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HD The First Team

The First Team


The First Team

IMDb: 7.0
30 min

Petey plots to bring an end to Chris Booth's run of success. Meanwhile Jack gets a girlfriend and plans a romantic surprise. Benji has had enough of his social media manager.

Genre: Comedy, Sport,
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HD The First Team

The First Team


The First Team

IMDb: 7.8
30 min

The Chairman announces a caretaker manager. After a poor start the team is forced to attend a pub night as an apology to the fans. Benji employs a social media manager.

Genre: Comedy, Sport,
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HD The First Team

The First Team


The First Team

IMDb: 7.6
29 min

Petey insists that Mattie, Jack and Benji come to his BBQ. Meanwhile Jack's dad oversteps the mark with his online posts and Cesare's job as manager starts to look uncertain.

Genre: Comedy, Sport,
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HD The First Team

The First Team


The First Team

IMDb: 7.2
27 min

After a sexual conduct briefing, Mattie, Benji and Jack are determined to keep out of trouble, but a chance meeting with friendly Nicola leads to a very tricky situation.

Genre: Comedy, Sport,
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HD The First Team

The First Team


The First Team

IMDb: 7.7
30 min

Mattie befriends the team's star player Carlos Velez. Meanwhile, Jack plucks up courage to date a girl he met online, and Benji is approached by a mysterious Malaysian businessman.

Genre: Comedy, Sport,
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HD The First Team

The First Team


The First Team

IMDb: 6.7
30 min

New signing Mattie arrives, but has the chairman signed him by mistake? Meanwhile, club hardman Petey takes a dislike to him, and a team-mate shares an embarrassing problem.

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy, Sport,
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HD Drunk History: UK

Drunk History: UK


Drunk History: UK

IMDb: 8.5
22 min

The American Impractical Jokers discuss the story of Alexander Graham Bell maybe killing U.S. President Garfield, while Joel Dommett presents Chris O'Dowd and Alexander Armstrong as the 1941 Dambusters.

Genre: Comedy, History,
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HD Drunk History: UK

Drunk History: UK


Drunk History: UK

IMDb: 8.5
22 min

The American Impractical Jokers discuss the story of Alexander Graham Bell maybe killing U.S. President Garfield, while Joel Dommett presents Chris O'Dowd and Alexander Armstrong as the 1941 Dambusters.

Genre: Comedy, History,
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HD Drunk History: UK

Drunk History: UK


Drunk History: UK

IMDb: 8.5
22 min

The American Impractical Jokers discuss the story of Alexander Graham Bell maybe killing U.S. President Garfield, while Joel Dommett presents Chris O'Dowd and Alexander Armstrong as the 1941 Dambusters.

Genre: Comedy, History,
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HD Drunk History: UK

Drunk History: UK


Drunk History: UK

IMDb: 8.5
22 min

The American Impractical Jokers discuss the story of Alexander Graham Bell maybe killing U.S. President Garfield, while Joel Dommett presents Chris O'Dowd and Alexander Armstrong as the 1941 Dambusters.

Genre: Comedy, History,
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HD Tatau




IMDb: 7.4
42 min

Whilst Koringo persuades Aumea that she is now safe Lara is amazed to find no record of his existing before 2009. The chief tells Kyle that he must steal Calcott's book to discover his plan but the vicar and biker heavies capture Kyle and Budgie. Kyle now realizes that Calcott believes that he has to kill Aumea so that she can be reborn and, helped by Tyler, escapes to warn her. But she is now in the clutches of Calcott and Koringo, who reveals his true identity and purpose in wanting to marry Aumea. Kyle must summon what allies he has on the island to save her. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Mystery, Sci-Fi,
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HD Tatau




IMDb: 7.3

Budgie wakes up bodily in hospital in New Zealand whilst Kyle watches the wedding preparations go ahead and tries to persuade Aumea to escape with him. He also sees Dries' ghost and is able to lead Lara to the grave, telling her he knows who she is. As a result Maui is arrested for smuggling and his part in Dries' murder. Budgie returns to the island with evidence to connect Koringo to the bikers but is hauled in for the pearl smuggling. Elsewhere Aumea suddenly starts to see that Kyle's predictions may be accurate but is persuaded by Koringo to destroy her red wedding dress to stop them coming true. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Mystery, Sci-Fi,
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HD Tatau




IMDb: 7.0

As her wedding tattoo is prepared Aumea confronts Maui about the theft, unaware that he is planning to blame everything on Dries, whom he has murdered. Kyle interrupts Calcott's sermon with an apology for his past actions, to a mixed reception after which Tyler tells him about Calcott's belief about the new resurrection and they search in vain to find his diary. The invisible shade of Budgie discovers that Lara is an undercover cop as well as eavesdropping on Aumea's family as they discuss Kyle's fate. Kyle is challenged to an endurance race with Koringo, which he wins, thanks to advice from the ghostly chief. At the same time the real Budgie wakes up in hospital, rendering the spirit version unable to help Kyle as he once more faces danger. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Mystery, Sci-Fi,
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HD Tatau




IMDb: 7.2

Budgie lies in a coma and Kyle is interviewed by police but the speed with which Koringo manages to have him released makes Kyle suspicious of him. Koringo tells Aumea about the pearls stolen from her father and her brother's part in the theft whilst back on the island an increasingly excited Calcott tells Tyler that the new resurrection will take place on Aumea's wedding day and Kyle will have a crucial role to play. Following another vision Kyle fears that he will be Aumea's slayer and not her saviour and recounts to the spirit of the old chief how he had previously been responsible for another death. However the chief tells him that this was a false vision and that his tattoo gives him the power to change events. With this in mind he revives a shade of the comatose Budgie, visible only to himself and returns to the island with him. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Mystery, Sci-Fi,
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HD Tatau




IMDb: 6.8

On the plane to New Zealand Aumea tells the boys of an island legend which led to the absence of all lakes, whilst on arrival they are met by Aumea's future husband, the urbane Koringo. He is intrigued by Kyle's story but Kyle recognizes him as an adversary in one of his visions. Next day Budgie is abducted by a biker gang, after the pearls - and Kyle also recalls one of them from a vision. Koringo rescues Budgie, who keeps back three of the pearls and is later pursued and run over, whilst back on the island Maui - Dries's smuggling accomplice - suspects rightly that Lara is an undercover cop who has tipped off the New Zealand police about the pearls and barmaid Tyler is shocked when she reads Calcott's journal. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Mystery, Sci-Fi,
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HD Tatau




IMDb: 6.9
42 min

Aumea's family is angry to learn that Kyle had taken more tavi but Aumea is intrigued when he tells her about his vision. The Maori elder approaches Kyle, telling him he has the gift of second sight but the Vaipitis take a less charitable view and allow the vicar, Calcott, to attempt an unsuccessful exorcism on Kyle. Dries leans on the cash-strapped Budgie to smuggle black pearls to the mainland for him whilst Aumea, having seen evidence of Matikutu's existence, starts to believe Kyle and, along with Budgie, they take a flight to the mainland. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Mystery, Sci-Fi,
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HD Tatau




IMDb: 7.0
43 min

Kyle continues to imagine seeing Aumea's tattoo as in his vision but when he asks for an explanation from the local tattoo artist he is chased away and Aumea's family is also hostile. However Aumea comes to see him, intrigued, as the tattoo he has seen is her wedding tattoo, a sacred symbol which will only be revealed when she marries. She also recognizes Kyle's tattoo as a local Shamanic symbol, something he could not have known back in England and confides in her father - concerned too that Maui may be managing the family business dishonestly. Kyle believes he must drink more tavi to see what will happen next and surprisingly only Aumea will supply it. Under its influence he sees the ghost of long dead chief Matikutu, an ancestor of Aumea who beseeches Kyle to save her. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Mystery, Sci-Fi,
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HD Tatau




IMDb: 7.1
60 min

Young Kyle Connor has himself tattooed with his own original design before he and wheeler-dealer friend Budgie head off for a working holiday in the Cook Islands. Here Kyle persuades a reluctant Budgie to join him in drinking a forbidden local brew avatavi, provided by barman Dries, who warns them of the ghostly white lady of Manutaki. The drink causes Kyle to hallucinate, seeing a woman in a red dress who seems scared by his tattoo and runs away. Next day whilst swimming Kyle sees the same woman's drowned body but when the police look it has gone. Later he sees a photo of her in an old Maori's hut and learns from Maui Vaipiti and his girlfriend Lara that she is his sister Aumea, who is alive and well. Indeed Aumea does turn up - minus the tattoo she had in his vision - but Kyle is convinced that he has had a premonition and she will die unless he prevents it. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Mystery, Sci-Fi,
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HD The Interceptor

The Interceptor


The Interceptor

IMDb: 6.8
60 min

Whilst shadowing drugs dealer Xavier the team discovers that he is up against a rival gang led by a boy called Fitz. They are using adapted guns which are lethally unstable and claim a casualty. D.I. Gemmill tells Ash that somebody is flooding the capital with them and must be stopped. At the same time Tommy is concerned that Fitz may be involving young Cal, guardian of his little brother and sister whilst their mother is in hospital but Cartwright opposes the team showing its hand to Xavier as it would destroy the link to his boss. Cal makes his own luck and the team rounds up the gun peddlers but Roach still remains at large. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Cradle to Grave

Cradle to Grave


Cradle to Grave

IMDb: 8.5
28 min

In 1976 schoolboy Danny Baker lives in Bermondsey, London, with his family, the head of which is mouthy docker Fred, who has a line in selling stolen goods from the docks and trying to fiddle the electricity. Impressed by sister Sharon's boyfriend Colin's dress sense Danny bribes an older boy to lend him his flashy trousers to try for a date with the desirable Amanda but this inadvertently leads to the death of a friend and the loss of the trousers. Long-suffering mother Bet stops Danny from having sex with girlfriend Yvonne but Fred is surprisingly tolerant before Sharon and Colin take Danny to see a stage musical boasting full-frontal nudity - which Danny finds disappointing. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama,
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HD Crims




IMDb: 7.1
27 min

Prison Officer Dawn has launched a clampdown on drugs in the Young Offender Institution, and Marcel and Daz are really suffering without their usual medication. In an attempt to boost Luke's kudos, Jason volunteers him for an elaborate drugs snatch from the Warden's Office. Dawn's drugs clampdown is starting to make waves - she's appeared on Question Time, and the press are coming to the prison to see her hand over the confiscated stash to a government minister. Unfortunately Creg has managed to lose all the drugs: where will he find nineteen ounces of weed overnight? Luke for once finds himself with the upper hand - he has compromising information about Creg, and Marcel is in his debt. However, the consequences of being in Marcel's good books aren't quite what Luke is expecting and put his relationship with Gemma in serious jeopardy.

Genre: ,
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HD Crims




IMDb: 6.2
30 min

Luke is horrified to discover that not only is his girlfriend Gemma still living with her close friend Roger, but they're thinking of getting a dog together. Gemma's brother (and Luke's infuriating cellmate) Jason for once has a good solution to the problem - why doesn't Luke propose? Meanwhile, Prison Officer Creg is suspicious that one of the inmates is running a gambling racket right under his nose. Unfortunately, his usual source of information - Isaac - has gone cold turkey on snitching and Creg just can't seem to break him. Luke's proposal plan hits a snag when Jason reveals that he'll have to get permission from his parents. This wouldn't have been such a problem had Jason not accidentally told his Dad that it was entirely Luke's fault that they're both locked up. And if that wasn't pressure enough, other prisoners have started putting bets on whether Gemma will say yes... including the terrifying Marcel.

Country: UK
Genre: ,
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HD Crims




IMDb: 6.5
27 min

Innocent young Luke inadvertently finds himself sharing a cell at a young offender unit on a two year stretch after his sister's stupid boyfriend Jason has attempted a bank hold-up and used Luke as his driver. To make things worse for Luke the two boys have to share a cell. Whilst Jason takes to the life, flattering himself that motherly officer Dawn fancies him, Luke is increasingly worried as he is sure girlfriend Gemma is seeing another boy called Roger. When he makes a phone call to find out he is mistaken for a snitch and beaten up by 'Twilight' saga loving hard man Marcel whilst tough warder Creg looks on. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: ,
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HD Crims




IMDb: 6.6
27 min

Sunnybank View transforms from Broadmoor to Broadway when the inmates put on the annual prison Musical. When Luke discovers there will be a mingle with the visitors after the show, he signs up in a bid to spend some time with Gemma. He soon discovers he's bitten off more than he can chew - not only will he be directing the show, but it looks like he'll be writing it too... Furious that Creg has booked the two of them a five-week holiday to the Falkland Islands without asking her, Dawn decides to put an end to his advances once and for all by announcing that she's a lesbian. Unfortunately he doesn't take the news particularly well. (Also, she's not a lesbian). When Creg threatens to cancel the after-show mingle if the prison governors aren't dancing in the aisles, the pressure is on Luke more than ever before to deliver a successful show. And with Marcel demanding last minute re-writes, time isn't on his side... Meanwhile, Jason's new pop-up piercing business is making Luke's life ...

Genre: ,
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HD Crims




IMDb: 6.7
30 min

Sunnybank View Young Offender Institution goes into lockdown when prisoner Esteban escapes overnight. Luke is initially delighted - Esteban used to spray him in the face with weedkiller on gardening duty. Matters take a slight turn however, when prison psychopath Marcel insists that Luke breaks him out. No-nonsense Prison Governor Riley is on the warpath as she tries to get to the bottom of the disappearance. Meanwhile, Creg, who was on duty when the escape took place, desperately needs Dawn to make up an alibi for him. Dawn has other plans, seeing this as a great chance to get her unsettling colleague sacked. Luke's attempts to break Marcel out lead to a shocking discovery in the prison garden. Can Luke keep his dangerous secret from Jason - and is Jason hiding something too?

Country: UK
Genre: ,
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HD Crims




IMDb: 6.6
27 min

It's the start of the academic programme at Sunnybank View Young Offender Institution, and Luke and Jason must decide what course to take. After a tip-off from prison wheeler-dealer Black Elton John, the boys opt for Creg's painfully-dull-sounding Life Skills Class. The class turns out to be the world's biggest skive - ideal for Luke, who just wants an easy life. However, when his girlfriend Gemma reveals that she's proud of new friend Roger taking a GCSE, a jealous Luke announces to her that he's taking an A-Level in a much more difficult subject. Gemma is very impressed by Luke's get-up-and-go attitude - now all Luke has to do is convince Prison Officer Dawn to let him switch courses. Jason is preoccupied building an armed sex-robot to kill Roger, plus it's Tattoo Tuesday and Black Elton John has a 2-for-1 deal on. But when Jason gets wind of Luke's plan, he can't help but get involved and events rapidly spiral out of Luke's control. Meanwhile, Marcel has been forcing Luke to read ...

Genre: ,
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HD Count Arthur Strong

Count Arthur Strong


Count Arthur Strong

IMDb: 7.9
28 min

When a riot erupts in the street outside the café staff and patrons lock themselves in the back room for safety. Arthur, who assumes the ruckus has been caused by the butcher selling two chops for the price of one, decides to entertain everybody with his selection of songs from the shows. However, they find it torturous and a fight breaks out. Michael manages to quell it by singing 'Moon River' and finds himself in a duet with Arthur. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: ,
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HD Silent Witness

Silent Witness


Silent Witness

IMDb: 7.0
58 min

At Hillsdon Army base,a training camp for soldiers fighting in Afghanistan,young soldier Mark Blakefield is still recovering from the death in action of his friend Danny Ferris and argues with Lieutenant Lockfield,who was having an affair with Danny's girl-friend 'Cats' Felton,a fact which Lockfield's wife Claire has also discovered. Cats' body is pulled from the river some time after she was talking to the lieutenant and Nikki suspects foul play. Then Lockfield is shot,an apparent suicide,but Harry,accompanying Inspector Suzy Harte to the base,finds from the post mortem result that the man was murdered. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: ,
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HD The Fades

The Fades


The Fades

IMDb: 8.0
59 min

As Mac's father, DCI Armstrong, wonders why there are so many missing persons, the evil Fades increase in numbers including Armstrong's superior amongst their victims. Accused of betrayal by Neil, Paul, his family and friends and other Angelics find themselves besieged in a Community Centre set up as an evacuation point and Paul astounds the onlookers by his supernatural ability to kill Fades. The town is evacuated, with Paul and Neil - who has locked Mac in the boot of his car - agreeing to stay behind to seek out the enemy. Sarah, meanwhile, has been encouraged by ...

Genre: Fantasy, Horror,
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HD The Fades

The Fades


The Fades

IMDb: 8.1
60 min

Seeing himself lying in a coma in hospital Paul believes he is having an out of body experience but Neil tells him that he is now a ghost and takes him to the bunker where the Angelics are interrogating Natalie. Perturbed at their brutal handling of her, Paul returns to the hospital where he meets John, the murderous and apparently immortal youth who has haunted Paul's dreams and has reincarnated himself over half a century. John rescues Natalie, killing all the Angelics but Neil. Meanwhile Mark is released from police custody, watched by a relieved Sarah whilst Mac ...

Genre: Fantasy, Horror,
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HD A Touch of Cloth

A Touch of Cloth


A Touch of Cloth

IMDb: 8.2

DC Anne Oldman calls on inspector Jack Cloth, who has turned to drink after his wife's murder, and joins him in investigating a series of gruesome murders. Pensioner Albert Stafford, television chef Aiden Hawkchurch and his mistress Gavina Dunkish have all been brutally killed with a sword but a clue to the murderer's identity is provided by Aiden's widow Claire, who tells Cloth that they were all jurors who, in 1996, found Burton Bradstock guilty of killing his wife - and now Bradstock has just been released from prison. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD Drunk History: UK

Drunk History: UK


Drunk History: UK

IMDb: 7.4

The American Impractical Jokers discuss the story of Alexander Graham Bell maybe killing U.S. President Garfield, while Joel Dommett presents Chris O'Dowd and Alexander Armstrong as the 1941 Dambusters.

Genre: Comedy, History,
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