, Lucre finds that only 17 people have sent him any money, so he ... Written by Tony-B4

Country: USA
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HD Kim Possible

Kim Possible


Kim Possible

IMDb: 7.3
21 min

A new fad has hit Middleton: Animology, an elaborate cross between astrology and a personality quiz(as Kim puts it) with animals and colors used to measure people. Kim is completely disinterested in it, until Ron leaves his animology book behind, thus turning her into a believer. As usual though, Kim has much more important matters to deal with. She has to recover a stolen cryovation device owned by mini corn-dog entrepreneur Pop-Pop Porter, which Señor Senior Sr. vows to use to in a revenge plot against the billionaire's club that expelled both him and Señor Senior Jr. Written by Daniel Timothy Dey

Country: USA
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HD Kim Possible

Kim Possible


Kim Possible

IMDb: 7.7
21 min

Kim is envious that Bonnie is accepted by the upper classmen at Middleton High just because she wears the latest fashion. But then a top fashion critic sees Kim in action and makes Kim's action attire (cargo pants and black crop top) the latest in fashion. Meanwhile, Drakken has angered Shego with his attempts to clone her, and she leaves for an extended vacation. While she's gone, Drakken decides to get Kim's DNA and make an evil clone army. But he mistakenly gets a hold on Bonnie Rockwaller's DNA (off of Kim-style clothes he finds in a locker at MHS), but decides to use his evil Bonnies anyway. Sending them to fight Kim, one clone lands in a dumpster outside of Bueno Nacho and dissolves. Sending a sample analysis to Wade, he figures out that a combination of hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide will dissolve the clones. Kim realizes the old soda at the bottom of the dumpster is what did in the dissolved clone. Confronting Drakken, his henchmen and Bonnie-clones grab hair from Kim,... Written by Tony-B4

Country: USA
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HD Kim Possible

Kim Possible


Kim Possible

IMDb: 7.8
21 min

Ron, wanting to write for the school newspaper, interviews Kim, but takes her quote about quarterback Brick Flagg being hot out of context. Ron's article embarrasses Kim and leads to Brick asking Kim on a date, which she is reluctant to go on. Meanwhile, Ron, Jim, and Tim are fans of TV stuntwoman Adrena Lynn, but Kim considers her a bad influence on children who imitate her stunts (such as her brothers). Kim catches Adrena Lynn faking a stunt, and Ron's report on the fraud makes national news and causes Adrena Lynn's show to be canceled. As a result, Adrena Lynn plots revenge on Kim and Ron. Written by Joshua Kreitzer

Country: USA
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HD Kim Possible

Kim Possible


Kim Possible

IMDb: 7.6
21 min

Kim's efforts to run for school council president are setback when she has to bodyguard a spoiled prince.

Country: USA
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HD Kim Possible

Kim Possible


Kim Possible

IMDb: 7.6
21 min

Ron wants to belong to a group in school, and he decides becoming the only male on the cheer squad is what to do. Kim wants to be supportive, but seeing Ron's mad dog mascot routine (complete with head mask and rabid foam) makes her doubt Ron's place is on cheer squad. This angers Ron, and he storms away. Meanwhile, two local scientists are kidnapped. While at the site of the second one's disappearance, Ron sees an old college picture of the two missing scientists and Kim's dad. Ron (with Rufus's help) realizes that Dr. Possible is the next target. Still being mad at Kim, he decides to handle this lead himself. He makes a mask of Dr. Possible, borrows Dr. P's car keys, and goes out to his car. Suddenly, the roof of the car is punctured and three robots take Ron away. Later, Dr. Possible arrives at Kim's cheer practice, mad at what Ron has done to his car. Suspecting foul play, Kim asks Wade to track Ron, who traces him to a local hotel. Once there, Kim and Dr. Possible notice that ... Written by Tony-B4

Country: USA
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HD Kim Possible

Kim Possible


Kim Possible

IMDb: 7.1
21 min

Kim is called for help from Dr. Drakken, but not; the voice isn't his, but of a Pvt. Dobbs. Drakken has used a brain-switching machine to trade bodies with Dobbs. Kim and Ron go to rescue Dobbs from Drakken's lair. While there, they battle Shego and accidentally get brain-swapped themselves. Meanwhile, Drakken has used Dobbs's body to get into a top-secret project area and steal a new military weapon. When he returns, he finds his new lair destroyed, so he and his henchmen move. While unpacking, he discovers that his body is missing, and he wants it back. While Wade tracks down where Drakken has moved, Kim and Ron get a good taste of what it's like in each others shoes: Ron being bullied and Kim being over-tasked. Wade finds Drakken, and Kim, Ron, and Dobbs return to Drakken's new lair to retrieve the weapon. After battling Shego, Drakken senses a loss and sets the self-destruct on his new lair. With mere seconds to go, Kim and Ron re-switch their brains. Unfortunately, Ron and Rufus ... Written by Tony-B4

Country: USA
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HD Kim Possible

Kim Possible


Kim Possible

IMDb: 8.0
21 min

With her position as head cheerleader at stake, Kim competes with Bonnie trying to raise money for the squad by selling chocolate bars. This proves to be more difficult for her when she's recruited by the Global Justice Organiztion to recover a kidnapped retired weapons expert named Professor Sylvan Greene with the help of haughty GJ agent Will Du. Professor Greene was discovered to have been kidnapped by Duff Killigan, the world's deadliest golfer. However, since his expertise is practically common knowledge these days, Kim, Ron, Rufus, and Agent Du find a whole different motive for the kidnapping of the professor. Written by Daniel Timothy Dey

Country: USA
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HD Kim Possible

Kim Possible


Kim Possible

IMDb: 7.9

Just when Kim thinks she can have a break from fighting freaky super-villains with a relaxing school ski vacation, she finds that her parents have replaced the original chaperones and are sure to embarrass her, and Ron(as well as Mr. Barkin)seeks photos of a mythical beast that a tabloid newspaper claims has been hiding in the mountains. As it turns out the beast is real, and is among other creatures created by the hyper-affectionate mad scientist and cuddle-buddy lover Dr. Amy Hall, a.k.a DNAmy, a woman skilled in genetic splicing with a habit of making her own real-life versions of her beloved plush toys. Written by Daniel Timothy Dey

Country: USA
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HD Kim Possible

Kim Possible


Kim Possible

IMDb: 7.4

In Kim's first encounter with Dr. Drakken, she must retrieve an experimental robot tick that Drakken has rigged to explode.... but first she has to escape detention with Mr. Barkin.

Country: USA
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