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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 6.4

Mika and Brett stage a protest to save a tree by climbing onto the roof of the training centre. They are soon joined by eco-warriors who have heard of them from the Internet,along with pupils anxious to skip lessons. Rachel wants to call the police but Eddie talks them down though Tom is injured and Mika is devastated. Tom decides he should spend more time with his step-daughters,declining a date with Davina. Eddie retracts his resignation but,after a cheque from Hordley bounces,insists Rachel report the builder to the council. However,she only pretends to make the call. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.0

Eddie learns that Rachel is a former prostitute and accuses her of sleeping with Hordley for the contract,which she denies. He urges her to resign but when she refuses stuns her by resigning himself. Janeece declares that she and supply teacher Wilson Bingham are in love,and he secretly returns her affection whilst asking her to tell nobody else. However after he has had sex with her in a hotel he dumps her and it turns out that he is an impostor who preys on young girls and who assumed the real Wilson's identity to claim his latest conquest. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 6.5

Matt is horrified to learn that his mother,to whom he has never confessed his homosexuality,is coming to visit and asks boyfriend Colin to move out of the flat during her stay. Not only is Colin enraged,dumping him,but Maxine overhears,outing Matt to the school. Reactions are mixed but there is as much support as homophobia and Matt is moved when pupil Dominic tells him that he is gay as well. Matt patches things up with Colin but is surprised to learn his mother knew about him all along. Eddie campaigns on Jasmine's behalf, exposing the bullies' lies,and she is reinstated. Rachel turns down Hordley's offer of a date but leaves the envelope which he returned containing her guilty secret on her desk,where its contents are accidentally read by Eddie. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 6.6

It is Work Experience Week. Janeece is thrilled to be working at a museum but falls out with the curator and ends up at a retirement home. Initially resentful she begins to bond with one of the elderly ladies - after first getting drunk with her - but eventually warms to her task and is well-regarded by the matron. After defending Davina against Grantly Tom consoles her and ends up in bed with her,where they are caught by Mika. Rachel breathes a sigh of relief as the governors accept Hordley's tender. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.3

As Mika continues to reject Brett the school sits its mock exams with Eddie challenging the teachers to sit the papers. Rachel and Matt take four troublesome pupils,including loud-mouthed Bolton Smilie,on a salutary visit to a prison. Smilie brags about his father in jail and is happy to smuggle out some drugs for an inmate but gets caught. Afterwards Rachel shows him that he has been had and the whole was an exercise in scaring the boys straight. Rachel herself is still being followed whilst Davina is surprised when Darren Briggs,Sr,asks her out as a reward for helping his son's learning difficulties. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 6.8

Chlo and Donte decide to call it a day whilst Mika is uncomfortable about sharing romantic scenes with Brett in 'Park Side Story'. Matt panics when Rachel puts its performance forward a day to impress a V.I.P audience and matters are not helped when the aggrieved Aleesha sabotages the play by switching its sound effects. Tom and Karla save matters by playing the show as a deliberate comedy,offending Matt. Grantly's wife Fleur stands by him in his financial crisis and Eddie's ex-wife Alison comes to the school with their son Michael but Rachel sees a face from the past in the play's audience. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.1

Aleesha is proving a nightmare as leading lady so Matt is glad to get the chance to fire her after she has been bullying Karla. He asks Mika to return. Mika herself thinks she might be pregnant by Brett,who is disappointed to learn that it is a false alarm. On an archaeological dig a baby's skeleton is found and the police called. Ultimately Maxine admits the child was hers by the now reformed Lewis Seddon,who is working in the school canteen. The incident brings them back together whilst Donte has a new love interest in pupil Celine. Rachel learns that Eddie's ex-wife is preventing him from seeing his son and sets about putting the matter right. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.2

Chlo reacts coolly when Donte requests a reconciliation and Rachel has to dissuade Brett from leaving due to guilt,since he is her star pupil. Rachel also gets involved in helping Sally Froggatt,whose single mother has gone on holiday leaving her to juggle her school attendance with minding her baby brother. After criticizing Matt's script for the school musical 'Park Side Story',Jasmine agrees to help him rewrite it whilst Eddie,having taken a group of boys on an outward bound weekend,ends up in a neck-brace,thanks to the feud between Grantly and bad lad Bolton Smilie. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.6

With Chlo still missing Jack's problems increase as it is discovered that,having sacked his dodgy investors,he has been financing the school by offering the single parents of brighter pupils money from the Excellence In Cities grant fund in return for their attending Waterloo Road. Eddie is fully supportive of him but the board of governors calls for his resignation and,although the pupils hold a demonstration,he is forced to resign. Grantly has his troubles too - thanks to his gambling addiction which has brought the bailiffs calling. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.1

After discovering Chlo with Brett Donte goes on the rampage,beating Brett up and vandalizing Eddie's car when he tries to stop him. Mika refuses to take part in the musical with home-wrecking Brett and drops out,allowing Aleesha to take her place. Everybody regards Chlo as a pariah for her actions and she goes on the run. Steph tells Jack he should tell Davina about their fling if his marriage is to start well. However,although he refuses,Davina finds out anyway and calls off the engagement. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 6.9

When pupil Ben McNulty cuts himself Steph immediately rushes him to hospital and it transpires that she knows he is HIV+,due to his drug-taking birth mother but has kept the fact a secret. There is an immediate backlash by angry parents,as a result of which Ben decides to quit the school. However Jack's resolute championing of Ben and efforts to persuade him to stay impress Davina and they get engaged. Steph,who has high hopes after their spot of passion,turns to Matt for consolation,only to learn that he is gay and has a partner called Colin. Donte and Chlo return to live with Tom but Donte's attempt to give his wife a romantic evening is scuppered when he finds her in the arms of Brett. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 6.8

Donte goes behind Chlo's back to put down a deposit on a dilapidated flat. Chlo is less than pleased and Tom persuades them to stay with him. Jasmine has trouble controlling an unruly class and puts half of them in detention. Unfortunately they comprise the girls' football team,due to play their debut match. Eddie persuades Jasmine to postpone the detention to facilitate the match but Jasmine herself saves the day by passing herself off as a pupil and playing in the match,scoring the necessary goals. Matt is annoyed that Steph is taking over the musical,giving the leading female role to Mika,rather than the more talented Aleesha,whom Steph dislikes. When Matt declines a drink with her Steph accepts an evening with Jack,who builds her hopes up after a drunken clinch. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 6.2

Whilst Davina makes progress with Karla Jasmine is concerned that newly-orphaned pupil Paul Langley is being abused and makes her concerns known to Steph. However Steph is more concerned with being in the school musical,for which Jack reprimands her. Eddie steps in and discovers that Paul is being abused by his Uncle Dermot and manages to avoid a potentially lethal situation by disarming Paul,who has stolen a kitchen knife to stab Dermot. Brett agrees to give Chlo extra French lessons for her exams but she seems more interested in him than his tutoring. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 6.8

Though given a bravery award Jack blames himself for Izzie's death,as does Tom. With Andrew gone Eddie Lawson is the new deputy whilst Steph,new head of pastoral care,courts controversy by admitting Karla,a pupil with Asperger's Syndrome who attacks Grantly. Faced with a staff walk-out Jack gets Davina to give Karla special tutoring. Two new teachers start work,nervous,newly-qualified Jasmine Koreshi and charismatic drama teacher Matt Wilding,who rashly promises to write a school musical. Tom feels frustrated when Chlo and Donte secretly marry but,advised by Janeece,agrees to stay at home with them and not move out. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.9

Jerry Preston continues to indoctrinate the school with his Creationist group. However the final straw comes at Lorna's funeral when he tries to make capital out of her death for his own ends and Andrew stands up to him. This gives Jack his wake up call and he decides to get rid of Preston and regain control of his school. Lewis Seddon has a falling-out with his drug dealing brother Jed after Chlo is accidentally doped,as a result of which Lewis informs the police where the family's drug factory is. Jed Seddon comes to the school armed with a knife,spoiling for a confrontation with Jack but is Izzie,who innocently gets in the way,who ends up being fatally stabbed. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 6.8

Tom and Izzie fulfil Lorna's last wishes by getting engaged and Jack,aware that Davina was seeing Brett before they started at the school,relents towards her. He is starting a healthy eating campaign at the school canteen but this is jeopardised when Seddon and his family set up a burger van down the road. They are also selling home-made Es,which put one pupil in a coma. To add to Jack's worries Jerry Preston,the American investor who has taken over from Aspinall,turns out to be part of a fervent religious group,the Creationists,and Andrew is about to leave immediately to work in Rwanda. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.1

When Lorna inexplicably walks out of the school Davina proves that she is an excellent teaching assistant and it is suggested that she train as a teacher. However Steph maliciously informs Jack of Davina's illicit relationship with Brett,ending things between them. Whilst Mika and Brett find their romance flourishing Izzie and Tom are surprised when Lorna,who has been to a health spa and seems fine,invites them to a country cottage for a weekend to reconcile them. Things are going well but,as her M.S. is worsening,Lorna deliberately takes an over-dose and Izzie and Tom are unable to revive her. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.4

Lorna has remained at the school and proves herself to be invaluable at discovering why young Dale Baxter is persistently truanting. It transpires that he is incontinent due to an over-active bladder and Lorna's involvement leads to its cure. Jack is being interviewed for the post of permanent headmaster. His rival is the sleek careerist Lyndsey Woodham,and she gets the appointment. However she admits that she would find it hard to handle the likes of Dale and withdraws,leaving Jack not only to celebrate his success but the fact that Davina is moving in with him. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 6.4

Stacey returns to school after her attack and tries to match-make Kim with her single father Terry,whom she believes is lonely. Following Year Eleven's work experience at a local factory a purse is stolen and found in Maxine's bag. However the thief is Stacey,who stole money to send flowers to Kim,supposedly from Terry. Mika and Brett start dating but Mika lets slip to Steph that the boy had a relationship with Davina. Lorna and Tom,after getting drunk,relive the passion of their former relationship. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.3

Thanks to Janeece Stacey and Tom are found out though Stacey swears that Tom never touched her. Andrew and Kim feel he should be suspended but Jack defends him and keeps him on. However Izzie throws him out and,drunk and pathetic,he turns up at Lorna's,where she tells him she has M.S. Stacey is the serial attacker's latest victim. She escapes and runs into Seddon,who swears his innocence. However the culprit would seem to be Maxine's step-father Kevin,and Steph helps her convince the police of the fact. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 6.8

Whilst a serial attacker is in the area the school starts self-defence classes. Steph reconciles Maxine with her family but Lorna verbally attacks Kim,warning her off Andrew and it is clear she is not taking her anti-depressant pills. When it is discovered that Lorna has M.S.Izzie is extremely supportive,which angers Tom. He gets drunk and ends up in bed with Stacey,a pupil who has a crush on him. Kim has a confrontation with Seddon,whom she believes is the serial attacker whilst Izzie,pregnant by Tom,in attempting to calm a distraught Lorna,suffers a miscarriage. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 6.9

Seddon robs Donte but Donte,armed with a spanner,persuades him to return his belongings. Davina is still pursued by a love-lorn Brett,whose behaviour gives cause for concern but whose academic record is good for the school league tables. Ultimately Brett confesses that he hates his father for having an affair whilst his mother was dying but the father and son eventually reconcile. Jack finally gets one over on Aspinall when he discovers his funding comes from a porn website. Whilst Lorna is suffering from dizzy spells Steph is mugged by drug-addicted ex-pupil Maxine but gets the better of her and shows her the error of her ways. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 7.1

Jack reinstates Grantly,making it clear that he has no desire to be part of Aspinall's plans. At the same time Davina is shocked to find that Brett is still at school as they had previously has a brief fling and she thought he was older. Andrew and Lorna,who now has her own flat and seems more secure,start dating but the hate campaign against Mika ends up with her attempting suicide before a contrite Leigh-Ann reconciles with her. Chlo sneaks out to have sex with Donte,but is followed by Seddon. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD The Inbetweeners

The Inbetweeners


The Inbetweeners

IMDb: 8.3
26 min

Whilst Neil worries that he has got the girl from the cheese counter at ASDA pregnant, Simon is upset that his family must move to Swansea for his father's work. Will suggests a farewell camping trip for the four boys, though he is less than happy when the others use his possessions to light the camp-fire and Simon is not pleased when Neil and Jay let his car run into a lake. After a game in which each of them texts somebody on another's phone, Neil discovers that he is not a father after all and the boys bond in their own odd way. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 6.9

Andrew is a disaster as acting head,suspending popular Janeece and being indirectly responsible for Seddon and his gang threatening the school. Lorna takes over as head of English to replace Grantly and Aspinall unsuccessfully tries to sack Kim,causing Andrew to step down and allow Jack back into his old job. Whilst school secretary Davina tells Jack she is not sure where Aspinall is getting his funding money,Leigh-Ann starts an Internet hate campaign against Mika,posting the topless picture of her and leading to the girls fighting in the play-ground. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD The Inbetweeners

The Inbetweeners


The Inbetweeners

IMDb: 8.1
25 min

Already under pressure from Mr. Gilbert to rat on Neil and Jay for destroying a flower bed, Will does not think it a good idea that the other boys come to his house to throw a party whilst his mother is on a weekend break in the Cotswolds with an old flame. And he is right. Not only do they block the toilet and alter his Facebook picture but set about destroying more flowers in a neighbour's garden. Next morning the boys find themselves under siege from the angry gardener but there's no hiding place as Will's mother returns home early. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road


Waterloo Road

IMDb: 6.7

Former pupil and local entrepreneur Roger Aspinall offers financial sponsorship to make the school an academy in return for being made a governor. Jack and Kim are not happy but Andrew supports him,even though he spitefully causes Grantly Budgeon,who once taught him, to offer his resignation. Andrew and Kim go on a date and kiss but she is less than happy to hear Andrew has been appointed acting head by Aspinall. Brett,Aspinall's son,causes rivalry between Mika and her friend Leigh-Ann,who photographs Mika in a compromising pose. Lorna,having survived her suicide attempt,is living in a guest house and Izzie takes pity on her,moving her in with Tom and herself. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD The Inbetweeners

The Inbetweeners


The Inbetweeners

IMDb: 8.5
25 min

Anxious to be alone so they can have sex Tara suggests to Simon they visit her sister Sophie at Warwick University but the other boys insist on coming too. Sophie is not impressed. Whilst Simon,thanks to bad advice from Jay,is having trouble with his manhood in the bedroom the others get involved with Sophie's beery flat-mates and their drunken dares. After Neil has wet the bed and Jay made an indecent proposal to a cold-stricken Dutch girl,all four boys are thrown out and Simon is still a virgin. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The Inbetweeners

The Inbetweeners


The Inbetweeners

IMDb: 8.0
24 min

It's Neil's eighteenth birthday and his dad is throwing him a party to which he can invite ten friends - not that he has that many. Simon, seriously dating Tara, arranges a double date for Will with her extremely tall and rapacious friend Kerry. Despite Will's efforts, she is not easy to shake off and, at Neil's dreary party, he dumps her, unaware that her father has just died, which leads to his vilification. Neil, however, takes advantage of the situation to have a happy birthday. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The Inbetweeners

The Inbetweeners


The Inbetweeners

IMDb: 8.3
25 min

Simon takes Tara, a girl in the class below him, to a gig at a pub where to impress her, he has told her that he can get any drugs - courtesy of Jay. Jay's first attempt to score ends up with him buying tea-bags though eventually he does obtain some puff. None of the boys have smoked it before though and Will suffers severe side effects and takes to the stage to request an ambulance. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The Inbetweeners

The Inbetweeners


The Inbetweeners

IMDb: 8.2
25 min

Jay is annoyed when Carli asks Simon and not him to be a model in her charity fashion show, the proceeds going towards a kidney machine to help the unaccountably popular wheelchair-bound Alistair Scott. Against his principles Will takes the money at the door, when not fighting Alistair, but is thrilled when Charlotte returns and asks him to take part with her on the catwalk. Simon ends up modelling skimpy bathing trunks and, in his hurry to put them on, literally lets it all hang out. Unlike the onlookers, Carli is not amused. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The Inbetweeners

The Inbetweeners


The Inbetweeners

IMDb: 8.5
25 min

The end of term exams loom. Simon, to the detriment of his own subjects, is excited when Carli comes to his house to revise, revealing that she is single again and rewarding him with kisses. Jay, for once, swaps lust for romance when he is smitten by Chloe, a sweet young girl from another school. Neil forgets his P.E. kit but gets through in his vest and pants and Will has an accident with his bowels after too many energy drinks but still gets his grades. However, Chloe drops Jay for being too sensitive, Carli goes back to her ex-boyfriend and the boys end up with each other, useless lovers but good friends. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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