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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.2
41 min

Even with the prison on lock-down due to Reid's actions which the prison officials don't yet know were his doing, Prentiss is able to get one of the team to visit with him. Lewis is chosen for a very specific reason, she who is to do another cognitive interview. The hope is that Reid will now be able to remember that Scratch was in the motel room when the murder happened, which if he is able to do, Walker and Prentiss may be able to get Scratch placed on the terrorist watch list if only because he was recently spotted in Latin America, making him now an international fugitive. While Lewis has prison duty and Prentiss is off to London to speak to her Interpol colleagues, the rest of the team head off on their next case, which takes them to the Saguaro Desert east of Tuscon, Arizona, where three dead bodies were found side-by-side, all three perched on poles. The team is able to determine that small boulders were purposefully moved to strategic locations within sight of the victims. The... Written by Huggo

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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.1
43 min

Encouraged by Prentiss to visit Reid who has been asking for him, Rossi, who had his own personal reasons for not visiting earlier, stays behind as the rest of the team heads to New York City for their next case. That case is of Katie Hammond, missing now for five days, today her sixteenth birthday. The team is able to tie Katie's abduction back to two cold cases, the murder victim in both those cases and Katie who could be sisters based solely on their physical resemblance. While Katie does have parents who love her and thus has a supportive home life in that respect, the previous victims both led high risk lives, hence the reason their cases went cold. The previous victims were held for one week before they were murdered, their dead bodies posed in a public location, with their bodies having been drained of blood both pre- and post-mortem. Because of the time frame, the team knows they have to work fast as Katie, if still alive, only has a few more days before the unsub will kill ... Written by Huggo

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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.0
41 min

The BAU heads to Burlington, Vermont to deal with what looks on the surface to be two unsubs, that surface implication which they believe may be unlikely seeing as to the small 40,000 population of the city. The first unsub is meticulous, leaving none of his own DNA behind at the scene, and shoots hunters in the woods with a single long distance shot through the heart. As it is not hunting season, the team believes the three victims of this first unsub are poachers, something that the M.E., who knew all three, can confirm, he stating that none were considered pillars of the community. The second unsub is haphazard, who stabs his victims to death in nighttime home invasions. The only thing tying the two sets of murders together is that the fatal stab in all three cases thus far have been the one to the heart. The team's initial assumption of there only being one unsub is confirmed when they are able to retrieve some DNA from one of the hunting crime scenes. Lewis comes up with a theory... Written by Huggo

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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.0
42 min

While the rest of the profilers head off on their next case, J.J. stays behind to do Reid visiting duties. Beyond updating him on the status of his situation, she also fills him in on what she knows of the case so as to keep his mind occupied. The team has headed to New York City, where a third dead victim has been discovered, all at the hands of who the news outlets are coining the Bone Crusher for the unsub's penchant for breaking and crushing the victims' bones pre-mortem. All the victims have been young attractive females, well educated and considered low risk. All were picked up at a bar and had both alcohol and ecstasy in their systems. Shortly after the team's arrival, the authorities are approached by a woman named Miranda White, who is certain that the Bone Crusher is her twenty-three year old son, Danny White, who she had recently kicked out of the house. She has written evidence - Danny's journal - which outlines his fantasies of breaking and crushing bones of young women... Written by Huggo

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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.2
42 min

Denied bail for being deemed a possible flight risk, Reid is sent to a correctional facility in the general population for holding instead of in protective custody in the overcrowded jail. Reid's predicament, which places him at risk, may not be by accident. He receives some unexpected advice on survival on the inside. Meanwhile, the rest of the team is called to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania where in two separate incidents half an hour apart, two twentysomethings, a male and a female, were doused in the face with acid. These incidents follow two other closely timed acid dousings one week prior, also of a twentysomething male and female. Of the three victims the team is able to interview, they all state that their attacker was a male wearing an overcoat and baseball cap, and uttered something in a foreign language just prior to the attack. In determining those foreign words, the team is able to track the direct source of the unsub's rage to a website for lonely singles, the outsiders who... Written by Huggo

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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.0
42 min

Prentiss remains at the prison on Reid watch, the BAU certain that his plight the work of Mr. Scratch. The FBI as an organization has abandoned him, they not providing him with legal support as he was out of the country without their knowledge and as he was on personal business. As such, Prentiss wants to provide him with the legal services of someone that she trusts, and hopefully will thus act on Reid's best interest. That lawyer is an old friend named Fiona Duncan, who ultimately does take Reid's case after meeting with him. She admits that they will have an uphill battle based on the amount of circumstantial evidence against him, and that he himself cannot remember what happened as he was drugged at the time. In the process, Reid may have to make some difficult decisions. Meanwhile, the rest of the team heads off on their next case, which takes them to Bradenton, Florida, where in two separate incidents in exactly the same spot, two drivers, in the exact same late modeled car, ran... Written by Huggo

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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.3
42 min

In a high speed chase in the desert, the local police in a town south of the US-Mexico border apprehend the driver they are chasing, the trunk of his vehicle in which $20,000 worth of heroin and cocaine and a large wad of money is discovered, leading the police to believe that the person apprehended is a drug runner. The driver?: Reid. Reid is barely lucid, he under the influence of some drug. All he can remember is that he went to Mexico to meet with someone named Rosa, who has something to do with his mother. News of Reid's incarceration gets back to team who only knew that Reid had taken some time off to head to Houston to speak to his mother's doctor. Their first inclination is that Reid's predicament was orchestrated by Peter Lewis aka Mr. Scratch, whose campaign against the team members has been quiet of late. They learn that Reid broke protocol in traveling into Mexico on his personal as opposed to work passport, as, although not on a work trip, he did not inform the FBI of his... Written by Huggo

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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.7
41 min

The team heads to Palm Springs, California where the torso of a body is found in a dumpster, the unsub murderer probably intending that it never would have been found and if so the decapitation a possible counter-measure to not be able to identify the victim. The BAU is called in the possibility that is related to a still unsolved serial murder case in DC from 2004. The Palm Springs authorities are able to identify the victim as twenty-eight year old Paul Mastriano, who was killed after a night at the bar, his drinking which was apparently the cause of his marriage breaking up. Shortly before the BAU's arrival in Palm Springs, a second torso is discovered in the same neighborhood, that victim eventually identified as Brent Miller - similar physical type to Mastriano - who, although unmarried, had just gone through a break-up and was drowning his sorrows in a bar the evening before. The BAU suspects that the victims were targets of opportunity at the bar, who were probably slipped the ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.9
43 min

Reid has returned from Houston, where he was visiting his mother who is in a new facility on an experimental drug program. He is called back home from the office while the rest of the team heads off on their next case. It isn't until the team is in the air that they learn that Diana is no longer in the Houston facility, but that she is now living with Reid, as the trial drug was not having the intended effect. Reid had received professional advice that his mother should be in a facility both for her and his own good, but it may be news from a more caring rather than clinical voice which may carry more weight with him. Regardless, he makes himself available to the team, who are in the Tampa, Florida area where two individual deaths have occurred, both now considered murders, the two tied together by ink drawings on the inner arms of the victims, the second victim's whose has one more stroke of the pen than the first. The M.E. is able to determine that the markings were made with the ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
40 min

Based on information from one of Walker's sources, Prentiss decides the team should investigate a spate of robberies and murders in homes in upscale neighborhoods in the San Diego, California area, the crime scenes showing no evidence of forced entry. The crimes were committed by a gang, evidence that it being mixed male and female. The gang partied in the house - the parties fueled by drugs and alcohol - ultimately trashing it, while the victims were kept tied up in another part of the house, where they were ultimately killed, each victim by a single gunshot. The leader, a probable alpha male, seems to be in control, meaning no drugs or alcohol for him, this belief based on the precision of the gunshot wounds, the same on each victim. Among the gang, there is also a second in command who is fiercely loyal to the leader, and a muscle who causes most of the damage to the houses. The remaining members of the gang are the followers - the soldiers - whose primary role is the act of the ... Written by Huggo

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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
42 min

Stephen Walker's first day with the BAU coincides with Rossi's birthday, something he no longer celebrates. It's because a serial killer he helped put away named Tommy Yates aka the Womb Raider - so coined because he mutilated his female victims' reproductive organs along with their vocal cords - made a deal with Rossi that once every year, on his birthday, he would divulge the location of one of his missing victims in return for his death sentence being commuted to life in prison without chance of parole. Yates was one of the inmates who escaped during the mass prison break last year, this the first year he's been out since the deal was made. Yates does contact Rossi today, not to divulge the location of one of his old victims, but of his latest victim, killed following the telephone call. She is Jody Wilson, unlike Yates' other victims who all led a high risk lifestyle. For this case, the team enlists the help of the agents in Rossi's latest advanced profiling seminar - by ... Written by Huggo

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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.9
41 min

The BAU team members head to Yakima, Washington for their next case. Several 911 calls were made to report a young woman, described to be dressed like a hooker, frantically knocking on doors yelling for help, she who eventually was seen abducted. The reason the BAU is called is that in the search for the woman, two dead bodies are discovered by the local creek, one skeletonized and the other stabbed multiple times, wrapped in burlap and tied with barbed wire, she a known sex worker. The abducted woman is eventually identified as Cherry Rollins who is indeed a prostitute. When the team discovers two more bodies, they are aware that the unsub has been active in his serial murders for some time. They believe the burlap and barbed wire is a religious ritual. The skeletonized victim's identity is important as the team believes she is a connection to the unsub. The team hopes that their presence will throw the unsub off his routine to give Cherry a fighting chance until they can find her ... Written by Huggo

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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.9
43 min

Tara is meeting with her three year younger brother Gabriel Lewis, who is visiting from California. Gabriel is as equally brilliant as Tara, but has always led a slightly shady life, he having forgone a fully paid for Yale education when given the opportunity when they were younger. The person who shows up to their meeting claims to be Gabriel, has Gabriel's cell phone (which later shows that he has been in the DC area for about a month, which Tara did not know), but looks nothing like Gabriel. However, the man seems to know every small detail about Gabriel, and Gabriel and Tara's relationship, as well as their relationship with their father, Albert Lewis. As such, Tara arrests the man, and brings him into BAU headquarters for assistance into the matter from her colleagues. Although Tara wants to lead the investigation, Emily knows they have to treat this case like all their others, which means that Tara has to take a back seat into the proceedings. From some information provided to ... Written by Huggo

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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.9
43 min

When a known child predator resurfaces at one of Jack Hotchner's ball games, Hotch formally resigns for the BAU and goes off grid in attempt to keep Jack safe. Emily Prentiss is offered the post as the team gets a new case of 3 teen boys by the names of William Bones Jarvis, Josh Harmon P.K. Riggins missing from Clayton, Delaware. Written by Donald Gulledge

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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
41 min

The BAU team members travel to Winona, Minnesota, where three of the four members of the Bergstrom family are shot dead execution style in their home while they are sleeping, with the only surviving family member being high school student Amanda Bergstrom, who only survived because she broke curfew and thus was not home at the time of the murders. Despite being a model family on the surface, Garcia discovers that there were a few skeletons in their family closet which could have been the reason for the murders. Although she couldn't have committed the murders herself, Amanda is also under investigation if only because she is the sole beneficiary of her parents' life insurance policy. The team's other theory - that the Bergstroms were only a surrogate - becomes stronger when the Doherty family is similarly murdered in their home, the only survivor being Matt Doherty, a classmate of Amanda's, albeit without the two traveling in the same social circle. As Matt survived by hiding in a ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.8
43 min

The BAU heads to the Appalachian Trail less than one hundred miles away from Quantico as State Trooper Jim Carson, investigating a shoplifting case by a homeless man, found the man's camp just off the trail - but no man - his camp which included a bag of body parts. After separating the body parts, the medical examiner determines that they belong to four middle aged Caucasian men and one twenty-something Caucasian woman. The bodies were crudely hacked apart, the victims killed anywhere from approximately one year ago to a few weeks ago, the woman the latest victim. The store where the shoplifting occurred has surveillance footage of the homeless man, who, according to one account, looks like he would not have the cognitive ability to tie his shoes. All he stole was dog food and nothing for himself to eat, leading to the team believing that his food source is his victims, and that the killings are not targeted but rather incidents of opportunity. When the team is able to identify the ... Written by Huggo

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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.8
40 min

With Hotch and Lewis both temporarily away, Emily comes back to the BAU for extra support until their return. The first case upon Emily's return takes the team to Boynton Beach, Florida, where the dead body of a young woman is discovered in an illegal dump site, her body encased in concrete in a gasoline drum. She apparently was buried alive. Shortly after the team arrives in Florida, a second and third victim are discovered, also encased in concrete in gasoline drum, also discovered at illegal dump sites, also buried alive. Besides racial differences, the victims have in common being middle class devoted single mothers of sons, choosing what they considered safe living environments to protect their sons. Because the third victim is discovered hours after her encasement, the M.E. is able to discover more about what the unsub is doing to his victims, namely performing chemical lobotomies using concentrated chlorine injected into the nasal passage. The team will have to determine the ... Written by Huggo

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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.8
43 min

Beyond her bandaged burnt hand, Luke can tell that JJ is out of sorts because of the goings-on with their just completed last case. But it isn't until JJ arrives home in the middle of the night to find Will awake with the baby who has the croup that she is forced to talk about what has happened as Will will not let her go to bed before she gets the specifics of what is bothering her out in the open. That case, which took them to the Los Angeles area, began with the discovery of two teenagers, an older girl and younger boy, who were found burnt to death together in an abandoned building. The two, who were not related, were abducted in two separate incidents days apart in different parts of the city, both abducted in broad daylight, both middle class. This case mimics one in San Diego a few years ago, with a few differences, namely that those two victims were at risk runaways, and were discovered away from where they were burned. With this case, another teenaged girl, Francesca Morales,... Written by Huggo

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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.3
43 min

The eighth of thirteen serial killers that recently escaped from prison has just been apprehended. The latest capture and many of the others were led by Agent Luke Alvez, who sees his role in the FBI solely as a manhunter. He accepts the invitation to join the BAU in the search for number nine, Daniel Cullen aka the Crimson King, who seems to have surfaced in the Tempe, Arizona area. Alvez's interest in Cullen is a personal one. Cullen's latest victim, a young man named Brian Phillips, emerges from the desert with all the hallmarks of Cullen's victims: his arms bound behind his head to an arm stretcher, and a word carved into his abdomen, in this case the letters BAU. Hotch and Tara quickly notice that the abdominal wounds are not hallmark to Cullen, being much more shallow than Cullen would have inflicted. In interviewing Brian and gleaning from him what little he remembers of his abduction, the team comes to the conclusion that the perpetrator of this crime is not Cullen but the ... Written by Huggo

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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.0
42 min

Reid is trying to decide where to take his mother for vacation, Garcia is excited by her upcoming trip to London to visit with Emily, and Rossi and Hayden, who have decided to rekindle their relationship, try to figure out how to tell Joy they are back together as a couple. This calm within the BAU is shattered when at Hotch's house, a SWAT team storms in taking him into custody, all done in front of a traumatized Jack, JJ and Henry. A confused Hotch, who is placed under the authority of the federal government, eventually learns that the Department of Justice (DoJ) has been monitoring him for weeks based on testimony by Peter Lewis - Mr. Scratch - who was apprehended by the BAU in a case last year, has evidence of his suspicious activities involving the making of a bomb, and felt the need to bring him in now based on a 911 call he made. Hotch knowing that he made no such call, the BAU team members come to the quick conclusion that Antonia Slade, the serial murderer involved in their ... Written by Huggo

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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.9
43 min

The authorities believed that two Virginia based cases of missing boys, Adam Morrissey and Jimmy Bennett, from two years ago were unrelated, until their bloodied clothes, those in which they were last seen, had just arrived in one intercepted package at Fletcham Correctional Center in Troy, Virginia. The addressee of that package is Antonia Slade, a serial killer of young teens, she who was convicted in part by work of the BAU, most specifically Gideon. A social worker, she ran a fake youth hot-line as a means to lure her victims to her home, where the dead bodies of the young teens were found encased behind her basement drywall. Since, she has never talked about the murders, and has refused all visitors. However, she seems to know about the clothes and the missing boys before the BAU's arrival at the facility to speak to her. They know that she, a narcissist despite not responding to the correspondence from any of her legion of groupies, has no compelling reason to talk to them ... Written by Huggo

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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
40 min

The BAU heads to Sacramento, California, where two women were found dead together in a water tank in an SRO in the poor Oak Park neighborhood. Although only one woman is initially identified, it is believed that both women led a high risk lifestyle of prostitution and drugs, albeit the one identified who they learn was trying to get out of the life, including becoming clean. Both women also had their faces slashed several times, both pre- and post-mortem, although the instrument used to make the slashes post-mortem different - more precise - than those when the victims were alive. The identified victim was also wearing a dress not typical of her attire, while there are signs of a poorly done recent hair dye job on the Jane Doe, leading the team to believe that the unsub is remaking his victims into the vision of the real woman of his rage. They begin to get a clearer picture of the unsub by the types of drugs found in the women's systems, and what Reid learns is the reason for the ... Written by Huggo

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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
42 min

The BAU team members are still feeling the loss of Morgan, who has quit the unit for a more stable life with his wife and son. But with one down, there is the temporary return of another in the form of Interpol agent Emily Prentiss, who is certain that a Son of Sam copycat killer in New York City is the same person she has been following through Europe doing copycat killings of famous serial killers. Prentiss had almost captured the unsub in London, that operation which claimed the life of a Scotland Yard operative named Louise Hulland. The team is able to get a description of the unsub from a survivor of the New York killings and produce an artist's rendering for distribution, a visual which Prentiss had not got previously. The team has to figure out what the unsub's next move will be following his Son of Sam spree and where that will take him. Through it all, Prentiss admits that she has had a recurring nightmare pertaining to the case. What she does not divulge however is why this ... Written by Huggo

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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.9
43 min

While Morgan and Savannah are standing in a hospital parking lot, Savannah is shot by an unknown long distance sniper, with her and the baby's prognosis touch and go. Because of circumstances, Hotch orders Morgan off the case, which does not sit well with him. The team is certain that the shooting is connected to the Dirty Dozen case and Morgan's recent abduction, that link stronger when Garcia sees a Montolo, Chazz, Giuseppe's father, on hospital surveillance footage around the time Savannah was shot. In addition to locating Chazz Montolo, they have to find out if there is a long game plan to stop what the he and his associates are doing. Meanwhile, Morgan, who is out for revenge, has to decide how much he will divulge to the team in his effort to achieve his own end goal. Written by Huggo

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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
41 min

It's six months after Morgan's abduction and eventual rescue. He and Savannah have since gotten married and are awaiting the imminent birth of their first child. On what is his first day back at work, his welcome back is interrupted by a new case, which takes the team to Wichita, Kansas. A child named Ronnie Brewer is abducted from his rural farm home, with both his parents, Jim and Lyla Brewer, murdered on site. Both parents had their eyes filled with sand and glued shut. The team will learn that the ritual with Jim was done post-mortem, while Lyla was still alive. In addition, each parent was killed differently, Jim by having his throat slashed, Lyla by blunt force trauma to the head. By the time the team arrives in Wichita, Ronnie's dead body is discovered. However, a second victim family, the Zumwalts, is discovered. The early teen daughter Josie Zumwalt has been abducted from the home, father Luke Zumwalt dead on site with the ritual with the eyes and the throat slashed, but ... Written by Huggo

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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
43 min

The team learns from Savannah that Morgan has been abducted. They have no idea who the perpetrators are, only assuming that he is still alive, and with their first thought being that it has to do with the Dirty Dozen case and that the entire team may be eventual targets. Meanwhile, Morgan, while being tortured by his abductors, who he too has no idea who they are or who they represent, is disassociating his mind from his body and the pain he is enduring. During that dissociation process, he is guided by the vision of an old man he learns is his deceased father as he would be now if he was still alive. Morgan has to figure out why it is his father he has as his guide during this difficult time if he has any chance of getting out of this predicament alive. Written by Huggo

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Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
40 min

The BAU heads to the Los Angeles, California area, where two women, in separate incidents, were found murdered within a day of each other, each found in their own home with no sign of forced entry, both single, and both having died of asphyxiation from being wrapped pre-mortem by a regular household item like a blanket or rug. By the time the team arrives at the Los Angeles FBI field office where they are basing their investigation, a third dead body with the same victimology is discovered. From surveillance footage at the third victim's apartment complex, the team believes the unsub is either masquerading as an FBI agent or truly is one. When the team determines that he is only masquerading as one, but that he needs to gain the confidence of his victims by real world events, they decide to set a trap for him that is potentially dangerous for the public. But in doing so, they, in the process, learn of an unfortunate real life tie to the agency. Through it all, Morgan can't help but ... Written by Huggo

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Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.0
42 min

In St Louis a young woman is found who tells of being held captive for years with two others. Another young woman is near death and the third is taken by the abductor as he tries to get away. There is evidence of beatings and rape by their Daddy. As the case unfolds there are even more reasons to get the accused and even the girls to fully cooperate.

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Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
42 min

The Atlanta field office requests the BAU's assistance in a case with two victims thus far, both stabbed multiple times to death, both victims found bound in different truck stop rest rooms, one outside of Chattanooga and one outside of Birmingham, posed post-mortem, both victims missing their left ear, with the murders probably taking place elsewhere as concluded by the lack of blood at the scenes. The wounds indicate indecisiveness and inexperience in the act of killing, while the posed bodies in highly public locales indicates the exact opposite of experience in the act, leading to the competing theories that there are two people working together, or one person who has long fantasized about what he is doing and is only now being able to act upon those fantasies. One victim is a homeless John Doe, while the other is a well regarded schoolteacher. When a third victim emerges with a slightly different M.O. in that she was killed at the disposal site, the team knows that the victims ... Written by Huggo

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Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.6
40 min

The BAU heads to Boston, Massachusetts where two unrelated women are found within days of each other in very public areas of city parks, beheaded, the heads not yet found. Beyond leading low risks lifestyles, there are seemingly no other ties between the two. Each woman has wounds on the knuckles of both hands, and electric shock marks like she was tasered. With no sedatives found in their toxicology, the victims were alive and conscious when they were killed. By the time the team arrives in town, there is a third victim. While the first victim's wounds are jagged in nature, the second and third victims' beheadings are clean, meaning that the unsub has found his preferred method of killing. Reid believes that he has discovered the instrument of killing based on the very public nature of the dead body sites. And the team discovers other similarities between the victims including some issue in their lives which has made them act out in various ways, and canceling a ride share request ... Written by Huggo

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Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 8.5
43 min

Reid has what appears on the surface to be an Internet arranged blind date at an upscale restaurant with a young woman named Cat. It is, however, a supposed business date, with Reid pretending to be a potential client for her, one of the Dirty Dozen assassins, she the Black Widow of the bunch. In a break in the case, the team has determined that there are four assassins, all working independently, but acting like spokes on a wheel to a central axle, that axle being someone code named the Snowman. However, she, being good at her job, knows that the meeting is a set-up. When Reid and Cat come clean to each other, what results is a thirty minute game of psychological cat and mouse between the two. The outcome is affected by how well Reid and the team have Cat profiled, how well she in turn has calculated the strategic moves in their chess match, plus a little, or perhaps a lot, of what Reid just went through visiting with his mother on his recent time off from work. Written by Huggo

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Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 5.7
42 min

The BAU heads to St. Augustine, Florida, where a young woman and an elderly man are found dead in a swamp area outside of the city, seemingly unrelated. The woman had her blood drained, and placed into the man's body. Based on the triangular cut mark in the man's thigh, what was known to be his ill health (specifically Parkinson's), and the young woman's healthy lifestyle, the team surmises that the unsub is using his victims for medical experimentation to find a cure for some disease. Animal DNA found in the male victim also shows that the unsub has some fantastical notions of what that cure could be. Another young woman, Andrea Gambrell, who was a colleague of the first female victim, goes missing, she who is deemed to be the next healthy subject for the unsub in his experimentation. They have to see if they can find another missing person as the unhealthy subject with some sort of neurological disorder to close in on the unsub. The nature of the animal DNA and the St. Augustine ... Written by Huggo

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