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HD Poldark




IMDb: 8.6
58 min

Aware of her husband's infidelity with Elizabeth Demelza does not hold back from expressing her disgust and defiantly attends a house party alone. Here she flirts with the amorous captain McNeil though loyalty to Ross causes her to draw the line at sex with him. Elizabeth's marriage to Warleggan finally goes ahead whilst Ross gets good news on the business front when repayment of a previous loan enables him to maintain the mine and a profitable find is made - one which will hopefully save his marriage. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, History, Romance,
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HD Poldark




IMDb: 8.6
57 min

Ross stands trial for smuggling but the case is dismissed when Jud and others provide an alibi and there is more good news when a seam of tin is found in Wheal Grace. Dwight is less fortunate as Caroline returns his letters with a written rejection and he considers becoming a naval surgeon. Elizabeth also has a setback when her mother falls ill and Warleggan is quick to ingratiate himself with an offer of help and marriage, which she accepts out of pragmatism rather than love. Ross, already distraught when a mining accident kills two of his workers, reacts badly and violently to the news, which does not go unnoticed by Demelza. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, History, Romance,
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HD Poldark




IMDb: 8.5
57 min

Ross joins a smuggling trip in the Isles of Scilly in order to meet Mark Daniel but, in his absence, George moves in on Elizabeth. Caroline convinces Dwight they must elope for a new life in Bath, and Captain McNeil plans to ambush the smugglers on their return.

Genre: Drama, History, Romance,
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HD Poldark




IMDb: 8.5
58 min

A cheerless Christmas looms for the Poldarks with Francis drowned in the mine having only found fool's copper and Ross facing debtor's prison if he cannot pay Warleggan. Ross is also anxious to expose the traitor and agrees to a dangerous scheme to trap them whilst Demelza is troubled by his frequent visits to console Elizabeth - though Warleggan is quick to ingratiate himself with the widow. Ray Penvenen accuses Dwight of fortune hunting and tries to ban him from seeing Caroline but she is far too perceptive and realistic to give up the man she loves. She also bails out Ross, whose tenacity she admires, in his hour of need - whilst seeking to remain anonymous. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, History, Romance,
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HD Poldark




IMDb: 8.8
56 min

An epidemic sweeps through the county and Dwight is grateful to Caroline for providing him with a cart-load of fresh oranges to combat it. Ross meanwhile is thwarted in his efforts to expand the mine, thanks to Warleggan and his proxy, Tankard. To provide finances he strikes a deal with a local smuggler to use his beach to land cargo on, much to Demelza's annoyance. Ross also goes into partnership with Francis, despite Warleggan's attempts to split them up, and they open up the mine gaining access to Wheal Grace. Demelza gives birth to a baby boy, Jeremy, which goes some way towards reconciling Francis with Verity. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, History, Romance,
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HD Poldark




IMDb: 8.5
58 min

Ross chairs the meeting for his mine's share-holders, where expansion of Wheal Leisure is approved but Warleggan's spy Tankard is also present and Warleggan's heavies attack Jud for failing to discredit Ross at his trial after their payment to commit perjury. To remain solvent the Poldarks are forced to sell many of their possessions and livestock, causing Demelza to keep her pregnancy secret from her husband. However, following the attack on Jud, Ross realizes Warleggan has schemed to keep Francis and himself at odds and is reconciled with his cousin at a family party, after which Demelza reveals her pregnancy to a far from displeased Ross. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, History, Romance,
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HD Poldark




IMDb: 8.8
59 min

On the eve of her husband's trial Demelza ignores Ray Penvenen's advice and approaches Judge Lister for mercy but her plan is scuppered by George Warleggan. Warleggan is convinced that Ross will be found guilty but Ross is an immensely popular defendant and despite the intervention of Demelza's father and Warleggan's paid prosecution witnesses his own excellent defence, aided by the testimony of the captain whose life he saved, Dwight and surprisingly Jud, leads to an acquittal. Dwight also attends Francis following his failed suicide bid after his belief that Elizabeth had an affair with Ross and gets closer to Caroline, who is not sorry when outsider Trevaunance's election as MP causes a riot. Warleggan however is still desperate to acquire Ross's mine by any means whilst Demelza and Ross consider having another baby. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, History, Romance,
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HD Poldark




IMDb: 8.5
59 min

Ross is arrested for inciting the looting on the beach and committed to Truro Assize court. Loyal Francis recognizes Warleggan's part in his cousin's downfall but his and Elizabeth's attempts to help are rebuffed. Meanwhile teen-aged orphan and wealthy heiress Caroline Penvenen arrives to stay with her influential uncle Ray, along with her vacuous boyfriend, Unwin Trevaunance, a parliamentary candidate at the local elections. Verity also returns to support Demelza and to reconcile with Francis, who accuses Warleggan of circulating pamphlets blackening Ross's name. On the eve of his trial Ross is visited by Warleggan with a proposal which Ross rejects. Demelza is still optimistic that Ross will walk free but Francis is only despairing and takes drastic action. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, History, Romance,
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HD Poldark




IMDb: 9.1

Ross faces ruin as, along with the rest of his collective, he must sell to the Warleggans' company at a nominal price. At the same time the disease known as putrid throat sweeps through the county, claiming many lives and Dwight, still contrite over Keren, throws himself into trying to treat it. Elizabeth and her family are stricken and Demelza goes to help them but infects herself and her daughter with disastrous results. Divine justice appears to intervene as the Warleggans' ship and its cargo founder on the rocks and Ross leads the villagers in collecting its spoils from the beach. Demelza recovers from her sickness, only to face another setback to her marriage. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, History, Romance,
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HD Poldark




IMDb: 8.5

Francis wrongly blames Ross for helping Verity elope with Andrew Blamey. Meanwhile, Mark suspects Dwight and Keren of having an affair, starting chain of events which will have tragic consequences and threaten the safety of eveyone in Nampara. Written by saidhbhbrannigan

Genre: Drama, History, Romance,
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HD Poldark




IMDb: 9.0

As Ross makes known his marriage he is derided by certain worthies, notably the Warleggans, who hope it will effect his downfall. Demelza is nervous about visiting the mine and stays away from the funeral after Charles dies. However the kindly Verity proves a true friend, teaching social etiquette to Demelza, who upbraids Ross for not defending the relationship with Blamey. At Christmas Demelza and Ross are invited to stay with Elizabeth and Francis. Elizabeth is gracious, confiding in Ross that she is aware of her husband's gambling and adultery before the Warleggans visit with friends, who seek to humiliate Demelza though she acquits herself well. Later a jubilant Ross learns not only that copper has been found at Wheal Leisure but that Demelza is pregnant. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, History, Romance,
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HD Poldark




IMDb: 8.7

Ross reopens Wheal Leisure, drawing his work force from Charles' mine and winning the respect of his tenants. Whilst he and Demelza are at a local wedding Elizabeth gives birth to a son, Geoffrey Charles. Ross attends the christening , noting not only the growing friendship between George Warleggan and Francis but overhearing gossips speculate on his relationship with Demelza. He is genuinely impressed by her efficiency and starts to confide in her. One of his workers, young father Jim Carter, is taken to court for poaching and Ross speaks on his behalf but fails to prevent the boy being sent to prison. Drunk and miserable he returns home and ends up in bed with the comforting Demelza. Next day he is visited by a sympathetic Elizabeth, clearly unhappy in her marriage. Seeing them together Demelza prepares to leave but Ross urges her to stay and they get married. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, History, Romance,
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HD Poldark




IMDb: 8.6

Ross decides to reopen the family copper mine Wheal Leisure and persuades Francis to help him. Ross also escorts Francis's put-upon sister Verity to a dance, where he crosses swords with George Warleggan, annoyed that Ross borrowed capital for the mining project from a rival bank to that of his uncle. Verity meets the sea captain Andrew Blamey, who is keen to marry her but George forbids it, claiming that Blamey killed his first wife. The relationship ends when Francis challenges Blamey to a duel, in which Francis is injured, though Demelza proves her worth when she tends to him, impressing Ross. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Drama, History, Romance,
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HD Melissa & Joey

Melissa & Joey


Melissa & Joey

IMDb: 7.5
22 min

Joe gives driving lessons to Lennox without Mel's consent.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD 2 Broke Girls

2 Broke Girls


2 Broke Girls

IMDb: 7.5
21 min

Max decides to break up with Deke (recurring guest star ERIC ANDRÃ%) now that she knows about his wealthy background.

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Xena: Warrior Princess

Xena: Warrior Princess


Xena: Warrior Princess

IMDb: 8.0
44 min

When Xena and Gabrielle take a wounded and pregnant Ephiny to a healing temple in the middle of a civil war, Xena must take over as healer when the priests would rather pray than act.

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HD Hannah Montana

Hannah Montana


Hannah Montana

IMDb: 7.3
22 min

Miley falls for rich kid Trey. His parents are snobs, and Miley almost gives away her secret identity while trying to impress them.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family, Music,
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HD Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman


Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

IMDb: 8.2
47 min

After a long period of grieving over his lost fiancée, Matthew finally finds love again, but the object of his affection works at Hank's saloon.

Genre: Drama, Family, Western,
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HD Ghost Whisperer

Ghost Whisperer


Ghost Whisperer

IMDb: 7.7
44 min

Melinda's baby is born, but five years later she still fears his birthday curse. While trying to give Aiden a normal childhood and help him deal with his gift, she finds herself battling a ghost for his life.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Fantasy,
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HD Ghost Whisperer

Ghost Whisperer


Ghost Whisperer

IMDb: 7.9
44 min

Even scarier then the domineering wedding planner is Melinda's nightmare about a faceless girl carrying a book and spelling doom, presumably for her unborn child. Shortly after, Eli's friend and colleague Zoe Ramos is murdered at her home and henchman Gordon Bradey breaks into the campus library, but steals nothing. Zoe was curator of occult books up for sale and her prospected buyer Jeremy Bishop is caught by Eli breaking into her home. A watcher warns Melinda about the book, in which death dates are magically written. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Fantasy,
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HD Ghost Whisperer

Ghost Whisperer


Ghost Whisperer

IMDb: 7.7
60 min | 50 min | 55 min

Jim's brother Dan Clancy waits for him to pass into the light together, as their dad demanded. Yet Jim can't just leave Melinda, even after hearing her hope he will do. Her medium-gift is suspended by the intense mourning grief, it starts returning after an atypical funeral to the lovebirds' taste. Eli James grudgingly fills in when another ghost furiously attacks their home, raging over a sick man. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Fantasy,
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HD Ghost Whisperer

Ghost Whisperer


Ghost Whisperer

IMDb: 7.6
60 min | 48 min | 55 min

A classmate of Ned's begins haunting a former best friend, and Melinda must find out why she's so angry before another tragedy occurs. Meanwhile, she and Jim find out news about a pregnancy.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Fantasy,
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HD Cucumber




IMDb: 8.4

Supported by his young flat-mates Henry attends Lance's funeral where he learns that Daniel, now in custody, had a history of instability and Cliff suggests how he might kill him. Afterwards Henry breaks down as he realizes now how much he misses Lance. Freddie is unusually sympathetic and offers to procure a hunk called Aiden for group sex. On the way to locate him several confessions are made but when they catch up with him he is a disappointment and they return home, where Freddie offers Henry another act of kindness. Next day, due to a scam by the landlord, they and their friends are evicted though fortunately Henry can move them into his old house. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Cucumber




IMDb: 8.0

Henry introduces Cleo to his flatmates, who are impressed by her and her enterprising son Adam though Cleo wants Henry to move out. Henry is annoyed to find that Lance has been going through their joint bank account and to make money uses Adam and another, straight, boy in erotic videos. The normally cool Freddie is shocked to run into former college lecturer and lover Gregory, now married, who still wants him. They go back to the apartment for sex but a fight breaks out as Freddie attempts to settle old scores and Henry helps him out, the youngster rewarding him with a blind date. Lance also shows up with a gift for Henry, having failed to get Daniel in bed. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Cucumber




IMDb: 7.4

Henry decides to add a few creature comforts to his sparse new accommodation but, following a colleague's suicide for which he was blamed, stays away from work and keeps his address a secret from Lance. Lance meanwhile goes for a drink with the desirable Daniel in whom he confides his lack of a decent sex life with Henry. Suspended from work Henry is annoyed to find that Freddie, who has ferociously warned him that he is out of bounds, has no such trouble entertaining his friend Cliff. Thanks to his sister Cleo's intervention he meets up with Lance n neutral ground with several revelations coming to the fore. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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IMDb: 8.2

USS Chicago made a port visit to Sydney, Australia, 28 years ago, during the Vietnam War. It appears that, after an altercation at a waterfront amusement park, a petty officer from that ship was murdered; at the same time a seaman disappeared from the Royal Australian Navy. Recently, however, local authorities apprehended a man believed to be the missing seaman; they book him for the old murder. At Brumby's request Harm and Bud fly to Sydney because the prisoner asks to speak with a JAG officer of the US Navy; the accused tells Harm that he is the US sailor previously believed to be dead. Harm has trouble while driving in left-hand traffic. Mac escorts back to Sydney the body, long buried in the US, of the one believed to be the US sailor. The Australian judicial system takes jurisdiction. While in Sydney, Mac behaves as the Romans do. [To be continued.] Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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