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IMDb: 8.8
25 min

Knowing full well about Arnold in Josh's life, Ben, who is in the hospital and has been having a rough time with his health of late, lets Josh know that he wants to continue seeing him, regardless of their date supposedly being one night only. Mae wants to reconcile with Alan, and leaves Grace with Josh to allow the two to work things out. Rose and Hannah have been in a depression leading to them doing no cleaning. Into this situation comes Stuart who wants to make it up to Rose for his temporary dalliance with Hazel. These three issues form the backdrop for what is happening at Josh, Tom and Claire's place. Tom has chlamydia - again - and doesn't want to tell Ella since he told her that he had a sexual health test when she asked just before they started dating. Not wanting to be caught in that lie which he fears will lead to Ella breaking up with him, Tom enlists Josh's help to get the necessary drugs, one dose for Tom and one dose for Ella, that latter dose which they will spike her... Written by Huggo

Country: Australia
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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IMDb: 9.0
25 min

Tom has made a piñata as a symbol of all the household secrets, as he knows that Josh and Claire are keeping a secret from him. He hopes that airing all the secrets he has and that he knows of about the others will make them open up more about theirs. One of Josh's secrets that he needs to disclose is that he has an imminent anonymous sex date he made online all in an effort to test his and Arnold's open relationship, Arnold who is away at maths camp. Josh is going to let the night unfold with who he learns is named Ben as it does. But the date veers into territories Josh probably did not contemplate. Wanting to give Josh and Ben their privacy, Tom and Claire decide to hide out in Tom's bedroom. They have to figure something to do to keep themselves preoccupied without leaving the room, which ends up not being nearly as difficult as they thought except for the outcome of a dare. Written by Huggo

Country: Australia
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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IMDb: 8.9
25 min

Josh and Ella are providing support to Claire and Tom respectively for their medical appointments. Claire has not told anyone else besides Josh that she is either pregnant or getting an abortion, with Josh possibly not providing the support she needs. In the end, Claire may be unprepared for the emotional toil of the procedure, regardless of what she considers her liberal feminist view on the matter. Equally, Ella may not have been the best person to accompany Tom to the dentist's office, as she is as freaked by dentists as he is. However, in the process, they may come to a definitive understanding of the current state of their relationship. Arnold and his parents are going through the experiment of a trial sleepover to see if Arnold is truly welcome back into his homophobic father's life. And with Josh preoccupied with Claire, he is unable to help either of his own parents on their current missions. Rose believes Stuart is cheating on her with his wife, Hazel, and wants to devise a ... Written by Huggo

Country: Australia
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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IMDb: 9.0
25 min

Josh and Tom's house has expanded by three people. Arnold is staying there as his father kicked him out after coming out. Claire has just returned from Germany. And Ella, the girl Josh, Tom and Arnold met at the club, has decided to hang around, no one sure what the status of her and Tom's relationship is. The one thing Claire does know is that she doesn't like Ella. One of the first tasks for the expanded household is what to do about Adele the transgendered chicken (i.e. the rooster who was supposed to be a hen). They decide to kill her humanely themselves - while not letting the other hens see - and have her for Sunday dinner. Against that backdrop, Josh and Arnold have the monogamy talk, which was spurred by them answering differently when asked by Ella if they were indeed monogamous. And Claire confides in Josh about her life in Germany, and an issue with which she needs his help. Meanwhile, Hannah is silently irked at Rose for invading a therapist requested task, while ... Written by Huggo

Country: Australia
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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IMDb: 9.0
25 min

Josh, Arnold, and Tom take a party drug which leads to dancing, meeting a new girl Ella, running on a dock where Tom falls. After an ambulance ride Ella quizzes Josh and Arnold, they question back while Tom calls Alan who just ended his relationship with Mae.

Country: Australia
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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IMDb: 9.0
25 min

It's Arnold's birthday, the event at which he plans to tell his homophobic parents, Bruce and Donna, and his brother Steve that he's gay. Josh is terrified that Arnold's parents will blame him as the person who turned their son, while wanting Tom to help him appear to be just a plain old nice guy. A reluctant party attendee is Hannah, who would rather wallow in her depression at home, something that Rose will not tolerate in wanting her to support Arnold. Arnold has to decide if he will go through with it as the small party progresses. Meanwhile, Alan, who has been staying with Josh and Tom in his funk over Mae admitting that she had a one night stand, remains at home trying to remain constructive doing the one thing that he believes Josh and Tom will allow. Rose, also wallowing in her beige medicated state at home, receives a surprise telephone call from a voice from her past. In her medicated state, she tries to decide how she feels about the call. A chat with Hannah may give Rose... Written by Huggo

Country: Australia
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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IMDb: 9.2
25 min

At Mum and Hannah's, Mum, suggests they do something fun - like go to a lesbian bar. Hannah isn't exactly enthusiastic. Mum is unstoppable. Over at Dad and Mae's, Mae confesses that she had a one-night stand whilst she was pregnant with Grace. Dad is shattered. Meanwhile, Josh and Tom get ready for a dinner with Arnold. Tom is furious that Josh has bought bread when they promised each other that they weren't eating bread! Arnold arrives for dinner and not only tells them it's his birthday on the weekend and that they're invited to his party - but that he finally intends to tell his dad that he's gay. It's big news, especially because his dad is a big homophobe. Tom tries really hard to listen and be sympathetic, but it's hard when all he can think about is Josh's betrayal with the bread. Meanwhile at the lesbian bar, Mum is determined to have fun. Hannah knocks back some shots to cope... In the meantime, Josh gets a call from Dad and learns of Mae's affair. Meanwhile, Claire admits ...

Country: Australia
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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IMDb: 9.0
27 min

Arnold calls Josh for help - he has stolen a shopping trolley from the supermarket and doesn't know what to do next. Josh convinces him to dump it and come over that night. Tom's keen to see Arnold again and he's very encouraging of Josh's attempts to make this relationship a thing. Mum's not so keen on Arnold - she thinks Josh could do better. Hannah, who is still living with Mum, tells Josh that he shouldn't worry about whether he's making the right choice and to just go for it. Josh tries really hard, making Arnold's favourite vegetarian food - stuffed eggplant - when he comes for dinner, but Arnold still goes home at the end of the night. Josh, confused and unsettled by the whole business, has nightmares and moves himself across the hallway to sleep in Tom's room. This is not all that convenient for Tom, but as usual he goes along with it as he can see Josh is upset. After a hilarious night out at a Vietnamese restaurant, where Tom and Josh tease Arnold about being racist, ...

Country: Australia
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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IMDb: 8.9
25 min

Despite the disaster that was their first protracted date, Josh and Arnold go on a second by themselves to a club, leaving the whole concept of safe dates behind them. What happens between them is affected by running into an either extremely drunk or stoned Patrick, whose friends' whereabouts are unknown. Josh feels he can't leave Patrick to his own devices in the state he's in without making sure he gets home all right, wherever home is for Patrick now, which Josh doesn't know. Following their date the next morning, Josh and Arnold need to meet Dad, who wants Josh there with him and Mae and Grace in the hot air balloon ride when he pops the question to Mae. Tom goes to extreme lengths to relieve himself of his feeling of being unloved, at least sexually. Having checked themselves out of the hospital, Mum and Hannah have started their new living arrangement of being roommates in Mum's house, which leads to Hannah evaluating what it all means. At the end of the day, Josh, Mum, Dad ... Written by Huggo

Country: Australia
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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IMDb: 8.8
25 min

It's the first day of Josh operating the coffee cart, and beyond not liking needing to be up at 5 o'clock in the morning, he seems well prepared. Nearly all those currently close to him in life are there to support him on the first day, except Tom who is lamenting having no girlfriend since Claire would have broken up with him even if she didn't go back to Germany and thus is wallowing in his sadness. But as both Mum and Dad are contemplating making important life changing decisions independent of each other but which cannot help but affect the other as being formerly married, they end up, in turn, affecting the mood at the cart. Also influencing the mood is Marilyn, Arnold's psychiatrist who wanted to meet Josh before Josh and Arnold went on their first ever true date. What Marilyn recommends leads to Tom going on that date with Josh and Arnold. Something that Josh learns about Arnold on the date exacerbates an already tense situation. Written by Huggo

Country: Australia
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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IMDb: 8.7
25 min

Following her hike with Josh, Rose returns to the hospital in a true want to get better. Without Ginger to lean on, she now turns to Hannah and Stuart. As Patrick has just moved out, Josh comforts himself with a little bit of what Patrick left behind. Tom unwittingly does something to irk Josh in this regard, Josh who vows to make Tom rue the day he did it. With Josh's revenge leaving Tom with nothing to do, Tom and Claire, on the revelation that she has decided to move back to Germany in a week's time, have a chat about their friendship and their short-lived boyfriend/girlfriend status. Josh and Arnold talk about if there will be a next phase to their make-out session at the zoo, that talk which leads to a request from Arnold which surprises Josh. And as Dad has now cut him off, Josh takes the first steps in looking for a job. Dad may have more concrete ideas in this matter. Written by Huggo

Country: Australia
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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IMDb: 9.2
25 min

With Mum unable to cope emotionally either at the hospital or alone at home following Ginger's suicide, Josh agrees to accompany her on a five day remote hike through Tasmania to get her mind off of Ginger. In their solitude, Ginger's suicide does come up as a topic of discussion, as do other issues facing both of them in their lives, such as Rose's own suicide attempt, her overall mental illness, and Josh's sex life, most specifically his sexual orientation and the break up with Patrick. Other things may happen to them to take their minds off these problems, if only temporarily. But Rose does come to some decisions by the end of their hike which may provide her with some much needed answers. Written by Huggo

Country: Australia
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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IMDb: 8.8
25 min

Tom and Josh have ended up co-parenting Gavin, the rabbit Tom gave Jenny, along with Jenny. While in the boys' care, Gavin dies. How Jenny and Tom react to and deal with Gavin's death may affect their relationship. Meanwhile, Patrick breaks up with Josh, even before they really even had a relationship of which to speak. It's not so much the break-up itself but what Patrick tells him in the process that has Josh down in the dumps. As such, Josh decides to do something somewhat happy in agreeing to take Mum and her hospital friends to the zoo for an outing. As Josh needs Dad's car since his and Mum's own car is not big enough to transport the entire group, Dad and Mae decide to tag along with Grace in tow. Being away from their daily routine gives Dad and Mae the opportunity to talk about their joint life, which in turn affects Josh. Arnold is able to get Josh's mind off of Patrick at least for the day. But an incident that they learn about by the end of their outing trumps all else ... Written by Huggo

Country: Australia
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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IMDb: 9.0
25 min

Josh ends up with a $770 plumber bill, the problem he learns caused by a recently flushed tampon down their toilet, and the $770 which Josh, Tom and Patrick don't have. Although he has no proof, Josh believes it was Jenny's doing and that periods and tampons are a new ordeal in her life about which she may not yet know the ins and outs. However, Tom believes this bill should be paid by Alan as their landlord. As such, Josh has an uncomfortable talk with Dad, which is complicated by a swastika scribbled on a men's room wall. Meanwhile, Claire has returned to Melbourne from Hamburg, she who will be staying with the boys. Despite being sleep deprived, Claire, along with Josh and Patrick, decides to accompany Tom, much to his horror, to Jenny's high school production, a modern musical reimagining of A Midsummer Night's Dream. In the process, Josh and Patrick get some alone time which may give Josh a clearer picture of what Patrick's kiss meant, while they all may have some further ... Written by Huggo

Country: Australia
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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IMDb: 8.7
25 min

Following an incident that happens during a date, Josh starts to question whether he truly is a nice person. Following Tom and Jenny officially becoming exclusive boyfriend/girlfriend, Tom's love life becomes more complicated based on Tom continuing to see Niamh, who knows nothing about Jenny because of Tom's continuing cowardice in refusing to deal with anything difficult in his life but especially with Niamh, and some news Josh passes along to Tom about Claire, who has been living in Germany working on a sustainable forestry project. Following Rose and Stuart's impromptu sexual encounter during the game of hide-and-seek, that sexual encounter which Rose enjoyed, Stuart divulges some information about his life which could break Rose's romantic bubble. Patrick accompanies Josh to the hospital to visit with Mum and watch Hannah's mental choir perform. En route, Josh's anxiety over several issues leads to a move by Patrick, which may mean different things to Patrick and Josh. Written by Huggo

Country: Australia
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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Please Like Me

IMDb: 8.7
25 min

After Josh takes Grace home following an evening of babysitting her, Dad and Mae, due to a couple of issues, become concerned for Grace's welfare because of Josh's care, if they could only find out exactly what Josh did to cause one specific problem. Tom's burgeoning casual relationship with Jenny is threatened by a technological error on his part followed by Josh taking control of the situation for his own benefit. After not seeing or hearing from him in over a year, Josh receives a telephone call from Geoffrey asking if they can get together for dinner at a restaurant, which Tom, Patrick and Josh construe as a date. Geoffrey's true reason for wanting to see Josh eventually does come to light as their evening together progresses. And Josh runs into Arnold at the hospital, where he has been admitted alongside Rose. At the hospital, an impromptu game which includes Rose, Arnold, Ginger and Hannah among one other leads to different outcomes for all four. Written by Huggo

Country: Australia
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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Please Like Me

IMDb: 8.5
25 min

In her non-medicated manic state, Rose is admitted to a private psychiatric hospital. Her excitement of the situation changes when she learns she is being moved from ICU where they have great desserts to the general ward, the other option being assessment by a public hospital who have the authority to keep her if they believe she is at risk. Rose has to learn to cope with this new situation, which she tries to do with a move on her own, and then with the help of Josh and fellow psychiatric patients Ginger and Hannah when that first move doesn't work. Josh leaves Mum to her new surroundings as he becomes overly concerned with cooking a ham for Patrick's backyard barbecue birthday party. As Tom and what he learns is his massive penis set their sights on a party guest named Jenny - who turns out to be not quite what Tom initially believed - Josh worries about his ham, and encounters with Patrick's friend Steve and Steve's adopted brother Arnold, who Josh learns also has psychiatric ... Written by Huggo

Country: Australia
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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IMDb: 8.3
25 min

Josh, Tom, and their new roommate Patrick go out dancing. Josh has a new baby sister and Josh agrees to babysit. When Dad and Mae pick her up, the house is full: Niamh is visiting Tom, Patrick has a boy around, and Mum arrives, in a manic state. Written by Anonymous

Country: Australia
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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IMDb: 8.5
28 min

Aunty Peg's funeral and wake coincides with Josh's twenty-first birthday, the former which takes precedent for the day as Aunty Peg has basically dictated how the day should proceed, although Tom and Claire are holding a small party for Josh after the wake. Despite Geoffrey and Josh having broken up, and Tom and Niamh having broken up, Geoffrey and Niamh are surprise attendees at the proceedings, they who may or may not be as welcome as they expect. Another surprise attendee is Mae, who meets Rose for the first time, as Alan meets Rod also for the first time. The conclusion of the wake leads to different reactions by Josh and Mum about their respective lives. Written by Huggo

Country: Australia
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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IMDb: 8.3
27 min

In the lead up to Josh's twenty-first birthday where he and Mum disagree on how to celebrate the milestone, there are many other things going on in Josh's life. Geoffrey has a special surprise day planned for the two of them, which Josh is not looking forward to, and which does not go quite the way Geoffrey hopes. That outing makes Geoffrey for the first time question their relationship. As Alan helps Rose clean up the house as she prepares to put it on the market for sale, she finds out about his relationship with Mae. Despite Rose believing that Rod is disgusting, she uses him as a way to get back at Alan because of Mae. Josh gets embroiled in what is happening between Claire, Tom and Niamh, as Tom gets sucked back into Niamh's life in wanting to keep the baby. A specific revelation made to the group about Niamh's pregnancy may be the defining moment in what happens between Claire, Tom and Niamh. Written by Huggo

Country: Australia
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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Please Like Me

IMDb: 8.2
28 min

Now that Josh has been unceremonious outed to his family, and Geoffrey identified as his boyfriend, Josh decides to break up with Geoffrey, realizing that his attraction to Geoffrey is only physical. Conversely, Mum decides to try online dating and asks Josh to help her in the process. This move, in turn, affects Dad and Mae's relationship, Mae who issues an ultimatum. Tom anxiously awaits hearing from Niamh so that they can discuss what to do about her pregnancy. The issue lures Tom back to Niamh emotionally. But as newly single Josh, Tom and Claire decide to go out clubbing, Josh tests his first foray into truly looking for a man on his own, while Tom and Claire decide how far to take their relationship, which they have not yet told Josh about, and as Tom thinks about the baby. Meanwhile, someone has reported Aunty Peg as a reckless driver, she who has to retake her driver's road test. She is determined to find out who is threatening her sense of independence. Written by Huggo

Country: Australia
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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IMDb: 8.5
28 min

Aunty Peg believes Mum needs to do something different to get her out of her depression, that something being going to church despite Mum not being religiously minded. Aunty Peg blackmails Josh into going along with this plan. Mae and Dad get into an argument about Dad's new mid-life crisis Porsche and his obsession with Mum. As Mae leaves Dad drunk and stranded at a restaurant, Josh has to come to his rescue, with Geoffrey tagging along. Seeing Geoffrey and Dad together makes Josh see Geoffrey in a clearer light. Tom may finally have had enough of Niamh based on a conversation she initiates about sexually transmitted diseases. All these issues leave two people alone for the first time. They come to a head the next morning at that previously mentioned church service. Written by Huggo

Country: Australia
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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IMDb: 8.1
28 min

Josh has moved in temporarily with his mum following her attempted suicide, she who seems more concerned about the stigma associated with being deemed crazy than she is about her overall well-being. Because of mum's fragile mental state, dad is reluctant to see her and reluctant to let her know that he has been dating Mae, despite he wanting to do both. With Josh still needing a life of his own, he and mum talk about who will take care of her when he isn't around, that job which falls reluctantly to Aunty Peg, reluctant for both mum and Aunty Peg. In the process, Josh has an uncomfortable conversation with Aunty Peg. Meanwhile, Josh and Geoffrey go on a date, which has its uncomfortable moments if only because of Josh's preoccupation of the possibility of sex afterward and not being sure if he wants anything up his bum. And Josh and Claire's break-up has an effect on Tom and Niamh's evening together, that time when Tom plans to tell Niamh that he wants to break up with her. Written by Huggo

Country: Australia
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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IMDb: 7.8
28 min

Claire breaks up with Josh in the belief that he might be gay, which he himself may or may not yet believe. He has a chance to test Claire's theory when he is introduced to Tom's new friend, their new co-worker Geoffrey, who lets Josh know that he is gay himself and is interested. Regardless, Josh may not be ready to tell his friends and family, let alone the world, why Claire broke up with him beyond the more broad issue of them drifting apart. What is happening to Josh now is made all the more complicated by news from his dad that his mum has been admitted to the hospital, and that they have to decide what best to do about her post-release care. Meanwhile, Tom tells Josh that he is about to break up with Niamh, something he has said time and time before without ever having gone through with it. Written by Huggo

Country: Australia
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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HD MythBusters




IMDb: 7.5
42 min

On this episode of Mythbusters Adam and Jamie take a fan mail film and use it to dial in on a phone book fable. And then Kari, Grant and Tory test a fishy tale of Hollywood pyrotechnics with their own big bang theories.

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IMDb: 7.5
44 min

Jamie and Adam test old west myths: can you shoot someone's hat off and can you break someone out of prison with horses or dynamite. Meanwhile, the build team determines whether a side airbag can turn a lock pick into a deadly projectile.

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IMDb: 7.4
50 min

Just when you think Adam and Jamie have tested every gun legend in history, they come up with three more myths. Meantime, Kari, Grant and Tori go to great lengths to see whether mankind's first and simplest tool could be far more dangerous than you think. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.4
50 min

Jamie and Adam discover if Hollywood film-makers got it right. Can you get rid of someone by dropping an electrical appliance into a tub and simply watch the sparks fly? In a truly electrifying experiment, the guys find out what actually happens... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.5
49 min

Tested myths include magic ice bullets, thought to kill without a clue and is it worth running in the rain, where Adam and Jamie see which gets you drier, running or walking in the rain. To test if you can explode a toilet, the Mythbusters get a crash-test dummy that they name Buster. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD Rookie Blue

Rookie Blue


Rookie Blue

IMDb: 8.2
42 min

Andy is partnered with Swarek's new girlfriend, Officer Marlo Cruz. When they come face-to-face with an out of control EDP [Emotionally Disturbed Person], their differences are put to the test and one of them has to pull the trigger.

Country: Canada
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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Rookie Blue


Rookie Blue

IMDb: 9.0
43 min

The officers of 15 Division are forced to release a suspected predator for lack of evidence. But when Dov and Chris make a grim discovery -- a missing girl's body, hidden in a deserted ravine -- all bets are off. Detective Luke Callaghan returns to oversee the homicide investigation, and soon realizes this might be the work of a serial killer. When they learn that Andy has been assaulted and Gail violently abducted following the call girl sting, the officers rally in a race against time to track down Gail's captor before it's too late. Following up on a simple lead, one officer ends up directly in the path of the killer. Will it end with the ultimate sacrifice? Written by ABC Publicity

Country: Canada
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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Rookie Blue


Rookie Blue

IMDb: 7.9
55 min

Andy's undercover skills are put to the test when she's brought in to pose as a prostitute during a citywide sting operation. But a bid by Andy and Dov to impress Sergeant Boyko with their initiative backfires when the two rookies put a vulnerable informant's life in jeopardy, and it's left to Andy to infiltrate a risky gun deal in progress to save her. Written by ABC Publicity

Country: Canada
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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