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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.0
42 min

Charles Luvet is found floating dead in a marina in Miami, Florida. He is the third and latest dead person in the area fitting the same profile and cause of death: fit white males in their mid twenties to thirties, traveling through the area, with the cause of death being asphyxiation and no sign of sexual abuse. Small possessions of each of the victims are taken, but not pawned. Four other men that match the victimology are also missing. The one distinct difference with Luvet is that he is a police officer. The person tasked with identifying Luvet's body is his fellow NOPD police officer, Detective Will LaMontagne, who worked on the Jones case with the BAU a year earlier. His initial second meeting with the BAU is an awkward one if only because he and J.J. are in a relationship, of which she has not told anyone on the team and which she still wants to keep a secret from them. The BAU add one more piece to the victimology when they learn that Luvet lied about his reason for traveling ... Written by Huggo

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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.7
42 min

A teen girl, Jordan, and her father are killed by a bomb planted in their house. When two cops arrive, they are shot by a shooter with a full-auto weapon. The BAU soon discover that the shooter is Owen Savage, a constantly bullied teen with learning difficulties, and that Jordan, who's also been abused and has learning difficulties, is still alive and in a relationship with Owen who's planning to kill again... Written by J. Rieper

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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.9
60 min | 42 min

In Pittsburgh, there's a sudden suicide spike, with all of the victims being family members of or related to the victims of a recent fire. Soon the team discovers that their deaths were all arranged to look like suicide by an UnSub who believes he is killing them as an act of mercy. Written by J. Rieper

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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.2
60 min | 42 min

Hotchner and Reid secure a pre-execution interview for research with death-row inmate, Chester Hardwick, who had a secret agenda. Unofficially, and unbeknown to his team, Rossi checks up on the surviving children of an Indianapolis couple who were victims of a still-unsolved, brutal, double-homicide exactly twenty years earlier, that he has never let go of, and to see if their are any new leads. Frustrated with his constant yearly gifts, a painful reminder of their parents' murder, the now-grown children beg Rossi to just leave them alone, but inadvertently provide him with a new lead. Concerned about his state of mind, Morgan, Prentiss, and J.J. join him, just in time to help make sense of the only new lead in twenty years, that may finally lead to the killer. Written by Lynne Boris Johnston

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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.0
42 min

When the contents of a self-storage facility is sold, the new owners find a number of pictures, drawings and notes that suggest that there's a possible sadistic serial killer in the making in town. The case is complicated by a local FBI agent who sees the incident as an opportunity to become famous... Written by J. Rieper

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.2
44 min | 42 min

In Chula Vista, California on a holiday long weekend, a dead body is found with the hands and face damaged to prevent identification. The authorities believe it is either one of two teen-aged girls, Katie Owen or Lindsey Vaughan. Both went to the movies together eighteen hours prior, but who have been missing ever since. The BAU also believe that the victim knew her murderer, hence the reason for the obliterated face and hands which will give the unsub extra time to escape capture. From a telephone call made just prior to the murder, the BAU have an identity of the dead girl and hope to find the other girl still alive. Profiling victimology, the BAU discover that one of the fathers of the missing girls is not who he appears to be on the surface. Following up on other leads, the BAU find another dead body - not one of the missing girls - which provides a clearer profile of the unsubs and thoughts of vigilante-ism. Written by Huggo

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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.0
40 min (cut) | 42 min

Three young female college students have gone missing from Fredericksburg, Virginia over the span of six weeks, each abducted from a public place. The dead body of the first abductee has just been found at the Chancellorsville civil war battle field. Her mutilated body was covered with cigarette burn marks. This case is reminiscent of a still open case from 1980 where five dead women were also found in Chancellorsville, with the victims having the same burn markings on their body. The difference is that the earlier victims were prostitutes and runaways. The BAU speak to two people associated with the case in 1980: John Caulfield, the Fredericksburg sheriff working the case, and Karen Foley, a possible victim of the 1980 unsub who managed to escape. Through information given - or not given as the case may be with Foley - Caulfield and the BAU believe the 1980 unsub to be a man by the name of Robert Wilkinson, who died shortly after the original killings stopped. When Garcia locates a ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.0
42 min

The BAU are brought to Los Angeles to investigate a string of seven brutal slayings over a two week period. The killings are what Reid describe as overkill, suggesting that the single killer has suffered a psychotic break which prompted the killings. The overkill that Reid describes is the fact that the victims all had severed body parts, the severing done by a large sharp bladed weapon. When there are more killings, the BAU get a clearer victimology. Although the BAU are closing in at least geographically on the unsub, they get a major break when they are made privy to some drawings resembling the murders and murder sites. Meanwhile, Garcia returns to work after the recovery from her gunshot wound. She is frustrated to find that her office is not the way she left it. Written by Huggo

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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.8
42 min

At the end of Garcia and Colby's date, Colby shoots her in the chest at close range outside of her apartment building. Before leaving the scene, Colby makes it look like a botched robbery attempt of her apartment. Garcia is rushed to hospital where the rest of the team wait in anticipation. Luckily, the bullet ricocheted in her body in such a way missing all the major vital organs. Hotch's stance is that the BAU will investigate - officially or unofficially as the situation may work itself out to be - and will not accept any other cases until this one is solved. Once Garcia regains consciousness, she is able to provide whatever information she can. However she feels that most of the factual information Colby provided about himself was probably false, and she's not trained to look for details in human behavior. Beyond Garcia's physical and emotional pain, Morgan feels the worst because of the argument he had with Garcia over Colby's possible intentions. To track him, the BAU will need ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.5
42 min

In Bridgewater, Florida, nineteen year old Abby Kelton is found dead, the lower half of her body eaten by alligators. Of those parts of her remains still intact, the BAU know all her fingers were cut off at the knuckles, her throat slashed, and religious based satanic symbols carved into her chest. Murders purported to have a satanic ritual component are Rossi's specialty, purported as his published theory is that satanic cults do not exist. Because of the religious nature of the case, the authorities interview Father Marks, the pastor at the local church. During the investigation, two other women from Father Mark's congregation go missing. At the medical examiner's officer, they also learn that Abby's stomach contents include ten fingers from tip to knuckle. However, each finger belongs to ten separate individuals, and none of them are hers. When another dead body surfaces at Father Mark's church - that person who fits the type of those people identified as belonging to the fingers... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.9
42 min

In Montana, a member of a local militia, Frances Goering, is identified as a sadistic serial killer. He then commits suicide by blowing himself up, taking a cop with him. Goering's M.O. was kidnapping young women, torturing them for a few days and then killing them. By the time of his death he had killed 3 and held another captive. The BAU is called in to locate the survivor and finds her freshly killed, meaning Goering had an accomplice who now has literally taken his identity... Written by J. Rieper

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.8
42 min | 42 min

Although he's been retired for ten years from the BAU, David Rossi offers his services back to the unit in Gideon's vacant position. Strauss is suspicious of both Rossi and his motive. Meanwhile, Michelle Colucci of Carrollton, Texas finds a missing persons poster of herself pinned on her front door. The police initially treat this poster as a Halloween prank. However, upon further investigation by the police, Michelle goes missing. The inside of her house is plastered with these posters with a false face mask with the word ONE scrawled on it. Three days later, Michelle is found dead in a creek. When the BAU arrive on the scene, a second possible victim is identified in nearby Dallas. Enid White is missing with similar missing persons posters plastered outside in the neighborhood around her apartment. The BAU have to work quickly to develop a theory and profile of the unsub, and to find any connection between Michelle and Enid. In working through this case, Rossi takes matters into ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.9
42 min

A young girl named Jessica Davis is abducted from a Washington, D.C. area shopping center and eventually found murdered. The BAU are called in when a week later, a second young girl, six-year old Katie Jacobs, is subsequently missing in a shopping center in Potomac Mills, Virgina, the mall which is under lock down. The surveillance cameras show no signs of Katie ever leaving the building. Based on statistics, the BAU have less than an hour to find Katie before her probable murder. Katie was at the mall with her parents, her aunt and uncle, and her thirteen year old cousin Jeremy, under whose watch she was when she went missing. The BAU believe Jeremy saw something before the abduction, but that a feeling of guilt on his part is manifesting itself in acute anxiety and amnesia on the issue. They were at the arcade before she disappeared, the arcade not some place she wanted to be or enjoyed. The case takes a turn when they find a necklace that Katie was wearing. That necklace gives the ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.8
42 min

In Cherry Creek, Colorado - a suburb of Denver - middle class families are being murdered in their homes. The houses have been robbed only of small items of monetary worth. The victims have all thus far been traditional families - mother, father and children. The parents are gagged, bound and eventually brutally beaten whereas the children are murdered by an injection of phenobarbital. The nature of the deaths lead the BAU to believe there are two unsubs, a dominant and a submissive, the latter who acts as the angel of mercy in the way he kills the children. Through evidence, the BAU know the unsubs work their way into their victims' houses through a trusted ruse of some sort, and after entry the victims have no way of outside contact since phone lines are cut and cell phone access is blocked. They get a break in the case when in the latest attack, there is one survivor, the teen-aged daughter, Carrie Ortiz. Carrie witnessed the murders and saw the unsubs' faces. Other information ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.9
42 min

The BAU are still reeling from Gideon's disappearance, he who has clandestinely tendered his resignation. Hotch admits to the team that he too is confused despite having known Gideon the longest. And Reid is the most affected since Gideon's goodbye note was addressed solely to him. Regardless of Gideon, the BAU are still together as a unit - Strauss did not disband the unit - and have work to do. Their latest case takes them to Portland, Oregon, where four bodies are found in a mass grave. Each victim was tortured prior to death, but there are no signs of sexual assault. Since they had no defensive wounds, the victims probably knew and trusted the unsub. Some of the victims were never reported missing since the unsub took on the victim's electronic identity and sent electronic messages as the victim to family and friends. These facts mean the unsub has personal knowledge of his victims. The common thread between the four victims is that they had all recently moved to Portland from ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.0
60 min | 42 min

Aaron Hotchner is contemplating a transfer to another unit, and Emily Prentiss is quitting the FBI, and Jason Gideon is missing. The team, led shakily by Director Erin Strauss, is called to Milwaukee to investigate a serial killer who has had 5 female victims. Horribly, it seems that the killer is using his young son to lure in the victims. As Aaron rejoins the team, along with Emily, this puts his marriage on shaky ground. We learn the fate of Jason Gideon, as this was the final episode starring Mandy Patinkin, who has left the show. Written by Dave Goldhirsch

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.9
45 min | 42 min

Following the case and ultimate suicide of Frank and Jane, individuals within the BAU are in an uncomfortable position. As Frank's mission was a personal one against him in many respects, Gideon feels guilty for the death of his friend Sarah and others at the hand of Frank. The unit is under review by Hotch's boss Erin Strauss, who has told Hotch in no uncertain terms that she feels the unit's recklessness and disarray is his fault and that his days in the unit are numbered. And without anyone else's knowledge, Strauss has asked Prentiss, whose transfer into the BAU was arranged by her, to assist her not only in getting Hotch removed from his position but also to have him fired from the FBI altogether. In the meantime, work for the BAU continues. Their next case takes them to Flagstaff, Arizona where female brunette students at a liberal arts college are being murdered. Because the victims have had no defensive wounds, the BAU surmise that the unsub is someone who blends into life at ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.2
60 min | 42 min

The last the BAU saw of serial killer Frank, he vowed never to kill anyone again if he only had Jane in his life. Because he was holding children hostage, the BAU allowed Frank to take Jane and escape incarceration in exchange for releasing the children. Frank has reentered Gideon's personal life. Apparently, Jane has come to Washington D.C. to look for Gideon. Frank in turn is holding a friend of Gideon's named Sarah until Jane is returned. Later, Gideon goes missing. The BAU have no idea what has happened to him. All they know is that Sarah is found dead in his apartment which is covered with blood spatters, and that he was seen leaving his apartment also covered in blood and brandishing a gun. However because Sarah was eviscerated of a right rib bone which was found in her hand, the BAU know that Frank is back. Since Gideon is still a suspect in the murder, they know they will not be asked to join the investigation. Gideon manages to telephone Hotch to let him know what he knows. ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.0
60 min | 42 min

Kansas City, Kansas Police Detective Cal McGee believes that street people in the city are being abducted and probably murdered. While others believe that the decrease in crime is due to his good work in getting the homeless off the street - he recently won a meritorious service award for doing such - he, with copious notes of those he sees on the streets, knows of sixty-three of those people whose whereabouts are no longer known. He also received a letter stating that the award was given to him without him doing any of the work. There is no official case so the BAU cannot get involved. While the rest of team work on putting together a profile of the unsub abductor, Hotch, with J.J. and on her urging, decides to go to Kansas City to at least speak to the KCPD about the detective's theory. This move is despite Hotch's feeling that Detective McGee is mentally unstable himself - he is displaying signs of obsessive-compulsive disorder. McGee's superior, Captain Wright, shows obvious ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.0
60 min | 42 min

In separate incidents, three twenty-something Eastern Washingtonians have been found dead in Boise National Forest, Idaho. They were each on their way into Spokane when they went missing. Each deceased's fatal wounds had both front and rear entry into/from the body, with no sign of bullet fragments. And each only had other minor wounds, with no signs of struggle. The BAU immediately believe each was running away from something or someone in the forest. Piecing together the information, they learn that there are two unsubs whose killings will soon cease when the hunting season starts in three days. The unsubs are doing their own early hunting, kidnapping their victims and letting them run free through the forest like wild animal prey being chased by bow and arrow shooting hunters. They quickly learn who the unsubs are but they have a lot of forest to cover to find the two, before the unsubs kill the next missing person, a young woman named Bobbi Baird. In searching the unsubs' home and... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.0
44 min

The BAU work on a case on the urging of Ambassador Elizabeth Prentiss, Emily's mother. The Chernuses - husband and wife, and their adult daughter Natalya - are a working class Russian family that knew of the Ambassador when she was posted in the Ukraine. The family now lives in Baltimore, Maryland having been smuggled out of the Eastern Bloc in 1988. Mr. Chernus has just been kidnapped. The family received a ransom note which includes Chernus' ring finger. Among other things, the note states that another body part will be cut off every six hours until the ransom is paid. In speaking to Josh Cramer from the FBI's Organized Crime Unit, the BAU learn that this case is typical of the Russian mob. Their victims are hesitant to speak to the authorities in general because of mistrust of the Russian authorities. In addition, the victims, generally with much money, are usually criminals themselves. Mr. Chernus does not seem to fit the typical victimology, the family having no money and he not ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.9
60 min | 42 min

An arsonist has been at work in San Francisco, setting so far two house fires in three weeks. The two sets of residents - both families - all perished, except for one person. Unlike the work of most serial arsonists, these fires were meant to kill their inhabitants. Before she dies, the sole survivor of the those two initial fires tells Hotch and Prentiss of irregularities from that evening before and during the fire: that someone had turned off the water, that the smoke alarms did not work during the fire, that someone had locked the front door in such a way that they could not escape, and that she noticed a fireman inside the house just before she passed out. That fireman they know to be the unsub. Beyond general characteristics, Garcia finds one connection between the two families: the father figures both worked for different companies accused of LUST (leaking underground storage tanks) by an environmental activist/eco-terrorist (depending on one's viewpoint) group called the Earth... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.7
60 min | 42 min

The New Orleans Police Department believe there is a serial killer on the loose in the French Quarter. He murdered three people pre-Katrina, in which he had been thought to have perished. A year and a half after the hurricane, a fourth dead body is found, killed using the same MO, which includes evisceration. Garcia locates a fifth potential victim in Galveston, Texas, that case which was not originally connected to the New Orleans killings. The unsub has been in direct contact with the lead investigator of the case, Lt. William LaMontagne, Jr. of the NOPD, by letter detailing the murder and mentioning that he is continuing what he started pre-Katrina. William LaMontagne, Sr., the previous lead investigator before he died in Katrina, also received such letters with the earlier murders. Most records of the first three murders were destroyed in the hurricane, so the BAU have only the latest murders from which to work. The significance of one piece of evidence from the earlier cases is ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.9
60 min | 42 min

In Houston's fifth ward, three murders don't fit the usual drug trade- and street gang-related violence pattern; apparently unrelated adult white men -construction worker, security guard and homeless- had their necks broken, abandoned in the streets near abandoned buildings. The team considers a homeless killer, possibly 'territorial' defending his hole at each time. Next victim, in a sewer, is city worker Travis Overby. Then a man survives, apparently because his young daughter was watching, she describes the white adult. After finding and SOS sign made of rubble, the team profiles a post-traumatic veteran reliving a war zone and finds a plausible suspect, Roy Woodridge, but his training makes him hard to catch... Meanwhile Reid is becoming insensitive... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.0
60 min | 42 min

A month ago 16 year-old Sandra Davis's on-off white boyfriend Ken Newcomb is shot from a car before here eyes, she next strangled to death, presumably by her date, in a park at Groten, an affluent suburb (42,000, 8% black) of New York City. It's the third of three racist killings in Westchester County, following Keisha Andrews (15) and Vickie Williams (17), black girls disappeared simultaneously from their homes in the county, corpses dropped in nearby woodland, neither raped but the date rape drug GSB found near them. Swastikas are painted on faces and cars, racism is becoming a hot political issue, the white mayor put back Lt. detective Ware in charge. Sandra was threatened by letter in advance, 'we' forbid her to keep seeing ken or tell anyone, in adolescent girl phraseology. The local police dismissed its initial suspicion of the letter-writer, black Tania Mathers (17), rumored to be dumped by Ken for Sandra, jealous after the high-school talent school. The team profiles a ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 8.5
60 min | 42 min

Serial killer Tobias Hankle, a religious fanatic, keeps kidnapped Dr. Spencer Reid in a wood cabin, and forces the brilliant, terrified kid to 'confess' by belting his head and bare foot, then injects his own addictive drug; in trance Spencer thinks back to his own dysfunctional mother when he was a minor, till he could get her committed. The team learns Tobias was systematically abused by his Bible-obsessed father Charles, killed the fiend but developed a split personality, including his father's abusive one as Raphael, an angel of violent 'divine' vengeance. Tobias arranges a web-cam to the team showing Reid in his power, ordered to pick the next victim from his six profiling colleagues in order to be allowed saving another, but refusing to take the psycho's word. When he chooses Hodge next time, misquoting from Genesis for an absurd reason, Aaron himself cracks that clue... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.1
43 min | 42 min

Dotcom millionaire Dennis Kyle and his wife Lacy are bloodily slaughtered in their suburban Atlanta home, just like animals in the countryside. The police was too late, even responding within 5', to a call from the house that a certain Raphael there was about to kill the 'sinners', he left a Revelation(Bible) quote about the Pale Horse. While the team flies to Georgia, 911 gets another call about Raphael going to punish sinners who possess too much. Garcia reports an Internet video of the Kyle murder. It was made on the Kyles' private computer, with a remote-controlled web camera still active, watched by Raphael who turns it off after sending his message; as Reid suspects, he works at a computer tech support help line, where clients allow him to control their computer for help, only he leaves a Trojan horse. The team is puzzled about psychologically contradictory behavior by the perpetrators. The next victim, after a one-voice call, is a handyman who apparently intruded the Douglas ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.0
45 min | 42 min

In Golconda, a desert nowhere in Nevada, the team questions erudite Frank, a presumed, extremely prolific serial killer since 30 years who always takes a right rib as part of elaborate abuse before the murder, using the rape drug ketamine. He is assumed to have another victim alive hidden, missing Katherine Hale. He seems somehow to find his preys, apparently without common characteristics, along an Interstate road, often passing trough Golconda, but why and traveling unnoticed how? Survivor Crazy Jane is found, presumably the only one, but she believes to have been abducted by aliens. Frank is released for lack of proof and acts daringly... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 6.8
45 min | 42 min

When Derek Morgan visits his mother in Chicago, he always visits the grave of a teenager whose corpse he found at age 13. This time he's arrested by detective Stan Gordinski, as a suspected serial killer, blamed for the death of several other teenage boys, none of whom were ever identified, embarrassingly based on a profile Jason wrote without knowing the details. The team is baffled. Derek has a whole past he hid from them, including a gang-related juvenile criminal record expunged by a judge at the recommendation of the highly respected local youth center director Buford, who inspired his - also previously unmentioned - career as a college football-scholarship student until he had a knee injury. Finally, an unlikely alternative suspect is shown to have his own, ongoing hidden past... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 8.2
45 min | 42 min

When Dr. Spencer Reid is approached in Washington, D.C. by high-school boy Nathan Harris, who attends his lectures out of fascination, he realizes only after the kid leaves he might be a serial killer, which seems to check out after having the details he mentioned verified, the victims being prostitutes marked in the flesh by a sick mind who is tortured and wants to get caught. However there seems to be another killer at work... Written by KGF Vissers

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Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.5
44 min | 42 min

A DEA raid in Virginia 'accidentally' finds an Al Qaeda-type chemical bomb, presumably the work of Jind Allah and his Omega cell. Give her training and Middle Eastern experience, including speaking fluent Arabic, Hotch convinces Jason to take newcomer Emily Prentiss along for the interrogation in Gitmo (Guantanamo base, on Cuba). Gideon uses no further torture but Muslim-friendly reasoning, even invoking the Quran. Info makes a SWAT team find anthrax but lose a man at a second site; they learn his true identity is Egyptian: imam Jamal Abaza, who turned Jihad after his son Amir's death and set up a US MIS cell recruiting home-grown 'second choice' terrorists, who plan a bombing soon; Gideon tricks him... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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Criminal Minds


Criminal Minds

IMDb: 7.0
45 min | 42 min

The team is sent to St. Louis to catch two serial killers who appear to be competing against each other. They are polar opposites; one is called the Mill Creek Killer and kills middle-class women using blunt trauma and the other calls himself Hollow Man and shoots prostitutes. Meanwhile, a new team member, Emily Prentiss, reports for duty. Written by J. Rieper

Country: USA
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