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HD The Closer

The Closer


The Closer

IMDb: 8.3
43 min

Provenza's first ex-wife Liz arrives at Major Crimes to ask his help in getting her money back from a jewelry shop where she sold her wedding ring. Flynn and Provenza question an attractive clerk and Liz's ring is returned. The problem seems to be solved until they witness the clerk running out of the store with a male accomplice. When the detectives re-enter the shop to find the place ransacked, Flynn and Provenza are horrified to realize they allowed a robbery to happen right under their noses. Written by skillwithaquill

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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The Closer


The Closer

IMDb: 8.4
43 min

Assisting another LAPD division, Brenda and Major Crimes investigate the murder of Gwyneth Adler, a nurse found drugged and raped in a motel bedroom rented by George Harris, who, at check-in, requested two keys, suggesting he had a partner. In court, Brenda finds herself up against defense attorney Philip Stroh, whom she knows is a serial rapist and murderer. Never able to prove it, her testimony leads to a mistrial with the judge giving the prosecution four weeks to start over again. Harris had been charged with rape the previous year, but the case was dropped when the victim, Nathalie Baldwin, disappeared and couldn't testify in court. Nathalie is now located but just wants to forget about her ordeal. Using Nathalie, Brenda sets up a sting to trap Stroh, but it doesn't quite go as planned, and Brenda is called on the carpet and ordered to leave Stroh alone. Written by garykmcd / edited by statmanjeff

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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The Closer


The Closer

IMDb: 8.9
43 min

Brenda and Major Crimes investigate the murder of James Turner, known within the One-Ten-Crips as J-Rock and found executed in a car registered to the late Terrell Baylor along with lawyer Peter Goldman's business card in his pocket. Goldman, who represents the Baylor family in their wrongful death suit against Brenda and the LAPD, had visited Reggie Moses in San Quentin the previous day. Reggie, in turn, made a call after their meeting to Martin Evans, a former gang member who Brenda is certain ordered Baylor's death. Proving it could bring an end to Goldman's civil suit, but Brenda wants more than that. As the investigation starts, Sanchez privately but firmly warns Brenda that anything she says or does in the squad will be leaked to Goldman, and to trust no one. Written by garykmcd / edited by statmanjeff

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Closer

The Closer


The Closer

IMDb: 8.7
42 min

Major Crimes investigates after a car belonging to Police Commissioner Jay Meyers kills 19 year-old college freshman Gracie Ann Gates in a hit and run accident. Detective Flynn witnessed the accident - with the car driving in the wrong lane - but the commissioner's wife Gail, driving while drunk, claims her car was stolen while she was at dinner with her daughter and some of her friends. Brenda suspects her from the outset, but Chief Pope wants her to go slow (until he learns of her near arrest the previous summer for drunk driving ). She could now be charged with murder rather than manslaughter - and that's exactly want Brenda wants to do to get her firmly off the streets. Written by garykmcd / edited by statmanjeff

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Closer

The Closer


The Closer

IMDb: 8.1
43 min

The FBI and Major Crimes clash when Brenda's murder case threatens their burglary ring investigation. Paul Burke, who worked in a family-run catering company, is dead. The FBI had been surveilling Eric Shaw in connection to a burglary ring when he engaged Paul in a fistfight. When Eric (the victor) drives off, the FBI follows, with Agent Burns calling 911 to get the LAPD to assist the badly beaten Burke. LAPD arrives five minutes later to find Paul Burke shot twice in the head. The FBI insists their surveillance of Eric be kept secret, which becomes difficult when they learn that Eric's sister is Paul's wife, that the family-run catering company fronts a burglary operation, and that Paul was dating the company secretary, Claudia, who was Eric' ex-girlfriend. In the midst of untangling the knots between family ties and jurisdiction with the FBI, Brenda's parents Willie Ray and Clay drop in for a short visit with some serious news: Clay has thyroid cancer. Written by garykmcd / revised by statmanjeff

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Closer

The Closer


The Closer

IMDb: 8.1
42 min

After Santa Randy is killed in a freak accident during a children's event at the North Pole, the team has to investigate Santa Jack (Fred Willard) to see if he was involved, turning this accident into a murder. But the team can't seem to keep Santa Jack far away enough from his Rum-filled Egg Nog to get a court admissible confession. Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Closer

The Closer


The Closer

IMDb: 8.1
43 min

Brenda and the team investigate the shooting of high school principal John Reed, found dead at the wheel of his car. He was on his way home, talking to his wife on his cell phone, when he said he had to take care of something shortly before she heard gunshots. A similar shooting involving the same make and color of his car occurred just a few blocks away two weeks before, involving a TSA agent, putting Fritz and the FBI at interest. Reed, who specialized in cleaning up problem schools, had recently begun his new assignment, for which his wife says he had received threats and had decided to transfer the school's beloved football coach, Rich Carr. At Carr's home, police find underage students living with him along with the murder weapon, buried, which had been used in a robbery five years previously. To close the case, Brenda seeks the tenuous connection between the gun and Coach Carr's home. Meanwhile, Capt. Raydor continues to shadow Major Crimes, looking for who is leaking ... Written by garykmcd / revised by statmanjeff

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Closer

The Closer


The Closer

IMDb: 8.4
43 min

The trial begins, but the shooting death of a deputy sheriff calls Brenda and her team away. According to the deputy's partner, Mike Burton, they were following an expensive sports car that had been reported stolen, which was all part of a joint program with the FBI to round up a ring of international car thieves. Burton states there were two suspects in the vehicle but forensics finds prints connecting to four known criminals (one captured). By the time they track a second man down, he's dead. They set a trap, hoping to nab the ringleader. Meanwhile, Brenda's lawyer, Gavin Baker, hopes to get the Baylor lawsuit against Brenda thrown out of court. He succeeds but prosecuting attorney Peter Goldman has an ace up his sleeve, and Brenda may have more than one of her cases brought up in another court. Written by garykmcd / revised by statmanjeff

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Closer

The Closer


The Closer

IMDb: 8.1
43 min

Brenda and the Major Crimes team investigate the death of Bob Michaels, father of aspiring pop star Missy Michaels. Found at the bottom of a cliff after a 5-day disappearance while hiking, it has the appearance of a suicide. Medical examiner Dr. Morales determines that Bob's been dead for twelve hours or so, which raises the question of what he'd been doing for the previous four and a half days. Further examination finds pepper-spray on his face along with blue candy and a pizza in his stomach, suggesting deception at best, murder at worst. Ambitious parents are at the root of it all. Meanwhile, the Baylor family offers to settle the lawsuit against Brenda and the city, but the language in the settlement isn't as clear as Brenda's lawyer or Capt. Raydor would like. Written by garykmcd / edited by statmanjeff

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Closer

The Closer


The Closer

IMDb: 8.6
43 min

Convict Ray Diamond requests a deal from Brenda and David in order to share a hot tip about a hit issued from the drug cartel operating within prison walls. Before police can determine its validity, Ray dies, throat cut, thereby verifying the hit - but on who? Deputy District Attorney Andrea Hobbs' case seems targeted, so Brenda and Fritz join her protection team to safeguard all. Meanwhile, Gavin Q. Baker III (Brenda's lawyer) conducts a round of depositions to all involved in Major Crimes, setting about finding the leak. The team's not stupid: now everyone knows there's a leak. Written by statmanjeff

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Closer

The Closer


The Closer

IMDb: 8.4
43 min

The overdose death of a high-priced call girl comes across Brenda's desk via Cdr. Taylor when the young woman's mother, Det. Ortega from Phoenix, disagrees with the ruling. As Major Crimes looks into the matter (which turns into a shootout with the dead woman's drug addict husband and his dealer buddies), Capt. Raylor returns to the murder room for follow-up questions with Det. Sanchez. Finally getting the information she wants, Capt. Raydor presents Brenda with a startling conclusion - there's a leak in her department. Written by statmanjeff

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Closer

The Closer


The Closer

IMDb: 8.2
43 min

Summoned from meeting with her recommended attorney, Gavin Q. Baker III (whose daunting retainer fee leaves her touchy and volatilely irritable), Brenda looks into the death of registered sex offender John David Dale, found wrapped and buried at the base of an illegally constructed retaining wall in an elite neighborhood. While most regard the incident as good riddance to bad rubbish, Brenda finds it more than odd that John David Dale's body was discovered thanks to a complaint ostensibly e-mailed from John David Dale himself while he was dead. Meanwhile, Fritz makes an arrangement with Gavin so Brenda can retain his council. Written by statmanjeff

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Closer

The Closer


The Closer

IMDb: 8.1
43 min

Brenda and the Major Crimes squad turn out in force when a funeral parlor director reports to the coroner's office a dead body delivered without a death certificate. The late Pastor Wycoff was well known in his local community, but his family is clearly hiding something. When police find ligature marks on his neck, his wife reveals that her husband committed suicide, but that doesn't explain women's apparel found in the motel room where he died. What they're not so prepared for is that the pastor was a cross-dresser and the clothing his. Meanwhile, Brenda is beginning to feel the pressure when lawyer Peter Goldman serves everyone on the squad - all except Sgt. Gabriel - in a $20 million wrongful death suit in the case of Terrell Baylor. Written by garykmcd / edited by statmanjeff

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Closer

The Closer


The Closer

IMDb: 8.5
43 min

With Brenda being interviewed by Captain Rayder over the death of a suspect she released, Lt. Mike Tao becomes the senior officer in charge of searching for a missing 9-year-old boy. The boy's parents are divorced and hostile, with the mother now living with her new boyfriend, an ex-Las Vegas policeman who has a history of domestic abuse. The boy, found floating in a swimming pool more than a mile away, rode his new bike to summer camp that morning - a camp where Lt. Tao's son, Kevin, was a teen counselor to the lad. The autopsy, however, reveals death by drug overdose rather than drowning. While trying to solve the case, Brenda does everything she can to avoid Raydor and her needling about getting a lawyer against the impending lawsuit. Written by garykmcd / edited by statmanjeff

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Closer

The Closer


The Closer

IMDb: 8.7
43 min

Provenza enlists the help of Flynn and Buzz to track down and serve a subpoena on Steven Hirshbaum. It's all unofficial, and the lawyer behind the subpoena has promised to pay $2000. With Buzz's technical expertise, they soon find him and serve the subpoena, but before they can even leave the site, the man is shot in the back and thrown out the window of his hotel room. It all gets just a bit complicated for them when it turns out the victim isn't Hirshbaum but a look-alike actor named Scott Esposito. Hirshbaum, recently convicted of embezzlement, was supposed to be under FBI protection, but now no one knows where he is. Brenda surmises that someone had followed Provenza to commit the crime. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Closer

The Closer


The Closer

IMDb: 8.1
43 min

With the sudden death of Chief Delk, Will Pope becomes Interim Chief while also keeping his old position as a cost-saving measure. The funeral is barely over when Major Crimes is called out on a case. Dead is Ashley Reed, a journalism student house-sitting for the family friends who find her on their return from a holiday. Obviously deceased for several days (five) by the time found, she had also babysat for Alex Banks, one of her professors who was known to have had an affair with another of his students. As Major Crimes picks apart the professor's life, a recovered laptop points them in the right direction. Meanwhile, as Commander Taylor bemoans his loss of advancement, Capt. Raydor, ready to end her investigation, continues only at Interim Chief Pope's insistence. Written by garykmcd / edited by statmanjeff

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Closer

The Closer


The Closer

IMDb: 8.4
43 min

Deputy Chief Brenda Lee Johnson and her Major Crimes unit investigate multiple deaths - 5 men and 2 women - at the home of rap singer Chris Brooks, known as C-Game. A large amount of money was found at the scene and the police suspect drug dealer Antwone Decker of being behind the killings. Jealousy is at the root of it all. Meanwhile, Brenda learns that she and the LAPD are being sued for the wrongful death of Terrell Baylor, a gang member and murder suspect who was released and returned to his home. The suit alleges the police knew he would be killed by his fellow gang members. Chief Delk puts Captain Raydor in charge of a detailed review of how the case was handled. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Closer

The Closer


The Closer

IMDb: 8.0
43 min

Mounted police arrest Trey Gavin, a car-less crackhead with keys to a Mercedes that is nowhere to be found. Only one Mercedes was reported stolen the previous evening, that belonging to Kevin Adams whose daughter Kim had been using. Trey's story - that he had left rehab the previous evening and had been robbed by a street thug known as Sarge - seems to check out, but Sgt. Gabriel is puzzled by the fact that Trey tried to throw the keys away. Why would he do that if they wouldn't get him into trouble? While Brenda seems prepared to accept Trey's story, Gabriel goes directly to Pope. When the car is eventually found with a dead girl in the trunk, Major Crimes not only has a murder on its hands but still has a missing person - the dead girl is actually Kim's friend Michelle. Written by garykmcd / edited by statmanjeff

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Closer

The Closer


The Closer

IMDb: 8.4
44 min

Brenda and Major Crimes continue their investigation into the murders of the Marku sisters. The timing of the murders is such that it absolves the girls' dead father, Shariq, as he was trying to kill Armand at the time. The only other surviving member of the family is Armand's nephew Skander, a tough kid who has inherited his grandfather's distrust of the police. The team begins to believe they are dealing with some form of old country blood feud - that is until they receive lab reports which throw an entirely different light on the case. Meanwhile, Brenda's parents have their RV broken into, with all of their Christmas presents stolen. With everyone's Christmas holiday plans disrupted, they have Christmas dinner together. Written by garykmcd / edited by statmanjeff

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Closer

The Closer


The Closer

IMDb: 8.3
55 min

Just two days before Christmas, Brenda and the Major Crimes unit find themselves dealing with a man run over and killed by a police car just outside a shopping mall. The dead man, Shariq Marku, was in the process of trying to kill a man he'd seen in the mall and, in the struggle, was pushed into the path of the police car that was responding to 911 calls from several bystanders. Brenda agrees to take the case, much to Captain Raydor's pleasure, as it seems to be pretty open and shut. The other man, whom Shariq tried to kill, is his son, Armand Marcu. Armand claims that his Albanian Muslim father disinherited him when he married a Christian. It all seems straightforward until Armand's two sisters are also found dead. Meanwhile, Brenda's parents visit for Christmas with big news: they've decided to move to LA. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Closer

The Closer


The Closer

IMDb: 7.9
55 min

The new police chief instructs Major Crimes to investigate some robberies at medical marijuana dealers. He also tells Brenda that he would like to consider her for Pope's job. The squad doesn't think they should be wasting their time on this assignment but when one of the dealers is killed, things change. Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Closer

The Closer


The Closer

IMDb: 8.6
43 min

Lt. Flynn is attacked in a parking lot after his AA meeting, and his attacker, Bob Harris, is clearly intent on killing him. Flynn manages to shoot him twice and he is found dead a short distance away. The police also find a large amount of money in his possession, leading them to believe that he had been hired to kill Flynn. The money is also identified as being part of $400,000 in marked FBI funds that disappeared when an informant vanished many years before. They look through Flynn's old cases and settle upon Rick Zuman, a murderer and drug dealer who seems most likely behind the murder attempt. He's a cool customer, and it will take all of Brenda's skill to get a confession out of him. Written by garykmcd / edited by statmanjeff

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Closer

The Closer


The Closer

IMDb: 8.4
43 min

While investigating the murder of two fire department paramedics, Brenda and her team turn up a fingerprint on someone possibly involved in a terrorist incident some two years earlier. With the FBI on its way, Assistant Chief Pope insists that Brenda work with Assistant Chief Tommy Delk, head of the LAPD anti-terrorist unit. There's more than a bit of office politics going on here as Delk, also on the short-list for the Chief position, may very well be their new boss in a few days time. They quickly identify the shooter as Kevin Mason, a man repeatedly turned down for a paramedic position who may be out for revenge. Why he would attack only two paramedics is something of a mystery, but Brenda and Delk at least see eye to eye on how to handle the FBI with its vested interest. Once the case is behind them and a crisis averted, the Mayor finally names his new Chief. Written by garykmcd / edited by statmanjeff

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Closer

The Closer


The Closer

IMDb: 8.3
43 min

Brenda's interview with the Mayor for the Chief position is scheduled for the next day and she is having serious doubts about whether she really wants the job. When a murder comes along, she tries to use it as an excuse to postpone the interview, but those around her have other things in mind. As for the murder, the victim is Judy Lynn, a D-list celebrity who has made a name for herself through her video blog where she documents her daily life. Her last entry was that she was going out on a date - her first in two years - with someone she hooked up with on an Internet dating site. They quickly track down the man. All the evidence points to him as the culprit, but the solution lies elsewhere. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Closer

The Closer


The Closer

IMDb: 8.8
43 min

When three young men are killed outside a nightclub in a drive-by shooting, Brenda and her team feel it has all of the hallmarks of gang-related violence. Someone shouted a gang member's name just before the shooting began, but when a search of the victims reveals that all three men were serving in the Army, the case takes on a completely different tone. Brenda now finds herself being pressured by an army liaison officer, Major Edward Dorset, to solve the case now or else he will have no choice but to report a possible terrorist attack to his superiors. When it's revealed that one of the victims has an identical twin who is a gang member with a connection to a convenient store hold-up/double homicide, she is convinced it's a case of the wrong twin being killed; however, she's forced to make a deal with the devil - one that backfires on everyone. Written by garykmcd / edited by statmanjeff

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Closer

The Closer


The Closer

IMDb: 7.9
55 min

Brenda and the squad are called in after a bank security guard and two bank robbers are killed. Fritz, newly promoted as the official FBI liaison to the LAPD, tells them the two men were part of a five-man team that has been robbing banks for two years. It's the first time only two of them have struck on their own and there are significant differences with their previous robberies. A license plate leads them to investigate a respected police detective, but, in the absence of anything concrete, Pope wants Brenda to release him. Things are no better with Fritz, who makes an arrest in the case but refuses to share any information with Brenda. Meanwhile, the short list for the Chief's position is due out any time, adding to the already high level of tension between Brenda and Assistant Chief Pope. Written by garykmcd / edited by statmanjeff

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Closer

The Closer


The Closer

IMDb: 7.8
55 min

Sgt. Gabriel inadvertently receives a frantic call from California Parole Commissioner Danielle Ross, saying that someone is in her house. After police arrive at Danielle's home and find her dead, Brenda and Major Crimes investigate her murder. The woman had been trying to reach Det. Frank Verico, who dealt in stalking cases and who had urged her to ask for police protection after she told him someone had been in her house while she was away, but she refused to get help. Though Brenda approaches the case in her typically methodical way, Pope snaps, obviously worried about how this might bear on his chances for the Chief position. When Brenda suggests that he take over if he doesn't like her progress, Pope shocks her by doing just that. Now marginalized, she and her unit quietly look into the case her way to find the culprit. Written by garykmcd / edited by statmanjeff

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Closer

The Closer


The Closer

IMDb: 8.4
55 min

Brenda and the Major Crimes team are called in when a bag of body parts, the third in just a few weeks, is found. They don't quite know what to make of it and suspect that Mexican drug cartels may be moving in. When the medical examiner, Dr. Morales, reports that, in all three cases, organs such as livers, hearts and kidneys are missing, Brenda begins to believe that young men are being killed for body parts. Det. Sanchez is still caring for Ruben, the young boy whose father was recently killed during one of their investigations. He's supposed to be looking for the boy's mother but has decided Ruben is better off living with him. Meanwhile, word is getting around that Brenda is applying for the Chief position. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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The Closer


The Closer

IMDb: 8.2
55 min

Returning to Los Angeles after escorting a prisoner to another State, Lieutenants Provenza and Flynn pick up two attractive - and much younger - flight attendants, Ashley and Linda; however, when Provenza gets to Ashley's apartment, he finds a dead man in her bathtub. The dead man is Jose Coto, who has several drug-related convictions. The autopsy reveals Coto probably died from a fall in the tub, though there is evidence he had been struck with a baseball bat at some point. Brenda is convinced that the women picked up her two stalwart detectives to cover up something, but Flynn and Provenza's egos won't let them think their conquests were based on anything but charm and good looks. Traces of drugs in Ashley's apartment suggest otherwise. Meanwhile, Brenda decides to tell Will Pope that she's been asked to apply for the chief position. Written by garykmcd / edited by statmanjeff

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD The Closer

The Closer


The Closer

IMDb: 7.8
55 min

Major Crimes investigates a woman shot dead in the passenger seat of her boyfriend's car. Some feel it's a suicide, but Brenda quickly sets them straight that they have a murder. The immediate suspect is the dead woman's boyfriend, who lives nearby and took a shower before police arrived. Both the dead woman and her boyfriend were meth addicts and the case seems to be wrapping up quickly until Brenda learns that the dead woman was in a custody dispute with her cancer-stricken ex-husband. Det. Sanchez, meanwhile, is trying to foster the young orphan he came into contact with the previous week, which interferes with his duties. Brenda is also distracted: she hasn't decided whether or not to apply for the vacant Chief of Police position. Written by garykmcd / edited by statmanjeff

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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The Closer


The Closer

IMDb: 8.6
55 min

Under special request from the Mayor's office, Assistant Chief Pope assigns Brenda and the Major Crimes Unit to look into the disappearance of Adriana Gomez, a nanny who worked for a rich LA family. Gomez had worked for the family for eleven years, was an American citizen and in every way seemed responsible and reliable. Police find her in her home, savagely raped and beaten to death. DNA ties her attacker to two other cases, also Hispanic nannies, leading Brenda to believe they are dealing with a serial rapist and murderer. Throughout the investigation, Capt. Raydor shadows Brenda in conducting some type of side investigation. Everyone assumes it's a background check on Pope, who has applied for the Chief's position, but Raydor has a surprise for her. Written by garykmcd / edited by statmanjeff

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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The Closer


The Closer

IMDb: 8.0
55 min

Brenda and the Major Crimes unit have just moved into their offices at the new police headquarters when they are called to investigate the murder of Steven Beebe, an amateur astronomer who, it would seem, was shot while out on his balcony. He's been having an affair with the married Cherie Walker, who had hired him to do repairs on her house. Cherie was in his bed when he was killed but claims she was sound asleep when it happened. Other than his history of sleeping with customers, his employees (Melanie and Paul Ryder) say he was a good, reliable boss. The police soon determine that he was shot with a high-powered rifle from the Walker's house, which is in direct line of sight with Beebe's balcony. Beebe's computer password is the clue that leads to the identity of the killer. Meanwhile, Assistant Chief Pope tells everyone there's going to be a major announcement. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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